• Windows XP does not start in any mode. Restoring the Windows XP bootloader

    Situations often arise when the Windows XP operating system suddenly stops loading. There can be many reasons for this, and each specific problem requires an individual solution. However, if the user knows why the computer may malfunction, then he can easily solve the problem on his own. All possible reasons for failure can be divided into two groups:

    It is also worth paying attention to at what stage the OS does not load, that is, what manages to appear on the screen, and after what particular event you detect a failure. IN in this case The situation will be considered when Windows XP no longer starts after the splash screen appears.

    What can you do

    The very first method you need to resort to is loading the system's last known known configuration. After all, the cause of the malfunction may simply be that you, for example, installed an incorrect program or driver on your computer, due to which the OS does not load normally. Accordingly for normal operation system, you need to return it to the moment when these tools were not installed. IN system registry there is a special section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet, where information about the last problem-free boot is recorded. It is with the help of this Windows partition will determine the last known known configuration and boot based on it.

    Another option is to run Windows XP in safe mode.

    With this method, only the minimum required set is loaded software For Windows operation, none of support programs won't load.

    If you were unable to boot your system as usual, but it booted into safe mode without any problems, this already suggests that you most likely recently installed some software on your computer that is causing your system to fail. starts.

    After starting your computer in safe mode, you should Windows recovery XP. To do this, you need to run the recovery utility, which is located in the All Programs/Accessories/Utilities/System Restore directory. It takes so-called snapshots of important system files, and saves the resulting information in the form of restore points at which the system boots normally (more precisely, it booted before the problem occurred). Points can be created manually; periodically they are created automatically (for example, after installing a new software). You need to choose desired point, and then start the recovery process. Upon completion, the computer will restart.

    If all else fails

    If previous attempts have failed and your system still won't boot, your last resort may be to restore your system using the installer. In order to do this, you will need installation disk with Windows XP. Insert it into the drive, enter the BIOS and set it to boot from it. . If a window appears on the screen asking you to press any key to continue working, then do just that. The installation window will appear operating system Windows XP. You will need the first item, by selecting which you will begin Windows installation XP on computer. First of all, a license agreement will be displayed on the screen, which you must accept, otherwise you will not be able to install the OS.

    On next stage The message “Search” will appear at the bottom of the screen previous versions Microsoft Windows..." Thus, the program determines what it needs to do next - install the system on the computer or launch a recovery mechanism for an already installed OS. There's one enough here important nuance- for the recovery procedure to be successful, you will need a disk with the exact copy of Windows that you had previously installed. This is due to the fact that each operating system has its own serial number, which during the installation process is also checked against the previously installed copy.

    Let's say the scan completed successfully and no compatibility issues were found. In this case, a message appears on the screen asking you to restore the existing one. copy of Windows, or install on hard drive new copy, and do not carry out the recovery procedure. Since we are interested in system recovery, we need to select the first item and then press the R key. If suddenly the installation wizard offers you only to install a new copy of Windows on your computer, do not agree - this will remove your OS from the computer and you will have to do the installation again.

    If you did everything correctly, the program will begin the recovery procedure. From the outside it will look like installing a new OS on your computer, but in fact it is just a recovery damaged system. After all, the process does not affect computer user accounts, programs installed on the computer, or system registry data.

    That's it, your computer now boots into normal mode. It is advisable to make sure that the correct device boot priorities have been set in the BIOS (because after restoring through the distribution kit, they have to be changed). Priority should be to launch from hard drive. If everything is correct, then Windows XP starts and works without failures.

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    If Windows won't boot, there is one simple way that can help us restore the operating system without getting into its "internals" :)

    The reasons that Windows does not boot can be very diverse, for example, -, and in each specific case you need your own individual approach. But, knowing the basic set of faults (“classics of the genre”), we can fix most problems ourselves Windows boot.

    Let's digress a little and I'll tell you a little story from my practice, how I got into a situation where Windows won't boot and what did I do? I once worked in one of the geographically remote departments of our institution. In addition to all other tasks, it was necessary to install the fourth service pack (OS update) for Windows 2000 on one of the computers there.

    Note: the method described below is absolutely identical for operating rooms Windows systems 2000 and Windows XP.

    So, I finished all my current affairs and thought: now I’ll quickly install the service pack and - for lunch. I'm launching, it means installation file, the installer unpacks the two-hundred-megabyte archive, then its installation begins.

    During such a procedure, there is a massive update and an increase in the total number of system files and components of the OS itself, so it is strictly not recommended to turn off or restart the computer before it is completed!

    What do you think happened at the moment when the installation progress indicator reached exactly the middle? The lights in the room have turned off! The electricians needed to re-route some cables and they decided to cut off the power to several rooms “for five minutes” :)

    It is clear that a few seconds were enough for the computer (to my involuntary and not entirely literary exclamation) to turn off. It is clear that after turning on the electricity, I saw that Windows did not boot, but went into permanent cyclic reboot(at the stage of the appearance of his logo).

    “Lunch is served and the planned quiet surfing on the Internet is over,” I thought. Windows will not boot, you need to take everything to yourself and “raise” the system (restore the OS boot).

    How are we going to do this? In this case, the method on top of an existing one helped us. Let's figure out how to do this correctly?

    A small note: With this method of recovery, Windows downloads that are missing or damaged system files and OS libraries are replaced with original ones, which allows (in many cases) to obtain a working system. Moreover very important that all user data, installed programs and the registry settings are saved. The changes affect only service files and libraries.

    So, Windows won't boot - let's start repairing it! We take the installation disk with Windows, insert it into , set the BIOS to boot from it and reboot.

    Perhaps, to boot from a CD, we will be asked to press any key on the keyboard - press it. As a result, we should see a window like this:

    Press the “Enter” key, as shown in the photo above. We discussed what it is and how to work with it in one of the previous articles and we will not dwell on this.

    And let's look at another very important point, requiring separate explanation. To be able to use this recovery method, we (ideally) should have on hand the disk from which the particular copy of Windows that we are going to “repair” was installed.

    Why is this so? I don’t know exactly the answer to this question, perhaps this is related to the OS serial numbers from Microsoft? Let me explain my point: if you often had to install them, you probably noticed that sometimes the serial numbers from one installation disk miraculously match another (naturally, within the same product line).

    Apparently, Microsoft produces original disks with copies of Windows in batches. And so, within one such “batch”, the serial number from one disk can be successfully applied to all the others. This is precisely the nuance of successfully using the installation disk in a situation where Windows does not boot.

    We need (ideally) the same disk from which initial installation system, or - a disc from the same batch!

    At one time (even before the crisis), our organization purchased quite a lot of licensed products from Microsoft. Therefore, it is almost always possible to find a distribution kit in disk debris that will behave “correctly” during the installation process :)

    What do I mean? But let's see what the screenshots of this process look like next:

    Standard window with license agreement. We need to accept it by pressing the “F8” key.

    After this, we can see a very interesting inscription at the bottom of the screen:

    It is at this stage that the OS from the distribution kit on the disk determines whether it can be used to restore the installed copy Windows? Those. - Are these two systems from the same series/batch?

    What happens if the check is successful? A window exactly like the one in the photo below appears:

    After this, press the “ R", confirming our desire.

    Attention! if you don't you see the inscription "To try to restore the selected copy of Windows, press R" - don't continue installation, otherwise you will irrevocably overwrite the already installed copy.

    Then the screen changes and we see the following window:

    After a few seconds, this is the picture:

    In appearance, it looks very similar to installing from scratch, but we remember that we have Windows won't boot and we are doing exactly that recovery !

    After the installation is complete, we reboot the computer and - Windows boots!

    As you remember, in my case it was Windows 2000, but the result and the process itself looked exactly the same for XP.

    Now I want to show you how the screenshots of the installation process differ if the distribution disk is not suitable for recovery using the method described above.

    So, the initial situation is that Windows does not boot, we take (as it seems to us) the “correct” distribution kit (from the same batch) and try to boot from it. At first, everything is exactly the same as in the previous case, but only up to this point:

    All! This is the last Redmond Windows warning :) If we go further, we will lose all the data, programs and settings that were made in previous system, and no emergency will help us.

    Use the first option described at the beginning of this article!

    Booting Windows consists of many steps performed sequentially. If one of the startup operations is performed incorrectly, the system will not boot. One of the most common problems of this kind is bootloader corruption. Windows entries XP.

    What is a boot record?

    The master boot record, better known as the MBR, stores a piece of code, a special signature, and partition tables necessary for the system to start correctly. When turned on computer BIOS after the initial test completes, loads the MBR code snippet onto RAM, transferring to it (the code) control of the further launch of Windows.

    If you see a message on the screen like “ntldr is missing”, “no boot device" or just a black background with no further progress, then to fix the error you need to perform a recovery Windows boot loader XP.

    Reasons for failure:

    • Incorrect installation of several operating systems, which causes the boot code to be overwritten.
    • Uninstalling Linux OS or boot manager.
    • Virus infection (usually ransomware that blocks Windows from starting).
    • Hardware damage to the disk.
    • Power outages (emergency shutdown).

    Sometimes it is possible to return the system to functionality by simply rewriting the MBR, sometimes you have to restore the boot sector. The most difficult case is manual copying bootloader files into the boot sector of the hard drive.

    MBR recovery

    The first thing to do if the system does not start is to restore the MBR using the recovery console:

    The boot record has been restored - try rebooting and turning on Windows XP again.

    Boot sector recovery

    If a message like “NTLDR is missing” appears on the screen, then the problem is caused by a damaged boot record. The symptoms of this failure are similar to MBR error, so it's better to run two recovery commands:

    If rewriting the boot sector and MBR did not help, then try fixing the errors in the Boot.INI file:

    When the command is executed, the program will scan all disk partitions, trying to find a copy of Windows. The user will be prompted to record information about loading this system into the configuration file, as a result of which Windows will start correctly.

    Copying download files

    If creating a new MBR and boot sector does not help resolve the startup error, you will have to manually move the NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM and boot.ini files to the root of the disk.

    1. Boot from the disk, open the recovery console.
    2. Write the MBR and boot sector as shown above.
    3. Run the "map" command to list all mapped drives. Find the drive letter of your Windows distribution.
    4. Enter the drive letter of the distribution and press Enter to start working with it.
    5. Type "cd i386" to open the folder of the same name on Windows distribution XP.
    6. Type "copy NTLDR C:\" to copy the NTLDR file.
    7. Enter "copy NTDETECT.COM C:\" to copy the NTDETECT.COM file.

    Next in line will be the BOOT.INI file.

    Even though official support Windows XP has already been completed by Microsoft, many users still continue to use it. This is especially true for owners of old and weak personal computers, which are simply not able to work with more advanced and current OS distributions. Since support for this operating system has ended, there are many vulnerabilities that can damage it. This article details what you can do if Windows XP won't boot.

    There is enough large number errors and malfunctions that result in the system being used not booting. These include:

    • Damage resulting from careless user actions, software failures, or malicious scripts.
    • Problems with personal computer components.
    • Hard drive damage.

    Problems with equipment (hardware)

    If you have, we can assume that you are using fairly old components. Search possible problems It is recommended to start with the insides of the computer.

    Firstly, you should carefully monitor how exactly the PC boots. If immediately after the start there is not one familiar beep, but several, it means that you have found the source of the problem. In this case, you should turn off the computer and call a specialist who will determine which part is damaged.

    If the BIOS loads normally, and problems arise specifically with Windows, there may be a crash on your hard drive. Try connecting it to another working PC and scan for bad sectors using specialized software, or seek help from a specialist.

    Running Windows Successful Configuration

    Live-CD and Live-DVD

    This special wheels, on which a special version of the operating system is installed. With their help, you can work with the contents of your hard drive even if the system does not boot.

    To use, you must insert the disc into the DVD drive and do the following:

    Windows Recovery Disk

    To complete the steps described in this section of the guide, users will need a Windows XP installation disk or USB flash drive. You need to do the following:

    If none of the above steps helped you, you need to reinstall the system.

    Most of the features the average owner uses desktop computers and laptops, are accessible to humans thanks to the use of special operating systems on technology. The most popular OS is a product from Microsoft. Therefore, if Windows 7 or one of the other OS variants does not boot, the user faces serious problems.

    There are many reasons why Windows 10 (7, 8, XP) does not load. Often in this case, an unpleasant situation is accompanied by a message about a specific error. But what to do if Windows 10 (7, 8, XP) does not load on a laptop or regular PC without such messages? There are several universal methods treatments that can lead to a way out of the current situation.

    Selecting the download type

    This is the simplest fix method if Windows 7 or another type of operating system from Microsoft does not load. What you need to do:

    1. Start rebooting the computer.
    2. Press the “F8” button.
    3. In the proposed list, select the launch item with the most successful configuration.

    In some cases, this action is quite sufficient when Windows 7 (8, 10, XP) does not load.

    Windows Recovery

    So Windows won't boot. You can try to return Windows to full functionality using the recovery menu. To do this, of course, you will need to have on hand boot disk With the right option OS. What actions should the user take in this case if Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP does not load:

    1. Insert the source into the drive.
    2. Change the priority in BIOS. That is, the operating system should not be launched from a hard drive, but from a DVD-ROM.
    3. After starting the process, you will need to press the “R” button.
    4. Select the option to restore.
    5. Wait for the results. Restart the equipment one more time.
      Windows XP (7, 8, 10) still won't load early? Next option.

    Recovery within the OS itself

    If previous operations have been carried out, and Windows 7 still does not boot, you can try to restore it directly using the tools of the operating system itself. It's quite simple:

  • Pressing magic button"F8".
  • Selecting further boot in security mode.
  • Receipt limited access to the operating system.
  • Making the transition: “Start” – “Standard” – “Service” – “Recovery”.
  • An attempt to return the OS to an earlier state that was stable.
  • Naturally, at the end you will need to restart the computer to check whether Windows 10 (7.8, XP) does not boot or whether the problem has been successfully resolved?

    Boot file disinfection

    If after Windows updates 7 won't load, then possible reason trouble lies in the damaged boot file Boot.ini. To fix the problem you will need to follow these steps:

    1. Start the PC using the same external source.
    2. In the recovery menu go to command line.
    3. Enter the phrase “Bootcfg/add”.

    Wait for the process to complete and initiate another reboot to check whether Windows 8 or its equivalent of a different version does not load, or whether the treatment helped in this predicament?

    Boot record defect

    Another option for trouble with Windows. Windows won't load? Possibly damaged boot record. In this situation, you will need to repeat almost the entire procedure described in the previous paragraph, but enter a completely different phrase into the command line. Namely: “Fixmbr\Device\HardDisk0”.

    Perhaps this action will be quite enough when Windows 7 does not load and freezes on the logo.

    Damage to the boot sector on the hard drive

    This nuisance can lead to a situation where, for example, Windows 7 does not load beyond “Welcome”. Here the treatment is also quite simple - the steps are repeated by running the line for commands from the computer user, into which you should type “Fixboot” and then the letter that is responsible for hard section disk where the installed version of the OS is located.

    Quick reinstall

    Sometimes, if the computer does not boot beyond the Windows 7 splash screen, only reinstallation can help. But it is not at all necessary to launch a full-fledged procedure that lasts quite a long time. You can speed up this process. This is very powerful tool treatment, since he is able to cope with most of the troubles that arise.

    What is required from a person:

    1. Start again from the boot disk.
    2. Press the “R” button, then the “Esc” key.
    3. Choose quick reinstallation operating systems.

    It is important to understand that this procedure can only work if identical versions of the OS are located on the disk and hard drives. That is, if, for example, Windows 10 does not boot after the update, you should not try to quickly reinstall it using a boot disk with Windows 7 or 8 for this purpose.


    A special case of such a situation may be constant automatic reboot OS. Naturally, this option excludes the possibility of any therapeutic processes. To break this sequence, you will need to press the “F8” button the next time you start the system and go to the “ Additional options" After this, disable the OS reboot procedure and if failures are detected. Well, then you can use one of the treatment options described above.

    All described methods are universal. That is, they are recommended to be used only when it is not possible to accurately determine the root cause of the malfunction. Most often, the user can see a message on the monitor screen indicating a specific error code. And each of them has their own method of correcting an unpleasant situation. Most of them can be easily found on this Internet resource dedicated to answering questions related to OS damage from Microsoft.