• Saved version of the page. How to view a deleted VKontakte page - copy in Yandex and Google

    Google Chrome cache is a storage for temporary files. Photos, audio and video streams, text, animated pictures are placed in it during the loading process of the web page requested by the user. When you need to open it again, Google Chrome from the cache will “transfer” its elements to the tab without wasting time and network traffic to re-download them from the server from the site.

    In Google Chrome, sometimes users need to find out where the cache storage is located, how to view it (find the necessary data in it), disable it, and how to move it to another directory (disk partition, folder). Read on to learn more about how these actions and settings are performed.

    Where is the cache stored?

    To open the directory containing the cache files, follow these instructions:

    1. Close your browser.

    2. Press the "Win" and "R" keys together.

    3. Copy and paste this path into the “Open” line in the “Run” panel:

    %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache

    4. Click "OK".

    5. The browser cache (a group of data files) will be displayed in a new window.

    How to delete cache?

    To update the cache, remove all previously loaded information from it, call the panel for settings and perform a clear (update) using the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + Del”. Learn more about how this procedure is performed.

    How to view the contents of the storage?

    1. B address bar In Chrome, type the request - chrome://cashe. Press "Enter".

    2. All data saved in the cache will be displayed in a new tab (in the form of links).

    3. To quickly find in the list necessary information, press the “Ctrl + F” keys simultaneously. In the mini-panel that appears at the top right, enter the required request (domain name, file name) and press “Enter”.

    4. The found data will be highlighted in the list.

    Advice! Also quick access The cache can be accessed using the Click&Clean addon. In its menu there is a button “View cache...”.

    How to move the storage folder to another directory?

    If you need to move cache files to another drive or folder due to low disk space or security or data privacy concerns, follow these steps:

    1. Close the Chrome window.

    2. Open the Run panel (Win + R).

    3. In the “Open” line, enter:

    %userprofile%\\local settings\\application data\\google\\chrome

    4. Press "Enter".

    5. A system window will open with the User Data folder. Copy it: right-click → Copy.

    6. Paste the copied folder into the directory where you want to place it. Wait for the data transfer to complete.

    7. Right-click on the browser shortcut on your desktop.

    8. B context menu Click Properties.

    9. In the line “Object” after the path to executable file Indented with one space, add a command in the format:

    --user-data-dir="C:\\User Data"

    Where C:\\User Data is the path to the new cache storage location (you may have a different value!).

    10. Click "Apply" and "OK".

    Using the same method of adding additional commands In the shortcut properties you can create other add-ons for the Google Chrome cache. For example:

    Disk-cache-size= - change (increase/decrease) the cache size (if you set the value to “0”, it will be disabled);

    How to disable saving data to cache?

    1. Press the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + I”.

    2. In the block that opens, click the “three dots” button.

    3. In the drop-down menu, click the “Settings” line.

    4. In the “Preferences” subsection, find the “Network” block (scroll the list of settings a little down).

    5. Check the box next to the “Disable cashe...” option.

    6. Close everything additional windows(click on the “cross” icon).

    If you need a temporary shutdown, you can switch to anonymous web surfing mode. When enabled, files are not saved to the storage.

    It is activated like this:

    1. Click on the “Menu” button.

    2. Select “New window in incognito mode.”

    Good luck clearing and setting up your cache in Chrome!

    Services and tricks with which you can find EVERYTHING.

    Why is this needed: Did you briefly read the article in the morning and decided to take a closer look in the evening, but it’s not on the website? A few years ago you visited a useful site, today you remembered it, but there’s nothing left on the same domain? This has happened to each of us. But there is a way out.

    Everything that goes on the Internet is stored there forever. If some information is posted on the Internet for at least a couple of days, there is a high probability that it has become the property of the collective mind. And you will be able to reach her.

    Let's talk about simple and publicly available ways to find sites and pages that have been deleted for some reason.

    1. Google cache that remembers everything

    Google specifically stores the text of all web pages so that people can view them if the site is unavailable. To view the version of the page from the Google cache, type in the address bar:


    Where http://www.iphones.ru/ must be replaced with the address of the site you are looking for.

    2. Web-archive, which contains the entire history of the Internet

    6. Archive.is, for your own cache

    If you need to save some web page, you can do this on archive.is without registration and SMS. There is also a global search for all versions of pages ever saved by users of the service. There are even several saved copies of iPhones.ru.

    7. Caches of other search engines, you never know

    If Google, Baidu and Yandex did not manage to save anything sensible, but a copy of the page is really needed, then we go to seacrhenginelist.com, go through the search engines and hope for the best (so that some bot visits the site at the right time).

    8. Browser cache when all else fails

    You can’t view the entire page this way, but pictures and scripts from some sites certain time are stored on your computer. They can be used to search for information. For example, using a picture from the instructions, you can find a similar one on another site. Briefly about the approach to viewing cache files in different browsers:


    Looking for files in a folder ~/Library/Caches/Safari.

    Google Chrome

    In the address bar we type chrome://cache


    In the address bar we type opera://cache

    Mozilla Firefox

    Type in the address bar about:cache and find on it the path to the directory with the cache files.

    What to do if nothing helps at all

    If none of the methods yielded results, but find deleted page If you desperately need it, then all you have to do is contact the owner of the site and shake out the treasured information from him. To begin with, you can get through the contacts associated with the site on

    June 20, 2012 at 6:28 pm

    Retrieving lost articles from network storage

    • Website development

    The solution is being considered (for now) only for one site - the one we are on. The idea appeared as a result of the fact that one user made a user script that would redirect the page to Google’s cache if instead of the article we see “Access to publication is closed.” It is clear that this solution will only partially work, but a complete solution does not yet exist. You can increase the likelihood of finding a copy by selecting a result from several services. The HabrAjax script began to do this (along with 3 dozen other functions). Now (from version 0.859), if the user sees a half-empty page from which you can only go to the main page, personal page author (if you're lucky) and back, the userscript provides several alternative links in which you can try to find the loss. And here the fun begins, because not a single service is designed for high-quality archiving of one site.

    By the way, the article and research were generated by an interesting survey and user script - comment.

    Of course, more is required quality service, therefore, in addition to describing the current modest functionality (probably found in Google cache and on several copying sites), we will raise crowdsourcing issues in the article - so that “the whole world” can solve the problem and come to a high-quality solution, especially since the solution seems close to those who have a content copying service. But let's talk about everything in order, consider everything proposed on at the moment solutions.

    Google cache

    Unlike the Yandex cache, it can be accessed directly via a link; there is no need to ask the user to “then click the ‘copy’ button.” However, all cachers, like the famous archive.org, have a number of unnecessary features.

    1) they simply do not have time to instantly and repeatedly copy the links that appear. Although we must pay tribute to the fact that they access popular sites frequently, and in 2 or more hours they cache new pages. Each in due time.

    3) so the result of caching depends on your luck. You can bypass all such caching links if you really need to, but you should also copy the information from there for yourself, because it may soon disappear or be replaced by a “more relevant” meaningless copy of a blank page.

    Archive.org cache

    It works for the entire Internet with a capacity less than that of search engines, so it rarely crawls the pages of some distant Russian-language site. The frequency can be seen here:
    And the purpose of the site is to capture fragments of the history of the web, and not all events on each site. Therefore, we will rarely come across useful information.

    Yandex cache

    There is no direct link, so you need to ask (the simplest thing) the user to click on the “copy” link on the search page, which will contain this article alone (if Yandex managed to see it at all).

    Experience shows that an article that has been up for a couple of hours and closed by the author is quite successfully saved in search engine caches. Subsequently, most likely, it will be replaced quite quickly with an empty one. All this, of course, will not suit users of the web, which, by definition, must store the information that gets into it.

    Of the living ones, I have found 4 so far, some that existed for a long time (itgator) did not work at the moment. In general, for now they are almost useless, because they force you to search for an article by title or keywords, and not at the address where the user came to closed page(and according to the words Yandex searches well and not only on one of their sites). Listed in the script for some useful information.


    The community is faced with the task, without bothering the site organizers, to bring the product to a high-quality resource that does not lose information. For this, as correctly noted in the comments to the survey, you need archiver of current full-length articles(and comments to them at the same time).

    Currently, an incomplete solution to it, as described above, looks like this:

    If you search in Yandex, the selected address will display a single link (or nothing):

    By clicking the “copy” link, we will see (if we’re lucky) a saved copy (the page was selected solely for the currently relevant example):

    In Google it is somewhat simpler - we immediately get to the copy, if we are also lucky, and Google managed to save exactly what we need, and not a duplicate of the missing page.

    It's funny that the script now offers a “selection of alternative services” in this case (“preventive maintenance”):

    I'm looking forward to suggestions for adding services and copiers (or at least projects) (for unauthorized ones - email spmbt0 on a well-known Google resource, then we'll choose a convenient format).

    UPD 23:00: empirically for mail.ru The structure of a direct link to the cache was clarified:
    "http://hl.mailru.su/gcached?q=cache:"+ window.location Experts or insiders, tell us what kind of link this is, how stable it is (will the 3rd level domain change, for example), What does the prefix “g”-cached mean? Does this mean Google cache or is it Gogo engine cache?

    The word cache can be heard quite often in various areas of IT, but today we will deal with page cache site. The term itself means that search engines save copies of pages from a certain number, usually from last visit site robot. You can find and use a copy (cache) of the page at any time for your needs.

    It's pretty good that search engines save pages on their servers for a while and give us a chance to take advantage of this. A lot of resources and money are allocated to storing cached pages, but they pay for their help, since we still need to go to their search engines.

    Why do we need a cache (copies) of pages?

    There are different situations when working with websites.

    As always, you have a lot of work, but little time and not enough attention for everything. There are times when work is being done on the site, suppose a design change or minor edits to the template or text. And at one point you realize that you made a mistake somewhere and the text disappeared or part of the site design disappeared. Well, this happens and everyone has probably dealt with this.

    At the moment, you don’t have backups, and you also don’t remember what everything looked like initially. In this case, a copy of the page, which can be found in the cache of both Yandex and Google, can help, see how it was originally and correct it.

    Or second case, You have changed the text a little in order to improve it and want to see whether the page on which you made the changes has been updated or not. You can check using a page that is in the cache; to do this, look for this page and look at the result.

    There is also a situation when the site is not available, for one reason or another, and you need to go to it. In this case, a copy of the page can help, which can be found below in the following ways.

    In general, I think it has become clear that using a page cache is necessary and useful.

    How to find a page in Google, Yandex cache

    First, let's look at how to search in the Google search engine.

    Method number 1.

    You go to the search engine page and enter the address of the page you want to find and view a copy of. I'll take our site as an example:

    We write the name of the page or site in search bar, press “Enter” and see where the page you were looking for is displayed. We look at the snippet and there is a URL (address) to the right of it with a small downward arrow, click on it and we will see the “Saved copy” item. Click on it and we will be transferred to a copy of the page from a certain date.

    Method number 2.

    The method can be called semi-automatic, since you need to copy the address below and substitute the domain of your site instead of site.ru. As a result, you will receive the same copy of the page.


    Method No. 3.

    You can view the cache using browser plugins or online services. I use for these purposes.

    Here you can see when the robot last visited the resource, and accordingly, a copy of the page will be for this date.

    Now let's look at how to search for a cache in the Yandex search engine.

    Method number 1.

    The method is the same as for the Google system. We go to the search engine page and enter the address of the page you want to find and view a copy. I’ll take our website as an example again and write it down:

    We enter the name of the page or site in the search bar, press “Enter” and see search results, where the page you were looking for is displayed. We look at the snippet and there is a small down arrow to the right of it, click on it and the “Saved copy” item appears. Click on it and we will be transferred to a copy of the page from a certain date.

    Method number 2.

    We use additional browser plugins. Read a little higher, everything is the same as for Google.

    If the page is not in , then there is a high probability that it is not in the cache. If the page was previously in the index, then it may be preserved in it.

    How to clear cache in Yandex, Google

    It may be necessary to remove a page from the Yandex or Google cache or even hide a page that was previously indexed and cached from prying eyes. To do this, you need to wait until the search engine itself discards this page naturally if you have previously deleted it. You can prevent the page from being indexed in a file or use the tag:

    Just be careful with the tag, do not put it in the general site template, because it will prohibit caching of the entire site. For these purposes, it is best to use additional plugins or programmers who have previously done such work.

    Now let's see how you can clear the cache (clear, delete page) using the Google and Yandex search engines.

    Clear page cache in Google

    Search engine Google system I approached this issue from the right side and created such a tool as “ Remove URLs» in Webmaster Tools. To use it you need to go to webmaster tools at:


    Clear page cache in Google Webmaster

    In order to clear the cache or delete the entire page (or you can also immediately delete and clear the cache together), you need to click on the “ Temporarily hide" and enter the URL address of the page that needs to be cleared and click the " button Continue«.

    Now in this window, when you click on the list “ Request type"You can see several ways to delete and clear both a page from the Google index and clear the cache.

    1. If you need to completely delete the page and cache, then use the first method.
    2. If you just need to clean it, then use the second method. As a rule, for our example we need to use it. The page remains in the index, but the cache is deleted and the next time the robot arrives, it will appear there again.
    3. If you need to temporarily hide, then use the third method. It is used when pages do not have time to fill with quality content. IN in this case hiding it for a while will be better.

    As soon as you choose one of the methods, in this case 2nd, click on the button “ Send request«.

    After clicking, we get a page where you can see that this page added for deletion from the cache and is in the status " Expectation". Now all that remains is to wait. As a rule this procedure takes from several minutes to several hours.

    If you have entered the page incorrectly and want to cancel, you can click on the “ Cancel«.

    After you go to the Remove URLs tool after some time, you will be able to see the status as Completed. This means that Google robot visited the page and cleared its history.

    Clear (delete) page in Yandex

    The Yandex search engine has a similar tool in its webmaster tools, but there is one “BUT” here. There is no cache clearing as such; you can completely delete a page from the PS index and at the same time its entire history will be deleted.

    In order to use this tool, you need to go to Yandex webmaster using the link:


    and enter the required URL in the line.

    Search engine"AP" will exclude this address after some time. As a rule, Yandex takes a couple of seconds to do this, so you will need to wait.

    If you have questions, ask them in the comments, we are always in touch!

    The solution is being considered (for now) only for one site - the one we are on. The idea appeared as a result of the fact that one user made a user script that would redirect the page to Google’s cache if instead of the article we see “Access to publication is closed.” It is clear that this solution will only partially work, but a complete solution does not yet exist. You can increase the likelihood of finding a copy by selecting a result from several services. The HabrAjax script began to do this (along with 3 dozen other functions). Now (from version 0.859), if the user sees a half-empty page from which you can only go to the main page, to the author’s personal page (if you’re lucky) and back, the user script provides several alternative links in which you can try to find the loss. And here the fun begins, because not a single service is designed for high-quality archiving of one site.

    By the way, the article and research were generated by an interesting survey. Are you annoyed by the constant “Access to publication is closed”? and the dotneter user script - comment habrahabr.ru/post/146070/#comment_4914947.

    Of course, a higher quality service is required, therefore, in addition to describing the current modest functionality (probably found in Google cache and on several copying sites), we will raise crowdsourcing issues in the article - so that “the whole world” can solve the problem and come to a high-quality solution, thus Moreover, the solution seems close to those who have a content copying service. But let's talk about everything in order, consider all the currently proposed solutions.

    Google cache

    Unlike the Yandex cache, it can be accessed directly via a link; there is no need to ask the user to “then click the ‘copy’ button.” However, all cachers, like the famous archive.org, have a number of unnecessary features.

    1) they simply do not have time to instantly and repeatedly copy the links that appear. Although we must pay tribute to the fact that they access popular sites frequently, and in 2 or more hours they cache new pages. Each in due time.

    3) so the result of caching depends on your luck. You can bypass all such caching links if you really need to, but you should also copy the information from there for yourself, because it may soon disappear or be replaced by a “more relevant” meaningless copy of a blank page.

    Archive.org cache

    It works for the entire Internet with a capacity less than that of search engines, so it rarely crawls the pages of some distant Russian-language site. The frequency can be seen here: wayback.archive.org/web/20120801000000*/http://habrahabr.ru
    And the purpose of the site is to capture fragments of the history of the web, and not all events on each site. Therefore, we will rarely come across useful information.

    Yandex cache

    There is no direct link, so you need to ask (the simplest thing) the user to click on the “copy” link on the search page, which will contain this article alone (if Yandex managed to see it at all).

    Experience shows that an article that has been up for a couple of hours and closed by the author is quite successfully saved in search engine caches. Subsequently, most likely, it will be replaced quite quickly with an empty one. All this, of course, will not suit users of the web, which, by definition, must store the information that gets into it.

    Of the living ones, I have found 4 so far, some that existed for a long time (itgator) did not work at the moment. In general, for now they are almost useless, because they force you to search for an article by title or keywords, and not by the address where the user came to the closed page (and according to Yandex, Yandex searches well and not only on one of their sites). Listed in the script for some useful information.


    The community is faced with the task, without bothering the site organizers, to bring the product to a high-quality resource that does not lose information. For this, as correctly noted in the comments to the survey, you need archiver of current full-length articles(and comments to them at the same time).

    Currently, an incomplete solution to it, as described above, looks like this:

    If you search in Yandex, the selected address will display a single link (or nothing):

    By clicking the “copy” link, we will see (if we’re lucky) a saved copy (the page was selected solely for the currently relevant example):

    In Google it is somewhat simpler - we immediately get to the copy, if we are also lucky, and Google managed to save exactly what we need, and not a duplicate of the missing page.

    It's funny that the script now offers a “selection of alternative services” in this case (“preventive maintenance”):

    I'm looking forward to suggestions for adding services and copiers (or at least projects) (for unauthorized ones - email spmbt0 on a well-known Google resource, then we'll choose a convenient format).

    UPD 23:00: empirically for mail.ru The structure of a direct link to the cache was clarified:
    "http://hl.mailru.su/gcached?q=cache:"+ window.location Experts or insiders, tell us what kind of link this is, how stable it is (will the 3rd level domain change, for example), What does the prefix “g”-cached mean? Does this mean Google cache or is it Gogo engine cache?