• Software concept. Most commonly used types of application programs

    Application programs

    Application program or application- a program designed to perform certain user tasks and is designed for direct interaction with the user. In most operating systems, application programs cannot access computer resources directly, but interact with hardware, etc. through the operating system.


    TO application software (application software) refer to programs written for users or by users themselves to assign a specific job to the computer. Programs for processing orders or creating mailing lists - an example of an application software. Programmers who write application software are called application programmers.

    Application software classification

    • Application software for enterprises and organizations. For example, financial management, customer relations, supply chain. This type also includes departmental software for small businesses, as well as software for individual departments within a large enterprise. (Examples: Travel Expense Management, IT Help Desk)
    • Enterprise infrastructure software. Provides common capabilities to support enterprise software. These are databases, email servers, network and security management.
    • Information worker software. Serves the needs of individual users to create and manage information. This is, as a rule, management of time, resources, documentation, for example, text editors, spreadsheets, client programs for e-mail and blogs, personal information systems and media editors.
    • Software for accessing content. Used to access certain programs or resources without editing them (however, it can also include an editing function). Intended for groups or individual users of digital content. These are, for example, media players, web browsers, auxiliary browsers, etc.
    • Educational software is close in content to software for media and entertainment, but unlike it, it has clear requirements for testing the user’s knowledge and tracking progress in learning a particular material. Many educational programs include features sharing and multilateral cooperation.
    • Simulation software. Used to simulate physical or abstract systems for the purpose of scientific research, education or entertainment.
    • Software tools in the field of media. Serves the needs of users who produce print or electronic media resources for other consumers, on a commercial or educational basis. These are programs for printing, layout, multimedia processing, HTML editors, digital animation editors, digital audio etc.
    • Application programs for design and construction. Used in the development of hardware (“Hardware”) and software. Covers computer aided design (CAD), computer aided engineering (CAE), editing and compiling programming languages, Integrated Development Environments, Application Programmer Interfaces.

    See also

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    • Application software
    • Priklonsky

    See what “Application programs” are in other dictionaries:

      General purpose applications- text and graphic editors, media programs (audio and video players, receiving software television programs etc.), database management systems, public software platforms for software development... ... Official terminology

      Special application programs- Special application programs are programs that are developed in the interests of solving specific applied problems in this ISPD (including information security software developed for a specific ISPD)... Source: Basic... ... Official terminology

      application objects- Application objects are the functions and parameters of the application program that are visible to the programming interface (API) application level. Computer network topics EN... ... Technical Translator's Guide

      Application Interface- the interface through which the application gains access to the operating system and other services. The application program interface provides four types of services: system, communication and information service, A… … Financial Dictionary

      Utilitarian programs- programs designed to meet the needs of their developers. Typically, such programs solve problems that are not intended for wide distribution. See also: Application programs Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

      Application segmentation- dividing an application program into parts that can be distributed across systems local network. Segmentation is carried out using special tool software. In English: Application program segmentation See... Financial Dictionary

      TRAINING PROGRAMS- applied (see) for managing the student’s work on educational material; are developed to provide computer support for the process of mastering material on any topic in a particular discipline. It determines the sequence and pace... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

      GOST R 53622-2009: Information technologies. Information and computing systems. Stages and stages of the life cycle, types and completeness of documents- Terminology GOST R 53622 2009: Information Technology. Information and computing systems. Stages and stages of the life cycle, types and completeness of documents original document: 3.1 hardware software platform: Unified set of tools... ...

      stage- 3.16 stage: Part of the stage that has a specific result in the process of creating an IVS. 4 Symbols and abbreviations The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this standard: AISS automated information reference systems; APP hardware... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

      History of Linux- This article or section needs to be revised. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles... Wikipedia


    • Applied problems in operations research. UMO stamp on classical university education, Afanasyev M.Yu., Bagrinovsky K., Matyushok V.M.. 352 pp. Tutorial contains a theoretical description of the main objectives of the course Applied problems of operations research: development of an optimal production plan, optimal problems... Buy for 1244 UAH (Ukraine only)
    • Applied problems in operations research, M. Yu. Afanasyev, K. A. Bagrinovsky, V. M. Matyushok. The textbook contains a theoretical description of the main tasks of the course "Applied Problems in Operations Research": development of an optimal production plan, optimal mixing problems and...

    Application software

    Application program or application- a program designed to perform certain user tasks and is designed for direct interaction with the user. In most operating systems, application programs cannot access computer resources directly, but interact with hardware, etc. through the operating system.


    TO application software (application software) refer to programs written for users or by users themselves to assign a specific job to the computer. Programs for processing orders or creating mailing lists are examples of application software. Programmers who write application software are called application programmers.

    Application software classification

    • Application software for enterprises and organizations. For example, financial management, customer relations, supply chain. This type also includes departmental software for small businesses, as well as software for individual departments within a large enterprise. (Examples: Travel Expense Management, IT Help Desk)
    • Enterprise infrastructure software. Provides common capabilities to support enterprise software. These are databases, email servers, network and security management.
    • Information worker software. Serves the needs of individual users to create and manage information. This is, as a rule, management of time, resources, documentation, for example, text editors, spreadsheets, client programs for e-mail and blogs, personal information systems and media editors.
    • Software for accessing content. Used to access certain programs or resources without editing them (however, it can also include an editing function). Intended for groups or individual users of digital content. These are, for example, media players, web browsers, auxiliary browsers, etc.
    • Educational software is close in content to software for media and entertainment, but unlike it, it has clear requirements for testing the user’s knowledge and tracking progress in learning a particular material. Many educational programs include sharing and multi-stakeholder collaboration features.
    • Simulation software. Used to simulate physical or abstract systems for scientific research, education, or entertainment.
    • Software tools in the field of media. Serves the needs of users who produce print or electronic media resources for other consumers, on a commercial or educational basis. These are programs for printing, layout, multimedia processing, HTML editors, digital animation editors, digital sound editors, etc.
    • Application programs for design and construction. Used in the development of hardware (“Hardware”) and software. Covers computer aided design (CAD), computer aided engineering (CAE), editing and compiling programming languages, Integrated Development Environments, Application Programmer Interfaces.

    See also

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    See what “Application software” is in other dictionaries:

      Software consisting of: individual application programs and application packages designed to solve various user problems; and automated systems created on the basis of these (packages of) application programs. By … Financial Dictionary

      Decorative arts section; see Decorative and applied arts... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      See decorative and applied arts. (Source: “Popular Art Encyclopedia.” Edited by V.M. Polevoy; M.: Soviet Encyclopedia Publishing House, 1986.) ... Art encyclopedia

      APPLIED ARTS, see Decorative arts... Modern encyclopedia

      The section of decorative art, the creation and design of artistic objects that have a practical purpose in everyday life. Big explanatory dictionary in cultural studies.. Kononenko B.I.. 2003 ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

      - (applications software) Computer programs developed to solve specific problems or specific applications. For example, accounting, gaming and educational programs are specifically applied. See: system software... ... Dictionary of business terms

      Application software- Application software: software that reflects the specifics of the application and is assembled from relevant programs, data and user documentation... Source: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STANDARDIZATION. INFORMATIONAL... ... Official terminology

      applied research- — EN applied research Research directed toward using knowledge gained by basic research to make things or to create situations that will serve a practical or utilitarian purpose.… …

      application software- Programs that process user data, for example office programs, business programs, graphics programs, etc. Telecommunications topics, basic concepts... Technical Translator's Guide

      application software of a digital switching station (node)- Part of the functional software of a digital switching station (node), ensuring the functioning of a digital switching station (node) for a specific purpose. [GOST 28704 90] Telecommunications topics, basic concepts... ... Technical Translator's Guide


    • Applied machine learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow. Concepts, Tools and Techniques, Geron Aurélien. Applied machine learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow. Concepts, tools and techniques for creating intelligent systems. Full color edition. "This book is wonderful...

    taken into account by the programmer when writing a program, and the compiler is used to convert a ready-made, debugged, verified program. The compiled program will execute faster, since the machine does not need to translate into machine codes before executing the command.

    5.8. Main types of application programs

    Application program is a program that re-

    solving problems in a specific problem area. Such programs are designed to process a wide variety of information: text, numerical, audio, graphic for a variety of purposes. For example, there are programs for constructing astrological charts, drawing pictures, writing music, teaching a foreign language, accounting, gaming and many others.

    Application programs can be used either autonomously, that is, to solve a given task without the help of other programs, or as part of software systems or packages. All application programs can be divided into programs general purpose, problem-oriented shaped and method-oriented.

    General purpose programs are required in various areas of human activity to perform a specific function, for example, to compose and print documents, draw graphs, create and process drawings, etc.

    Problem-oriented programs designed for re-

    solving specific problems in narrow areas of human activity. Examples of such programs include accounting programs, human resources programs, warehouse programs etc.

    Method-oriented programs provide regardless subject area and functions information systems methods for solving problems (mathematical, statistical and others).

    5.8.1. General purpose applications

    General purpose application programs are used in various areas of human activity. With the help of such programs, specialists of various profiles have the opportunity to solve problems in their subject area. For example, using text editor MS Word has the ability to compose and edit business text documents, write program texts, and use it as HTML editor and a system of business and scientific graphics, prepare and send letters via email etc.

    Such programs include all office programs, graphics

    Chinese editors, database management systems, text recognition programs, etc.

    Text editors. These are programs designed for entering and editing texts. This group of programs is designed to work with purely text files, which may include text documents, program texts, configuration files, settings files, etc. A prominent representative of such software products is WordPad.

    Modern text editors provide quite a lot of possibilities for text processing, such as:

    the ability to use fonts of different styles;

    ability to work with proportional fonts;

    setting arbitrary line spacing;

    automatic word wrapping new line and formatting text according to given parameters fields;

    setting headers and footers and auto-numbering pages;

    processing and numbering of footnotes;

    align paragraph edges;

    typing text in several columns;

    spell checking and selection of synonyms, etc.

    Word processors are focused on creating documents of varying degrees of complexity with powerful formatting tools and the inclusion of graphics. A typical representative of this group is MS Word. This word processor has such a list of built-in functions that many experienced programmers regularly discover something new. There is an opinion that advanced user, constantly working with WinWord, uses only 10% of its potential. Such rich capabilities have led to the fact that currently almost all users of IBM-compatible PCs use this processor to work with text. In addition to the traditional functions of a text editor, Word allows you to work with tables, graphs, various graphic objects, photographs, video clips, and sound. It simplifies working with a scanner and camera; finished files can be saved to a PC or sent by e-mail. With this word processor It is possible to design web pages and create hypertext. If a task is performed frequently in Microsoft Word, its execution can be automated using a macro. In addition, Word has a lot of settings, allowing each user to customize the environment to their liking.

    Huge number service functions, such as spell checking, translation, thesaurus, automatic hyphenation and excellent contextual help make this program indispensable and most often used in office practice. At the present stage of IT development, most computer time is used for processing textual information, for preparing various documents: letters, articles, official documents (certificates, contracts).

    new computers. The first spreadsheet program was created in 1979 for Apple II computers and was called VisiCalc. The program gained wide popularity, and in 1982 the famous table processor Lotus 1-2-3, designed for the IBM PC, appeared. Lotus combined computing capabilities, business graphics and functions of a relational DBMS. Solutions to many computing problems on a computer, which previously could only be accomplished through programming, have become possible to implement in spreadsheets. Somewhat later other software products of this class appeared: Multiplan, Quattro Pro, SuperCalc etc.

    One of the most popular spreadsheet processors today is MS Excel, which is part of the package Microsoft Office. This processor virtually monopolized the spreadsheet market, displacing all other similar programs.

    When working with a table processor, the screen displays rectangular table, consisting of numbered cells into which data can be entered and certain actions can be performed on them.

    The main data types in spreadsheets are numeric, character, logical, i.e. You can enter numbers, text, and formulas into cells. A special case of a formula is a numerical constant or variable, a more general case is an arithmetic or logical expression.

    The table processor performs calculations using formulas, scanning the table in a certain order. This scan always starts from cell A1. The order of calculations can be set by rows or columns. Each time you enter new data into a cell, the entire table is automatically recalculated (automatic calculation mode).

    Due to these capabilities, spreadsheets have many areas of application - from writing simple programs to mathematical modeling and using spreadsheets as a database management system.

    At mathematical modeling through the use of formulas, the relationship between various parameters of some real system. Thanks to its main property - instant recalculation of formulas when the values ​​of their operands change, the table processor is handy tool for organizing an experiment: selection of parameters, prediction of the behavior of the simulated system, analysis of dependencies, planning. Additional convenience for modeling is provided by the possibility of graphical presentation of data.

    Using spreadsheets in as a database allows you to carry out some data manipulation operations inherent relational DBMS. This is searching for information based on specified conditions and sorting information. Of course, compared to a DBMS, spreadsheets have less capabilities in this area.

    The currently most widely used MS Excel is being re-

    Computer software

    What is software

    The entire set of programs stored on all devices long-term memory computer, compiles it software(BY).

    Computer software is constantly updated, developed, and improved. The cost of installed programs on a modern PC often exceeds the cost of it technical devices. Development of modern software requires very high qualifications from programmers.

    Types of software

    There is a necessary part in computer software, without which you simply cannot do anything on it. It's called system software. The buyer purchases a computer equipped with system software, which is no less important for the operation of the computer than the memory or processor. In addition to the system software, the computer software also includes application programs And programming systems.

    Computer software is divided into:

    System software;
    - application software;
    - programming systems.

    System software and programming systems will be discussed later. Now let's get acquainted with the application software.

    Application software composition

    Programs with which the user can solve his problems information tasks without resorting to programming are called application programs.

    As a rule, all users prefer to have a set of application programs that almost everyone needs. They are called general purpose programs. These include:

    Text and graphic editors with which you can cook various texts, create drawings, build drawings; in other words, write, draw, draw;

    Database management systems (DBMS), which allow you to turn your computer into a reference book on any topic;

    Table processors that allow you to organize spreadsheet calculations that are very common in practice;

    Communication (network) programs designed to exchange information with other computers connected to the data in a computer network.

    A very popular type of application software is computer games. Most users begin their communication with the computer from them.

    In addition, there is a large number special-purpose application programs for professional activities. They are often called application software packages. These are, for example, accounting programs that perform payroll and other calculations that are done in accounting departments; computer-aided design systems that help designers develop designs for various technical devices; packages that allow you to solve complex math problems without programming; training programs on various school subjects and much more.

    Under BY in a narrow sense, it is simply understood as a collection of programs. In a broad sense in BY(along with programs) include various languages, procedures, rules and documentation necessary for the use and operation of software products.

    PC software is traditionally divided into system and application based on functionality.

    Systemic is called software used to develop and execute software products, as well as to provide certain services to the computer user. It is necessary addition To technical means PC. Without software, the car is essentially lifeless.

    Applied called software designed to solve a specific target task or class of such tasks. These tasks include performing calculations according to a given algorithm, preparing one or another text document etc.

    Operating systems are an integral mandatory addition to a personal computer, organizing the execution of programs and user interaction with the computer.

    Other STR components are optional. Their composition is determined by the needs and desires of the user.

    Service systems expand the capabilities of the OS, providing the user, as well as the programs being executed, with a set of additional services. Some service systems are such that they change the appearance of the OS beyond recognition, and therefore are sometimes called operating systems. The above applies especially to interface systems.

    A much less homogeneous group of system software tools are instrumental systems. What they have in common is that they are intended for software development, although some of them can also be used to solve applied problems. The use of most tool systems involves programming. therefore they can be considered programming systems. However, programming systems themselves traditionally include systems that can be used to program and solve any problem that can be solved algorithmically. In other words, programming systems are universal. Other types of tool systems are specialized in the sense that they are used to create software for a specific functional purpose. At the same time, the efficiency of software development increases compared to using universal tools for the same purpose.

    Maintenance systems designed to facilitate equipment testing and troubleshooting. They are a tool for specialists in operating computer hardware and are not discussed in this book.

    General information about Windows

    Modern Windows is operating system, work manager personal computer. Windows has a user-friendly graphical user interface. Unlike the old operating room DOS systems with a text interface, Windows does not require knowledge of operating system commands and their precise keyboard input. The vast majority of operations to control the operation of a personal computer are performed with the mouse over graphical Windows objects, or with short key combinations (hot keys) on the keyboard.

    Today, one of the main places in the software market is occupied by operating systems of the family Windows. These products are designed to be used modern computers and application software. They provide people of various professions with a convenient means of communicating with a computer.

    The most significant advantages of Windows systems are the following:

    GUI user. Unlike previously accepted concepts and methods of communication (through commands and file names), Windows takes a significantly different approach to managing programs. Here the user works with graphic images on the monitor screen.

    Interface consistency. To work in Windows environment many applications have been created, all developed according to a single standard. All applications are similar to each other in terms of management and communication with the user. This allows the user, having acquired skills in working with one application, to easily master working with another. In addition, software products created using some Windows applications are completely absorbed by other applications.

    Multitasking mode. When working in Windows user can simultaneously launch several programs (tasks), which makes it possible, without completing work in one application, to use the services of another.

    User Interface- these are methods and means of human interaction with hardware and software computer.
    Starting Windows screen is a system object called the desktop.

    Desk is a graphical environment on which objects and elements are displayed Windows management. On the desktop you can see icons (icons), shortcuts, and the taskbar (the main control element). At Windows startup There are at least three icons on the desktop: My Computer, Network Places, Recycle Bin. There may be other icons on the desktop. It can also be used as a temporary storage for your files, but after finishing work in the classroom, they should either be deleted or moved to their own folders.

    Badges are a graphic representation of objects and allow you to manage them. Icon - this is a graphical representation of an object in a collapsed form, corresponding to a folder, program, document, network device or computer. Icons, as a rule, have labels - inscriptions that are located under them. Left-clicking on an icon allows you to select it and double click– open (launch) the application corresponding to this icon.

    Label is a pointer to an object. A shortcut is a special file that contains a link to the object it represents (information about the location of the object on the hard drive). Double-clicking on a shortcut allows you to launch (open) the object it represents. Deleting it does not erase the object itself, unlike deleting an icon. The advantage of shortcuts is that they provide quick access to an object from any folder without using up memory. You can distinguish a shortcut from an icon by the small arrow in the lower left corner of the icon.

    Taskbar is a tool for switching between open folders or applications. On the left side of the taskbar is the Start button; on the right is the display panel. The panel itself displays all currently open objects.

    Start button opens Main menu. With its help, you can launch all programs registered in the operating system, gain access to all operating system configuration tools, search and help systems and other functions.

    The central concept of Windows is the window. Window– structural and control element user interface, which is a framed rectangular area of ​​the screen in which an application, document, or message can be displayed.

    The above picture shows a worker Windows table with the Main Menu open, the Word word processor window, icons and shortcuts, and some documents minimized on the taskbar.

    Among other Windows concepts, the concepts of directory and folder should be noted.

    Catalog– a named group of files united by some characteristic.

    Folder is a concept that is used in Windows instead of the directory concept in earlier operating systems. The concept of folder has an expanded interpretation, since, along with regular directories, folders also represent objects such as My Computer, Explorer, Printer, Modem, etc.

    Program Windows Explorer simultaneously displays both the nesting structure of folders located on the computer (their hierarchy) and the contents of the selected folder. This is especially convenient when copying and moving data: just open the folder containing the desired file and drag the file to another folder.

    Program Conductor manages files and provides one of the most convenient ways viewing file system. In the case when you need to open, copy, move, delete, rename or rearrange folders and/or files, you can either use the program Conductor, or work with folders and files directly on the Desktop. The main advantage of the program Conductor, compared to folder windows on the Desktop, is that in the program Conductor you can simultaneously work with the contents of the right pane of the window and the entire structure of your computer’s file system in the left pane (Fig. 1.5). This makes it much easier to copy files from the right pane to logical drive or to the folder located on the left panel. In this case, there is no need to open a large number of windows, as would have to be done on the Desktop. The most convenient technique is to open two program windows Conductor, ordered vertically or horizontally.

    Working with the program Conductor is no different from working with most other windows and programs, except that you are given the option to view hierarchical structure file system. You can right-click on any folder and view its menu, or click on any icon and drag it from one place to another.

    When working with the program Conductor you need to master the following operations: launch conductor, viewing the disk directory, viewing the contents of folders, expanding and collapsing folders, copying, moving and deleting folders, files and applications, searching for folders, files and applications, sorting objects.

    Program Conductor– a tool that allows the user to see the structure and placement of folders in a hierarchical form and quickly move to any object (folder, file, shortcut), as well as perform a number of actions with folders and files.

    Call Conductor You can use the command from the Main Menu Start/Programs/File Explorer or by selecting Conductor in button context menus Start or My Computer folder. From the folder window Conductor can be called as follows: select a subfolder and give the command File/Explorer. A window will appear on the screen Conductor with the selected folder open.

    Window Conductor consists of two panels. The left panel shows information resources, presented in the form of a hierarchical tree. The right pane shows the contents of the current folder.

    The process of moving through folders in order to open the necessary one is called navigation. Conductor is a search tool - a navigator. To work effectively in an environment Conductor, you need to know how to navigate it.

    If a folder contains other folders, it is indicated by a + icon in the tree in the left panel. To display the structure of its subfolders, you need to click on this icon. When the folder opens, the + sign will change to -. To collapse a folder, click on the - icon.

    To view the contents of a folder, click on the folder name or icon in the tree. In the left panel the icon will change to . The contents of the folder will be displayed in the right pane. You can also open a folder by double-clicking its icon or name in the right pane. In this case, the contents of the folder will appear in the right panel, and in the left panel the icon of this folder will replace the icon of the open folder.

    To open an object located inside a folder, you must do one of the following:

    • Double click on the object icon;
    • Select an object with a mouse click and give a command File/Open ;
    • IN context menu object select item Open.

    If the object is a program, then Windows will launch it. If the object is a document, then Windows will launch the program with which it was created and open the document in its window. If the object is a shortcut, then this is equivalent to opening the object for which this shortcut was created.

    Conductor allows you not only to view existing objects, but also to create new ones.

    In the environment Conductor you can perform various actions with objects (copying, renaming, deleting, etc.). To do this, objects must be selected. A single object is selected by clicking on its name or icon.

    6.Working with files and folders.

    File is a named sequence of bytes of arbitrary length.

    Copy and move

    1 way. Place two windows on your desktop: a copy source and a copy destination. Select the required icons in the source window. Multiple icons are highlighted when you press Ctrl key. Drag the selected icons into the destination window with the mouse, pointing at any of the selected icons. When the Ctrl key is pressed simultaneously, copying occurs; without it, elements are moved (provided that the folders are on the same disk).

    2 way. Select the elements to be copied. Select the Edit/Copy (Cut) menu. Selecting “Cut” will cause movement. Open the destination folder. Select the Edit/Paste menu.

    Deleting files and folders

    Deleting files is done by selecting elements and pressing the Delete key. In this case, the marked elements are moved to special folder- A basket. Emptying the Recycle Bin destroys files. There is also an operation for erasing files when special utilities the clusters that contained the erased files are filled with random data.

    Today we will talk about software(programs). Programs for a personal computer are often called "application programs", and programs for mobile devices are called " mobile applications". You've probably heard that to perform certain tasks you need special computer programs . That is, without the desired program you won't even be able to type the text. And it's true.

    Program or Application is a type of software that allows perform specific tasks. When you open the program, it is running , until you close it. As a rule, when working at a computer, you will use several programs simultaneously, that is, a text editor can be opened at once, file manager, internet browser, this process is called - multitasking. And the OS coordinates the work of these programs.

    Today programs can be downloaded on the Internet. There are many free programs, which can be used to solve assigned problems. Of course, there are also paid software products, the functionality of which can be obtained after payment. So, if you want to type texts in the MS Word text editor and work with MS Excel spreadsheets, then you will have to buy software product Microsoft Office.

    Clue: Microsoft Office tools are available for free at Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, [email protected].

    Technologies are developing rapidly, new devices (smartphones, tablets) are appearing and many programs are becoming available for and even for modern technologies. TVs with supportSmartTV.

    Types of programs for personal PC

    There are countless types of personal computer software available, and they fall into many categories. All programs differ in functionality, for example, full featured (Microsoft Word), has great functionality, undead Notebook, included with the Windows operating system.

    Let's look at the most common types of software products:

    Text editors: allow you to create and edit texts, tables and many other types of documents. The most famous text editor is Microsoft Word.

    Graphic editors: allow you to create and edit graphic image(photos, pictures, drawings) using a variety of tools, styles and templates. The most famous graphics editor is Photoshop.

    Web Browsers: this is the tool you use to access global network Internet. Most computers come with a web browser, but you can download another one. Examples: Internet Explorer , Firefox, Google Chrome , Yandex-browser And Safari.

    Games: There are many different games that you can play on your computer. These could be simple games such as " Solitaire" or modern action games that require a lot computing powerfrom computer hardware. Not all computers can handle such games.

    Media players: if you want to listen music or watch movies on your computer, you will need a player program. Preinstalled for MS Windows based computers Windows Media Player, and for Apple computers This iTunes.

    This simple applications, which can be placed on your desktop (if you are using a Mac or PC with Windows latest generation). There are many various types widgets: calendars, calculators, cards, news headlines, notes, clocks and much more.

    These are just a few of the categories of software you can use on your computer.

    Installing programs on your computer

    To work with the program, you need it install to the computer. The process of installing programs follows a similar scenario; your task is to follow the instructions of the installation manager.

    If the software was purchased from a store, just insert installation disk into the drive and follow the onscreen instructions. If the software downloaded from the Internet, there will be a file with it readme(For example, readme.txt), which includes installation instructions and other information.

    Advice: Use caution when downloading software from the Internet as it may contain viruses or others malware . Programs purchased or distributed in exchange for a subscription do not contain viruses; programs downloaded on the Internet from dubious sources may contain malicious code. If you have Antivirus, we strongly recommend that you check the downloaded software before installing it.

    Opening files using programs

    Programs are developed to perform assigned tasks and work with certain file types. For example, Microsoft Word can create and edit Word documents (type .doc .docx). If you do not have a text editor MS Word, you will not be able to open Word documents in Notepad. For example, if you have a file with the extension psd– this is the working file type Photoshop programs, without this program it is useless.

    There are two main ways to open a file:

    1. Find the file on your computer, hover your mouse cursor and double-click the left button. This method will allow you to open the file using the program default. This means that the operating system, based on the file type, determines what program created the file and what program should be run to open such files. Of course, if this program is installed on your computer.

    1. Open the program, and then using the menu item “File” - “Open”, open the file. As a rule, all programs have a menu, and the first menu item is the “File” item. Through this menu item you can open, create, save and much more.

    Also, knowing the main types of files, you can decide for yourself which program can open a particular file. For example, a photograph in the format .jpg, you can open in standard graphic editor Paint or in Photoshop, only the functionality of these programs is very different. It's like driving a VAZ or BMW car. So judge what you can do with a photograph, having different tools (programs) at hand.

    Mobile applications

    Mobile applications for smartphones And tablet computers , open up many new opportunities. Download the right application, you can use your smartphone as a navigator, bank client or e-reader. You can read barcodes from goods or payment receipts and pay for them immediately. There are applications that allow you to measure distance, determine the horizon level and direction of movement. And there are thousands of such applications.

    Compared to traditional apps, mobile apps relatively cheap. Many of them cost only 30 rubles, while others cost nothing at all. free. By connecting your mobile device to the Internet, you can download applications directly to your mobile device. Or you can download the application to your computer and then transfer it to your mobile device via cable or Bluetooth.

    The main thing is that you must understand that the final result depends on what program you use.