• What is a cloud solution? Cloud backup. Virtual desktop

    Is your business growing and so are your IT costs? Do you want to save on your purchase? software and equipment? Are you tired of wasting time and energy on organizing IT yourself, but want to take advantage of new technologies? Softline company offers effective cloud services for modern business! Use corporate programs, databases, documents, being in different branches, countries, on different continents! We have been among the top 5 largest cloud solution providers for 5 years in a row (CNews Analytics 2011-2015). We have our own data centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Yekaterinburg, Samara.

    Virtual desktop

    Cloud services are usually offered with encryption. And for transmission and storage. But the encryption implemented by the vendor is not considered effective because the private key belongs to the vendor. In case of doubt, he must hand it over to the secret services and authorities.

    If you use the cloud for data storage and file storage, you must encrypt and decrypt your files and encrypt them additionally. Therefore, the user must take care of the encryption itself and should not rely on the cloud provider. Otherwise, he cannot exit the data security.

    Cloud platforms

    • Softline cloud platform

      A service for renting computing power in your own data center to create an infrastructure of any complexity for any business in the cloud (IaaS) in just a few minutes.

      Microsoft Azure

      An open and flexible platform that allows you to create, implement, scale and manage applications in global network Microsoft data centers.

      But there's much more to it than just deciding where the cloud is. Cloud providers are often external service providers that offer applications where the storage function is associated with the application. The user does not have access to his data. Many cloud services are becoming opaque. The client must deal with minimal technical details. And this is exactly the problem. It is difficult to assess whether the methods used are controlled at all.

      What third parties are contracted with and with whom? How is he informed about violations by third parties? What software and hardware does the supplier use? Are all contracts and service level agreements consistent with German law? What is the penalty for violating the contract?

      • Where is the data center located?
      • In which countries is the operator or its subsidiary and parent company active?
      • Where are the headquarters and court of jurisdiction located?
      • Is there a local, German-language service?
      • How are clients informed about government access?
      The corresponding computing performance also typically occurs on servers on the Internet.

    • Amazon Web Services

      Relying on the power of numerous AWS data centers and transferring part of its infrastructure to them from own servers, as well as creating fault-tolerant and quickly scalable web applications, customers implement many infrastructure scenarios.


      One of the leading providers of the IAAS platform in Russia, the CIS countries and the Middle East. The ActiveCloud platform is automated, providing 24/7 technical support clients and SLA 99.5% with a financial guarantee, with per-second billing. It has several data centers, the main one of which is located in Russia.

      For example, you can get a route planner without installing it locally. The data and the corresponding program are distributed on many servers around the world. The user requires a browser and an Internet connection. Therefore, cloud is another term for the Internet.

      The big advantage is that browser-based data can be retrieved from anywhere and from different terminals. Here the software is hired in the cloud rather than purchased and installed locally. Here, in a simplified form, you can get computer equipment and computing power from the cloud.

    Cloud services for business

    • Softline virtual office. Made in Russia. Full compliance with Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152

      Ready pre-configured cloud service on the Microsoft platform for efficient work monthly paid employees. Includes corporate mail, universal communications and telephony, portal, rental of a package of local Microsoft applications Office.

      Physical hardware is taking the backseat, so to speak, replacing the virtual data center on the Internet. For developers it is possible to perform software applications in a programming or runtime environment with dynamically adaptable computing and information capabilities.

      There are three key factors for cloud computing. Opinions vary about the overall cost savings of switching to the cloud. However, it is undeniable that cloud computing- Very good decision to ensure maximum performance. Services are typically highly extensible. If more processing power is required on a seasonal basis or for other reasons, it is possible to increase throughput computer without any installation costs as there would be if you bought your own computers.

      Microsoft Office 365

      A set of classic Office applications for installation on desktops and integrated Microsoft cloud services: Exchange, OneDrive, Skype for Business, SharePoint. Always latest versions, to access services you only need the Internet.

    • Google Apps for Work

      Workplace based on Google technologies, a new level of corporate communications and collaboration anytime, anywhere and from any device.

      Unlike purchasing your own hardware, there is no accounting period for cloud computing. The service is withdrawn and therefore can be taxed to the extent of genuine use. Cloud providers guarantee virtual 100% availability. System monitoring, maintenance costs, updates, server operation, cooling, etc. Everything is in the hands of a professional supplier.

      Cloud services for business

      The most frequently cited disadvantages are data security and climate considerations. In principle, cloud solutions only work with active connection to the Internet. If there is no Internet, you can call up a maximum of one locally stored copy. In addition, you need to ask about data transfer. Finds it to be 100% safe, i.e. through secure connection and encrypted. In the end, the person also falls into the hands of a partner whose business should be of interest. There are many potential risk factors for insolvency in court.

      Corporate mail in the cloud

      Provides quick start mail system for a startup, new office or branch, rapid expansion of the mail system with pay-per-use.

    • Corporate portal

      Solution for organizing a corporate information portal with many features for collaboration and employee interaction.

      Critics also point out again and again that the climate is burdened by ever-larger data centers. This is confirmed a large number vendors who have long since moved their data centers to cooler regions from Iceland to Norway where there is no need for large quantities energy required for cooling.

      This process works dynamically and adapts to the user's needs. Cloud computing is the basis of the Internet and Intranet as a platform. Connections with external servers are made over the network, through which the various applications. This applies, among other things, to the storage capacity of data or software applications.

      Virtual desktop

      Hosted on reliable fault-tolerant servers in data centers. The connection is made via secure channels, which ensures the confidentiality of the transmitted information.

    • 1C in the cloud

      By placing the 1C database on the productive Softline cloud platform, you will get confident access to data from anywhere and at any time. Dedicated virtual 1C servers for each customer, wide scaling capabilities, administration in-house or by us.

      In addition, rake loads can be outsourced - from personal disk to shared cloud. Suppliers cloud services rely on a flexible, service-based service, commonly referred to as “everything as a service.” There are public and private clouds. Public clouds are used by the general public or various clients. For example, the software is used by several companies that are active in the industry. For private clouds, the offering is customer specific and limited to their internal applications.

      Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

      Cloud-based customer relationship management system. Facilitates collaboration among sales, marketing, and customer service teams with modern technologies integrated into a single working environment.

    • Designer's workplace (CAD)

      Working with design packages hosted on remote servers is made possible by GPU virtualization using NVIDIA GRID technology. It allows multiple users to simultaneously work with graphically intensive applications using shared resources GPU

      Private cloud as a service

      Then there is also the so-called community cloud, which is used by a group that shares the same interests in use. Hybrid clouds describe the use of private and public clouds by the same customer. A small business has a lot of data to keep secure, but since purchasing a computer with that much capacity is so expensive, a private cloud hires a platform that stores the data externally.

      Virtual correspondence is cloud computing classic type: Users access services from the Internet, often referred to as the “cloud” in professional circles. In fact, cloud computing can be so simple: the prerequisites are just fast connection to the Internet and current web browser.

      Cisco WebEx Web Conferencing

      Cisco WebEx web conferencing service allows users to communicate and collaborate in real time.

    • Employee's workplace (Workstation as a Service)

      Renting workstations for PC and laptop users with the necessary standard software and connection to the necessary corporate services in a service format with a monthly payment.

      Cloud computing is characterized by several features: first, the Internet or cloud providers' servers serve as the headquarters. There is no confusion here if computers sometimes use additional help programs, e.g. mail client in case of mailing.

      Where did such fabulous services begin?

      Even if accounts email for private users are usually free, the user, however, pays the obligation to accept commercial emails. Third, cloud computing services are scalable, which means they are free for any number of users, which in turn can arbitrarily disrupt the amount of services consumed.

    Rent of virtual capacities

    • Virtual infrastructure/virtual data center

      A rental service for scalable computing power with the ability to independently manage servers, storage systems, software, networks and other resources. The platform is managed and configured through the Microsoft Azure Pack component.

      Softline cloud platform

      And finally, cloud computing does not depend on time and place: you can get Internet anywhere. Although servers allow you to set up networks, they are expensive, which means their services are usually reserved only for large companies and groups. The Internet, on the other hand, provides these back-end services and is much more ready to work out of the door - from an individual user to traders in a group, everyone can get started. This is not just for newsletters.

      But fear not: in an entry-level environment, all vendors mean the same thing: software services that are centrally provisioned on a server and offered over the Internet, and sometimes require small installations on your computers to support them. software programs. This enthusiasm for cloud computing is also growing in Germany. This represents annual growth rates in the upper double-digit range.

      Virtual servers

      Rent virtual machines in the cloud - a simple alternative to buying a physical server. The systems will remain completely under your control, they will just work in the cloud, on good equipment and under the supervision of qualified specialists.

    • Web hosting

      Your company’s website should always be accessible and ready for any influx of customers, have high speed downloads. Softline provides website hosting on the Windows Azure platform or its own cloud platform.

      The answer lies in its many benefits. The first driver is the fact that computer applications, which would have cost a lot of money before, are now available to everyone, thanks to growing broadband coverage and the power of the Internet to mobile phones, smartphones and co-authors, and are no longer purchased and must be installed locally. Simply put, in the past, a company had to pay huge sums and invest in expensive servers to implement network solutions, for example for communication.

      Flexible rental models bring additional benefits: they allow you to trial services at a competitive price or tailor them to your own requirements in the case of long-term requirements. Therefore, the cloud grows as the company size increases. Practical: support and regular service maintenance included. It is known that software must always be adapted to new conditions and events; In addition, systems always have programming errors. Cloud providers struggle with the same problems, but they can exchange them behind the scenes during an ongoing operation without stopping customers.

      Private cloud as a service

      A complex of servers, storage systems and virtualization systems is leased to the customer. The equipment can be located in Softline data centers (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok) or on the customer’s premises. The service is of interest to organizations that do not want to maintain their own IT infrastructure, but have requirements that do not allow them to move to public clouds.

      Disadvantages of cloud computing - cloud computing security. Cloud cloud solutions, the "sassy things" have succeeded: they have established the term "cloud". This term suggests that the cloud does everything for us, and we only receive a plugin, after which the finished solution is waiting to be released. By capturing and taking care of things for free, the industry wants to make its customers happy. But this is not the case: cloud computing poses a huge number of dangers. The one who gives away valuable things from his hands. This mainly concerns foreign storage.

      The information and files entered into the masks are stored on third-party servers that are in the hands of service providers or their data center operators. It is technically easy for cloud operators to look at these files and external data. Compensation did not meet guidelines. For example, users of cloud services need to know exactly where they are storing and storing what information - often, as with some online photo providers, you also get rights to the content! How can these data security issues be addressed?

    • Cloud backup

      Lost or destroyed information can be restored in minutes with a cloud backup solution. Cloud backup file servers, PC, databases, mail, access rights and passwords, server settings, applications and OS, virtual machines ensure business continuity.

    Equipment rental

    • Problems with power supply, air conditioning, security, switching and technical support can lead to serious financial losses and cause irreparable damage to the company’s business and reputation. In order to minimize such risks, place your equipment in specialized Softline data centers, where all necessary conditions to ensure the reliability and fault tolerance of the IT infrastructure. Don't have your own equipment? We are ready to offer it to you using a rental model in the shortest possible time and with a minimal budget.

      • The best equipment from the world's leading manufacturers.
      • Security: equipment is installed in Tier III data centers.
      • Monitoring and technical support are provided 24x7x365.
      Rental of Citrix, VMware, Veeam, “Security Code” licenses

      License rental programs are designed specifically for service providers of any type who provide hosting services to end users. By connecting to the programs, the partner gets the opportunity to create his own own cloud based on a specific platform and rent out its power. Softline is an authorized aggregator of VMware (vCAN), Citrix (CSP), Veeam (VCP) and Security Code (vGate) rental programs.

      Dedicated server Equipment as a service
      Possibility of choosing a manufacturer No Yes
      Fixed minimum rental period No Yes
      Client-side hosting No Yes
      Custom configuration
    June 18, 2012 6:40 pm

    At Docflow 2012, a lot of attention was paid to discussions about “cloud solutions”; as it turned out, this is perhaps the most popular topic among experts today.

    I asked one of them what the “cloud” was, and they explained to me that “cloud solutions” are, in essence, the ability to work remotely.

    The imagination immediately drew a picture of “clouds” in relation to electronic document management, where a small company decided to install an EDMS. And in order not to attract additional IT personnel, do not purchase additional equipment or update the current one, rent a server. For example, a company providing an electronic document management system.

    However, after reading a number of articles on the topic cloud technologies, it becomes clear that in modern world The concept of “cloud” is interpreted much more broadly. And there are a great many articles on the Internet on this topic, and, as the author of one of them rightly said: “... the abundance of published materials not only does not bring clarity to the issue under consideration, but also complicates the understanding of cloud concepts.”

    So, where does remote access end and cloud technologies begin?

    Let's start with an overview of the definitions of “cloud” and “cloud technologies”, of which there are quite a few:

    Clouds, in short, are the implementation of dynamic, virtualized infrastructure.

    The cloud is nothing more than a large data center (or a network of interconnected servers).

    Cloud technologies are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to the Internet user as an online service. The word "cloud" is used here as a metaphor, representing a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details behind it... It is one big concept that includes many different concepts that provide services. For example, software, infrastructure, platform, data, workplace etc.

    IN lately Issues related to the construction of cloud systems are beginning to attract not only large companies, but also government agencies in various countries around the world. Most recently, a group of experts released a document intended for the European Commission, in which an attempt was made to systematize modern experience in the field of building cloud systems and develop recommendations for the development of IT systems in the European Union.

    According to this document, “the cloud is a dynamically extensible information system, if necessary, providing consumers with IT services with specified characteristics and allowing to control the quality of service provision according to the established metrics.”

    The most important thing in this definition is that cloud systems are service-oriented: their main task is to provide the consumer with a quality service.

    Accordingly, there are several service delivery models:

    • infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

    Typically, the IaaS model involves providing virtual server, storage, network infrastructure;

    • platform as a service (PaaS)

    — providing access to software platform. Users can create and post native applications based on this platform, they have access to resource management for more low level(operating system, data storage, etc.);

    • Software as a service (SaaS)

    — provision of software. In this model, users only have access to the functionality of the necessary software via the network. *

    According to the SaaS concept, you do not pay a lump sum when purchasing a product, but, as it were, rent it. Moreover, you use exactly those functions that you need (and, accordingly, pay for them).

    Let’s understand a little about the definitions and service models.

    Now let's try to understand the essence of how cloud technologies work.

    If we take a simple example of computer games, « then technically it looks like this: the game itself is located on a remote server and the graphics that are sent to the computer are processed there end user arrives in a “ready” form. Simply put, the calculations that are performed by the video card and processor during a normal game on a computer are already performed here on the server, and your computer is used only as a monitor.” *

    Where did such fabulous services begin?

    The public history of cloud computing itself in its modern implementation begins around 2006. It was then that Amazon, which needs no introduction, introduced its Web Services infrastructure, which provides not only hosting, but also provides the client with remote computing power. Following Amazon, similar services were introduced by Google, Sun and IBM. And in 2008, Microsoft announced its plans in this area. Moreover, Microsoft announced not just a service, but a full-fledged cloud operating system Windows Azure.

    Now let's turn to the area of ​​interest directly related to EDMS. What does cloud technology mean to her?

    Remote access to the EDMS provides the employee with up-to-date information on decisions made in the company, and makes it possible to participate in discussions and adoption of these decisions, regardless of where the employee is located. Of course, this is primarily relevant for managers, since not a single important decision is made without their agreement. However, middle managers can also appreciate the opportunities remote access to the SED. For example, heads of production departments of large companies who are constantly on site, or sales managers who often have to travel to meetings, thanks to this opportunity, will be able to timely review and approve documents prepared by the back office for customers.

    How can cloud technologies help business?

    Firstly, the user does not need to worry about the performance of his PC, there is no need to worry about free space on disk space.

    Secondly, the user pays only for the service, the capabilities provided, and only for specific functions.

    Thirdly, cloud technologies help business in a seasonal sense. For example, if a company sells gifts for International Women's Day, which, as everyone knows, only once a year, the rest of the time (winter, summer, autumn) no one will need its services. And it is at this time that the company will not incur the costs of maintaining the huge functionality that it needs only during the peak period.

    So, using cloud technology, the company avoids the problems associated with purchasing additional licenses, time to install and configure applications on each computer, and finding a new IT employee using the online option necessary software, paying only for the time that employees used this software.

    Speaking globally, all cloud technology options imply a subscription payment model (for actual use). Moreover, not only in relation to software, but also in terms of hardware resources. And this is conventionally called Pay as you go. Well, those who do not need hardware resources can simply rent the required applications (and here we return to the concept of Software as a Service (SaaS).