• Raster and vector graphics


    All graphics found on the Internet are either raster or vector. The main difference between them is the way they are displayed on the screen. Raster and vector images have different formats and size. The latter have a number of advantages: the ability to change the size without losing quality, ease of making changes, and speed of creating drawings. Unlike raster graphics, pixels and resolution do not matter as much in vector graphics.

    Vector graphics editors use simple objects to create complex ones, where primitives are taken as a basis - lines, circles, squares, ellipses, etc. The idea is to place the points in different places on the screen, which are connected by contours and, if necessary, filled with color. For example, to create a red square, draw four dots at the desired distance, connect them and fill them with red.

    To work with vector graphics editors such as Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Freehand, Paint Shop Pro (Corel product). Several formats are used to save vector images, the most universal of which is EPS. A drawing in this format can be opened in Adobe Illustrator, Corel, Macromedia FreeHand, and a number of other programs.

    To create vector images, select one of the graphic editors listed above and install it on your computer. Before doing this, find out the program's requirements for the computer's characteristics, in particular memory. Familiarize yourself with the graphic editor toolbar and its buttons. Practice drawing lines by creating points and connecting them using guides. Try to form shapes and color them. Explore tools for creating autoshapes. Then try drawing three-dimensional images. With a little practice, you can create quite complex ones.

    Please note

    Purchase a tutorial on one of the graphic editors for working with vectors. This way you will master the program much faster. Or use lessons from the Internet.

    Useful advice

    Having become familiar with the graphic editor, use free clipart from the Internet if you wish - ready-made vector images that can be modified, used in compositions, etc.


    • hand drawn vector

    Vector is a directed segment that consists of a pair of points. Point A is the beginning of the vector, and point B is its end. In the figure, the vector is depicted as a segment that has an arrow at the end.

    You will need

    • ruler, sheet of paper, pencil


    Start with manual method drawing, i.e. on a piece of paper. Mark point A on the piece of paper - this will be the beginning of the vector. Then mark point B - this will be the end of the vector. Draw a line from point A to point B and put an arrow at the end. That's it, the vector is drawn. Don't forget to mark the beginning and end of the vector.

    Video on the topic

    Discs that are not burned at the factory often have no labels, and it is very difficult to understand what exactly is written on it, especially if the box is lost. For these purposes, you can learn to draw on disk directly while recording information, so that you can easily determine at any time what the disc contains.

    You will need

    • Computer with modern configuration. DVD drive.


    The most program on disk is NERO. Thanks to this program, which simultaneously writes information to the disk itself, you can apply images and inscriptions to the surface. In this case, you can even select a program that applies an image to the working surface, if on disk left free space.

    If you need to reflash the drive, this can be done using programming. This is another option for drawing on disk, when recording is carried out using the NEC program from NERO, when it is not possible to install a drive with drawing support. To do this, download special program change drive ID and new firmware, as well as a program for firmware.

    The file from the downloaded program is launched and selected required configuration drive.

    Restart your computer. Already in the BIOS it is clear that the drive has changed to the required one, however, with old firmware. Then the system should find a new , and . After rebooting, the BIOS shows that the drive firmware has changed, the system detects a new device that is ready for use. Now you can create images on disks using NERO.

    Video on the topic

    Please note

    If you want to reflash other models to apply the effect image, it will not work.

    Useful advice

    This way you can reflash NEC 3550, 3551, 4550, 4551 drives.


    • Drawing on discs using NERO in 2019
    • drawing on disks in 2019

    The emergence of graphic editors has greatly simplified the work of designers. Editors such as Photoshop offer the user a wide range of tools, including 3D drawing. Mastering it is aerobatics.


    Let's look at working with the 3D Transform filter. Download the filter and close Photoshop before installing. Copy the 3D_Transform.8BF file to the program plugins directory. The path is approximately as follows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\ Adobe Photoshop CS5.1\Plug-Ins. Open the program. New filter should appear in the menu "Filters" -> "Rendering" -> 3D_Transform.

    Open filters and click on the name of the desired 3D filter. A window will open, somewhat reminiscent of the toolbar of Photoshop itself in miniature. This is the window where you will work. The tools in the filter itself are divided into groups. The first group contains selection tools, the second – creation tools, the third – rotation tools, and the fourth – scaling and moving the object.

    Click on any shape (cube, cylinder or ball) and stretch it from the center. Now use the Rotate tool, with which you will need to rotate the shape so that its entire surface gains volume. Where the background of the field is visible, the figure will remain transparent.

    Click "OK". A shape will appear on the working layer that can be freely transformed (Ctrl+T). In short, you can work with it like any other layer.

    It is possible to color a figure or one of its sides using the background color. To do this, you just need to fill the background of the layer with color. Don't forget for everyone new figure create new layer. To ensure that the shapes have the desired color, when creating them, uncheck the Options box next to Display Background.

    You can draw several shapes at once in one filter window, creating intricate shapes from them.

    Uses two types of graphics – vector and raster. Since two types of representation appeared graphic objects, there was debate about which method was better. Some are inclined to believe that it is most preferable to work with raster objects, others argue with them, giving their arguments in favor of vector graphics.
    Both the first and second cases have their own problems. To depict some objects, it is advisable to use one type of graphics, in another case – a second one.

    Vector graphics

    So, using vector graphics, you can describe images using mathematical formulas. The most important advantage of vector graphics is that if you change the scale of the image, it will retain the same qualities that were originally intended. That is, if you reduce or enlarge the figure, the image quality does not change at all.

    However, when stored in long-term memory the computer may exhibit certain deficiencies. For example, if there is a need to create a complex figure, the file size will be impressive. If your computer has little memory, this could be a problem. On the other hand, modern PCs have a large amount of both constant and RAM, which allows you to work with the “heaviest” files very quickly.

    Anyway modern programmers and designers prefer to use vector graphics when the image does not convey large quantity halftones, shades and so on. For example, making logos, text design, etc.

    Raster graphics

    This type of graphics is rectangular matrix, which consists of a large number of small indivisible points called pixels. Any pixel can be painted any color. For example, a monitor with a resolution of 1024X768 produces a matrix that contains 786432 pixels. Each pixel has its own purpose.

    The pixels are very small in size. If the monitor has good resolution, a person simply does not perceive the image as a set of pixels.

    When increases raster image, it seems to be stretched. In this case, a person can perceive pixels that look like small squares. As a result, the image seems to lose its harmony and harmony.

    But raster images take up little space in the computer's memory, which in some cases becomes a decisive factor.


    There are two main differences between vector and raster graphics.

    Firstly, if you enlarge or reduce a vector image, it will not lose quality. If you do the same with a raster image, it becomes “blurred” when enlarged.

    Secondly, vector image files have a larger storage capacity compared to raster image files.

    Video on the topic

    Let's try to figure out what the difference is raster graphics from vector?

    Raster graphics

    A raster image, like a mosaic, is made up of many small cells - pixels, where each pixel contains color information. You can identify a raster image by increasing its scale: at a certain stage, many small squares will become noticeable - these are pixels.

    Most common raster formats: JPEG, PNG.

    Raster image and its enlarged fragment


    Raster graphics are convenient for creating high-quality photorealistic images, digital drawings and photographs. The most popular raster graphics editor is Adobe Photoshop.

    Example of using raster graphics: digital drawing (image by Katya Klimovich)
    Example of using raster graphics: photography


    • The ability to create an image of any complexity - with a huge amount of detail and wide color scheme.
    • Raster images are the most common.
    • Working with raster graphics is easier, since the mechanisms for creating and editing them are more familiar and widespread.


    • Large memory footprint: the larger the “size” of the image, the more pixels it contains and, accordingly, the more space needed to store/transmit such an image.
    • Unable to scale: A bitmap image cannot be scaled without loss. When resizing the original image, there will inevitably be a loss of quality (as a result of the interpolation process).

    Vector graphics

    Unlike raster images, vector images no longer consist of pixels, but of many reference points and curves connecting them. The vector image is described mathematical formulas and, accordingly, does not require information about each pixel. No matter how much you zoom in on a vector image, you will never see the pixels.

    Most Popular vector formats: SVG, AI.

    Vector image and its enlarged fragment


    Vector graphics are used for illustrations, icons, logos and technical drawings, but are difficult to reproduce photorealistic images. The most popular vector graphics editor is Adobe Illustrator.

    Example of using vector graphics: social icons(image source: MacKenzie www.freevector.com/social-websites-icons)
    Example of using vector graphics: illustration (image by Katya Klimovich)


    • Small memory footprint - vector images are smaller in size because they contain a small amount of information.
    • Vector images are highly scalable - you can endlessly resize the image without loss of quality.


    • To display a vector image, a number of calculations are required, so complex images may require increased computing power.
    • Not every graphic scene can be represented in vector form: a complex image with a wide color gamut may require a huge number of points and curves, which will negate all the advantages of vector graphics.
    • The process of creating and editing vector graphics differs from the model familiar to many; additional knowledge will be required to work with vectors.

    Bottom line

    We come to the conclusion that there is no “silver bullet”: both raster and vector graphics have their advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose a format that is suitable for solving the tasks assigned to you.

    IN modern world computer images have a special place. Computer graphics is a branch of the science known as computer science. Vector graphics, in turn, is one of the sections computer graphics. This is the name of an image that is created using mathematical formulas.

    Raster graphics are a collection of pixels. And vector graphics are a set of objects that are described by formulas.

    Using this method of presentation, vector illustration receives a number of advantages.

    Why do we need vector graphics?

    The possibility of precise geometric constructions is the main task of vector computer graphics. That is, it is used to create diagrams, drawings and other documentation.

    It should be noted that the vast majority of computer-aided design systems are based on vector graphics.

    Needless to say, raster and vector ones, such as Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Paint Tool Sai and others, are actively used by artist-designers. This is due to the features of vector computer graphics.

    What is the basis?

    Vector graphics lessons, which are held both at school and in higher education, talk in detail about vector images.

    It is based, firstly, on the calculation of the coordinates of points on the screen that are part of this type of vector graphics is called calculated.

    Secondly, the raster image is based on mathematical information about what properties a particular geometric figure has.

    To construct illustrations, vector graphics use the coordinate method. Basic concept This type of computer graphics is a line.

    Where is it used?

    Vector computer graphics in modern society has a very wide scope of application in various areas of human activity. It is used everywhere from advertising banners on the pages of newspapers and magazines and ending with diagrams and drawings in such an area as space.

    Vector image composition

    A vector image is a collection of vector segments, while a raster image is a collection of points.

    Vector graphics describe an illustration using curved and straight lines called vectors.

    In addition, it uses parameters such as line location and color.

    For example, an illustration is written with dots, which creates an outline. Sets the color of the outline and the area inside it.

    Vector graphics objects

    It is necessary to take a closer look at the distinctive features of raster and vector images - objects. Each such illustration may include one or more objects of the corresponding type.

    Any vector graphic element consists of two parts: an outline and an internal area. The latter can be filled or empty. Filling the inner area can be in the form of a color, a mosaic pattern, or a color transition.

    The circuit, in turn, can be open or, conversely, closed. In a vector object, it does double duty:

    1) Using a contour, it is possible to change the shape of an object in a drawing.

    2) The outline of a vector object can be shaped - in this case it will play the role of a stroke. You can set its width, color and line style.

    Vector graphics formats

    CDR is a “native” format. It should be noted that this format is incompatible even with its older versions, not to mention other editors.

    SWF is a Flash format that is designed for viewing animation. In order to view it, you must install FlashPlayer.

    By many vector editors Only some vector graphics formats are supported. EPS is one of them. This is the most universal format for working with vector computer graphics. It is supported by the vast majority of vector editors.

    AdobeFlash is used to create animated graphics. Its format is FLA. You can use Action Script to create controlled scripts.

    Adobe Illustrator creates AI format by default. It should be noted that later versions of it are incompatible with earlier ones, but it has the ability to save the drawing in the previous version.

    Language based XML markup The SVG format was created, it was created for publishing vector graphics images on the Internet. The format supports animation and is also an open standard. Free program for vector Inkscape graphics saves files in this format by default.

    What are the advantages of vector graphics?

    Firstly, vector graphics have a relatively small image weight. In addition, the picture has relatively simple detail.

    Secondly, vector graphics provide the ability to scale an image unlimitedly. At the same time, its quality does not suffer.

    Thirdly, vector graphics offer the possibility of unlimited movement, stretching, rotation, grouping and more. The image quality, again, does not suffer.

    Fourthly, the vector graphics program allows you to control the thickness and color of the line. Moreover, this possibility does not depend on the image scale.

    Fifthly, vector graphics are the ability to perform transformations on objects such as subtraction, addition, additions and intersections.

    What are the disadvantages of vector graphics?

    The first disadvantage is that if a vector image has many elements, then its size increases noticeably. So, it happens that the weight of a raster copy is significantly less than the weight of the vector original.

    The second drawback follows from the first drawback - the difficulty of conveying a photorealistic image.

    And the last, third disadvantage of vector graphics is the problem of program compatibility.

    Tools for working with vector computer graphics

    Just as in the case of raster graphics, there are a huge number of different options for working with vector graphics. software. However, they are much more difficult to master than raster graphics editors. The main programs for working with vector graphics are the following:

    1)Adobe Illustrator. This graphic editor, together with Adobe PageMaker and Adobe Photoshop, forms a powerful package for developing complex documents and layout of printed publications.

    2)CorelDraw. This program is professional editor computer graphics. It has a rich set of settings, as well as a developed control system and a user-friendly interface.

    3) Macromedia Freehand. This graphic editor is one of the most intuitive and user-friendly programs in which you can work with vector graphics. Main distinctive features: simplest system control and high performance. However, her abilities are much more modest than those of previous editors.

    Vector graphics have many advantages. Unlike raster images, vector images are more flexible, easy to scale, maintain quality, etc. Below is a selection of web resources with free vector icons, symbols and pictures.

    One of the largest websites that offers hundreds of new vector images for personal and commercial use.

    On the website for free download Approximately 190,000 vector graphics available (for non-commercial use). You can search by 15 accessible signs or according to the most popular, new one.

    A huge “house” of vector graphics, images and all kinds of patterns. In addition to free ones, there are sets available only to premium users.

    A site for searching corporate logos, brands, emblems in vector. Images can be used in accordance with the Creative Commons license, which provides the right to change them and post them on other resources (but with a link to the source).

    A collection of free vector graphics in 35 different categories: food, sports, technology, business, science, etc. Images can be used for personal and commercial use, but must be credited to the site.

    This website has over 30 categories of vector images that you can download for free.

    Vector4Free.com offers free vector graphics in the following formats: Illustrator AI, EPS, PDF, SVG and Corel Draw CDR.

    This website shares vector graphics from other sources. Users can rate the quality of images.

    This portal has 25 categories of vector graphics, which can be freely downloaded, but the source must be indicated. There is a rather interesting and unusual category where coats of arms are collected in vector.

    This resource contains high quality, free vector sets/packs.

    The website hosts a small collection of vector "wallpapers" to suit every taste.

    Free vectors with reference to the source.

    The web resource offers a variety of free vector images and elements by category: backgrounds, illustrations, frames, ornaments, borders, cards, templates, logos.

    The web resource contains free creative graphics in vector.

    Vector images of world maps.

    A repository of interesting vector images.

    Vectors4all has a collection of good vector images that you can freely download and use.

    This website has approximately 50 different categories of vector graphics, including backgrounds and templates.

    On this site you can find a vector image of keyword.

    The resource contains all kinds of vector graphics for the designer.

    A resource with free vector icons, symbols, pictures of different categories.

    There are 20 different design categories on this resource.

    Freevectors has 14 different categories with 1600+ vector images.

    More than 20 categories of vector graphics are presented to designers.

    On this site you can find a variety of vector elements - from Animals to Vehicles. The collection is constantly updated.

    27. Digimadmedia

    The site has eight groups of subcategories where you can find vector backgrounds, emblems, symbols, flowers and even Halloween screensavers.

    Russian-language resource for web designers. Among other things, here you can find a lot of interesting vector graphics.

    This site is a product of Freepik. Here are a collection of wonderful vector icons that are provided for free, but with a CC 3.0 license.

    DeviantArt is a renowned community of artists from all over globe. Here you can find a lot of interesting and useful things not only about vector graphics.

    05.02.2016 Internet technologies

    Personally I think best graphics for the site these are vector images; today you can download them for free on many sites. I bring to your attention 50 resources with freebies.

    To be honest, it’s not so difficult for me to write or (I won’t hide the translation, in a moment of creative crisis) an article as to find an image for it.

    Google or Yandex pictures are the last thing for me; I prefer to look for pictures on foreign sites.

    There are, of course, exceptions when I “create” myself in Photoshop, but this is only when there is really nothing to do and there is plenty of time, which is extremely rare.

    Basically, I look for images for articles on the site on resources that do not prohibit publication on their service (and my desired format is vector), since it is interesting, attractive and I think that it fits into the design of any site.

    50 sites to download vector images

    33. Light Stock A site for photographers with unique content. Vector graphics are available for free every week, just subscribe to the newsletter.

    34. For Designer All types of free vector graphics. The website is available in English, French, German and Spanish.

    35. Vectorian Offers vintage vector graphics. Sign up for our newsletter to receive free content every week.

    36. Web Design Hot Here you will find free vector images along with free fonts, icons, photos, elements user interface, logos, Photoshop brushes and many others. The site is full of advertisements.

    37. Vecto2000 - This site offers free vector graphics, icons, templates in many categories, including sports, transportation, flowers and science.

    38. All Vectors The site has 20 different vector design categories. All images are available under a Creative Commons license.

    39. freevectors.org. Freevectors has 14 different categories with over 1600 images and more free add-ons. You can browse the website using the search box.

    40. Vector Finder Over 20 categories of vector graphics for personal use.

    41. Vectors4free.net On this site you can find design elements from animals to vehicles. New images are added daily.

    42. Digimadmedia Eight subcategories, backgrounds, logos, icons, flowers and even Halloween.

    43. Scalablegfx Founded in 2015 by three students, the site has become another place to store vector images high quality to create game graphics.

    44. 365psd. 365psd is a popular site free graphics. Use the categories in the menu to find the images you need.

    45. 7428.net Despite the lack of a brand, this good place to search for vector graphics, PSD files, icons, HD images - everything is free.

    46. Vector Vaco Offers a variety of vector images. A link to the page where the image was downloaded is required.

    47. Freevectors.me This site has 17 categories and also allows you to search by color filters.

    48. Flaticon This site contains amazing free vector icons and is subsidiary company Freepik. All icons are displayed under the CC 3.0 license; attribution to the author is required.

    49. Vector Background Use the search form or color filters to find the image you need.

    50. Public Domain Vectors You can copy, modify and distribute vector images downloaded from this site.

    I think that's enough vector!

    Well, I think that’s enough, vector images are always beautiful. Do not take to heart the concept of “a source for the author is required” or something similar, because you can always slightly correct, replace or add somewhere. Photoshop or simpler tools will help you.

    Remember, the visitor looks not only at the text content, beautiful picture- it's like the wheels of a car))).