• A simple tesla coil. Tesla generator is an ideal source of energy

    The Tesla transformer was invented by the famous inventor, engineer, physicist, Nikola Tesla. The device is a resonant transformer that produces high voltage high frequency. In 1896, on September 22, Nikola Tesla patented his invention as “Apparatus for producing electric currents of high frequency and potential.” Using this device he tried to transmit electrical energy wirelessly on long distances. In 1891, Nikola Tesla showed the world visual experiments on transferring energy from one coil to another. His device spewed lightning and made fluorescent lamps glow in the hands of surprised spectators. By transmitting high voltage, high frequency current, the scientist dreamed of providing free electricity to any building, private house and other objects. But, unfortunately, due to high energy consumption and low efficiency, the Tesla coil has never found widespread use. Despite this, radio amateurs from different parts of the world collect small reels Tesla for fun and experimentation.

    Tesla coils are also used for entertainment events and Tesla shows. In 1987, Soviet radio engineer Vladimir Ilyich Brovin invented a generator electromagnetic vibrations, named after him "Brovin Kacher", used as an element of an electromagnetic compass operating on a single transistor. I suggest you assemble a working model of a Tesla coil or a Brovin kacher with your own hands from scrap materials.

    List of radio parts for assembling a Tesla Coil:

    • Enameled wire PETV-2 diameter 0.2 mm
    • Copper wire in PVC insulation, diameter 2.2 mm
    • Silicone sealant tube
    • Foil textolite 200x110 mm
    • Resistors 2.2K, 500R
    • Capacitor 1mF
    • 3-volt LEDs 2 pcs.
    • Radiator 100x60x10 mm
    • Voltage regulator L7812CV or KR142EN8B
    • 12 volt fan from computer
    • Banana connector 2 pcs
    • Copper pipe diameter 8 mm 130 cm
    • Transistor MJE13006, 13007, 13008, 13009 from Soviet KT805, KT819 and similar

    A Tesla coil consists of two windings. The primary winding L1 contains 2.5 turns of copper wire in PVC insulation with a diameter of 2.2 mm. The secondary winding L2 contains 350 turns in varnish insulation with a diameter of 0.2 mm.

    The frame for the secondary winding L2 is a tube of silicone sealant. After first removing the remaining sealant, cut off a part of the tube 110 mm long. Stepping back 20 mm from the bottom and top, wind 350 turns of copper wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm. The wire can be obtained from the primary winding of any old small-sized 220V transformer, for example, from a Chinese radio. The coil is wound in one layer, turn to turn, as tightly as possible. The ends of the wire should be passed into the frame through pre-drilled holes. For reliability, coat the finished coil with nitro varnish a couple of times. Insert a sharpened metal rod into the piston, solder the upper terminal of the winding to it and secure with hot glue. Then insert the piston into the reel frame. Cut off a threaded ring from the spout, you will get a nut with which you can easily secure the coil on the textolite board by screwing the resulting nut onto the thread of the outlet hole of the tube. Drill a hole in the bottom of the frame for the LED and the second winding terminal.

    I used an MJE13009 transistor in my coil. Transistors MJE13006, 13007, 13008, 13009 from the Soviet KT805, KT819 and other similar ones are also suitable. Be sure to place the transistor on the radiator; during operation it will get very hot, so I suggest installing a fan and slightly improving the circuit.

    Because powering the coil requires a voltage of more than 12 volts. Maximum power The Tesla coil develops at a supply voltage of 30 volts. And since the fan is designed for 12 volts, the voltage regulator L7812CV or the Soviet analogue KR142EN8B should be added to the circuit. Well, to make the coil look more modern and attract attention, let’s add a couple of LEDs blue. One LED illuminates the coil from the inside, and the second illuminates the coil from below. The diagram will look like this.

    Place all Tesla coil components on a printed circuit board. If you don't want to make a printed circuit board, simply place all the parts of the Tesla coil on a piece of MDF or corrugated cardboard from a paper box and connect them together using the hinged mounting method.

    Ready PCB will look like this. One LED is soldered in the center, it illuminates the space underneath printed circuit board. Make the legs from four blind nuts screwed onto screws.

    The second LED is soldered under the coil; it will illuminate it from the inside.

    Be sure to coat the transistor and voltage regulator with thermal paste and place it on a radiator measuring 100x60x10 mm. The voltage regulator follows.

    The primary winding should be wound in the same direction as the secondary. That is, if coil L2 was wound clockwise, then coil L1 should also be wound clockwise. The frequency of coil L1 must match the frequency of coil L2. To achieve resonance, coil L1 needs to be tuned a little. We do this: on a frame with a diameter of 80 mm we wind 5 turns of bare copper wire with a diameter of 2.2 mm. We solder a flexible wire to the lower terminal of coil L1, and screw a flexible wire to the upper terminal so that it can be moved.

    Turn on the power and bring the neon lamp to the coil. If it does not light up, then you need to swap the leads of coil L1. Next, we experimentally select the vertical position of the L1 coil and the number of turns. We move the wire screwed to the upper terminal of the coil down, achieving the maximum distance at which the neon lamp will light up, this will be the optimal range of action of the Tesla coil. As a result, you should end up with 2.5 turns like I did. After the experiments, we make coil L1 from wire in PVC insulation and solder it in place.

    We enjoy the results of our labors... After turning on the power, a 15 mm long streamer appears, a neon light bulb begins to glow in your hands.

    So, they filmed the Star Wars saga... Here it is, the secret of Jidai's sword...

    In a car lamp, a small plasma appears emanating from the filament to the glass bulb of the lamp.

    To significantly increase the power of a Tesla coil, I recommend making a toroid from a copper tube with a diameter of 8 mm. Ring diameter 130 mm. As a torroid, you can use aluminum foil crumpled into a ball, a metal jar, a computer radiator and other unnecessary, bulky objects.

    After installing the torroid, the coil power increased significantly. From copper wire located next to the toroid, a streamer 15 mm long appears.

    And even LED...

    And this is the plasma that appears in a car light bulb when it is located next to a toroid.

    It's up to you to decide whether to make a toroid or not. I just showed and told you about how I made a Tesla coil or a Brovin kacher on one transistor, with my own hands, and what I did. My coil produces high voltage, high frequency current according to the laws of physics. Thanks to Nikola Tesla and Vladimir Ilyich Brovin for their enormous contribution to science!

    Friends, I wish you good luck and good mood! See you in new articles!

    Amazing things are constantly happening in our world. So the great inventor Nikola Tesla at one time invented a miracle of technology - the Tesla coil. This is a transformer that allows you to increase the output voltage and frequency of electric current many times. In common parlance this device is called a Tesla coil.

    Today large number The technique uses the operating principle of the invention of the great physicist of yesteryear. However, since then technology has improved, so there are more modern views transformers, but they are also called Tesla coils.

    Types of Tesla Coils

    • Actually, the coil of Tesla himself (a spark gap was used in the composition);
    • Transformer on a radio tube;
    • Transistor coil;
    • Resonance coils (two pieces).

    All coils have a similar principle of operation, the only difference is the complexity of their assembly and the electronics used.

    Looking at photos of homemade Tesla coils, you inevitably want exactly the same one for your home. After all, their work is such a beautiful sight that it is impossible to take your eyes off.

    However, many are afraid to undertake the manufacture of such a device, justifying it by the fact that the work will take a lot of time and effort, and all this is also life-threatening.

    But we assure you, the circuit of a regular Tesla coil is quite simple. Therefore, we invite you to assemble this unusual device yourself.

    Step-by-step assembly of a Tesla coil yourself

    So, we don’t need to demonstrate aerobatics, so we will make the simplest coil that uses a transistor in its assembly. It is the most economical in terms of time and money, and therefore is ideal for us.

    Tesla coil structure

    • Primary coil (primary circuit);
    • Secondary coil (secondary circuit);
    • Power supply;
    • Grounding;
    • Ring of protection.

    These are the main elements of transformers. It should be noted that in various types coils may also contain other components.

    How the device works

    The power supply supplies the primary circuit with the required voltage. After which the circuit produces high-frequency oscillations, which, in turn, force the secondary circuit to create its own oscillations, which go with the first ones in resonance. Thanks to this, a current with high voltage and frequency appears in the second coil, which forms the much-anticipated effect - a streamer. Now you need to collect all the elements in one pile.

    Required materials

    • Let's take as a source car battery(or any other source DC voltage 12-19 V);
    • Copper wire (preferably enamel) with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.3 mm. and about 200 meters long;
    • Another copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm;
    • Two frames (dielectrics). One (for the secondary circuit) with a diameter of 4 to 7 cm and a length of 15-30 cm. The other (for the primary circuit) should be several centimeters larger in diameter and shorter in length;
    • Transistor D13007 (you can use others identical to it);
    • Pay;
    • A few resistors of 5 - 75 kOhm, power 0.25 W.

    Assembling a Tesla coil yourself at home

    Now we have gradually approached the assembly of the installation itself. First, let's create a secondary outline. We wind a thin wire with a diameter of 0.15 mm onto a long frame tightly without overlaps. You need to make at least 1000 turns (but you don’t need too many). After this, we coat the coil with several layers of varnish (you can use other materials) so that the wire is not damaged in the future.

    Now about the terminal. It allows you to control the streamers, but at low powers it is not necessary; instead, you can simply move the end of the coil up a few centimeters.

    For another coil, we wind thick wire around the remaining frame. In total you need to make 10 turns. The secondary circuit must be inside the primary.

    Now we install everything so that the structure does not fall down and the primary and secondary contours do not collide together (this is exactly what the frame is for). Ideally, the distance between them should be around 1 cm.

    Then we put everything together. We connect the primary circuit and one resistor to the plus of the power supply, to which we connect another resistor in series. To the end of the second resistor we connect the secondary circuit and the transistor. We connect the other end of the primary circuit to the second contact of the transistor. And we connect the third contact of the transistor to the minus of the power source.

    When connecting, it is important not to mix up the transistor contacts. You also need to attach a radiator or other cooling to it. Everything is ready, you can try the device in practice. However, do not forget about safety. Do not touch anything, only in the dielectric!

    You can check the operation of the installation by the presence of a streamer, or, if there is none, you can bring a light bulb to the coil, and if it lights up, then everything is in order.

    Photos of Tesla coils with your own hands

    Every person has most likely heard about what a Tesla transformer is, which is also often called a Tesla coil. This reel can be seen in many films, computer games and television programs. However, it is not enough to hear that something like this exists. If you are asked what exactly a Tesla transformer does, can you answer that question? Most likely not, and even if you can, you are unlikely to be able to provide enough details. That is why this article exists. With its help, you can learn everything about the Tesla transformer, how it works, what it is used for, how it functions, and so on. Naturally, if you studied physics, then this data will not be news to you, but most people are still not aware of the details regarding the Tesla coil. But this is very interesting data that will allow you to broaden your horizons. As you can easily guess, the inventor of this device was the great scientist Nikola Tesla, who patented his invention in 1896, describing it as a device designed to produce high-frequency electrical currents. Essentially, this is what a Tesla coil is, and you most likely already knew about it. So it's worth taking a look at more interesting and lesser-known data.

    What's the point?

    First, we need to explain the essence of how a Tesla coil works. She may look different, but many people note that, one way or another, she looks very impressive even in calm mode. What can we say about when it is activated, and visible discharges of electricity are formed around it. But how exactly does this happen? The Tesla transformer operates due to resonant electromagnetic waves generated in two windings of the coil, primary and secondary. The primary winding is part of the spark oscillatory center. As for the secondary, its role is played by a straight coil of wire. When the oscillation frequency of the primary and secondary circuits coincides, a high voltage appears between the ends of the coil. alternating voltage, which you can see with the naked eye. If you don’t really understand how the Tesla transformer works, then you can take an ordinary swing as an example. With their help, it will be much easier to explain the work. If you swing a swing using forced vibrations, then the amplitude will be proportional to your effort. If you decide to swing the swing in free oscillation mode, each time pushing the swing at the right moment, the amplitude will increase several times. The same thing happens with a Tesla coil: when the oscillations of the two windings resonate, a much stronger current arises.

    Transformer design

    The second point to consider when considering a Tesla transformer is the circuit. How exactly is the coil constructed? In fact, the design of this transformer can be very diverse, so now you will learn about how it works simplest version, which you can then improve the way you want. So, the simplest Tesla transformer consists of several elements, namely an input transformer, an inductor, which includes a primary and secondary winding, as well as a spark gap, a capacitor and a terminal. Strictly speaking, the current begins its movement from the input transformer, which is the power source, from where it reaches the inductor through a spark gap and a capacitor, and from there it is transmitted to the terminal in a multiplied amount. Moreover, the terminal is often chosen so that it can best transmit such voltage, for example, it can be in the shape of a ball or disk. As you understand, this is the simplest Tesla transformer - the diagram is proof of this. There can be more elements in a Tesla coil. There may be, for example, a toroid, which is not described in this diagram, since it is not key element. As for the main elements, they were all indicated.


    So, now you know how the Tesla transformer works. The principle of its operation is also clear to you in general, but you can go deeper into the details. How exactly does it function? It turns out that it works in pulse mode. What does this mean? This means that the capacitor is first charged until the spark gap breaks down and electricity passes to the inductor. Then the second phase begins, during which high-frequency oscillations are generated. Note that the spark gap must be placed parallel to the power source, causing it to complete the circuit when current is applied to the coil, thereby eliminating the power source from the circuit. Why is this necessary? If left as part of a circuit, it can significantly reduce the voltage output from the transformer. Naturally, the result will still be there, but it will be far from the most impressive. This is how the Tesla transformer functions. The principle of operation is now completely clear to you, but there are still some details that may interest you.

    Charge for transformer

    As you may have already noticed, if you are planning to create a powerful Tesla transformer, then absolutely every detail will need to be taken into account, since any deviations from the norm will lead to the output voltage not being high enough, which is why the effect will be less impressive. And special attention must be paid to the starting charge, that is, the selection of a power source. It is in in this case you need to choose the right capacitor so that the output voltage is ideal and the capacitor does not “short-circuit” itself. There is even a self-powered Tesla transformer, so there are no limits to the variety of designs. So you should remember that in this case we are considering the simplest Tesla coil design.


    Well, the last thing that is worth looking at in more detail is the process of generating high-frequency current itself. So, the Tesla transformer is powered by the selected power source, which transfers the charge to the capacitor, where it accumulates until a breakdown occurs, as a result of which the capacitor is discharged through the spark gap to the primary coil. Since the voltage of the spark gap decreases sharply, the circuit is closed, and, as mentioned above, the power source is excluded from the circuit. At this time, high-frequency oscillations occur in the primary coil, which are then transmitted to the secondary coil, due to which the oscillations become resonant and a high voltage current is generated at the terminal. This is how the simplest Tesla transformer works, but there are a large number of different modifications of it.


    First, you should know that the classic version of the Tesla coil, which was described above, is designated as follows - SGTC. The last two letters stand for Tesla Coil, which translates directly as “Tesla coil”. These two letters will be present in each of the abbreviations, and only the first two change. In this case, SG stands for Spark Gap, meaning this Tesla coil operates on the spark gap created by the spark gap. However, this is not always the case, so it is necessary to consider various options, such as a Tesla transformer based on transistors or semiconductors. The first modification that you can pay attention to is RSGTC, that is, a coil that operates on a rotary spark gap. In this case, an electric motor is used for power, which rotates a disk with electrodes. There is also VTTC which is known as Tesla Tube Coil which works by vacuum tubes. This option does not require high voltage and is also quiet. The next option is SSTC, that is, a Tesla coil, which is powered by a semiconductor-based generator. This modification is one of the most interesting in terms of effectiveness, since with the help of power switches you can change the shape of the discharge. A modification of this version of the Tesla coil is DRSSTC. In this case, double resonance is used, which gives a much more impressive discharge size. Separately, it’s worth taking a look at the QCW DRSSTC - this Tesla coil is characterized by “smooth pumping,” that is, a smooth rather than sharp increase in all parameters. In each of these cases, the calculation of the Tesla transformer will be different, just like its designs and, accordingly, its circuit.

    Using a Tesla Coil

    But how can the energy of a Tesla transformer be used? This question is asked by every person who sees the operation of this device for the first time. As a matter of fact, admiring the incredible discharges, which are huge in size and look very impressive, is one of the most important and popular uses. This transformer allows you to put on a real show that can charm any person, because this is not magic, but pure science. So we can safely say that one of the main roles of the Tesla transformer is decoration and entertainment. However, it turns out that there are other ways to use this technology. For example, Tesla coils were originally used for radio control, wireless transmission data and for energy transfer. Naturally, over time, more effective ways perform each of these functions, so gradually the use of a Tesla coil became less and less relevant. It is also worth noting that it was used in medicine. The fact is that the high-frequency discharge, when passed over the skin, did not have any effect negative influence on the internal organs of a person, but at the same time toned the human skin. IN modern world The Tesla coil is no longer actually used from a practical point of view due to the difficulties of maintaining its constant operation. It is sometimes used to ignite gas discharge lamps or in vacuum systems where the transformer helps find leaks. Thus, the use of the Tesla transformer in the modern world is still, in most cases, decorative, entertaining and educational.


    You already imagine the design of the Tesla transformer, so there is no point in saying anything else on this topic. However, this does not mean that the topic of the Tesla coil itself has exhausted itself. For example, you can look at exactly what discharges are created as a result of its activities. It turns out that they are not random: in total there are four main types. First, you can see streamers, which are dim, branching channels that extend away from the terminal into the air. Essentially, they are a visualization of air ionization. Secondly, you may notice sparks - these are spark discharges that go from the terminal directly into the ground. They can be distinguished due to the fact that they stand out very strongly in appearance - they are a bunch of bright spark channels. Thirdly, there is a corona discharge - this is the name given to the glow of ions directly in a high voltage field. And finally, there is also an arc discharge, which occurs if any grounded object is brought to the transformer. This technique is used by many when the Tesla coil is used for entertainment purposes.

    Health effects

    It was stated above that after the invention of the Tesla coil, it was used for medical purposes, but many sources report that the Tesla transformer is deadly. Who is right and who is deceiving? In most cases, high voltage is fatal to humans, as it leads to burns and cardiac arrest. However, some types of Tesla transformers have a so-called skin effect, which allows electricity to affect only the surface of an object, and in this case, human skin. As mentioned above, this tones the skin and rejuvenates it. Again, there is no medical evidence of this fact, but a lot was written about this at one time.

    Tesla coil as part of culture

    Even if you're not into science, you've probably already seen a Tesla coil, as it's used in a wide variety of entertainment applications. First of all, she can be seen in many films that were released on cinema screens in various years. One of the most famous films in which very important role played the Tesla transformer, became a film adaptation of the novel of the same name “Prestige”. Also, very often the Tesla coil can be found in computer games, where it most often acts as a powerful weapon. Moreover, you can find Tesla transformers even in musical art. It turns out that you can change the sound of an electrical discharge by increasing and decreasing the frequency of the current. And some performers and musical groups use it to record music. And those who do not want to complicate everything resort to the help of a Tesla coil to create realistic sounds of lightning discharges, as, for example, the famous singer Björk did. Thus, in the modern world, Tesla transformers are used very widely, but it cannot be said that they are used for their intended purpose. Your time as functional device The Tesla coil has already become obsolete, and it, in fact, should have sunk into oblivion, like most old devices. However, thanks visual effects, which she creates, the Tesla coil was able to survive to this day, and it continues to be used constantly, albeit as an item of entertainment. It is also worth noting that it is also used for educational purposes, since it is on it that one can clearly demonstrate to novice physicists what an electric discharge looks like, how it behaves, and so on. Simply put, the Tesla transformer is a device that has existed for a hundred years and has not lost its relevance even in the twenty-first century, which is known to everyone for its incredible progress in the field of high technology.

    One of the most widespread inventions of Nikola Tesla is the Tesla transformer. The operation of this device is based on the action of resonant electromagnetic standing waves in coils. This principle formed the basis of many modern things: TV picture tubes, charging devices at a distance. Due to the phenomenon of resonance, at the moment the oscillation frequency of the primary winding circuit coincides with the oscillation frequency of the standing waves of the secondary winding, an arc jumps between the ends of the coil.

    Despite the apparent complexity of this generator, you can make it yourself. The technology of how to make a Tesla coil with your own hands is contained below.

    Components and operating principle

    The Tesla transformer is assembled from a primary, secondary coil and trim consisting of a spark gap or breaker, a capacitor and a terminal serving as an output.

    The primary winding consists of a small number of turns of heavy gauge copper wire or copper tubing. It can be horizontal (flat), vertical (cylindrical) or conical. The secondary winding consists of a large number of turns of smaller cross-section and is the most important component of the structure. Its length to diameter ratio should be 4:1, and at the base there should be a grounded protective ring of copper wire, designed to preserve the electronics of the installation.

    Since the Tesla transformer operates in pulse mode, its design is characterized by the fact that it does not include a ferromagnetic core. This allows the mutual induction between the windings to be reduced. The capacitor, interacting with the primary coil, creates an oscillatory circuit with a spark gap included in it, in this case a gas one. The spark gap is assembled from massive electrodes, and for greater wear resistance it is additionally equipped with radiators.

    The principle of operation of a Tesla coil is as follows. The capacitor is charged through the inductor from the transformer. The charging speed directly depends on the inductance value. Once charged to a critical level, it will cause a breakdown of the spark gap. After this, high-frequency oscillations are generated in the primary circuit. At the same time, the arrester is activated, removing the transformer from the general circuit, closing it.

    If this does not happen, then losses may occur in the primary circuit, negatively affecting its operation. In the standard circuit, a gas spark gap is installed in parallel with the power source.

    Thus, a Tesla coil can output a voltage of several million volts. From such tension in the air, electrical discharges appear in the form of coronary discharges and streamers.

    It is extremely important to remember that these products generate high potential currents and are deadly. Even low-power devices can cause severe burns and damage to nerve endings, muscle tissue and ligaments. Capable of causing cardiac arrest.

    Design and assembly

    The Tesla transformer was patented in 1896 and is simple in design. It includes:

    1. A primary coil with a copper core winding with a cross-section of 6 mm², sufficient for 5-7 turns.
    2. A secondary coil made of dielectric material and wire with a diameter of up to 0.5 mm and a length sufficient for 800-1000 turns.
    3. Hemispheres of the arrester.
    4. Capacitors.
    5. A protective ring made of copper core, like on the primary winding of a transformer.

    The peculiarity of the device is that its power does not depend on the power of the power source. The physical properties of air are more important. The device can create oscillatory circuits various methods:

    • using a spark gap arrester;
    • using a transistor oscillation generator;
    • on lamps.

    To make a Tesla transformer with your own hands you will need:

    1. For the primary winding - 3 m of thin copper tube with a diameter of 6 mm or a copper core of the same diameter and length.
    2. To assemble the secondary winding, you need a PVC pipe with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of about 50 cm and a PVC threaded fitting for it. You also need a copper wire coated with varnish or enamel with a diameter of 0.5 mm and a length of 90 m.
    3. Metal flange with an internal diameter of 5 cm.
    4. Various nuts, washers and bolts.
    5. Arrester.
    6. Smooth hemisphere for the terminal.
    7. You can make the capacitor yourself. It will require 6 glass bottles, table salt, rapeseed or vaseline oil, and aluminum foil.
    8. A power supply capable of delivering 9kV at 30mA will be required.

    Tesla is easy to implement. There are 2 wires coming from the transformer with a spark gap connected. Capacitors are connected to one of the wires. At the end is the primary winding. The secondary coil with a terminal and a grounded protection ring is located separately.

    Description of how to assemble a Tesla coil at home:

    1. A secondary winding is made by first securing the edge of the wire to the end of the pipe. It should be wound evenly, without allowing the wire to break. There should be no gaps between the turns.
    2. When finished, wrap the top and bottom of the wrapping with masking tape. After this, coat the winding with varnish or epoxy resin.
    3. Prepare 2 panels for the bottom and top bases. Any dielectric material, a sheet of plywood or plastic, will do. Place a metal flange in the center of the lower base and secure it with bolts so that there is space between the lower and upper bases.
    4. Prepare the primary winding by twisting it into a spiral and securing it to the upper base. After drilling 2 holes in it, bring the ends of the tube into them. It should be secured in such a way as to prevent contact of the windings and at the same time maintain a distance of 1 cm between them.
    5. To make a spark gap you will need to place 2 bolts opposite each other in a wooden frame. The calculation is made that when moving they will play the role of a regulator.
    6. Capacitors are manufactured as follows. Glass bottles are wrapped in foil and salted water is poured into them. Its composition should be the same for all bottles - 360 g per 1 liter of water. They pierce the covers and insert wires into them. The capacitors are ready.
    7. All nodes are connected according to the scheme described above. Be sure to ground the secondary winding.
    8. The total number in the primary winding should be 6.5 turns, in the secondary - 600 turns.

    The described sequence of actions gives an idea of ​​how to make a Tesla transformer yourself.

    Switching on, checking and adjusting

    It is advisable to carry out the first launch outdoors; it is also worth putting everything away household appliances to prevent their damage. Remember safety precautions! To start, perform the following steps:

    1. They go through the entire chain of wires and check that bare contacts do not touch anywhere, and that all nodes are securely fastened. In the arrester, a small gap is left between the bolts.
    2. Apply voltage and observe the appearance of the streamer. If it is absent, a fluorescent lamp or incandescent lamp is brought to the secondary winding. It is advisable to secure them to a dielectric; a piece of PVC pipe will do. The appearance of a glow confirms that the Tesla transformer is working.
    3. If there is no glow, swap the leads of the primary coil.

    If it doesn't work out the first time, don't despair. Try changing the number of turns in the secondary winding and the distance between the windings. Tighten the bolts in the arrester.

    Powerful Tesla Coil

    A distinctive feature of such a coil is its size, the strength of the resulting current and the method of generating resonant oscillations.

    It looks like this. After switching on, the capacitor is charged. Having reached maximum level charge, a breakdown occurs in the spark gap. On next stage an LC circuit is formed - a circuit formed by the sequential connection of a capacitor and a primary circuit. This creates resonant oscillations and high power voltages in the secondary winding.

    Moreover, something similar can be assembled at home. To do this you should:

    1. Increase the diameter of the coil and the cross-section of the wire by 1.5-2.5 times.
    2. Make a terminal in the shape of a toroid. An aluminum corrugation with a diameter of 100 mm is suitable for this.
    3. Replace constant source with source AC, delivering 3-5kV.
    4. Make a reliable grounding.
    5. Make sure your wiring can withstand this load.

    Such transformers can generate power up to 5 kW and create coronary and arc discharges. In this case, the maximum effect is achieved when the frequency of both circuits coincides.

    Job CRT TVs, luminescent and energy saving light bulbs, remote charging of batteries is provided by a special device - a Tesla transformer (coil). To create spectacular light charges purple, reminiscent of lightning, a Tesla coil is also used. The 220 V circuit allows you to understand the structure of this device and, if necessary, make it yourself.

    Mechanism of operation

    A Tesla coil is an electrical device capable of increasing voltage and current frequency several times. During its operation, a magnetic field is formed, which can affect electrical engineering and the human condition. Discharges entering the air contribute to the release of ozone. The transformer design consists of the following elements:

    • Primary coil. It has an average of 5-7 turns of wire with a cross-sectional diameter of at least 6 mm².
    • Secondary coil. Consists of 70−100 turns of dielectric with a diameter of no more than 0.3 mm.
    • Capacitor.
    • Discharger.
    • Spark glow emitter.

    The transformer, created and patented by Nikola Tesla in 1896, does not have ferroalloys, which are used for cores in other similar devices. The power of the coil is limited by the electrical strength of the air and does not depend on the power of the voltage source.

    When voltage hits the primary circuit, high-frequency oscillations are generated on it. Thanks to them, resonant oscillations arise on the secondary coil, the result of which is electric current, characterized by high voltage and high frequency. The passage of this current through the air leads to the appearance streamer- a purple discharge resembling lightning.

    Circuit oscillations that occur during the operation of a Tesla coil can be generated in different ways. Most often this happens using a spark gap, lamp or transistor. The most powerful devices are those that use double resonance generators.

    Source materials

    For a person with basic knowledge of physics and electrical engineering, it will not be difficult to assemble a Tesla transformer with your own hands. You just need to prepare a set of basic parts:

    A mandatory element of the primary coil is a cooling radiator, the size of which directly affects the cooling efficiency of the equipment. A copper tube or wire with a diameter of 5-10 mm can be used as a winding.

    The secondary coil requires mandatory insulation in the form of treatment with paint, varnish or other dielectric. An additional part of this circuit is a series-connected terminal. Its use is advisable only for powerful discharges; for small streamers, it is enough to move the end of the winding upward by 0.5-5 cm.

    Connection diagram

    The Tesla transformer is assembled and connected in accordance with electrical diagram. Installation of a low-power device should be carried out in several stages:

    The assembly of a more powerful transformer follows a similar scheme. To achieve high power, will be required:

    The maximum power that a properly assembled Tesla transformer can achieve is up to 4.5 kW. This indicator can be achieved by equalizing the frequencies of both circuits.

    A self-assembled Tesla coil must be checked. During test connection follows:

    1. Set the variable resistor to the middle position.
    2. Monitor the presence of a discharge. If it is absent, you need to bring a fluorescent lamp or incandescent lamp to the coil. Its glow will indicate the presence of an electromagnetic field and the operability of the transformer. Also, the serviceability of the device can be determined by self-igniting radio lamps and flashes at the end of the emitter.

    The first start-up of the device should be carried out while monitoring the temperature. If the heat is very high, additional cooling must be connected.

    Transformer Application

    The coil can create different types charges. Most often, during its operation, a charge appears in the form of an arc.

    The glow of air ions in an electric field with increased voltage is called a corona discharge. It is a bluish radiation formed around coil parts that have significant surface curvature.

    A spark discharge or spark passes from the transformer terminal to the surface of the earth or to a grounded object in the form of a beam of rapidly changing shape and fading bright stripes.

    The streamer looks like a thin, weakly glowing light channel, which has many branches and consists of free electrons and ionized gas particles that do not go into the ground, but flow through the air.

    The creation of various types of electrical discharges using a Tesla coil occurs with a large increase in current and energy, causing a crackling sound. The expansion of the channels of some discharges provokes an increase in pressure and the formation of a shock wave. The combination of shock waves sounds like the crackle of sparks when a flame burns.

    Transformer effect this kind was previously used in medicine to treat diseases. High-frequency current flowing through human skin gave a healing and tonic effect. It turned out to be useful only under conditions of low power. When the power increased to high values, the opposite result was obtained, negatively affecting the body.

    With the help of such an electrical appliance they ignite gas discharge lamps and detect a leak in a vacuum space. It is also successfully used in military sphere for the purpose of quickly destroying electrical equipment on ships, tanks or buildings. A powerful pulse generated by the coil in a very short period disables microcircuits, transistors and other devices located within a radius of tens of meters. The process of destroying equipment occurs silently.

    The most spectacular area of ​​application is demonstrative light shows. All effects are created due to the formation of powerful air charges, the length of which is measured in several meters. This property allows the transformer to be widely used when filming films and creating computer games.

    When developing this device, Nikola Tesla planned to use it to transmit energy on a global scale. The scientist’s idea was based on the use of two strong transformers, located at different ends of the Earth and operating with an equal resonant frequency.

    If such a power transmission system were successfully used, the need for power plants, copper cables and electricity suppliers would be completely eliminated. Every inhabitant of the planet would be able to use electricity anywhere absolutely free of charge. However, due to economic unprofitability, the famous physicist’s plan has not yet been (and is unlikely to ever be) realized.