• Is it possible to bypass the transport tax or pay less? Is it possible to bypass the work experience requirements?

    For many decades, people have been interested only from a theoretical point of view whether it is possible to deceive a polygraph and what is the easiest way to do this. After all, the data from this study are no longer accepted in courts, due to the low accuracy of the final result.

    This sweet lie

    All people lie. This quote has been attributed to many real and fictional character, but no one argues with its truth. Each of us lied before and will repeat this experience if necessary. Or if an opportunity just presents itself.

    Thanks to lies you can:

    • Convince everyone that you are right;
    • Remove suspicions of some “dark” matter;
    • Make an impression on the people around you;
    • Force a person to do exactly what you want.

    Lying gives wide scope for manipulations of various kinds, which is why people dislike lies so much. Nobody wants to be fooled, especially when it comes to well-being. Therefore, a person caught in a lie for a long time receives the stigma of a person with whom it is better not to deal.

    A good memory and faith in your own words allows you to avoid exposure, but for this you need to train for years in order to tell any fiction with a confident face.

    For some professions, deceit is an indispensable trait; the same politicians tell the truth less often than they see purple lobsters flying across the sky.

    Is it possible to fool a polygraph?

    But catching your interlocutor in a lie is not so difficult, especially if you have extensive experience communicating with liars. For thousands of years, people used only intuition until they developed technical options solving the problem.

    In this video, Timur Markov will tell you whether it is possible to outwit a polygraph, what methods and techniques exist:

    Today everyone knows about the existence of a polygraph (“lie detector”), because it is:

    1. A mechanical device capable of detecting any changes in human behavior;
    2. A universal tool for determining whether a person is lying or not;
    3. Breakthrough in social sphere, no one can now lie with impunity;
    4. One of the options for resolving legal disputes.

    And only the first point has anything in common with reality. All the rest are complete fiction. According to research, Polygraph accuracy ranges from 70-85%. The numbers are good, but it turns out that per thousand checked there are up to 300 erroneous results.

    Just imagine if data from a lie detector were used in judicial practice - how many innocent people would receive real sentences? It is better to remain silent about acquitted criminals.

    Deceive a complex mechanism quite realistic:

    • Constant training is required;
    • The task will be greatly simplified with low qualifications of the polygraph operator;
    • It is possible to use medications to distort the final results;
    • The power of persuasion will serve you well.

    Refusal to take a lie detector test

    Today you may encounter polygraph tests:

    1. When applying for a job in a large corporation;
    2. During voluntary participation in the experiment;
    3. When trying to resolve a conflict situation;
    4. Simply arguing with friends about your ability to deceive the device.

    In any case, a person is left with a certain “personal space”, an area into which he doesn’t want to let other people in at all. And the testing specialist himself may not be very correct - asking inappropriate or even provocative questions. And some people simply have something to hide.

    Everyone has the right to their secrets and their inviolability, which is why everyone who wants to deceive the detector or refuses to take the test should not be considered a bad person.

    Unwillingness to be tested perceived negatively, but an attempt to distort the final results is another lie that the subject tried so hard to get rid of.

    Perhaps you should:

    • Talk to the person in person;
    • Explain the situation to him and tell him the truth;
    • Give most of the truth, hiding the rest;
    • Solve the issue without involving “miracles of technology” in the problem.

    This is a half-measure that will satisfy each side. No one will win, but no one will lose or be subjected to humiliating interrogation.

    How to bypass a polygraph?

    You can increase your chances of “getting away with it” by using pharmacology:

    1. Drugs, reducing blood pressure , distort the body’s response to stress and help fool the polygraph;
    2. Sedatives will lead to emotional dulling and inadequate response to external stimuli;
    3. Alcohol will radically change the indicators on the “lie detector” screen.

    Detecting such a forgery is not at all difficult. Even without a blood test, it is easy to identify a person who is drunk or under the influence of psychotropic substances. In any serious organization this option definitely won't work.

    There is also a point with the treatment of the skin - so that the sensors cannot accurately record changes in the body. It is recommended to treat the surface of your hands with alcohol, talcum powder, special deodorants and cosmetic creams. But all this washes off after washing your hands and does not last for several hours, so the option also disappears.

    You can add to this list a needle or sharp stone in shoes. Theoretically, by pressing and hurting yourself with completely innocent questions, you can deceive the polygraph, but in practice, an experienced specialist will detect the deception after just a couple of questions.

    How to fool a polygraph?

    To change your results you need to understand the principle of operation of the device:

    • Initially, a person is asked completely innocent questions in order to understand how he reacts in a calm state;
    • Gradually they begin to add more complex and provocative ones in order to “excite” the respondent a little;
    • Observe how the human body reacts during truthful and false answers;
    • After the control block they move on to the main one;
    • They ask questions directly about the matter of interest, diluting them with less significant ones.

    Therefore there are only two options:

    1. Cause an excessively violent reaction when responding to test questions;
    2. Believe your own lies and force the body to react adequately to it.

    You can change your reaction by solving complex problems in your mind or remembering some exciting moments from your life. Everything else is the power of persuasion and good acting.

    Only, it is not the outside observer who should believe in the veracity of his thoughts, but you yourself.

    We spoil the statistics for the “lie detector”

    Polygraph is not an extremely accurate instrument able to tell whether a person is lying or not. It misfires in every third case, which is an unacceptable error for statistics.

    Errors are not always associated with deliberate attempts to fool the detector. But you can distort the final data if you really want to:

    • Before passing, you need to start convincing yourself that the words spoken are true;
    • You can take acting lessons;
    • It’s better to screw yourself up as much as possible;
    • Not getting enough sleep for a few days before testing will also change your performance slightly;
    • Active attempts to solve in the mind complex examples or memories from the past will also affect the final result.

    But it’s better to choose one thing - lie selflessly or artificially try to change your reaction to test questions.

    In the 20th century, people were more often faced with the question of whether it is possible to fool a polygraph and how to do it without preparation. Today, no court will make its decision based solely on the results of this study.

    Video tutorial: how to fool a lie detector

    In this video, psychologist Vasily Sychev will talk about three secret methods of the special services that can help bypass the polygraph and give incorrect results:

    Drunk driving and drunk driving are strictly prosecuted and severely punished. Up to the deprivation of a driver's license and large monetary sanctions. But, despite strict rules and laws, numerous violations in this regard are very common.

    Most drivers, fully confident in their inviolability of attention and adequacy of driving, want to find out whether it is possible to fool the breathalyzer. Such methods exist, but before you learn about them, remember that even when driving after a minimum dose of alcohol, you are risking both your life and the well-being of other road users and pedestrians.

    The only way to bypass a breathalyzer test is to not drink alcohol before traveling.

    Those who like to drink alcohol and drive drunk are sure that any test device can be fooled. According to their logic, if a certain device is created by a person, then it is not perfect and there will always be a couple of tricks to take advantage of its possible shortcomings.

    To understand whether it is even possible, if not to deceive, then at least to reduce the performance of a breathalyzer, you should know its structure and the characteristics of the human body.

    While feverishly looking for a suitable method of fraud and thinking about how to bypass a breathalyzer, know one holy truth - the modern tester used by traffic police inspectors cannot be fooled. The cheaper the meter, the easier it is to cheat it. For example:

    • do not blow air into it, but make only the appearance of this process;
    • tightly cover the mouthpiece hole with your tongue and puff out your cheeks vigorously.

    Operating principle of the breathalyzer

    Patrol officers use specialized test systems equipped with automatic air intake. Therefore, the number with the image of a diligent “blow” will not work. The devices simply will not work and will not give a signal to take material for analysis.

    How the tester works

    When a person breathes heavily into the mouthpiece, air is taken in. It enters a special chamber, which evaporates air masses. The resulting vapors are analyzed by a special built-in device that reacts to alcohol molecules and “counts” them. The analyzer will only react to alcohol molecules, so it is not possible to deceive it with any other smell.

    The breathalyzer uses various sounds to indicate that the device is ready for analysis, that material has been successfully collected for research, and that the permissible amount of alcohol molecules in the air being analyzed is exceeded.

    So what to do, how to fool a breathalyzer with a hangover? In fact, this can be done, but under the condition that a certain amount of time has passed after taking the intoxicating drink. The fact is that after drinking, alcohol remains in the oral cavity for some time and when air is taken in, it is the air that is filled with alcohol molecules that enters the device.

    How does ethyl alcohol work in the body?

    And after some time, ethanol will begin to be actively absorbed through the gastric mucosa into the bloodstream. At this time, the ethanol molecules in the lungs already enter the tester. The time during which ethyl alcohol is processed is different for all people and it depends on the personal nuances of the state of the body.

    On average, you can falsify test results 10-20 minutes after drinking. Then the oral cavity is already clean, but ethanol has not yet had time to get into the blood. But such success is extremely rare. After all, the process of absorbing alcohol is completely different and guess exact time almost impossible.

    So how can you fool a breathalyzer at work, at a checkpoint, or during an inspection by a corrosive inspector? Experienced drivers, who often return home tipsy from fun get-togethers, claim that there are such methods. So, what can help you avoid severe punishment? And how? Choose best method and debunk established myths.

    Vegetable oil

    Good quality vegetable oil envelops the oral cavity and the walls of the gastrointestinal tract with a thin film and effectively prevents the absorption of ethanol for some time. It is worth using it if you have to return home immediately after drinking (in small quantities), and the whole journey will take up to 20 minutes.

    But if a hangover has already developed, it will not be possible to fool the tester with oil. This product will help quickly remove the remaining ethanol from the body, but will not have any effect on the tester readings - after all, the alcohol will already have time to be absorbed into the body.

    Coffee beans

    Or dark natural chocolate. True, they will only help to cover up the smell of alcohol and will not give the inspector any reason to doubt your sobriety. Moreover, they will slightly increase your tone, because coffee and chocolate have a stimulating effect on nervous system. Here we can only hope that if the patrolman slows down, he will not smell the smell and will not offer to undergo a check.

    Fragrant spices

    Bay leaf, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon. Especially onions and garlic. Such potions will completely remove any additional smell, but in return they will create a powerful amber. Yes, one that will certainly arouse an unhealthy interest in the patrolman and a strong desire to test the “fragrant” driver with a breathalyzer. IN in this case It’s best to leave all of the above products for the kitchen. They can play a disservice when communicating with a traffic police inspector.

    How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

    Sweets and lollipops

    The positive effect of delicious candies, mints and chewing gum can only be achieved by trying to hide the alcoholic spirit. Yes, but the device will not react to goodies, but it will successfully count alcohol molecules and even in more than it should be.

    Sweet candies and chewing gum can increase your alcohol level. After all, these goodies activate the work of intestinal bacteria, which the body produces to process food. Accordingly, the rate of absorption of alcohol will increase.

    Therefore, these sweets can increase tester readings by 0.3-0.4 ppm, thereby worsening the overall result. So this advice also turns out to be a “sweet” myth, and even potentially harmful.


    But this is where advice really comes into play. These drugs from the Antipolitsay series are intended to quickly relieve hangover syndrome and accelerate the removal of alcohol metabolites from the body. By the way, the effect of these funds is quite long-lasting. If you use these drugs strictly according to the instructions, then a day after drinking, the measurement tester can already show the person’s complete sobriety. But not before.

    The breathalyzer cannot be fooled, the most effective way- don't drink alcohol

    Tobacco products

    Is it possible to drown out the spirit of alcohol by smoking heavily, as some drivers advise to do? Unfortunately, you will have to forget about smoking in order to deceive the breathalyzer. The fact is that nicotinic acid only enhances and accelerates the process of ethanol absorption, which leads to even greater intoxication of a person.

    Yes and appearance a smoker after an alcoholic libation looks far from his best. Such a person will in any way make the patrol inspector doubt the person’s sober state. And even if the device shows sobriety, meticulous inspectors can send a drunkard-smoker for a medical examination.

    Drivers do not have the right to refuse a medical examination. In case of resistance and refusal to undergo medical treatment. inspection, the violator faces a fine and confiscation of his license.

    Fatty foods

    It is known and already proven that eating heavy, fatty, filling foods inhibits the absorption of ethanol. At the same time, intoxication occurs unnoticed and delicately for a person, and does not fall with dizzying speed if drinking occurs on an empty stomach.

    This time you can fool the tester, but on the condition that after taking a small amount of alcohol, you eat it with a fatty, rich snack and immediately go home. This time is enough not to get drunk along the way and not give the ppm readings. This effect is similar in effect to vegetable malo.


    Well, where is the promised way to deceive the tester’s measurements of the level of intoxication with a 100% guarantee? After all, we do not rush back after the first glass of alcohol, hastily washing down the alcohol with vegetable oil and snacking on fatty foods, chewing on the bad amber with chocolate. What's the rush when the holiday is just beginning?

    There is a method that is guaranteed to protect the driver from problems with a patrol inspector after drunken get-togethers. This means drinking tea, healthy juices, compotes instead of alcohol. Then no tester will suspect you of drinking alcohol.

    The most guaranteed method is not to drive while drunk or with a hangover. By doing this, you will not only save your precious driver’s license, but also protect the health of both yourself and other road users.

    Illustration copyright Getty Image caption At the first stage of a police investigation, devices help identify suspects

    Is it easy to outsmart a polygraph? The reviewer decided to try it.

    “The polygraph is not a toy,” Eran Gazit, co-founder of the Institute of Polygraphic Testing, warned me when I called him to ask him to take the test for an article. “It only works if you have a vested interest in the results, if you have something to lose,” work, family, freedom."

    Yet I came here to talk with Eran's father, Mordi Gazit, who worked for ten years in the Israeli police polygraph testing service and then opened his own polygraph testing organization in Tel Aviv.

    I also came to try to fool the polygraph.

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    That's how I found myself in a comfortable chair with two straps on my chest, metal devices on my fingers and a pulse blood pressure monitor on my wrist.

    The wires from my gear are connected to a box that resembles a cable modem, which immediately sends the data to Mordy's laptop.

    In many countries, polygraph test results are not accepted as evidence, but authorities have found other uses for them.

    The polygraph, which is often called a lie detector, works on the principle of measuring physiological changes in the human body using indicators such as breathing rate, pulse, blood pressure and the galvanic reaction of the skin, which refers to its electrical properties.

    Other methods include tracking changes in pupillary response and brain activity using functional MRI.

    In the United States and most European countries, polygraph test results are not admissible as evidence in criminal court. However, the authorities found another use for them.

    In the UK, the polygraph is used as part of the supervision of released and suspended persons who have committed serious sex crimes, and the results of testing have resulted in dozens of people being returned to prison.

    Illustration copyright Getty Image caption In 10-15% of cases, the results of the polygraph test are erroneous

    In the United States, candidates for work in the CIA and other government departments take a lie detector test.

    Walt Goodson, president of the American Polygraph Association and a 25-year veteran of the Texas State Police, explains the role these devices play in police investigations.

    "They are very useful in identifying the main suspects. It is very simple and quick way: based on the results of the test, a decision is made on whether the person should be hired into development or whether other suspects should be looked for."

    And providing assistance in attempts to deceive the polygraph, as it turned out, can have serious legal consequences.

    A former Oklahoma City police officer was recently sentenced to two years in prison for counseling undercover federal agents who told him they wanted to cover up crimes they had committed.

    Attempted deception

    But can an untrained person like me outsmart a polygraph examiner?

    As soon as I met Mordi, I immediately felt as if I was in the company of a representative of government agencies.

    It is immediately clear that the 69-year-old polygraph examiner has a wealth of experience. He behaved very professionally, spoke confidently and, looking me straight in the eyes, asked to see my press ID.

    Typically, polygraph examiners use a set of significant and insignificant questions when testing.

    It suddenly occurred to me that even if I managed to deceive the device, this man would still see through me.

    I immediately became worried, as if I could be caught doing something I didn’t do.

    Later I learned that this behavior of the tester is also part of the test.

    Typically, polygraph examiners use a set of significant ("Did you rob a bank?") and insignificant questions ("Have you ever taken something that belonged to you?") when testing.

    Since it is impossible to answer “no” to insignificant questions without lying at least partly, it is assumed that the physiological response to insignificant questions can serve as a base value.

    Illustration copyright Getty Image caption One sign that a person is lying is sweating that he cannot control.

    The point is to determine a person's bodily reaction to lying in the absence of stress - this helps the polygraph operator determine with more confidence that a person is lying under stress than if the readings of the device were compared with the reaction to obvious questions (for example, "Are you a man?" ").

    According to George Maschke, who has run the website antipolygraph.org since 2000, in order to fool a polygraph, you need to recognize the test questions and strengthen your response to them.

    It is quite possible to outsmart novice polygraph examiners, but it is more difficult with experienced specialists

    “When asked a test question like ‘Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?’, you can try to solve a complex math problem in your head as quickly as possible.”

    “This kind of mental activity usually leads to increased sweating, increased breathing, and so on,” he says. “If your reaction to the control questions is stronger than to the significant ones, you will pass the test.”

    As Goodson says, it's quite possible to outsmart novice polygraph examiners, but it's more difficult to outwit experienced ones.

    “It is not difficult to change the physiological reactions of the human body; opponents of polygraph tests have created many sites with which you can learn how to do this. However, they will not help change those physiological reactions that a polygraph examiner perceives as a natural answer to a question within the testing framework,” he warns.

    “When the subject tries to change or control the body's normal response, the data is distorted, and a polygraph operator trained to detect such unnatural physiological responses can easily notice this.”

    Illustration copyright SPL Image caption Typically, polygraph test results are not accepted as evidence in court.

    Some scientists are also concerned that if the machine malfunctions, it will produce more false positives (meaning innocent people might mistakenly fail the test) than false negatives (meaning guilty people might mistakenly take the test).

    Purity of experience

    This phenomenon was mentioned in a report by the British Psychological Society (2004) on the reliability of polygraphic test results.

    Goodson warns that some people may fail the test by telling the truth because they are trying too hard to control their bodily reactions.

    In approximately 15% of cases, the results of tests based on comparative questions were incorrect

    "The literature suggests that when truthful people try to change their physiological parameters in the hope that it will help them pass a test, many of them are identified as cheaters," he says.

    Many experts are also concerned that the theory underlying the polygraph itself is erroneous, since the physiological reaction is not necessarily associated with the provision of false information.

    According to a 2011 meta-analysis conducted by the American Polygraph Association, test scores based on comparative questions were incorrect about 15 percent of the time.

    However, the type of test I'm about to take is more reliable and a little more difficult for liars. Since I'm taking a test to write an article, Mordy has come up with a way for me to test the system in practice without any comparative questions.

    He asked me to write a number from one to seven on a piece of paper and explained that he would monitor my body’s reaction to attempts to lie about each number, as if I had not written it.

    Illustration copyright SPL Image caption The heart rate changes when a person is faced with a complex task that requires mental effort.

    This is a simplified version of the culpable knowledge test used in the investigation of known crimes.

    The operator provides specific information, both crime-related and non-crime-related, to the possible suspect to test his reaction to the relevant information.

    Take, for example, a bank robbery. You can tell the person the stolen amount in a series of other numbers, or show the original ransom note slipped to the teller, along with other notes written by police officers.

    Although Maschke argues that this test can also be cheated, according to the British Psychological Society, scientists consider the Guilty Knowledge Test to be theoretically more reliable and less controversial than the comparative question strategy.

    According to a 2011 meta-analysis conducted by the American Polygraph Association, the error rate for this type of testing was closer to 10%.

    In general, the method is by no means ideal - but it worked for me. I failed miserably.

    Below is a graph of my physiological reactions. I wonder if you will be able to discover where I lied?

    Illustration copyright Gazit Polygraph Institute

    (Legend: Time is indicated on the X-axis. Yellow columns indicate each of the questions, starting with number four, then two, six, and so on. Blue lines - respiratory rate. Red line - pressure and pulse. Thin black line - body movements. Thick black line line - galvanic reaction of the skin).

    If you look at the thick black line in particular, it's easy to tell that I lied about the number six. And Mordi noticed it too.

    Let's be honest: for many of us, our work computer is a little island of home outside of the home. This is probably only fair, considering that our home computer often a branch office outside the office. So in between writing reports and thinking about spreadsheets with calculations, we use our work computers for our personal lives. We buy groceries for our birthday, watch funny clips on YouTube and chat with friends via ICQ or email.

    And very often, some things are easier to do with consumer technology than with often clunky enterprise technology - just compare Gmail with a corporate mailbox.

    This raises one problem: our employers are unhappy with our behavior in the workplace. Partly because they want us to work in the workplace. And partly they are afraid that what we are doing jeopardizes the company's internal networks. That's why they ask the IT department to prohibit us from dragging our personal life from home to work.

    So, is the fairy tale over? Well no, not so fast. To find out if it's possible to get around the IT department's restrictions, we turned to network experts for advice. Namely, we asked them to find the top 10 secrets that people from the IT department are hiding from us. For example, how to access a blocked site without leaving a trace, or how to chat in real time without downloading a prohibited program.

    However, to keep things fair, we also reached out to security experts to find out what we're risking by doing these workarounds.

    For tips on hacking, we turned to Gina Trapani, editor of the online guide to productive use of the network Lifehacker.com, Leon Ho, editor of the blog Lifehack.org, and Mark Frauenfelder, founder of the blog BoingBoing.net and editor of Make magazine, which provides technology advice. in a do-it-yourself format.

    To assess the risks, we spoke to three experts who make their living helping IT departments write rules and track down bad actors who want to break them. This is John Pironti, chief strategist information threats Amsterdam-based consulting firm Getronics, specialist in information security Mark Lowbel of PricewaterhouseCoopers; and Craig Shmugar, a threat specialist at security software company McAfee.

    So here are 10 secrets your IT department is hiding from you, the dangers associated with them, and tips on how to protect yourself and avoid losing your job when you put them into practice.

    1. How to send giant files

    Problem: We all need to send from time to time large files, from presentation slides to vacation photos. But if you're sending anything larger than a few megabytes, you risk receiving a message that says you're over your company's limit.

    Companies may limit the amount of data their employees can send by mail for one simple reason: they want to avoid overloading their servers, which will slow them down. And approaching management with a request to increase your limit on sent files can be a very tedious process.

    Workaround maneuver: Use online services like YouSendIt, SendThisFile or DropSend, which allow you to send large files—sometimes up to several gigabits—for free. To use their services, you usually need to register by providing personal information such as your name and email address. You can then enter the recipient's email address and a message for him or her, and the site will give you instructions on how to download the file. In most cases, a link is sent to the recipient's address, following which he can download the file.

    Risk: Since these service sites send your files over the Internet, they are beyond the control of the company. This makes it easier for wily hackers to intercept these files in transit.

    How to protect yourself: Some of these sites have a better reputation than others. For example, YouSendIt - new company, which is run by the former head of Adobe Systems and is funded by well-known venture capital firms. Other such sites offer little information about themselves and are therefore more likely to create security holes that hackers can exploit to steal your information.

    If the owners of a site are not obvious, there are other benchmarks by which to evaluate it. Look for safety icons - in Internet Explorer This icon looks like a small padlock at the bottom of the screen - which means that this site uses an encryption system to protect the privacy of information from visitors.

    2. How to use software, which your company prohibits you from downloading

    Problem: Many companies require employees to get permission from the IT department before downloading software. However, this can be problematic if you want to download a program that the IT guys have blacklisted.

    Workaround maneuver: There are two easy ways to solve this problem: find an alternative to this program on the Internet or bring the program to external media.

    The first method is easier. Let's say your company doesn't allow you to download the popular real-time chat program AOL Instant Messenger. You can still communicate with your friends and colleagues using an online version of the program called AIM Express (AIM.com/aimexpress.adp). Google also has a real-time communication service, Google Talk, available at Google.com/talk. Such programs as music players and video games also have their own Internet versions - usually they are somewhat stripped down compared to the original programs.

    The second approach to solving the problem is more complex, but with its help you get access to that very program on your computer. All three of our experts named the company Rare Ideas LLC (RareIdeas.com), which offers free versions of popular programs such as Firefox and OpenOffice. You can download programs on portable devices, for example, on an iPod or on a flash drive, through the Portable Apps service (PortableApps.com). After that, you connect this device to your work computer and you're done. (True, if your company prohibits the use external devices, consider yourself unlucky.)

    Risk: The use of online services may place undue strain on company resources. And programs on external media create a security risk. IT people prefer to keep control over the software used by employees so that if a virus or other problem occurs, they can easily fix it. If you bring programs with you, the degree of control over them is reduced.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that some less secure programs, especially file-sharing programs, may contain spyware.

    How to protect yourself: If you bring the program on external media, Lowbell says, at least change the settings antivirus program on your work computer so that it scans your device for potential threats. This is easy to do by going to the “settings” or “options” menu. Likewise, if you use file sharing services, configure them so that others cannot access your files, also through “settings” or “options”.

    3. How to access sites blocked by your company

    Problem: Companies often restrict their employees' access to certain sites, ranging from the truly obscene (porn sites) and the likely not-so-scrupulous (gambling sites) to the practically innocent (email sites).

    Workaround maneuver: Even if your company does not allow you to access these sites by entering their address in top line, you can sometimes still get to them in a roundabout way. You go to a site called a "proxy" and type in search bar the Internet address you need. Then the proxy site goes to the site you need and gives you its image - this way you can see it without going to it directly. For example, Proxy.org serves more than 4 thousand proxy sites.

    Frauenfelder and Trapani suggest another way to achieve the same result: use Google Translate and ask it to translate the site name from English to English. Just enter the following text: "Google.com/translate?langpair=en|en&u=www.blockedsite.com", replacing "blockedsite.com" with the address of the site you need. Google essentially acts as a proxy server, finding the mirror site for you.

    Risk: If you use a proxy site to view email or YouTube videos, the main danger is that you will be caught by your superiors. But there are also more serious security threats. Sometimes Internet bad guys buy website addresses that are a letter or two different from popular sites and use them to infect visitors' computers with viruses, Lowbell warns. Often companies block these sites too - but if you use a proxy, you will be defenseless against them.

    How to protect yourself: Don't make using proxy sites a habit. Use this method only to access certain sites that your company has closed access to in order to improve productivity - for example, YouTube. And be more careful with spelling.

    4. How to cover your tracks on a corporate laptop

    Problem: If you use a company-owned laptop to work from home, it's likely that you use it for personal purposes: organizing family vacations, buying books to read on the beach, compiling online photo albums, and so on. Many companies reserve the right to track everything you do on that computer because it is technically the property of the company. What will happen if... uh... your friend accidentally wanders onto a porn site or searches on the Internet for a cure for some shameful disease?

    Workaround maneuver: Latest versions Internet browsers Explorer and Firefox allow you to cover your tracks. In IE7, select Tools, then Delete Browsing History. Here you can either erase your entire browsing history by selecting Delete All, or select multiple links that you want to erase. In Firefox, simply press Ctrl-Shift-Del or click on Clear Private Data in the Tools menu.

    Risk: Even if you clear your history, surfing the Internet freely still puts you at risk. You could unintentionally pick up spyware on a shady site or create legal problems for your boss with your behavior. If you get caught, best case scenario you are in danger of an awkward situation, and in the worst case, you risk losing your job.

    How to protect yourself: Clean up your personal data as often as possible. Better yet, don't use your work computer for anything you wouldn't want your boss to know about.

    5. How to find work documents from home

    Problem: You finish your work late at night or on the weekend - but the document you need remains on the office computer.

    Workaround maneuver: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and IAC/InterActiveCorp offer software for quick search documents on the computer desktop. In addition, some of them allow you to search from one computer for documents saved on the desktop of another. How does this work? The search engine company stores copies of your documents on its server. This way it can scan these copies when you search remotely.

    To use Google's software - one of the most popular - you need to follow these steps. First, set up a Google account on both machines by visiting Google.com/accounts. (Be sure to use the same account on both computers.)

    Then go to Desktop.Google.com and download desktop search software. When it is installed, again on both machines, click on Desktop Preferences, then on Google Account Features. Check the box next to the phrase Search Across Computers. From this point on, all documents you open on both computers are copied to Google servers, which will allow you to find them from both computers.

    Risk: Enterprise technology professionals imagine a catastrophic scenario: You've stored highly sensitive financial information on your work computer. We installed a program to access these files from our personal laptop. And then the laptop got lost. Ay-ay-ay.

    In addition, experts found in Google program to search computers for vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to trick a user into giving them access to files, says McAfee's Shmugar. (Those problem areas have since been fixed, but there may be others, he says.)

    How to protect yourself: If you have files on your work computer that should never be shared publicly, ask system administrator from IT to help you install Google Desktop in a way that avoids leaks.

    6. How to store work files online

    Problem: In addition to desktop searches, most people who often have to work from home have found their own solution. They save work files on portable devices or on the company network, from where they later retrieve them remotely. But portable devices can be too bulky, and communication with working network can be slow and unreliable.

    Workaround maneuver: Use online storage services such as Box.net, Streamload or AOL's Xdrive. Most of them offer free storage of one to five gigabytes of information, and charge a few dollars per month for a package with additional storage. Another guerrilla method is to send yourself these files to your personal email, such as Gmail or Hotmail.

    Risk: Bad guys could steal your password for one of these sites and steal copies of your company's sensitive materials.

    How to protect yourself: When you are about to save a particular file on the Internet, ask yourself what will happen if it becomes widely available or falls into the hands of the head of a company that is your main competitor. If nothing bad happens, then continue.

    Problem: Many companies have the ability to track emails employees both at their work address and at other email addresses, as well as communication via ICQ.

    Workaround maneuver: When you send emails from your personal email box or from work email, you can encrypt them so that only the recipient can read them. IN Microsoft Outlook Click on Tools, then Options and select the Security line.

    Here you can enter a password, and no one will be able to open the letter without knowing this password. (You must, of course, give this password to the people for whom these letters are intended in advance.)

    For personal correspondence using Internet mail services, use Frauenfelder's advice. When you check your email, add an s after "http" in the address bar of your email site - for example, https://www.Gmail.com. This way you will start a secure session and no one will be able to track your emails. However, not all web services support this.

    To encode your communications in real time, use Cerulean Studios' Trillian service, which works with AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and other real-time chat programs and helps you encode your conversations so that no one else can read them.

    Risk: The main reason companies monitor employee emails is to catch those who transmit confidential information. By resorting to all of the above tricks, you can provoke a false alarm and make it difficult for IT department employees to deal with a real threat.

    How to protect yourself: Use the methods described only occasionally, and do not use them by default.

    8. How to get remote access to work email if your company doesn’t want to go broke on a PDA

    Problem: Anyone who doesn't have a PDA knows the feeling: you go to a restaurant for lunch or a beer after work, and everyone reaches into their pockets for their PDAs, and you're the only one forced to dangle a glass in your hand.

    Workaround maneuver: You too can stay in touch with your work email using a variety of mobile devices. Simply set up your work email so that emails are forwarded to your personal email address.

    In Microsoft Outlook, you can do this by right-clicking on any email, selecting "Create Rule" and asking that all emails be forwarded to another address. Then set up your cell phone to check your email using the instructions from your ISP (the company that sends you your phone bills).

    Risk: Now hackers can hack not only your computer, but also your phone.

    How to protect yourself: There is a "correct" way to access work email using various personal mobile devices by obtaining the password and other information from the IT department.

    9. How to access personal mail from a work PDA

    Problem: If your company provided you with a PDA, you're probably facing the opposite problem. You want to check your personal email as easily as your work email.

    Workaround maneuver: Pay attention to the "Settings" section of your personal mailbox and make sure that you have POP activated ( postal protocol), used to receive mail through other addresses. Then go to your BlackBerry PDA service provider's website. Click on the "Profile" button, find the Email Accounts section there (" mailboxes") and select Other Email Accounts. Then click on Add Account and enter information about your personal email address. Now your personal mail will arrive in the same place as corporate mail.

    Risk: Your company probably uses an arsenal of security tools to combat viruses and spyware. When you receive personal email on your BlackBerry, it bypasses these security barriers. That means spyware or viruses could get into your PDA through your personal email, says McAfee's Shmugar.

    What's worse, he says, when you plug your BlackBerry into your work computer, there's a chance that spyware will transfer to your hard drive.

    How to protect yourself: Cross your fingers and trust that your ISP email does everything it can to protect against viruses and spyware (it probably does).

    10. How to pretend you're working

    Problem: You're busy doing a vital Internet search when suddenly your boss appears behind you. What are your actions?

    Workaround maneuver: Quickly press Alt-Tab to minimize one window (like the one you're exploring on ESPN.com) and open another (preparing for today's presentation).

    Risk: The good news is that there is no threat to the company's security.

    How to protect yourself: Get to work.

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    On Friday, July 21, the State Duma, in its final third reading, adopted a law banning anonymizers - the name given to servers that can be used to bypass the blocking of prohibited sites. This means that VPN services and anonymous Tor network, which help Russians remain “invisible” on the Internet. According to Leonid Levin, who heads the Duma Committee on information policy, information technology and communications, this step will help strengthen security within the country and resolve the issue of user identification.

    What will be the consequences for users? We asked you to talk about this Sergei Polovnikova, analyst at Content Review agency.

    This is a law that is, in principle, difficult to implement, says the expert. - Because anonymizing is just one (by no means the most basic) application of VPN technology. This opportunity, when a special dedicated channel is established between two points, is primarily used by companies. That is, this is a corporate story. Moreover, if it is banned, then amendments will have to be immediately adopted to exclude liability for the use of the anonymizer by government agencies. Because all government agencies, including law enforcement, financial departments, etc. - everyone often uses VPN because they need a secure communication channel. Therefore, banning the very concept of a VPN is the same as passing a law that prohibits the sun from shining. In principle, it is clear that legislators are trying to achieve a good goal: to protect users from accidentally accessing extremist resources. But for this there is already a tool developed by Roskomnadzor - this is site blocking. Trust me when we talk about ordinary users, then this tool is more than enough. Because ordinary people don't know how to use VPN. And now the situation is the opposite, as with the Telegram messenger. Do you remember the story of how Roskomnadzor also tried to ban it, and as a result, Telegram became the most popular messenger in the country. Now officials will teach how to handle VPN technology even novice users. By the way, those who really want to get to a prohibited site will bypass any blocking. Therefore, in my opinion, the law will not work, even if it is adopted and signed.

    - It’s already accepted!

    The State Duma adopted this in the third reading. Further, if I understand correctly, the bill must be approved by the Federation Council and signed by the president. And the president has advisers who understand that this law was written by amateurs. Unfortunately, our legislators are very poorly versed in this area and do not keep up with the development of new technologies.

    - Is it possible to bypass the ban?

    Technically, it is impossible to block the technology itself, because then everything will stop. But they may block certain Internet services that provide this VPN for money. Again, understand that establishing a VPN connection between two points is a standard function of any operating system. You can even do this on a smartphone. Therefore, I have no idea how they are going to block this.


    VPN - (from the English Virtual Private Network - virtual private network) the name of technologies that allow one or more network connections over another network, such as the Internet.