• An easy way to learn multiplication tables. How to teach a child to count quickly in his head

    Since childhood, the familiar song “2x2=4” brings a smile to adults. I immediately remember my school years and the multiplication table, which was given to many with great difficulty. Now nothing has changed and children also have to learn the table. There are many methods for learning the multiplication table, some even promise to learn the table in a few minutes.

    How to learn the multiplication table in 5 minutes - a competent approach

    Where do we start studying the table? From the basics, you will first have to explain to your child how to multiply a number by a number. That is, before you start cramming a table, you need to understand the principle of multiplication.

    We explain to the child that the simple example of 2 multiplied by 3 means that the number 2 needs to be added 3 times. And we show him an example that he understands, write it like this: 2+2+2=6. Explaining the essence of multiplication. If it is difficult for a child to understand why this example is written as 2x3 = 6, then we take counting sticks, seeds, candies, cherries, etc. and with the help of these objects we show an example of multiplication.

    If the child has mastered this, then you can move on to the next stage, actually studying the table.

    Which multiplication table is easier to learn?

    Old school teachers argue that the table, which is now presented on the back of the notebook in the form of columns, is not suitable for the first acquaintance. You can simply learn it, but not understand how to use it. And the real table, which opens up all the possibilities of multiplication, is the Pythagorean table. It was placed on every notebook during the Soviet years. Our mothers and grandmothers used this table.

    The numbers in the tablet are arranged symmetrically and the child, without even thinking, will look for symmetry and quickly find the right answer.

    And yet, if the child saw and understood the principle of how to use the hint board, then he will only need to learn half of the table. Because the remaining part is a repetition of the learned material. And yet, the columns and examples of a regular table are sometimes distracting and the student may get confused as to why the extra information is needed. He can learn the table in order, but using the learned material randomly is not an easy task.

    How to learn the multiplication table in 5 minutes

    The table for 2 and 10 is easy to learn even in 5 minutes! It is important to show the child so that he understands the principle of multiplication, and then simple mathematics. For example, to multiply a number by 10, you need to add it the same number of times, that is, 10 times. And so on. And to get the answer, you just need to add 0 to the resulting number and say the answer received. Children who have completed first grade can already count well within 100 and will be able to convert one to tens.

    How to easily learn the table for 2? You can do this in literally 5 minutes. The child already knows how to add identical numbers; you just need to explain the principle to him and practice the learned material.

    Have you learned the sign for 2? Feel free to move on to number 4, and leave the table for 3 for later. The child will remember the table for 4 faster if you explain to him that this is the same table as for 2, only all answers need to be doubled. If 2x2=4, then 2x4=8, etc. We multiplied by 2, got the answer, then multiplied the result again by 2.

    Multiplying by 3 is sometimes harder than the whole table, so a simple count will help:

    How to learn the multiplication table. The easy way

    The multiplication table for 5 is as easy to learn as for 2 and 10. Simple answers, count within 5. A little hint: if even is multiplied by odd, the answer is always odd by 0. For example, 5 multiplied by 2 is 10, by 4 will be 20, 6 will be 30. And vice versa, if even is multiplied by 5, the answer will be a number ending with this digit: 5 by 3 = 15, etc.

    After table 5, immediately jump to studying table 9. And learning the table is easy with the help of your fingers. When you master this number, all the others will be easy: the table for 6, 7 and 8. The child just needs to explain that he already knows the answers to these examples, only they are written in reverse. If 2 over 8 is 16, then 8 over 2 is also 16.

    Now you know how to quickly learn the multiplication tables, and we advise you not to rush, not to force your child to do what he does not want, to study for pleasure anytime and anywhere, even on vacation and during transport, turning lessons into a game. Good luck!

    If you are puzzled by the question of how to help your child learn the multiplication tables, our article is for you. This table is not so scary if you know which way to approach it. Revealing secrets!


    – Five five – twenty five?
    - Absolutely right!

    Twice two is four, everyone in the whole world knows this! Everyone may know it, but the multiplication table doesn’t end there, there are more complicated options, and you can’t get by with a simple rhyme.

    Rhetorical question

    After finishing school and by virtue of his professional activities Having not particularly dealt with complex mathematical calculations, I somehow caught myself thinking that the results of multiplication from a banal table that all schoolchildren are simply obliged to know like “Our Father” no longer come to mind so quickly. Hmm... maybe it’s not so necessary to learn the multiplication table in the age of calculators and special computer programs, which will give the desired result in a matter of minutes?

    Nowadays you will no longer meet an accountant with accounts or a student with a slide rule, but you can “estimate” the change in a store using mobile phone. Maybe this multiplication table? Why clutter your brain, in case something important doesn’t fit in? Let's leave this question rhetorical, let every adult answer it himself. Now we are talking about something else.

    A second-grader sheds burning tears (he may not shed them, but he still experiences difficulties), vainly memorizing “six eight – forty eight.” No parent can look at such suffering with indifference, so we suggest learning the multiplication tables together!

    How to prepare your child for learning the multiplication tables?

    My mother-in-law, who worked at the school for many years, suggested a simple way to prepare a child for learning the multiplication tables. It is suitable even for preschoolers.

    I hope you already understand what I'm getting at. Yes! Without noticing it, the child is ALREADY learning the multiplication table, it just doesn’t look as scary as the impregnable columns of numbers and arithmetic operations, looking militantly and menacingly from the pages of textbooks and winking ominously from the cover of math notebooks.

    Educators in kindergarten and school teachers, as a rule, teach children to count in twos, fives, tens, but things don’t go further than that, and in vain. The method is really excellent, proven and effective. Try it!

    Multiplication table secrets: how to avoid cramming


    Here is a multiplication table. Ten columns with ten examples each! Horror! A hundred rules to memorize? Don’t panic yourself and don’t scare poor Dunno. In fact, there are MUCH fewer rules.

    You don’t have to cram the first column of examples, everyone already knows that a number multiplied by one is equal to itself, and multiplying by 10 is as easy as shelling pears, we add a zero to tens, and there are so many things to do. Now you have not 100, but 80 examples. Agree, it doesn't look so scary?

    So... Next, explain to the child that changing the places of the multipliers does not change the result: 5 x 2 - exactly the same as 2 x 5. Any first-grader knows that changing the places of the terms does not change the sum - the same law applies here. And now you don’t have 80 examples to cram, but only 36. A significant difference, isn’t it?

    The child is excellent at adding identical numbers. For example, 2 + 2, 5 + 5. Explain to him that adding two identical numbers is the same as multiplying by 2. Here are a couple more examples in the multiplication table without cramming. We know how to fold!


    Next, we remove easy examples from the cramming list, such as “twice two is four,” “five five is twenty five,” “six six is ​​thirty six.” You can sing a well-known children's song and consider the multiplication table in your pocket. There will be very little left that really needs to be memorized.

    In fact, only 15 examples out of a hundred are subject to cramming.

    How do you like it? Can we handle it?

    The secret of the 9 multiplication table

    Try multiplying by 10 and subtracting the excess! It's much easier this way, you'll see.


    Here you can cheat a little and use this interesting feature. Write down the multiplication table by 9 in a column, and enter the numbers in the answers as follows: from 1 to 9 from top to bottom (“we don’t write 0”) and from 9 to 1 in reverse side. Check it out if you don't believe me! This is true!

    And also You can multiply by 9 on your fingers! And there's nothing wrong with that. See how it's done.


    Place both hands on the table and number your fingers (you can put them on a piece of paper and sign on top). How to multiply 3 by 9, for example? Bend the third finger on your left hand and see what happens. Two fingers on the left are 2 tens, 7 fingers to the right of the curved one are 7 ones. Total - 27!

    Let's check again how this works using the example of 7 x 9. Bend the seventh finger (counting from left to right). Everything on the left is tens, everything on the right is ones. We count fingers - 6 tens and 3 units. Hooray! 7 x 9 = 63. That's right!

    Multiplication on fingers: video

    It turns out that you can multiply any examples from the multiplication table on your fingers. Perhaps the video option will be useful to you. Look carefully, everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

    A little about other ways to memorize the multiplication tables

    1. Poetic multiplication table

    Poems will help you reinforce the multiplication tables. We recommend A. Usachev’s book “Multiplication Tables in Poems” or similar books by other authors. It is unlikely that learning all one hundred quatrains by heart is easier than memorizing examples, but in especially “hopeless” cases, verses can come in handy, even just a picture in a book can help remember the necessary answers.

    2. Musical multiplication table

    Audio CDs and wall posters are also options for studying the multiplication tables.

    3. DIY poster

    Anyone can print it on a printer or buy a ready-made poster if they wish. Try making a multiplication table with your own hands with your child. The result will surprise you! As long as an inquisitive and diligent student writes down all one hundred examples, he will learn them by heart without any cramming. Let the poster hang in a prominent place and be an eyesore! This is better than daily reminders: “Go review your multiplication tables.”

    4. Examples from life

    It is important to find your own approach to each child. Perhaps it will be easier for a boy to remember the multiplication table if he gives an example from life: “How many wheels do three cars have?” Girls will understand this example more clearly: “How many rubber bands do you need to braid two braids for three dolls?”

    Dear readers! Tell us how your children became friends with the multiplication table. Perhaps you have your own secrets on how to help your child remember the multiplication tables? We are waiting for your comments, perhaps they will help other parents.

    Schoolchildren find the table boring and useless. Children often get angry and upset when trying to figure out a set of numbers that is incomprehensible to them. Parents can make learning easier and fun by preparing ahead of time.

    The main rule in learning the multiplication tables is to interest the child. Like adults, they perceive information differently. Some children like to learn poems and songs. Others can sit quietly with their parents at the table and look at the Pythagorean table.

    How to teach a child the multiplication table (picture)

    Help your child remember the multiplication table easily:

    • Cards;
    • Counting figures, sticks;
    • Special programs for tablet and phone;
    • Educational videos and cartoons;
    • Poems and songs;
    • Pictures;
    • Child's fingers.

    Game methods are captivating and give quick results. It is better to start classes in a good mood, when the child is ready to study.

    Learning the multiplication tables: life hacks and videos

    It is important to understand how a child can more comfortably perceive information so that the process does not turn into “cramming.” It's very simple:

    Auditory children They learn new things better through conversation. They enjoy learning numbers by repeating examples out loud. Good option remember the multiplication table - learn poems, songs or watch educational videos.

    Learning the multiplication table (video)

    Visual child learns more easily if vision and imagery are involved. They absorb information with the help of bright drawings, coloring games, which have large colored fonts and numbers.

    Multiplication table coloring game (picture)

    Also, with a visual child, you can watch educational cartoons in which your favorite characters act as a teacher.

    Multiplication table by 9 with Fixies (video)

    Kinesthetic children learn through the sensations and feelings they have when coming into contact with new objects and information. In this case, you can try the card method.

    Learning the multiplication table using cards (video)

    It's important to consider how your child learns best so that learning times tables will be fun and easy.

    How to learn the multiplication tables in 5 minutes a day

    Kukina Ekaterina Georgievna

    mathematics teacher

    You've probably heard the opinion more than once that the level mathematics education falls.

    When my children were in second grade, I clearly understood why the level of mathematics education at school was falling. It is in the second grade, when laying the very foundation of mathematical education, that such a gigantic irreparable hole appears, which cannot be supported by any crutches in the form of calculators.

    Namely, the main problem is in the multiplication table. Look at the checkered notebooks that your schoolchildren have.

    I went shopping for a long, long time looking for notebooks. And all the same, for everyone - this is the picture.

    Multiplication table (picture)

    There are even worse notebooks (for high school students), in which there are no multiplication tables, but there are a bunch of meaningless formulas.

    Well, why is this notebook bad? An unsuspecting parent sees that there is a multiplication table on the notebook. It seems like you’ve had multiplication tables on your notebooks all your life? What's wrong?

    But the problem is that the notebook does NOT contain the multiplication table.

    The multiplication table, my dear readers, is this:

    Sometimes this same table is even called the beautiful word “Pythagorean table”. You don't have to take the top and left columns, just the main rectangle.

    Firstly, this is a table. Secondly, she is interesting!

    No child in his right mind would look at examples written out in columns.

    Not a single child, no matter how brilliant he may be, will be able to find interesting features and patterns in the written examples.

    Well, in general, when the teacher says: “learn the multiplication table,” and the child doesn’t even see the table in front of him, he immediately understands that mathematics is a science where ordinary things are named somehow differently and you need a lot, a lot cram, but it’s impossible to understand anything. And in general, we must do it “as it is said,” and not “as it makes sense.”

    Why is the Pythagorean table better?

    Firstly, there is no garbage and information noise in the form of the left side of the examples.

    Secondly, you can think about it. It’s not even written anywhere that this multiplication is just a table.

    Thirdly, if it is always at hand and the child constantly bumps into it, he willy-nilly begins to remember these numbers. In particular, he will never answer the question “seven eight” with 55 - after all, the number 55 is not and never was in the table!

    Only children with abnormal memory are able to remember columns of examples. In the "table" you need to remember much less.

    In addition, the child automatically looks for patterns. And he finds them himself. Even such patterns are found by children who do not yet know how to multiply.

    For example: numbers that are symmetrical relative to the diagonal are equal. You see, the human brain is simply determined to look for symmetry, and if it finds and notices it, it is very happy. What does this mean? This means that rearranging the places of the factors does not change the product (or that multiplication is commutative, to put it more simply).

    Pythagorean table: multiplication (picture)

    You see, the child notices this himself! And what a person came up with himself, he will remember forever, unlike what he memorized or was told.

    Remember your math exam at university? You forgot all the theorems of the course, except for the one you got, and you had to prove it to the evil teacher! Well, that is if you didn’t cheat, of course. (I'm exaggerating, but it's almost always close to the truth).

    And then the child sees that he can not learn the whole table, but only half. If we already know the line of multiplication by 3, then we do not need to remember “eight by three,” but just remember “three by eight.” Already half the work.

    And besides, it is very important that your brain does not accept dry information in the form of some incomprehensible columns of examples, but thinks and analyzes. Those. is training.

    In addition to the commutativity of multiplication, one can notice, for example, another remarkable fact. If you point at any number and draw a rectangle from the beginning of the table to that number, then the number of cells in the rectangle is your number.

    Pythagorean table: multiplication (picture)

    And here multiplication already takes on a deeper meaning than just an abbreviated notation of several identical terms. It also makes sense for geometry - the area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of its sides)

    You have no idea how much easier it is to divide with such a table!

    In short, if your child is in second grade, print out this correct multiplication table for him. Hang a large one on the wall so he can look at it when he does his homework or sits at the computer.

    And print and laminate a small one for him (or write on cardstock). Let him carry it to school with him, and just keep it conveniently at hand. (it wouldn’t hurt to highlight the squares diagonally on such a table to make it easier to see)

    My kids have this one. And it really helped them in second grade and still helps them a lot in math lessons.

    Pythagorean table: multiplication (picture)

    Honestly, your average math score will immediately increase, and your child will stop whining that math is stupid. And in addition, it will be easier for your child in the future too. He will understand that he needs to use his brains and not cram. And not only will he understand, he will also learn to do it.

    And I repeat: there is nothing wrong with the examples in columns. And the amount of information they contain is the same as in the “table”. But there is nothing good in such examples either. This is informational garbage, from which you will not immediately find what you need.

    Praise more often

    Come up with ways to encourage your child. These can be pleasant little things that make him happy.

    Find an approach if the child is not in the mood

    Forcing people to study, shouting, or completely depriving them of entertainment - such methods discourage any desire to study. It makes sense to calmly explain the importance of activities and motivate the child.

    Learn the multiplication table gradually

    When a child first sees how many numbers he needs to remember, a protest arises. It is better to study at a comfortable pace with rest breaks.

    Remember that every child is an individual

    As soon as children are compared with friends or classmates, they lose the desire to do anything. It must be remembered that each child has his own pace of learning and the caring attitude of parents is of great importance.

    Saying that mistakes are normal

    At the first failures, children lose interest and do not want to continue classes. It is important to explain that there are no mistakes good results. Everything will definitely work out.

    Now you know everything about how to teach your child the multiplication table in different ways so that the process of stumbling is a joy.

    How easy it is for a child to learn the multiplication table - this is the question a parent asks, realizing that cramming numbers does not lead to an understanding of the process. Although for children with a good memory this will be the most easy way. Today we will talk about interesting games (not computer games) that will make it possible to understand the essence of mathematical operations and consolidate their knowledge.

    Greetings, dear readers. I assure you that in the article you will find interesting games, which took me between 2 and 5 minutes to prepare. If you set out to explain to your child the meaning of this mathematical process, then sit back and read carefully. As always, I advise you to select tasks according to your level of knowledge.

    The first thing you want to do when entering new material, explain who the founder of the method is. Unfortunately, the question of who came up with the math multiplication table is not so simple. We are accustomed to believe that its founder is the ancient Greek creator of the philosophical school - Pythagoras. For many, his name is synonymous with the calculation method being discussed, but it turns out that it is called that only in Russian, French, and Italian.

    There is no evidence that this particular mathematician was her ancestor! But there is plenty of reverse information. It turns out that the oldest table was discovered in Ancient Mesopotamia, its age is more than 4000 years. While Pythagoras lived 570-490. B.C. There are also facts of similar calculations in Ancient China. I really liked Professor Kruglov’s explanation, which he gave to a 3rd grade student:

    I am writing all this so that you do not confuse your children. After all, many parents who firmly believe in our educational system will not even think about looking for information, but will foam at the mouth to prove to their offspring that the table was created by Pythagoras.

    If you want to tell your children about this scientist, then you should use information from Wikipedia, where his scientific achievements are described in detail. But all this will be interesting to older students. At what age do they begin to learn the subject of our discussion?

    In the Soviet Union, I hope I’m not the only one who remembers such a time, they set this program for the summer after 1st grade. Currently, in most schools, the multiplication tables are taught in the second half of the second grade. My son is studying at the French Lyceum in the Dominican Republic, in the 2nd grade. I wrote about why a six-year-old child is in 2nd grade.

    I’ll tell you how they started introducing this “science”. Almost from the beginning academic year, the children began to go through the composition of a number by adding two identical numbers.

    In other words, the homework assignment could be as follows:

    Write what equal numbers the numbers 26, 32, 48, 65 consist of.

    Yes, yes there will definitely be a trick. The child writes down, for example:
    65 – addition of two equal numbers is impossible (on at this stage this is the correct answer).

    As a result, in a month and a half, the children easily learned multiplication and division by 2 within 100, without even realizing it. I don’t know yet how the program will develop further, but I liked the beginning.

    At 3.5 years old, my son laid out cards, say in fours, like this:

    It was his small victory! As you can see, the counting is done quite clearly; the child can visually assess the correctness of his mathematical work. A year later, such classes looked different. I shuffled all the cards:

    And knowing that my boy has a competitive nature, I suggested that he assemble a “score line” for speed. For example, he assembles a ruler with the same fours, and I assemble it with sevens. Of course, each time the numbers changed so that everyone could understand up to 10. I had to make copies of several cards so that there would be enough to collect two lines.

    So, counting in fours a year later looked like this:

    Well, we found out in which class they teach the multiplication table and how you can prepare your child to study it. How else can you help me learn a subject without cramming, what additional materials will help with this?

    Useful materials to study

    If your child has a desire for musical learning, then a song like this will help him learn how to count by 3. My son loves the cartoon about these birds and he also loves to sing along, so after two viewings, the 3 was mastered.

    You can also help your child learn the table through a book. I will show you two wonderful specimens.

    First Entertaining table from Robins Publishing. I highly recommend it! Firstly, the actions presented here are given not until 10, but until 12. Secondly, fairy-tale windows have never left any child indifferent. Thirdly, these are not bare numbers, but an opportunity to easily test yourself using funny pictures. And at the end there is an opportunity to actually test your knowledge.

    How easy is it for a child to learn the multiplication table? In funny verses! And the second copy will help us with this. This is really wonderful book, with whom Alexander did not part for a week! Andrey Usachev, using humor, was able to reproduce arithmetic operations, tying them to the most unexpected characters. Publishing house AST, as always, pleased excellent quality and this small book ended up on the shelves of our children's library. The only thing I want to warn you about is that multiplying by 2 starts with a two, by 3 with a three, by 4 with a four, and so on. But here the “displacement law” comes into play.

    And last but not least useful material according to the author’s method of Shamil Akhmadullin “How to learn the multiplication table in 3 days in game form? The point here is to understand the principles, and this is so important!

    And finally we come to the entertainment activities.

    How to easily teach a child the multiplication table through a game

    Everywhere they talk and write about the positive impact of playful activities, I described ours not so long ago. This time I had to learn new ones - multiplication. I compiled them and carried them out progressively, observed my son’s capabilities and moved on.

    Where to start

    We need to start with a visual explanation. This can be done using buttons, sticks, and counting bears. The child should see rows of objects that need to be counted. I gave my son his favorite shells, in the photo we are sorting 5x2, that is, 2 rows of 5 shells. If you set several examples with different numbers, you see that the essence is understood, move on to game actions, do not delay this process.

    It is also worth explaining that rearranging the numbers does not change the answer. A second grader is already familiar with the “commutative law of addition.” In practice, let him see that it also concerns this mathematical process. Ask to lay out the action “in reverse”, in our case 2x5 - two shells in a row, and there are five rows.

    If the rule was not well learned at school, or you are teaching a preschooler, I advise you to watch a video from Shishkina School:

    Game one

    We will need:

    • Sheet of paper;
    • ruler and pencil;
    • Zarika cubes;
    • markers.

    Draw a sheet of paper into sections. Each section will have space for one example.

    The player rolls the dice and looks:

    • One die shows the number of circles to be drawn;
    • the second is the number of crosses placed in these circles.

    It is interesting to play in groups of 2-4 players, so there will be a spirit of competition. You should roll the dice one by one and write down the results for each person on a sheet of paper. The one with the most correct answers wins.

    My son and I played together. At the end we exchanged sheets, I invited him to check my answers, and I checked his. But not from memory, but by counting the number of crosses in each. Thus, Alexander could easily see what the numbers were made of. This is similar to counting shells, where in case of doubt, you can count the crosses during execution.

    Photo enlarges when clicked

    Game two

    Almost all children love Lego, but is there a mathematical game with it to develop creative thinking and attentiveness? Yes! If you were wondering how easy it is to learn the multiplication tables for a child who loves Lego, then the answer is waiting for you here!

    We will need:

    • Lego blocks of different calibers;
    • stands for construction;
    • pens;
    • small sheets of paper.

    The process allows you to have a visual model and, if necessary, recalculate points. You can have a competition here too. Don't think this is unfair to your student. Better think that by watching your actions, he will quickly learn to do like you, and then better than you.

    So, we propose to draw up on the given board greatest number examples. They can be absolutely anything. Some children will want to stay in the “comfort zone” and will make them up from small details. Another will deliberately want to show that he can work with large numbers. After laying the blocks, you need to write examples and answers on prepared pieces of paper. The one who finishes first, and most importantly, counts correctly, wins.

    Alexander fell in love with this activity, it is not surprising; I wrote about our buildings separately. After playing several times, we came to the conclusion that optimal time spending 10 minutes, a kitchen clock with an alarm clock helped us control it. As soon as the bell rings, you need to stop. Thus, it is calculated how many options each person has, how many of them are correct, and the winner is selected. As before, I invite my son to check my answers, and I check his.

    Photo enlarges when clicked

    Game three

    The fight is between two players, each of whom tries to close the “field”.

    We will need:

    • A sheet of paper in a box;
    • Zarika cubes;
    • 2 different colors of markers or ballpoint pens.

    Game conditions

    1. The first player throws zariki. Those numbers that fell out must be multiplied together. For example, the dice stopped at 4 and 5, the player draws a set of 4 by 5 cells on paper. That is, he “takes” the cells with his felt-tip pen color and writes the example 4x5=20 inside.
    2. Now it’s the opponent’s turn, he does the same from the opposite end of the sheet.
    3. Subsequent moves have a rule: each subsequent example must touch at least one side of another example of the same player. If he uses, for example, the color red, then he attaches his “lands” only to it.
    4. When there is little space left and amounts that do not fit into the remaining space appear, the move is skipped.
    5. The first one to fill all their space wins.

    So if you are wondering how to help your child learn the multiplication tables, this entertainment will help you. It also includes elements of competition. In the end, many moves are actually skipped, when, for example, there is one free cell left and only 1x1 is suitable.

    Game four

    These are already serious actions, albeit in a playful form. The advantages are that you can prepare cards with the right numbers as you study. It’s easy to make them yourself by drawing a sheet.

    We will need:

    • Chips - I have transparent dies from . You can use buttons, circles of colored paper or any other suitable material;
    • cards with numbers, I laminated them because they were played many times;
    • Zarika cubes.

    Game conditions

    Players are given 10 chips, each of them must have their own color. A card with numbers that are obtained by multiplication is placed in the middle of the table. I did it until 12, i.e. Each number from 2 to 10 was multiplied by 12.

    1. The first player rolls the dice, adds the resulting numbers together and multiplies, for example, by 3. He places his chip on the result obtained.
    2. The opponent throws, repeating the action. If his piece should go to the place occupied by his opponent, he throws it away and places his own.
    3. If either player hits the number twice, he places a chip on top of his own, thus blocking the spot. The opponent can no longer throw it away.
    4. If a number is rolled that is blocked, he misses his turn. In this case, it does not matter whether he blocked it himself or his opponent.
    5. Whoever is left without chips wins.

    Fifth game

    Make this set for skill training, relatively simple.

    You will need:

    • Ice cream sticks;
    • black and red felt-tip pens;
    • sheet of paper;
    • container along the length of the sticks.

    Write various examples no answers at the base of each stick. For every 10-15 – one word BOOM! I like to put 30-40 examples and 3-4 words BOOM.

    You can easily adapt this activity to any level by simply changing the numbers. I prepared this lesson last, practically for skill training. The actions are made up from 2 to 9, multiplied by a number from 3 to 15. The photo shows the first batch with small numbers. You can make one jar for 2-6, another for 7-10 and, if desired, 11-15. So, insert the prepared material “face down” so that the children do not see what is written on it.

    Game conditions

    1. The first player draws a stick. If there is an example written on it, he reads it and then provides an answer. If it is correct, the child keeps the trophy. If it is not correct, he must return it to the container.
    2. Players continue in a circle, answering the questions drawn.
    3. As soon as one of the players takes out BOOM!, all of his accumulated trophies are returned to the container. This may seem drastic, but it happens often, so everyone playing will get BOOM at some point!
    4. The process can take a very long time because eventually someone will put all the sticks back down! If you want there to be a winner and the children not to get tired, or just to be able to finish without whims, then it’s better to get a kitchen clock. By winding them up for 15-20 minutes, for example, we count the sticks after the alarm rings and the winner is the one who has the most.


    Are you planning to learn fractions with your child? A bunch of smart guys have released an excellent game called Delissimo. It can be played from the age of 6, but if you include it in your leisure time at home, the student primary classes definitely won’t have any problems solving examples with fractions. Look in Labyrinth And Ozone. The video below explains the rules and levels of the game.

    If your kids are adventurous and want even more math board fun, visit where she provides printable game cards.


    Dear parents. I tried to show you the whole process, from start to finish, how easy it is to learn the multiplication tables for a child. I prefer the idea of ​​not memorizing numbers and quickly getting an A in the diary, but of guiding the child’s brain through a systematic understanding of what an example consists of, in what ways the answer can be calculated. After all, our children will soon enter higher mathematics, and you won’t get there with just cramming. If you know or have used other games to teach your child the multiplication tables, please share with me in the comments. In order not to lose the article, you can save it on social networks using the buttons below. Check out.

    It would seem that what could be simpler than the multiplication table, which we all mastered at school? But if in the past it was studied in the fifth grade, then modern program assumes that by the third grade the student should already know it “by heart.” I don’t know how things are with this issue in other schools, but in the one where my first-grader studies, the multiplication table is homework for the summer holidays after finishing second grade. It is quite possible to cope with this task in three months, but summer means relaxation, sea, travel, walks from morning until night. Remember preparing for the exam session during your own student life. When did you diligently prepare for the exam? For most students, it’s several days, or even nights, before hour X. Be that as it may, it doesn’t hurt to know how to teach a child to multiply using simple and effective hints. I’ll note right away that I already made my first attempts to introduce my first-grader to the Pythagorean table, but in vain. His brain is not yet ready to perceive this information. But the benefit of the attempt is obvious - I found many useful Internet pages in my computer bookmarks that will be useful to me in the future.

    The importance of pre-preparation

    On the Internet to help parents of students primary school There is a huge variety of tablets, cards, games, interactive programs and videos that cover in detail the question of how to teach a child to multiply. But the fact is that each student needs an individual approach, so the effectiveness of the methods will have to be tested experimentally. In my case, anything related to studying on a computer is welcome)).

    First of all, the child must thoroughly understand what the essence of such an action as multiplication is. Of course, schoolchildren who are mastering the Pythagorean table already know what elementary arithmetic operations are, that is, addition and subtraction. These concepts are the basis for understanding the principles of multiplication. I won’t explain how to teach a child the addition table, but if he understands that 3x4 means that the number 3 was added four times (3+3+3+3), then there will be much less difficulty.

    The most common option for studying the basics of multiplication is a table in which the numbers from 1 to 10 are arranged horizontally and vertically, and at their intersection the number obtained by multiplying one number by the second is written. You can download it on the Internet or create it yourself. I liked this one:

    The authors of the method recommend starting to study the tablet from the first and last columns, that is, multiplying by 1 and 10. With the first, everything is very clear: we multiply any number by 1 and nothing changes. When multiplying by 10, we simply add a zero to the number. For a child, this approach will serve as motivation, because the table, which, at first glance, seems incomprehensible and frightening, “gives in” so easily to him! This lesson is quite simple, so you can immediately introduce the student to the second column - multiplication by 2. There should be no problems with this either, because multiplication by 2 is the usual addition of two identical numbers, and a second grader can cope with such a task without difficulty.

    But next stage It cannot be called elementary. Starting from the third column (multiplication by 3), it is necessary to explain to the child the law of commutativity. This frightening word means nothing more than what we all know: “the sum does not change by changing the places of the terms (in our case, the factors). You should show the child a pattern that can be seen in the table - repetition of numbers in columns and rows with identical numbers(line 3 duplicates column 3, line 4 duplicates column 4, etc.)

    We remember purposefully

    After mastering basic multiplication techniques, it’s time to include games based on memorization, associations, repetition, and test problems into the process. Teachers strongly do not recommend teaching the table “randomly”. You should start with “small” numbers so that the student can always visually verify the correctness of the solution on his fingers.

    Starting from the fourth row of the table (multiplying by 4), you can connect special cards. On a subconscious level, the child remembers what is shown in the picture. In the end, the multiplication table should turn into a purely mechanical process without any thought or reflection. Some parents practice learning the multiplication tables using rhyming lines. The child remembers short couplets or quatrains in a playful way, but useful information reliably “imprinted” in the head. Multiplying by 5 is simple - the product will always be a number ending in a zero (even) or a five (odd).

    I thought that I was the only one who had difficulty multiplying by 6, 7, 8 and 9 at one time (why, even now I need a timeout “to think”), but it turned out that almost all children face a similar problem. The task is simplified by the fact that, thanks to the law of commutativity, a child who has learned a tablet up to the fifth line has already mastered most of it. In general, there are only 36 combinations, and there are only 6 left to learn. It is to them that you will have to devote most of your time, patience and effort. Teachers recommend bringing the memorization of the examples presented below to complete automaticity:

    Alternative Methods for Learning Multiplication Tables

    For some children, visual information is more important than auditory information. If your child is one of these, you can replace the table proposed above with objects that are convenient to count. These could be nuts, buttons, cars, counting sticks, etc. By laying out “piles” on the table, the child will be able to clearly see what happens when one “pillar” is connected to others containing a similar number of objects.

    Universal anatomical abacus are fingers. They can be used not only for addition and subtraction, but also for multiplication. For example, multiplication by 9 on hands is demonstrated perfectly. Assign each finger of both hands serial number from left to right, bend the finger corresponding to the number by which we multiply 9, and then count the fingers before and after the indicated one. These two digits will be the two-digit number you need to find.

    There are many video tutorials on the Internet that explain how to multiply all the numbers by each other on your hands.

    The era of digital technology and electronics plays into our hands if we need to consolidate or improve our multiplication tables. There are special simulators and network games, which captivate the child into the world of numbers. In a playful way, bright characters explain how to teach a child division, multiplication, addition and subtraction tables. This is exactly the case when computer games are useful for everyone. Of course, in doses, because no one has canceled the negative impact of monitor radiation on a child’s eyes. And let everything around be plastered with bright posters so that the memorization process occurs without the child’s explicit participation.

    The abundance of simple and quite realistic techniques, tested on many schoolchildren, I must admit, inspired me. Now it’s not so scary to think about what will soon happen to me and my son.