• An application that will find your clone. Service for finding similar people

    Imagine the situation. You saw a certain young lady somewhere on the Internet, and you really liked her. To be more precise, you actually liked her appearance: at a minimum, you don’t know her smell, so you don’t know anything about her MHC - and from a biological point of view, this is oh so important (here’s another video). And, let's face it, in addition to appearance and MHC, there will be other criteria that will ultimately determine how much you really need it. And yet, the appearance seemed to you not just good, but ideal - perhaps you had even once seen some young lady similar to this one, and had already experienced approximately the same feelings.

    In general, be that as it may, you really liked the appearance, but for some reason this particular girl does not suit you. Maybe she's a superstar and she's not that interested in you, maybe she's married, or maybe you just don't want to move to where she lives just yet (you never know). And you wonder if she is the only one who combines all those 512 appearance criteria that you consider ideal. Actually, probably not - you've already seen a girl like this before, remember? But wait, you don’t know her at all (maybe you saw her in the subway or on the street, but for some reason you never got to know her).

    What if such a site existed? You find a person there (it doesn’t have to be a girl), and see what other people this site considers similar to him. How does he solve this? It seems to me that it’s worth making two layers here - one automatic, and the second custom. With automatic, everything is clear - this is where facial recognition technologies come into play. We, in principle, can, with some accuracy, identify people whose facial features have a certain similarity (similar eyebrows, similar lips, similar eye color). In some form this has already been implemented, for example, there is a website PicTriev (looks for photos that contain people with similar faces), and there is also a site for finding celebrities similar to a person. Yet this approach has obvious drawbacks - this method is quite imprecise, and it will (at least for now) give large number both false positives and false negatives (type I and type II errors - that is, even if the results are correct, faces will still often be falsely identified as similar, and falsely identified as dissimilar). In addition, a person has more than just facial features. He has hair (it has a color, some have it curly, and so on), there is a hairstyle that he wears most often (in many cases), there is a figure (it is very important criterion, in fact), and much more. That's why I think that, in addition to automatic selection similar people For each person in the database, there must be a selection based on data received from users.

    For example, you have a girlfriend. You have known her for many years, and remember her appearance very well. And then suddenly you see somewhere in social network a girl who looks exactly the same as her. And then you can go to this site and add a connection. If your friend is already on the site, then you go to her page and add her there. If she is not on the site, then you can add her page to the site by simply uploading her photo. You can also include your name, social media handles, etc. if you wish. Or you can specify later. Or someone else can do it (including the girl herself).

    Probably, access to editing people’s pages should be made available to everyone, because not everyone will register on the site themselves, upload a photo and provide information about themselves. But, of course, here you need to act carefully from the point of view of respecting someone else’s right to privacy - of course, if someone sees their page on the site and wants not to edit it (because previous versions will still remain in the history of edits), but in general to remove it from the site, then this option should also be available, otherwise it turns out to be disrespectful towards people.

    Once you've created a connection (possibly by uploading photos and filling out details - in case one of the people was not previously on the site), this girl will appear in your friend's list of similar people. And vice versa - your friend will appear in the list of similar people of this girl. Moreover, if other people confirm that they are really similar, then the connection becomes stronger (that is, they will appear higher in each other’s list of similar people). You can make a separate section on the site where you can view the connections established on the site, and either confirm that they are similar, or, on the contrary, deny it. In this way, both connections added by users and connections added automatically can be “adjusted”. Moreover, you can provide a lot more - for example, if some user constantly adds different connections, and on average they have very good rating(that is, many users have confirmed that the people this person has tagged as similar do have significant similarities in appearance), then you can initially set a good rating for this user's new connections.

    In general, we get a rather interesting service. After all, who knows how many cases there may be when we want to find people who are similar to some person we know? Or maybe we want to find people similar to ourselves? Or, if we are looking for actors for a film, then try to find a person who looks like some kind of celebrity who, according to the plot, will appear in the film?

    If anyone is interested in joining the team, please write, by personal message, or by email. Of course, it is still unknown what will happen in the end, but why not try? Something interesting might turn out. :)

    Agree that not everyone gets such a rare opportunity - to meet their double in real life. However, you shouldn’t be upset about this, because today you can find your “twin brother” without even getting up from the couch, because all you need is a computer or smartphone and your photo, and the entire search procedure is absolutely free.

    Preparing to search for a double using a photo

    You can find a double on the Internet online, and not only your own, but any person, using a photograph. To do this you will need a frontal photograph, preferably high quality. It’s good if the photo is monochromatic, and your gaze is directed at the camera lens. By the way, a passport photo is quite suitable in its parameters. The selected image must be downloaded and saved on your computer in separate file, so that it can be used in the subsequent search process.

    How to Find Your Celebrity Doppelgänger

    Perform a search " big brother» very similar to you, you can use the services that provide the following free services:

    • Play-analogia - the service allows you to find three famous doubles for free without sending SMS, however, you will need to register on the site. Next, you need to upload a photo and select the gender. In the photo, mark the center of the pupils, both eyes, following the instructions on the site and click on the “Send” button. The site will produce the expected result. If the latter is unsatisfactory, you can repeat the search procedure by clicking the “Again” button.
    • Myheritage - the site allows you to search for similar people among 4,000 celebrities. To do this, you need to download the application to your smartphone. This also requires registration and uploading a photo, after which you can start searching. In addition, the “similarity indicator” service, which is also free.

    Hi all! Many people want to be like someone, they are looking for their doubles, which is why today I want to tell you about how to find your double from a photo. Agree, this question is quite interesting for many people, since only a few can meet their double on the street.

    But modern capabilities they allow us to find, so to speak, our “twin brother” without even leaving home. Yes, there are quite a lot of ways, but not all of them are effective and efficient. That is why it is best to use only proven services that have an impeccable reputation.

    What do you need to find a double?

    • Computer with Internet;
    • Photo of the person for whom the double will be searched.

    I advise you to take an ordinary photograph, which was not edited with Photoshop or other tools.

    Also, the accuracy of the search will depend on where exactly the person is looking in the photo. If he looks straight ahead, the search will be accurate; if his face is turned to the side, then most likely you will not get an accurate result. By the way, the background is playing important role. It is desirable that it be neutral.

    How to find a double among celebrities?

    Many people want to find a celebrity who is like them. As I mentioned above, to effectively search for a double, you need to use only proven services. In fact, there are many such services. In addition, they can be used for free online.

    1. Play-analogia.com is a service that allows you to find 3 famous doubles. For example, I want to find a celebrity similar to me, for this I will have to register, after which I can safely upload photos and select gender. In the photo you will need to mark the center of the pupils of both eyes and click “Send”. After this, the expected result will be returned. If you don’t like the result and it is unsatisfactory, you can repeat the procedure a second time by clicking on the “Again” button.
    2. Myheritage.com is a site that allows you to search for similar people among 4,000 celebrities. Before you start searching, you need to download the application and register. Upload a photo and start searching for a lookalike.

    Online programs for finding doubles

    On the Internet There are many programs that allow people to search for their doubles. The most popular programs are:

    1. Twins (http://ts.family-site.com.ua) is a network of twins. The program is provided without registration. Upload a photo from good quality and in about 6 minutes look at the search result. The search consists of selecting over 50 facial features similar to yours. control points at the alleged double;
    2. Stranger Twins (https://twinstrangers.net). The site interface is quite simple English. After uploading the photo, the program will ask you to select your facial features. The search will be issued within 5 minutes.

    Instructions for the site PicTriev.com

    I decided to review this site separately because, in my opinion, it is the most effective. In addition, the site is quite easy and simple to use:

    1. Go to PicTriev.com and click “Upload image”;
    2. Select the desired photo;
    3. The service will provide results within ten seconds. You will know the age, gender of the person in the photo and famous people this person resembles.

    Yes, the service is especially suitable for those people who want to be like someone. For example, a person changed his image, took a photo, uploaded the photo and looked at the percentage of similarity.

    I think the service works very well with women's photos. You can see this with your own eyes.

    How to find a double on social networks?

    Doubles Can look not only through special programs, but also through social networks.

    1. There is a group on VKontakte called “Doubles” ( http://vk.com/club15522443). In it, people look for their doubles and share opinions.
    2. Find a double ( http://ok.ru/group/51792531357844). Odnoklassniki has a service where you can post photos and search for similar people in the database.

    How to find your double by photo using a search engine?

    This version of searching for a double gives accurate results every time. There are quite a lot of search engines. For example, the most common is Google. Here I will look at a specific example:

    • Click on the camera;
    • Upload a photo and click on “Search”;
    • Here are the search results.

    By the way, such a search can be done in any other search engines.

    Doubles at international festivals

    Many people ask the question: “Is it possible to find a double at an international festival?” Let's figure out what such a festival actually represents. Nowadays, many people find similarities with famous personalities, and some even participate in competitions to choose exact copy. If you watch TV, you've probably noticed that there are various parody shows on. It is in them that parodies of people take place, even adopting their mannerisms and gestures. Within the framework of such programs, politicians and actors meet.

    I will finish here and make a small summary. Thus, today I told you how to find your double from a photo. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. The only thing I want to note at the end is that you should not be fooled by various promises about finding similar people via SMS - in 90% of cases this is a deception, unfortunately...

    Perhaps you have long noticed that you look like someone from a movie, but you still haven’t had the opportunity to find out who exactly it is. Or maybe you've always wanted a doppelganger. With the development of the Internet, many free services that bring people together based on their interests. Today there are several different sites that will help you find your photo match online.

    Pictriev.com – online service for searching for doubles by photo without registration

    People have always wanted to be like celebrities. Girls especially strive for this, who often find something in common with Angelina Jolie, Pamela Anderson, Marilyn Monroe and always emphasize these similarities. Technologies of the pictriev.com service will help you quickly find the same facial features not only among celebrities, but also among others ordinary users. To do this you must have high quality photo in a full-face view, in which it is desirable that there be a gap between the eyes of 80 pixels. The minimum approximate photo width is 200 pixels. The image weight should not exceed 200 KB. Using the service is quite simple.

    To do this:

    How to find doppelgangers in social networking groups

    To date software has reached its peak of development. Specially trained robots can play football and even stand on the goal and parry the ball! But they are still far from the human brain. One of the main and incomprehensible human feelings for a computer remains intuition.

    The most extensive online photo databases - social networks - have special groups who are searching for doubles. Here you are most likely to find a person very similar to you, because the search is carried out not only software, but also by other people. You can find such a group in almost every Russian-language social network. For a successful search, it is advisable to have a genuine and high-quality photo as your avatar, where your face will be photographed as closely as possible.

    How to find such groups and start searching:

    1. Open a search on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki and enter “Double”.
    2. A window with similar groups will open, select the most popular one and join it.
    3. In the group you can find information about what needs to be done to find a double.

    Another effective way is to search for a double in search engines using photographs of other search engines. After all, unlike social networks, search engines search through all resources at once, including all social networks on the Internet. This means that finding a person similar to yourself is very high. two will help you popular search engines– Yandex and Google. For a successful search, you will need a high-quality photo of you. You can make it right now and download it to your computer, putting it in a folder where you can easily find it.

    The search itself will not take much time, for this:

    Similar actions must be carried out in the Yandex system to find your double:

    FindFace - quickly search for people using photos

    You've probably had cases where you had to search for a person on social networks based on some data that you had. Usually this data is very small, and it was precisely necessary to find a specific user in order to obtain more information about him. And to find someone, I had to use various filters - country, city, school, age. With the advent of the new FindFace service, you can easily find your doubles by photo. To do this, you just need to upload a file with your image and the service will automatically search by facial features.

    The technology is built on application neural networks, which are independently improved and each time the results become more accurate. The service searches its database among 300 million photos in less than one second. This becomes possible thanks to special technology, in which a photo file is converted into a special internal character representation. This is what gives quick and accurate results. FindFace works with all platforms - Windows, iOS, Android.

    You can find a double of any person; to do this, you just need to take a photo of him and upload the photo to the service. FindFace searches all popular social networks. You can use the service for free, but there are some restrictions. For free subscription 30 uses per month available. If you have exhausted all attempts, you must purchase paid subscription. The price for premium is 149, the number of uses per month is 75 times, and there are no ads. VIP price – 375 rubles, 300 times of use, no advertising and other bonuses.

    Using the service is very simple:

    How to find your double from a photo, what methods of finding your doubles exist currently? How to help in the search high technology and development modern internet communications?

    There is an assumption that every person has a double. This has not been scientifically proven, so whether this is actually true is anyone's guess.

    A person who looks exactly like you, like two peas in a pod, can live very far away, in another country. Therefore, in your entire life you may never meet him in person.

    Thanks to the Internet, it is possible to find your double absolutely free and get to know him, even if he lives on another continent.

    1 - International look-alike competitions

    It turns out that there are a lot of people in the world who look like famous personalities. In this regard, in lately Look-alike competitions have gained popularity. They are carried out throughout the country.

    People compete with each other in their external similarity to celebrities. The winner is the one who is most similar, in the opinion of the jury.

    Some tournaments are held on the Internet based on user photos. They make a whole show out of other competitions. There, on one stage, dozens of copies of Alla Pugacheva, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson and other great people compete for the title of main double. This is a truly interesting sight.

    Look-alike competitions have also become popular on television. True, they are more like parody competitions. Their peculiarity is that they are held among famous actors, singers, and politicians. At the same time, their task is not only to look like a certain character, but also to portray his voice and manner of movement.

    2 - Lookalike show on TV

    Look-alike shows have become widespread. These are concerts and other performances where actors similar to famous people. Moreover, they are in demand among viewers. They provide an opportunity to watch your favorite pop star at a low cost.

    They prefer to order such show programs for anniversaries, weddings, and corporate events. With the presence of a “star” at the holiday, you can pleasantly surprise your guests, while paying a much smaller amount of money than when ordering the original.

    Some stars hire their doubles to work for them. This gives them the opportunity to be in two places at once, for example, at a concert in the Kremlin palace and in the city of Saratov. This is convenient, especially with a very busy schedule.

    At one time, this method was actively practiced by the group “Tender May,” which was popular in the nineties. The number of their doubles reached several dozen, which was eventually stopped by law.

    There are also double scammers. These are people who speak on behalf of a famous person without his knowledge or permission. They, as expected, issue tickets, put up posters about the concert, thereby collecting large concert halls. They sing to a soundtrack, so it’s difficult to distinguish a “fake” star from a real one. In most cases, many spectators remain fully confident that they have attended a concert of their favorite performer.

    3 - How to find your double from a photo for free online

    To find your " mirror reflection» via the Internet, you will need a computer or other device with Internet access and your photo in electronic form.

    You can post your photo on one of the sites where people look for doubles, and wait for someone who has a physical resemblance to you to notice it and respond. As a rule, this method takes a very long time and a positive result is unlikely. We recommend using another search method.

    According to him, the only thing required is to upload a photo to a special site or group for searching for doubles online and wait for the result.

    In this case, you should immediately note the criteria for the right choice photos:

    1. good image quality.
    2. The photo should only show you and in large size.
    3. It is desirable that the face in the photo is positioned level, without tilting.

    If you meet all these conditions, you will increase your chances of finding a double who is most similar to you.

    The search result may contain several photos different people. The degree of their similarity to you is up to you to determine.

    Some sites, in addition to the image, provide contact information for doubles, for example, a link to their page on a social network or address email. Therefore, you can write to one of them and, if desired, arrange a meeting.

    4 - How to find a celebrity doppelgänger

    Some people are often told by acquaintances that they resemble someone famous - a politician or a show business star. For fun, anyone can check their similarity in appearance to a celebrity. It's easy to do. All you have to do is upload a photo to one of the Internet portals, which helps you find a celebrity doppelgänger. The site analyzes data by comparing certain facial points with images of famous people. As a result, the faces of stars who have highest percentage similarity to your photo.

    5 - A site where you can find your double

    IN global network there are many sites that provide look-alike services free and without registration. To find them, you need to indicate in search bar Google, Yandex or other search engine similar phrases: “find a double for free”, “ looking for a double online», « search for a double», « celebrity look-alike"and others.

    We warn you that you should only trust free portals. Sites that require paid registration or offer to send an SMS message to specific number for providing search results, they steal from mobile phone a considerable amount of money, but they do not keep their promise and do not send any information. Be careful not to fall for scammers' tricks.