• Search by image. Google search can pinpoint where a photo was taken

    Any modern digital camera records in a photo file additional information about the photo - EXIF ​​data: model of the camera with which the photo was taken, shutter speed, aperture, focal length, ISO sensitivity, time and date of shooting, etc.

    When you upload a photo to Yandex.Photos, this information is saved. To open it, on the photo viewing page, click the More icon and select Show EXIF.

    Why don't some photos have EXIF?

    If a photo is taken with a film camera and then scanned, it cannot have EXIF ​​data because it is assigned to the photo when the file is created digital camera.

    Graphic editors(For example, Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom) may remove EXIF ​​data with certain file saving settings.

    Also, some mobile phones do not leave EXIF ​​data.

    How can I find out the model of the camera that took the photo and see other photos taken with this camera?

    1. On the photo viewing page, tap the More icon.
    2. Select Show EXIF.
    3. Click the link pictures taken with this device.

    You will be taken to a page with photographs of other authors whose works were taken by this camera model and posted on Yandex.Photos.

    How to find out where a photo was taken?

    Each photo on Yandex.Photos can be linked to a map. If the photo is already linked to a map, to find out its location, click the On map link, which is located on the photo viewing page.

    If the photo is not linked to the map, but you know where it was taken, you can offer the author of the photo your option for placement on the map. To do this, click the link Link to map under the photo.

    You will be taken to a map page where you can enter the location of the photo. If the author agrees with your proposal, you will receive a message by mail.

    Image search will help you find similar or identical images on the Internet. To search for similar images, online services are used that have large databases of indexed images.

    To successfully search for an image on the Internet, it is necessary that a similar image has previously been uploaded to some site on the Internet. Therefore, if you are in at the moment time, take a photo and try to find it, then with a high degree of probability the search results will not satisfy you. Of course, this does not apply to photographs of landmarks and other famous places.

    Image search by picture is present in the search engines Google, Yandex, and on some online service X. In this article we will look at searching by image when there is a sample picture, rather than searching for pictures that are suitable for search query entered into the search bar.

    Let's see how you can find similar images on the Internet using Google image search, image search in Yandex, image search using the TinEye online service. Using these services you can find on the Internet similar photos, pictures, images.

    Google image search

    To search by image using the Google search engine, you need to go to images.google.ru. Next, click on the camera image “Search by image”.

    In the “Search by Image” window you will need to provide a link to the image, or upload a file from your computer.

    In the first case, in the “Specify link” tab you need to enter the URL address of the image. You can get the address in this way: right-click on the image on the site, and in context menu select the item: “Copy image link”, “Copy image URL” (in different browsers The context menu items are different, but I think the meaning of the action is clear).

    In the second case, you need to upload the image from your computer. Click the Upload File tab and then select an image from your computer.

    In the third case, you can simply drag the image into the “Search by Image” window.

    After adding an image, click on the “Search by Image” button.

    Based on the search results, you will see the found image, other image size options (if there are other sizes), similar images, pages with matching images.

    So you will pick the right option images.

    Search by image Yandex

    Using Yandex technology, images that completely match the original picture, or similar images, will be found. Go to the page yandex.ru/images, and then click on the camera image.

    The Yandex Images service will search for images on the Internet. As a result, you will see that you have found: the original picture, this picture in other sizes, similar pictures, sites where the picture is found.

    Now you can select the appropriate image option for further use.

    Search by images TinEye.com

    The online service TinEye com has a very large database of images (millions of pictures on the Internet are indexed).

    Log on to www.tineye.com to search for an image.

    In the “Upload or enter image URL” field, enter the address of the image on the Internet, or click on the button with the arrow located next to the search field to upload the image from your computer.

    Conclusions of the article

    To search by images on the Internet, you can use: service Google Images in the search engine Google system, Yandex Pictures service in the Yandex search engine, TinEye image search service. After downloading an image, or entering its URL from the Internet, search engines will show you all found images that are similar to the original picture.

    Yandex can search for images according to the pattern you specify. This can be a whole image or a fragment of it. In this case, the sample can be posted on the Internet or stored on your computer or other device.

    Image search is based on algorithms computer vision. The search result can be found as exact copies the original image, as well as images that differ slightly from the original. For example, these may be different photographs of the same architectural monument.

    Note. The search performance depends on the availability on the Internet of images similar to the sample and already indexed by Yandex. Thus, the probability of finding the same photo of an attraction is much higher than the same photo from your holiday.

    How to start searching by image

    • From computer
    • From a mobile device

    Click the button in the search bar of the service and in the dialog box that opens, upload the source image in one of the following ways:

    • Drag your original image into the dialog box.
    • Click the Select file link and specify the path to the image on your hard drive.
    • Enter the URL of the image in search bar.

    Then click the Find button.

    Image search results are combined into groups. You can open a copy of the picture in a different size or find out on which sites the same pictures are found.

    Click the icon in the search bar, then take a photo of the item you're interested in or download the original image from the gallery.

    How to search for a picture from another site

    If you use Yandex.Browser or extension Yandex elements for other browsers, you can search for a picture from almost any site. For this Right click on the image

    "}}\">call the context menu for this image and select Search by this image in Yandex.

    Note. The ability to search by image from a site page may be limited due to the layout of this site.

    Searching for photos from your phone is not as difficult a task as it might seem. To reveal all the aspects of this process, we will try to outline what to do if you have the original image on your smartphone and if you want to find something related to the image found on the Internet.
    In the second option, there are not so many solutions to the problem, but as long as we have our beloved Google, there is nothing to be afraid of.

    As easy as shelling pears

    So you are interested in a photograph in some article and want to know more about it. If you haven't yet turned to your favorite browser and use the one built into Facebook, Twitter or something else, now is the time to turn to Chrome, Firefox, Dolphin or any other option that suits you. Having opened the link in the browser, you long tap to select the image you are interested in and open it in a new tab (this option will appear in the context menu that appears, here we also see the option to quickly save the image or immediately start searching for it using Google)

    When you see just one image on the page, all you have to do is copy the link to it and consider that half the work is already done.

    Opening new tab and go to home page Google. Here we are interested in the “Pictures” section. Once you go to it, all you have to do is paste the previously copied link to the image into the search bar. Click “Search” and enjoy the results. As a rule, among the really useful information unnecessary appears. You can refine your search using special filters, but mobile version website, they are not available, so click the “menu” button and put a tick next to the line “ full version" Here you can set all the parameters you are interested in: size, type, time, etc.

    No less interesting option Select an image close to the one you are interested in and follow the “similar” link.

    Now let’s consider a situation in which the picture is saved on your smartphone (by the way, you can also save it from the browser if fiddling with copying links seems difficult to you)

    We go back to the starting line Google page and to the “Pictures” tab, but now select the “Upload file” tab. When you click on it, you will have access to your gallery. Having selected the desired photo, repeat the steps from the previous paragraphs and again you will surely find the one you need.

    Applications to help

    Now let's look at other ways to search for information using photos from a smartphone. We don't need a browser for this, but we will need third party applications, which will have to be installed in advance.

    Google Googles(Android) is perhaps the most famous application of this kind. It hasn't received updates for a long time, but it's still working. Managing it is extremely simple: launch the camera in the application, point it at the object of interest, and take a photo. In a few seconds you will already have everything available information on the object of interest. Admittedly, this method works best with known objects: trademarks, attractions, art objects, etc. Here you can read barcodes and translate text, even solve Sudoku.

    CamFind(Android, iOS) - works approximately the same, but is designed mainly for searching for all kinds of products, and can even help you find online stores where they are sold. But it also easily finds related and simply similar images, saves the search results that interest you to your favorites and allows you to quickly share them. There is a code scanner, recognition of famous places and even voice control. You can search from the gallery and from the camera.

    Specialized services

    But that's not all. If you don’t have time to install third-party applications, and fiddling with tabs in the browser is tiring, you can turn to the appropriate service, the sole purpose of which is to search for images. Tineye was and remains the best in its class. Here you can also upload an existing image or insert a link to it into the search bar (read above for how to get the link you are interested in). The service finds copies of the image you uploaded and links to the resources where they appeared. Alas, everything works only if it is 100% similar. The service also has one more interesting feature- working with flowers. That is, you can upload an image, which Tineye will analyze, select key colors in it and find you pictures in the same color palette or, conversely, select images based on given colors.

    So, these are the three simplest and universal methods to search for any images and information on the Internet when you only have one picture on hand. And if not all, then at least one of them will definitely lead you to success.

    Finding something on the Internet is not always easy. In the abundance of information, important things are lost, but if you incorrectly formulate a request for a search engine, then it will become even more difficult to obtain the necessary information. But what if you need to find a picture? Standard photo search in Yandex and Google searches for pictures by text description, written next to it or in the page code. Let’s figure out which services you need to use to search for a photo based only on the graphic image.

    Searching by image will come in handy in different situations to discover:

    • the user’s own or someone else’s photo is installed on a social network;
    • who is shown in the photo - if you can’t remember the name of a famous actor or athlete;
    • a person’s profile on a social network;
    • a unique image in front of you or a duplicate;
    • the same photograph, but in a different quality (more high resolution, color instead of black and white).

    The reasons for searching for an image may be different, but the algorithm of actions is almost the same. We'll tell you in detail how to find similar picture on the Internet fast and free.

    In Google, photo search is implemented in the “Pictures” service, available at https://www.google.ru/imghp. The interface is similar to the standard one, but it uses images as a request.

    You can also go to the “Pictures” tab in the results of any search.

    In the line where the query is usually entered, an icon in the form of a camera has appeared. Click on it, an image selection window will appear with 2 tabs - enter a link or upload from your computer. To check a picture from the Internet, right-click on it, copy the address and paste it into the request field. If desired image saved to your computer, select “Download file” - a standard selection dialog will open.

    If you are using a browser Google Chrome, the desired photo you can simply drag and drop it into the search bar. Select an image on your computer and drag it into the browser while holding left button mouse clamped. To use a photo from the Internet, right-click in Chrome and select “Find image (Google)” from the menu.

    The results page contains a guess as to who is in the photo. Google determined absolutely correctly - before us is M. Yu. Lermontov. You can open the image in a different size or view similar ones.

    Yandex Pictures

    A similar photo search service is also available in Yandex at https://yandex.ru/images/. According to the developers, the algorithm searches not only full copies the original image, but also slightly different from it. Therefore, what is found may contain different photographs of the same building.

    Clicking on the camera icon opens a window for selecting a file (open or drag from your computer) and inserting the link address.

    The presentation of the results by face is slightly different - first you can select a picture in other sizes, then there are similar ones and sites where the images were found. Unlike Google, Yandex does not explicitly say who is in the photo. This can make it difficult to find a person based on their photo, especially if you're looking for a less-than-popular celebrity. But the presence of other photograph sizes is more clearly presented - it’s so easy to choose the best resolution.

    The VK Fake service http://vkfake.ru/photo-search also searches for people on VKontakte. Let's look at how to find a person's profile using a photo on the Internet. Paste the address of the original photo into the line or upload it from your computer. The site is not fast, the waiting time for results is up to 2 minutes.

    You will see a list of accounts in which it was found given photo. Except specific person, in this way you can find clones and fakes - pages that use other people's photographs.