• Programming LOGO Siemens. Logic modules logo, controllers siemens (Siemens) logo

    Engineering center "SKAT" provides LOGO programming services. Our specialists have many years of experience in programming LOGO Siemens PLCs.

    LOGO logic relays from Siemens are programmed in the LOGO Soft Comfort development environment.

    Our specialists provide the following services for working with LOGO Siemens controller equipment:

    • Development and approval Technical Specifications for Logo programming;
    • Development of the LOGO program algorithm;
    • LOGO programming;
    • Debugging the LOGO program on a bench with a PLC.

    Order LOGO programming Siemens

    If you want to order LOGO programming services, please contact our Center by sending a request to email [email protected]. We will find the optimal solution for your task.

    PLC LOGO Siemens

    Firm Siemens is rightfully considered a leading manufacturer of programmable logic controllers. Controller line LOGO Siemens Primarily used for the development of simple automation and control tools, they are considered low-level components of PLC programming. LOGO Siemens controllers are easy to maintain, easy to use and PLC programming. A significant advantage is the ability to use up to 200 function blocks when programming Logo.

    Siemens LOGO PLC extension

    The LOGO controller line can be expanded to include a variety of different modules. Number of inputs and outputs common system(controller + module) limited. There should be no more than 24 digital inputs, no more than 16 outputs. There should be no more than 8 analog inputs, no more than 2 analog outputs.
    Further expansion is possible through the use of a module that has network exchange capabilities.

    LOGO Siemens PLC range

    The main Siemens LOGO family includes the following devices:

    • Universal logic modules: with or without integrated display and keyboard.
    • Expansion modules: 8 and 16 channel I/O modules discrete signals, 2-channel input/output modules for analog signals, modules for network exchange.
    • LOGO!Power power supply modules with output voltages 5 V, 12 V, 15 V, 24 V and power stabilizer.
    • Additional equipment such as programmer, connecting cables, memories, batteries and so on.

    PLC programming languages ​​LOGO Siemens

    Siemens LOGO PLC programming is accomplished through the use of the FunctionBlockDiagram (FBD) or LadderDiagrams (LAD) programming languages ​​discussed below. LOGO programming can be implemented using software environment LOGO! SoftComfort for a personal computer, either by pressing keys directly on the device itself (the controller interface supports ten languages ​​on a text display), or by installing a pre-programmed memory module.

    Example program for LOGO Siemens PLC

    Specialists of the SKAT Research Center have completed a lot of work on LOGO programming. One of latest works for LOGO programming is presented below.

    The figure shows an example program for the Siemens LOGO controller, made in the FBD language by specialists from the SKAT Research Center in 2014.

    What is LOGO Siemens PLC?

    Programmable Logic Controller LOGO (PLC) is an electronic device designed to control and monitor the process being developed and its automation. The LOGO programmable logic controller differs from relay systems - its operating algorithms are implemented in software. Based on this, one can note the advantage that the reliability of the circuit with the LOGO PLC will not depend on its complexity.

    The LOGO PLC operating cycle occurs in four stages:

    • Polling LOGO inputs.
    • Executing the LOGO user program.
    • Setting the output values ​​of the LOGO PLC.
    • Debugger preparation, diagnostics, visualization and others auxiliary functions plc LOGO.

    This is how LOGO differs from simpler microprocessor devices. Typically, the software of a programmable logic controller consists of two parts: system software that controls the different nodes of the controller and connects its components (if you compare the controller with personal computer, then we can say that this is the operating system) and the second part is the application software.

    At this level, the LOGO controller performs the functions that application program, the programmer puts it into his memory. Programming LOGO is quite simple, since it is only important for a specialist to know from which controller input the signal is coming and how the output will react to it.

    PLC programming languages ​​LOGO

    Currently, developers of standards for PLC programming languages ​​strive to make them as understandable as possible not only for specialists in the development and writing of programs, but also for process engineers.

    For automation systems technological processes The International Electrotechnical Commission has developed the IEC-61131-3 standard, which combines the programming principles of PLCs from various manufacturers. This standard contains the following five PLC programming languages:

    • FunctionBlockDiagram (FBD)- a simple and intuitive PLC programming language LOGO, which makes it quite easy for application specialists who do not have special knowledge in the field of LOGO programming to learn it. When programming the LOGO PLC in this language, special blocks (elements) are used. These can be counters, triggers, timers, AND, OR, NOT elements and others. When executed sequentially, the internal command structure is translated into fast and fairly reliable code.
    • LadderDiagrams (LAD)- also a component of the IEC-61131-3 standard. This language PLC programming LOGO is implemented on the principles of relay logic, similarly electrical circuit with closing and opening contacts. Here the value TRUE will be the situation - “current flows”, and the value FALSE - “current does not flow”. Thanks to this correspondence, the LAD PLC programming language LOGO is understandable for automation engineers and is also widely used in industry.
    • SequentialFunctionChart (SFC) is a graphical PLC programming language that implements sequential control of the functional blocks of the system. Quite widely used in SCADA and HMI packages.
    • StatementList(STL)- this PLC programming language in its structure and operating principles is most closely comparable to the Pascal language. It is used when writing large programs and in cases where work with analog signals is required.
    • InstructionList (IL)-PLC programming language, vaguely reminiscent of Assembler. Currently, due to the development of other areas of programming logic controllers, it is practically not used.

    Each PLC programming language has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choice desired language PLC programming depends entirely on the experience of the working specialist and his preferences. On at the moment The most popular PLC programming languages ​​are FBD, LAD and STL, as they are user-friendly, intuitive and quite easy to use.

    For LOGO programming, SKAT IC specialists mainly use LOGO programming languages ​​such as FBD and LAD.

    While cleaning out my closet, I found an old Siemens Logo controller! and a number of accessories for it. Once upon a time, ten years ago, I made several projects using such toys. Nostalgia and warm memories about those times prompted me to write this post.

    There are a lot of photos under the cut (geek porn)!

    So, what is Siemens Logo!? Siemens company positions this device as an “intelligent relay” that allows you to build simple automation systems. An example of such systems could be, for example, garage doors, staircase lighting, control of pumps that maintain the water level in the tank, and others. simple systems, including several sensors with discrete outputs, several actuators and controls (buttons and switches). Sensors with analog outputs are also supported, with special expansion modules.

    1. Iron

    Siemens Logo Family! includes many different modules, but the most important of them is the processor module.

    1.1. Processor module

    The module I want to show you has a small monochrome LCD. It displays the menus needed when loading the program, it can display messages when the program is running, and you can even, if you really wish, program the controller without connecting to a computer. “Blind” modules (Pure) are also produced that do not have a screen, but if you are building systems using Siemens Logo!, you need to have at least one module with a screen in order to be able to copy memory modules. But this will be discussed below.

    So, the 0BA3 processor module is powered by a 220V network, and has four discrete outputs (relays) and eight discrete inputs. The discrete output is a relay with a load capacity of up to 10A at a voltage of up to 240V, the discrete input allows the connection of circuits AC voltage 220V.

    The most interesting thing, of course, is inside. So, the processor module in disassembled form:

    The module consists of two boards, the processor itself and the LCD are located on the top board, and the power supply, relays and discrete inputs are located on the bottom board.

    Let's start with the top board.

    Top board, top side.

    The same thing, with the LCD removed.

    Top board, bottom side.

    The top board houses the processor itself (ASIC designed specifically for this product), LCD, L4949EP chip (5V voltage regulator, reset circuit and power supervisor), 8 MHz quartz, another chip of unknown purpose, Atmel 24C08 chip (8 kbit EEPROM ), microcircuits 74hc4066 (4 analog switches) and 74HC11(?). Also on the top board there are connectors for connecting the bottom board, expansion module and memory module.
    As you can see, there is nothing particularly interesting on the top board. All the main functionality is contained in one specialized chip.

    On the bottom board we see more interesting things. The power supply on the TOP332G chip is located here. The chip itself (controller) pulse source power supply) is very common, but here it is used in a somewhat unusual way, without a transformer. The result is a simple step-down pulse voltage converter that reduces voltage from mains (85 - 240V) to 24V DC. The power supply does not isolate the device from the network! The digital “ground” and the common wire of the discrete inputs are directly connected to the “zero” of the network, so when installing the controller, it is important, for the sake of safety precautions, to connect the network correctly, taking into account which wire is neutral and which is phase.

    The discrete outputs are Schrack relays with a 24V winding. By the way, the marking on the relay body states that the switched current is 8A, but Siemens claims 10A for this module. Disorder.

    Discrete inputs are not galvanically isolated. Essentially, the mains voltage goes directly to the logic through a divider and filter.

    Discrete input circuit

    Also on the lower board there are screw terminals, a connector for connecting to the upper board and a piezo tweeter.

    1.2. Discrete I/O module

    The 0BA0 discrete input/output module contains four discrete outputs (relays), four discrete inputs, and, like other modules in this family, is docked to the side of the processor module.

    Separately, it looks like this:

    And in disassembled form:

    It also consists of two boards, upper and lower.

    Top board, top view.

    The exact same 8A Schrack relays are used, but this time Siemens claims a maximum current of 5A. That is, in the case of a processor unit, they risk that the maximum permissible current through the relay contacts will be exceeded, but here they play it safe.

    Top board, bottom view.

    Here we see again specialized chip and the already familiar L4949 power stabilizer.

    The lower board contains two more relays, a power supply and four discrete inputs. All these nodes are similar to those used in the processor module.

    1.3. Download cable

    The cable is designed for downloading programs via the RS-232 port. The cable is galvanically isolated.

    Let's see what's inside.

    Flexible-rigid inside PCB. There are two optocouplers on one side.

    MAX3221 chip (RS232 port) and buffer (74HC14 or some equivalent).

    1.4. Memory module

    The yellow thing in the photo is a memory module. Basically, Logo! works without it, but the yellow module allows you to copy programs. After uploading the program to the controller via cable, it can be copied into the yellow module and pasted into another controller, say, located on site. It is convenient because the installer does not need to take a laptop and cable with him. There are also red modules, they do not allow you to copy their contents into internal memory controller (type, copy protection).

    Inside there is an Atmel 24C08 EEPROM chip, the same as in the processor module.

    2. Write a program

    So, connect the power, turn on the controller, and see the following:

    Let's write a program to “blink an LED.” The LED is in quotes because there is actually no indication of output activation. We will simply hear the sound of the relay operating. The word “we write” can also be put in quotation marks, because programs for Siemens Logo! are not written, but drawn in the graphical environment Logo! Comfort.

    “Programs” in this environment are built from “cubes”, each of which represents a logical element, a time relay, an input, an output, etc.

    In the same environment you can run a simulation of the program. In our case, the program consists of one Symmetrical Pulse Generator block, one discrete output, and one constant (log 1) that allows the generator to operate. Everything is extremely simple.

    The software allows you to program any generation of Logo! controllers, both old (this, for example, the third model) and new (6th and 7th models). They differ in that the new ones have much more features, and much fewer restrictions. The third model, for example, will allow you to use only up to 56 blocks in the program, in modern models There may be 200 blocks.

    The advantage of this environment is that you can start working in it “from scratch” without having experience in programming logic controllers. The learning curve is minimal and may take one evening.

    The software is well documented, there are example projects (for example, automatic staircase lighting).

    Now comes the fun part.

    Of course, these particular models are long outdated and discontinued, so I will give prices for their modern incarnations.
    Prices are given in rubles and are approximate.

    Processor module - 4200 rub.
    Discrete input/output module - 3000 rub.
    Cable - 3800 rub.
    Memory module - 650 rub.

    Impressive, isn't it? Especially for the cable (two microcircuits and two optocouplers) and for the memory module (one chip costs less than 10 rubles)

    That's it. Hope you enjoyed it. I will be glad to answer your questions.

    For programming logical modules LOGO! uses a set of functions built into them operating system. All functions are grouped into two libraries.

    The GF library contains basic set functions, allowing you to use all the basic logical operations. The SF library contains a set of special-purpose functions, which include triggers, timers, counters, comparators, clocks and calendars, on and off delay elements, generators, functions for working with analog quantities, etc.

    The total volume of the program is limited to 200 functions. This means that one logic module can replace a circuit containing up to 200 electronic and electromechanical components.

    Programming can be done in three ways:

    • From the LOGO! module keyboard Basic.
    • Installing a programmed memory module.
    • From a computer equipped with the LOGO! SoftComfort.

    Keyboard programmingcontroller logo

    Programming LOGO modules! performed from the keyboard in FBD (Function Block Diagram) language and resembles circuit design electronic device. This programming option is only possible for LOGO!Basic modules.

    The programming process boils down to retrieving the currently required functions from libraries, determining the connections of the inputs and outputs of this function with the inputs and outputs of a logic module or other functions, and also setting the configuration parameters for this function. For example, turn-on or turn-off delay time, parameters pre-installation and counting limit values, analogue limit values, etc.

    During programming, only one of all functions used in the program is shown on the module display screen. The finished program can be rewritten into a memory module inserted into the logical module.

    All programming operations are supported by the module's built-in menu system. In LOGO! modules From version 0BA6 all menus can be displayed in Russian.

    Programming withmemory module

    Programming logical modules LOGO! can be performed by installing a memory module with a program pre-recorded into it into its slot. After installing the memory module and turning on the power in LOGO!Pure, the program is automatically copied from the memory module to the memory of the logic module, after which it is executed automatic start programs.

    In LOGO!Basic, after installing the memory module and turning on the power, a menu is displayed on the display screen from which you can rewrite the program from the memory module into the memory of the logical module and start program execution.

    Programming withLOGO! SoftComfort

    Software LOGO! Soft Comfort provides the most extensive opportunities for developing, debugging and documenting programs for logical modules LOGO! Program development can be done in LAD (Ladder Diagram) or FBD languages. It is allowed to use symbolic names for variables and functions, as well as necessary comments.

    Unlike keyboard programming, a visual representation of the entire program is provided, and many service functions are supported that increase the convenience of developing and editing the program.

    Development, debugging and full testing the program can be carried out in offline mode without the presence of a real LOGO module! The finished program can be loaded into a logical module or written to a memory module, and also saved on the computer’s hard drive.

    Siemens logo logic modules ...0BA6 and LOGO software! Soft Comfort from V6.0 and higher allow you to perform programming and diagnostic operations via modem communication systems.

    LOGO!8 is a series of universal logical programmable relays for creating entry-level automation systems.

    • LOGO!8 microcontrollers can be used for a wide range of automation tasks in industry and also in building automation systems.
    • Microcontrollers provide software implementation control algorithms.
    • A wide range of expansion modules are available for LOGO!8 modules, allowing adaptation to the application at hand.
    • The main interface for data exchange in LOGO!8 microcontrollers is Ethernet.
    • LOGO!8 modules are available in both standard and harsh industrial versions.

    Family composition

    Model range Logo! the eighth series has modules with a display and buttons Logo! Basic, as well as models of the economical Logo! Pure.

    Expansion modules are available to expand capabilities:

    • Analog I/O modules LOGO! AM2, LOGO! AM2 RTD and LOGO! AQ2
    • Communication modules LOGO! CMR2020 and LOGO! CSM
    • Switches for three-phase AC circuits LOGO! Contact
    • Power supplies LOGO! Power
    • Text display LOGO! TDE
    • Accessories (memory cards, communication cables, batteries)
    • Software LOGO! Soft Comfort


    • Up to 24 digital inputs per system + up to 64 NI
    • Up to 20 discrete outputs per system + up to 64 NQ
    • Up to 8 analog inputs per system + up to 32 NAI
    • Up to 8 analog outputs per system + up to 16 NAQ

    Logic modules

    All in one

    • A set of built-in digital input/output channels
    • Up to 4 analog input channels on 12/24 VDC and 24 VDC models Expansion interface additional modules
    • Integrated display and keyboard in LOGO! Basic
    • Built-in Ethernet interface for programming, diagnostics and network communication
    • Built-in support for a wide range of function blocks to solve automation problems
    • Slot for installing Micro SD card

    Comparative characteristics

    LOGO! ...0BA6

    LOGO! ...0BA7

    LOGO! ...0BA8

    Dimensions (WxHxD) in mm
    72 x 90 x 55
    108 x 90 x 55
    71.5 x 90 x 60
    Programming port
    Special, RS 232
    Ethernet, 10/100 Mbit/s
    Ethernet, 10/100 Mbit/s
    Memory card
    LOGO! Memory Card
    Standard Micro SD card
    Standard Micro SD card
    Removable battery module
    LOGO! Battery Card
    No 64NI+64NQ+32NAI+16NQ
    Power reserve of the watch when the power is turned off
    80 hours
    20 days 20 days
    Ethernet network operation
    Yes, up to 8 connections
    Yes, up to 16 connections
    Built-in Web server
    No Eat
    I/O channels per module
    Network I/O channels per module
    Functional blocks per program
    Shift registers
    1x 8 bit
    4x 8 bit
    4x 8 bit
    Discrete/analog flags
    27/ 6
    27/ 6
    Open connectors
    64 64
    No Eat
    Support 5 additional functions
    No Eat
    Data logging
    No 1 archive in SD card, up to 2000 values ​​per archive
    1 archive in Micro SD card, up to 20,000 values ​​per archive

    Logic modules LOGO! ...0BA8

    Power supply: =12/24 V (=10.8 ... 28.8 V)
    I1 ... I8: DI =12/24 V; I1 ... I4: DI up to 5 kHz; I1 and I2, I7 and I8: AI 0.10 V I1 ... I8: DI =24 V; I1 ... I4: DI up to 5 kHz; I1 and I2, I7 and I8: AI 0.10 V
    Q1 ... Q4: transistor outputs = 24 V / 0.3 A
    Up to 400 function blocks per program
    Ethernet interface, 1x RJ45, 10/100 Mbit/s
    Extension interface Extension interface

    Power supply: =24 V (~20.4 ... 26.4 V/ =20.4 ... 28.8 V) Power: 115 ... 240 (~85 ... 265 / =100 ... 253 V)
    I1 ... I8: =24 V I1 ... I8: 115 ... 240 V
    Q1 ... Q4: normally open relay contacts, up to 10 A per contact Q1 ... Q4: normally open relay contacts, up to 10 A per contact
    Up to 400 function blocks per program Up to 400 function blocks per program
    Ethernet interface, 1x RJ45, 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet interface, 1x RJ45, 10/100 Mbit/s
    Extension interface Extension interface

    Built-in Ethernet interface of LOGO! ... 0BA7/ 0BA8

    Options LOGO! ...0BA7 LOGO! ...0BA8
    Communication speed 10/ 100 Mbit/s 10/ 100 Mbit/s
    Number of S7 connections based on TCP/IP:
    for communication with other LOGO!
    and SIMATIC S7 controllers
    8 8 static, 16 dynamic
    of which for communication with SIMATIC HMI devices 1 1
    Number of TCP/IP connections to LOGO! TDE No 1
    Number of TCP/IP connections for communication with the programmer 1 1
    Data exchange with other LOGO! modules:
    in Master/Master mode
    in Master/Slave mode Eat
    Network configuration in the environment

    Data exchange
    via Ethernet to LOGO!..OBA7/OBA8

    S7 communication functions based on TCP/IP:

    • Up to 8/16 connections with other LOGO! ... 0VA7/0VA8
    • Up to 8/16 connections with SIMATIC S7/WinAC programmable controllers
    • Maximum of one connection to a device or SIMATIC HMI system
    • Maximum of one TCP/IP connection to a computer equipped with LOGO! Soft Comfort
    • Maximum of one TCP/IP connection to the LOGO! text display. TDE in LOGO!... 0BA8 modules

    Usage Web servers:

    • To display information about the type, version of the built-in software, IP address and operational status logical module
    • To perform operations using a pre-configured logic module keyboard/text display
    • To view messages displayed on the logic module's built-in display/text display
    • To view setting options
    • To view and edit variable tables
    • To access logic module data from conventional or tablet computers, and also with mobile phones

    I/O modules

    Logic modules

    Expansion modules:

    • Availability of interfaces for connecting to the logical module bus
    • The presence of certain restrictions on the ability to connect one expansion module to another
    • The presence of coding pins in the left and coding grooves in the right side wall of the case to eliminate errors in connecting one expansion module to another
    • When placing modules in a logic module expansion line, it is recommended to install discrete modules first, then analog modules

    Acceptable options for connecting modules

    Module AM2 / AM2 RTD /
    AM2 AQ
    DM8 230R /
    DM16 230 R
    DM8 24 /
    DM16 24
    DM8 24R /
    DM16 24R
    DM8 12/
    LOGO! 12/24 RCE (RCEo) + - + + +
    LOGO! 24 CE (CEo) + - + + +
    LOGO! 24 RCE (RCEo) + - + + +
    LOGO! 230 RCE (RCEo) + + - - -
    LOGO! DM8 12/24 R + - + + +
    + - + + +
    + - + + +
    + + - - -
    LOGO!DM16 24 + - + + +
    LOGO!DM16 24R + - + + +
    LOGO!DM16 230R + + - - -
    + - + + +
    + - + + +
    + - + + +

    Digital input/output modules

    Power supply: =24 V (=20.4 ... 28.8 V) Power supply: =24 V (=20.4 ... 28.8 V/~20.4 ... 26.4 V) Power supply: =115 ... 240 V (=100 ... 253 V/~85 ... 265 V)
    4DI =24 V 4DI =24 V 4DI =115 ... 240 V 4DI =12/24 V
    4DQ =24 V/ 0.3 A, transistors 4DQ, relay, up to 5 AN a contact 4DQ, relay, up to 5 A per contact
    35.5×90×58 mm 35.5×90×58 mm 35.5×90×58 mm 35.5×90×58 mm

    Power supply: =24 V (=20.4 ... 28.8 V) Power supply: DC24 V (=20.4 … 28.8 V / ~20.4 … 26.4 V) Power supply: =115 ... 240 V (=100 ... 253 V/~85 ... 265 V)
    8DI =24 V 8DI =24 V 8DI =115 ... 240 V
    8DQ =24 V/ 0.3 A, transistors 8DQ, relay, up to 5 A per contact
    71.5x 90x 58 mm 71.5x 90x 58 mm 71.5x 90x 58 mm

    With LOGO! ... 0BA8 only modules 6ED1 055-...-0BA2 should be used

    Analog I/O modules

    L OGO! AM2

    Power supply: =12/24 V (=10.8 ... 28.8 V) Power supply: =12/24 V (=10.8 ... 28.8 V) Power supply: =24 V (= V)
    2AI 0.10 V/ 0 ... 20 mA/ 4 ... 20 mA 2AI Pt100/ Pt1000 2AQ 0.10 V/ 0.20 mA/ 4.20 mA
    35.5x 90x 58 mm 35.5x 90x 58 mm 35.5x 90x 58 mm

    Communication modules

    • "Transparent" network devices, which do not require setting their parameters
    • Without interface for connecting to the internal logic module bus

    Unmanaged 4-Channel Switch
    Industrial Ethernet, 4x RJ45, 10/100 Mbit/s
    Supply voltage: =12/24 V Supply voltage: =230 V
    72 x 90 x 55 mm 72 x 90 x 55 mm

    • Data exchange via mobile networks GSM/GPRS
    • Connection to the LOGO! 0BA8 via built-in Ethernet interface
    • Construction of the simplest telecontrol systems supporting the following functions:
      - Remote data exchange with a logical module with via SMS
      - Date and time synchronization via GPS, NTP server or operator network mobile communications
      - Receive positioning data via GPS
    • Sending and receiving SMS from predefined mobile phones
    • Sending SMS based on events recorded by the logical module or signals received at the discrete inputs of the CMR2020 module
    • Using SMS to control the operation of the logic module, as well as the states of the built-in discrete outputs of the CMR2020 module
    • The LOGO! module format housing ...0BA8
    • Built-in Ethernet interface, 1x RJ45, 10/100 Mbit/s with support for S7 communication functions for data exchange with the logic module
    • SMA socket for connecting a GSM/GPRS antenna
    • SMA socket for connection GPS antennas
    • Slot for installing a Micro SD card and saving event contents
    • Slot for SIM installation cards
    • Two 3-pole terminal blocks with screw terminals for connecting external digital input circuits
    • Two 3-pole terminal blocks with screw terminals for connecting external discrete output circuits
    • One 4-pole terminal block with screw terminals for connecting a 24 VDC power supply

    Additional equipment

    Power supplies LOGO!Power

    Input voltage: ~85 ... 264 V / =110 ... 300 V. Protection from short circuits. Enabling parallel operation
    Output voltage = 24V
    Output voltage =15V
    Output voltage =12V
    Output voltage =5V
    Setting: =22.2 ... 26.4
    Setting: =10.5 ... 16.1V
    Setting: =10.5 ... 16.1V
    Setting: =4.6 ... 5.4V
    Three sizes:
    - 24V/1.3A: 54x 90x 55 mm
    - 24V/2.5A: 72x 90x 55 mm
    - 24V/4.0A: 90x 90x 55 mm
    Two sizes:
    - 15V/1.9A: 54x 90x 55 mm
    - 15V/4.0A: 72x 90x 55 mm
    Two sizes:
    - 12V/1.9A: 54x 90x 55 mm
    - 12V/4.5A: 72x 90x 55 mm
    Two sizes:
    - 5V/3.0A: 54x 90x 55 mm
    - 5V6.3A: 72x 90x 55 mm

    Contactors LOGO!Contact

    Switching capacity
    in a 3-phase circuit ~400 V:
    Category AC1:
    20 A/ 13 kW
    Switching capacity
    in a 3-phase circuit ~400 V:
    Category AC1:
    20A / 13kW
    categories AC2 and AC3:
    8.4 A/ 4 kW
    categories AC2 and AC3:
    8.4 A/ 4 kW
    Contactor winding supply voltage: DC 24 V
    Contactor winding supply voltage: ~230 V
    36 x 72 x 55 mm
    36 x 72 x 55 mm

    Additional components

    Mounting kits for LOGO!)

    Operational management and monitoring

    • Display messages on the logic module screen, on the text display screen, or on both screens
    • Generating messages with simultaneous support for two character sets from the following list:
      • ISO-8859-1, Latin 1: English, German, Italian, Spanish (partial), Dutch (partial)
      • ISO-8859-5, Cyrillic: Russian
      • ISO-8859-9, Latin-5: Turkish
      • ISO-8859-16, Latin-10: French
      • GB-2312/GBK, Chinese: Chinese
      • Shift-JIS, Japanese: Japanese
    • Up to 50/25 text messages per program when using 1/2 character sets
    • Control of display backlight from the user program (white, amber or red)
    • Displaying the LOGO! Basic up to 6 lines of alphanumeric information:
      • with 16/32 characters per line for European characters
      • with 8/16 characters per line for Asian characters
    • Displaying the LOGO! TDE up to 6 lines of alphanumeric information:
      • with 20/40 characters per line for European characters
      • with 10/20 characters per line for Asian characters
    • Using character-by-character or line-by-line scrolling features for long messages
    • Displaying vertical or horizontal bargraphs
    • Inclusion of states of discrete inputs and outputs, analog inputs, timers, and values ​​of process parameters into messages
    • Date and time display

    Text display LOGO! TDE

    Design features:

    • Monochrome FSTN display with internal 3-color LED backlight
    • 96 rows and 160 columns per screen
    • 6 standard LOGO keys! and 4 programmable keys
    • Built-in Ethernet interface 10/100 Mbit/ss 2-channel switch (2x RJ45), cable length no more than 30 m
    • Supply voltage =12/24 V or ~24 V.
    • Protection degree IP65 from the front and IP20 from the remaining sides of the case
    • Plastic case 128.2x 86x 38.7 mm
    • Installation on a vertical flat surface with mounting brackets


    Possible programming options:

    • Using the keyboard and display of the LOGO! Basic
    • By installing a pre-programmed module or memory card
    • Using the LOGO! Soft Comfort

    Support for logic modules of all generations: LOGO! ... 0BA0 to LOGO! ...0BA8

    • Development, debugging, documentation and archiving of logic module programs, both offline and online
    • Remote programming and diagnostics of logic modules via modem communication system (LOGO! ... 0BA6) via Ethernet network(LOGO! ... 0BA7/ 0BA8)
    • Use of LAD and FBD languages ​​for program development, visual representation of the entire logical module program
    • Simulation and debugging of the developed program before it is loaded into the logical module
    • Configuration network connections for new generation modules
    • Using symbolic addressing for outputs and functions
    • Convenient execution of all necessary settings
    • Displays the states of all variables and functions in simulation or program mode in a logic module
    • Setting access rights to module resources
    • Comparison different versions programs
    • Powerful online help system
    • Direct loading of a finished program into a logic module, memory card or memory module (via LOGO! PROM)

    Use on computers/programmers with operating system:

    • Windows XP Professional (32-bit)
    • Windows 7 (all 32 and 64 bit versions)
    • Windows 8 (all 32- and 64-bit versions)
    • SUSE Linux 11.3 SP2, Kernel 3.0.76 for all distributions running Java 2
    • MAC OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, MAC OS X Lion, X Mountain LION, MAC OS X Mavericks