• BoboVR Z4 is the best budget VR headset. Virtual reality helmets for PCs and consoles: prices and catalog

    The Matrix is ​​already here. From today.

    The Russian launch of a gaming headset from PlayStation took place. In anticipation of the long-awaited event for geeks, we tried to collect the most important things that travelers to non-existent universes should know.

    Why do you need PS VR?

    A virtual reality headset is a new step in the development of information transmission devices. If successful, VR has a good chance of replacing conventional TVs and monitors.

    Virtual helmets, glasses and other devices in this category have been trying to penetrate our daily lives for several years. Knowing the passions of gamers for technological innovations, it is not surprising that today this audience is the most ready for change.

    A high-tech innovation could hardly be called intriguing if its essence boiled down only to getting rid of bulky LCD panels. Its main charm lies in its unique experience, which can evoke a mixture of delight and surprise.

    From now on, the character depicted on the screen and the player are one. Whether it's a merciless shootout, or a session of meditative contemplation, there are no barriers between you and virtual events.

    Just put on the headset, and you are transported from your own living room to distant worlds, seducing you with colors and incredible fantasies.

    How does PlayStation VR work?

    Thanks to the built-in display and complex system The lenses of the headset create a stereoscopic image that covers, if not all, then a significant part of the view.

    Avoiding banal quotes about the role of visual information in forming ideas about the world, it is not difficult to guess how much such technology is superior to the monitors we are used to, even if they are equipped with 3D support.

    Our brain willingly believes in an illusion if it is not disturbed by extraneous phenomena, such as low frame rates and flickering noticeable in peripheral vision. To meet these needs, engineers worked diligently on the new product, taking into account the experience of competitors.

    PlayStation VR has a single 5.7-inch OLED display. It supports 1920x1080p resolution and covers 100 degrees of view at 120Hz.

    Equipped with several sensors, the PlayStation helmet is capable of registering the position of the device in space. This allows you to track your head rotation and gaze direction, eliminating the need to use a mouse or gamepad to control your view.

    In order for the sound to match the visible picture, the authors of the device took the trouble to develop a special algorithm. With its help, the device interprets the character's position in a fictional space and creates the necessary volume of sound.

    Do I need to buy PS VR accessories?

    Despite the assurances of marketers and salespeople, we cannot completely agree with the statement that PS VR is a completed product. Nobody lied when they said that the glasses are ready to use immediately after they are taken out of the box.

    Consoles themselves are a category of products freed from the need for additional manipulations with drivers and checking hardware compatibility tables. The maximum that will delay you in the real world is installing a patch.

    But speaking of a full-fledged VR experience, buying one helmet is not enough. If you want to digitize yourself down to your fingertips, you'll have to buy a PS Eye camera and Move controllers.

    A complete collection of accessories will bring you as close to the virtual experience as possible, making it immersive and realistic. It’s also interesting to play with a regular gamepad, but the experience is still not the same.

    Does the headset work with the regular PlayStation 4?

    For almost the entire 2013, the PlayStation PR department fed the audience promises of native support for the Full HD format. In reality, not all projects can boast of it.

    To achieve a clear picture with a minimum of flaws, software developers go to all sorts of tricks, including rendering technologies with dynamic resolution and lowering the frame rate.

    No matter how much Mark Cerny tries to show off the teraflops and iron power of his brainchild, the console quite often faces the problem of drawdowns and lags. Whether this is due to the laziness of the developers or the complexity of the architecture - the fact remains.

    The PlayStation 4 Pro is designed to solve this problem - a fresh revision of the PS4 with improved hardware. Not counting support for 4K TVs, new model The console was created with VR in mind.

    In addition to a stable frame rate, the firmware should say goodbye to the problem of soapy images inherent in regular version consoles. PS4 Pro should appear in Russia in November, it will cost 34,999 rubles, 500 rubles more expensive than the headset itself.

    A PlayStation VR helmet will work with a simple PS4, but if you want to enjoy a good image and dynamic frame changes, it is advisable to wait until November.

    What to play with PS VR?

    Two years ago, when Sony was just talking about the secret Project Morpheus, the company promised to provide headset support for absolutely all projects released on the platform.

    In general, PS VR can be used as a regular TV and even watch Blu-ray movies through a headset. But the full immersive experience beyond the realm of transistors will only happen in games that were designed with VR in mind.

    Today's list contains about 80 items, which is no reason to complain about the tiny library. We will launch most of them only a couple of times - on the day of purchase, and to show our guests the electronic wonder.

    It’s hardly worth hoping for serious VR support from third-party developers. We will probably play the biggest hits from Rockstar, Bethesda and Bungie as before, using the Dualshock 4 and sitting on the couch.

    But thanks for that. In any case, for now we have no fears that the PS VR will gather dust in the closet a month after purchase.

    Is there anything better?

    The two main rivals of the Sony helmet are Oculus Rift And HTC Vive. Both have two built-in displays, achieving a resolution of 2160x1080.

    Both are designed to work with computers, which has the added benefit of high resolution operation. Only to work with them you will have to assemble a powerful machine, not counting the price of the glasses themselves.

    Priced at $800, the Vive device, developed in collaboration with the notorious Valve studio, comes with motion controllers. Oculus comes with a $600 price tag and is devoid of accessories.

    It is worth noting that none of them are officially supported in Russia. You will have to buy headsets either through intermediaries or through foreign stores.

    Leaving aside a couple of disadvantages, such as a smaller library of games compared to a PC, PS VR compares favorably with its competitors not only by its low cost ($400), but also by its ease of use, as well as its refresh rate - 120 Hz versus 90 Hz.

    By subjective impressions, PS VR sits most comfortably on your head. It fits over glasses without any problems. Vive is next in this regard, Oculus requires the most settings.

    In terms of weight, the PS VR turns out to be the heaviest - 610 g versus 555 g for the Vive and 470 for the Oculus. You won’t break your neck with such weight, but tension will appear even in a sitting position, not to mention active entertainment.

    All three devices work using wires, so they are on the same level when it comes to portability.

    Is it harmful to health?

    Despite the serious work that the developers have done in matters of safety for the body, it is impossible to talk about it with complete confidence. More recently, scientists from the UK blamed VR headsets for their negative impact on vision.

    According to the conclusion of the medical report, the greatest concern is the use of glasses by children. If in adults the visual organs are already formed, in children screens placed close to the eyes can lead to the development of myopia.

    Experts are much more concerned about the impact of a helmet on the brain. Even if you close your eyes to the unfounded hysteria of opponents of progress, who believe that video games will definitely turn you into a degenerate and a murderer, the VR experience can be called a serious load on our main organ.

    Consideration should be given to the content you intend to consume, the length of play sessions, and the mental health of individual candidates.

    In addition to the brain, other organ systems will also be subject to stress. Not every gamer can afford to be in constant motion.

    I’m not trying to joke about obese nerds with a bunch of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but if we take into account the statistics, fatigue from active entertainment with VR projects sets in after about 20-30 minutes.

    Even to experience virtual reality using a smartphone, you will need a VR headset. If you want to see a realistic picture, you will need a powerful gaming computer and an advanced VR helmet. Today there are two such helmets: Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. But which one should you choose?

    At first glance, the difference between Oculus Rift and HTC Vive is obvious: the first VR headset costs $600, the second – $800. But you are very mistaken if you think that the more expensive headset is better in all respects. Let's compare several parameters and decide which one is worth purchasing.

    VR Headset Comparison: Immersion

    Put on a VR headset and you will instantly be transported to another world. Wherever you turn your head, you will see and hear things that don't really exist. The main purpose of a virtual reality headset is to make you believe that everything you see is real. So how much can the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive immerse the player in an atmosphere of virtuality?

    In terms of visual and audio fidelity, both helmets are similar. They have the same matrix size (2160 by 1200) and the same resolution of the output image (1080 by 1200). The only difference is that you connect your headphones to the Vive, while the Oculus Rift already has them built-in. So overall, virtual worlds look and sound pretty much the same on both VR headsets.

    Yes, modern technologies were able to deceive the eyes and ears of a person, you feel your presence in the game. But a game is not a movie; it assumes that the player will move and perform some actions. And this is where Oculus Rift loses. But Vive has sensors that allow you to physically move in virtual worlds and interact with phantom objects.

    Therefore, in terms of immersion in virtual reality, the HTC Vive wins.

    VR Headset Review: Interaction

    So, what can you do in games using a VR headset? Both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive allow you to tilt your head to get a closer look at what's under your feet. If a virtual cake flies into your face in a game, you can tilt your head and dodge. But for some more significant actions you will need a joystick.

    On the HTC Vive, the joystick function is performed by two controllers that need to be held in your hands. When you pick up something in the game, the controller vibrates. Controllers in the virtual world can turn into anything: your disembodied hands, a weapon, a paint brush.

    HTC Vive also has sensors that record your movements, so you can move around in virtual worlds while walking around a room in the real world! And to avoid hitting anything, the headset measures the distance from the player to the nearest objects, and if dangerously close, draws the contours of the real world in the game.

    Unfortunately, Oculus Rift can't offer anything like that yet. The developers promise to release similar controllers called Oculus Touch in early 2018. Well, then our opinion may change, but for now the HTC Vive provides the best player interaction with the virtual world.

    Choosing a VR helmet: ergonomics

    Unexpected news: VR headsets are basically uncomfortable! They put pressure on their face and their lenses fog up. In general, a player wearing a VR helmet feels like wearing a diving mask. But when choosing between two evils, we will prefer the more comfortable and ergonomic evil.

    In our case it will be Oculus Rift. The design of this virtual reality headset is more compact and simplified than the Vive, and the cable for connecting to a computer is relatively thin. The built-in headphones have flaps, there is internal ventilation to keep the lenses from sweating, and the fit of the headset to the size of the player's head is quite precise. And, most importantly, there is enough space inside the headset so that a visually impaired player can keep their glasses on.

    But the Vive headset is more massive and heavy, and a thick cable for connecting to the computer runs down the player's back. The cable is very long, and getting tangled in it is a piece of cake. As a rule, this cord gets tangled underfoot when the player walks in virtual space.

    So in terms of ergonomics, Oculus Rift wins.

    Buying a VR headset: connection and setup

    Of course, first of all, to immerse yourself in virtual reality, you will need a powerful gaming computer. Then you buy and download gigabytes of games. But before you start playing, the VR headset needs to be connected and configured.

    With HTC Vive you will have to tinker: in addition to a fair number of cables (three power adapters, two USB chargers, as well as video, USB and sync cables), you need to install bases with sensors in the corners of the room to track movement, and then calibrate them. Every time before playing, you need to launch Steam, switch it to VR mode, turn on the controllers and bases, and make sure the headset is working properly.

    The Oculus Rift is easier to handle in this regard: this headset has only two cables and there is no need to launch additional software or recalibrate the headset before starting the game. And you don’t need to turn anything on: Oculus automatically turns on when you put it on.

    In this round, the victory goes to the Oculus Rift headset.

    Comparing virtual reality helmets: content

    Oculus wants to build its own gaming platform and form its own gaming community. You won't find Oculus exclusives on the Vive because Oculus (and the developers) are investing millions into making their gaming "ecosystem" possible.

    And therefore, one cannot argue with the fact that real multi-hour games are released on the Oculus Rift, while the Vive content is more like a set of short demos for games. But still, we will take a risk and rely on HTC Vive in terms of quantity and quality of content.

    Why? It's simple: the Vive headset runs on the Steam platform, which already dominates the online market computer games. Steam has built-in trading instant messages, voice chat, the ability to join friends in the game - in a word, all those little things familiar to the modern player that the Oculus Rift does not have. This is not to mention the fact that games can be purchased and installed through Steam in a couple of clicks, and progress in them is saved and automatically updated on different devices.

    In addition, HTC Vive offers to play with motion controllers, and developers are happy to pick up this idea. They are already making games for this system, and Oculus has not yet even acquired prototypes of such controllers.

    Therefore, in terms of content, HTC Vive wins.

    Which virtual reality headset should you buy?

    Currently, the best headset for immersive VR is the HTC Vive. Yes, it costs $200 more, is less ergonomic, and requires a lot of fiddling around to install and configure, but in return you get the experience of being immersed in a full-fledged virtual reality, in which you can walk with your feet and do something with your hands. Buy HTC Vive if it's important for you to stay up to date with cutting-edge technology.

    True, there is no guarantee yet that HTC Vive will retain the leadership palm after the release of Oculus Touch controllers. Perhaps the new controllers will be much better than what Vive offers (for example, they will be able to recognize gestures).

    But to be completely honest, we wouldn't recommend buying either the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive just yet, at least not for the next year. The fact is that now there is not much content for both VR headsets, and virtual reality technology is only at the initial stage of development. Wait a year - during this time more games will be released, controllers for the Oculus Rift will appear and it will be clear in which direction the VR gaming industry is moving. And at the same time, a clear leader among VR headsets will be determined.

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    In the world of mobile virtual reality (VR) headsets, Samsung is known for its Gear VR glasses. Created in collaboration with Oculus, the new Samsung Gear VR 2017 headset has the largest library of VR applications.

    A modern connector has been added to the latest version of Samsung virtual reality glasses USB Type-C and a separate controller, like Google Daydream View.

    Let's find out what else has changed in the new headset and has Samsung managed to surpass Google?

    The updated Gear VR with a controller will cost about $130 (RUB 7,500), which is almost 2 times more expensive than Google Daydream View.

    The kit includes everything you need except a smartphone: a headset, head straps, a controller, a pair of AAA batteries and a MicroUSB adapter for a smartphone (Galaxy S7 or newer). There is also a standard set of instructions and a warranty card.

    Design and comfort

    Foam filling on the side of the face, fabric Velcro straps around the back of the head and the top of the head - these and other design elements are borrowed from previous models.

    Unlike Google Daydream View, the Samsung Gear VR 2017 is made entirely of hard plastic. Thanks to the top strap, the weight is better distributed, so the new headset from Samsung remains quite light even with a smartphone inserted.

    Dimensions: width - 207.8 mm, thickness - 122.5 mm, depth - 98.6 mm, weight (with smartphone) - 435 g. Daydream View and Oculus Rift CV1 weigh - 470 g, and HTC Vive glasses are slightly heavier - 550 g

    The wheel at the top allows you to change the focal length, however, the interpupillary distance (IPD) is not adjustable here.

    On the left side of the Gear VR 2017 is USB connector Type-C for connections; on the right is a mount that securely holds the smartphone. There is a translucent coating on the front of the headset that protects the lenses; there is no case for the motion controller.

    Management and interaction

    The Samsung Gear VR 2017 has some unusual controls. The round touch panel is used to interact with VR games and applications, similar to a smartphone display, and there are physical buttons above it.

    The only thing missing is headphones, but this is a common shortcoming of VR headsets in the mid-price range. You can use your smartphone's speaker here or plug in your own headphones, but the volume buttons on the front of the Gear VR 2017 are awkwardly placed.

    Viewing angle in new virtual reality glasses Samsung is good, diagonally is 90-95 degrees - this is enough not to suffer from claustrophobia, however, on full-fledged VR headsets for PCs, the angles reach 120-140 degrees.

    A sensor inside the device automatically turns on the display when the headset is put on your head, and turns off when it is removed. This required function, it significantly saves battery power.

    Gear VR controller for control

    The 9-axis gyroscope of the Samsung Gear VR opens up a wide range of possibilities for interacting with VR content. The controller acts as a sword, gun, screwdriver or any other tool, it also helps in selecting interface elements. The Gear VR 2017 controller resembles a Nintendo Wii accessory with precise rotational motion.

    Some applications and games support movement in space, but not with the repetition of all user movements, for example, extending an arm is rarely taken into account here. Every 5-10 minutes in active games and less often in less active ones, you need to reset the settings, fixing the current position in space while holding the Home button.

    Controller Samsung glasses The Gear VR runs on two AAA batteries, so it's heavier than the Google Daydream View, which has a built-in lithium-ion battery. However, AAA batteries are more common, and it's quicker to change them while gaming than to charge the battery. The batteries last approximately 80 hours in the virtual world.

    The controller itself looks like a standard remote control remote control, but the front corners are angled down about 35 degrees for better ergonomics. The curved section houses a touchpad with input buttons, and at the very top end, a trigger button. The trigger is convenient for navigation and in games where you need to switch between types of weapons. Below the touchpad are the Home and Back buttons, below them is a paired volume key.

    A round trackpad replaces the joystick here, offering more interaction options: touching, scrolling, tilting and pressing. A short strap at the bottom of the controller is used to secure it to your wrist.

    Dimensions of the Samsung Gear VR 2017 controller: length - 108.1 mm, width - 48.1 mm, thickness - 38.2 mm, weight - 64.3 g. Batteries and strap are included.

    Interface and setup

    Partnering with Oculus has helped Samsung create some of the best virtual reality headsets on the market. No other VR store has as much exclusive content as the Oculus Store.

    Initial Samsung setup Gear VR 2017 is very simple - your smartphone automatically launches the Oculus Home app when connected to Gear VR. Before you start using the headset, you need to install several programs and log in to your account to gain access to the library and make purchases. You don’t have to register here, it’ll do account on Facebook or Oculus.

    After completion software settings, the smartphone needs to be unlocked, placed in Gear VR and the headset attached to the head. Placing a fingerprint scanner on the back of the Galaxy S8, S8+ and Note 8 allows you to perform all actions without even taking out your smartphone.

    The interface in Gear VR 2017 is very beautiful, because the famous John Carmack took part in its development. Available categories: Home, Library, Internet, Store, Events, Search, Voice (search) and Samsung Picks. For navigation, Oculus Home has touchpads - one each on the headset itself and the controller. Some games for proper operation only require a controller.

    When pressed and held Home buttons on the headset will open system parameters Gear VR that can be adjusted, including brightness and volume. Notifications that pop up in the center of the screen do not open, but they are hidden by turning on the Do Not Disturb option.

    Use the connected smartphone in normal mode you can’t, only his camera, which helps you look at the real world without taking off your headset. Screen capture of images and videos is also supported here. Live broadcasts are useful not only when communicating with friends on Facebook, but also in multiplayer games.

    Games and applications

    The Oculus Store has tons of exclusive VR games, movies, videos, stories, apps, and more. Everything is sorted into categories: What's Hot, Best Sellers, Best Free Titles, What's New, Personal Recommendations, Horror, Games, Educational, Entertainment, Apps, Movies, Samsung Picks and Gallery.

    Gallery is filled with works by independent authors, and Games has a section with indie games. Filtering will allow you to choose from two dozen genres and different price categories, and sort by touchpad, gamepad, or Gear VR controller support. The only thing missing here is free demo versions of paid publications.

    Thousands available popular applications, including Netflix, YouTube and Hulu. They are suitable for viewing both 2D content and VR videos. The quality depends on the screen resolution of the connected smartphone.

    Oculus has its own web browser with the ability to watch VR videos without downloading individual applications. The middle is occupied by a vertical web browsing window, and to the left and right there are bookmarks, navigation buttons and tabs. The virtual keyboard allows you to type text.

    Here you can not only receive reminders about upcoming events, but also watch them in VR for free - even if these are paid broadcasts of sports games for other users.

    Comfort and performance Samsung Gear VR 2017

    Keeping the Gear VR 2017 on your face for a long time will not cause irritation thanks to the soft, breathable fabric coating. A third strap that runs across the top of your head securely supports the headset and distributes weight.

    All straps and upholstery are equally comfortable, however, it is impossible to adjust the interpupillary distance, which strains the eyes.

    Those who experience motion sickness from a regular VR headset will experience the same issues with the Samsung Gear VR 2017, due to its 60Hz refresh rate. Head movements are always displayed equally smoothly, but sometimes the frame rate of the content becomes lower and this is very disorienting. But, every application or game has a comfort rating, this is how Oculus takes care of users.

    The Galaxy S8+ smartphone does not heat up when working with the updated Gear VR helmet, even after an hour of gaming - unlike the Pixel XL inserted into Google Daydream. Although previous generations of Samsung smartphones also got hot, performance dropped and they had to be rebooted.

    In one hour of hard work, about 30% of the battery charge of the Galaxy S8+ and 35-40% of the more compact Galaxy S8 are consumed.

    Bottom line

    The updated Samsung Gear VR 2017 headset is ideal for owners Galaxy phones S8 or S8+ who are interested in virtual reality. The new controller provides rich interaction and new capabilities not found on previous Gear VR.

    Exclusive content, events calendar, friends list, virtual parties and other advantages of Oculus software along with high performance without overheating make Gear VR 2017 the best mobile VR headset on the market.

    • Nice interior upholstery
    • Three adjustable fabric straps
    • Light weight
    • Convenient controller
    • Great interface
    • Economical battery consumption
    • High performance

    Disadvantages of Gear VR 2017

    • IPD is not regulated
    • There is no case for the controller
    • Looks cheaper Daydream View
    • High price

    New virtual reality glasses Samsung Gear VR 2017 - video review

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    Virtual reality is increasingly penetrating our lives and there is probably no person who has not heard about it. The ubiquity of high-performance smartphones has made mobile VR relatively cheap and accessible to the masses, because for immersive virtual world All you need is a powerful device and a suitable VR headset.

    It’s the latter, or rather a specific model called BoboVR Z4, that will be discussed in our review.

    Currently, there are many different offers on the mobile VR market, ranging from simplest Google Cardboard and ending with top models, such as Samsung Gear VR. BoboVR Z4 is located between them and represents the golden mean - both in terms of immersion quality and accessibility.

    There are two versions of this VR headset, BoboVR Z4 and BoboVR Z4 Mini, which differ from each other in the absence of built-in headphones. Of course, we will consider the older model.

    Also in “nature” there is a clone of the above model called OYO VR Y4, which differs only in the material of the face lining, as well as the length of the headphone wire. In all other respects, these VR glasses are absolutely identical to the Bobo VR Z4.


    The VR headset is shipped from China with a minimal set: the glasses themselves, a user manual and a cloth for cleaning the lenses. If you wish, you can (and should) optionally order a gamepad, which will slightly increase the total cost, which at the time of writing the review is about 1.5 thousand rubles.

    Please note that everything is packaged efficiently and there is no need to worry about the fate of the parcel from the Middle Kingdom (the headset is inside the box, placed in a foam “box”).

    Construction and design

    The appearance of the VR headset is impressive: the combination of black and white high-quality plastic, coupled with silver inserts on the headphones and an adjustment wheel of the same color, looks just perfect. Of course, this is not the futuristic-looking PS VR, but also not the VR Box with its very minimalistic design - so to speak, golden mean.

    And compared to previous models of the BoboVR series, the current headset looks more profitable and interesting. Apparently the company's designers worked on the mistakes and raised the bar for their product to a new level.

    "Old Man" Bobo VR Z3

    Structurally, BoboVR Z4 is made almost perfectly. To attach the headset to the head, T-shaped straps are used, which are connected at the back of the head with a piece of soft leatherette with a patch explaining what kind of product we have in front of us.

    The material of the straps themselves is durable and rubberized, which makes the process of using the headset even more convenient. The straps are adjusted using Velcro - it is not very convenient to do this during the dive - you have to remove the glasses from your head.

    The manufacturer did not forget to take care of the top of the head of his potential consumer by installing a white plastic disk here, with inside which awaits us with an insert made of foam rubber and leatherette.

    Thus, even with the tightest and tightest fastening of the virtual reality helmet, you will not feel discomfort in the crown area.

    Now let's move on to the front part: here we have a “connector” for the nose, as well as a foam covering hidden under a layer of artificial leather. It ensures the closest and most comfortable fit of VR glasses to the face, which is very important for immersion in virtual reality - the “diving helmet” effect is reduced.

    The design of the nose hole raises some questions: during active play, if you often breathe through your nose, the lenses begin to fog up, because part of the exhaled air goes up. This is very inconvenient, given the fact that to clean the lenses you need to remove the headset from your head.

    The foam pad is attached to the plastic base using latches. This allows you to remove it and wipe it if necessary.

    And one more design advantage that is worth mentioning separately is the presence of a built-in button, with which we simulate pressing a finger on the screen.

    Those who have had a VR Box and similar VR glasses will appreciate this feature to the fullest: now you can play many new games that require tapping on the screen and do not support a gamepad.

    The headset weighs a little - 410 g, although some users, judging by the reviews on the forums, complain that the VR glasses are too heavy. They didn't seem like that to us.

    Smartphone installation

    The process of installing a smartphone in BoboVR Z4 is very simple: using the button on the top of the headset, we flip the translucent cover, equipped with a maximum opening lock of around 45 degrees, and install the mobile device.

    Even if during the dive the lid opens spontaneously (during the entire period of operation this has never happened) or someone jokingly presses the open button, the smartphone will remain safe and sound.

    On the inside there is a special adjustable stand for a smartphone - this is a very convenient “feature” that allows you to adjust the glasses to the size of each specific device.

    To prevent the smartphone from slipping, there are these plastic rivets, and the inner coating itself is made of a material similar to rubber. This ensures that there are no scratches on the smartphone display if, for example, you jerk your head sharply.


    The headphones are the main highlight of the BoboVR Z4, which is missing from many competitors, such as the VR Box or VR Fit. Moreover, if you don’t need them, then you can buy BoboVR Z4 Mini, which cost 400-500 rubles cheaper.

    The headphones are connected to the smartphone using a short cable that is suitable for any device with a standard 3.5mm audio jack. The wire is short, but it can stretch, so if they write somewhere that problems arise due to insufficient cable length, do not believe it!

    The headphones are attached to the body of the VR headset using a flexible design, so they can be bent in a fairly wide range without fear of breaking off (you shouldn’t try too hard either, if you don’t want to be left without sound).

    On the inside there is a soft leather “sponge” pleasant to the touch - an ear pad, thanks to which even a long stay in the VR headset does not cause discomfort.

    And of course, we need to express our deep gratitude to the one who came up with the idea of ​​equipping the BoboVR Z4 with a volume control button, which is located at the bottom of the headset - it has helped us out more than once when gunfire starts in a game or movie and we need to turn down the volume without removing the smartphone from the VR glasses.

    If you want, you can find fault with the sound quality - this is not the Sony MDR-1000X, but on the other hand, let’s remember the ridiculous cost of a VR headset - for that kind of money it’s arrogance to ask for more. For gaming and watching movies, the sound is quite normal.

    The only one serious drawback– weak headphone clamp. Moreover, in our sample, one “ear” was holding up normally, but the second one was constantly trying to “move out” and return to its original position. However, this does not cause much discomfort - the sound is audible in any case.


    The BoboVR Z4 has an excellent 40mm lenticular lens. The image quality when viewed through them is at a high level, when compared, for example, with the same VR Box - the immersion effect in them is achieved much better.

    The field of view or FOV, according to the manufacturer, is 1200, but in fact it will be good if it reaches at least 110 degrees.

    Let us add that the headset contains two additional adjustments: the first allows you to change the distance between the lenses and the smartphone, the second allows you to adjust the position of the lenses themselves relative to each other.

    “The lenses are adjusted synchronously, which is very inconvenient for people with vision problems. In the same VR Box, lens adjustment is implemented separately"

    The design of the BoboVR Z4 does not have enough additional space at the point of contact between the faces, for this reason it will not be possible to use glasses for vision correction and a VR headset at the same time.

    Another small disadvantage is that wiping the lenses from the inside is very inconvenient, and dust still gets there over time.


    If BoboVR Z4 does not suit you for some reason, then you can purchase the VR Shinecon 6.0 headset, which is structurally similar to the model we are describing and has an equally stylish design. And the cost of both glasses is almost the same.


    After using VR Boxes for a long time, which were not particularly distinguished by the quality of VR immersion, BoboVR Z4 became a real discovery for us, opening the doors to the world of realistic virtual reality.

    Picture quality, comfortable mount, buttons and all the necessary adjustments, coupled with built-in headphones, allow you to fully experience all the delights virtual games, video 3600 and other entertainment. If you do not want to overpay and want to experience new sensations, then choosing this model is a reasonable and correct decision.


    • Stylish design
    • Built-in adjustable headphones (optional to purchase the lower version without them)
    • Volume button
    • Quality lenses
    • Additional control button
    • Reasonable price
    • Comfortable design and quality materials


    • Synchronous lens adjustment
    • Cannot be used with vision correction glasses
    • Weak fixation of headphones

    Usually, when it comes to VR devices, many people immediately think of the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. In fact, there are other types of systems that can be called entry-level video glasses. They also demonstrate virtual reality, but the display is not its own, the phone screen is used. In most cases, all relatively modern model models are supported. iPhone row, starting with iPhone 5S and ending with iPhone 7, plus phones running Android OS.

    In general, if you don’t have a VR headset yet, but you do have a smartphone and you want to see and try what virtual reality is, check out our selection (and also about how VR is changing the XXX industry). Perhaps the selection of video glasses that we are publishing today will help you take the decisive step, the last one before completely immersing yourself in virtual and augmented reality.

    Fibrum Pro

    These virtual reality glasses, like all the others in the collection, use a smartphone instead of a display. The device fits on your head without any problems and does not cause any inconvenience. What we like about them is the special fastening system that provides ventilation for the smartphone. As a result, there is no overheating of the helmet and no fogging of the lenses. For the device there is own application (Google Play, Appstore or Windows Phone Store).

    The glasses are compatible with a large number of smartphone models with display sizes from 4 to 6 inches. Any mobile OS is supported: IOS, Android, Windows Phone. Head-track technology allows you to get convenient navigation in any of the virtual reality applications.

    Along with the glasses, the user gets the opportunity to ride a roller coaster, wander through underground labyrinths, or watch a 3D movie.

    Characteristics of Fibrum Pro

    • Materials: ABS plastic, glass;
    • Lenses: 30 mm, auto-focus;
    • Viewing angle: 110°;
    • Color: black-blue;
    • Size: 100 x 145 x 80 mm;
    • Weight: 120 g;
    • Compatibility: supports any smartphone based on iOS, Android, Windows Phone with a screen size from 4.5 to 5.5 inches (recommended parameters) and from 4 to 6 inches (possible parameters).
    These glasses are sold in.

    Google Cardboard from Minkanak

    The most basic and universal model of cardboard sets. Its developer is the company MINKANAK, which is already offering the second version of such a system. It is suitable for most phones with a display size of no more than 6 inches. All functions work on both iOS and Android devices.

    The lenses here are quite large, measuring 37mm. According to the developer, this provides more complete immersion in the virtual environment (of course, to the extent that this is possible when working with a smartphone).

    Users who have tried the system say that it is quite convenient. The set includes several additional accessories, including an NFC tag. This headset is sold in several places, including Amazon.

    Xiaomi Mi VR Play

    The Xiaomi company is both a Swede, a reaper, and a trumpet player. They release large number a variety of gadgets, from fitness bracelets to copters. The Chinese also decided to produce and sell video headsets, which, I must say, turned out to be quite convenient.

    They are universal and suitable for almost any phone with a diagonal from 4.7 to 5.7 inches.

    The cost is traditionally low for gadgets from Xiaomi. You can buy, for example, at.

    Carl Zeiss VR One GX

    Most video glasses that use smartphones consist of a body and a pair of lenses. Carl Zeiss decided to go further (much further) than usual by integrating high-quality optics that give the feeling of almost complete immersion in virtual reality. This, of course, is not the Oculus Rift and similar devices, but close to it.

    In addition, the manufacturer has built in a magnetic touch panel that allows you to control the application without removing the smartphone from the plastic tab. It’s worth remembering here that if you have an iPhone 6 Plus, then you don’t need this model, but a larger system - VR One Plus.

    As for the price, it is higher here when compared with all other devices of this type. On Amazon, the Carl Zeiss VR One GX retails for €120.

    VR Box 2.0

    These virtual reality glasses are the golden mean in terms of price/quality ratio. Excellent quality assemblies and a high degree of compatibility with most smartphones - this is what VR Box 2.0 represents. The viewing angle here is 95-100 degrees. The lenses are aspherical, they can be adjusted in width, and also adjust the sharpness to suit the eyes of any user.

    The smartphone is inserted into a special tray, where it is securely fixed. The glasses also have a hole for the camera - it is worth using it in games and applications that work with augmented reality. On the sides of the device there are connectors for connecting headphones, charging cables and other devices.


    • Signal source: smartphone
    • Built-in headphones: no
    • Compatibility: iOS or Android device with dimensions no larger than 16 x 8.2 x 1 cm
    By the way, the kit also includes a joystick that controls the functions of the glasses without physical contact with them. It's convenient.

    VR Box 2.0 is sold in many places, in Russia -.

    View-Master DLX VR

    This headset is optimized for iPhone, although it works with Android. There is support for headphones, plus, according to the manufacturer, there are excellent lenses. The quality of the View-Master DLX VR can be evidenced by the fact that this is the first VR headset to be sold in Apple stores.

    This is the first generation of video headsets from Mattel, but as far as one can understand, the glasses turned out to be excellent. Everything is adjusted here - the location of the lenses and the configuration of the belt. The mask is attached securely and does not cause discomfort.


    Another universal VR headset that allows you to watch videos, play games or work with specialized applications. The body here is plastic, the diameter of the lenses is 30 mm. Everything is adjustable - there are no problems even if the user has vision problems.

    The device is compatible with the widest mobile range of iPhone, Android OS or WP devices. Devices with OS Android 4.1 and higher or iPhone 4 and higher are supported.

    You can buy YesVR virtual reality glasses in many places.

    FreeFly VR

    The FreeFly VR video headset looks, frankly, unusual. There are a lot of features here, including a wireless Bluetooth controller, compatibility with Android and iOS devices and a viewing angle of 120 degrees. The device works with smartphones from 4.7 to 6.1 inches. The lenses in the headset are biconvex, diameter - 41 mm, dioptric power +27. The weight of the device is only 295 grams.

    The joystick is well designed. There are several function buttons here that can be used when working with both regular applications, and in games. You can customize the buttons as you wish.

    The headset is fully compatible with any Google Cardboard content. It’s interesting that this headset was developed by Europeans, not the Chinese.

    The device costs 39 euros and can be purchased on Amazon.

    Homido V1

    Another, latest version of virtual reality glasses for today, which are compatible with all smartphones with a display diagonal from 4 to 5.7 inches. As in previous options, here you can watch movies in 3D format, play games, or even broadcast your gameplay to the network by connecting a gamepad.

    This model has the ability fine tuning individual gadget parameters. So the glasses can also be used by children by setting short distance between lenses and for people with vision problems, for example, those with astigmatism.

    The glasses have their own Homido Center app, available as Google users Play and App Store.

    Where to buy? In Russia, such glasses can be purchased from. Why go far :)

    Overall, virtual reality headsets, including those that work with smartphones, continue to improve. Manufacturers have long taken into account the problems of gadgets that turned out to be not very successful, and are trying to release systems on the market without obvious shortcomings and with additional functions like improved optics or a wireless controller. After getting acquainted with the listed devices, you can try complete immersion in the world of virtual reality using, or Oculus Rift ().