• How to find wholesale buyers and clients. First time: How a new company can find clients

    Actively searching for customers is task number one for most companies interested in a constant influx of new customers and increasing sales.

    What methods of attracting customers are currently the most effective? How and where to look for clients? How to speed up and facilitate the search, and most importantly, make it truly effective?

    Three ways to actively search for clients

    Today companies use different methods searching for new customers. As an example, here are the three most common ways to attract potential consumers.

    All clients are at your fingertips.
    Manage your customer relationships with an affordable cloud CRM system!

    2. Attracting promising clients based on recommendations given by current clients. When looking for new clients, don’t forget about existing ones. The so-called “word of mouth” works great. As a rule, a client satisfied with the transaction will certainly recommend the company’s services or products to his friends, relatives, and business partners.

    Put the search on stream

    Today traditional ways searching for clients, based on constant waste of time traveling, distributing information materials and cold calling is gradually fading into the background. Currently receiving more and more attention automated systems to find clients.

    An example is web technology. Having created your online presence in the form of a business card website, corporate resource, promotional site or online store, the company can search for customers in the wilds world wide web. If the resource is made with high quality, filled with relevant and useful information, - new consumers will not have to wait long. However, you will also need to regularly invest in promoting and increasing the popularity of the created resource in order to ensure its full functioning.

    Successful search for clients depends on many factors. It matters how unique, original, and most importantly relevant your proposal is. If everything is in perfect order, clients will appear immediately, but if the competition is high, you will have to use your imagination, show ingenuity and a creative approach to resolving the issue. Company employees also play a major role in actively attracting customers. The effectiveness of the search largely depends on how effectively they communicate with potential buyers and how responsibly they approach their responsibilities.

    You have found clients. What's next?

    The long-awaited moment has arrived: the client has been found, time has not been wasted. But what to do next, how to develop relationships, communicate correctly and establish long-term cooperation? This is not an easy question, because finding a client is difficult, but losing one can be quick and easy.

    It is important to show the importance of the client for the company, however, moderation is needed in everything. Having felt that the company is holding on to the client, he can begin to take advantage of it. Provide your client with support and assistance when he really needs you. This will show the quality of service and the high level of professionalism of the company, and will strengthen the client’s confidence in the correctness of his choice.

    Finally, the main thing is, do not violate your obligations under any circumstances, provide for the client high level service throughout the entire period of cooperation, which will be the best indicator of your competence, openness and integrity, desire to conduct business cleanly and without risks.


    Search for wholesale clients

    Where to find wholesale clients? This question arises before businessmen quite often. There are many options where you can find your client. Both wholesale buyer and retail buyer. Knowing where wholesale customers sit has always been a goldmine for entrepreneurs. Let's list the minimum possibilities where you can find your clients:

    • avito bulletin board site
    • various forums on the Internet where potential customers are looking for your products
    • TV advertising
    • post a video with your proposal on YouTube
    • place a banner on a portal with your target audience, etc.

    And that's not all the possibilities. Personally, I know more than 100 ways to attract clients, but I don’t use them all. Because for me there are no more than 10 really effective tools, I will talk about one of them below.

    Where does a children's clothing wholesaler look for clients?

    One of my clients is a children's clothing wholesaler. He works in Belarus, and clients come to him from all over the CIS and all over Russia. And a very stormy stream. How does he do it? Everything is quite simple. Contextual advertising in Yandex and Google brings a clothing seller dozens of customers a day for wholesale orders with an average receipt per transaction of 800,000 rubles. Businessmen often try to find new clients, but with us everything is much simpler. It’s our clients who are looking for us, and we are always there for them.

    How to search for wholesale clients in Yandex?

    Every day people search for various services and products on Yandex. How does this happen? Man enters search bar Yandex request of a commercial nature, for example: buy potatoes wholesale in Minsk. Next, websites appear in front of him where these potatoes are sold. Contextual advertising allows us to be on the first lines of Yandex for the queries that we choose ourselves. This tool is not easy, not everyone can master it. Although now every dog ​​says that they set up this very advertisement. Be careful here, it’s better to consult me ​​on this matter by calling 8−499−346−68−15. The Yandex advertising I'm talking about is called Yandex Direct. If you want to make money and get hundreds of new clients, then call my office and my guys will tell you in detail how to launch this source buyers.

    How do I know if my wholesale clients are looking for me?

    To answer this question, you will need to go to the site http://wordstat.yandex.ru, this site shows how many people searched for the word you write per month. Let's try to type the phrase “children's clothing wholesale” (without quotes) there. Here is our result 65,129 impressions per month. Well, not bad. Even with great competition, we can easily get our wholesale customers. Especially if they are professionals. Write your results in the comments. I will answer you whether it is possible to receive clients with this number in a month or not. See you soon.

    If you need to receive more than 30 clients per month, then call our office by phone

    How can a sales manager look for new clients? This question often arises for both beginners and experienced managers exploring a new region or territory.

    Portrait of a potential client

    Before you start looking for clients, you need to create a portrait of interesting business partners. Assess the most promising industries, identify market leaders by region and country, study the market situation, and identify weaknesses. This preparatory work helps answer the following questions:

    • Who are the clients?
    • Where can a sales manager look for clients geographically?
    • What is the situation in the industry as a whole?
    • What is the client interested in?
    • How does he currently solve the problems whose solutions are supposed to be proposed?
    • Which companies are your competing suppliers?

    Having collected all necessary information, you can create a portrait of a potential client who needs or may be interested in the product/service that the sales manager represents on the market.

    Once the client profile has been determined, you can proceed directly to finding an answer to the question of how to look for clients for a sales manager.

    The simplest method for understanding how to find potential clients for a sales manager is to review your existing client base, study interaction history and successful sales, volumes and features of the offer. Based on this data, you can find companies similar in industry, volume and potential purchases, and contact them with an offer, based on the successful experience of completed projects. This makes it possible to conclude quick deals and growth of the customer base.

    The second successful and in an effective way searching for new clients is to receive recommendations from existing clients with whom relationships have been established and communication has been built.

    There are several ways to find clients for a sales manager using recommendations:

      Personal meeting. You can ask for recommendations and contacts of possible clients who need or might benefit from the proposed solution at a personal meeting with regular clients. People love to give advice and help, feeling like experts. At the right approach this method can be very effective.

      Phone call. By asking an existing client to make a preliminary call to a potential partner of interest, you can most likely count on a meeting and subsequent sale. A call from a recommender increases your credibility and becomes a good springboard for successful communication.

    Visiting exhibitions and thematic events

    An effective way to find clients is to attend industry exhibitions and thematic events. How to properly look for clients for a sales manager at exhibitions and public events? The goal may be to get to know the company, establish personal contact with employees of the organization of interest, or arrange a personal meeting. It is very important to analyze the information received and work out possible “warm” contacts as soon as possible, without delay. You should write a letter confirming your acquaintance. In the letter, it is worth recalling the place of communication, perhaps citing the words of the interlocutor, clarifying intentions to continue acquaintance and emphasizing the possibilities of mutually beneficial cooperation.

    Attending thematic events - good opportunity for networking. Meeting the right people, building communication, exchanging opinions is the path to sales. The ability to make the right impression, be open to dialogue, and demonstrate an expert position in the topic that the sales manager represents will come in handy here. You should avoid front-line sales, intrusiveness, and displays of neediness. Self-esteem, coupled with communication skills and good product knowledge, is the key to successful commercial communication. It is important to be sincerely interested in the state of affairs of new acquaintances, to identify or formulate needs, and to ask the right questions.

    Cold calling

    A proven way to find new clients is to cold call companies of interest that fit the description of the client’s profile.

    How can a sales manager find clients using cold calls? A cold calling algorithm might look like this:

    • find the person making the decision on the desired issue;
    • call;
    • clarify information, ask questions, obtain necessary data;
    • sell the opportunity and idea of ​​cooperation;
    • arrange a meeting;
    • prepare preliminary commercial offer, based on data obtained during a telephone conversation.

    Many companies have implemented agreed-upon telephone sales scripts. If the company's rules allow, then it is necessary to give calls the right emotional connotation, disposing the interlocutors to communication and partnership.

    When working on cold calls, such qualities as punctuality, the ability to hear the interlocutor, and ask questions are important. It is necessary to clearly understand the purpose of the call: introduction, appointment, sending preliminary information by fax or e-mail.

    Conversion of cold calls depends on the ability to overcome barriers, work with customer objections and speak the language of benefits. Competent speech, a pleasant voice, and a pace of communication that is comfortable for the interlocutor will help build a dialogue and find a new client.

    Searching for clients on the Internet

    How can a sales manager look for clients on the Internet, how effective is it?

    Searching for potential clients on the Internet can be done in several ways:

    • Active participation in specialized forums with posting information about the product/service and demonstrating an expert position.
    • Posting information about the company in social networks.
    • Using bulletin boards and thematic aggregators.

    Social media

    Using social networks to find clients is by far one of the most effective and reliable ways to find clients on the Internet. Depending on the specifics of the business and the target audience, a social network is selected. Let's consider target audience by example Facebook networks. The audience is young people (18-24) and the middle age group (24-45+), aimed at establishing business contacts and searching for information for self-development.

    Here you can most often make acquaintances with new clients. An advanced search makes it possible to find people of interest. The fact that people indicate their place of work makes the task easier.

    Many large companies create official pages, where you can get acquainted with the specifics of the company’s work, employees, problems and news. Social networks are a source of information for analysis and search the right people and establishing communications for further sales in a segment of interest to the business.

    Forums and message boards

    Studying and actively participating in specialized Internet forums helps you analyze the work of your competitors and add advantages that are truly important to your clients into your unique commercial offer. As a rule, on such resources, clients and suppliers share industry news, opinions about products and services, and discuss pressing issues. In addition to new acquaintances and necessary contacts, here you can actively promote your company, taking into account reviews of other suppliers, emphasizing the profitability of your offer and product/service.

    There are paid and free bulletin boards on the Internet. They differ in territorial coverage and sectoral focus. By creating a small sales proposal with contact details, you can ensure passive lead generation without attracting additional funds. The sales manager can indicate his contact phone number and receive applications directly, ensuring that your plan is met.

    When you become well known in your business, clients will constantly come to you instead of having to look for them. When there is a lot of work, there will not be much need to try to sell your services.

    But what to do if you're just starting out? Before clients start calling, there may be problems with what to do all day. This is the perfect time to make your presence known.

    Don't focus on freelancing sites

    If you have nothing to do all day, it can be tempting to browse freelancing sites like eLance, Guru or Freelancer. I mean, there's a ton of clients offering work there, right?

    In reality, such sites can create a lot of problems for freelancers and should therefore be approached with caution. Hours spent on sites, participating in competitions and low (sometimes too low) pay compared to the real cost. It is much better to spend this time promoting your name.

    Lights up everywhere and always

    The reason clients started finding me was because I seemed to be wherever they were all the time. I left comments on the blogs they visited. Then I started writing for these blogs. I tweeted helpful articles and advice throughout the day and started tweeting own blog with unique articles.

    People often ask me how I manage to be online so much. In fact, I'm often offline after work or on weekends, but I still tweet. My Twitter account connected to Facebook, my website, LinkedIn and several other social networks, so it seems like I'm always and everywhere. This way the client will remember you, consider you an expert and apply for the job.

    Optimize your portfolio

    I have many interests and hobbies. When I created my first portfolio website, I posted everything I did there: print design, web design, logos, layout, photographs and drawings. The funny thing is that I didn't get any work, although I had a lot of talents. The clients couldn't understand what I was doing. Now I have a simple portfolio with the best projects in one area - layout. And clients can tell exactly what I do.

    Write, write, write and write again!

    Clients want to know they are being taken care of by the best in the business. If they had to choose between a freelancer they've never heard of and one who's written on several popular blogs and published a book, who do you think they'll consider an expert?

    You don't have to write a book, but blogging is a fantastic way to get your name out there. Most sites will even pay for articles - and this great way for additional income.

    Old Fashioned Marketing

    Social media won't make you rich or solve all your marketing problems. Sometimes a little good old-fashioned marketing can be the best source of new clients.
    • Job boards - Job board sites are different from freelancing sites because they only contain brief description companies and what they want to do. Such clients are often willing to pay fair money than on freelancing sites.
    • Cold emails - Best source clients in the first days we sent them cold letters. I simply Googled the type of client I needed and sent them a pre-prepared proposal. I still get orders from this even though I stopped sending emails over a year ago.
    • Personal Networking - I know most of us freelancers are hermits, but attending events is a great way to find local clients. Conferences like Barcamp and Podcamp are simply fun to attend and networking with other freelancers is invaluable.

    Finding clients from RSS feeds

    On most social sites you can subscribe to RSS feeds and they can be super helpful for finding new clients.

    For example, if you go to Twitter and search for “looking for freelancer,” what messages will be displayed? What other phrases might be useful for finding clients?

    You'll see an RSS button for every search you make on Twitter, so it's a good idea to subscribe to them to keep track of your potential clients' posts.

    In addition, almost all message boards usually have mailing lists. By subscribing to them, you will save valuable time, never miss useful messages and will not have to visit different sites every day.

    Tell everyone what you do

    When you're just starting out, let everyone you know know what you're doing. Chances are that someone knows someone who needs your services. So be sure to let everyone know you're in business.

    Post information about yourself wherever you can

    There are literally thousands of sites that will allow you to post your name and a link to their site. It's not only good practice exchanging links for SEO, this also brings us back to the idea of ​​shining everywhere. Here are some ideas:
    • CSS Galleries

    Why are there jobs for beginners when there are professionals?

    — Beginning specialists charge less than professionals.
    - Customers with small projects and small budgets often turn to newcomers. They pay little, but they are also willing to take risks.
    - Newcomers are more open and ready to learn, they have more enthusiasm, and they approach their work more responsibly.
    - Often, novice specialists can do the work more professionally, since everything changes very quickly on the Internet, and they have the most up-to-date knowledge.

    First customer: how to find a customer, even if you are still a beginner?

    1. Publics: “Cerebro”, “Smshchiki”, “Internet marketing from A to Z”, etc.

    2. Acquaintances and friends. As it turned out, one of the most effective ways. Think carefully about all your friends - most likely, among them there are business owners who may need your services.

    3. Employers and partners from previous work. When a person leaves his job, he often stops communicating with former employers, but in vain - among them may be your potential customers.

    4. Forums for entrepreneurs. Search for any entrepreneur forums (business forums, startup forums, forums for restaurant owners/builders, forums in your city, etc.). Register, find topics in your area of ​​expertise and answer questions there. T How will you secure your status as an expert?, And customers will begin to turn to you for services.

    5. Online exchanges: fl.ru, freelance.ru, work at home (Facebook community), Startup Woman, mama lancer (LJ). The method is not very working. There are a lot of freeloaders on freelance exchanges who want, like, 1000 subscribers for 500 rubles. or website for 1000 rubles. good money You can’t raise money on the freelance exchange. I myself started with freelance exchanges, and if you are completely new and without a portfolio, then you need to write 50 letters a day to get an order.

    6. Write on your pages on social networks that you are looking for a customer. Among your friends and subscribers, there may well be those who need a specialist for the project. And it will be even better if you design your profile on social networks in a representative manner. And you will begin publish your cases and achievements. This will help a lot, If set up promotional posts for your case. For example, you promoted a beauty salon and drive traffic to all beauty salon owners.

    7. Organizations/companies whose services you use. These could be online stores where you buy goods, or the authors of newsletters that you subscribe to, or the presenters of trainings that you took.

    9. Companies that send you invitations to groups. But it must be taken into account that they are probably have a small budget times use free way promotion. It is better to choose companies that are already investing in advertising. But, nevertheless, the method works, especially for beginners.

    10. Companies that host contextual advertising. Enter a topic that interests you in the search and write to those companies that appeared in the advertising block. This method is one of the most popular from contextual advertising specialists.

    11. Targeting (and retargeting) on ​​VKontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki. The same - enter the topic you would like to work with, write to the owner of the business or company.

    12. Companies that advertise on Avito. In the advertisements you can see that the advertisement is given by a company or store, and not an individual. Tested Avito, it didn't work out. Clients do not understand the adequate price of the proposed project.

    13. Inactive groups or groups with a small number of publications. In the VKontakte search, enter a topic that interests you, look for inactive groups and write to their owners, offer your services.

    Business groups in social networks are groups on the topic of business, the participants of which are business owners or those who are planning to become one.

    15. Instagram - hashtags. Write in the search something in the style of #furniturenovosibirsk, #beauty salonirkutsk. There will be many accounts of companies and stores that You can write. Besides, You can offer your services to people who promote themselves through Instagram- photographers, stylists, etc.

    Advice: sign your photo with the hashtag #city (#Moscow, #Khabarovsk, etc.). They will start knocking on your door companies and stores from your city.

    16. DoubleGIS (2GIS) - electronic catalog organizations combined with a city map. Not good effective way. On April 6, I opened an individual entrepreneur, registered there, within 2 months not a single proposal.

    17. I tried it recently new way. I joined a group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/364545523718021/ there are a lot of entrepreneurs in it and they are looking for contractors. If you look at the posts, then you can find clients there.

    Https://www.facebook.com/groups/targetads/ I recently joined here, left my resume, one the client wrote, I wrote to another directly, started working with them.

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/tendering/ there are good vacancies here.

    19. Write your case studies on projects and publish them in large SMM publics. You will be noticed immediately clients will contact you.

    Expert commentary in major marketing communities.

    Advice: Don’t try all the ways to find customers at once. Choose 1-2 methods, but use them to the fullest. More likely, more ways and won't be needed.

    How to make the customer choose you?

    - Be honest. Say it straight out you are a beginner, Take the course at the Remote Workers Training Center. Tell us about the experience and reputation of the training center of the remote employee training center, and that the work on the project will be supervised by an experienced trainer-practitioner.
    - Rest assured. Here You will receive the necessary knowledge and support, Don’t lose face in front of the customer. Your work will be checked at every stage, but it will not be done for you.
    - Be generous. Give your customer a free consultation and generously share information - the customer will appreciate it.

    How much to ask?

    Even if you are a beginner, don't take the job for free. Appreciate your work - and your customers will appreciate you. It's better to ask for a little than nothing at all. Raising the price tag from 0 to 5000 is harder than, for example, from 2000 to 5000.

    And you shouldn’t negotiate terms when the customer pays you an advertising budget, and you work for him for it free or for a percentage of sales. Nothing good will come of this.

    How and to whom do customers refer other customers?

    - Customers prefer to recommend those specialists, which are not only perform their work efficiently, but also love their clients, they love what they do, and are ready to hurt themselves so that the client feels good.
    - Customers recommend specialists who know their topic “excellently” and can on it advise. If you have a favorite topic (for example, yoga) and have already worked with it, share the results and useful features with other entrepreneurs and from the same sphere. Them Your experience may be very useful, they will turn to you for cooperation, and also will recommend to colleagues from related fields, which can also apply your advice (for example, fitness, legal centers).
    - Make a portfolio with screenshots of projects and a graph showing the growth dynamics of group members, as well as describing the results in numbers. This way, customers will see that You are a serious specialist and are ready to be responsible for the results of their work. Collect certificates and video reviews from clients. Certificates with seals give a lot of confidence.