• Possible friends on VKontakte how it works. Where is the VKontakte "possible friends" function located?

    I think it is useful for many users to know on what basis is the list of VKontakte friends formed? in 2019.

    Once upon a time, everything was very simple: whoever had a higher rating was at the very beginning of the list. But times have changed, the rating was canceled, and now friends sorting happens differently.

    First of all, go to the “My Friends” section and deal with the list of friends on your page:

    Who do we see first on our friends list? That's right, those with whom we communicate most.

    The principle of sorting the list of friends: the first will be those friends with whom you most often correspond, but also those whose pages you constantly view, like, and comment on posts.

    Thus, the first friend can be one with whom you may not have communicated at all, but always follow his page and (or) be active on it.

    But there is a small nuance: users whom you recently added as friends are initially displayed above the rest (usually occupying 5-10 positions in the list). This is done so that you do not lose sight of them.

    How the list of friends of other VKontakte users is formed

    Now let's consider principle of sorting friends among other VKontakte users. If their list of friends is formed according to the principle described above, then we see friends completely differently.

    We open the user's friends list and see the following:

    You are the first in the list if this user is your friend. Next are the users who have friends with you: the more mutual friends you have, the higher they are in the list. Even lower are users sorted by date of registration in VKontakte: those who registered earlier are higher.

    This is how the list of friends of other users is sorted.

    How to change the sort order of your friends list

    If you wish, you can promote in the list a certain friend. To do this, it’s enough to communicate with him more often, visit his page, be active (like, repost, comment on posts/photos).

    Thus, after a short period of time, the selected user will take first place in the list of your friends. The reverse way Can .

    It's convenient and useful feature VK website. It will be useful for recently registered users, because it saves a lot of time searching for their real friends at school, university, and mutual acquaintances. Let's take a closer look at the mechanism for getting people on this list.

    Key parameters search when the information in the VK profile is filled out is the following data:

    1. School, university or other educational institution, place of work. If you have provided such information about yourself, then the list will immediately identify possible friends: your classmates, work colleagues, co-workers. You probably know some of them real life.
    2. Mutual friends. If you already have at least one friend, then users from his friend list will also be present in this section. They may be selected there randomly or based on some criteria of similarity with you (region, membership in the same communities, etc.).
    3. Your activity on the site. When visiting groups, public pages frequently, when communicating in comments and regularly viewing personal pages individual people, those on whom this activity is focused can be added to the possible friends section.
    4. Analysis of Internet activity (controversial point). The VK administration in every possible way disclaims the collection of third-party information about users. However, many claim that even if you create an empty page with a fictitious name without the specified information, in this section you can find friends from your real page.

    This indicates that the system is scanning cookies or other digital traces in the browser.

    It's fast and convenient way fill your contact list with the right people.

    Possible friends are viewed by several in simple steps. Let's look at them using the example of the web version of VK for personal computer. Installed on the phone mobile application the procedure will be the same, the only difference is in the interface.

    1. Go to the "friends" section and you will see a "possible friends" column in the lower right side.

    There a list of 5 people should be randomly formed.

    1. To see full list, click “show all” below.

    What are possible VKontakte friends? How are these users identified and where can I see a list of possible friends? Such questions often worry users of the most popular social network on the Runet.

    In fact, VKontakte uses effective algorithms for finding new friends. One of them is “Possible Friends,” which offers you to familiarize yourself with the pages of people with whom a person might have met or been casually acquainted.

    In order to see possible VK friends, you need to go to the “Friends” section and pay attention to right side screen. It is there that a list of five users is published with whom the page owner may have mutual acquaintances.

    IMPORTANT! Each time you enter the “Friends” section, the list is formed in a new way and reflects other users. By clicking the “Show All” button, you can see all users who have any connection with the account owner.

    The number of possible VKontakte friends directly depends on the activity of the account. How more people communicates online, subscribes to more often interesting pages and joins groups, so a large number accounts interacts with his page. Of course, the system also takes into account a person’s social activity in real life. Large quantity educational institutions, places of work, recreation, cities of residence increases the list of possible acquaintances.

    Reference. There are filters on the page with a complete list of possible VK friends. However, they do not make searching the list itself any easier. For example, if you specify the country “Russia” in the filter, then VKontakte will offer the pages of all users of the social network whose profiles indicate this country.

    How possible friends are selected on VK

    • Number of common ones This factor is fundamental for determining possible acquaintances. The more common participants there are, the higher the potential friend’s page will appear on the list.
    • Frequency of visits to a possible friend's page. If the account owner has repeatedly viewed a page, it will most likely be on the above list.
    • The frequency of visits to your account by a third-party user. If the user views your page frequently, reposts content, likes and

    Where have the “possible” VKontakte friends gone?

      Go to the tab my friends - all friends - search for friends and there you will be shown all the people with whom you have many common friends. And on that page you can find on various social networks. Therefore, no matter how you look at it, the contact is getting better and better!

      This is the VKontakte administration’s answer to this question. Now there are new rules: Possible friends are seen by those who have few contacts and those who have recently registered. For some time you can hide them with a cross, and as soon as you get 100 friends, the system will completely stop offering them to you

      It's a shame. It was very convenient(

      HAHA. Here's a secret for you. This button provided a vulnerability. The fact is that this button showed the friends of our friends, and in those cases where our friends had THEIR friends hidden. Thus, if this is our only friend on the network, then in the possible friends tab, the system offered us all the friends that our only friend has, including hidden ones. And this could not be removed, because the system does not determine it by the stealth parameter. but just by communication. That’s how, with the help of this button, we could find out a lot of private information about our friends’ acquaintances)

      Now there is no separate tab with possible friends, however, you can see all the friends offered by the system if you go to the friends section and click on the small gray inscription on the side to show all possible friends. Although I don’t understand this function at all, it reminds me of pimping and can I see everyone?

      Perhaps this button was removed because it was unnecessary, because if a person wants to definitely find someone, he can do it through a search, or go to his friends’ page and see who he knows.

      Possible friends - this button itself has disappeared, but possible friends can be found:

      We go where are my friends, then click on the right side - add friends and we will see a list of our possible friends at the bottom, they were just hidden from the main page - look for new friends, good luck.

      Possible friends - this additional function The social network VKontakte was until recently active for everyone without exception. Moreover, possible friends were selected based on existing ones, based on mutual friends. But the administration felt that the possible friends button was not popular among network users.

      So if you have more than 100 friends, then you will not have this button. This feature is added only to new social users. networks and those who have less than 100 friends. So this can be taken as an innovation of the VKontakte social network. To be honest, I myself have not used the Possible Friends button.

      Now on the VKontakte network there is no such function as possible friends, which previously could be found in the right column if you go to the My Friends section.

      Now this function has been replaced by the usual search for people through the Search for Friends button in the upper right side of the page.

      It is difficult to say exactly why this change was made. One can only assume that as the number of friends expanded, the list of possible friends grew so large that using it would slow down the computer. But this is just my guess.

      On the social network VKontakte, the Possible Friends section was removed as it was no longer needed. Although many users found it convenient to use this feature. Now you can find your friends and acquaintances through people search.

      The possible friends button has disappeared due to its obscenity - now friends can be found through the Search People button. By clicking on this button you will immediately see a list of people who may be your friends. In principle, this makes it easier for users to work with VKontakte. The change is not so important, but it will also bear fruit, because brevity and conciseness are the sister of talent and it is inconvenient when there are a lot of buttons - this confuses network newcomers. Good luck to the VKontakte team!

      They just removed the possible friends button because they now consider it unnecessary, since there is a search for people - this is even better and the search is advanced, it’s easy to find your friends in it just by noting the city, age, first and last name, you can even without age.

      Possible friends on VKontakte have disappeared due to the uselessness of this function, because now in the search for people those contacts with whom you may be familiar, for example, from a common university or mutual friends, will automatically be highlighted.

      Once there is no problem - https://vk.com/friends?act=find

    The definition of possible VK friends appeared relatively long ago. However, this update still raises many questions among social network users. And it’s not strange, because not everyone knows how possible friends are identified and suggested on VKontakte. Not everyone even understands the meaning of this add-on, and, moreover, not everyone uses it. And it’s not for nothing that users have many questions, because there is no clear and understandable description of the service.

    You should start with something simple. Determining the location of this block is not so difficult. It is logical that it is in the “Friends” section. This is where you need to go from your page to see the list of possible friends.

    WITH global update The interface has changed and the location of this block has changed. Previously, it was displayed on the left under the page menu. He could also be found using the friend search service.

    After the update, not only the standard features VK, but also a block of possible friends. Apparently, the developers found the old location not very convenient, so they moved it. It's now on the right, taking up its own space in the Friends tab. By clicking on the active button, you will be able to view the complete list provided. You can also find possible friends, as before, by going to active link"Find friends."

    This section can recommend people with whom you could become friends. You can immediately click on the “Add as Friend” icon. You can add a message to your request, indicating why you decided to communicate with this user.

    At the same time, the person will receive a notification indicating the number of your mutual friends. This simple method is used by many users who want to expand their friend list.

    Main purpose of the service

    The primary idea for creating such an opportunity was the need of people to find new acquaintances. After all, this was the main purpose of creating such social networks. It depends on how you look at the very idea of ​​a social network.

    It is worth mentioning that the service is designed for people who have recently registered on VKontakte. The “Possible Friends” block will not appear for users with a friend list of more than 100 people. The number of subscriptions to different communities is also taken into account. Thus, VK allows newcomers not to get lost on the site and immediately start communicating and making new acquaintances.

    The block is also often used for commercial purposes. Many increase the audience of their groups and communities in this way. This is a permitted scheme, because VK itself invites users to add people from the list of recommended ones. And no one forbids inviting them to join the group.

    Is it possible to increase the list

    The number of suggested VKontakte friends can be increased in several ways. When adding people from already existing list, You will notice that it is expanding with new mutual friends. This is the simplest method that most people use. Some also use cheating.

    In case of mass addition of such “cheaters” as VKontakte friends to the pages, their recommendations will also be replenished. For commercial projects, the service is simply irreplaceable.

    How Possible Friends Appear

    First of all, the list includes people with whom you already have common friends.. The more mutual friends, the higher the supposed friend, but now this is not the only factor.

    Thanks to the “Show all” button, you can see more full list Your possible acquaintances. The same people will appear there, only the order of their arrangement will be slightly changed.

    Next, to search for recommendations, parameters such as schools and universities are used (taking into account the year of graduation), hometown and even participation in the same community or group. Thus, a list is provided not only of real acquaintances, but also of those with whom interests and preferences may coincide.

    With the help of the service, many have found new friends and acquaintances. And some people didn't like him. After all, on their list there were absolutely strangers. This happens because many people add people they don’t know as friends. Thus, users from their friend list will be included in “possible friends”.

    Possible friends on fake accounts

    Many users who create additional pages or fakes, pay attention to the fact that VK invites them to make friends with people from real life. The point is that these acquaintances did not intersect with new page, information about them was not indicated anywhere. Users even began to worry about the security of their data. To this, the administration of the social network responded that no data or information was subject to collection or disclosure.

    Some have drawn their own conclusions on this matter. It is assumed that VK uses saved cookies to determine possible friends. Also, permissions can be set on a computer or other device, with the help of which statistics on visits to various resources are tracked. Thus, it will be possible to determine the connection between the real page and the fake one created on the same device.

    How to remove someone from Possible Friends

    If a person is on the list with whom you do not want to be friends, you can easily remove him from there. To do this, you need to hover your cursor over the cross in the corner of the user’s avatar. It will also be displayed there active menu"Don't show it again."

    This action can be undone. The convenience of such filtering is that people who are not interesting to you will no longer appear in the recommended list, and their place will be taken by those with whom you can meet and communicate.

    Such additional services in social networks definitely indicate that sites are designed primarily for communication. Today people meet, work, fall in love, and even live on the Internet. Therefore, such a simple search for new acquaintances is simply necessary for the society of the 21st century.