• imap4 server what to write. How to set up IMAP access to Gmail in third-party email clients

    For full use email you don't have to go to official page service. One of the options for work could be email programs, which also provide all the functions for comfortable interaction with emails.

    When installing and further work with a mail client on a PC, letters can be saved on the device itself and on the service servers. When setting up, it is also important to choose the protocol that will determine the method of data storage. When using IMAP, the email will be stored on the server and the user's device. Thus, it will be possible to access them even from other devices. If you select POP3, the message will be saved only on the computer, bypassing the service. As a result, the user will be able to work with mail on only one device that acts as a storage device. How to configure each protocol is worth considering separately.

    Setting up mail with POP3 protocol

    IN in this case First you should visit the official website and do the following in the settings:

    1. Open all Yandex mail settings.
    2. Find a section "Mail programs".
    3. Among the available options, select the second one, with the POP3 protocol, and designate which folders will be taken into account (i.e., stored only on the user’s PC).
    4. Setting up mail with the IMAP protocol

      In this option, all messages will be stored both on the server and on the user's computer. This is the most preferred setting option and is used automatically in all mail clients.

      Setting up an email program for Yandex.Mail

      Then you should consider this setting directly in email clients.

      MS Outlook

      The Bat

      One of the possible programs for working with messages. Despite the fact that it is paid, it is popular among Russian-speaking users. The reason for this is the availability of many tools to ensure the security of correspondence and the protection of personal data.

    To configure mail, you need to use the following mail servers: O 3: mail. your_domain. ruSMT: mail. your_domain. ruWhen using email clients, for example, Microsoft Outlook, The Bat, etc., in settings account You need to enable SMT server authentication similar to the incoming mail server. Reconfiguring the mail program The Bat! :Open The program Bat! 1. From the Mailbox menu, select Properties. The Mailbox Properties window opens. 2. Select the Transport tab. 3. Change the names of the incoming and outgoing mail servers. To do this, enter the same address – mail – in the appropriate fields. your_domain. ru4. In the User field you must specify the full address (together with @your_domain.ru)5. Click the Authentication button next to the SMT server. 6. Check the SMT Authentication (RFC-2554) box. 7. Select Use Receive Mail Options (O 3IMA). Click OK. 8. In the mailbox properties, click OK. Reconfiguring the Outlook Express mail programOpen Outlook program Express. 1. From the Tools menu, select Accounts. The Online Accounts window opens. 2. Go to the Mail tab. 3. Select the account that you use for your domain in the list and click properties. 4. Select the Servers tab. 5. Change the names of the incoming and outgoing mail servers. To do this, enter the same address – mail – in the appropriate fields. your_domain. ru6. In the Account field you must specify the full address (together with @your_domain.ru)! 7. Check the User Authentication checkbox. Click OK. 8. Close the window. You will also find their addresses on the page with the outgoing mail server (outgoing mail, SMTP) mail.botik.ru; incoming mail server (incoming mail, . May 13, 2010 In the Incoming mail server field, enter the name of the server. This is usually the part of the email address to the left of the @ sign. Enter More information You can find out from the administrator. telephone line. . How to choose an email address and password when creating a mailbox? What is the volume of mail? How to find out about new letters? Main features In the “Incoming mail server (POP3)” field, enter: mail.rambler.ru. In the "Server" field.

    Is it possible to configure email redirection for two postal addresses? Incoming mail server (POP3): POP3 server that is specified in your!

    mailing address, user name (login), mailbox access password, incoming (POP3 or IMAP4) and outgoing (SMTP) mail server address. . How do I know if the recipient has received my letter? How to receive notifications In the Server Information section, you need to enter the server addresses: Incoming mail server: imap.yandex.ru. Server.

    Find out server mail address

    Next, select the type of incoming mail server. Modern email You should check with your email provider for the type of email server. Email address mail – the same one for which we set up an account. ? The address of the incoming mail server (POP3 server) will be - then the address of the outgoing mail server will be smtp.mail.ru; Find out the password for... Incoming mail server: imap.yandex.ru. Username: your Yandex login. If your mailbox address is , do you need to indicate it?

    Usually the address is built according to the following formula: your name (login)@name two columns: the server for outgoing and incoming mail you will need to find out from? Comparison of packages An incoming mail gateway is a server through which mail passes. incoming mail enter IP address incoming mail gateway server. ?

    how to correctly write the name of the incoming mail server? And if I want to find out the address of the pop server, (mail.ru), then how can I find out? Replies: 6? Free mail gmail.com from Google.com - the most advanced mail on Incoming/outgoing mail address, ports for access via POP3 and SMTP, Incoming Mail Server (POP3) Server - requires SSL: ? Change the names of the incoming and outgoing mail servers. To do this, enter the same address in the appropriate fields - mail.your_domain.ru 4. . How can I find out my server address? postal service? only if the server supports TLS encryption of incoming mail. .

    Templates Update!

    CRM system“Client base” has functionality for conducting mass mailings. At the same time, in order to carry out mailings, you must have an SMTP server through which letters will be sent.
    SMTP server is yours mailbox, from which letters will be sent through the program
    If you are using the SaaS version of the program, then the server for sending letters is already configured and ready to work. If you are using local or web version program, or want to add your own mailbox to your SaaS account, then this section of the documentation will be useful to you.

    • Start setting up
    • Selecting the server type. Setting up an External SMTP Server
    • Allow sender spoofing

    Start setting up

    In order to start setting up the server, you need to go to “Settings” - “Newsletter”

    In the new window, go to the “Mailout Settings” tab and click on the “Add Server” button.

    After this we get to a window where we need to select the server type

    Selecting a server type, Configuring an External SMTP server

    Internal SMTP - This item should be selected when mail server and the program are located on the same hosting/server. In other cases, the SMTP server simply will not work. If you select this item, you will only need to enter the address of the mailbox from which the mailing will be made in the program.

    External SMTP - This option worth choosing in most cases. It is used when the mail server and the “Client Base” are located on different servers. It is also possible to add only external SMTP servers to the local version of the program. After selecting the “External SMTP” option, a list of fields for filling in server parameters will open.

    Important: all SMTP settings correspond to those that you make when adding a new mailbox to mail program(for example, in outlook, the bat!, mozilla thunderbird and others).

    Sender's address - The address from which letters will be sent. Corresponds to the mailbox address. SMTP server - the address of the SMTP server through which the letter will be sent. In most cases corresponds to the following form:
    smtp.*mail provider address*.
    That is, for example, smtp.mail.ru, smtp.rambler.ru, smtp.yandex.ru, smtp.gmail.com, etc.

    SMTP port - postal port, used by the server. In most cases, port 25 is used. Therefore, if you don’t know which port to specify, use it
    Important: In SaaS versions of accounts, you cannot add your own servers operating through port 25. You should either use the standard server that was already added initially, or add your own server using a different port, for example, 465.

    SMTP login - Login for connecting to your mailbox. Usually corresponds to the mailbox address.

    SMTP password - Password to access your mailbox. Those. This is the password with which you connect to the mailbox through a website or email program.

    SMTP Security - If sending using SSL or TLS security certificates is used, then they must be specified here. For example, when using SMTP port 465 for sending, you should select “SSL” in this item.

    Allow sender spoofing

    Some SMTP servers have the ability to change the sender address when used in mailing. Those. it is possible to send letters, for example, from the address [email protected], and the client will see that the letter came from the address [email protected] and, responding, he will also send a letter to this address. If the SMTP server has such an option, then in setting up the smpt server in the Client Database program, you can enable it by checking the “Allow sender substitution” box. Some mail servers (most often free, such as mail.ru or yandex.ru) prohibit sending letters on behalf of an addressee other than the one specified in smtp settings. In this case, the sender's address in the mailing template must match the smtp sender's address, or it can be left empty (it will be automatically substituted during mailing).

    Important: The "Allow sender spoofing" option will only work on mail servers whose settings allow you to add an SPF record with the necessary settings. Most public mail servers (mail.ru, gmail.com, yandex.ru, etc.) do not provide such functionality.

    To send a mailing to clients indicating, for example, your corporate mailbox as the sender's address, you need to specify a “fixed” sender in the mailing template settings. Add your corporate email to the "Sender Address" field. In the "Sender's Name" field, add your company name. And in the mailing settings, allow substitution of the sender for the current smtp server.

    If there is no smtp server in the settings that allows substitution of the sender, then the sender address of all letters will automatically be substituted with the address specified in the settings of the current SMTP server.

    Checking "Mail Delivery System" responses

    Additionally, the program has the ability to check responses from the "Mail Delivery System". This feature allows you to receive information during mailing if your letter was not successfully delivered to the addressee. To do this, do the following:

    2. After that, in the list of fields that opens, enter information about the server for incoming mail - the email box to which responses from the "Mail Delivery System" will be received. You can obtain these settings from your email provider.

    Important: into the fields IMAP server and IMAP login, the same data is entered, namely the email address to which all replies will be sent.

    3. After making all the necessary changes, click on the “Save” button.

    Now, if an error occurs when sending a letter and a letter is generated from the "Mail Delivery System", it will be sent to the mailbox whose parameters you specified.

    Limit on the number of emails sent

    Starting from version 2.0.3, new parameters have appeared in the SMTP server settings:

    Ability to set the maximum number of emails per hour for each SMTP server;

    Ability to set a limit on the number of emails per day for each SMTP server.

    Based on these parameters, it became possible to track information about current limits, that is, how many letters are left before the limit threshold per hour/day. This can be seen by clicking on the “Distribution Options” tab, where information about the current status will be presented next to the server name.

    If the message limit has reached its limit, the corresponding information will be displayed informing the user that the limit has been reached.

    When the hourly/daily mailing limit is reached, the remaining letters will remain in the queue for sending in "Active mailings". After an hour/day, their sending will continue.
    Important! It is worth noting that in version 2.0.3, mailing was optimized when there are several outgoing mail servers. That is, now there is no sequential pass through all available servers with a pause between them, the distribution goes without pauses from the first allowed server until the limit is exhausted, after which the second allowed server is taken, etc.

    Features of setting up the Gmail SMTP server

    Starting in March 2015, the “Account Access” option appeared in Gmail mailbox settings. This option allows you to use your mailbox third party applications. If this option is disabled, the Client Database program will not be able to use the mail Gmail account as an SMTP server, and when sending, the error “SMTP error: Could not authenticate” will be displayed
    In order to enable this option, you need to go to your account settings, and in the “Account Access” section, select “Enable”. After this, you will receive an email with information about the changes made to your account settings.

    Examples of setting up SMTP servers

    Examples of setting up IMAP servers


    If you are setting up a registered mailbox on rambler.ru as an SMTP server, then there is a possibility that you will encounter a number of difficulties:

    1. Firstly, it is worth considering that the mail provider rambler has distinctive features SMTP server settings (it has 2 options for the type of outgoing server settings: for example, the outgoing mail server can be either mail.rambler.ru or smtp.rambler.ru).

    2. Secondly, such a server has a specific requirement for the content of the “From:” field of the letter: the email address you specified in the mail client settings must match the username with which you log in to the SMTP server.

    3. Thirdly, in order for letters to be sent correctly from such a mail server, it is necessary to personal settings your rambler.ru mailbox, enable the special option “Send letters via the Rambler-Mail SMTP server”. That is, it requires additional authentication on the outgoing message server.

    4. Fourthly, when sending from an already configured server of this type, there is a high probability that the letters will end up as failed with the error: “SMTP Error: Data not accepted.SMTP server error: 5.7.1 Spam message rejected; If this is not spam contact abuse at 550 rambler-co.ru

    In other words, this means that when sending messages from your server, its IP gets into the so-called “Black list” (black list) and is marked as a source of spam. And in order to unblock your IP, you will need to write a request to email address [email protected]. The letter indicates the IP of the server that needs to be unblocked and indicates what measures have been taken to eliminate spam from the server.

    To work with messages coming to your mail account Mail.ru, you can and should use a special software- mail clients. Such programs are installed on the user’s computer and allow them to receive, transmit and store messages. In this article we will look at how to set up an email client on Windows.

    Email clients have a number of advantages over web interfaces. Firstly, the mail server does not depend in any way on the web server, which means that if one fails, you can always use another service. Secondly, using a mailer, you can work simultaneously with several accounts and with completely different mailboxes. This is quite a significant plus, because collecting all the mail in one place is quite convenient. And thirdly, you can always configure it yourself appearance email client the way you want.

    If you use special software, then consider detailed instructions according to the configuration of this service for working with Mail.ru email.

    Now a new mailbox will appear in The Bat, and if you did everything correctly, you will be able to receive all messages using this program

    Setting up the Mozilla Thunderbird client

    You can also set up Mail.ru mail on an email client. Let's look at how to do this.

    Now you can work with your mail using the Mozilla Thunderbird email client.

    Setting up for a standard Windows client

    We'll look at how to set up an email client on Windows using standard program "Mail", using the example of operating system version 8.1. You can use these instructions for other versions of this OS.

    This service can only be used with a regular account. You will not be able to configure your email client from an administrator account.

    Wait for a message to appear indicating that the account was successfully added and the setup is complete.

    This way you can work with Mail.ru mail using standard Windows tools or additional software. This instruction suitable for everyone Windows versions, starting from Windows Vista. We hope we were able to help you.

    One of the main elements is the SMTP server configuration. Let's look at what it is and how to produce it necessary settings for various situations.

    What is SMTP?

    The abbreviation SMTP comes from the English phrase, which means “simple mail sending protocol”. Its scope of application is mainly limited to TCP/IP-based networks and the user level.

    Any email program, often called an email client, has special settings that allow you to configure protocol parameters. It is through him that everything emails sent to the mail server where they await retransmission. Initially, the SMTP server uses TCP port number 25. However, with the development of email services, the settings may change significantly.

    Do I need to configure the server when sending a letter from a mail service?

    As a rule, any postal service on the Internet, offering users services for sending and receiving electronic correspondence, is already equipped with a pre-configured SMTP server. That is, the user does not need to produce anything.

    The services themselves, in order to log into their own mailbox, only require the user to enter the login and password specified during registration, and setting up, for example, the Mail.Ru SMTP server is not required for the sole reason that all this was done initially in the service itself (without this the service simply would not work). But what to do if the user for some reason does not use Internet resources, but prefers standard clients like Microsoft’s Outlook Express and Outlook or third-party ones software products, while having a registered mailbox in the Internet service?

    Setting up an SMTP server (Mail.Ru is the mail service where the mailbox is registered)

    Let's look at the standard parameters that should be applied to this service. Regardless of the email client used, absolutely all settings will be identical.

    So, in order to correctly configure the Mail.Ru SMTP server, you should set the following parameters:

    • outgoing correspondence server - smtp.mail.ru;
    • user name - the full name of the email address registered in the service;
    • password - the current code combination of letters, numbers and symbols used to enter the mailbox;
    • port when selecting the SSL/TLS encryption protocol - 465.

    After these settings take effect, mail can be received directly in the user program you are using. As you can see, the SMTP server port differs from the standard one (25), but this is already associated with the TCP/IP protocols.

    Setting up an SMTP server on Yandex

    The Yandex.Ru service is no less popular. The SMTP server for it is configured in a completely similar way.

    However, for the outgoing message server, the address smtp.yandex.ru is used, the port is set to 465, but the security settings are set exclusively to TLS.

    Installing an SMTP server for mailing

    Now let's move on to more complex situations when the user, for some reason (for example, to promote his own business or website) needs to carry out mass mailings. There is no point in doing this manually using online services or email clients, if only for the reason that it takes too much time and effort. Therefore, you can do it in two ways - buy a ready-made configured SMTP server or configure it yourself.

    In the first case, if a “white” server is purchased, this will require significant costs, as well as compliance with all the conditions of the developer or seller. You can, of course, purchase a “gray” server, but there is no guarantee that it will not be included in the spam databases search engines. This is only fraught with the fact that when Yandex receives letters from the specified sources, it will simply filter them and send them to the spam section, while Mail.Ru and Google mark the correspondence with the corresponding “spam” index. Setting up an SMTP server manually looks both more reliable and more economical in terms of financial costs.

    First you need to purchase a VPS server with operating system Centos version no lower than version six. Immediately pay attention to whether it is possible to enter a PTR record, which will allow you to accurately identify the canonical domain name by the receiving server.

    Next you need to install the Vesta panel. As an example, we use the PuTTY utility, which needs to be downloaded, installed and launched. In the settings, we immediately enter the server’s IP address, then click the Open button and enter the root login and password provided when purchasing the VPS server.

    Now enter the following commands sequentially:

    curl -O http://vestacp.com/pub/vst-install.sh

    bash vst-install.sh

    If an error occurs, we solve it using the combination:

    bash vst-install-rhel.sh --force

    After that, enter a valid address email box and host name. After 5-10 minutes the panel will be installed.


    A window appears where you need to enter a name root user and the password provided.

    On next stage register the domain and go to the panel DNS settings, where we swap places and A.

    We wait for the DNS zones to be updated and go to the WEB tab in the Vesta panel, where we add the registered domain.

    After that, register SMTP accounts in the Mail section. To check in the same section, use the Open Webmail tab. In the EXIM server window that appears, enter the parameters of the created SMTP and send a test letter. If everything is fine, you can congratulate yourself.

    Please note that in some cases mass mailing may require availability digital signature(not to be confused with the PTR record, which is only responsible for the authenticity of the domain or host). If it is absent, some receiving services may be distrustful of the mailing, and the incoming correspondence itself will be marked as doubtful. So you need to take care of this in advance.

    Instead of an afterword

    It remains to add that setting up an SMTP server for email clients is not as difficult as it might seem at first. But for mass mailings, you will have to work hard on setting it up, as they say. And you can use not only the option that was presented above. Some developers are already offering automated systems creating and setting up such servers for a very reasonable fee (or even free).