• Where does Google Chrome save bookmarks? Bookmarks in Google Chrome: where are they stored, make, delete

    Hi all! Active Internet users have a question: how to export bookmarks from Chrome in order to save links to their favorite sites in case of a computer breakdown. There are many possibilities here. Users different devices can synchronize personal data across all their smartphones, tablets and desktops.

    Google Chrome famous for its high speed operation, simplicity and ease of use. The browser interface is designed to open up as much screen space as possible for useful content. All buttons and control levers are at hand and intuitive at first glance.

    Synchronization can be started by clicking on the little man icon in the upper right part of the browser.

    How to Manage Bookmarks in Google Chrome

    How to add a bookmark in Google Chrome? There are several ways to bookmark pages and sites.

    If there are a very large number of favorite sites, right-click, open the context menu and add folders to sort sites by topic.

    Import and export bookmarks

    Exporting bookmarks from Chrome means creating an HTML file for backup in case of force majeure. Full access The bookmark management system is accessible from the “Bookmark Manager” menu. From there you can group bookmarks into folders, delete, restore, import from an HTML file or from other installed browsers.

    It is only important, when necessary, to remember where the recovery file for bookmarks is saved. This bookmark file is called bookmarks with the date of export added. If you previously used a different browser, you can transfer everything personal settings along with bookmarks from there.

    • Click the “hamburger” menu.
    • Go to the bookmarks section.
    • Click “Import bookmarks and settings.”
    • An interface will open where you can select the desired browser to transfer settings.

    Where are bookmarks in Chrome? Those bookmarks that were created in the browser, and not by export, are located on the computer’s hard drive at this address:

    • C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default
    • And then there is the bookmarks file.

    If you have to work in the browser a lot and often, on a professional basis, it is advisable to master bookmark management using hot keys. This way it will be possible to significantly increase work productivity and optimize routine manipulations.

    • Ctrl+B – bookmark the current page.
    • Ctrl+Shift+B – add all to bookmarks open pages sites.
    • Ctrl+Shift+O – launch “Bookmark Manager”.
    • The combination Ctrl+Shift+B will help you quickly remove the bookmarks bar if necessary. more space to work with the site.

    Many important operations - renaming folders, copying addresses of favorite sites, deleting bookmarks and changing their properties can be done quickly and conveniently using context menu. Right-click on the desired location on the tab bar and select the desired action.

    That's all for me! See you soon!

    Best regards, Evgeniy Kuzmenko.

    Knowledge of your device and its system settings will always be useful for any user. There come moments when you can use them to your advantage and even save the performance of the device.

    An Android-based smartphone has many hidden folders that store all data, including information about the browser (history, bookmarks, passwords). Therefore, saving a bookmark in Google Chrome means saving a link to it in the system directory.

    This is useful for the following reasons and the folder in Android where to store Chrome files with saved links can be used for the following purposes:

    • Cleaning files so you don't delete them necessary information(just select from a large sorted list that is stored and delete unnecessary files);
    • Sorting or grouping (you can do this in three clicks via your computer or via file manager android);
    • View the date the bookmark was added and its address, so as not to click on the link.

    This all means that if there is a mess in your list of saved sites, or an accidentally added link, it will be easier to find it and then either sort everything or delete unnecessary data using multi-selection.

    Location where Google Chrome files are stored on your smartphone

    Before specifying the path to the folder, it should be mentioned that it is hidden by the system and the developers do not recommend that you have free access to such folders. If not correct use it is possible to disrupt the performance of not only Google apps Chrome, but also the Android firmware itself.

    But if this doesn’t stop you, then you can only get the “open” path on a rooted device.

    The folder itself with a complete list of all bookmarks that were added via mobile application Google Chrome is located at the following path: “/data/data/com.android.browser/databases/browser.db”.

    But you will most likely stop at the second “Data” and then there will be emptiness. It is obtaining root rights that will allow you to see hidden files.

    Getting root rights in a working way

    To get root rights you need the phone itself, a computer and installation of the program " Kingo Android ROOT", which is in free access on the Internet. First, download it to your computer or laptop and then step by step:

    After completing the driver installations and system files– we reboot the phone and we are already a full-fledged user of our smartphone.

    Google Chrome is a feature-rich browser. Many settings in it can be edited taking into account the user’s requirements and desires, which can be done using hotkeys in google chrome. Full list hotkeys with descriptions of functions that will definitely help you in your work you will find. In addition, you can manually adjust bookmarks, which will require working directly with configuration files, which contain the necessary information. Before doing this, let's figure out where exactly bookmarks are stored in Google Chrome.

    How to find bookmarks in the browser

    Google Chrome places its bookmarks, like many other settings, in the Microsoft system user directory. If you have a seventh or eighth Windows version, then go through Start to the Computer - Local disk. Next, go to the Users section and select the name of the desired user.

    Here we are interested in the AppData – Local folders. In them we find the Google Chrome subsection. In it we find the User Data directory. Open the Default folder in it. This section contains files with browser bookmark settings. note that AppData folder is hidden. Therefore, initially you need to set the settings so that hidden documents are also displayed.

    For users withXP the path to the bookmarks folder will be slightly different. We also go to My Computer – Drive C. Here we find the Documents and Settings folder, in which we select the user. The next folder is Local Settings (hidden). Go to the Application Data section. Next we find Google – Chrome. The last thing that interests us, just like in the previous version, is User Data-Default.

    In order to configure the display of hidden folders, you will need to open any folder and go to the Tools section. In Windows, as in google chrome, setting parameters is always intuitive, so you are unlikely to have any problems. Open the folder options and find the View section. It has an option that allows you to show hidden folders. Place a selection next to it and click OK to apply the changes. Now you will see all folders, including system ones, so you won’t have any problems finding files in which Google Chrome stores bookmarks.

    How to transfer bookmarks

    Now let's see how to edit and transfer Bookmark files that store bookmark settings. And how to add new bookmarks to Google Chrome is already described in this article. Files open in regular Notepad. If you need to manually edit any of the files, then double-click on it. Please note that inside the document you will see various bookmark options that you can change. So, next to the id you will see the bookmark identifier, which does not need to be configured.

    The name "name" can be changed. In addition, you can manually adjust the address of a particular bookmark. If you want to do it again, but save the settings, for example, what is in google chrome home page, then you can copy Bookmark to removable media. It is not recommended to remove curly braces in files, as this may damage the list. In order to save bookmarks and other browser settings, for example, when reinstalling it on another computer, it is recommended to archive the User Data folder and put it on a flash drive or other removable media.

    As you can see, it is absolutely easy to find the directory in which Google Chrome remembers bookmarks and other information. Therefore, if you need to manually adjust anything, you just need to go to this section and run required file. In this case, the browser itself should be closed first. You should not change anything if you are not sure of what you are doing, as the consequences may not be very good not only for the browser, but for the entire system.

    How long have you been searching desired page in your browsing history? But you don’t have to search at all if you place the page on the panel - then it will be in your sight all the time. An already formed collection can be moved, for example, to another browser. First, let's look at how to make bookmarks in Google Chrome.

    Adding sites to the panel

    Before adding bookmarks to Google Chrome, you need to make sure that the option is enabled. Go to Settings – section “ Appearance" There should be a checkmark next to “Always show bookmarks bar.”

    So how do you create a bookmark? Addition is done in three possible ways.

    Method No. 1

    Click on the star icon on the right side of the navigation bar. A window will open in which you need to enter the name of the bookmark. Click on “Done”. Now the bookmark can be found in the panel.

    Method number 2

    There are other ways to add items to the list of saved pages.

    Right-click on the bookmarks bar and select “Add Page” from the menu. A larger window will appear. The only change is the line for entering the URL, that is, the page address. It must be entered manually.

    Method number 3

    Open the site, copy its address and drag it with your mouse to the panel area. This method is the simplest, so it’s worth adopting.

    As you can see, creating your own panel with bookmarks is not at all difficult. Use any method convenient for you.

    Where are they stored?

    Where are Chrome bookmarks stored? What folder are they in? You need to know this information in case you need to restore the list.

    Sites that are important to you are located in a file located in the program folder on drive C. The path to the file is as follows: \Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks.

    When do bookmarks move?

    Is it possible to export bookmarks from Google Chrome? Yes, the browser supports this feature. For what purposes do they do this? As a rule, moving makes sense in three situations:

    • Reinstalling the browser. In order not to lose data and not use an “empty” program.
    • Transferring data either to a browser from another developer and vice versa, or to the same Google Chrome, but installed on another computer.
    • Pre-export to prevent losses. If you don't backup copy, if you accidentally delete your address list, you will no longer be able to restore the data.

    From Firefox to Google Chrome

    If you have used before Firefox browser, and now they decided to make it the main thing Google browser Chrome, it makes sense to think about saving data, or rather, about moving it. How to transfer bookmarks from Firefox to Chrome?

    1.Close the window Mozilla FireFox. In the Google Chrome menu, select “Bookmarks”, and then “Import bookmarks and settings”.

    2.Select Firefox as the source.

    3.Click on “Import”. Then click on "Done".

    4.To check the success of the operation, look at the panel - the “Imported from FireFox” folder is already there.

    Synchronization: a universal method for saving data

    No matter what device you're on, you can open any Google bookmarks Chrome that were saved earlier. This process is called synchronization, and it occurs thanks to a single accounting Google posts. The information is stored on the company’s servers, so there is no need to worry about the consequences of reinstalling or changing the working device. The main condition is to log into your account. Then the data will appear automatically.

    1. To create account, must have GMAIL email. If you have it, go to your browser settings and click on the “Sign in to Chrome” button.
    2. Then enter the data in the window and click “Next”.
    3. Confirm your agreement that data changed on this device will be available on others.

    Google bookmarks

    The company’s “arsenal” also has its own service, which separately stores the list important pages. You save them there, but only manually. However, the procedure is very simple - anyone can handle it.

    When you need your list, you can easily pull it out from there by clicking on “Export”. This will produce an HTML file that you can drag into any browser.

    Copy of the list

    To copy saved pages and place them in a file, you need to do the following:

    1.Go to the menu and select “Bookmarks”, and then “Bookmark Manager”. The same window can be called up with the combination Ctrl keys+ Shift + O.

    2.Click on “Manage” and scroll the page to “Export bookmarks to HTML file" Save the file in the location you need. This way you will create a copy of the list of your saved pages.

    Setting up the panel

    The panel can accommodate large number Google Chrome bookmarks. Those that do not fit are simply moved to the hidden part of the panel. They are not visible, but the browser stores them anyway.

    To view all sites, you need to click on the arrow located on the right side of the panel. Or select the “Bookmarks” block from the menu.

    To make room for the necessary sites, you need to shorten the names of existing pages or delete unnecessary ones.

    1. Right-click on the site in the panel.
    2. Click on “Change”.
    3. We write a new name or delete it completely. In the latter case, only the icon will remain.
    4. Click “Save”.

    How to create an ordered list? Users often change the order of elements by dragging their names onto the right places, since the browser displays a list based on the time they were entered. To move, hold down the name with the left mouse button and move it.

    There are at least three ways to add a bookmark to Google Chrome. If you value your panel, it is advisable to make a backup copy of it so that you can then restore the information. The panel can be customized to suit you: change the order of sites, enter the desired names, or delete them altogether.

    Hello friends! Today we will figure out how to make bookmarks in Chrome, namely, how to add, delete, and sort them into folders in Google browser Chrome. We will have a lot of practice here, so I won’t drag out the theory.

    How to bookmark a site in Google Chrome

    First, let's make the area with them appear immediately below address bar browser. Launch the browser and click on the right top corner on the menu in the form of a button with three parallel horizontal stripes. Hover over the item with the appropriate name, and then click on the “Show panel...” item.

    Now we look for the site that we want to add, and in the corner, near the menu, click on the star icon. As soon as we click on it, the site will immediately appear in the list we need. A window will pop up in which we can correct the name of the added site, as well as select a folder for it. After making all the settings, click on the “Finish” button:

    If you didn’t understand from the previous point what the point was and why you should choose it, then that’s okay, everything will become clear in the next point.

    Sorting bookmarks

    Click the menu and select an item with a suitable name from it, then select “Manager...”:

    We find ourselves in the same manager, in which we can slightly sort the added sites into folders or groups (as you like). To do this, we will create several folders for sites of the same subject.

    For example, I will create a folder " Computer tips» for websites computer topics. To do this, you just need to right-click on any name from the list and select “Add folder”:

    In the “Bookmarks Bar” section, I have a “Computer Tips” subsection. Now, just use the mouse to drag all computer-related sites there.

    Please note that this folder immediately appears at the top of the corresponding panel.

    Thus, to organize all your favorite sites, you can make several such folders and drag them there.

    If you simultaneously use a browser from the Yandex company, and also save various sites in it, then in order not to manually transfer them to Chrome, read:. After you create the HTML file, read the .

    Deleting bookmarks

    There is nothing complicated here, we can go to the same manager window and delete unnecessary ones from there or directly to top panel Click on the arrow to display them all, find the one you don’t need, right-click on it and select “Delete”:

    In the same way, you can delete any group that we created in the previous paragraph. Find the folder in the panel under the address bar, click on unnecessary group right-click and select “Delete”:

    Bookmarks extension for Chrome

    Just recently I discovered a pretty good extension that allows you to manage not only bookmarks, but also history, as well as browser downloads.

    If anyone is interested, you can install it. Click the menu and select “Additional tools – Extensions”:

    We see a list of extensions for our browser, go down to the very bottom and click on the link “More extensions”:

    In the Chrome store, type in the search term “bookmarks” and press Enter:

    Find the extension of the same name and install it:

    After installing the extension, we have a fairly convenient editor for bookmarks, history and downloads. Its icon is located right next to the menu. Look at the screenshot.