• Android System Webview: what kind of program is it. Android System WebView what is this program

    A number of users modern gadgets on Android OS, when viewing the list of programs preinstalled on the device, they may stumble upon an application "Android System WebView". This application was created by Google programmers and is designed for viewing web content inside other applications. At the same time, ASWV is not free from various errors, glitches and other problems, and often it is unstable work of this application forces the user to search detailed information about him on the Internet. In this article I will tell you what this is Android program System Webview, I will introduce the reader to its features, and also tell you how to get rid of errors associated with the functionality of this application.

    As I wrote above, Android System WebView is an application that allows you to embed web browsing within various applications Android OS, without the need to open a separate browser window for this. ASWV's functionality essentially resembles a mini-browser, running on Chrome technology, and, like Chrome app Android System WebView included in basic set Android OS applications (approximately from Android 4.3 and higher) on modern smartphones.

    According to user reviews, using this application with various dependent browsers (for example, Naked Browser) can significantly save smartphone battery power. Ordinary ones mobile versions popular browsers like Chrome or Firefox, running on their own engine, consume significantly larger amounts of battery power.

    If you figure out that this is Android System WebView and want to download it, the best way to do this is from the Play Store. On at the moment presented the most latest version application 57.0.2987.88, while you can download the latest version of the product from Play Market(link).

    Google specialists recommend first clearing cached data on your phone - instructions on VR-Boom.ru, and then updating Android app System Webview, because sometimes there are vulnerabilities that allow attackers to gain access to it. Updates allow you to install the necessary “patches” and thereby prevent attackers from achieving their goals.

    Features of Android System Webview

    After we have figured out what kind of Android System Webview application this is, let's move on to describing the features of this application. Experts note the high resource intensity of this application (considerable memory resources are consumed, which, in some cases, can slow down normal work systems).

    Besides, Google company for certain reasons, it stopped releasing updates for this application for older versions of the Android OS (in particular, Android 4.3). The reason for this is said to be the banal reluctance of developers to revise the structure of the program (“we don’t want and won’t revise the code”), as a result of which the version of the product running on such versions of Android becomes more vulnerable to malware.

    Should I delete this application?

    Should I disable Android System WebView? Absolutely not. As I indicated above, a number mobile applications use built-in Android capabilities System WebView for its work. In particular, the functionality of this application is used by such programs as:

    Therefore, stopping (or even deleting this application using root rights) is extremely undesirable, and can lead to various malfunctions in the system (for one user, deleting this application led to cyclic reboot his device).

    If Android System Webview is buggy

    If you encounter errors in the operation of this application and the message “An error occurred in the android system webview application,” then I recommend going to the settings of your device, then to “Applications”, find Android System WebView there and tap on it. When you go to the application details, click on “Stop”, then on “Uninstall updates”, “Clear data”, “Clear cache”.


    When considering the topic of the program, it is worth noting that the Android System Webview application is an important attribute of the functionality of the Android OS (from about version Android 4.3), which allows you to view web content inside specific application, without having to open a separate browser window for this. Its functionality is in demand nearby third party programs(in particular, several mobile browsers, ICQ messenger, etc.), therefore it is recommended to regularly monitor its updates, and under no circumstances delete this application from your device. This guarantees it stable work, and you will enjoy the reliable functionality of your mobile device.

    Some owners mobile phones and tablets when viewing installed software in the “Active” section they come across the utility WebView Android. If the user does not know what this program is for, then for cleaning free space on the memory card and offloading RAM, it may try to delete it or stop it. Let's look at the main features of Android System WebView, what this application is responsible for and whether it is possible to get rid of it.

    Purpose and main functions of WebView

    Android WebView is one of the developments of the IT corporation Google. This software component allows you to view internet content integrated into mobile applications. That is, the user has the opportunity to open links to various websites without having to install a browser on the device. For example, in the “News and Weather” program you can get acquainted with current events directly through the utility interface.

    This application is included in the standard set software for Android operating systems. Since it is pre-installed, remove it in standard mode it won't work. To do this, you first need to acquire Superuser rights. However, even if you have root access, it is strictly not recommended to erase WebView, because this can affect the operation of many programs and display mobile device out of order.

    Here are examples of programs that include the Android WebView component:

    • Puffin Browser;
    • Mikuni Browser;
    • News and Weather;
    • Google Press;
    • various messengers;
    • Odnoklassniki, Facebook, VK;
    • other programs that interact with the Internet.

    In addition, Android System WebView is an indispensable element of the integrated development environment Android Studio. Through this tool and the Engineering Studio, each user with certain knowledge and skills can create their own browser, as well as another application like news feed or messenger.

    Problems with Android WebView and methods for solving them

    WebView Android is considered a fairly resource-intensive application that consumes a lot of RAM and reduces the productivity of the operating system. Another negative point is that Google has stopped releasing updates for this utility on telephone sets under Android control 4.3 and below. This decision made WebView vulnerable to malware, which could cause it to crash.

    If, when using mobile software, you encounter an error like “The Android System WebView program has crashed,” you need to do the following:

    After completing these steps, you will need to update WebView to current version. You can update or download Android System WebView from the Play Market absolutely free.

    Leafing through the lists installed applications On your Android smartphone, you may have come across an application called Android System Webview. You tried turning it on, but nothing happened. A number of quite logical questions arise: what is this application for, can it be removed, turned on or off? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

    What is Android System Webview?

    So, first of all, we need to understand what this application is and what functions it performs on an Android smartphone. Android System Webview - this one system program, whose tasks include following links and working with online content within various applications installed on the smartphone.

    In general, quite important application...or it was like that before Android release 7. The thing is that starting from the seventh version of Android, this application was deactivated as unnecessary: ​​the implementation of its functionality was taken over by Google Chrome and the applications themselves.

    Is it possible to remove Android System Webview?

    It turns out that it is not needed at all on new Android smartphones and can be removed? Well, technically, this is true and it is quite possible to remove it if you wish, but only if you have ROOT access. However, do you need it? By deleting this application, you will not get a huge increase in the available space on your device (the weight of the application is extremely small). By the way, if you still deleted this application from your smartphone and want to get it back, then you can download the application again from Google Play.

    How to enable Android System Webview?

    Another question arises: is it possible to enable Android System Webview on Android 7 and above? Well, the answer is yes, it is quite possible. If you need to activate this application on your device, then this can be arranged. So do this:

    • go to the Google Chrome application settings and disable it;
    • install or update the Android System Webview application on Google Play;
    • now use this application, for example, by opening some link in the system;

    Once you do this, the Android System Webview app's settings will indicate that it is in production. Why did we disable your Google Chrome? The thing is that they simply cannot work at the same time. So if you decide to launch Chrome again, the Android System Webview will immediately stop working - this is a note for you.

    While examining the list of apps that are installed on your Android phone, you may find an app called Android System WebView. Obviously, this application is standard pre-installed application. But what is it responsible for and can it be removed? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

    What is Android System WebView

    Android System WebView or ASWV is a component of the Android operating system that runs on Chrome and is responsible for displaying web pages in various applications. Using this component allows the application to show the user the contents of the web page without opening it in third party application, for example, without opening the Chrome web browser.

    Example Android work System WebView can be seen in almost any Android application where the user is offered links to third-party websites. A striking example of the use of this component is social networking applications. When you view your news feed in such an application and click on a link, you are not redirected to the application by the web browser, but instead there is something like a mini-browser that is built into the application itself social network. Using this mini browser, you can read the content of the web page that appears and even navigate to other pages of that site, but as soon as you click on the back arrow, you will instantly return to the social networking application.

    From the point of view Android user System WebView creates a more comfortable experience when working with the application, because the user does not need to switch between different applications, every time he clicks on external link. Instead, all pages open in the same application the user is currently working in, allowing them to quickly view a page and return to the main content of the application. From an application developer's point of view, Android System WebView helps keep the user in the application and promotes more long work user in this application. In addition, in some cases it is noted that using WebView allows you to save battery power, since full-fledged browsers (for example, Chrome or Firefox) create heavy load on the smartphone processor and drain the battery faster.

    Android System WebView is present in operating system Android has been around for quite some time. But how separate application it only appeared in Android 5.0 Lollipop. Since then Android System WebView can be found in the store Google applications Play Market and in the list of installed applications on your Android smartphone. Separating this component into a separate application allowed Google to more quickly close the vulnerabilities that were discovered in it. After all, now this component can be updated as normal application without updating the entire operating system. Later, in Android 7.0 Nougat, this application disappeared from Android smartphones again. In the operating room Android system Nougat and newer Android versions it is used directly as a WebView Google browser Chrome.

    Android System WebView what is this program. A number of users of modern gadgets based on the Android OS, when viewing the list of programs preinstalled on the device, may stumble upon the “Android System WebView” application. This application was created by Google programmers and is designed for viewing web content inside other applications. At the same time, ASWV is not free from various errors, glitches and other problems, and often it is the unstable operation of this application that forces the user to look for detailed information about it on the Internet. In this article, I will tell you what kind of Android System Webview program this is, introduce the reader to its features, and also tell you how to get rid of errors associated with the functionality of this application.

    What is Android System WebView

    As I wrote above, Android System WebView is an application that allows you to embed web browsing within various Android OS applications, without the need to open a separate browser window for this. ASWV's functionality essentially resembles a mini-browser, running on Chrome technology, and, like the Chrome application, Android System WebView is included in the basic set of Android OS applications (from approximately Android 4.3 and higher) on modern smartphones.

    According to user reviews, using this application with various dependent browsers (for example, Naked Browser) can significantly save smartphone battery power. Regular mobile versions of popular browsers such as Chrome or Firefox, running on their own engine, consume significantly larger amounts of battery power.

    If you figure out that this is Android System WebView and want to download it, the best way to do this is from the Play Store. At the moment, the latest version of the application is presented, and you can download the latest version of the product from the Play Market ( link).

    Google specialists recommend first clearing cached data on your phone - instructions at , and then updating the Android System Webview application, since sometimes there are vulnerabilities that allow attackers to access it. Updates allow you to install the necessary “patches” and thereby prevent attackers from achieving their goals.

    Features of Android System Webview

    After we have figured out what kind of Android System Webview application this is, let's move on to describing the features of this application. Experts note that this application is very resource intensive (considerable memory resources are consumed, which, in some cases, can slow down the normal operation of the system).

    In addition, Google, for certain reasons, has stopped releasing updates for this application for older versions of the Android OS (in particular, Android 4.3). The reason for this is said to be the banal reluctance of developers to revise the structure of the program (“we don’t want and won’t revise the code”), as a result of which the version of the product running on such versions of Android becomes more vulnerable to malware.

    Should I delete this application?

    Should I disable Android System WebView? Absolutely not. As I indicated above, a number of mobile applications use the built-in capabilities of the Android System WebView for their work. In particular, the functionality of this application is used by such programs as:

    Therefore, stopping (or even deleting this application using root rights) is extremely undesirable, and can lead to various malfunctions in the system (for one user, deleting this application led to a cyclic reboot of his device).

    If Android System Webview is buggy

    If you encounter errors in the operation of this application and the message “ An error occurred in the android system webview application"Then I recommend going to the settings of your device, then to " Applications", find Android System WebView there and tap on it. When you go to the application details, click on “ Stop", then to " Uninstall updates», « Clear data», « Clear cache».


    When considering the topic of the program, it is worth noting that the Android System Webview application is an important attribute of the functionality of the Android OS (approximately from Android 4.3), which allows you to view web content within a specific application, without the need to open a separate browser window for this. Its functionality is in demand by a number of third-party programs (in particular, several mobile browsers, ICQ messenger, etc.), so it is recommended to regularly monitor its updates, and under no circumstances delete this application from your device. This guarantees its stable operation, and you will enjoy the reliable functionality of your mobile device.