• Can't open google chrome apk file. What to do if EXE files do not launch

    When downloading another file from the Internet, many of us do not think about the fact that the file on the computer may simply not open. And this happens, I must say, not so rarely. The fact is that there are a huge number of file formats, each of which is opened by the system using special programs. If you have the required program on your computer, the file will open (unless, of course, it was damaged during downloading). If the desired program no, then there will be problems opening the file.

    Therefore, it is logical, before downloading a file, to inquire about its format, which can be determined by its extension. If you know that the necessary program to open a file is not installed on your computer, it is better to look for a file in a different extension (for example, an audio clip in the most common mp3 format or an image in jpeg format).

    If the file is in in the required format no, or you don't want to look, you can go another way.

    Download from the Internet (or, for example, some storage medium) a file of a format unknown to your computer and try to open it.

    When you try to open Windows file You will be notified: “The following file could not be opened: file name.” You will be asked to either select programs from the list manually, or search for the desired program on the Internet, or abandon the attempt to open the file (Cancel button).

    If you decide to open the file, you must check the “manually select a program from the list” option.

    If the program you need is not in the list of programs presented, but you know that it is on the computer, you need to click the Browse button and find what you need manually.

    If you check the box next to the phrase “use for all files of this type,” then using the selected program you will be able to open all files of this type in the future.

    If you don’t have the required program on your computer, then you need to check the “search for matches on the Internet” checkbox.

    There may be another situation when the file does not open when working, for example, with Microsoft Windows. This usually happens after the user forcibly quits a task using the Task Manager.

    The reason for this problem is that in addition to tasks in Windows, there are also processes (memory address space that is allocated for executing certain procedures). Thus, one task can activate several processes at once. For example, a Word task can work simultaneously with several text documents (respectively, with several processes). In case of forced termination of work Word editor(the task is removed), the process of processing the document open to it remains in the system’s memory - Windows believes that the document is still open in the editor window (while the editor itself is not running).

    In order to solve this problem, you need to open the Task Manager window (Ctrl+Alt+Del), select the Processes tab. In the list provided by the system, you should select the file processing process that does not open and cancel it by clicking the End process button. However, you can simply restart your computer.

    If you can't open doc file x on your phone, the reasons for this may vary. Starting from the lack of a suitable application and ending with a serious malfunction of the device itself. Therefore, we will analyze each of the reasons in more detail.

    What applications can open docx for editing?

    If we consider the official build of Android, and not a custom one, by default the vast majority of smartphones do not have a program for viewing and editing documents. IN Play Market There are dozens of applications that will help you acquire this functionality. However, not all of them are equally good. Let's focus on the best:

    Microsoft Word – 4.5 points

    In terms of its functionality, mobile Word is in many ways similar to the version for desktop PCs and laptops. One of its main advantages is the ability to work with documents not only independently, but also collectively (in real time). The disadvantages include the need to buy paid subscription(without which the program's capabilities will be reduced by 95%), large weight (more than 250 MB) and high system requirements(compared to analogues).

    To open a file in Microsoft Word on Android, do the following:

    • Launch the program and click the “Open” button located at the bottom.
    • We select the place where the document we need is located and click on it. Ready.
    • If for work you need to create new file, click on the “+” icon located at the top of the screen.

    WPS Office – 4.5 points

    Formerly known as Kingsoft Office, this application is one of the most popular document editors today. Demon paid version It differs from paid only in the presence of advertising. Also among the advantages of the program are its light weight (less than 40 MB), support for most “office” formats, as well as the ability to convert any of them to PDF. The main disadvantages (according to reviews on the Play Market) are paid fonts (not all) and errors in the application in the first days after its update.

    To view and edit documents in WPS Office, launch the program, then:

    • Click on the “Open” folder and indicate exactly where the file of interest to us is stored.
    • The latest documents are displayed on the start page.
    • A new document is created by clicking on the “+” button.

    Forgot where you saved the document, but remember its name and format? Click on the corresponding icon on working panel. The program will check all available storages and automatically compile a list in which to find required file won't be difficult.

    OfficeSuite – 4.3 points

    An easy-to-use and lightweight (35 MB) application for working with text documents and other supported file formats Microsoft Office. Among the advantages, users note the rich functionality, support for most text formats, as well as frequent updates and improvements to the program. The downside is that some of the declared functions do not work, large number advertising, long loading time and payment for some elements (for example, fonts).

    To open a document in OfficeSuite:

    • Let's launch the program.
    • Click on the folder icon and select the location where the file of interest to us is saved.
    • Recent documents are displayed on the main page.
    • To create a new working file, just click on the corresponding icon in the top row.

    In the Play Market, the application is presented in both free and paid versions. However, for most users, the public functions will be sufficient to complete their tasks.

    Google Docs – 4.3 points

    Official app from Google with extensive functionality and regular updates. Like other company products, this program complies with most modern standards for working with documents. It offers the user:

    • Intuitive interface and support for most text and office formats.
    • Flexible settings and the ability to synchronize with other devices.
    • Russian-speaking tech. support that quickly resolves the issue and gives detailed recommendations.

    As for the shortcomings, among them Play users Market is highlighted by frequent crashes in the first days after updates and periodic freezes on certain phone models. As a rule, the first problem is solved within 1-2 days, and the second is related to the device itself.

    To open a document in Google Docs, click on the folder icon, and then specify the path to the file. To create a new file, click on “+”.

    Applications for viewing docx files

    If you only need the program for reading, there is no need to download a heavy, sophisticated editor. An ordinary “reader” will cope with this task with a bang. Therefore, pay your attention to:

    ReadEra – 4.8 points

    An easy-to-use application with extensive functionality and quite flexible settings. Among the advantages, users highlight:

    • Compatible with most text formats.
    • Scaling of text depending on screen size and page orientation.
    • Light weight (21 MB).
    • Availability of Russian-speaking technical support. support that solves user problems and is not limited to template replies.

    As for the disadvantages, it is quite difficult to single them out, since the developers are sensitive to the wishes of users and, if possible, implement most of their suggestions. The remaining shortcomings are subjective in nature and therefore not worth mentioning

    AlReader – 4.6 points

    One of the best mobile “readers” today. The application is compatible with various text formats(docx, fb2, txt) and supports one/two-page viewing mode. For most elements (fonts, colors, text styles, etc.), the user can set their own settings. Also among the declared functionality there is a choice of encoding of the file being viewed and correct transfers for 20+ different languages. The main advantages are that it’s free (you can support the developers with a donation) and Russian-language technical support, which does not give template unsubscribes, but provides each user with a detailed answer to the problem they have identified.

    When you launch it for the first time, text instructions for working with the program automatically open. To go to the menu, swipe from left to right.

    – 3.6 points

    Although this application appears in the list of suggestions when you look for programs for working with .docx files on Android, it is not particularly popular among users. Among the disadvantages, users note the lack of a page memorization function (which is extremely inconvenient when reading large books), intrusive advertising, which appears after every 5 pages read, as well as the lack of text optimization and a number of other shortcomings. Among the advantages - high speed processing and light weight of the application itself (which is for devices with small volume internal memory extremely important).

    Doc Reader – 3.6 points

    A simplified mobile “reader” designed to work with basic Word formats. The advantages include light weight and an intuitive interface. But users count much more disadvantages. Among them:

    • Lack of Russian-language description and, as a consequence, Russian-language technical support. support.
    • Intrusive advertising that appears at least 2-3 times every 5 minutes.
    • Long, very long opening of the document.
    • Minimal functionality.

    Possible problems and their solutions

    Above, we found out which applications are best to open docx on Android. Now let's figure out what problems can interfere with working with files, and how to fix them.

    The document was damaged while downloading or transferring

    An unstable Internet connection, problems with a USB connection, viruses - these and dozens of other reasons lead to file corruption, which is why the application cannot open it. To solve the problem we do the following:

    • Let's see if the weight of the created file matches the weight of the source. If not, it is definitely damaged.
    • Download or copy the document again and try to open it again.
    • Have you failed again? Let's try to run the file using another editor.

    If the problem lies with the document itself, this should help. If not, move on to the next point.

    The file format is not supported by the application

    The most common mistake when working with text documents is the incompatibility of their format with the formats supported by the application. To check this guess, open the program page in the Play Market and read its description (as a rule, all available extensions are indicated there). If yours is not listed there, download another editor (that supports this format) and try to work in it.

    Registration or paid subscription required

    Most applications presented on the Play Market are only conditionally free. In other words, in order to take advantage of their full functionality, you must first sign up for a paid subscription or register on the company’s website (in order to receive its newsletter in the future). In some programs, this limitation applies only to certain functions (for example, installing additional fonts), in others - to the entire functionality. For example, in Microsoft Word, after trial period You won't be able to open docx on Android until you subscribe.

    Possible solutions to the problem:

    • Fulfill the developer's requirements (register on the site or pay).
    • Use another editor that does not have such restrictions.
    • Install a hacked version of the program, where all functionality is available by default.

    Please note that when choosing the third option, you act at your own peril and risk. You should install such applications only from trusted sources (such as Rutracker or w3bsit3-dns.com). Otherwise, you risk infecting your smartphone with viruses or turning it into an unusable “brick.”

    The system is infected with viruses

    More malware Among viruses, it is written mainly for Android. And only a few carry out their destructive activities unnoticed. Many are aimed at outright sabotage, which is why all your documents can change format at once, or a file will appear in the folder with the editor that blocks its launch.

    To solve the problem, as a rule, it is enough to run an antivirus, remove the malicious program and the files infected with it that cannot be treated. However, if you did not react quickly enough, damage may affect operating system(with all the ensuing consequences). In this case, only a rollback to factory settings followed by a system update will help. To implement it.

    Sometimes PC users encounter such an unpleasant situation as the inability to launch programs. Of course, this is a very significant problem that prevents most operations from being performed normally. Let's see how you can deal with it on computers running Windows 7.

    When we talk about the inability to run programs on Windows 7, we primarily mean problems associated with EXE files. The causes of the problem may vary. In accordance with this, there are various ways eliminate this type of problem. Specific mechanisms for solving this problem will be discussed below.

    Method 1: Restore EXE file association through Registry Editor

    One of the most common reasons why applications stop starting with EXE extension, is a violation of the file association due to some kind of failure or virus activity. After that operating system he simply ceases to understand what needs to be done with this object. In this case, it is necessary to restore the broken associations. This operation is performed through system registry, and therefore before starting manipulations it is recommended to be able to cancel if necessary changes made V "Registry Editor".

    1. To solve the problem you need to activate "Registry Editor". This can be done using the utility "Run". Summon her using the combination Win+R. In the field enter:

      Click "OK".

    2. Starts "Registry Editor". On the left side of the window that opens, registry keys are presented in the form of directories. Click on the name "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT".
    3. A large list of folders located in alphabetical order, whose names correspond to file extensions. Look for a directory that has the name ".exe". Having selected it, go to right side windows. There is a parameter called "(Default)". Right-click on it ( RMB) and select a position "Change…".
    4. "Meaning" bring in "exefile", if it is empty or if there is any other data there. Now press "OK".
    5. Then return to left side windows and look in the same registry section for a folder called "exefile". It is located below the directories that have extension names. Having selected the specified directory, move to the right side again. Click RMB by parameter name "(Default)". Select from the list "Change…".
    6. The parameter editing window appears. In the field "Meaning" write down the following expression:

      Click "OK".

    7. Now, go to the left side of the window, return to the list of registry keys. Click on the folder name "exefile", which was previously allocated. Subdirectories will open. Choose "shell". Then highlight the subdirectory that appears "open". Moving to the right side of the window, click RMB by element "(Default)". Select from the list of actions "Change…".
    8. In the parameter change window that opens, change the value to the following option:

      Click "OK".

    9. Close the window "Registry Editor", then restart your computer. After turning on the PC, applications with the EXE extension should open if the problem lay precisely in the violation of file associations.

    Method 2: "Command Line"

    The problem with file associations due to which applications do not start can also be solved by entering commands in « Command line» running with administrative rights.

    1. But first, we need to create a registry file in Notepad. Click here "Start". Next, select "All programs".
    2. Go to the catalog "Standard".
    3. Here you need to find the name "Notebook" and click on it RMB. From the menu, select . This important point, since otherwise it will not be possible to save the created object in the root directory of the disk C.
    4. Starts standard text editor Windows. Enter the following entry into it:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    5. Then navigate to the menu item "File" and choose "Save as...".
    6. The window for saving the object appears. Go to the root directory of the disk C. In the field "File type" change the option « Text documents» per point "All files". In the field "Encoding" select from the drop-down list "Unicode". In the field "File name" Write any name that is convenient for you. After it you need to put a dot and write the name of the extension "reg". That is, in the end you should get an option according to the following template: "File_name.reg". After you have completed all the above steps, click "Save".
    7. Now it's time to launch "Command line". Again through the menu "Start" and point "All programs" move to the directory "Standard". Look for the name "Command line". Once you find this title, click on it RMB. Select from the list "Run as administrator".
    8. Interface "Command line" will be open from administrative powers. Enter the command using the following pattern:

      REG IMPORT C:\filename.reg

      Instead of a part "file_name.reg" you need to enter the name of the object that we previously created in Notepad and saved on disk C. Then click Enter.

    9. An operation is being performed, the successful completion of which will be immediately reported in current window. After that you can close "Command line" and restart the PC. After restarting the computer, programs should resume opening normally.
    10. If, however, EXE files still do not open, then activate "Registry Editor". How to do this was described in the description of the previous method. In the left part of the window that opens, go through the sections one by one "HKEY_Current_User" And "Software".
    11. A fairly large list of folders opens, which are arranged in alphabetical order. Find a catalog among them "Classes" and go to it.
    12. A long list of directories opens, which have the names of various extensions. Find the folder among them ".exe". Click on it RMB and choose an option "Delete".
    13. A window opens in which you need to confirm your actions to delete the partition. Click "Yes".
    14. Further in the same registry section "Classes" look for the folder "secfile". If found, click on it in the same way RMB and choose an option "Delete" followed by confirmation of your actions in the dialog box.
    15. Then close "Registry Editor" and restart your computer. When you run it again, opening objects with the EXE extension should be restored.

    Method 3: Disabling File Locking

    Some programs may not run in Windows 7 simply because they are blocked. This only applies to launching individual objects, and not all EXE files as a whole. To solve this problem, there is our own overcoming algorithm.

    Method 4: Eliminate viruses

    One of the most common reasons for failure to open EXE files is viral infection computer. By disabling the ability to run programs, viruses thereby try to protect themselves from antivirus utilities. But the user is faced with the question of how to run an antivirus to scan and disinfect a PC if activation of programs is impossible?

    In this case you need to using LiveCD or by connecting to it from another PC. To eliminate the effects of malware, there are many types of specialized software, one of which is . During the scanning process, when the utility detects a threat, you must follow the advice that is displayed in its window.

    As you can see, there are several reasons why all programs with the EXE extension or only some of them do not run on a computer running Windows 7. Among them, the main ones are the following: malfunctions of the operating system, virus infection, blocking of individual files. For each reason there is its own algorithm for solving the problem being studied.

    Android is an open operating system, which makes it possible to download and run any file, even with the .exe extension. We'll tell you how to open a file on Android in this article.

    What files does Android open?

    You can no longer do anything without a smart gadget, be it study, work or anything else. Android can open many standard files: mp3, mp4, avi. Of course, in order to open a file on Android you need special application. Thus, you can open almost any file on Android if you install the appropriate utility.

    Let's look at what files can be opened on Android:

    You can open avi, mp3, mp4 using the programs that we described in our articles:

    • – some applications from this article not only download audio files, but also play them

    How to open a pdf file on Android

    For reading pdf file You can use PocketBook Reader. It is freely available on Google Play. The application is free, and also without advertising.

    Good utility with useful features. After loading a file into PocetBook, you can leaf through it like a book using gestures or the volume buttons of your phone/tablet. Reading the contents of a pdf file is convenient and easy; you can change the background, choose the color for the text, enlarge or reduce the text. In general, set it up the way you feel comfortable.

    The program allows you to search by text.

    While reading the text, you can make notes on it, highlight a certain area of ​​the text with a marker and take screenshots. These changes can be saved to separate file, which will not affect the contents of the pdf file. Notes can always be opened and reviewed.

    How to open a doc file on Android

    You can open a doc file on Android using many programs that are available for free in Google Play. One of these is Cool Reader.

    Interface Cool Reader designed in the style of a book, because the developers created a utility for reading books. Even turning pages in Cool Reader looks like turning pages in a book. Of course, standard page loading is also present.

    In addition to the doc extension, the utility supports the following formats:

    • epub (DRM free)
    • mobi (DRM-free)

    The application has convenient access to folders. Every book has a cover. You can search for fragments in the text, adjust the brightness to suit certain time days, change the font size and make bookmarks.

    The main feature of Cool Reader is reading books from a zip archive.

    This utility also supports the .txt format.

    How to open xls file on Android

    We have all at least once dealt with files created in Microsoft programs Office. Yes, the doc format is also created in MS Office, but it is supported more programs on Android than xls. How to open a file on Android?

    The xls format is read by the WPS Office application, which has over a million downloads from the Play Market.

    The application is available in paid and free versions. There is advertising.

    WPS Office even has a number of Google Play awards:

    • Best App of 2015
    • Editor's Choice
    • Best Developer

    IN free version you can edit all formats from MS Office, convert them to PDF, create presentations and protect data from prying eyes.

    You can view and edit files in WPS Office. In addition to the standard set of functions, the paid version of WPS Office allows you to convert PDF to Word, merge and split PDF files.

    The application supports pdf files.

    How to open a zip file on Android

    Archives are convenient because they have several purposes. Firstly, the data included in the archive is compressed without loss of information. Secondly, someone uses archives as a way to transfer data, for example, photographs. In order not to transfer one photo at a time over the network, they are uploaded to an archive. Many users use the WinZip program on their computer. How to open a file on Android? There is a WinZip archiver that helps you open a file on Android. You can download it from Play Market.

    Using it you can create an archive or unpack it.

    The program has a simple interface, which makes working with it clear and convenient.

    WinZip will not be able to open a file on Android that was created in WinRar.

    How to open an exe file on Android

    Android can open such files only with the help of other programs. IN in this case you will need an emulator.

    We use one of the available emulators - .

    1. Download the program and install it on your device.
    2. Next you will need the SDL archive for Bochs, you can find it on the forums
    3. The SDL archive has a .zip extension; we described above how to unpack it. You need to unpack the archive into the SDL folder in the root of the memory card, having previously created this folder
    4. To run the executable you will need a Windows OS image. Download the one that suits you from the Internet. The image must have the extension .img. Please note that .img is not an image, but an image
    5. After downloading the image, rename it “c.img” and place it in the SDL folder
    6. Launch the Bochs emulator. After launching the Bochs program, you will be able to open files with the extension .exe

    The cursor in the emulator is controlled using the volume buttons.

    Apk - how to open a file on Android

    The .apk format is executable file V Android system. Opening it is not difficult.

    If you have installed file manager, for example, Total Commander, then find the required file with the .apk extension in the folders and simply run it.

    Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

    Answers to questions

    HTML - what program opens this file on Android?

    An html file is essentially a web page. You can open it with any browser installed on your gadget.