• MTS how to find out the debt on a personal account. Debt on MTS personal account - what to do

    MTS is one of the largest cellular operators, providing services in absolutely all regions Russian Federation. Its customer base numbers more than 70 million people, each of whom has their own personal account in the MTS payment system. Today we will take a closer look at how to find out the debt on MTS. Moreover, we will touch not only personal debt personal account, but also by the phone number of another MTS subscriber.

    A personal account is assigned to all clients who have entered into an agreement for the provision of services with MTS. It is a subscriber identifier that allows you to take into account the volume of communication services provided, as well as monitor receipts and expenditures cash contributed towards payment for these services.

    When a debt arises on a personal account, MTS sends an SMS message to the client about the need to repay it. However, it is often ignored because the combination of numbers does not correspond to the phone number.

    It is worth noting that even if an MTS subscriber changes the phone number on which the debt arose, information about it will be available on the personal account. Therefore, messages of this nature should not be ignored. You need to find out the MTS debt on your personal account as quickly as possible and pay it off.

    How to find out the amount of debt

    There are several ways to find out the status personal account MTS. Subscribers can do this at any time of the day, either independently or with the help of specialists from their cellular provider.

    So, MTS has provided the following services:

    • USSD request;
    • call center;
    • Internet services.

    Let's take a closer look at each proposed option.

    Using USSD request

    Perhaps this is the easiest and quick way, probably familiar to all MTS subscribers. It consists of sending a special short command*100# Call key. In response, you will almost immediately receive a message containing information about the balance of the phone number from which the request was sent. Also, the requested information may simply appear on the gadget’s screen.

    Note that using the above command it will not be possible to check the debt on MTS with mobile devices, supporting only Latin characters. You will need to enter a slightly modified combination in the form #100# Call key.

    If the To option is activated on the phone number full confidence, the command will look like *100*3# Call. For the Latin alphabet, as in the previous case, the * symbol must be replaced with #.

    There is no charge for sending USSD requests anywhere in the territory home network not while roaming.

    Using a call center

    In order to clarify the MTS debt on your personal account, you can call the customer support service at 8 800 250 08 90 (from mobile devices you just need to dial 0890).

    Please note that in order to obtain the necessary information you may need to provide your passport details.

    This method is very convenient when you need to clarify the details of the debt. However, it will take some time to contact the operator. Sometimes you have to wait more than 5 minutes for a response.

    How to find out via the Internet

    Using the Internet, you can check the debt on MTS in two ways.

    Firstly, the service is available on the official website in the subscriber’s personal account. To access it, you must go through the registration procedure and then log in to the system. For authorization, a special link is used, which is sent to the address email subscriber

    Balance information in your personal account is displayed along with your phone number.

    The second way to find out the debt on MTS via the Internet requires installing the provider’s application. You can download it completely free of charge, and the installation procedure itself will take very little time. The only condition is that the device must support 2G, 3G or 4G Internet communication formats. By the way, it's called this application My MTS.

    In addition to the above methods, the following method will allow you to find out the debt on MTS: personally contacting any office of the company. The operator will provide all the information you need after presenting an identification document.

    This option is most optimal when the subscriber has any additional questions regarding the debt or does not agree with it. In the latter case, it is appropriate to write a claim for consideration by competent employees.

    It is worth noting that a personal appeal, as a rule, takes a lot of time, so it is better to find out the MTS debt on a personal account via the Internet or the customer support service.

    How to check the debt of another number

    All the algorithms described above allow you to check the balance of your personal account. However, situations often arise when it is necessary to find out the debt on the MTS of another number. Oddly enough, the operator’s offers here are limited to only two services: Friend’s Balance and Child under control.

    Service Friend's Balance

    Until 2015, you could use the Balance of another subscriber option. It easily made it possible to find out the MTS debt of another number by adding it to the list of favorites. But, unfortunately, the service is not provided at this time.

    Today there is a similar product called Friend Balance, but it is only available on the Mayak tariff plan. It is enough to enter the code *140*phone# Call, and the client will receive all necessary information.

    However, not everyone can use this option, since you can check the debt on the MTS of another number only with the permission of its owner. To do this, send the command *111*442# Call from the phone number of the subscriber whose balance is to be checked. All further actions are carried out in accordance with the prompts received.

    Service Child under supervision

    The main purpose of this MTS option is for parents to monitor their children remotely. The service makes it possible to find out at any time via the Internet where the child is, what applications he uses, what his phone balance is, and whether there is any debt on his personal account.

    The fee for using the service is 100 rubles per month. To connect it, you need to register on the MTS Internet Search website.


    To summarize, I would like to recommend that subscribers periodically check their debt on MTS. As a rule, timely control of the account status allows you to eliminate the appearance of a negative balance and not be left without cellular communications at the right time. And the MTS company, taking care of its customers, offers various options for implementing such control. Which one to choose depends only on the subscriber himself and his capabilities.

    Everyone knows what their own finances are, when they can be deposited in the bank and how to use them later. Something similar is observed in the coverage area mobile operators. If the subscriber is under the cover of MTS, then he must have a personal account. It is this aspect of subscriber life that is worth talking about in more detail.

    Each person must control the turnover of their own monetary units so that they are spent wisely and there is enough in the account for everything. It's because of this inside cellular network Each subscriber is the owner of an individual balance. The MTS personal account is an excellent section for displaying information about the client’s expenses and replenishments, the presence of debt on tariffs and other useful consumer information.

    You can not only check it to find out the latest data, but also supplement it with various accessible ways. It is about this unique client account that we need to talk in a little more detail.

    Basic USSD commands for consumers

    MTS personal account is a kind of personal client space. The operator makes it possible to check information about the balance of a subscriber’s personal account not only using your number, but also when you need to find out current information about the balance of friends. The basic command units that everyone should be very familiar with, specifically related to the topics presented, are as follows:

    • standard check information - *100# and pressing the call button;
    • clarification of data with moments of complete detail - *100*3# ;
    • the process of replenishing or returning debt is carried out using a standard city terminal;
    • All actions to log in to your MTS personal account have a chance to be performed through the World Wide Web.

    Information comes to the client in the form of a standard SMS message, which he receives after sending a request using the specified commands, if the balance can be checked or topped up.

    Replenishment and actions through your personal account

    Having learned what an MTS personal account is, each consumer gets the chance to log in there and detail the data regarding the balance, tariff plans, another set of special promotional offers. If you need to perform a test installation or something else, it is worth visiting personal account. This is done according to this principle:

    • visit the official website mobile company V global network Internet;
    • log in using your own cell number and personal data;
    • go to the section for visualizing information, replenishing or performing some other operations;
    • perform the required action on the account when replenishing.

    To top up an MTS personal account, a person should go to the city terminal and then he will be able to repay the debt or simply add funds to the balance. On the terminal you need to select a specific item indicating own number phone and simply complete the transaction.

    To find out mobile data regarding another network client, a person should simply indicate his mobile phone in one of the request options and within a couple of minutes the data will be received. It is possible to carry out such control at any time of the day, doing this using one of the proposed command combinations.