• Dropped my iPhone in the water. Notes from a poppy grower: what happens if water gets into your iPhone

    The likelihood of dropping your iPhone in water is very high. Usually such situations occur due to our negligence. It is important to provide “first aid” to the device in a timely manner so as not to say goodbye to it forever. That is why we decided to “instruct” our readers what to do if moisture gets into a smartphone.

    In fact, there are options for liquid getting into the housing mobile device there are many, but the most common of them are “dropped the iPhone in water” or “spilled water on the phone.” What happens at that unfortunate moment when the iPhone comes into contact with water?

    The very first vulnerable part of the device is, of course, the screen module, which consists of several layers: safety glass, anti-glare layer, touch module, screen matrix and backlight. In turn, the backlight also has 6 components:

    - outer mirror layer

    - anti-glare protection

    - another mirror layer

    - plastic diffuser

    - third mirror layer

    - LED frame

    All six components are then placed into a thin frame, which contains LEDs that control the brightness of the display. Depending on whether you increase or decrease the brightness of the screen, the light level of the LEDs changes.

    What not to do if water gets into your iPhone 6

    It is important to remember a few rules about what you should not do if your smartphone falls into water or vice versa.

    1. You should not turn on a damp device, otherwise there is a possibility of aggravating the problem.
    2. Never use a hair dryer to dry your phone or its individual components.
    3. Do not try to disassemble the iPhone and diagnose the extent of damage yourself.
    4. You should not turn to the Internet to find a folk solution to the problem. It’s better not to waste your time - run to the specialists.

    Why do streaks and spots appear on the iPhone 6 display?

    The first visual changes on the iPhone 6 display are spots and streaks. This is the result of water seeping between the various layers that make up the screen module. Due to the fact that the module components do not have a sealed connection, water can get between them and leave marks behind.

    There is no point in waiting for the liquid to evaporate - it will never completely disappear. Trying to independently disassemble the smartphone and the screen module into its constituent layers in order to wipe and dry each one will result in failure for you. As a result, you will damage the backlight, and each of the layers, since their structure has a rough surface.

    Your slightest interaction will result in scratches. There is nothing left but to replace the screen.

    How to remove stains and stains from the iPhone 6 display

    If you notice the first signs of spots or streaks appearing on the display, do not try to disassemble the smartphone and remove them yourself. You cannot solve the problem yourself - you will only do more harm.

    There is no way to save the iPhone 6 display. Do you need a replacement? iPhone display 6. Call technicians from the Display Master service center to your home in Moscow. They have a free visit, and they fix such a malfunction in 30 minutes before your eyes. This service costs 3,500 rubles.

    Agree that it is better to pay once to replace the iPhone 6 display to real specialists in this matter than to trust your own hands, especially if they grow from the wrong place.

    If water gets under iPhone screen, then only the screen is damaged. But it also happens that some important components fail. Basically, these are modules and cables.

    There is no need to be afraid that the motherboard will burn out or cause other serious damage. The fact is that water is poured into the iPhone very slowly. We can say that it seeps through micro-gaps.

    If you pulled out fallen iPhone out of the water within 10-15 seconds, then you can rest assured. It is not in danger of serious repairs - not much water got into it.

    To get rid of water, only .

    Why is the iPhone screen the first to be hit by water?

    • The iPhone screen consists of many layers of glass and plastic. They are not glued together.
    • Water getting under the iPhone screen spreads between the layers. Hence the transparent halo on the screen.
    • You won't be able to get rid of it on your own. Only drastic measures will help here.

    Attention! If your iPhone 6s or higher fell into water, then don’t worry - they have water protection. Can be briefly immersed in water to a depth of up to a meter.

    But the protection against water on the iPhone remains until it gets repaired. When such an iPhone is opened, a special gasket breaks and the seal is broken.

    What should you not do if your iPhone falls into water?

    You cannot dry your iPhone with a hairdryer.

    If you dry your iPhone with a hairdryer, it will heat up and the water inside it will begin to evaporate and get into all the nooks and crannies. This is absolutely forbidden to do!

    Don't put your iPhone in a bag of rice!

    This method will not get rid of water that has gotten inside the iPhone. And if you delay doing this, you can end up with serious repairs.

    Don't dry your iPhone on the battery!

    When drying your iPhone on a battery, you will get the same effect as drying it with a hairdryer.

    What to do if your iPhone falls into water?

    • Turn off your iPhone
    • Wipe the device with a dry cloth
    • Change your screen with a 10% discount at home in 2 hours!

    The popularity of the iPhone is only increasing every day. This is due to the fact that the device has proven itself only from the best side. The iPhone is not only a high-quality device, but also a multifunctional device. Despite his software protection, iPhone is not at all protected from water. It doesn’t matter whether the device is caught in a downpour or in a puddle. What to do if your iPhone 6 falls into water?

    Effect of liquids on iPhone

    What happens to the gadget if water gets on it? Great value has the acidity level of the liquid. The lower the indicators, the greater the danger the substance poses to the device. The pH level of the water is 7, which is not dangerous for a smartphone. To avoid problems, you need to get rid of moisture quickly.

    The most dangerous liquids for iPhone 5 are:

    • Acetic acid: pH = 2.5;
    • Pepsi-Cola: pH = 3;
    • Mineral waters: pH = 3;
    • Orange juice: pH = 3.5;
    • Beer drinks: pH from 3.5 to 6 (depending on the type);
    • Milk: pH = 6.5.

    Unfortunately, oxidation is not the only thing that can happen to the iPhone 5. Water is an excellent conductor of current. When liquid hits the motherboard, the device simply shorts out.

    If you drown your smartphone, you need to react immediately. Otherwise, the device will no longer be able to be revived.

    Phone in water - what to do

    What to do if your iPhone falls into water or other liquid? It is recommended to calm down, as panic will not lead to anything good. It is important to quickly remove the iPhone 5 from the water. The phone must have been in the liquid for less than 10 seconds. If you do not remove the device within 40 seconds, it will no longer be salvageable.

    A phone that has been drowning before should be turned off immediately. After this, you need to use a screwdriver to remove the battery. It is important to note that the cover can only be unscrewed with a Pentalobe screwdriver.

    If bubbles have accumulated under the film, it must be removed. When droplets do not appear, there is no need to remove the film. As for the cover, you need to get rid of it, as moisture can accumulate under it.

    Getting rid of moisture

    You need to understand what to do if your iPhone . After removing it from the liquid and turning it off, you need to start drying the device. First you need to use paper napkins. This product absorbs moisture well. Since water may have gotten into the speaker and connectors, you should use a cocktail tube.

    The next step is to check all moisture indicators. On the iPhone 3GS (4 and 4S), they are located in the headphone hole and dock connector. As for the iPhone 5 (5S and 6), it has one indicator located in the SIM card slot. If moisture does not get on the “sensors”, then their color will be white. When water gets in, the indicator turns red.

    Change color range"sensor" means that about warranty service it will be possible to forget. When purchasing a new gadget, you should consider the indicators. They allow you to understand whether the device in front of you is recessed or not.

    The device should not be turned on for 2-3 days. It is recommended to contact the service center immediately.

    Drying with improvised means

    If water gets on your iPhone, you can use folk remedies to get rid of moisture. In fact, there are about 10 ways that your device will become dry. It is worth highlighting the rice that best copes with the task.

    So, to dry the device, you need to put rice in a container and then place your iPhone there. It is important that the cereal completely covers the device. The phone will dry for 24 hours.

    If the iPhone 6 (or another model) falls into water, this drying method should not be used. Of course, the rice will be able to absorb all the moisture, but the minerals and salts remaining on the contacts will react. As a result, the elements will begin to rot.

    What not to do

    If your iPhone falls into water, you need to do everything to prevent the phone from turning on. Otherwise there may be a short circuit. To remove moisture from a phone that has fallen into liquid, many people will consider using a hair dryer, as the hot air will quickly do the job. In fact, you shouldn't do this. The iPhone has parts that are exposed to high temperature begin to melt. After such drying, all that remains is to throw away the phone. Before drying the device, you need to think carefully about whether it is necessary to do so.

    Those who dropped their iPhone 5 in water don't need to rely on rice. Of course, cereal will rid the device of moisture, but salts and minerals will damage the microcircuit. In this case, rice may become clogged in the connector, which means the device will have to be disassembled in any case. Not everyone can cope with this task on their own.

    What happens to the device

    Owners of a popular gadget (who drowned an iPhone) should know what happens to the device after exposure to liquid. First of all, it should be noted that the consequences will begin to appear in a few days (weeks):

    • The phone does not turn on;
    • The screen stops responding to commands;
    • The device turns off during operation.

    All this happens after exposure to salts and minerals. If you look at the motherboard through a microscope, you can see:

    • Oxidized contacts;
    • Split connectors;
    • Rotting microcircuits.

    It is impossible to get rid of such damage on your own. Regarding replacement motherboard, then this pleasure is not cheap. However, finding such a component part is not easy.

    Signs of chip rotting

    After self-drying or poor-quality repairs in “garages”, the phone can be turned on, but not for long. After a week, the following changes will appear:

    • Rapid battery drain;
    • Reducing screen sensitivity several times;
    • Problems appearing with Wi-Fi module(connection is constantly lost);
    • Changing the sound level, it can also disappear completely;
    • The device may be turned off.

    If such “symptoms” are noticed, it will be quite difficult and expensive to revive the phone. Rarely do specialists undertake such work. It will be easier to buy new smartphone.

    Do I need to contact a service center?

    Every person's phone can fall either on the floor or in water. If the iPhone is completely wet and liquid gets inside, you won’t be able to revive the device on your own. It is recommended to go to service center.

    Before the specialist begins the inspection, it is necessary to tell under what circumstances the phone “managed to drown.” Most likely, drying of parts, and possibly repairs, will take at least 3 days.

    The specialist will have to fully examine every detail under a microscope. Remaining moisture is removed using directed air flow. As for salts, they can be removed using a toothbrush and Contact Cleaner.

    If a person does not “drown” the iPhone in rice, but immediately goes to the service center, in 70% of cases the device will be revived. If the “drowned person” was taken to the “intensive care unit” a day later or after a long stay in the water, you can think about purchasing a new gadget.

    Video instructions: what to do if water gets into your iPhone


    It is best not to get into such an unpleasant situation. If the iPhone does fall into water, it must be quickly removed from the liquid and then turned off. To save your gadget, you must immediately go to a specialized center. How faster device will be delivered for diagnosis and repair, the greater the chance that the device will function normally. You shouldn’t spare money, because it’s easier to pay 1,000 rubles for inspection and drying than to then spend tens of thousands on buying a new iPhone.

    Attention! The steps taken do not guarantee in any case complete removal moisture from iPhone. What to do if water gets into your iPhone? In order to dry it completely, you need to disassemble the device, examining the internal elements (possibly using a microscope). Even if your iPhone works fine as you think, don’t rush to rejoice, there may be water inside! Due to the moisture inside, corrosion will begin over time and the consequences will be sad.

    What not to do if your iPhone falls into water:

    • do not wrap the device in a towel or any other fabric, this will increase the humidity inside the case;
    • Never dry your phone with a hairdryer, internal components may be damaged by hot air and lead to destruction of contacts on the board;
    • do not turn on a wet device;
    • Do not place the device in a container with rice! - This is a rather deceptive way to save the device. The fact is that the rice will indeed absorb the remaining moisture, but salt crystals will remain, which are very dangerous for electronics. When exposed to oxygen, minerals and salts will oxidize and parts will be corroded. Believing that this cereal has healed the iPhone, people carry it in their pocket without even suspecting that the device is slowly “living out its days.”

    iPhone fell into water, what should I do? If you do not contact the service center in time, then over time you will notice that the battery holds less charge, part of the screen fails, the sound of the speaker has changed, the buttons do not respond well, etc.

    If you decide to buy a used iPhone, be sure to check the moisture sensors that are built into the case. Otherwise, you may be deceived by selling a “recessed” device, but it will not last long.

    Are you still wondering what to do if your iPhone falls into water and won’t turn on? Don’t read harmful advice on the Internet, do “first aid” and run to the service center! Have rice for dinner!

    No one is insured against such a situation, and do not count on repairs under warranty after this. If you are well versed in electronics and have special tools, you can save your “drowned man” yourself. But what should you do if water gets into your iPhone and you cannot “reanimate” it correctly? In this case, wipe it off and immediately go to the service center, where professional repairmen will help you.

    Despite the fact that the sixth iPhones appeared quite recently, some owners have already accidentally drowned their gadgets. In the first minutes after moisture gets under the cover of the iPhone 6, you can at least somehow reduce the damage, but there is nothing you can do about the damage that the water has already caused - you will have to send it in for repair. Flooded iPhones can most often be repaired, and sometimes not even very expensively. In this post we will tell you how to diagnose and repair “drowned” vehicles in service centers.

    Service center providing Apple repair Macplus.ru, kindly provided us with a detailed report on the repair of a flooded iPhone 6. We look, sympathize and remember what your gadget will have to face after encountering water.

    So, a flooded iPhone 6 was brought to the workshop, and it had been flooded for a long time, about a day ago, and was completely unresponsive to any actions.

    To begin with, the master disassembled the “drowned man” by unscrewing two screws at the base of the iPhone 6 and lifting display module. Inside, the gadget is very similar to the previous 5s model.

    iPhone 6 disassembly

    After disassembly, the cable is disconnected from the motherboard, and the module is temporarily opened to the side.

    In general, when water penetrates inside a smartphone, the motherboard suffers the most, so you need to carefully inspect it.

    The technician unscrews the screws around the perimeter of the board and disconnects all cables from it. Then the hinged “plugs” are removed and a disassembled iPhone 6 appears before us, without the “motherboard” and display.

    After examining the inside of the phone, the forecast was optimistic - the elements did not have time to oxidize, since water had only recently been under the cover.

    To find out why the iPhone 6 is not working, it was necessary to diagnose the motherboard, but first, clean it from the consequences of drowning.

    For this purpose, a small ultrasonic bath Ya Xun YX200A is used.

    The “motherboard” is immersed in the cleaning liquid and is exposed to ultrasonic waves for some time.

    After cleaning, diagnostics of the board begins using a microscope. The technician identifies burnt elements to determine what kind of iPhone 6 repair will be required in this case.

    In our case iPhone owner 6 was lucky - only one element needed to turn on the smartphone was damaged, and it is inexpensive. The technician re-soldered the board, replaced the part, assembled the iPhone 6 and turned it on.

    The repair of the sunken iPhone 6 was not only successfully completed, but also cost the owner very little. There are several reasons for this - quick turnaround, a good master and, perhaps, a little luck.

    In any case, if your iPhone 6 gets wet, immediately take it to a service center without waiting for it to “fix itself.” The less oxidation of parts, the cheaper the repair will cost you.