• Cell phone signal jammer. DIY GSM cell phone jammer

    Quite often people come to us with similar statements. In fact, no effect was found.
    Even if we assume that there is some radio noise coming from the power lines, then everything modern systems The connections are noise-proof and therefore there is no need to worry.
    In all such cases, the issue was resolved by installing an antenna.

    “We have “special” neighbors nearby. They are jamming communications" (military unit, intelligence services, etc.)

    This myth is even the most common. Firstly, why would someone “jam” you?
    Secondly, in our country there is GKRC (State Committee on Radio Frequencies). It distributes frequencies to everyone, for example, television operates at its own frequencies of 50-800 MHz, FM radio at 100 MHz, cellular operators - 900, 1800, 2100, 2600 MHz, WiFi - at 2.4 GHz, etc. Then each system and each structure operates at its own frequencies so that there is no mutual interference.
    Again, from practice, each such situation turned out to be banal low level signal from base station cellular operator. And everything was solved by strengthening the cellular signal.


    There were also cases when the connection was actually “jammed”, namely:
    1. A cheap cell phone booster bought for 5 thousand rubles can worsen the connection around you. At the same time, a neighbor installed such an amplifier, and the connection deteriorated for you and other neighbors. As a rule, it ends with the arrival of a SCRF employee and the presentation of an administrative violation. If the issue is not resolved, then the second visit will come with a fairly large fine, and for legal entities with an order to close activities for 90 days.

    2. Wireless WiFi camera. There was a case - a client contacted me. It was necessary to install a video camera in the kitchen, the renovation was done, the cable could not be laid. Installed wireless. The result is that the connection from the camera did not work within a radius of 7-8 meters.

    A cell phone jammer is a device that allows you to jam the signal of a mobile phone. The devices can also be used to suppress other impulses.


    Operating principle

    Principle GPS actions blockers are simple. The device works by emitting a special pulse within a certain frequency, just like a device that needs to be silenced. A special field is formed around the suppressive blocker; impulses emitted by other devices are lost in it.

    Types of jammers by form factor

    Let's consider the types of suppression devices by form factor.

    Stationary jammers

    These devices are designed for continuous use in a specific location. In order to ensure working condition, the device must be connected to a household network. The weight of such a device is up to 5 kilograms. A distinctive feature of the systems is the ability to simultaneously generate a suppressive field in several frequency ranges. Their number will be 10 or more.

    User ul sound talked about the operation of a stationary communication jammer made independently.

    Portable jammers

    Portable devices are less powerful, but they are small in size, so they can be carried in your pocket and activated when needed. The weight of the jammer is about 300-700 grams. IN portable devices Three to six antennas can be used, which are designed to suppress different frequency ranges. The average operating time of this type of telephone jammer is from one to three hours.


    On sale you can find special blockers manufactured in the form of covers. They were originally developed to allow operators mobile communications could not track the subscriber's location. Such cases usually use several compartments. One of them is necessary to block impulses, and the other is used to protect the human body from harmful radiation.

    Scope of application and ranges of suppressors

    Let us consider in detail the purpose and scope of application of the devices.

    Cellular connection

    Devices for jamming radio communications can be used in business negotiations, theaters and any other places where silence is required. In large cities, administrations of cultural institutions often use simple blockers. If a person forgot to turn off his cell phone at an important event, then a telephone jammer GSM communications will not allow him to use the device.

    Devices that allow you to jam the signal are also used to prevent wiretapping, which is carried out through GSM bugs.

    Ranges in which the cellular jammer operates:

    • from 925 to 960 MHz in GSM 900;
    • from 1805 to 1880 MHz in the GSM 1800 band;
    • from 2110 to 2170 MHz in the 3G range;
    • from 2570 to 2690 MHz when operating in the 4G WIMAX range;
    • from 791 to 820 MHz in the 4G Lite band;
    • from 850 to 894 MHz in the CDMA band, however since 2010 this range domestic operators not used;
    • the device operates in the range from 1900 to 1930 MHz, this standard not used in Russia.

    The How-todo channel showed what a homemade cellular jammer looks like.


    Devices of this kind are usually combined in one device with gadgets designed to suppress mobile communications. Used to block information transmission channels via wireless cameras. This allows us to ensure reliable protection from data leakage. If such a blocker is used in a building, then in addition to cameras, routers and other devices will be inoperative. wireless devices, for example, mice and keyboards. Also, users will not be able to transfer data via Bluetooth. The operating frequency range of such devices is from 2400 to 2500 MHz.


    They are often installed on work vehicles of courier companies, as well as companies involved in cargo transportation. Their use allows you to control the location of the vehicle. Anti-trackers are used to suppress the signal of such beacons. This is a small device designed to connect to a car's cigarette lighter and block impulses from GLONASS and GPS systems. Some device models can be equipped with a GSM plug. Such devices are used by car thieves to prevent the possibility of surveillance of a stolen car.

    Working ranges:

    • from 1570 to 1620 MHz for GPS L1;
    • from 1200 to 1310 MHz in the GLONASS L2 or GPS range;
    • from 1380 to 1410 MHz in the GLONASS L3 or GPS range.


    On sale you can find devices designed to jam radio signals. In stores they are called “Antishanson”. Suitable for blocking the operation of corresponding radio stations. Can be used in minibuses, buses, and also in establishments where they listen to chanson. The operating range is from 88 to 108 MHz.

    User Ivan Kuznetsov in the video talked about the features of the assembly, and also showed the principle of operation of the radio jammer.

    Audio recording

    There are commercially available devices designed to generate microphone interference.

    There are several options for blocking a record:

    1. Ultrasonic. The gadget creates ultrasound, which a person cannot hear, but can cause interference. It blocks voice recording made using a voice recorder or smartphone.
    2. Acoustic. Such a device creates interference, which the human ear perceives as a choir of voices.

    Sound blockers are usually sold in speaker housings and are easy to integrate into your interior. The average weight of the device varies around several kg. The device must be controlled using a special remote control.

    For signaling

    A jammer can be used to suppress signals transmitted from the remote control to the car alarm control unit. This will prevent the possibility of the anti-theft system turning on or off at a certain frequency. If necessary, you can use a device that will not only prevent the signal from being transmitted, but will also damage the equipment.

    The operating frequency range is 315-433 MHz. Many people operate at this frequency. household appliances. Therefore, when the blocker is activated, other devices may become inoperative. The range depends on the manufacturer, but on average it is up to 100 meters.

    Is it legal to use?

    Legality of use is determined by the specific state. Russian legislation more loyal, therefore, it is not prohibited to use cellular jammers on the territory of our country.

    In the United States, a person faces a serious fine of up to $50,000 for using such devices.

    Suppressor Installation and Operation

    To use the device, you must install the antenna adapter in the appropriate connector. The signal blocking process will begin 10 seconds after the equipment is activated. Depending on the type of device, the range and activation principle will be different. The device can operate both autonomously and from a household network. If the device is for a car, then it must be installed in the cigarette lighter. Autonomous devices can operate on batteries, so the battery will have to be charged from time to time.

    Some blockers, after activation, work poorly and cannot perform their main function. Or they block signals, but the effect applies to a specific provider. This means that the mobile operator uses different frequencies.

    You can learn about the features of using plugs from the video provided by the Gruz 300 channel.

    To ensure full working condition, you must do the following:

    1. Remove the switch.
    2. Unscrew the antenna adapter and remove it from its seat.
    3. Remove the blocker cover. For removal, there are special fasteners or bolts on the case that can be unscrewed with a screwdriver.
    4. Remove the board from the device.
    5. There is a tuning resistor on the circuit; it is used to operate at a certain frequency. The resistor element must be tightened with a screwdriver.

    How to do it yourself?

    To make a muffler, you will need a frequency swing generator device. A generator device is also required to create interference; the device must operate to generate pulses at 45 MHz. This generator includes receiver ports that are on the board. To ensure resistance stabilization, the pulse that comes from the local oscillator passes through a special matching network. The device port is connected to the antenna adapter and is used as an RF input. And the pulse output is sent to the amplifier. Subsequently amplified signal goes to the antenna.

    The assembly procedure goes like this:

    1. Prepare the body. An aluminum block is suitable for this.
    2. Our example uses connectors from an old Motorolla phone as output and input.
    3. The plugs are soldered to the outputs on the microcircuit, which is used as a base.
    4. A voltage regulator is mounted in the device body. Installation is also carried out battery, it should run on 9 Volts. The battery must be separated from other components on the board to prevent short circuits.
    5. The antenna adapter is being installed to the inputs. The device switch is connected to the power circuit.

    Every day we are surrounded by more and more technology that works using wireless networks: mobile phones, smart home gadgets, car alarms, unmanned aerial vehicles.

    Unfortunately, such devices are easy to damage. A simple device for a few thousand rubles can neutralize burglar alarm or cut off cellular communication in the whole office.

    If you live in Moscow, you encounter this regularly in the city center.

    In this article you will learn what types of household radio frequency suppressors there are and for what purposes they are used.


    “Jammers” can be easily purchased on the Internet, but they should only be used with the permission of Roskomnadzor. More details about the process of registering radio frequency suppressors can be found in the document Registration of RES and RF.

    Responsibility for violation of the rules for registration of RES and VChU is specified in Article 13.4. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules for the design, construction, installation, registration or operation of radio-electronic equipment and (or) high-frequency devices. For individuals threatens fine up to 500 rubles and confiscation of the device.

    How do RF jammers work?

    The general operating principle of all jammers is very simple: they emit a signal in the same frequency range as the device that needs to be jammed. A “white noise” field is created around the jammer, in which signals from other sources are lost.

    Types of jammers by form factor

    Stationary jammers. Such devices are designed for constant use in one place and require a network connection to operate. They weigh several kilograms and can simultaneously generate “white noise” on ten or more radio frequency bands.

    Portable jammers. Such devices can be carried in your pocket and discreetly turned on as needed, without attracting the attention of others. Time battery life such a device 1-3 hours.

    Portable jammers weigh on average 300-700 grams and combine 3-6 antennas to suppress different radio frequency ranges.

    Blocking cases. Since the 90s, there have been many legends about the “police mode” built into every GSM phone, which allows the cellular operator to monitor the movements and listen to the conversations of any subscriber.

    Typically these cases have two compartments. The first compartment is designed to completely block signals, and the second to protect against harmful radiation.

    In many countries around the world, high-ranking officials and intelligence officers use specially assembled mobile phones. In Russia, employees of secret agencies are issued crypto phones SMP-ATLAS/2 and M-549M.

    Now let’s take a closer look at why signal suppression is used in practice at different frequency ranges.

    Cellular connection

    In most cases, cellular jammers are purchased to protect premises from wiretapping using GSM bugs. A mobile phone jammer can create silence in the hall at a public event by blocking incoming calls.

    Perhaps our country will soon pass a law according to which cellular jammers will be installed in prisons, schools during the Unified State Exam, in university auditoriums, theaters and other public places.

    Frequency ranges:
    GSM900: 925-960 MHz
    GSM1800: 1805-1880 MHz
    3G: 2110-2170 MHz
    4G WIMAX: 2570-2690 MHz
    4G LTE: 791-820 MHz
    CDMA800: 850-894 MHz ( Not used by Russian mobile operators since 2010)
    PHS: 1900-1930 MHz (legacy standard, formerly used in China and Japan)


    Such jammers are often combined in one device with cellular jammers. They are designed to block data transmission channels wireless cameras. This gives additional protection from information leaks.

    If such a jammer is active in the room, then in addition to the cameras covert surveillance Routers don't work wireless keyboards and mice.

    Frequency range:
    Wi-Fi/Bluetooth: 2400 – 2500 MHz


    Company cars of truck drivers and couriers are sometimes equipped with GPS trackers, which allow the employer to monitor the location of the employee. But you can protect yourself from such surveillance using an anti-tracker.

    GPS anti-tracker is small device, which is installed in the car's cigarette lighter and blocks signals GPS satellites and GLONASS. Some anti-trackers also include a GSM jammer.

    GPS and Glonass jammers are also used by car thieves to protect against surveillance of a stolen car.

    Frequency ranges:
    GPS L1: 1570-1620 MHz
    GPS and GLONASS L2: 1200-1310 MHz
    GPS and GLONASS L3: 1380-1410 MHz


    In online stores they are sold under the life-like name “Antishanson”. Such jammers will be useful in minibuses, taxis, shops and other habitats of Radio Dacha and Retro FM listeners.

    Frequency range:

    FM: 88-108MHz

    MP3 players with FM transmitters are also used to counter chanson and troll drivers. With their help, you can not just turn off the radio, but force the entire minibus to listen to your favorite tracks.

    Audio recording

    Microphone jammers are included in a comprehensive anti-wiretapping protection kit along with cellular and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth jammers. There are two ways to prevent audio recording:

    Ultrasonic suppression. The device generates ultrasound, which is not perceived by human hearing, but creates interference that blocks recording from smartphones and pocket voice recorders.

    Acoustic suppression. The device generates a “choir of voices” interference that is audible to humans.

    A “microphone jammer” usually weighs several kilograms, looks like a regular speaker and looks natural in the interior. It is controlled using the remote control remote control, which can be hidden in your pocket.

    How are jammers camouflaged?

    To suppress radio signals unnoticed by others, online stores sell jammers camouflaged as various objects. Portable jammers with a range of up to 15 meters are disguised as purses or packs of cigarettes, and more powerful universal jammers are disguised as briefcases, diplomats or interior parts.

    Such suppressors and jammers of mobile phones have different ranges. The simplest of them work at a maximum of ten meters. Others are perfect for a small space or car. We will not consider more powerful suppressors in this article, since their use can lead to serious consequences.

    Thanks to such devices, it is quite easy and simple to protect yourself from various spyware, which are almost impossible to detect due to their miniature dimensions, but such jammers can easily cope with a possible problem.

    The basis of the design is a broadband noise generator ideal for jamming cellular and mobile signals.

    With correctly selected transistors and increased voltage power supply circuit "cell jammer Tetra-Fast" can easily leave mobile phones without a GSM signal. The jammer has been tested in operation, is quite simple to configure and manufacture, and the number of radio components has been reduced to the minimum possible.

    The range of emitted frequencies is from hundreds of kHz to 1 GHz. The circuit is so simple that, provided that the radio components are properly assembled and in good working order, it starts working immediately from the moment power is applied. Structurally, the device has two outputs - standard and high power. The use of a powerful output increases the current consumption and overheating of the transistors, so they must be placed on good radiators.

    The installation of radio components should be carried out taking into account the basic requirements for microwave devices: compact installation, wide printed conductors and minimum length, exclusion of sharp turns and right angles on the board, capacitances must be high-frequency, etc.

    We connect a three-frame antenna to the output of the device, but in principle it is easy to get by with one frame - depending on the specific conditions.

    After assembling the circuit, you need to check the correctness of installation, connect a piece of meter length to any output copper wire and turn it on.

    The device provides excellent suppression of emissions from low-power transmitters in the range 30 MHz - 1000 MHz. On bipolar transistors VT1-VT4 require radiators. Resistors R1 and R2 can be replaced with one 4.7 Ohm 10 W power.

    I'm tired of parking some uncomprehending drivers in a flower bed near the house. There is a simple and legal way to teach them a lesson, namely: collect simple diagram impact on car alarms. And after this, the car located within the range of the device will not be able to be set or removed from the alarm system.

    In some cases it may be necessary to generate greater interference to TV and radio receivers. For example, my wife is watching a stupid TV series, and we want to watch football. For this purpose, you can assemble a TV range jammer. Its feature is a small range of about 50-100 meters and a good ability to jam the signal in a wide frequency range. In this case, the image and sound on the TV completely disappears.

    As you know, every action has a reaction. So, since the first communication system appeared, all sorts of ways, making it possible to effectively interrupt it.

    It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a conversation on a mobile phone or a banal one. wireless connection— absolutely any radio communication can be jammed.

    Let's dive into theory

    The principle of radio communication jamming itself is not complicated. To do this, it is only necessary that the operation of the receiving antenna be disrupted by interference, which will be comparable in level to the signal. Using such a banal and simple scheme, you can easily jam any signal, be it radio broadcasting or mobile communications.

    Mind and heart - a constant struggle

    Let's dive a little into history and remember how during the Soviet era, all friendly countries were surrounded by dozens of enemy-type radio stations, which broadcast from everywhere. Soviet radio suppression at the time was aimed primarily at Radio Free Europe. Anti-Soviet broadcasts, which literally destroyed the human brain, were broadcast from every corner of the world.

    Military radio communications - nothing is impossible!

    Absolutely every country at one time or another used special jammers to suppress enemy communications signals. It is clear that the USSR, since it was the founder of radio communications, reached considerable heights in this area.

    You need to understand that at that time the network of radio jammers was spread throughout the USSR better than the Internet is today in Russia.

    The subscriber cannot receive your call...

    It is clear that jamming the radio today will not be difficult, if we take into account the technologies that it boasts modern world. But, since the annoying media can be “calmed down” much more simpler method order rather than noise, in the 21st century a new victim of jamming has emerged - mobile communications.

    Mobile communications are jammed quite often, although we sometimes have no idea about it at all. The average person can come up with anything:

    • "glitch";
    • poor coverage;
    • Not paying attention at all to the loss of the network is better than believing that it was jammed.

    This does not mean that your communications are being jammed because they want something from you. Jammers can be activated in places where special operations are carried out or near government highways. Network jamming can also be detected in:

    • hospitals and cafes;
    • meeting rooms;
    • conference rooms;
    • commercial structures, etc.

    And there is absolutely nothing surprising about this today, because in public transport There may be a person standing or sitting with you who will have a jammer in his bag that is activated to suppress the mobile network.

    Why would an ordinary person suppress mobile communications?

    You may ask why this is being done, because a cafe and a public bus are not a place for business negotiations. Why turn on the jammer? The answer to this question is simply simple: for your own peace of mind. Just imagine that on a bus crowded with people, next to you there will be, say, a man “in charge” who decides to “divorce” his wife over the phone. You won’t beg him to speak more quietly because it annoys you, or argue with him? That's right, it will be much more effective if you lightly press just one button and the person mobile phone will disappear connection.

    Shall we mute something else?

    At the beginning of this article, we already said that you can jam anything where the radio channel will be used. If you ordinary person, then you may suffer slightly from your neighbor’s hooliganism, noticing that the things you are used to have stopped working.

    Car alarm - easy to silence

    In addition to mobile communications, today you can easily silence a car alarm. To achieve this goal, you can use both homemade and special devices. Please note that if you try to lock your car, the alarm key fob flashes, but nothing happens, then someone nearby is trying to silence your alarm.

    Again, it’s difficult to talk about bad goals here. Of course, a car alarm can be jammed in order to steal a car, or maybe because a siren “screams” under the window all night and does not allow a small child to sleep.

    Buying is as easy as shelling pears!

    Whatever your goal, if you need a communication jammer, you can always purchase it in a specialized store or on an online portal. The main thing is that you need to initially decide for what purposes you will use it, what you will jam:

    • Internet;
    • bluetooth;
    • alarm;
    • mobile communications.

    Depending on the goals presented, you will need to select a device model that fits the required parameters: perhaps a weak jammer that will suppress the signal of the radio transmitter will be enough for you, or you will need a more powerful option. It is important to remember that it is recommended to use such devices exclusively for good purposes, so that you do not end up harming yourself.