• How to close a page in contact from strangers. How to close a page in Contact yourself

    Are you wondering why you can’t find a simple answer to the question of how to close a page in VKontakte? The reason is that there is simply no such function as, for example, in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte.

    But if you absolutely must do this, then there is still a way out - you can hide certain sections. If you have just registered in social network, then you can immediately set up privacy.

    About changes related to the transition to new design VKontakte, described at the end of the article.

    How to hide a page and set privacy

    • Go to the “My Settings” menu on the left.
    • Go to the second tab “Privacy”.
    • We hide everything we want from view by strangers, give access to a select few or don’t give it to anyone.

    Pay attention to the “Who can see my page on the Internet” setting in the “Other” section. If this is marked “Everyone”, then anyone can find you through search engines. If you put “Only VKontakte users” here, then you can only be found on the social network.

    Look carefully at all the points in this section and set the settings that suit you.

    However, there is a nuance: you cannot hide the wall, and there is also no function in the settings to restrict access to photo albums; this is done separately. You can read more about how to create an album and set its privacy in. In the same way, you can block access to your videos.

    Even if in the “Privacy” section all items are “Only me”, and photos and videos are closed, all users will see when logging into your profile:

    Brief information (country, date of birth, city, language).

    Posts and photos on the wall.

    Photos in two default albums (“Photos from my page” and “Photos on my wall”).

    So, let’s summarize what needs to be done to maximize

    Close your VKontakte profile:

    • Set up the “Privacy” section.
    • Close photos and videos.


    • If you don’t use your photo for your avatar, then she won’t be in the standard album, and if you don’t put an avatar at all, then the album itself won’t exist. Personal photos can be placed in private albums.
    • Fill in only the required fields in the “Basic” section in the “My Page – Edit” menu; you can enter a fictitious date of birth.
    • You can periodically delete posts on the wall or use only “personal messages” for correspondence with friends.

    After you have configured everything, go to “Privacy” and at the very bottom, under all sections, click the link “See how users see your page.” Let some people now be tormented by the question of how to view a closed page on VKontakte, download pseudo-programs with Trojans and follow dubious links, it is unlikely that they will succeed unless they hack your password.

    If your desire to close your profile is related to certain users, you can add them to the blacklist. This is done in the “My Settings” menu, then “Black List”, or you can go to their page and, under the videos on the left, click the “Block (username)” link. Then, when logging into your profile, these users will only see your avatar, name, and brief information, and the wall and all other sections will be inaccessible.

    Social networks are no longer something special, and on the contrary, they have become commonplace in everyday life. Almost every teenager now has a page on VK or Twitter. Here they can communicate, post photos, listen to music and much, much more. An interesting fact is that any user can restrict access to their page from unverified users. This option was introduced to allow people to make their own decisions about who they want to communicate with and who they don’t.

    So, by changing the privacy settings, each person can provide access to his photos to those people whom he considers verified. However, there will always be users who want to remain anonymous but still want to view personal information. As a rule, this is associated with VK pages, since this social network is the most popular in Runet. This article will examine whether viewing is likely closed pages"VKontakte".

    What is privacy?

    Privacy, or access settings for your page, is a series of options that limit the capabilities of other users in relation to your account. As mentioned above, this was done with the aim of preventing ill-wishers and anonymous people from accessing it. The topic of privacy is quite widely developed in VK, since some of its options are direct consequences of the Constitution, for example,

    Settings allow you to block access for third-party users to video and audio recordings, photos, and personal messages. Thus, you can completely block access to the page for any person. Many people ask the question: “How to view a closed page?” This will be discussed below.

    How is access denied?

    The social network VKontakte has so-called categories of users. They are divided into “Friends”, “Subscribers” and other third parties. To be able to differentiate access between them, restrictions were created. Initially, upon registration, the user page is available to everyone, but you can change this by going to the “Settings” section in the “Privacy” tab. By changing categories or selecting individual people, you can customize access to your personal page.

    Next, the “VK” filter will do all the work. People often try to find out if there are any secrets on VKontakte, by viewing closed pages, for example, but they cannot find an intelligible answer to this question.

    Ability to view closed pages

    So, is it really possible to see what's on a locked page? Unfortunately, viewing closed VKontakte pages is impossible. Previously, when the social network was just developing, there were a lot of holes, including those that made it possible to obtain a password. Now things are completely different. Now there is absolutely no way to view closed VKontakte pages online.

    Why is this not possible?

    It is not possible to “break” the access restriction because all privacy information is located on the company’s servers. If earlier system worked on the principle of locking certain groups, now it’s the other way around: only allowing access to someone. This is what happened to most “hackers”. Used to exist large number software, but now the programs will not be able to view closed VKontakte pages, because they worked on the same principle manual methods, but now this is not possible.

    Attempts to access restricted pages

    Of course, the social network “VK” is not ideal, and it still has some “holes”. Access to any section is carried out via a link containing the user ID. Some advise taking ready-made links leading to some sections: photos, videos and inserting this identifier there, but this does not help, since it leads to a page with open materials. Perhaps this will be useful, because there are no links to these sections from the person’s page. How can you view closed VKontakte pages if you don’t have an ID?

    We need to know him. There are several ways to do this. In general, every user has it, but some encrypt it through a subdomain - an alphabetic link. To find out the ID, you need to go to the person’s page, click “Send a gift to the user” with the right mouse button and select “Copy link”. Paste it into address bar and the numbers in it will be the user ID. Then you can perform the necessary various operations with it.

    Viewing private photos

    Despite the fact that viewing closed VKontakte pages is impossible, you can still access photos. The method is quite simple and effective. You need to find a photo of the person in which he is tagged, then go to fast view and scroll through the photo. Despite the fact that regular access to them is closed, you can view them. This "hole" technical service We are not yet able to eliminate it, so many people actively use it.

    Services for viewing closed pages

    There are a huge number of different sites on the Internet that offer access to closed sections via a link to a person’s page. In general, they just automate the method mentioned above, namely, they substitute into a ready-made path to a section. Previously, when privacy was not worked so closely, such sites were really effective, but now their usefulness tends to zero. The only way to find out more about a person from his page is to add him as a friend or ask his friends to tell you something. Other methods will be either ineffective or illegal.


    As already mentioned, viewing closed VKontakte pages is impossible. IN lately work on privacy is being carried out very actively and the security system is constantly being improved. This can easily be explained by the fact that people increasingly trust social networking servers with valuable documents and photographs, and their leakage may not have the most positive impact on management. In any case, all attempts to access personal information for third parties is strictly prohibited using various systems security. To summarize: it is impossible to gain access to private information without the user’s knowledge and there are no programs or services that would help to do this. Moreover, such manipulations are illegal, as they violate laws Russian Federation. The administration of the social network VKontakte is actively fighting against hackers who are trying to “hack” other people’s pages. Not everyone may like it if his correspondence or photographs fall into the hands of someone. For the creators, this could be a serious blow to their reputation, which will undoubtedly affect the popularity of their project. It is for this reason that they actively fight for the privacy of all their users. They're working on it best employees corporations, thanks to which security is the main strong point of VKontakte.

    Hello, dear friends! Today we will talk a little about conspiracy. We will hide some or all information about your page from other users or search engines.

    A fairly large number of users are interested in the process of hiding information from their page on the VKontakte social network. And that's right. Let's imagine the situation that I use my account to store photos or listen to music, watch movies, etc. Why should I put my life and some personal data on display? In this regard, I can close all information from outside users and use VK for the above purposes. By the way, this is not the first article about such conspiracy, so you can read a number of publications about how and what is hidden in VK:

    Well, now let's move directly to practice.

    Hiding the VKontakte page in the full version

    Go to your page, click on top menu in the right top corner and from the drop-down list select “Settings”:

    On next stage we have another menu on the right side, in which we will need to go to the “Privacy” section:

    I would like to draw your attention to the “Wall Posts” section. Many people don’t want to show them to everyone, so if you want to hide posts on your VK wall, then put the appropriate value in front of all posts about posts. If you want no one to see them at all, then again put “Only me.”

    Now we go to the very end of the page and find such an important section as “Other”. There is such a thing as “Who can see my page on the Internet.” Set it to “Only VKontakte users”.

    The fact is that when the value “Everyone” is set there, search engines index your page, like any site, and your photos are already entered into the search engine database, they can be found by image search. In the same way, any user can enter your first and last name into a Yandex search, for example, and find your page in the database. If all this does not suit you, then we prohibit the indexing of our page.

    You should also understand that your page will not immediately fall out of the search engine index; you will have to wait until it is updated search database. This may take from one week to several months.

    After you set restrictions that only VKontakte users can see your page, everyone who is not registered there will see this screen in front of them:

    That's it, we have completed our task.

    Let's now figure out where you can specify privacy settings in mobile application for Android

    Hide a page from your phone using the app

    Launch the application, in the left menu click on the gear icon, which means “Settings”.

    On the right side of the screen, these same settings are loaded and we select the “Privacy” item:

    Now we perform all the necessary privacy settings. We already know what it is and how to do it from the previous paragraph of our article:

    And with this I finish the story about how you can hide both the entire VKontakte page and some of its elements. So, use all these functions, hide your pages from unregistered users if you need it.

    And I, as always, look forward to your comments, questions and additions.

    You've probably already heard that Today you can get information about almost any person through social networks, and especially through VKontakte. Moreover, very often it is not at all necessary to be registered in it. All you need to do is enter your first and last name and city of residence. the right person in the search engine and that's it.

    I won’t go into detail about why this is bad (anyone who wants to can read the article I wrote on this subject about protecting a VKontakte account), but I’ll focus on how to make life even a little more difficult for curious people.

    How to block your contact page from search engines? (Yandex, Google, etc.)

    In the upper right corner click on the avatar. Select the item “ Settings».

    Select the tab " Privacy" Scroll down to the block “ Other" Opposite the line “Who can see my page on the Internet” set the value “”.

    If you have the old VKontakte design active

    We go to the section “ My settings", tab " Privacy" and opposite the bottom line "Who can see my page on the Internet" set the value " Only VKontakte users».

    To check if you did everything correctly, do the following. Select from the menu " My page", then click on " Log out».

    After this, the following message should appear. " The page is available only to authorized users».

    How to close your VKontakte page from other users?

    You can close the entire page, or some part of it, from VKontakte participants in the same way - by going to the settings section, tab " Privacy"and setting the settings properly. (Most often in the meaning " Just me"). Each item is described in detail, so you can figure out what is responsible for what.

    The article describes how to block access to your VKontakte page.


    On the social network " VKontakte» There are many amenities and opportunities. One of them is the ability to restrict access to your page, hide from prying eyes photos, prohibit other users from leaving messages on your wall or in private. We will talk about all this in our review.

    Why do users hide their information on VKontakte?

    It is not necessary to hide information completely and absolutely from all other users, unless, of course, you are storing highly sensitive data. There is an opportunity in " VKontakte» close access to your page, for example, from those who are not your friends, remaining open only to close people and acquaintances.

    You can also hide only photographs, and show other information to the public. It is also possible to set a ban on personal messages for strangers, while freely corresponding with friends. If we proceed from the fact that the Internet is a “passage yard”, then such opportunities in “ VKontakte"will be very useful for all users.

    What can you hide on your VKontakte page?

    So, close access to your page in “ VKontakte» is possible by selecting the following categories:

    • All information on the page
    • Video, audio and photo
    • Groups the user is subscribed to
    • Friends list
    • Present
    • Ability to send private messages
    • Ability to leave messages on the wall, under videos and photos (comments)
    • Invitations to groups, communities

    How to restrict access to your VKontakte page?

    Now let’s take a look at the question of how to restrict access to your page in “ VKontakte»:

    • We go to the site " VKontakte", log in and go to your page

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • Next, click on your icon at the top right and in the drop-down menu go to the item “ Settings».

    • Once on new page, in the right column go to the item “ Privacy»

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • Now we find ourselves on a page where we can deal with the issues of restricting access to our page according to certain parameters: hide your page, hide photos, hide the list of groups, hide gifts, and so on.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • For example, we need to hide basic information on our page. Click on the drop-down menu next to the corresponding item. A window will open with a list: all users, only friends, some friends, etc. These points mean who exactly will not be able to see your page. Just select the desired item. There is no need to do any further actions.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • Same with photos

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • The same goes for posts on your page.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • You can hide your page from the eyes of unregistered people in " VKontakte» users or do as you wish.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • To block access for certain users, they need to be placed on your blacklist. On the same page where we were now, go in the right column to the item “ Blacklist" This is the black list; all the users you added there are located here.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • To blacklist a user, go to his page, under the avatar, click on the icon of three horizontal dots and in the drop-down list, click on “ Block...».

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    • In this case and when you hide your page from all/some users, your page will look like this to those users.

    How to restrict access to your page in Contact How to close your VK page from strangers

    Video: How to close a VK page from strangers? How to make a VK page private?