• Setting up Firefox Sync: complete instructions. How to set up data synchronization in Mozilla Firefox

    Firefox sync is a seamless and flexible process that lets you access your bookmarks, settings, passwords, tabs, history, and browser add-ons from any computer or mobile device. You can synchronize both all categories without exception, as well as individual selected categories. If, for example, you do not save passwords in a cache, then there is no need to synchronize them. This procedure has its own characteristics, and we will talk about them in this article.

    Preparing to sync Firefox

    So, let's say you have created many tabs in Firefox, and would like to sync them with a remote cloud server so that you can access them from another computer. How to do this?

    Open the Firefox browser and go to the settings page. To do this, press the button with three horizontal lines in the right top corner and select the “Log in to synchronization” section.

    An alternative way is to select the “Settings” option in the menu and in the form that opens, go to the “Synchronization” category.

    As a result of such simple manipulations, a Firefox synchronization form will appear in front of you. Then there may be 2 options:

    - if you already have an account Firefox entry, then you can connect to it and immediately synchronize everything essential elements;

    — if you haven’t created an account yet, you should register and create one.

    Let's focus on the second option, since most likely you have not carried out any synchronization before, and everything needs to start from scratch.

    How to create a Firefox account?

    In appropriate open window click the “Create” button account».

    The service registration form appears Firefox Sync. Enter the name of your email box, come up with a password to log into the service and indicate your age in the field below. When all the data has been entered, click the “Create account” button at the bottom of the screen.

    The next form we will encounter is a window for selecting synchronized elements. Make the necessary marks and click on the “Save parameters” button.

    If everything went well, a message will appear indicating successful registration and the ability to use Firefox services Sync. To log into the service and check the settings, click on the “Synchronization Settings” button.

    In the form that opens, you can check that your computer is connected to your Firefox account, and the checked items are automatically synchronized on it.

    In addition to selecting items to synchronize, we find the functions of changing the password and changing the display name and deleting an account if necessary to be very useful and relevant. To use these features, click the “Account Management” button to the right of your account name.

    To disconnect from the service, you must use the “Disconnect” button. In this case, Firefox synchronization will stop, and changes on your local machine will not be transferred to the remote server.

    This operation must be confirmed.

    How to enable synchronization if you no longer need to register?

    Let's assume that you completed the registration step earlier, and now you just need to log into the prepared account. How to do this?

    Go to the “Synchronization” section of the options menu and click the “Login” button here.

    Appears standard window login to your account. Enter your username and password, and you're done—Firefox synchronization is back in effect.

    If, while disconnecting from Firefox Sync, you added any of the bookmarks, deleted some, and moved some to another location, 10 seconds after connecting to the service everything will return to its place and you will receive the same prepared set that was configured before the moment you disconnect from Firefox Sync.

    How to synchronize Firefox installed on a smartphone?

    Mobile devices can also access all bookmarks, history, tabs and other attributes of the most powerful modern Firefox browser stored on the server. To do this, launch the Firefox web navigator on your phone and tap on the call button context menu on the left and select the “Options” section in the menu that appears.

    Next, the already familiar account login form appears. We create new account, or we enter one already prepared in advance. To log into a ready-made account, select the option “Already have an account? Login" below.

    This concludes our instructions. We have dotted all the i’s in an attempt to tell you in detail what Firefox synchronization is, how it works and how to use it. We hope that the material described will help you understand in detail all the nuances of this process, and you will enjoy the convenience and comfort of working with this amazing high-speed browser.

    Transfer Firefox profile may usually be required when reinstalling Windows or the need to get a browser on a new device with the same settings as on source computer or laptop. Built-in Firefox synchronization can significantly help in this matter - developers from Mozilla allow you to transfer settings from one system to another in a few clicks. Today we will look at both transferring by copying a profile and setting up automatic browser synchronization.

    Automatic synchronization: Firefox Sync.

    Copy settings, bookmarks etc. The Firefox browser can “out of the box”, i.e. You don’t have to install anything additional, register on any third party services(relative to Mozilla), etc. Everything is quite simple and can be done in a couple of steps. You still have to go through one registration - on the official service " Firefox Sync" To do this, select the “Tools” menu item “ Set up synchronization" If you have problems with English– then we recommend downloading and installing the Russian version of Firefox, and not tormenting yourself in the throes of translation. After completing this action, you will see the “Firefox Sync” welcome window with only one button – “Start”. Click it.

    Next, the automatic Firefox synchronization will prompt you to register - now is the time to do it. The procedure for creating an account is very simple and should not cause any difficulties. After confirming your e-mail address, you can select the items you want sync between devices. This procedure is carried out once. There's no need to sign up from every device - you've just created yourself a single Firefox Sync account.

    After registering in the menu " Tools" instead of the item " Set up synchronization"You will see the item " Synchronization" Usually there is no need to press it manually - the system periodically automatic mode performs this action. Now it's time to turn to the second device with which you need to sync browser settings. If it does not have this browser, then you must first.

    On the second and subsequent devices, you must select the same “Tools” item – “ Set up synchronization", but instead of creating a new account, click under the button " Registration" to the link " Already have an account? Login " In this case, you will be asked for the E-Mail (to which you “linked” your Firefox Sync account) and the password that was created during registration. After entering, click " Login».

    After completing these steps synchronization of browser settings and add-ons usually starts automatically, but if this does not happen, select “ Synchronize" in the menu " Tools" Depending on the amount of data being transferred and the speed of your Internet connection, the time required to transfer browser settings may vary, but usually takes a few seconds. Personally, after starting the process, I wait 10-15 seconds and restart Firefox. After this, most of the browser settings that were made on the first device - from which it was registered - are usually applied.

    Later, when adding a new Bookmarks in Firefox or remembering a new password - the same data will be available on all devices with Mozilla Firefox associated with your account. Automatic synchronization can be very useful when active use several devices: work computer, home computer, laptop and tablet... They will all have identical bookmarks, saved passwords,…

    Why is synchronization needed?

    For example, while on the road, you found several interesting articles on the Internet, but carefully study them in at the moment there is no possibility (or necessity). You add site pages to browser bookmarks on a laptop, and they automatically are synchronized with your Firefox Sync account. Upon arrival home, you just need to launch the Firefox browser on your home computer (automatic synchronization will occur) and among the bookmarks you will find links to those that interested you along the way Internet pages! You don't even need to take your laptop out of your bag! The second example is the complete cloning of browser settings on a new device: did you replace your laptop, computer, tablet or smartphone? – After synchronization the browser will accept the same parameters as on older devices!

    Transfer Firefox: How to copy Firefox profile manually?

    Automatic synchronization described in the first part of the article helps in most cases, but some settings yet sometimes they are not tolerated and remain untouched. A situation may arise when you need to pick up your Firefox profile on flash drive or any other way other than on-line synchronization. In this case, everything is simpler than with automatic synchronization Firefox Sync. To copy the Firefox profile and all the settings you just need to know - where firefox stores settings... The answer is simple - in ordinary files on the disk. You can find out the path to the profile folder in 4 clicks: “I’ll draw it for you now”...

    When you click on the “Open folder” button in the “Profile folder” field, a window will open Windows Explorer, which will contain your files Firefox profile . All you need to do is copy them all to a flash drive. After that, open in the same way profile folder on another device (where you transfer or copy the settings) and copy the profile files from the flash drive there (with replacement). After restarting the browser, you will see your usual Firefox, which was used on the original computer or laptop. With this method of profile transfer all parameters are guaranteed to be transferred both the browser itself and all installed Firefox add-ons.

    I continue the series of articles about setting up synchronization of settings, bookmarks, passwords and other data in different browsers with your account. This allows you to log into the same browser under the same account on different devices and your bookmarks, passwords and other data will be loaded everywhere, which is very convenient!

    We have already discussed how to do this in Google Chrome and Opera, and now we will talk about no less popular browser- Mozilla FireFox.

    What can I synchronize with my Mozilla FireFox account?

    Like other browsers, FireFox can sync:

    • Open browser tabs;
    • Site visit history;
    • Saved bookmarks;
    • Saved logins and passwords from sites;
    • Installed add-ons (extensions) for the browser;
    • Browser settings.

    Most of this data can, due to synchronization, be instantly transferred between your devices where you log into Mozilla browser Firefox under the same account.

    Data such as settings and add-ons, of course, will not be able to sync with all devices, since, for example, smartphones and tablets cannot install the same browser add-ons as a computer. This is a compatibility issue. Also with the settings, on mobile devices they may be different. But when working from another computer with the same operating system, everything can be synchronized!

    Setting up synchronization

    Setting up synchronization in Mozilla is quite simple, just like in other browsers.

    Launch Mozilla Firefox, open its menu and select “Enter Sync”.

    You will be taken to the synchronization settings section, where you need to click “Create an account”.

    Next time you can get to the same settings section as follows:

    Open your browser menu and select “Settings”.

    Go to the “Firefox Account” section.

    A registration page will open. Fill out a short form, indicating the email to which you will register an account in Firefox, create and indicate a password, as well as your age. Click “Create an account”.

    On next page you can choose which browser data you would like to sync with your newly created Mozilla account. For example, you can sync only bookmarks or bookmarks with passwords if you don't need the rest. But I recommend leaving everything for synchronization! Because it doesn’t take up space and, as they say, it won’t be superfluous. Maybe something will come in handy later.

    Log in to your email and find there a letter from FireFox Account with the subject “Confirm your address email…” or similar. In the letter, click “Confirm email”.

    Synchronization setup is ready!

    Now all you have to do is log in to the Mozilla FireFox account you just created on some other device, for example, on a smartphone, and due to synchronization you will see there all the passwords that you saved on another device, bookmarks, settings, etc. (depending on what selected for synchronization).

    Changing sync settings

    If you need to change synchronization settings, for example, disable synchronization of any data or, conversely, enable it, and also if you need to change your account, then you can do all this in the “Settings” - “Firefox Account” section.

    There, select, if necessary, the desired data to be synchronized. If you want to log out of your account and create a new one, or simply log into another one, click “Disconnect” and the corresponding buttons will appear for logging into your account and creating a new one.

    By clicking “Account Management”, you will be taken to the personal account of your Firefox account, where you can: change your password; put an avatar; indicate the name; indicate an additional email address; view the devices on which you are logged into this account; delete your account (usually there is no point in this).


    If you use the Mozilla FireFox browser, I recommend using synchronization. A very, very convenient thing, as in other browsers! Because usually, if someone uses one browser on a computer, then on other devices, including smartphones and tablets, this person also uses the same browser. Therefore, it will be very convenient to use the same bookmarks, history, settings and other data from your browser on all devices at once!

    In this article I will describe in detail how to synchronize data in Firefox. Preface: If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser not only at home, but also at work or on other devices such as a laptop, netbook or tablet, you will need synchronization Firefox data Sync. Firefox Sync will help you keep your bookmarks, settings, additions at hand.

    In the process of writing an article, I will use 2 computers. One under Windows management 7, the other for Windows 8.

    Let's set up synchronization on our Mozilla Firefox.

    Step one: Set up Firefox Sync on your main PC

    Open the browser, click on the menu Tools → Settings → Settings, go to the “Synchronization” tab. Next, “Configure Firefox Sync.”

    In order to organize synchronization, you need to create a Firefox Sync account.

    Click the “Create an account” button, then fill in all the fields: Email address. email, password twice and accept the terms of service and privacy policy. Click next.

    Very important! Be sure to write down your synchronization key in a safe place or save it; there is a special button for this.

    Step two: We receive the installation code from another device.

    Now we go to the second computer with which we want to synchronize. Open Firefox, click on the menu Tools → Options → Settings, go to the “Synchronization” tab. Next, “Configure Firefox Sync.”

    Then click “I have an account”

    In this window we are presented with the keys. We write them down and go to the first computer.

    Step three: Synchronizing browsers

    Open the browser, click on the menu Tools → Settings → Settings, go to the “Synchronization” tab. Next, “Connect to device.”

    Synchronization is ready!!!

    After 10-15 minutes, all your settings are synchronized with your second computer.

    What if you are not near your main computer?

    Go to Firefox synchronization settings. Click “I have an account” after “I don’t have a device with me.” Then we log into our account and additionally write our recovery key. Installation is complete.

    A modern person actively uses the Internet, moving from a home computer to a work computer, then to a smartphone or tablet, then again to a home computer. Each device has bookmarks, sometimes there are quite a lot of such bookmarks.

    Necessary steps to synchronize Mozilla

    Finding lost information in an ocean of data is hard work. Just like re-registering personal settings, tighten extensions. Sometimes the need to save data also arises when reinstalling the operating system.

    Therefore everything modern browsers have built-in own systems, ensuring the alignment of user data when working on different gadgets. Such synchronization is also provided in Mozilla. There is a Firefox Sync service for this. So, how to synchronize mozilla. Let's divide the process into steps.

    First step

    In order to synchronize Mozilla Firefox you need to create an account - an account. It will be the identifier, the binding of user data in the system. Using the manager’s service, the user sends passwords, keys, and bookmarks to the browser servers for storage.

    When you log into your Mozilla profile from a new device to sync your bookmarks, it automatically uploads them there. It is advisable that the latest version be installed on all user devices. Firefox version.

    Create a profile in the browser. To do this:

    Second step

    Congratulations. Let's proceed directly to the process of synchronizing Mozilla bookmarks.

    The browser will open a menu with the corresponding table of contents. There you can uncheck items that are not subject to it:

    • tabs;
    • bookmarks;
    • passwords;
    • history;
    • additions;
    • settings.

    The necessary properties will be automatically added.

    Third step

    In order to synchronize Mozilla on all existing devices, you need:

    To remove any of the devices you need to do the following.