• Green apple job application. Job application form: sample, example

    The questionnaire allows the employer to assess the compliance of the candidate applying for the position with the requirements put forward. The document allows you to structure and summarize information about a specialist. With its help, the employer facilitates the process of interviewing and making a decision on employing a new employee.

    Document form

    Legislative norms do not regulate the form of the document. A business entity has the right to independently develop a sample job application form, taking into account the level of information required to evaluate a person as an employee of the company.

    The questionnaire allows the employer to objectively assess the qualities of the applicant

    Often, enterprises approve several forms of questionnaires intended for different categories of potential employees.

    For administrative personnel, a detailed form of the document is usually used, since for this category of workers it is important to timely identify the levels of:

    • attentiveness;
    • literacy;
    • speed of reaction;
    • emotional state;
    • interest in getting a job.

    Sample application form for applicants for management positions

    For the working and service categories of personnel, a condensed form of questionnaire is provided, the purpose of which is to identify professional qualities and compliance with the current vacant position.

    Sample questionnaire for potential blue-collar workers

    The main purpose of the survey is to disclose professional, psychological and personal information about the candidate applying for the position, so that the employer can select a competent employee.

    What should be reflected in the document

    After finding the desired position in employment services, the applicant usually has a question about how to fill out a job application form, a sample of which must be completed at the request of the employer.

    To reliably assess a person’s characteristics from a professional point of view, the questionnaire should reflect the following data:

    • last name, first name, patronymic;
    • citizenship;
    • profession;
    • graduated from an educational institution;
    • professional status;
    • total work experience with detailed description last place of employment;
    • registration address;
    • residential address;
    • military service;
    • having a criminal record.

    The procedure for revealing the personal potential of an employee

    Additionally, information about education can be entered:

    • completed advanced training courses;
    • attending seminars, master classes and conferences;
    • proficiency level foreign languages.

    For working professions, sections on health status are relevant, implying:

    • disability;
    • restrictions on employment;
    • treatment of chronic diseases in a hospital setting.

    Marital status and the presence of children or elderly relatives may be a reason for frequent registration sick leave, which is unacceptable for some professions. These factors also affect the ability to travel for work related matters.

    The questionnaire may contain specific questions of a psychological nature that help identify behavioral factors

    What sections should not be included in the application form?

    At the legislative level, there are factors that cannot be the reason for refusal to hire. Therefore, you should not include sections in the questionnaire that may later give rise to legal proceedings:

    • race;
    • Political Views;
    • religious beliefs;
    • property status;
    • trade union membership.

    Read also: How to fire for absenteeism if an employee does not show up for work

    If possession of this information is important for the employer to make a decision about hiring a new employee, then it is advisable to reveal it orally.

    Nuances that employers should consider

    When drawing up a questionnaire, the employer must take into account that the questions in it should be asked tactfully with a minimum amount of personal information so as not to scare off a potential employee.

    It should be noted that in case of providing false information or using false documents, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract.

    When processing employment documents, representatives of the employer, reviewing the application form, gain access to personal information future employee. Therefore, all personal information must be kept secret, and the potential employee must consent to the use of his identification data for office work purposes.

    What to pay attention to

    Before you start filling out the form, it is recommended that you read it completely, since it is completed by hand and it is important that the document contains no errors or omissions. It is necessary to pay attention to identical questions with the help of which the employer determines the honesty, frankness and correctness of the applicant.

    Blank fields in the document can help create the impression that the employer is ignoring questions, which will classify the applicant in his eyes as a non-performing and conflict-ridden person.

    When applying for a management position, a potential employee must fill out an extended questionnaire. To speed up the process, with the permission of the company's representative, you can refer to resume items in some sections.

    How to fill out a document correctly

    To get the desired position, you must first study a sample of filling out a job application form in order to be able to competently prepare the document in accordance with the requirements of your profession.

    In this case, you should take into account every nuance of the questionnaire, which can tell a lot about its filler.

    Level of culture and education

    A quick glance at the completed questionnaire is enough to assess the cultural level and education of a person. When applying for leadership positions, it is important to be able to eliminate spelling errors from the text part of the document and place commas correctly. All phrases must be detailed, logical and understandable.

    Applicants for working professions may not demonstrate their skills in calligraphy and knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, since in order for them to perform job responsibilities these criteria are unlikely to be useful.

    Character traits

    Character traits can be determined by looking at the questionnaire, even without reading it, using the features of a person’s handwriting, which may indicate the degree of categoricalness, criticality and confidence, which may be due to:

    • handwriting style;
    • pressing on the rod;
    • the size of the symbols used to indicate the choice of the correct answer.

    Compliance with the vacant position

    The nature of the execution of the questionnaire can tell the employer whether the person’s parameters match the vacant position.

    The performer is characterized by:

    • accuracy of task completion;
    • number of questions left unanswered;
    • availability of detailed answers to open questions.

    More than 80 percent of responses to the questionnaire indicate the diligence of a person who is suitable for the position of a subordinate.

    A person is hired for a new job not only on the basis of the results of the conversation. Questioning is the first stage of acquaintance between an employer and a potential employee. The latter is asked to fill out a short questionnaire. The employment application form is issued directly at the interview. The results obtained allow management to form a primary opinion about the skills of the future employee.

    Current legislation does not provide for a specific form of this questionnaire. The application form for a job interview is drawn up by the employer taking into account his preferences. The main thing is to take into account the requirements for privacy. You can familiarize yourself with them in the relevant legal acts (Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

    The applicant's application form should not cover topics such as:

    • religion;
    • race;
    • nationality;
    • origin;
    • financial situation.

    They may well become a stumbling block if the candidate is rejected. Referring to articles of the Criminal (Article 136) and Labor (Article 64) Codes, he can go to court.

    Another important nuance is compliance with the law “On Personal Data”. A job application form (if it is very detailed) cannot be filled out by the applicant without his written consent. More detailed information set out in the specified legal document (clause 4 of article 9).

    Do you need a resume?

    In the process of filling out a job application, an applicant may encounter questions already covered in the resume. The possible solutions are:

    • Make a reference in the application form to the provided paper, thereby unwittingly complicating the actions of the personnel officer.
    • Rewrite information from your resume.

    The second option is not convenient for the candidate himself. However, he can use a marker to focus the recruiter’s attention on more important points of the resume.


    To make it convenient for the applicant to fill out the questionnaire, its items should be grouped into categories. It is better to start the questionnaire with typical questions, and place highly specialized ones just below. You should further consider sample possible questions.

    Employee information

    This section is the simplest. It is filled out based on the following information:

    • Date of birth.
    • Place of stay.
    • Contact details.
    • Marital status.
    • Presence of offspring.
    • Military duty.

    Sometimes employers are interested in whether there are problems with the law.

    Goals regarding work

    Here you should place items regarding the desired salary, position, etc. The candidate’s attitude towards work trips is also determined at this stage.

    Sometimes employers include a list of qualities or advantages in the sample application form. The applicant is asked to rank them in an order acceptable to them. This allows management not just to get a dry answer, but to understand what the applicant focuses on most when choosing a job.

    Education, work experience

    Not all employers ask about the applicant’s diploma. Many people are interested in having experience and working skills. For example, if you want to get a job as a secretary, the applicant should indicate your skills in using office equipment and computer programs. The candidate’s indication of previous places of work allows the employer to draw a conclusion about his stability as an employee.


    In some enterprises, a sample application form for employment contains items about the candidate’s health. So that this topic is not equated with interference in personal life, you need to formulate the question correctly. For example, check with the applicant whether he requires special working conditions for medical reasons? The candidate, in turn, must also indicate whether he has a disability (if any) or other ailments. The latter are important if they involve regular treatment in a hospital setting. Hiding this kind of information will deprive the future employee of the right to benefits, etc.

    You can download a sample application form for employment here.

    Filling out the questionnaire

    It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of how to correctly fill out a candidate’s application form for a position. There are a number of recommendations that a potential employee should adhere to. Here are their examples:

    • Honesty. When filling out the questionnaire, the candidate should answer the questions as truthfully as possible. Otherwise, the employer has the right to terminate the employment agreement if it received false information. This is stated in Art. 81 Labor Code.
    • Accuracy. Filling out the proposed job application form is done manually, so you need to first skim through the text. It is better to think in advance what to write in each answer. This will help avoid blots and typos.
    • No passes. It is considered extremely impolite to ignore any point. If the text of the question is not relevant to the candidate, do not be afraid to indicate this (or you can put a dash).
    • There is no need to try to invent non-existent qualities in order to appear smarter and please management. This will not help you get hired. But adequate humor, tact and goodwill will quite play into the hands of the applicant.

    To make this procedure more comfortable for the applicant, you can provide him with a sample form. Knowing how to correctly fill out the proposed job application, the candidate will be able to avoid common mistakes.

    Before the interview, the applicant can prepare in advance. The right thing to do is to learn how to fill out a job application.

    A questionnaire is one of the documents through which important information for the employer is collected about applicants for a particular position. In the future, based on the information provided by the applicant in the application form, the organization will select employees.

    Any normatively fixed There is currently no application form. It is impossible to develop a completely informative questionnaire. In every specific case, for each enterprise it is different, depending on the information that the employer would like to receive from the employee. The most socially significant issues, such as place of residence, citizenship, right to work, criminal records, biographical and professional data should be reflected in it (the main thing is not to overdo it with the length of the questionnaire). As a rule, an employee fills out a questionnaire at the interview stage when applying for a job.

    Currently, most applicants come to an interview with detailed and various additions to them, so filling out questionnaires is not common everywhere. Often the information contained in the resume is quite enough for the employer. But not always.

    First of all, a correctly completed questionnaire allows the employer to evaluate the applicant in terms of compliance with personal specifications, that is, to understand what qualities a person has to successfully perform the work assigned to him.

    Filling out an application form when applying for a job

    Questioning applicants largely depends on internal company rules and is most often common in large organizations. As a rule, applicants are not informed about the upcoming survey, so when going for an interview, in addition to your resume, it is advisable to take with you copies or originals of other documents that in one way or another can contribute to successful employment.

    Typically, employers require that the questionnaire be filled out by hand, so the respondent must approach this process with full responsibility and try to avoid mistakes and corrections. To do this, it is best to familiarize yourself with all the questions presented in the questionnaire before starting to fill out, and sketch out a preliminary plan of answers in your mind.

    It is highly undesirable to leave blank items in the application form. So, for example, if the requested information has nothing to do with the applicant, you can indicate “not available” as the answer. This will make it clear to people who will read the application that the applicant did not (knowingly OR not) skip any question.

    Legal aspects of drawing up questionnaires

    For the first time since the adoption of the Constitution Russian Federation in 1993, our state remembered its obligation, declared in the Basic Law, to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms, including information about the private life of its citizens.

    Thus, at the stage of drawing up (developing) the questionnaire form, one should not forget about Article 86 of the Labor Code, which prohibits the employer from collecting (receiving) and processing the employee’s personal data affecting his political, religious and other beliefs, and data on private life only from written consent of the employee himself.

    IN exceptional cases, expressly provided federal law, the employer has the right to collect the specified data if it is directly related to employment issues (for example, with access to information containing state secrets).

    Employers do not have the right, when hiring (and not only) to collect and process personal data of an employee related to his membership in public associations or his trade union activities, except in cases provided for by federal law.”

    It is not harmful to recall that at any stage of work with personnel, the organization is obliged to maintain confidentiality, and simply standards of decency.

    In case of non-compliance with the information confidentiality regime, the minimally guilty employee will receive a reprimand, or more, may be dismissed under paragraph B of Article 81 of the Labor Code or even charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of privacy”, the maximum punishment for which is arrest for a period of four to six months, which you will agree is also unpleasant.

    Job seekers are often perplexed: why do they need to fill out a job application form if the employer has already been provided with a resume for review? And sometimes you may come across the opinion that a written questionnaire for employment is useless, because it can be replaced by an interview. No, it can't. Neither a resume nor an interview are a complete replacement for a job application questionnaire.

    Every employer knows that in a resume the candidate tries to present himself in better light and may not indicate information that is unfavorable for him (for example, temporary places of work, the presence of small children). Moreover, the main purpose of a resume is to receive an invitation to an interview.

    The questionnaire is the first stage of direct acquaintance between the employer and the future employee. The interview is its second stage.

    Below are examples of an applicant's application form when applying for a job and a sample of filling out an application form when applying for a job. From them it will become clear that an employer, using a survey, can obtain:

    • general information determining the legality and advisability of further interaction with a candidate for a vacant position;
    • an adequate initial assessment of his professional qualities, necessary for making a decision on admission.

    For the applicant, this document is no less important, since it may contain questions the answer to which is not contained in the resume. And, in addition, the potential employee himself learns a lot about future employment.

    In this regard, a sample application form for a job candidate is a more objective document. The application form for an applicant when applying for a job contains a list of mandatory items that allow you to evaluate the candidate, his professional level and personal qualities more deeply. Looking through the information specified in the questionnaire, employers pay attention even to such seemingly trifles as:

    • the applicant's literacy level;
    • accuracy of filling;
    • the amount of time spent filling out the form;
    • completeness of the data provided;
    • attentiveness, etc.

    You won’t be able to evade answering an awkward question by not answering it in the questionnaire—the employer will ask it anyway. So it's better to be honest.

    The emotionality and mood with which the candidate comes to the interview are also assessed.

    Thus, a sample application form for employment reveals the socio-psychological characteristics of the applicant, which simplifies selection.

    For whom is the form required?

    According to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 667-r dated May 26, 2005, the questionnaire in mandatory filled out by citizens wishing to take part in competitions for filling places:

    • state civil service;
    • municipal service.

    In all other cases, the questionnaire is not included in the number of documents required for employment ( Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    But many businesses develop their own sample job interview questionnaire and use it to evaluate the candidate.

    All information about the applicant that is indicated in it is confidential information and are not subject to publicity ( Art. 86 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If confidentiality is violated, the employer may be subject to criminal liability.

    What questions does a sample job application form contain?

    The job application form contains from 10 to 30 points, the answers to which the employer wants to receive from the candidate. The questionnaire can also be completed electronically.

    The job application form, a sample of which we have posted below, may contain the following items:

    • Full name applicant for a vacancy;
    • date and place of birth;
    • citizenship;
    • address of actual residence and place of permanent registration;
    • telephone, address email;
    • passport details;
    • education (including additional and courses);
    • availability of a medical book;
    • information about work activity for a certain period of time: (place and period of work, position, responsibilities, salary);
    • professional skills and abilities;
    • marital status and information about close relatives;
    • hobby;
    • weak and strengths character;
    • wishes for working conditions and salary;
    • having a driver's license;
    • level of foreign languages ​​and PC proficiency;
    • presence of chronic diseases;
    • recommendations from former employers.

    The employer must understand: in order for the questionnaire to be as informative as possible, the questions contained in it must be clear and concise. They must also imply a precise answer.

    Enterprises that require filling out a detailed questionnaire for employment (for example, banking structures) must take care in advance to document the voluntary nature of providing personal data, which requires obtaining the written consent of the candidate, in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 4.

    How to correctly compose a questionnaire

    We offer several practical advice by compilation. It is very convenient when questions are grouped by topic. This will make the work of both the interviewer and the interviewee easier.

    We propose dividing the questionnaire into two parts: general questions- in one part, highly specialized - in the second. This division makes it easier to use a single form of the questionnaire for a large enterprise, since its first part will be the same for candidates for vacancies in any workshop or department of the enterprise.

    General questions

    In the first part, the standard points usually come first:

    • date of birth;
    • residential address;
    • contact information;
    • marital status;
    • children;
    • attitude towards military duty;
    • having a criminal record.


    • educational institutions in which he studied (with years, assigned qualifications and diploma numbers, which can be checked if necessary);
    • advanced training courses completed, seminars, master classes and conferences attended;
    • degree of proficiency in foreign languages.

    If the last point is important directly for the position held, we recommend checking your actual language proficiency during the interview, since the candidate’s self-assessment of his language skills often does not correspond real situation business

    Employment goals

    You can then ask questions to understand the applicant's goals for future employment. We suggest including questions that will reveal the applicant's motives and goals. Examples of such questions:

    • what position he would like to hold now;
    • whether he wants to make a career;
    • Is there a desire and/or ability to work overtime and on weekends;
    • How does the candidate feel about business trips?

    A great way to understand an applicant's personality is through preference lists. Suggest, for example, ranking by importance a list of benefits that a candidate would like to have in this workplace:

    • good team;
    • decent salary;
    • growth prospects;
    • advanced training or obtaining qualifications;
    • proximity to home;
    • flexible schedule.

    By ranking such a list, a potential employee will reveal his preferences and thereby reveal himself. It makes sense to offer to add your option to the ranked list.

    Candidate's health

    Whether it is necessary to ask questions about the health of a potential employee is up to each employer to decide for himself. This is a rather slippery question. In fact, such questions may amount to an invasion of privacy.

    However, quite important information that will affect the employer’s obligations towards the employee (providing benefits, etc.) is disability and chronic diseases that require regular hospital treatment.

    We suggest the following rather tactful formulations:

    “Do you need special working conditions due to your health condition?”

    “Do you need extra days off to care for a relative?”

    But we must remember that a refusal to provide a workplace to a person with health limitations (if these restrictions do not affect his ability to perform the assigned work) may be grounds for going to court.

    Personal qualities

    And finally, an even more painful point in the first part of the questionnaire is personal qualities. These questions not only raise negative reaction questioned, but also extremely ineffective, since a person rarely can and wants to adequately assess his strengths and weaknesses, especially when applying for a job. We can suggest using list ranking again, however, this method is also quite ineffective. It is better to use the oral interview method.

    Experience and skills

    Having finished with the first, general, part, we move on to the second, highly specialized one, which we recommend starting with obtaining information about work experience. The structure of this section should serve two purposes:

    1. Give to employer necessary information about the candidate's working skills. To do this, professions, who he worked for, positions held, and a list of duties performed must be indicated.
    2. Get an idea of ​​the candidate's communication skills and mental stability. To do this, they ask about the reasons for changing jobs and ask the candidate to name one or two former employees who can give characteristics and recommendations.

    To obtain relevant information about work skills, a highly specialized questionnaire is required. When filling a driver vacancy, they are interested in the category and time of obtaining a license, and driving experience. If a programmer is surveyed, they ask questions about proficiency in certain programming languages, specific software products created by this applicant. This section should be compiled by the immediate supervisor of the future employee, because he is the one who knows exactly what skills the future employee will need in the new place. This is a very important point in the questionnaire. No matter how communicative and stable a candidate is, if he does not have the necessary work skills, he is unlikely to cope with the proposed functionality.

    What a job applicant should not write in a job application

    Despite the fact that on at the moment There are no legally approved forms for the questionnaire; the law does not allow the employer to include in it whatever they want.

    How long should the questionnaire be?

    Sufficient, but not excessive. We also recommend asking questions tactfully so as not to scare off potential employees and minimize the number of personal questions. It makes sense to ask only what is directly related to the future position and assumes the possibility of a reliable answer.

    Let us recall that the law obliges a candidate for a vacant position to be honest in providing personal data, giving the employer the right to terminate the employment contract if forged documents are used ().

    How to make sure that the form is filled out correctly

    First of all, you need to check that all the questions asked are answered. The next step is the verification of the provided data with the data of the passport, diploma and other documents. The third stage may be to verify the authenticity of the provided data and documents.

    Sample of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job

    In this section we have posted a sample application form for an applicant when applying for a job.

    What happens to the questionnaire after filling it out? Information about all candidates is entered into the enterprise database (subject to the consent of the person to process personal data). When a new vacancy appears, a candidate who did not pass the selection may be remembered and again invited for an interview. It is quite possible that the second attempt will be successful. If employment has taken place, the questionnaire is filed along with other documents in the employee’s personal file.

    The one who processes the admission documents has access to personal data, and, therefore, must be warned about maintaining confidentiality (Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152 “On Personal Data”, Article 6, paragraph 3). According to the law, the head of the enterprise is responsible to the state for the actions of the operator.

    It is sometimes quite difficult for a company manager to decide which applicant is more suitable for a vacant position; it is even difficult to determine which candidate to invite for an interview. is not unified, and some applicants focus on one information, others on another. To resolve this issue, many enterprises offer candidates to fill out an application form when applying for a job, a sample of which they create themselves.

    What is a questionnaire

    The questionnaire is not mandatory document, the employer has no right to demand it from the applicant at all. Moreover, the management of the enterprise does not have the right to insist on the disclosure of any personal information, information about family, religious affiliation or political beliefs. But if the candidate for the position agreed to this, then a sample of the completed application form for employment is attached to personal matter hired employee.

    The questionnaire has many similarities with a resume, with the only difference being that it needs to display exactly the information that interests the employer, and not the information that the applicant wants to present.

    Types of questionnaires

    Today, recruiters identify three. This table will show you.

    For an interview

    Forms of such documents are usually posted in stores and other public places, sent by mail or downloaded from enterprise websites. The applicant fills it out and submits it to the employer as an offer of his candidacy for a vacant position.

    For employment

    This type of questionnaire assumes that the applicant has already been invited to an interview, and he fills it out immediately at the time of communication with the employer

    Upon employment

    The questionnaire is filled out only when the candidate has received an invitation to start work and has given his consent. The completed form is attached to your personal file.

    Rules for drawing up the application form

    There are no uniform rules for the application form when applying for a job. The sample is always drawn up by employees of the personnel department, taking into account the requirements of the top management of the enterprise. Although in practice they have already been worked out general rules, which are typical for questionnaires at any enterprise. The form must contain the following items:

    • Full name;
    • place and date of birth;
    • citizenship;
    • marital status;
    • place of registration and residence;
    • contacts for communication;
    • information about education and work experience.

    All other required information in sample application forms when applying for a job is written down depending on the requirements of the company management. And it could be:

    • functional responsibilities for each position held;
    • information about achievements in professional activities;
    • information about close relatives;
    • hobbies and interests;
    • having a criminal record;
    • additional sources of income;
    • salary wishes;
    • availability of letters of recommendation.

    How to fill out an application form for an applicant

    If the applicant has never worked in government agencies and has not encountered large companies, then he may not know what a sample application form for employment looks like and how to fill it out. As a rule, this is done by hand. The questionnaire is essentially a simple questionnaire and there should be no problems filling it out. There are practically no differences between the questionnaires that are filled out at different stages of “communication” between the employer and the potential employee.

    As a rule, all sample job application forms have several blocks. The table provides tips for filling out the first block.

    Desired position

    At an enterprise, as a rule, the form is unified for all positions, so the candidate needs to write which vacancy he is applying for

    You must write your full last name, first name and patronymic

    Date of birth

    Typically displayed in the format: day, month, year

    Place of birth

    Living conditions

    The place of registration and residence should be indicated if they are different from each other

    Marital status

    Is the candidate married, presence of children, their age

    In this block, some employers ask you to indicate the desired salary level. Sometimes information is requested about how a person learned about an open position. It is possible that the company's management will want to know if there are people working at the company who are relatives or friends of the applicant.

    The table shows examples of filling out the second block of different sample application forms when applying for a job.

    The next block in sample job application forms is information about education and other skills.


    This paragraph describes which educational institution you graduated from, in what years, what was the form of education

    Additional education

    In this section you should indicate information about taking additional courses, trainings and seminars; naturally, the information should relate directly to the position for which the applicant is applying

    Computer skills

    Often the employer only offers to check the boxes of those programs that are required for the job

    Level of language knowledge

    This paragraph also often indicates the languages ​​that the applicant would like to know.

    The fourth block of the questionnaire is usually compiled so that the employer can determine the personal qualities of the applicant and how promising he is in terms of career development. Existing interests may be clarified. Some companies offer to take a short survey, for example:

    • can the candidate go on long business trips;
    • Is it possible to stay late at work?
    • what is the desired work schedule, etc.

    In conclusion

    You should know that even if the application form is too detailed, you will not be able to do without a personal meeting with the employer. A person who is of interest to HR specialists will be invited to an interview, where the question of hiring will be finally decided.