• Why do we need computer programs and mobile applications? Types of application programs

    The most numerous class of computer are application programs.

    Application software is intended to ensure the use of computer technology in various fields of human activity.

    Application programs – programs designed to solve specific user problems.

    One of possible options classifications.

    Application classification software by appointment

    Text editor – a program designed only for viewing, entering and editing text.

    Word processor – a program that provides the ability to enter, edit and format text, as well as insert non-text objects (graphics, multimedia, etc.) into a text document.

    All text editors save “pure” text in the file and thanks to this compatible with each other.

    Various word processors write formatting information to the file differently and therefore incompatible with each other.

    Basic components of a word processor:

    • Font set.
    • Spell checking.
    • Preview of printed pages.
    • Merging documents, multi-window.
    • Auto-formatting and auto-transfer.
    • Standard tools.
    • Spreadsheet editor and calculator.
    • Inserting graphic objects.

    Examples - MS Word, Write, WordPerfect, Ami Pro, MultiEdit, Lexicon, Refis

    Publishing systems — necessary for the preparation of typographic quality documents, computer layout (combining text and graphics into a book, magazine, brochure or newspaper).

    Examples - Corel Ventura, QuarkXPress, Adobe PageMaker, MS Publisher, FrameMaker

    Graphic information– information or data presented in the form of diagrams, sketches, images, graphs, diagrams, symbols.

    Graphic editor – a program for creating, editing, viewing graphic images.

    Main components of the graphic editor:

    • Set of fonts, working with text.
    • Standard tools.
    • Library of pictures.
    • Combining pictures.
    • Special effects.

    Distinguish between everything three types computer graphics . This raster graphics, vector graphics and fractal graphics. They differ in the principles of image formation when displayed on a monitor screen or when printed on paper.

    Raster graphics are used in the development of electronic (multimedia) and printed publications.

    Illustrations made using raster graphics are rarely created manually using computer programs. More often, illustrations prepared by the artist on paper or photographs are scanned for this purpose. Recently for input raster images Digital photo and video cameras have found widespread use in computers.

    Fractal graphics are rarely used to create printed or electronic documents, but it is often used in entertainment programs

    Examples - Paint, PaintBrush, CorelDraw, MS PhotoEditor, Adobe PhotoShop, 3D MAX Studio

    DBMS(database management system) - designed to automate the procedures for creating, storing and retrieving electronic data (processing arrays of information).

    Examples - dBase, Paradox, MS Access, Oracle, FoxPro

    Integrated systems there are two types

    • Traditional (fully coupled) application software packages (APP).
    • Application packages with object-related integration

    Traditional PPP

    An integrated software package is a multifunctional autonomous package that combines the functions and capabilities of various specialized (problem-oriented) packages into one whole. These programs integrate the functions of a text editor, DBMS and table processor. In general, the cost of such a package is much lower than the total cost of similar specialized packages.

    The package provides communication between data, however, the capabilities of each component are narrowed compared to a similar specialized package.

    A typical situation is when data obtained from a database must be processed using a spreadsheet processor, presented graphically, and then inserted into text. To perform this type of work, there are so-called. integrated packages – software, combining capabilities that are specific individually to text editors, graphic systems, spreadsheets, databases and other software. Of course, such a combination of capabilities is achieved through compromise. Some capabilities in integrated packages are limited or not fully implemented. This concerns, first of all, the richness of database and spreadsheet processing commands, their sizes, and macro languages. However, the advantages created by a single interface of software combined in an integrated package are undeniable.

    Well-known packages are Open Access from Open Access, FrameWork from Ashton-Tate, Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony from Lotus Development Corporation, Lotus Works.

    PPP with object-related integration

    This is the unification of specialized packages within a single resource base, ensuring the interaction of applications (package programs) at the object level and a single simplified switching center between programs.

    Integration involves giving the components of the complex uniformity in terms of their perception and methods of working with them. Interface consistency is achieved through common icons and menus, dialog boxes, etc. Ultimately, this helps to increase labor productivity and reduce the development period.

    A feature of this type of integration is the use of shared resources. Types of resource sharing:

    • use of utilities common to all programs of the complex (spell checking);
    • the use of objects that can be shared by several programs;

    In terms of sharing objects across multiple applications there are two main standards:

    • dynamic linking and embedding of Object Linking and Embedding OLE objects by Microsoft;
    • OpenDoc ( open document) by Apple, Boriartd, IBM, Novell and WordPerfect.

    The dynamic object layout mechanism allows the user to place information created by one application program into a document generated by another. In this case, the user can edit information in the new document using the program with which this object was created.

    This mechanism also allows you to transfer OLE objects from the window of one application to the window of another.

    OpenDoc is an object-oriented system based on open standards from the companies participating in the development. The distributed system object model (DSOM – Distributed System Object Model), developed by IBM for OS/2, is used as an object model.

    • implementation simple method moving from one application to another;
    • Availability of automation tools for working with the application (macro language).

    Examples: Borland Office for Windows, Lotus SmartSute for Windows, MS Office.

    Expert system - an artificial intelligence system built on the basis of deep specialized knowledge about some narrow subject area(obtained from experts - specialists in this field). ES are designed to solve problems with uncertainty and incomplete initial data that require expert knowledge for their solution. In addition, these systems must be able to explain their behavior and their decisions. Their distinctive feature is the ability to accumulate knowledge and experience of qualified specialists (experts) in any field. Using this knowledge, ES users who do not have the necessary qualifications can solve their problems almost as successfully as experts do. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the system in its work reproduces approximately the same chain of reasoning as a human expert.

    The fundamental difference between expert systems and other programs is their adaptability, i.e. variability in the self-learning process.

    It is customary to distinguish three main modules in the ES: knowledge base module, logical inference module, user interface.

    Expert systems are used in a wide variety of areas of human activity - science (classification of animals and plants by species, chemical analysis), in medicine (diagnosis, analysis of electrocardiograms, determination of treatment methods), in technology (troubleshooting in technical devices, monitoring space flights). ships and satellites), in geological exploration, in economics, in political science and sociology, criminology, linguistics and many others. There are both highly specialized ES and “shells”, using which you can create your own ES without being a programmer.

    Hypertext– this is a form of organizing text material not in a linear sequence, but in the form of indications of possible transitions (links), connections between its individual fragments. In hypertext systems, information resembles the text of an encyclopedia, and access to any selected fragment of text is carried out randomly via a link. Organizing information in hypertext form is used to create reference guides, dictionaries, and contextual help in application programs.

    Multimedia systems – programs that provide interaction between visual and audio effects under the control of interactive software.

    AWS– automated workstation.

    ASNI– automated systems for scientific research.

    ACSautomated system management.

    User applications are created by the user using programming tools available to him as part of a specific computing environment. In this case, the creation and debugging of programs is carried out by each user individually, in accordance with the rules and agreements of the software or OS within which they are used.

    Today we will talk about software(programs). Programs for a personal computer are often called "application programs", and programs for mobile devices are called " mobile applications". You've probably heard that to perform certain tasks you need special computer programs . That is, without the necessary program, you won’t even be able to type text. And it's true.

    Program or Application is a type of software that allows perform specific tasks. When you open the program, it is running , until you close it. As a rule, when working at a computer, you will use several programs simultaneously, that is, a text editor can be opened at once, file manager, internet browser, this process is called - multitasking. And the OS coordinates the work of these programs.

    Today programs can be downloaded on the Internet. There are many free programs that you can use to solve your problems. Of course, there are also paid software products, functionality which can be received after payment. So, if you want to type texts in the MS Word text editor and work with MS Excel spreadsheets, then you will have to buy software Microsoft product Office.

    Clue: Microsoft Office tools are available for free in Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, [email protected].

    Technologies are developing rapidly, new devices (smartphones, tablets) are appearing and many programs are becoming available for and even for modern technologies. TVs with supportSmartTV.

    Types of programs for personal PC

    There are countless types of personal computer software available, and they fall into many categories. All programs differ in functionality, for example, full featured (Microsoft Word ), has great functionality, undead Notebook, part of the operating room Windows systems.

    Let's look at the most common types of software products:

    Text editors: allow you to create and edit texts, tables and many other types of documents. The most famous text editor is Microsoft Word.

    Graphic editors: allow you to create and edit graphic images (photos, pictures, drawings) using many tools, styles and templates. The most famous graphics editor is Photoshop.

    Web Browsers: this is the tool you use to access global Internet. Most computers come with a web browser, but you can download another one. Examples: Internet Explorer , Firefox, Google Chrome, Yandex-browser And Safari.

    Games: There are many different games that you can play on your computer. These could be simple games such as " Solitaire" or modern action games that require a lot computing powerfrom computer hardware. Not all computers can handle such games.

    Media players: if you want to listen music or watch movies on your computer, you will need a player program. Preinstalled for MS Windows based computers Windows Media Player and for Apple computers This iTunes.

    This simple applications, which you can place on your desktop (if you're using a Mac or Windows PC latest generation). There are many different types of widgets: calendars, calculators, cards, news headlines, notes, clocks and much more.

    These are just a few of the categories of software you can use on your computer.

    Installing programs on your computer

    To work with the program, you need it install to the computer. The process of installing programs follows a similar scenario; your task is to follow the instructions of the installation manager.

    If the software was purchased from a store, just insert installation disk into the drive and follow the onscreen instructions. If the software downloaded from the Internet, there will be a file with it readme(For example, readme.txt), which includes installation instructions and other information.

    Advice: Use caution when downloading software from the Internet as it may contain viruses or others malware. Programs purchased or distributed in exchange for a subscription do not contain viruses; programs downloaded on the Internet from dubious sources may contain malicious code. If you have Antivirus, we strongly recommend that you check the downloaded software before installing it.

    Opening files using programs

    Programs are developed to perform assigned tasks and work with certain file types. For example, Microsoft Word can create and edit Word documents (type .doc .docx). If you don't have MS Word, you won't be able to open Word documents in Notepad. For example, if you have a file with the extension psd– this is the working file type Photoshop programs, without this program it is useless.

    There are two main ways to open a file:

    1. Find the file on your computer, hover your mouse cursor and double-click with the left button. This method will allow you to open the file using the program default. This means that the operating system, based on the file type, determines what program created the file and what program should be run to open such files. Of course, if this program is installed on your computer.

    1. Open the program, and then using the menu item “File” - “Open”, open the file. As a rule, all programs have a menu, and the first menu item is the “File” item. Through this menu item you can open, create, save and much more.

    Also, knowing the main types of files, you can decide for yourself which program can open a particular file. For example, a photograph in the format .jpg, you can open it in a standard graphic editor Paint or in Photoshop, only the functionality of these programs is very different. It's like driving a VAZ or BMW car. So judge what you can do with a photograph, having different tools (programs) at hand.

    Mobile applications

    Mobile applications for smartphones And tablet computers , open up many new opportunities. Download the right application, you can use your smartphone as a navigator, bank client or e-book. You can read barcodes from goods or payment receipts and pay for them immediately. There are applications that allow you to measure distance, determine the horizon level and direction of movement. And there are thousands of such applications.

    Compared to traditional apps, mobile apps relatively cheap. Many of them cost only 30 rubles, while others cost free. By connecting your mobile device to the Internet, you can download applications directly to your mobile device. Or you can download the application to your computer and then transfer it to your mobile device via cable or Bluetooth.

    The main thing is that you must understand that the final result depends on what program you use.

    Application program

    Application program or application- a program designed to perform certain user tasks and is designed for direct interaction with the user. In most operating systems, application programs cannot access computer resources directly, but interact with hardware, etc. through the operating system.


    TO application software (application software) refer to programs written for users or by users themselves to assign a specific job to the computer. Programs for processing orders or creating mailing lists are examples of application software. Programmers who write application software are called application programmers.

    Application software classification

    • Application software for enterprises and organizations. For example, financial management, customer relations, supply chain. This type also includes departmental software for small businesses, as well as software for individual departments within a large enterprise. (Examples: Travel Expense Management, IT Help Desk)
    • Enterprise infrastructure software. Provides common capabilities to support enterprise software. These are databases, email servers, network and security management.
    • Information worker software. Serves the needs of individual users to create and manage information. This is, as a rule, management of time, resources, documentation, for example, text editors, spreadsheets, client programs for email and blogs, personal information systems and media editors.
    • Software for accessing content. Used to access certain programs or resources without editing them (however, it can also include an editing function). Intended for groups or individual users of digital content. These are, for example, media players, web browsers, auxiliary browsers, etc.
    • Educational software is close in content to software for media and entertainment, but unlike it, it has clear requirements for testing the user’s knowledge and tracking progress in learning a particular material. Many educational programs include sharing and multi-stakeholder collaboration features.
    • Simulation software. Used to simulate physical or abstract systems for scientific research, education, or entertainment.
    • Software tools in the field of media. Serves the needs of users who produce print or electronic media resources for other consumers, on a commercial or educational basis. These are programs for printing, layout, multimedia processing, HTML editors, digital animation editors, digital audio etc.
    • Application programs for design and construction. Used in the development of hardware (“Hardware”) and software. Covers computer aided design (CAD), computer aided engineering (CAE), editing and compiling programming languages, Integrated Development Environments, Application Programmer Interfaces.

    See also

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    • Caspian province
    • Applied ethics

    See what an “Application program” is in other dictionaries:

      Application program- in a broad sense, a program or application package that implements data processing in a specific area of ​​application. The application program directly performs the functions required by the user. Application program in the narrow sense... ... Financial Dictionary

      APPLICATION PROGRAM- (application, application program), a program (see PROGRAM (for computers)), designed to solve individual problems or a class of problems related to data processing in a certain area of ​​activity. The term is used to distinguish... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

      application program- A program designed to solve a problem or class of problems in a specific area of ​​application of an information processing system. [GOST 19781 90] Subjects of support. processing systems information software EN application program… Technical Translator's Guide

      Application program- 7. Application program Application program A program designed to solve a problem or class of problems in a specific area of ​​​​application of an information processing system

    In this article I would like to talk about what application programs are, as well as what application problems can be solved with their help (for example, an example of a simple database), and what role they play for the end user of a personal computer. First of all, I would like to note that computers can process any data that the user sends to it. But in order for this data to be recognized and understood correctly by the machine, it is necessary to compose special program in a language he understands or, as it is easier to say, a series of sequential instructions for performing certain actions.

    Types of application programs

    Application programs are such programs, the purpose of which is aimed at solving certain problems and directly interact with the user. Computer programs are necessary for automating any processes, storing and processing data, modeling, design, etc. complex computing processes. Programs are usually divided into two classes: these are system programs and application programs. The former are mainly used to process incoming information from some equipment: network card, video card, connected equipment, i.e. these are the programs that interact with the hardware or external devices. We will talk about them in the following articles. But let’s talk about the second – application programs – in more detail.

    Application programs are designed to interact with end user, i.e. the user seems to interact with himself, but only through the program, enters some data as an input and receives a certain result of the processed data as an output. This is a kind of solution applied task, for example, this is scanning images and their subsequent processing or searching for the necessary files. The use of application programs can be observed in almost all areas of human activity, be it accounting in an enterprise or creating graphic images, drawing, etc. The use of application programs is also present in such very important systems as database management systems. This is very important in large enterprises where there are a large number of users and who really need to store and use large amounts of information.

    Types and examples of application programs

    Application programs are:

    • Text editors. Designed for creating and editing text without design;
    • Word processors (MS Word). More advanced text editors that allow you to edit text with design, change fonts and sizes, insert graphic files, tables, etc. for a more presentable text design;
    • Spreadsheets (MS Excell). Mainly used to process any data contained in these tables. Applied tasks most often performed to store credentials and subsequently analyze them;
    • Raster and vector graphic editors (Photoshop, Corel), “viewers”. The use of application programs of this type allows you to create, edit, and also view graphic images;
    • Audio video players, editors (WinAmp). Allows you to watch videos, listen to music, create musical compositions;
    • Database management systems (for example - MSQL). Such programs are used to work with databases. For example, a customer accounting program - simple base to store information about clients, their contact details, etc. You can perform operations to search, delete and add records to the database;
    • Translators or electronic dictionaries. Such application programs allow you to effortlessly translate text into different foreign languages ​​without directly studying them;
    • Computer games. Used for entertainment or for development in a playful way.

    One example of an application program is, for example, a program for counting reposts. It is difficult to list all types of application programs, but we have tried to highlight the main application programs.

    The purpose of the operating system is to ensure the operation of the computer itself and to make possible launch all other programs. These programs are applications- needed to solve practical problems. If there is a task that can, in principle, be performed on a computer, then someone must have written a program to solve it.

    Each area has its most popular apps- users choose their favorites themselves. The Windows operating system already includes a lot of application programs - in theory, they should be enough for the “average” beginner. However, many users prefer “products” from third-party developers, which often surpass standard Windows tools in certain parameters. There are many applications created in any category: they differ from each other in a variety of features, additional functions, requirements for computer speed, design and size. Compiling a “gentleman’s set” of applications for a laptop is a matter of personal preference; the requirements for computer resources, functionality and simplicity are taken into account. The main types of programs are listed below - standard Windows 7 tools and alternative applications.

    . Programs for working with text- the most popular applications both at work and at home. The table editor is a necessary tool for working with price lists, applications, lists, that is, such a program is needed mainly at work.

    · Built-in Windows tools - text editors Notepad and WordPad. The operating system does not provide its own program for working with tables.

    · The de facto standard for text and spreadsheet editors is the Microsoft Office software package - developed by the same corporation that created Windows. Recently, a serious, albeit free, alternative has been gaining popularity - the OpenOffice software package. Applications Microsoft package The next chapter is entirely devoted to Office.

    . Archivers- programs that allow you to compress, or pack, files and reduce the space they occupy on disk. Before sending large files by email, it is customary to archive them.

    · Windows has built-in support for archives, and in Explorer they are represented as a special kind of folder - compressed, or ZIP folders.

    · Many users prefer to work with third-party archivers - these programs have extensive additional capabilities and flexible settings. Standardization is required from the archiver - after all, it is important that the person to whom you send the archive you created, for example, by email, can easily open it on their computer and extract the packed files. The most popular archivers are WinZip, WinRAR, WinAce (paid) and the free program 7‑Zip.

    . Image Viewers literally everyone needs it. Almost always, such programs are also able to transfer images from digital cameras to the computer.

    · Standard viewer - Windows Photo Album.

    · The best solution from third-party developers has become a powerful multifunctional program ACDSee Photo Manager. This application also allows you to perform semi-automatic image processing - adjust exposure and color balance, remove red-eye, etc. The free IrfanView program is quite popular.

    . Image processing programs(graphic editors) are needed by many, although not everyone.

    · Windows includes a very simple graphics editor, Paint. Its capabilities are sufficient for trimming the edges of a photo or creating a simple drawing.

    · World standard graphic editor - program Adobe Photoshop. This is a powerful professional tool; there are practically no alternatives to it when creating or editing photographic-quality images. Recently, users have been paying attention to the free graphics editor GIMP, and to create collages and illustrations they choose the CorelXARA program.

    . Multimedia players. A significant part of the programs in this group are capable of playing both music and films with equal success.

    · Built-in Windows Media Player is universal. It plays files in almost all common formats.

    · Most famous music player- Winamp program. Its latest versions also reproduce films quite well. Among video players, WinDVD, Light Alloy and Media Player Classic share the palm. Latest program included in the K‑Lite package Codec Pack- a universal set of multimedia playback tools.

    . Programs for working on the Internet. There are three groups: web browsing tools (browsers), e-mail programs and instant messaging tools. Windows 7 does not include an email client Windows Mail as it was in Vista versions, so you have to use programs mail clients third party manufacturers.

    · Windows 7 native tools - Internet browser Explorer and Live Messenger.

    · Alternative Opera browsers, Firefox Google Chrome email client The Bat! Internet messengers ICQ and QIP are the choice of many users who are not satisfied with standard Windows tools.

    . Programs for burning CDs.

    · CD and DVD burning - standard function Windows Explorer. However, the developers sacrificed the possibilities of simplicity and clarity fine tuning records, and sometimes they are needed.

    · Nero software package - multifunctional tool for creating CDs of any standard. In addition to the recording itself, this package allows you to process audio and video, draw covers and do much more.

    . Utilities - a large and diverse category. They are designed to maintain the operation of the operating system, find the causes and eliminate failures, convenient access to settings, etc.

    · Standard means Windows maintenance you will find in the groups Start All Programs Maintenance and Start All Programs Standard Utilities.

    · There are both large multifunctional software packages for setting up and optimizing the system, such as FixIt Utilities, and very small programs for solving specific problems, such as disk defragmenters or registry maintenance utilities.

    . Antivirus programs and firewalls designed to protect the system from malware and hacker interference.

    · Built-in tools - Windows Firewall and Windows Defender (search and disinfection tool) spyware) provide only part of the system's protection.

    · Actually antivirus programs are always a third party product. Among the most famous are Norton Antivirus, Panda, Dr. Web and Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Using one of these programs is a vital necessity for your computer.

    The category of specialized programs includes tools for solving professional problems, for example, accounting programs (programs of the 1C family, various “home accounting”); programs for design and construction, video editing and professional processing sound ( simple program video editing - Windows Movie Maker- included in the Windows 7 operating system); electronic reference books, dictionaries and translators.

    This list can be continued indefinitely. It all just depends on what you are going to do on your laptop. Of course, a separate place in the list is occupied by computer games a variety of genres. Although a laptop, in principle, is not entirely suitable for the role of “ gaming computer", the latest high-performance models will run almost any modern game.

    Now it remains to understand the installation and use of application programs. Before installing any application program, ask yourself two questions.

    . Why do we need this program and do we need it at all? The question is fundamental! After all, it’s small hard drive It’s very easy to clutter up a laptop with stuff that you don’t need at all later. Some considerations about the set of programs “for every day” were given above. If a problem arises, think first whether it can be solved using built-in using Windows. If not, or you clearly don’t like the standard solution, you should contact your friends, the Internet, computer magazines and learn more about what programs exist. It’s better to choose the one that, firstly, is free (being a pirate is no longer fashionable); secondly, it is small in size and does not require prohibitive resources from the computer; thirdly, it deserved more positive reviews.

    . Where can I get the distribution? A distribution kit is a “blank” program with a means of installing it on your computer. Very often the distribution is one big executable file with a name like setup or install, after which the installation begins. The most direct and universal way is to download the distribution kit from the official website of the program developer. Distributions of many popular programs can be found on disks that come with books or magazines - these are fairly reliable sources. By copying the distribution from friends, downloading it from file-sharing networks, or purchasing compilation disks in stores, you risk getting installation file infected with a virus or other malware. Therefore, all files received from such sources should definitely be scanned with an antivirus program.

    Adobe Reader

    I hope you have already gotten the idea that it is wise to start getting acquainted with computer hardware and programs by reading the documentation. Increasingly, instead of thick paper brochures, manufacturers are supplying their products with electronic manuals - files in PDF format. These files with texts on different languages placed on the same disks where device drivers are recorded, or in the folder with the program distribution kit. Various books are posted on Internet sites in PDF format, “ electronic versions» popular magazines, reference books, etc. Information materials, prospectuses and catalogs are another PDF application. Today, many companies prefer to supply their clients and customers not with thick brochures, but with CDs containing all advertising and information materials. The main advantage of PDF files is their “standard” nature, compactness and the fact that they perfectly combine text with rich design, links and various kinds of illustrations.

    Surprisingly, there are no built-in tools for reading such documents in Windows. This is due to the not very warm relationship between the two giants of the software business. When you try to open a document of this format, the system displays a message that it is a file of an unknown type and there is no program to open it. Therefore, to view PDF files, you should install a free program Adobe Reader. Its distribution is almost always found on the disk along with the documentation. The latest version of the program, including in Russian, can be downloaded from its developer’s website www.adobe.com. The name of the distribution file depends on the program version and language.

    To install the program, follow these steps:

    1. Open the folder in which the distribution file is located (Start Computer, etc.) and run it. You will see a dialog box showing the process of unpacking the file, then a security warning may appear (Figure 6.1). This is an additional protective measure against the accidental launch of unverified or dangerous programs for your computer.

    Rice. 6.1. Security Warning

    2. Since the distribution came from a reliable source, click the “Run” button in the dialog box. After some time, the installation program dialog box will appear (Fig. 6.2).

    Rice. 6.2. Program installation window

    3. This window asks you to specify the folder on your hard drive where Adobe Reader will be installed. By default, the installer will automatically create such a folder at C:Program Files…. As a rule, this is the best option, but you can set it yourself by clicking the “Change destination folder...” button. To install the program in the default folder, click the “Next” button.

    4. In the dialog box that appears, confirm the start of installation by clicking the “Install” button.

    5. After finishing copying the program files to the destination folder, the last installation dialog box will appear (Fig. 6.3). Click the “Done” button there. An icon to launch the program will appear on the Desktop and in the Main Menu in the “All Programs” group.

    Rice. 6.3. Completing the installation

    When you first start, you must accept the license agreement: in the dialog box with the license text, click the “I Accept” button. After this, a program window will open in front of you.


    When starting many paid programs for the first time after familiarizing yourself with the contents license agreement One or more dialog boxes appear asking you to provide your registration information and your product key or serial number.

    At the top of the window is the menu bar, and below it is the Toolbar. For now, the buttons and many menu commands are inactive. To familiarize yourself with the interface and capabilities of the program, open a PDF file. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Click on the File item in the menu bar and execute the “Open” command (Fig. 6.4).

    Rice. 6.4. Opening a file with Adobe Reader

    2. In the “Open” dialog box that appears (this standard window, which you will find in any other application) select by clicking the mouse button required file, and then click the "Open" button. The selected file will open in the program window (Fig. 6.5). The manual for one of the laptops is taken as an example.

    Rice. 6.5. Document in the window Adobe programs Reader

    To open a document, you could do it differently: in the Explorer window, double-click the PDF file icon. Since the program is now installed on the computer, its window will immediately open, and in it - the selected document.

    Along the left border of the window is the Navigation Panel. It shows bookmarks (document table of contents) or page thumbnails, as well as several buttons. To display bookmarks, click the Bookmarks button

    And to view page thumbnails - the “Pages” button

    One more button

    As you can guess from the question mark depicted on it, it calls up the program’s help.

    Click on a bookmark or thumbnail and work area window you will see the contents of the corresponding page. You can also move around the document using the scroll bar located along the right border of the window, as well as by pressing the cursor keys or the PageUp and PageDown keys.

    As well as the drop-down list located to the right of them on the Toolbar, you can change the document display scale. By default, the page is shown in the full width of the window.

    You can select text in the work area of ​​the window: click the mouse button in in the right place, and then use the arrow keys to select it while pressing and holding the Shift key. To copy the selected fragment, press the already familiar Ctrl+C key combination. You can paste the copied text into any document opened in Notepad or Microsoft Word (we'll talk about how to do this below).

    You are unlikely to create it yourself PDF files- in practice, everyone is used to exchanging Word documents. I will only say that to create PDF files you need another, paid program - Adobe Acrobat, the considered application is intended exclusively for reading ready-made documents.

    K-Lite Codec Pack

    Music and movies on a computer are a very interesting phenomenon. Computers put an end to conventional cassette and video recorders and were replaced by digital recording technologies. Moreover, today almost any film or music recording You can not buy it on disk, but download it from the Internet, and for free. Of course, this is the most outright piracy and it is not good to do it, but... such is life, as they say.

    To watch movies on your computer you need a player program. In addition to her, she also participates in the reproduction codec program(codec). The operation of this component is almost imperceptible, but it is it that ensures the decoding of image and sound. To play video files of different formats, different codecs are required. In addition, they are also needed for video recording. The Windows operating system includes a large set of codecs, but it is far from complete. When you try to open some movies, you may see a message that “a suitable program for decrypting the image or sound was not found.”

    The problem is solved by installing the K-Lite Codec Pack. It includes huge set most codecs latest versions, as well as the Media Player Classic multimedia player. It is interesting for laptop owners because it is very careful about computer resources. Tests have shown that when playing video, this program loads the processor less than standard Windows Media Player. On a laptop this is important both in terms of cooling and in terms of time battery life. A small drawback of the program is the lack Russian-language interface. However, this once again proves that speaking English opens up a lot of pleasant opportunities and is simply necessary these days.

    K-Lite Codec Pack distributions can be found on the official website of the developer http://www.codecguide.com, on numerous sites dedicated to free programs, on disks included with computer magazines, etc. Below is an example of installing the program version 5.0 .5b, the latest at the time of writing.

    1. Run the installation program klcodec505b.exe from the distribution location. In emerging dialog boxes with security system requests, click the “Yes” button, and in the installation wizard windows with brief description programs - the “Next” button.

    2. The third dialog box asks you to select a folder for installation. Leave the proposed path unchanged and click the “Next” button again. In the next dialog box you need to select components to install (Fig. 6.6).

    Rice. 6.6. Component Selection

    Some clarification is needed here. Many programs consist of several components. When installing such programs, you are usually given a choice of which components to install and which not. True, to make such a choice, you need to imagine what each component of the program serves and whether you will need it. To make the task easier, many developers offer the user ready-made sets of applications: they are either listed in a drop-down list, as in K-Lite program Codec Pack (Fig. 6.7), or designed as a separate switch.

    Rice. 6.7. Ready-made sets of K‑Lite Codec Pack components

    In this case, the options (Profiles) are as follows.

    · Default - the most “standard” and universal option is selected by default. Most components will be installed: both encoders and decoders. Do you need all of them?

    · Custom selection - custom installation. The default components are noted first, and then you can proceed as you wish.

    · Deselect all - remove selection from all. You can then manually mark individual components.

    3. Select one of the options from the drop-down list. Click the Next button. The dialog box that appears asks you to create a folder in the Main Menu with shortcuts to program components.

    4. Leave the default program group name and click Next. In the next dialog box (Fig. 6.8) you can select additional tasks.

    Rice. 6.8. Selecting additional tasks

    Use the scroll bar to view the entire list of tasks. The File associations area specifies the association different types files with programs. Initially, all media files are associated with the standard Windows Media Player: double click on the icon of such a file, the specified player opens and the file is played in it. If we are going to install a new player, it makes sense to associate video files with it. The installer prompts you to do this: click on the Create file associations for checkbox, after which the Media Player Classic radio button will be selected and the checkboxes next to all types of video files (Video formats) that will be associated with this program will be selected.


    Default music files still remain associated with the standard Windows Player. You can make sure that they are also played by the new player - check the boxes next to different types of audio files (Audio formats).

    5. Review the remaining settings. As a rule of thumb, if you're not sure what to choose, it's best to accept the default setting. Almost all parameters can be changed after installation in the settings menu of the program itself. Click the Next button.

    6. The next dialog box displays a list of previously selected components and settings. Click the Install button. When the files are copied and the settings are applied, click the Finish button in the window that appears. The program is installed.

    To play a movie, double-click on its file icon, and when installing DVD-Video, your computer will automatically prompt you to play the disc in Media Player Classic. The program window will open (Fig. 6.9).

    Rice. 6.9. Media Player Player Classic

    Basic operations with the player are performed using context menu, and the buttons at the bottom of the window replicate the “controls” of any household DVD player. To manage your recordings, go to Library mode by clicking on the Go to Library link that appears on the screen after you stop playing.

    Using the K-Lite Codec Pack as an example, the installation process involves making some decisions and making informed choices. You will encounter similar typical steps: selecting components, specifying additional settings, etc. when installing many other applications. It remains to consider the reverse procedure - correctly removing programs from the computer.

    Uninstalling programs

    First, enough standard way To uninstall a program, use the link in the program group that appears in the Main Menu after installation. To do this, repeat the steps described below.

    1. Open the Main Menu (Start All Programs...), go to the folder with the program shortcuts and execute a command in it with a name like UninstaLL or Uninstall. The uninstallation program will start.

    2. Typically, a dialog box will appear asking you to confirm that you really want to remove the program and all of its components. Confirm your intentions by clicking the “Yes” button, and the program will be removed from your computer.

    The second, universal way is to remove it using the Control Panel. Your actions are as follows.

    1. Run the “Start Control Panel Programs and Features” command. The Uninstall or change a program window will open (Fig. 6.10).

    Rice. 6.10. Uninstalling a program through the Control Panel

    2. Select the one you want to uninstall from the list of installed programs and click the Remove button.

    3. If you are prompted to confirm what you are doing, answer yes. The program will be completely removed.

    Please note that the Size column shows how much disk space each program takes up. After deleting the application, this space will be freed up.

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