• Windows 7 virtual memory for games. How to speed up Windows by properly configuring the page file


    RAM. Synonyms: RAM (Random Access Memory) – memory (storage device) with random access; random access memory, RAM. When you turn off your computer, the data stored in RAM is lost. As a rule, the larger the volume installed in the computer RAM, the faster the programs run.

    Swap file (swap-file, paging-file) – file on hard drive ( pagefile.sys; has attributes Hidden, System), used Windows for storing parts of programs and data files that do not fit in RAM. As needed Windows moves data from the paging file to RAM (for use by programs) and back (to free up space for new data).

    Synonyms: swap file; swap file; virtual memory file.

    Virtual memory – a combination of RAM and paging file.

    Swapping– swapping into RAM the missing page of virtual memory requested by the program.

    If you see error messages caused by insufficient virtual memory, you will need to either increase the amount of RAM or increase the size of the page file.

    Windows, as a rule, automatically controls the size of the paging file, but if the default size is insufficient to meet the needs of the user and the system (or, conversely, excessive, which happens more often!), then it can be changed manually.

    How to change the page file size

    Click Start -> Control Panel -> System, in window Control Panel –> All Control Panel Items –> System select menu Additional options systems, window System propertiesopen the tabAdditionally;

    In the section Performance click the button Parameters in the window Performance Optionsopen the tabAdditionally;

    In the section Virtual memory click the button Change, in the window Virtual memory uncheck the box Automatically select paging file size;

    Select the drive on which the paging file will be located,set the switch Specify size, in the appropriate fields, specify the initial and maximum size of the paging file in megabytes (for example, if the amount of RAM is 3GBset swap file size to 1024MB, – both initial and maximum);

    Click the button Set –> OK, a window will appear System properties with a message “You must restart your computer for the changes to take effect.”, press OK –> OK –> OK, a window will appear Microsoft Windows with message ;

    Save and close all open files,close all programs you are running, click the button Reboot now.

    How to optimize the page file
    Windows actively uses the page file, significantly unloading the PC's RAM. By default (oh the proverbial Windows default!) Microsoft has made the paging file dynamic, that is, the file size changes automatically, depending on the current needs of the operating system, although best performance system is achieved with a static file (it is not necessary to change the size of the paging file every time, its fragmentation disappears).

    If you have 2 (or more) installed hard drives, it is recommended to move the page file from the drive where you have Windows installed to another hard drive.
    If you have one hard drive, create a additional section volume 2 – 3GB. Convert it to FAT32. Defragment this partition. Specify the location of the swap file on this partition. Use the entire volume of this partition only for the swap file.

    1. Reading data from RAM is much faster than from a hard drive, so to increase PC performance, it is preferable to increase the amount of RAM than to increase the size of the paging file.
    2. Windows 7 sets the current size of the paging file equal to the amount of installed RAM: if the amount of RAM on your PC is 3GB, then the system will automatically set the current size of the paging file to 3GB.
    3. As a rule, after increasing the size of the paging file, a reboot is not required, but if it is reduced, the PC must be rebooted for the changes to take effect.
    4. Microsoft does not recommend disabling or deleting the page file.
    If on Windows XP, with a sufficient amount of RAM, it was possible to painlessly disable the paging file (this is a reversible process - at any time you can re-enable the use of the paging file if you think that the system has become worse), then on Vista and Windows 7 this is not recommended do, because when you launch resource-intensive applications, the OS will pester you with messages about “insufficient virtual memory.” In such cases (with RAM 3GB or more), instead of complete shutdown, you can reduce the size of the paging file to 500 - 800MB.

    Swap file (swap-file, paging-file) – file on hard drive ( pagefile.sys; has attributes Hidden, System), used Windows for storing parts of programs and data files that do not fit in RAM. As needed Windows moves data from the paging file to RAM (for use by programs) and back (to free up space for new data).
    Synonyms: swap file; swap file; virtual memory file.
    Virtual memory– a combination of RAM and paging file.
    Swapping– swapping into RAM the missing page of virtual memory requested by the program.
    If you see error messages caused by insufficient virtual memory, you will need to either increase the amount of RAM or increase the size of the page file.
    Windows, as a rule, automatically controls the size of the paging file, but if the default size is insufficient to meet the needs of the user and the system (or, conversely, excessive, which happens more often!), then it can be changed manually.

    How to change the page file size

    Let's go here: " My computer " - "Right mouse button " - "Properties " - "Additionally " - "Performance: Options " - "Additionally " - "Virtual memory: Change ". Uncheck Automatically select paging file size
    Select " Specify size" and set the required values ​​in the fields " Original size " And " Maximum size ", press " Set ".
    But first, I recommend reading the article to the end, because... increasing the paging file in some cases can even reduce Windows performance 7.
    The thing is, it's not always big file swapping is good. On the contrary, if the page file size is too large, Windows will run slower. When the paging file is large, the system more often accesses not the RAM, but the paging file located on the hard drive. And, as you know, the reading speed from disk is much lower than from RAM, therefore a large paging file slows down the computer and additionally loads the hard drive (which also reduces performance).
    The optimal size of the paging file depends on the amount of RAM, I stick to the following table: For Windows 7:

    512 MB RAM – 2560 MB
    1 GB RAM – 1536 MB
    2 GB RAM – 1312 MB
    4 GB RAM – 768 MB
    >6 GB RAM – no file

    That is, the more RAM, the smaller the size of the paging file should be, so do not rush to increase it, it is better to use the table and select the optimal values.

    How to disable the page file

    Let's go here: " My computer " - "Right mouse button " - "Properties " - "Additionally " - "Performance: Options " - "Additionally " - "Virtual memory: Change ".

    Select the disks one by one and press " No swap file " - "Set ". After the paging file is disabled on all disks, click " OK ". That's it, the paging file is disabled, the changes will take effect after restarting the computer.

    How to move the page file to another drive

    Let's consider the algorithm of actions if it is necessary to transfer the paging file from one disk to another.

    1) Let's go here: " My computer " - "Right mouse button " - "Properties " - "Additionally " - "Performance: Options " - "Additionally " - "Virtual memory: Change ".
    3) Select the disk on which at the moment the file is located and press " No swap file ".
    4) Next, you need to click on the button " Set " and confirm the action in the window that opens.
    5) Select the disk to which we want to transfer the paging file.
    6) Select one of the operating modes:
    "System selectable size " (automatic paging file size)
    "Special size " (size specified by user)
    7) To save changes, click " Set ", close all windows using the button " OK " and reboot the computer.

    Page file optimization

    Listed below are some recommendations for configuring the page file to improve Windows performance.

    If the computer uses only one hard drive, it is better to place the paging file on the first partition.
    If you are using two or more drives, it is better to move the file to the fastest drive or place it on several physical devices.
    It is not recommended to create a file on multiple logical partitions one drive, this will only significantly reduce system performance.
    If you have several drives, it is not recommended to use older models for the swap file hard drives– this will also reduce the speed of the computer.

    Proper optimization of a computer allows it to quickly cope with assigned tasks, even with not the most powerful hardware. One of the most important moments Optimization for a small amount of RAM is to configure the paging file. Most users leave it up to Windows to choose the size of the page file to keep their computer running perfectly. This approach is fundamentally wrong, and self-configuration paging file will increase system performance.

    What is the Windows paging file and why is it needed?

    Every computer has RAM installed, the purpose of which is to temporarily store data in quick access for the processor. A hard drive can also act as storage for quick access to data, but its speed is significantly lower than that of RAM. The paging file is an area of ​​the hard drive allocated for temporary storage of information. When free RAM runs out, the computer will write information to the paging file, and then can read it from there.

    If we consider the operation of the paging file as an example, we can note the following scenario. When running several applications that actively consume RAM, some of them will be inactive (minimized). In such a situation, there is no point in storing them in RAM, thereby loading free space, And operating system Windows will move inactive programs to the page file. Active programs will be in RAM in order to be processed faster. When the user accesses a previously inactive program, its data will be moved from the page file to RAM, and some information from RAM will be sent to the page file.

    When your computer does not have enough RAM to store data and the page file is not enabled or configured incorrectly, applications may crash or " blue screens death" when trying to run a productive program.

    How to choose the right page file size

    As noted above, the paging file is free space on the hard drive that is used to store data for quick access. Large capacity hard drives are inexpensive, and it may seem that if you install large size swap file on fast HDD or SSD storage, then you can minimize the amount of RAM installed in your computer, but this is not the case.

    As practice shows, the Windows operating system, with a large paging file and a small, constantly occupied RAM, will more often access hard drive. This will lead to the following consequences:

    Accordingly, on each computer assembly you must select correct size swap file. By default, Windows is set to allow the operating system to independently choose how much memory to allocate to the paging file. This optimization method is not ideal, and better for the user configure the amount of allocated memory yourself.

    On right choice The size of the paging file is influenced by many factors: the number of applications simultaneously used on the computer, the resource intensity of the tasks being performed, the number of programs running in the background, and much more. But first of all, you should focus on the amount of RAM installed in the computer, based on the following postulate: the less RAM in the computer, the larger the paging file should be.

    If we take the average figures for the paging file size for computers, we can name the following values:

    • 1 GB of RAM: paging file – 2048-2048 MB;
    • 2 GB of RAM: paging file – 1512-1512 MB;
    • 4 GB of RAM: paging file – 1024-1024 MB;
    • 8 GB of RAM or more: no swap file needed.

    Excluding when large quantities RAM swap file, you increase the speed of your computer. This is due to the fact that the operating system does not have to access the disk, and all temporary data will be stored in RAM.

    As you can see above, the size of the paging file is indicated in two numbers, for example, 1024-1024 MB. This is due to the fact that in Windows settings You can set the initial and maximum size of the paging file. On older computers where hard drives did not exceed tens of gigabytes in size, it made sense to set the initial size of the paging file lower than the maximum. Now that disk space is not so expensive, it is better to choose identical values ​​for both columns. This is due to the following factors:

    • This reduces fragmentation hard section disk allocated for the paging file;
    • The Windows operating system does not have to constantly recalculate the size of the paging file. Due to this, the number of disk accesses from the system is reduced, which improves the overall performance of the computer.

    Important: Some applications in the Windows operating system require installed file swaps. If the computer is running without a page file, programs may simply not start. In such situations, the system will notify you of this, and you will need to make appropriate changes to your computer settings.

    How to increase or decrease the page file

    The paging file settings can be made on any version of the operating system. Windows systems. To do this, you need to go to the virtual memory settings menu:

    Important: If you have multiple hard drives installed on your computer, it is recommended that you create the paging file on something other than system media. Exception from of this rule can only be if the system drive is a solid state drive (SSD) with high speed work compared to others hard drives computer.

    To changes made the paging file size has taken effect, you will need to restart your computer.

    The swap file or swap file (from the original swap-file) is a hidden file virtual memory.

    It is used by the system in case lack of physical RAM(aka RAM).

    For example, a running application does not have enough memory installed in RAM. Then the swap file is used.

    The application can write its data to it and also read it if necessary.

    Located virtual storage on the computer's hard drive.

    If there is insufficient physical RAM, swap is forced to be used constantly.

    In this case, the process of exchanging data with hard drive It takes a lot of time and there is a significant loss of productivity.

    If you don't have enough RAM and the system constantly uses the page file as additional storage, buy additional RAM.

    If there is not another place (slot) to install it, purchase one bar, but with an increased volume.

    The device will work more efficiently.

    Optimal paging file size

    There are different sizes and the ratio of physical and virtual memory.

    For acceptable performance The minimum size of the paging file must be equal to the size of the RAM.

    The maximum allowable value is twice as much.

    For example, your computer has 2 GB physical memory, which means the RAM should be 2GB or 4GB, respectively.

    It's best to ask same values and make it static.

    In this case, the system file is less subject to fragmentation.

    Why was this done? It's simple.

    This reduces the overall load on the system, which means increased performance.

    Is it possible to improve performance if the swap remains dynamic? Certainly.

    To do this, you simply need to run file cleanup after the operating system shuts down. Below we will tell you how to do this.

    Clearing the swap file

    To clear the paging file you need to command line register the command secpol.msc.

    To do this we open Start→ in the command line enter secpol.msc→ press Enter.

    After all the manipulations, it should open before us local politics security.

    Click on it with the left mouse button. Will open additional items as in the screenshot:

    From the menu that appears, select "Security Settings" and press the same left button.

    If everything is done correctly, a list of tasks will appear in front of you.

    Looking for a string "Shutdown: Clearing the virtual memory page file".

    By using double click open it.

    Changing the status "Disabled" on "On" and click Apply.

    From this moment on, the changes you have made will take effect.

    After these actions, the swap will be cleared of excess garbage every time you turn off your computer.

    It only took five minutes of time, and my productivity has already improved.

    Selecting a file location

    On some operating systems, you can store the paging file on multiple disks at the same time.

    This has a detrimental effect on the performance level of the entire computer.

    It is believed that it is best to place one swap in any segment hard drive, except for the system one.

    To do this, we need to change the location of the swap file.

    To perform this action, we need to first delete the existing swap file, and then re-create it, but in a new location.

    We follow the path: StartMy computer→ right-click to open Properties→ a new window will appear, in it click on the tab Additional system parameters .

    In the new window we look for the tab "Additionally", then click on it.

    An area opens before us called "Performance", click on the Settings button (the red arrow points to it).

    Go to the section "Virtual Memory" and click on the Change button.

    Next, a tab will appear that will allow us to change the location and size of the paging file and place them in any available partition of the hard drives.

    Here you can enable or disable the swap file if necessary.

    By default, the operating system places hidden virtual memory on the system disk.

    This is indicated by the selected item "Size according to system selection".

    We want to correct the situation and move it to a place convenient for us.

    To change the location of the paging file, select it using the left mouse button.

    Then activate the field "No swap file" , and then click the Set button.

    After this, the parameters you entered will take effect.

    However, this is not the end.

    We just removed the swap from its original location.

    Now let's restore it to a new one.

    After these steps, you may receive a message warning you that hidden virtual memory has been disabled.

    Another system error is too little memory. Don't worry.

    Eliminate this system error by simply clicking on the Yes button.

    Now we can move on to creating a file in a new location.

    To do this, select the disk partition that interests us (except the system one).

    Click on it with the left mouse button.

    Opposite the point "Specify size" check the box to activate the input field.

    We have two active fields with minimum (initial) and maximum sizes, respectively.

    In the top field we indicate the minimum acceptable value.

    The bottom line is either equal to it or twice as high.

    In the above example, the ratio of virtual and physical memory is 1:2, i.e. the modified file will be dynamic.

    To create a static swap, we must set equal values ​​- 1:1.

    The size of the paging file can be adjusted without changing its location.

    To do this, we will need to perform the same steps, but without replacing the hard drive partition.

    For example, if it was on drive C (opposite it there will be an inscription “by system choice”), then we do not change anything, but only indicate the values ​​we need.

    Enter the volumes and click the Set button. Then confirm the changes by clicking on OK.

    If we change the dimensions downward, the changes take effect immediately.

    Otherwise, the system will ask for permission to reboot.

    Clicks the OK button.

    How to properly configure the paging file?

    Video instructions

    Enabling or disabling the swap file

    The shutdown function is also available to any user.

    This is a justified action if you do not want to lose performance and the physical RAM is enough for you.

    Swap takes a lot of time, and for some users it is much easier to insert additional sticks of RAM.

    To Additional slots that expand RAM are guaranteed to speed up work Windows and increase productivity significantly.

    At the moment, you can find the necessary components at fairly low prices, which will not hurt your wallet at all.

    This is especially true for relatively weak computers.

    The paging file is disabled as follows:

    In the virtual memory section (how to access it is indicated above), put a tick next to the inscription "No swap file" .

    You can enable the hidden virtual memory we need in the same section.

    To do this, uncheck the box "No swap file" and put it opposite "Size according to system selection" .

    If you wish, you can set your own values ​​by activating the field "Specify size" .

    Exactly what values ​​will be optimal for you are described above.

    Windows - Page File

    Video instructions

    Optimizing the paging file on one hard drive

    Microsoft has made the swap file dynamic by default, but we have found that the best performance is achieved with a static file.

    If you have two or more hard drives, then move the swap file to any one other than the system one.

    But what if there is only one hard drive? This method is suitable for such cases.

    First you need to “break” hard drive, creating an additional partition of 2-3GB in size.

    For this you can use special programs like PartitionMagic (PowerQuest Corporation), which allow you to partition a disk without losing data.

    You can, of course, use the built-in Windows program to divide a disk into segments - Fdisk, but it has many disadvantages.

    Including a rather complex interface, so it will not be easy for beginners.

    Our advice is to use the fast and relatively convenient PartitionMagic (PowerQuest Corporation).

    We simply follow the specified algorithm. Download and install the program.

    Let's open it.

    On the right top corner left click and select required disk(V in this case, there is only one of him).

    For English version

    IN top line choose "Tasks"(at the very top under the name) –> Create New Partition…–> click on the dialog box "Create New Partition"–> click Next –> select After C: (Recommended)–>Next again –> Partition Properties–> in parameter "Size" write down the size the disk being created in MB (as written above: 2-3GB, which is equal to 2048MB and 3072MB, respectively) –> tab “ Create as" –> Logical (Recommended)–> click on « File system type"(you need to select exactly FAT32) –> click on tab "Drive Letter"–> select a letter to designate the drive (any capital letter except C. For example E, D, K and others) –> then click Next –> then Finish –> and finally Apply.

    For Russian version

    Select from the top menu "Tasks" –> "Create new section…» –> dialog box Create a new partition –> Next button –> select After C: (Recommended) –> Next –> "Section Properties"–> in parameter "Chapter" enter the size of the created disk in MB (as written above: 2-3GB, which is equal to 2048MB and 3072MB, respectively) –> in the window "Create As" –> Logical (Recommended)–> when selecting a type file system Be sure to specify FAT32 -> select a letter to designate the drive (any capital letter except C. For example, E, D, K and others) -> Next -> click on Finish -> and then Apply.

    Partitioning a hard drive using Partition Magic

    Video instructions

    When creating a new section, it is important to pay attention to a number of important parameters:

    • size of the created size (from 2 to 3GB),
    • type of file system (we need FAT32),
    • the purpose of the disk we created.

    It can be main, logical, or have boot status.

    Our new disk partition will have the following parameters: volume 2GB (3GB), file system type must be converted to FAT32, destination - logical.

    If everything is correct, then proceed to the next steps.

    Next up is defragmentation of our new partition.

    With its help, we combine files that are fragmented on the hard drive. It is needed to unload the hard drive.

    File fragmentation forces it to perform many additional actions, which significantly slows down its operation.

    Disk defragmentation

    A new window will open in which we select the Defragmentation button and click on it.

    All that remains is to wait for the defragmentation to finish. Now everything is ready for the next stage.

    After creating a new disk and fragmenting it, select it as the location for storing the paging file.

    Use all its space for swap needs.

    Exactly how to do this is described above.

    In the list of disks, the partition you just created will appear on which you can place the hidden virtual memory.

    Once completed, your computer will be fully optimized.

    We have described in detail for you the process of optimizing a PC using swap file manipulations. We hope you found the information you need!

    The paging file is a pagefile.sys file on your hard drive that Windows uses when there is insufficient RAM. By default, the operating system automatically adjusts its size, and edit this parameter not required. However, in some cases, customizing (increasing, decreasing, or disabling) the page file yourself can improve system performance.

    Before resizing or disabling the paging file, I recommend reading the article to the end, because... changing it, in some cases, may reduce Windows XP/7 performance.

    The fact is that in this case, large size is not good. On the contrary, if the file size is too large, Windows will run slower. When the file size is large, the system often accesses not RAM, but pagefile.sys, which is located on the hard drive. And, as you know, the reading speed from disk is much lower than from RAM, therefore a large paging file slows down the computer and additionally loads the hard drive (which also reduces performance).

    The optimal size of the paging file depends on the amount of RAM, I stick to the following table:

    For Windows XP:

    • 512 MB RAM – 2048 MB
    • 1 GB RAM – 1312 MB
    • 2 GB RAM – 1024 MB
    • 4 GB RAM – 512 MB

    For Windows 7:

    • 512 MB RAM – 2560 MB
    • 1 GB RAM – 1536 MB
    • 2 GB RAM – 1312 MB
    • 4 GB RAM – 768 MB
    • > 6 GB RAM – no page file

    That is, the more RAM, the smaller the size of the paging file should be, so do not rush to increase it, it is better to use the table and select its optimal value.

    How to increase the page file

    Right-click on “My Computer” and go to “Properties” - “Advanced” - “Performance”. Next, go to “Options” - “Advanced” - “Virtual memory” - “Change”.

    Select “Special size” and set the required values ​​in the “Original size” and “Maximum size” fields, click “Set”.

    How to disable the page file

    Using the right mouse button, go to “My Computer” in “Properties” - “Advanced” - “Performance”. Next, go to “Options” - “Advanced” - “Virtual memory” and click “Change”.

    Select the disks one by one and click “Without a paging file” - “Set”. After the paging file is disabled on all disks, click OK. The changes will take effect after you restart your computer.

    How to move the page file to another drive

    Here the algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. Right-click on “My Computer” - “Properties” - “Advanced” - “Performance” - “Options” - “Advanced” - “Virtual Memory” - “Change”;
    2. Select the drive on which the file is currently located and click “No paging file”;
    3. Next, you need to click on the “Set” button and confirm the action in the window that opens;
    4. Select the disk to which we want to transfer the paging file;
    5. We select one of the operating modes: system-selected size (automatic paging file size) or special size (size specified by the user);
    6. To save the changes, click “Set”, close all windows using the OK button and restart the computer.

    Page file optimization

    • If the computer uses only one hard drive, then it is better to place the paging file on the first partition;
    • If you are using two or more drives, it is better to transfer the file to the fastest drive;
    • It is not recommended to create a file on several logical partitions of one drive. This will significantly reduce system performance;
    • If you have several drives, it is not recommended to use older models of hard drives for the paging file - this will also reduce the speed of the computer.