• Programs for reading on a smartphone. Do you need a good reader for Android? Choose from the best

    Supported formats: EPUB, PDF.

    Due to the extremely small number of supported formats and minimum set settings, this application is unlikely to fit the role of a full-fledged “reader”.

    No font settings and indentations other than “more or less” are not supported CSS styles. Third-party fonts are not installed, although you can download a package with additional ones from the Internet. True, many of them have not become familiar with the Russian language, so the benefit of changing the font is minimal.

    In general, the Aldiko Book Reader application has a pretty nice interface and high speed work, but there are too few appearance and control settings.

    In fact, the main advantage of this program is that it is a PDF reader for Android. Quite simple and fast.


    Supported formats: EPUB, MOBI, TXT.

    The app with a promising name turned out to be useless for users unfamiliar with Chinese characters. The menu has been almost completely translated into English language. Judging by the need for Internet access, the application provides access to Chinese bookstores.

    However, iReader practically cannot cope with Russian text, so we consider installing the application as a regular “reader” completely inappropriate.

    iReader offline

    Supported formats: TXT, CHM, MOBI, PDB, UMD, HTML, images.

    The iReader offline application from the same developer behaves completely differently. There is no Russian interface language here, but there is also no Chinese characters, everything is translated into English.

    The number of supported formats is small, but this application is the only one that can effortlessly cope with a complex help file in the CHM format created in the Help & Manual 6 program.

    The developer took an original approach to the design of the settings. At first glance, there are not enough of them here, and everything is dumped and mixed on one page. However, they are quite sufficient for carefully customizing the appearance of text and controls.

    Another thing is that for CHM most of the settings are useless, but for reading fiction there are applications that support a larger number of currently popular formats.

    IN this review Several reading apps are being considered e-books on a smartphone under Android control. As the main criterion for selection, we did not use support for certain formats, but the popularity of applications in the store Google Play And search query by the word "reader". It is from there that you can download e-readers for Android, which for the most part are also distributed free of charge. As a result, the list of tested applications turned out to be quite diverse. Some programs are capable of working with a large number of formats, while others are “tailored” only to EPUB and PDF. Including all readers can work not only in Android 4, 4.1 and older, but even Android 2.3, or even 2.2!

    However, the EPUB (Electronic Publication) format, created by the international organization IDPF, is the most common; its support is the main task of any application. In contrast, the FB2 format was developed by Russian specialists, so its popularity, as a rule, does not go beyond the borders of the RuNet. However, for Russian-speaking users, support for the “native” format can be the main factor when choosing an application.

    In terms of versatility, both formats are approximately the same: they allow you to include in the file information about the structure of the book, author and annotation, as well as graphic images, style descriptions, fonts and other information.

    Supported formats: EPUB, FB2, TXT. Partially – EPUB 3, HTML, MOBI (without DRM protection), RTF, DOC. In the future - PDF, DJVU.

    This is one of the most popular applications equipped with good set settings. In addition to changing the basic parameters, FBReader allows you to set your own background and font, look up the meaning of a word in the dictionary, use network libraries and connect your own OPDS directories.

    Despite the fact that epub and mobi formats are becoming increasingly popular in mobile devices, fb2 (FictionBook) it’s too early to bury. Today we will look under our microscope at the best fb2 readers that provide maximum comfort for the eyes and without unnecessary frills. These applications should not only open e-books, but also be highly customizable.

    The list of mobile fb2 readers for Android includes the following free applications:

    All applications are available for download on Google Play, links to them are available next to the description of each fb2 reader. So, let's start testing.

    FBReader - a cute fb2 reader for Android

    How to open a file? FBReader is the first thing that comes to mind

    Perhaps not a single review is complete without mentioning. If you don’t know how to open a fb2 file, then this is the application that first comes to mind, regardless of the platform. The fact is that FBReader is available everywhere:

    The only thing missing from this list is iOS - but, of course, there are quite a few “native” reader applications for reading in this mobile OS.

    In addition to fb2, the FBreader application for Android successfully opens following formats documents: ePub, azw3, Word documents, HTML, simple text documents, PDF and (via module). True, the last of those mentioned are available after installing the plugins that are posted for free download on the application website.

    Let's see why the FBReader project was developed, what are the main features of the reader and why it should be used to read books on Android? Let's list the three main features of the reader (in bold).

    Synchronizing books on your phone using a network library. FBReader provides cloud service for storing books. You can (follow the link - list electronic libraries), easily upload documents and books in fb2 format (they can be compressed into a zip archive) to the cloud, and then access and read them on any device. The position (where you are in the document) will be saved. By the way, synchronization can be configured in a couple of clicks; by default it is disabled.

    How to open fb2 using FBReader?

    In addition to your own library, you can connect additional online catalogs and bookstores. As for me, then network functions I don’t use FBReader readers at all, I just download books from popular online libraries to my Android in fb2 format. This standard way downloading books, which works like a charm.

    Setting up the display of fb2 books. In addition to the fact that FBReader has a pleasant user interface, I’m pleased to be able to fine-tune the display of text in the book. In this regard, it should be noted color schemes, night and day reading mode, screen brightness, changing the background background, text color, font size and typeface. You can download your favorite fonts to Android in TrueType or OpenType format and specify them in the reader settings.

    Finally, the third feature of this fb2 reading program for Android will appeal to those who read books in foreign languages ​​- namely easy connection dictionaries for translating words in the text of books. Take the same Kindle: there you can connect an English-Russian dictionary and quickly find out the translation of a particular word when you highlight it. This feature is often not available on Android readers, but FBReader is a pleasant exception. You add ColorDict, Fora Dictionary, FreeDictionary.org dictionaries to your phone, tell FBReader where to get the words from - and you can read FictionBook books and .

    AlReader - old fb2 reader with good functionality

    AlReader - enough old reader for fb2, which appeared at the dawn of the heyday of mobile phones. When opening the application, there is even a feeling of nostalgia: AlReader is too reminiscent of its early versions. That is, the interface has not changed much since then. This can be approached in two ways: on the one hand, if you have already opened books in FB Reader and similar readers, then you most likely will not like the interface of the AlReader application. On the other hand, we advise you to still evaluate other aspects of this mobile application.

    The AlReader application boasts support not only for the Fb2 format, but also for reading books in epub, mobi, doc, including from archives. You can use a local or online library to navigate your document. Actually, inside the book you can also navigate through sections (one of the features of fb2, by the way), create bookmarks and notes as you read. The app recognizes many gestures, which makes sense. primarily for adjusting brightness and navigation.

    The appearance and style of displaying the book on the phone screen is conveniently customizable: indents, background and font color, typeface size, flipping effects - in general, everything that can be found in any developed program for reading e-books on Android.

    In short, we would advise you to pay attention to the AlReader mobile reader already because it is a proven reader among users not only of Android, but also of other mobile platforms. And the unsightly shell is partly compensated by skins and excellent functionality.

    Moon+ Reader - fb2 “lunar” reader for night owls

    Reading fb2 using Moon Reader

    "Lunar Reader" is not much inferior to the same FBReader; it can be used with the same success for reading books in FB2 format, not only. The list of supported book formats includes popular mobile formats epub, txt, html, pdf, mobi, fb2 and others. Books can be packed in rar archives and zip and open them without problems on Android via Moon+ Reader.

    Similar to the FBReader reader, Moon Reader has the ability to connect online libraries with books. You can also download e-books in the above formats to an SD card or internal memory, and then open them in the application.

    Reading convenience is excellent: adjusting font sizes, colors, backgrounds, indents, shadows, transparency and other beauties that in one way or another affect the perception of color. Returning to the name of the application - Moon Reader - yes, reading at night in this reader is quite convenient, there are a dozen design themes, as well as night and day reading modes.

    When reading, it is worth noting the following features: auto-scrolling, smooth scrolling of text, adjusting screen brightness when sliding, optimization for long reading, flipping effects, adjusting text alignment, hyphenation, display modes for both tablets and small screens of Android devices.

    If we talk about the unique features of the fb2 program, then this is an unusually wide support for gestures. You can customize literally any command by assigning a specific gesture for its execution. And if the Kindle or other e-ink reader beats the screen in terms of reading pleasure, then in terms of Android gestures ahead of the rest. You can configure actions for taps, volume control buttons, search, camera button and others. You have 24 operations at your disposal that you can assign these gestures to.

    Good news for lovers of foreign literature and for attentive readers who like to scribble in the margins: Moon Reader is very convenient for highlighting fragments of text, you can connect dictionaries to translate text, popular translator dictionaries ColorDict, Fora, ABBYY Lingvo and others are supported. In this aspect, Moon Reader surpasses even the authoritative reader FBReader.

    Prestigio Reader - a good phone reader for book formats

    Prestigio Reader can open many book formats, but primarily focuses on mobile ones: these are FB2, ePub, DjVU, etc. If you prefer to listen to audiobooks, then the reader will satisfy these needs without any problems.

    Prestigio Reader is a truly “prestigious” program for reading fb2 books

    Prestigio Reader is, frankly, a very pleasant discovery for us. At the first steps, when working with the reader, everything is intuitive. First, the guide illustrates where and what elements should be used in the application.

    Fb2 books are added to the library automatically through intelligent search. Which is incredibly convenient, because... you don’t need to search for files on your phone yourself, although the Prestigio Reader program contains file manager. In addition, more than 5 thousand books are available for download in the online library.

    The interface of the Prestigio Reader application is very pleasant and fresh. By default, everything should be fine, but in any case, you can customize the design of the fb2 book to suit you. IN quick settings– font sizes, indents, typeface. By going to the advanced settings, you will see settings for styles, colors, panels, animations - even more than what the user needs when reading files in fb2 format.

    PocketBook - FB2 and PDF reader for Android

    The PocketBook program is designed for reading fb2 books on a mobile device on the Android platform. It’s hardly worth listing the book formats this reader works with - it covers all popular extensions, essentially duplicating both Moon Reader and FBReader.

    Hand on heart, it’s worth admitting that among fb2 readers for Android there are not so many pleasant programs in which a) the interface looks modern b) it’s pleasant to read books. Unfortunately, on Google Play there are pdf and fb2 readers with a frankly poor shell. You open them and think: well, all hope is that the pages in the book will look normal, at least the program won’t let you down in this regard. But no, and the fonts match the interface.

    As for the PocketBook application for Android, the opposite is true: this is one of the most successful applications for reading books in the FictionBook format. The developers achieved this through convenient navigation through the library and the implementation of a radial menu.

    At first similar device The main menu in PocketBook takes some getting used to, which is understandable: it’s rare to see such know-how in any mobile fb2 reader. But then it becomes clear that through this menu you can carry out almost all the necessary actions: change font sizes, adjust brightness, go to the menu, etc. In the main menu of the application, a standard set of parameters is available for customizing the display of text in the book: indents, colors, themes.

    In a word, the developers of the PocketBook application tried their best and released a high-quality product for reading on Android. Interestingly, the same team is developing e-books on e-ink ink and related accessories.

    EBookDroid - FB2 and PDF reader

    The EBookDroid reader focuses on two book formats- PDF and Deja Vu, but fb2 books can also be read with the same convenience on a phone or tablet. However, what about this very convenience?

    After a quick test of the EBookDroid, the feeling is twofold. On the one hand, all the basic reading functions are in place. You can open books, navigate through pages and sections, leave bookmarks and comment in various ways, customize the display of fonts and even add your own typefaces.

    However, as for the shell itself, it is not very pleasing to the eye. Although the EBookDroid application is updated quite regularly, these innovations affect the visual shell to a small extent. The FictionBook reading application looks as if the year is not 2016, but 2006.

    We hope that soon we will be able to download the fb2 program in material design performance. And this is not a matter of taste, but a simple requirement from the majority Android users OS.

    Cool Reader - old-fashioned reader for Android

    Free old school fb2 reader for Android called Cool Reader supports almost all popular e-book formats (PDF, MOBI, RTF, FictionBook itself, etc.), although, for example, DOC and AZW3 are not on the list.

    Old school - because the interface, as in the previous case, is a little outdated. This creates certain inconveniences: firstly, the bookshelf is not as effective as in the case of PocketBook (it could simply be replaced with a simple list); secondly, you immediately have to rebuild everything “to suit you”: background, color, font size and alignment.

    If you close your eyes to the user shell, then, as the developer notes on the program description page, Cool Reader at the same time has similarities with FBReader, Aldiko, AlReader, Moon reader and other representatives of fb2-readers for Android. Therefore, the list of functions is similar to all of the above.

    Resume. We have mentioned, in our opinion, the best fb2 readers for Android. As you can see, there is always something to open both fb2 and pdf, epub, mobi. The following reviews will look at these mobile formats for storing books on your phone. Good luck!

    An increasing number of people prefer their electronic counterparts to paper books, and since the largest smartphone manufacturers began to move towards increasing the diagonal of the screen of mobile devices, compact phones have significantly displaced e-books from the market of reading gadgets. So that your leisure time with a book is not overshadowed by shortcomings software, we have prepared our rating of the best e-readers for Android!

    10. AIReader

    Our rating opens with an e-reader that has long been loved by millions of book lovers. This application, unlike many others, is intended for reading exclusively fiction, but there are practically no restrictions on the file format - the program can easily cope with the usual mobile formats fb2 or epub, as well as other extensions like doc or rtf.

    The reader interface is available in both English and Russian. Several design profiles and text display modes will help you customize the application according to your preferences. Various internal goodies like keeping the screen backlight on for up to twenty minutes, and others fine settings will make the reading process much more comfortable. The program is free and does not contain advertising.

    9. ZX Reader

    A rather exotic e-reader, not yet familiar to most users. The application is not distinguished by an abundance of supported formats, although docx is present among them, and the program’s customization options can hardly be called extensive, but it does have several interesting functions that can interest the user. For example, screen brightness or font settings can be changed using a gesture, which looks rather unusual, but, admittedly, does not greatly affect the use of the application.

    You can change one of the preset profiles to another in a couple of clicks. The application is distributed free of charge and has no advertising, so anyone can try it in action and evaluate the potential of the application.

    8. Aldiko Book Reader

    A popular application that, in addition to mobile formats copes with PDF too. Today, more than 30,000,000 users around the world prefer this particular e-reader and, it is worth noting, there is a reason for it. The extremely pleasant interface, designed in the format of a bookshelf, immediately catches your eye. Access to online catalogs allows you to download books directly from the application. The program's ergonomics are commendable; you don't have to spend a lot of time and painstakingly setting up the application to meet your requirements.

    The application will appeal to people who, as part of their job, often have to look for a passage of text in a book or read texts in foreign languages ​​- the built-in dictionary and text search are very good. The disadvantages include the presence of advertising, which does not add pleasure to the reading process.

    7.Universal Book reader

    The name of the application should not be misleading; this reader is far from universal; among the supported formats there are only epub and PDF - frankly speaking, not a lot. But in other aspects, the utility feels very confident - the intuitive, clear and aesthetically verified interface looks better than many competitors. The application has a built-in browser, with which you can also read e-books.

    Various text display modes will help fans of customization to design the screen in accordance with their wishes, fortunately there are quite a few options. The program is available both in a free version with advertising, and offers to pay for a number of functions and remove advertising for money.

    6. eReader Prestigio

    And here is a truly universal participant in the rating. Not only does the reader support many extensions text files, and is also capable of playing audio books! The reader has direct access to an extensive library of more than 50,000 books in 25 languages, some of which are available for free.

    With the help account MyPrestigio reader can synchronize devices and open the book on any device in the current location. With the Text to Speech feature, you can listen to text on your smartphone screen. The design and ergonomics are also in perfect order - the reviews are strictly positive. The free version of the program has advertising, large number paid content It shouldn’t be scary - the application can be used in the stock version.


    Finally, the rating has returned to completely free and advertising-free representatives. It is difficult to single out any unique feature of this reader; in general, there are none, but all the functions we are used to are implemented here at an excellent level. The reader pleases with its speed, user-friendly interface1, abundance of supported formats and other amenities.

    As big plus It is worth highlighting the active cooperation of users and developers when preparing updates; your every wish will be heard and, possibly, implemented already in next version! If you need an e-reader not for some highly specialized functions, but for simple reading on the go, then you should take a closer look at this option.


    Extremely popular app, capable of working with almost any format popular on mobile devices and PCs. Those who like to devote every free minute to reading will be pleased with the “day” and “night” modes, which allow you to select the screen brightness that is most comfortable for the eyes. Those who, like the author of this note, prefer to read books in PDF and DJVU formats will appreciate the wide functionality of working with these extensions.

    3. CoolReader

    A very strong option for those who are lost among the huge number of applications on the Android e-reader market, but want to have the most on their smartphone universal program. CoolReader pleases with a variety of mobile formats, extensive interface customization options, online catalogs and much more.

    The disadvantages include the lack of convenient internal cataloging, otherwise the program does not cause any complaints. The absence of advertising will allow you to use the program without inconvenience and for free.

    2. FBReader

    The most popular “classic” mobile reader. It cannot boast of a wide range of supported formats, there are only two of them - epub and fb2, but few can compete with it in speed and simplicity of the interface. An excellent bonus is the ability to open books both from internal memory and from external media. The possibilities for creating a personal library are almost unlimited; a huge number of criteria for sorting texts will appeal to every lover of order and cataloging.

    The program tries to make the reading process itself more comfortable with the help of small improvements like manual bookmarks and other things. If you are ready to use to open files with other extensions additional application, then you are unlikely to find anything better than FBReader for working with fb2 and epub. The advertising present here somewhat overshadows the impression.

    1. Moon Reader

    And here is the direct opposite of the previous position in our top - an e-reader with unique flexible settings. Support any color ranges, adjusting scroll speed, turning pages multiple times different ways– this is only a small fraction of the functionality of this program.

    If you're missing the usual mobile formats, Moon Reader will happily open HTML, TXT, PDF, or even an archive extension. High-quality cataloging of books will allow you not to get lost in the wilds of even an extensive library. The application is available both for free and in the PRO version for 289 rubles.

    Supported dictionaries, annotations, the ability to share a book with friends - all this allows this application take a well-deserved first place in our ranking and not get lost among the programs on any smartphone. If you don't know what functions of the reader you will need in the future, but don't want to constantly change working application– install Moon Reader and forget about this problem.

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    Supported Formats: FB2, EPUB, DOC, DOCX, MOBI, PRC, TXT, RTF, ODT and HTML.

    This simple e-reader offers only the essential features so as not to distract you from your reading. Just set up the fonts and background once and enjoy your favorite books. The program interprets text markup perfectly, so you don't need to adjust paragraphs and indents in each new book.

    eBoox supports syncing between Android devices and reads an impressive number of formats. Plus, the app is completely free and does not display ads.

    2. Play Books

    Supported Formats: PDF, EPUB.

    Another good reader, designed for fans of minimalism. “Play Books” supports much fewer formats than eBoox, but it offers cross-platform synchronization between Android, iOS and the web, as well as the ability to quickly purchase books from the built-in store. You can add your books for free. Application without advertising.


    Supported Formats: FB2, EPUB.

    Bookmate is both a simple, convenient reader and social network for book fans, and a service for legal access to thousands of works by subscription. There is no need to pay, you can read the classics and, of course, download your own. At your service is a system of book recommendations and synchronization between devices and platforms.

    4. Moon+ Reader

    Supported Formats: TXT, HTML, EPUB, PDF, MOBI, FB2, UMD, CHM, CBR, CBZ, RAR, ZIP.

    In contrast to previous readers, it is filled with a huge number of settings. If you like to customize programs for yourself, this application is for you. In Moon+ Reader, you can configure numerous text display parameters, change themes, connect third-party translators and dictionaries, and much more. There is synchronization between Android devices and even a blue light filter for reading before bed.

    Alas, free version suffers from an excess of advertising. With a one-time payment, you'll get rid of ads and also get PDF support, read-aloud functionality, and other bonuses.


    Supported Formats: PDF, EPUB, DJVU, TXT, FB2, FB2.ZIP, CHM, HTML, CBZ, CBR, СBT, RTF.

    PocketBook is also an e-reader with extensive customization options. You can connect dictionaries, change the size and theme of the interface, adjust the display of text, and more. Although there are still not as many settings in it as in Moon+ Reader. But PocketBook supports DJVU format, which can be useful for reading documents, and cross-platform synchronization. And most importantly, the program is completely free and does not bother you with advertising.

    Large diagonals and high resolution V modern devices on Android, make the reading process more convenient and fun. When choosing an application for reading e-books, the user is guided by personal needs and tastes. For some, support for a large number of formats is important; for others, access to network libraries. For example, I will never use a “reader” if it does not provide night mode reading. Some will say that what matters most is the content, not the form. And here I probably agree, but I would like to draw an analogy with paper books. After all, it is much more pleasant to hold a book in your hands in a beautiful cover with a clear and beautiful font. The same can be projected onto reading apps. Whatever one may say, it is with paper books that we subconsciously compare their electronic counterparts. And the more similar moments we find, the more likely it is that we will choose specific program. We tried to select just such “close to reality” reading applications for you.

    - the most famous and popular program for reading books for Android. Although it does not have the simplest interface, after spending some time customizing it for yourself, you will be 100% satisfied with the result obtained. The application supports all popular formats: fb2, .fb2.zip, .txt, .rtf, .doc, .epub, .chm, .pdb, .prc, .mobi.
    Here you will not find built-in stores, but you can open the book you need from any directory in the root system of your device. Beautiful background textures, page-turning effects, and easy-to-use table of contents will help you immerse yourself in reading for many hours.

    FBReader can easily be called one of the best “readers”. In addition to numerous customizable reading options, the app has style! FBReader looks especially organic on devices with Android 4.0 and higher. Menus, settings items, display of read pages and much more are made in the usual way standard interface Android holo style. It is impossible not to note the excellent optimization of the application and very smooth navigation within the program itself. Users can also find various plugins for accessing network libraries.

    In principle, another good application for reading e-books, which has one undeniable advantage - synchronization with Dropbox. Having similar functionality to the programs described above, it has excellent appearance and built-in access to various bookstores.

    Aldiko Book Reader is the simplest and most convenient program for reading books on Android smartphones and tablets. The application has a simple and minimalistic design. In other words, nothing superfluous that could distract you from reading. Absence Russian-language interface and the small number of supported formats, of course, is a little disappointing, but the simplicity and decent work on devices running not the latest Android versions has enabled this app to provide over 10 million downloads to date!

    "Omnivorous" application for reading electronic literature. It has an original interface in the form of a “circular” menu with various controls, which is called up by pressing the center of the screen. Working with text is very convenient: highlighting, creating quotes and comments, taking pictures of individual areas of the screen. The font size can be adjusted with a simple “sliver” across the display. Even if it doesn't deserve to be defined as the best program for reading, then it will be able to compete on par with the leaders in functionality and bells and whistles.