• How to get the Odnoklassniki icon onto your desktop. Download the Odnoklassniki application to your desktop

    The 21st century has not just arrived, as ordinary people usually talk about it, but has become firmly entrenched in people’s heads. And if it concerned only the so-called generation of “children of the 90s” - but even their fathers and mothers, and sometimes grandparents, are simply thoroughly imbued with the trends of the modern era: innovations in all spheres and industries, perfection of technology and genius engineering and design ideas. And they don’t just get into it – it becomes an integral part of their life.

    And the most important and at the same time the most interesting thing is how differently they begin to perceive seemingly familiar things and phenomena familiar from childhood. Take, for example, the same classmates: previously this word was most often understood as real people, with whom we passed best years life - school years.

    It was during this golden, without exaggeration, time that one could become such friends with someone that these childhood emotions would sit in one’s head for the rest of one’s life. It is from school that some become inseparable friends for many years to come. It is among classmates that people often find the love of their lives.

    They meet with classmates a year, five, ten after graduation, and sometimes even more. What's wrong with this word now? But nothing... nothing bad, but a lot of unusual, surprising and interesting things, because now these are not only people with whom you once had to share a seat at a desk, but also a real social network.

    And not just some dating site, or a simple resource where you can free time look through the pictures and listen to the music. This is one of the most popular social networks in the CIS countries.

    You can endlessly argue about this, arguing in stereotypes and saying that nothing better than VKontakte or Facebook has yet been invented, and this is only an analogue for people of a past era - or you can simply download the Odnoklassniki application on your computer and quickly see the opposite .

    Video review

    Application features on PC

    What can you do in social network Classmates? In general, everything is the same as in all the most popular resources of the same type. What, in this case, is the application of the same name used for if you have a website that is quite well-thought-out and ergonomic in terms of design and has no problems with performance?

    Everything is quite simple - as the motto of all successful people says: “everything good can always be made even better,” and in in this case it is fully confirmed in practice. To begin with, download Odnoklassniki to your desktop, putting an application shortcut there, and go there every time through an Internet browser - things are a little different, and the first undoubtedly wins in terms of speed and convenience.

    Secondly, the site’s menu, for all its obvious advantages, can hardly be called intuitive - in any case, for beginners who have barely had time to register, the process of familiarization and subsequent adaptation risks becoming too long. A completely different matter is the corresponding application modified to suit maximum convenience user interface: simpler, more convenient and understandable.

    The next point is saving consumed traffic. Yes, for happy owners With an unlimited package from an Internet provider, such a problem does not exist a priori, since in the “online” mode they can do whatever they want and as much as they want - as they say, there will be no loss from them. But those whose tariff is limited to a certain amount of traffic cannot afford such luxury - however, they can get as close to it as possible.

    In the case of classmates, everything is done very simply and again comes down to installing the application - using a special program code it automatically compresses the size of all media files viewed by the user.

    In the settings menu, you can also disable the automatic playback of certain elements - for example, videos, or so-called “moving pictures” - files in the “GIF” format. Thus, even with the most active use, you can always keep within 1-2 GB of traffic - for comparison, when using the site through a browser, this volume can be safely multiplied by half, if not more.

    Well, for the rest, as noted, this is a social network in the full sense of the word: here you register and fill out a personal questionnaire with all the accompanying data, including photographs, audio and video recordings, here thematic communities are created that gather people with similar interests, here you can watch movies and listen to music, as well as play mini-applications tailored specifically for this resource.

    Well, the most important thing is the concept of the network itself, what distinguishes Odnoklassniki from the same VKontakte. You can, of course, do whatever your heart desires here; in fact, this application can replace half of the entire Internet with this application - but its main idea is still the ability to communicate. And not just to communicate, but to find those with whom you would really like to communicate - people with whom you once studied, worked or practiced together in a sports section, about whose fate and life it would be really interesting to learn.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the application


    Undoubtedly, the application has a lot of advantages. Among them are:

    • a convenient, almost intuitive interface, which in many ways goes against the grain of the original site;
    • speed of operation - even after downloading Odnoklassniki to a laptop or PC with a powerful configuration, even a sophisticated user will appreciate the difference in performance compared to working through a browser;
    • full functionality - creating a profile with the ability to include all personal data in it, the ability to create and join communities, categories of interlocutors: friends, acquaintances, relatives, etc., individual and group chats, video and audio player, built-in program for quick view images, integrated mini-applications and games without links to other resources and much more;
    • opportunity quick launch from the desktop.


    As such, Odnoklassniki does not have any outright blunders. All site innovations are constantly monitored by the developers and transferred to the application - as a result, users periodically receive update packages, upon completion of installation of which previous shortcomings, operational errors, performance instability, etc. are eliminated.

    How to install Odnoklassniki on your computer

    As for the installation process, it will not cause any particular difficulties even for people who, as they say, communicate with the computer on first-name basis, and even then in a whisper. However, most ordinary people are much more accustomed to hearing that you can download the application on Android or the notorious iOS, rather than that, for example, you can download Odnoklassniki for Windows 7. This is quite natural - after all, it was originally developed for mobile platforms, and therefore downloading to a PC has some peculiarities. This is done in three ways:

    Many Internet users have encountered software called the Amigo browser. The Internet browser, released several years ago by Mail.ru Group, collected mixed reviews from users.

    Thousands of people have installed Amigo program onto their computers, even without knowing it, when downloading other Mail.ru products or various unlicensed software. Due to such silent penetration on the PC, users consider Amigo a suspicious application, but the developers claim that Amigo is best browser For active use social networks.

    Loading Amigo on PC correctly

    To avoid becoming a victim of attackers trying to hide applications under the shell malware, it is better to download the browser from our link taken from the official website of the developers. You can always find it there latest version application and download it for free and without registration. The browser works properly on PCs with Windows 7, 8 and 10 and even on Windows XP. When installing the application, pay attention to the checkboxes. If you do not want to make Amigo the default browser or do not want Mail.ru to receive data about your Internet surfing, simply uncheck the boxes next to these items.

    Social media friend

    Since the browser's name translates to "friend" in Spanish, it's no surprise that Amigo is tightly integrated with social networks. One of the main tasks of an Internet browser is to provide quick access to popular social networks on the Runet. These include services fully or partially owned by Mail.ru Group (Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, VKontakte), as well as Twitter. Until recently, Facebook was also on the list, but this social network was excluded due to the ban on using the account through third-party applications.

    For convenient pastime on social networks, the Amigo browser has a special sidebar, which you can customize as you wish. By clicking on the “Chat” icon in the upper right frame, the user will see an offer to connect to the social network and enter the chat. Correspondence from several accounts can be carried out without opening pages in separate browser tabs, which is very convenient for sociable people.

    The “News Feed” tab will allow you to learn about the latest posts, notes and tweets from friends and communities. Using the Amigo application, the user will be able to comment on news, give classes and likes, and also leave their entries without visiting the browser versions of the Odnoklassniki or VKontakte sites. It is noteworthy that the user can add shortcuts to integrated social networks to the quick access panel with just one click and just as quickly remove unnecessary ones.

    Create a shortcut to Odnoklassniki.ru on the desktop

    For regulars of the Odnoklassniki website, the Amigo browser allows you to place a shortcut to your favorite website on your desktop.

    1. Go to the “Settings” menu through the button with three lines in the top frame or the gear image at the bottom of the sidebar.
    2. We find the item “Shortcuts to the desktop and taskbar”.
    3. Click “Install” next to the social network icon.

    In a second, the Odnoklassniki shortcut will appear on the desktop. By clicking on it, you will be taken to my page on Odnoklassniki.ru.

    Advantages of the Amigo browser

    1. Support Chrome plugins.
    2. A huge collection of design themes and the ability to upload your own backgrounds.
    3. Adding widgets.
    4. Ability to customize dozens of desktops.
    5. Availability of a tab manager.
    6. Optimization for browser games.
    7. Thematic selections of popular sites and entertainment.

    Amigo Internet Browser contains everything necessary tools for active use global network for work, communication and entertainment.

    Browsers assume enough large number functions created to simplify and speed up your work on the Internet. For example, a virtual panel, bookmarks, visual bookmarks. The easiest way would be to place a shortcut to the required site on your desktop so that you can instantly access it. Let's figure out how you can make a shortcut to the Odnoklassniki website on your desktop, and install it for free. None special programs for this purpose is not required, follow the instructions below.

    How to display the Odnoklassniki shortcut on your desktop

    To create a shortcut on your desktop, follow these steps:

    1. Find the browser shortcut located on the desktop - it can be Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox. Next you should make a copy of it. You can use hot Ctrl keys+ C – Ctrl + V.

    After that, look for “Object”, add the entry ok.ru at the end. , as it was done in the screenshot.

    1. Make the appropriate changes and click “Apply”, then “OK”. So, half of the actions have already been done. This shortcut with the specified website address will display the required Odnoklassniki website. Now you need to download the site shortcut in order to use it as the main icon in the future.

    Icons are downloaded on the website in a special ico format. This format allows users to change icons on shortcuts and other files. The download can be done using the ok-icons link. It is recommended to save to your desktop to avoid losing the file.

    The final stage of installing the shortcut

    So, you have created a shortcut, downloaded the icons, the final step remains - install a site shortcut on your desktop. To do this, follow the appropriate steps:

    1. You must have Win RAR or Win ZIP, because the downloaded icons are in the archive. The archive is opened, and the icons are extracted to the specified location (as already mentioned, preferably to the desktop).

    3. Click “Change icon”;

    4. After this you will see many different icons, but this is - standard icons, they are not suitable for us, because there is no Odnoklassniki icon among them. Next, click “Browse”.

    5. Select the icon you like best and click the “Open” button.

    6. Now a shortcut has appeared on your desktop.

    Pin a shortcut to the taskbar

    You don't have to limit yourself to simply pinning a shortcut to your computer desktop. It is also possible to pin it to the taskbar on your computer in Windows system.

    To carry out these actions, left-click on the Odnoklassniki shortcut located on the desktop. Without releasing it, you should drag the icon to the very bottom of the screen. So it will be added to the taskbar.

    Thus, placing a link to the Odnoklassniki website, as well as pinning a shortcut to the taskbar in Windows, knowing how to do it, is absolutely not difficult. All that is required is to strictly follow the above instructions.

    If you spend a lot of time on Odnoklassniki, typing the social network address into the browser every time is not very convenient. It is much easier to create a shortcut to Odnoklassniki on your desktop. This is not at all difficult to do, and the result will be a transition to the site in one click.

    There are two ways to place a shortcut. In the first case, a browser is used (a simpler, but limited in functionality option), in the second, manual creation of an icon, indicating the image and site address.

    Odnoklassniki shortcut via browser

    Many Internet browsers allow you to create a quick launch icon right in your window. To display a shortcut on your desktop, you need to go to the social network site and reduce the window so that a free area of ​​the desktop is visible. Now you should hover your cursor over address bar, as shown in the picture:

    Next you need to press left button mouse and drag the cursor to a free area of ​​the desktop. will appear new icon with the inscription "OK.RU". After clicking on this shortcut, the Odnoklassniki website will open. You can change the name of the shortcut in “Properties”:

    Please note that not all browsers have the ability to create shortcuts. In this case, you should not refuse traditional way, because making a shortcut for a site manually is also not difficult.

    Create a shortcut manually

    On an empty area of ​​the desktop, you need to right-click and select the “Create shortcut” option:

    A request will appear for the address of the main object - here you need to enter https://ok.ru/, and then click on the “Next” button:

    All that remains is to name the label – in this case, the logical name would be “Odnoklassniki”:

    A new shortcut will appear on the screen, when clicked on it will open the social network site:

    Initially, the shortcut has a standard appearance, corresponding to the logo of the browser program. To change it to the orange Odnoklassniki logo, you need to right-click on the icon, and then follow the sequence “Properties” - “Web document” - “Change icon”:

    A variety of label design options will appear:

    The Odnoklassniki logo will not be there. You need to find it on the Internet and download it. The extension of this file should be “.ico” - these are the pictures that can be used as an icon. Now through “Browse” you need to find the downloaded file:

    Social network users dream of free and quick access to their personal page and to the service itself. Long operations with logging into the browser, entering a request into search engine and clicking on the links can drive you crazy! It’s another matter when you can download Odnoklassniki to your desktop and with one click of the mouse enter the vastness of the virtual world.

    The company has launched a new project that can make life easier for fans virtual communication. The Orbitum social browser was created specifically for easy and quick access to social media. networks. It combines all the necessary functionality, which is sure to please every user.

    As we see, quick access already provided by the browser program (unlike analog systems), located on home page direct links leading to popular RuNet resources. Odnoklassniki has already been entered into the system, all that remains is to log in to your personal account.

    Integrated applications of Odnoklassniki

    Let's take a closer look at the integrated applications for Odnoklassniki. On the right side of the browser window there is a built-in panel with familiar icons that convey the main symbols of the social network. networks. To enable the feature for free, you must select it in your browser settings.

    By logging into social media. network, the user automatically goes to the news feed. On the right side of the browser window there are buttons that allow you to connect to chat mode or open a playlist.

    All friends will be displayed in the chat. Those who are online can be easily recognized by the glowing green circle on their avatar. If, in addition to Odnoklassniki, another social network is connected, then the list of contacts will be built one after another. Unread message will flash the number that corresponds to the number of new messages.

    If you want to write to a specific person, find it in the list and double-click on main photo. A dialog box will automatically pop up. In this mode, you can search through other correspondence.

    The music player will open the entire playlist with just one click of a button. The search for songs occurs immediately across all social networks. networks that have been added to the panel.

    To return to the news feed, you just need to click on the general social button. networks.

    Notification of the arrival of a message on the PC occurs using sound notification. If you want to cancel this feature, you can easily disable it.

    The developers of Odnoklassniki took care of users and provided official application for a computer, which can be installed in a matter of minutes. Can support extension software following types:

    • Windows 7;
    • Windows 8;
    • Windows 10

    To do this you just need to install special application, which will add the corresponding shortcut to the desktop and taskbar.

    Now “My Page” in social. The network will always be freely available! And to get back into the world of communication, you just need to just left-click a couple of times on the shortcut on the desktop or taskbar.

    Together with Orbitum, using Odnoklassniki has never been so simple and comfortable! Stay up to date with the latest events happening on the social network and stay with us.