• Fast USB 3.0 flash drive. Tips for choosing the right flash drive

    A USB drive or simply a flash drive is an integral attribute of our everyday life today. When buying it, each of us wants it to last longer. But most often the buyer pays attention to its price and appearance, and is rarely interested in its technical characteristics.

    To select the right drive, you need to proceed from the following criteria:

    • manufacturer;
    • purpose of use;
    • capacity;
    • read/write speed;
    • connector protection;
    • appearance;
    • peculiarities.

    Let's look at the features of each of them separately.

    Criterion 1: Manufacturing company

    Each buyer has his own point of view about which company is the leader among manufacturers of removable drives. But in any case, you shouldn’t rely only on the brand. Of course, most popular companies that produce storage media can boast of high-quality products. Time-tested manufacturers certainly deserve great trust. By purchasing a flash drive from such a company, the likelihood that it will last longer increases.

    Among the variety of products in this category, the most popular and reliable are manufacturers such as Kingston, Adata, Transcend. Their advantage is that they offer a wide model range with different pricing policies.

    Conversely, buyers are often skeptical about Chinese flash drives. After all, due to their cheap components and poor-quality soldering, they quickly fail. Here brief information for some popular companies:

    These companies are currently considered the most popular according to users. To understand this, forums were searched and social media. In any case, purchasing USB drives from well-known brands, You will be calm about the quality of the product and the correctness of the declared characteristics.

    Do not buy flash drives from dubious companies!

    Criterion 2: Storage capacity

    As you know, the memory capacity of a Flash drive is measured in gigabytes. Most often, the capacity of a flash drive is indicated on its case or packaging. Often, when purchasing, people are guided by the principle “more is better.” And, if funds allow, they purchase a drive with a larger capacity. But, if this is not necessary, then this issue needs to be approached more constructively. The following recommendations will help with this:

    1. Volume removable media Information less than 4 GB is suitable for storing regular text files.
    2. Devices with capacities from 4 to 16 GB are the most best option. For storing movies or distributions operating systems It is better to purchase a drive of 8 GB or more.
    3. Drives over 16 GB are already sold at a higher price. So a 128 GB flash drive is comparable in price range to an external one hard drive volume 1 TB. And USB devices with a capacity of over 32 GB do not support FAT32, so purchasing such a flash drive is not always advisable.

    You should also remember that the actual capacity of a USB drive is always slightly less than stated. This is explained by the fact that several kilobytes are occupied by service information. In order to find out actual size flash drive, do this:

    • go out the window "This computer";
    • right-click on the line with the flash drive;
    • select a menu item "Properties".

    In addition, the new USB drive may contain support software.

    Criterion 3: Speed ​​of work

    The data exchange speed is characterized by three parameters:

    • connection interface;
    • reading speed;
    • recording speed.

    The unit of measurement for the speed of a flash drive is megabytes per second - how many were written in a specified unit of time. The read speed of a removable drive is always higher than the write speed. Therefore, if the purchased drive will be used for small files, you can purchase budget model. Its read speed reaches 15 MB/s, and write speed up to 8 MB/s. Flash devices with read speeds from 20 to 25 MB/s and write speeds from 10 to 15 MB/s are considered more universal. Such devices are suitable for most tasks. Flash drives with high speed characteristics are more attractive for work, but they are also more expensive.

    Unfortunately, information about the operating speed of the purchased device is not always present on the packaging. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate the device’s performance in advance. Although some companies indicate a special rating of 200x on the packaging for high-speed flash drives. This means that such a device can operate at a speed of 30 MB/s. Also, the presence on the packaging of an inscription such as "Hi-Speed" indicates that the flash drive is high-speed.

    A data transfer interface is a technology for interacting a USB drive with a computer. A computer drive may have the following interface:

    1. USB 2.0. The speed of such a device can reach 60 Mb/s. In reality, this speed is significantly lower. The advantage of such an interface is its low load on computer equipment.
    2. USB 3.0. It's relative new type, which was designed specifically to speed up data exchange. A modern flash drive with such an interface can have a speed of 640 MB/s. When purchasing a model with such an interface, you need to understand that for it full-fledged work You need a computer that supports USB 3.0.

    Find out the data transfer speed a certain model can be found on the manufacturer's official website. If the model is fast, then its speed will be indicated exactly, and if it is "Standard", then this regular model at standard speed. Flash drive performance depends on installed model controller and memory type. IN simple samples use MLC, TLC or TLC-DDR memory. For high-speed types, DDR-MLC or SLC memory is used.

    The high-speed storage medium undoubtedly supports interface 3.0. and the read operation occurs at speeds of up to 260 MB/s. Having such a drive, you can download a full-length movie to it in a few seconds.

    Manufacturers are constantly improving their products. And after a certain period of time, the same flash drive model contains different components. Therefore, if you are going to purchase an expensive USB device, then you need to correctly find information about it, focusing on the date of purchase.

    It is useful to get acquainted with the results of testing flash drives different manufacturers on the website. Here you can also see the latest test results.

    Let's say you bought a USB drive with a large amount of memory for recording movies. But if the speed of this media is low, then it will work slowly. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to take this criterion responsibly.

    Criterion 4: Housing (appearance)

    When choosing a flash drive, you should pay attention to its body, more specifically, to the following characteristics:

    • size;
    • form;
    • material.

    Flash drives are different sizes. It is probably better to have a medium-sized flash drive, because a small thing is easy to lose, and a large one is not always convenient to insert into a computer connector. If the drive is of the wrong shape, then problems will arise when connecting to a device in an adjacent slot - they may simply interfere with each other.

    The body of a flash drive can be made of various materials: metal, wood, rubber or plastic. It is better to take a model with a waterproof case. The higher the quality of the material used, the higher the price.

    The design of the case is striking in its diversity: from the classic version to original souvenir forms. As practice shows, flash drives with a simple casing last longer than non-standard forms. Funny shapes and moving parts are not practical as they can fall off or cover adjacent slots on the computer.

    When choosing a flash drive, it is important to pay attention to the protection of the connector. After all, the reliability of the device depends on this. The following types are distinguished:

    1. Connector is open. There is no protection on such a device. Usually small flash drives come with an open connector. On the one hand, it is convenient to have a compact device, but on the other hand, due to the unprotected connector, such a drive can fail prematurely.
    2. Removable cap. This is the most popular type of connector protection. For better adhesion to the body, plastic or rubber are usually used to make removable caps. They perfectly protect the flash drive connector from external influences. The only drawback is that over time the cap loses its fixation properties and begins to slip off.
    3. Rotating bracket. This bracket is fixed on the outside of the flash device case. It is movable, and in a certain position it covers the storage media connector. This type does not close the connector tightly and thus provides poor protection from dust and moisture.
    4. Slider. This case allows you to hide the flash drive connector inside the structure using a locking button. If the latch breaks, then using such a device will be difficult and unreliable.

    Sometimes it's better to sacrifice appearance for the sake of device reliability!

    Criterion 5: Additional features

    To attract customers, companies add additional features to their products:

    The above functions are not always needed to a simple user. And if they are not necessary, then it is better to abandon such models.

    So, in order for the choice of a flash drive to be successful, you must decide for what purposes you are purchasing it and what capacity it should have. Remember the practicality of the case and do not see additional features, if you don't need them. Have a nice shopping!

    A selection of the fastest and most inexpensive flash drives on Aliexpress with a capacity of 64 GB. Plus a few words about the features of searching for acceptable options.

    What you need to know when buying flash drives on Ali


    The Chinese have always attached more importance to appearance than to substance. Although they are well versed in the content. Therefore, nice flash drives with a capacity of 64 GB and speed linear recording only 3-4 MB/s is rather the norm. Especially if you focus on the cheapest options. And if you're lucky, the linear recording speed will be about 6-8 MB/s. With these parameters, transferring a 4 GB movie file to a flash drive can take from 9 to 25 minutes! And folders with small files take forever. But if you dig deep, you can find options that work 10 times faster.


    It is clear that 650-ruble copies of 64 GB flash drives are the very bottom. However, for 1100 rubles you can already find interesting models. And for 1500-1800 you can buy a drive from a well-known brand Samsung type or SanDisk. The only thing is that in Russian online stores you can try to find branded items cheaper than on Ali. Therefore, ordering from distant China will not always make sense. But with some Chinese brands It's quite possible to try your luck.


    The main problem with all these flash drives is that for some nameless manufacturers, the characteristics can differ markedly from batch to batch. They put it there different memory, different controllers, guided by which components were able to be purchased profitably in at the moment. However, there are those who monitor the stability of indicators.

    One more common problem, concerning miniature models, is a sharp drop in speed after 20-40 seconds active work. It is associated with overheating of the built-in controller, which, upon reaching a certain temperature, reduces performance.

    Some really wild stories also happen when cheap flash drives are installed with less memory than stated (or defective modules are found), but the controller is programmed for the full declared capacity.

    How I selected

    I reviewed several dozen options USB flash drives 3.0 on Ali, focusing on their appearance and brand. If in their technical specifications was indicated low speed- I immediately discarded it. In other cases, I scoured reviews in search of screenshots of the H2testw test utility (CrystalMark and AS SSD are not suitable here due to the influence of caching in the OS), which could confirm or refute the stated parameters. At the same time, he immediately blacklisted models if customers came across fake drives of smaller capacity or copies that did not meet the specifications. One of the glaring cases: a person ordered two identical flash drives in one of the stores, and in fact the difference in the speed of their operation turned out to be almost twofold.

    Of course, this approach does not provide a 100% guarantee of quality, but it significantly minimizes risks.

    Hit parade

    All speeds and prices listed below are for 64GB versions only.

    Smaller flash drives will have lower speeds.


    Speed linear reading: 140 MB/s
    Linear write speed: 70 MB/s
    Recording time for a 4 GB movie on a flash drive: ~ 1 min.
    Price: ~4000 rub.

    Comment: overall a little expensive. In addition, in Russia this flash drive can be found at a lower price.

    ADATAEliteS102 Pro

    Linear write speed: 50 MB/s
    Recording time for a 4 GB movie on a flash drive: ~ 1:20 min.
    Price: ~2000 rub.

    Comment: in Russia you can try to find this flash drive cheaper, but if you add courier delivery, then there will be no difference.

    Wansenda WSD D300

    Linear read speed: 80 MB/s
    Linear write speed: 40 MB/s
    Recording time for a 4 GB movie on a flash drive: ~ 1:40 min.
    Price: ~1150 rub.

    Comment: best price for such a speed.


    Linear read speed: 130 MB/s

    Price: ~1500 rub.

    Comment: the kit may include various adapters.

    By the way, Samsung has two more flash drives with absolutely identical characteristics. One of them is a miniature mini model, and the second with two USB connectors. The price tag is similar.

    DM PD068

    Linear read speed: 100 MB/s
    Linear write speed: 35 MB/s
    Recording time for a 4 GB movie on a flash drive: ~ 1:50 min.
    Price: ~1350 rub.

    DM PD021

    Linear read speed: 100 MB/s
    Linear write speed: 35 MB/s
    Recording time for a 4 GB movie on a flash drive: ~ 1:50 min.
    Price: ~1200 rub.

    Lalakie USB 3.0

    Linear read speed: 90 MB/s
    Linear write speed: 35 MB/s
    Recording time for a 4 GB movie on a flash drive: ~ 1:50 min.
    Price: ~1300 rub.

    Wansenda D101

    Linear read speed: 60 MB/s
    Linear write speed: 35 MB/s
    Recording time for a 4 GB movie on a flash drive: ~ 1:50 min.
    Price: ~

    Updated 05/25/2017. The article is relevant for 2017.
    Friends! The other day my flash drive burned out and I had to look for a new one, because... Without it in our time, it’s absolutely impossible. Since this is a very fast-growing industry, choosing a flash drive turned out to be difficult for me. I had to read some information on the Internet about the latest trends. Today I will share this information with you.

    So, first of all, we must decide on the parameters that will influence the choice of a particular flash drive model.

    These include:

    Now let's go through each of the points in more detail.

    Memory capacity

    The primary factor when choosing a flash drive will be its memory capacity. At first glance, everything is clear here. Everyone loves to store a lot of files on them. In fact, this is what they were originally intended for. Today, 32GB and above is considered an acceptable volume. This is due to the fact that their prices are quite affordable, since progress does not stand still and what cost a lot of money a year ago is no longer needed by anyone today and is sold for next to nothing. In order not to be unfounded, let's turn to Yandex Market. I always check product reviews in the Market, and also clarify the characteristics, useful service I sincerely recommend it. As you can see, prices for 32GB Flash cards vary around 600 rubles. If you set 64GB in the search parameters, then the average value there will be 1100 rubles. If you are not constrained by funds, then you can take such a volume, it will not be superfluous. As elsewhere, there are more expensive options and slightly cheaper ones. How to choose from them will be discussed below in the following paragraphs, but for now let’s summarize the first result.

    At the moment, I would advise buying a flash drive with a capacity of 32 GB or more. Prices for such volumes are very affordable (on average 600 rubles).

    Read and write speed

    In my opinion this is one of the key parameters when selecting a drive. Many people don’t think about this and buy cheap, larger devices. Such a decision may be completely wrong! If you buy a cheap flash card with a large amount of memory, you may lose out on the speed of reading and writing information.
    Again, I'll give you an example. Device number one and device number two. The first flash drive has a write speed of 5 MB/s. This means that, for example, filling all 32GB will take approximately 2 hours. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will immediately fill the drive to capacity, but the essence is clear. This is a very low speed and I would not buy such a drive for everyday use. The second copy is doing better. The recording speed there is already 16 MB/s, which is much higher, although there are better options. So, filling at this speed will take about 40 minutes. All calculations are easily verified.

    Bottom line: don't skimp on speed, otherwise you may be disappointed by the choice. Minimum speed I would call recordings 16MB/s. With reading speed, things are a little different. It is basically always 1.5-2 times higher.

    Case size and strength

    Let's combine the body parameters in one point and cover everything at once. To begin with, I’ll tell you a common truth that works always and everywhere: the fewer moving parts and complex elements- so much the better! Always do everything as simply as possible and this will be the right decision. If the flash drive moves out or moves out of the case or the case rotates around it or something else, then it will most likely break in a month or two, or even earlier!

    Next I’ll tell you about the dimensions of the case. If it is of irregular shape or simply “thick”, then you will not be able to place it next to another card, because the inputs are always located very close to each other and if you need to transfer data, for example, to a friend at the office or university from your flash drive to his , then inconvenience will arise. You will find that both devices simply won't fit into the slots at the same time.
    I would not recommend buying something similar to the elements in the picture:

    They won't bring you anything other than crap when used.

    Bottom line: do not buy flash cards of non-standard shape, as well as those that look flimsy. You don't want to be left without a case in a week.

    Other little things

    Finally, I would like to note that you are unlikely to need all sorts of fingerprint systems and other gadgets. They have no practical value, but only affect the price of the product. Let's look at an example. If you pay attention to the reviews, most users note that recognition is either ineffective or works with errors. The disadvantage will also be mandatory installation third-party software, which in itself, for example, is impossible in offices.

    Bottom line: don't chase newfangled gadgets, because you only need a flash drive, not a food processor.

    Many readers are interested in which specific 32GB flash drive to buy?
    Look, if you don’t have a USB 3.0 interface, then I advise you to take Transcend JetFlash 600. If there are USB 3 versions, then you can take Transcend JetFlash 780, here the speeds are corresponding, but all at the expense new version tires.

    Well, that's all, now you know how to choose a flash drive. And lastly, among the companies I would recommend Transcend, Silicon Power and Kingston.

    A flash drive of this class is very practical - with a relatively small size, it holds a lot of information and does not take up much space. These USB 3.0 media are much lighter external hard drives and work very quickly. We have compiled a rating best flash drives USB 3.0 based on this important parameter, price-quality ratio, and user surveys. To make the connection, your laptop or PC must have USB port 3.0 so that the flash drive can perform the tasks assigned to it. Here you will find a huge number of flash drives with interface 3.0 at the most favorable prices http://ru.gearbest.com/usb-flash-drives-c_11258/nu1_usb~3.0.

    Silicon Power Jewel J80

    The fast Jewel J80 flash drive has an original, sophisticated zinc alloy body and a special sputtering coating - a harmonious design that gives a luxurious appearance, as well as effective protection from mechanical damage, even fingerprints do not remain. The flash drive stores information securely because it uses COB technology - Chip on Board, which protects the metal components of the USB connector, providing protection from moisture and dust, shock from an accidental drop and mechanical impact during daily use.

    Key Features:

    • Volume: 32-128 GB;
    • Housing: zinc alloy;
    • Speed; reading - 120 MB/sec, writing - 40 MB/sec;
    • Color: silver gray;
    • Interface: USB 3.1;
    • Dimensions: 44x18x4.5 mm;
    • Weight: 11 g.


    1. Harmony of design;
    2. Protection from external influences;
    3. Ring to wear;
    4. Encryption function.


    1. Not found.

    ADATA DashDrive Elite UE700

    An all-metal flash drive equipped with a retractable connector has high read and write speeds for any parameters, which has been confirmed by tests. There is proprietary software that expands the standard capabilities of the device, which is not expensive, but very good. Appearance- a classic of the genre, or as they say in Odessa: “oil painting”, the flash drive has a durable body with protection from dust, fingerprints, the connector, whether inside or outside, is held tightly and does not create extraneous vibration. The leatherette strap adds a touch of sophistication, while LED backlight blue reports drive activity.

    Key Features:

    • Volume: 32-128 GB;
    • Case: metal;
    • Speed: read - 190 MB/sec, write - 50 MB/sec;
    • Interface: USB 3.0;
    • Dimensions: 21x63x7 mm;
    • Weight: 5.9 g.


    1. High build quality;
    2. Modern design;
    3. Excellent write and read speed;
    4. Software.


    1. Not identified.

    Kingston DataTraveler R3.0 G2

    A flash drive with a shock-resistant, rubber-coated body with blue embossed patterns, according to the manufacturers, can be kept under water at a depth of a meter for up to one hour. Based on the rating of the best USB 3.0 flash drives that have been sold to date, this model ranks third among the leading products. A very impressive flash drive with a pleasant-to-touch case that does a good job of protecting itself, and an impressive 5-year warranty. The only negative is the cap, which practically does not stay on the back of the flash drive when opening the connector; there is a 100% guarantee that users will lose it.

    Key Features:

    • Volume: 16-64 GB;
    • Housing: rubberized plastic;
    • Speed: read -120 MB/sec;
    • recordings - 25-45 Mb/sec;
    • Dimensions: 56.0x22.0x9.2 mm;
    • Weight: no data.


    1. High performance;
    2. Impact resistance of the case;
    3. Moisture resistance;
    4. Dual compatibility;
    5. 5 year warranty.


    1. Risk of losing the cap.

    Transcend JetFlash 750

    A black flash drive is a high-performance solution, which is confirmed by high speed reading and writing: when test check they were even higher than those indicated by the manufacturer - 145 and 40 Mb/s, respectively. The price-quality ratio is excellent, and the variety of memory capacities from 16 to 64 GB also speaks volumes. The flash drive has a classic form factor: with a cap and blue LED backlighting, which pleasantly winks at users when the external drive is loading data. Unlike other products, the cap fits perfectly on the back of the flash drive during operation. The cost of such a flash drive is around 2 thousand rubles.

    Key Features:

    • Volume: 32-64 GB;
    • Housing: plastic;
    • Speed: read -130 MB/sec, write - 30 MB/sec;
    • Interface: USB 3.0 (compatible with USB 2.0);
    • Dimensions: 69.5×19.8×8.8 mm;
    • Weight: 10.3 g.


    1. Strict design;
    2. High reading speed;
    3. Free software can be downloaded;
    4. LED operating mode indicator;
    5. Lifetime warranty.


    1. Not found.

    Corsair Flash Voyager GS 64GB (CMFVYGS3)

    It's not even a flash drive, it's a flash drive. large capacity And high performance in a stylish design, which is why it takes first place in the TOP. Advantage high speed interface USB 3.0, but at the same time there is compatibility with already outdated systems- perhaps this is the most best flash drive. The case is shock-resistant and showed excellent results during testing, withstanding quite heavy load at 40 G. Polished aluminum inlays add elegance, because of this the flash drive looks very impressive - you will not regret the money spent.

    Key Features:

    • Volume: 64-128 GB;
    • Body: aluminum with inlays;
    • Speed: read - 295 MB/sec, write - 170 MB/sec;
    • Interface: USB 3.0 (compatible with USB 2.0);
    • Dimensions: 79.0×26.5×9.0 mm;
    • Weight: 30 g.


    1. Unique read and write speed;
    2. LED indicator.


    1. The cap does not hold well.


    Here you will find a huge number of flash drives with interface 3.0 at the best prices

    To answer the question of which flash drives are more reliable and better, it is worth deciding what indicators affect the durability and functionality of USB-Flash media.

    Number of rewrite cycles. This is the main indicator of the shelf life of a flash drive. Typically, this number ranges from 10 to 100 thousand times. Those. every time you add or delete information from a flash drive, the action is counted as 1 rewrite time, as you can see, 10 thousand is not so much, especially for those who use the device several times a day every day. In addition, not all flash drives fulfill the stated number of rewrites; there are counterfeits, cheap low-quality media or manufacturing defects.

    Cell type determines flash drive resources by rewriting. The *SLC marking indicates 100 thousand rewrite cycles, and *MLC only 10 thousand, and flash drives of the latter type mostly prevail in our stores.

    Manufacturer. Well-known brands such as Verbatim, A-data, Transcend, Apacer or Kingston use proven technologies and high-quality components, which directly affects the number of rewrite cycles, i.e. flash drive durability. You can surrender to the flow of the market and simply buy one of the proven and popular models eg Transcend JetFlash 790, Sandisk Cruzer Fit, rugged Transcend JetFlash 500, Kingston DataTraveler G4 or Kingston DataTraveler SE9.

    Plastic, rubber or iron- in fact, it only concerns your personal preferences; under normal conditions, plastic will work well - it is a light and simple material, however, it can overheat and even melt due to poor heat transfer, and besides, some manufacturers make very thin cases, which crack easily.

    The presence of a connector for a lanyard or ring to use the flash drive as a keychain. Very convenient function, helps the flash drive not to get lost. In addition, it is worth taking a closer look at the method of protecting the connector. Fashionable and small flash drives with retractable USB connector still not as safe as the usual models with a lid. An unprotected connector can become filled with dirt or metal elements, which can damage the flash memory port mechanically.

    Flash drive capacity— according to data for 2016, you should pay attention to drives from 32 GB. Flash drives of 2-4 GB in size are still sold, but the volume does not affect the price so much, but a gadget that can only hold 1 movie of average quality is, you see, irrelevant.

    Physical size of the flash drive. Here you need to be guided by common sense and the scope of application. For example, a flash drive that is too bulky or has non-standard design bells and whistles may not be suitable for the media system in a car. Flash drives are also popular in tiny cases, which get lost once or twice, and if the device connector is slightly recessed, then you simply won’t be able to use it - insert it to the required depth. And taking out the microflash drive will not be an easy task.

    Gift flash drives– USB drives with a decorative body made of various materials can be in the form of bracelets, figurines, equipment, in principle, anything: from gold-plated car key chains to cameras. Such devices are not particularly different from ordinary flash drives in terms of performance, but for a gift - just right, of course, they require more careful handling, otherwise the case will quickly become unusable.

    Flash drive speed defines USB standard: USB 2.0 or 3.0. USB 3.0 - reads 2-3 times faster, and writes 1.5 times faster than its predecessor; since 2014, all computers are equipped with USB 3.0. In addition, the speed depends on the microcircuits used in the device and on the receiving side - the serviceability and relevance of the hardware.

    Connector format. There are USB and microUSB flash drives. The latter are a flash drive for mobile devices. Their connector is just the right size for the connector through which you connect your smartphone or tablet to your computer or charger. Often such flash drives are also equipped with a regular-sized USB output. Example below - Transcend JetDrive Go 300 Lightning / USB 3.1 128GB

    Basic rules safe work with a USB drive, which extend the life of the flash drive:

    • Avoid mechanical damage, exposure to water, or falls, which may lead to broken contacts or damage to the memory chip. If you are not confident in your accuracy, purchase flash drives with a reinforced case.
    • Remove the flash drive correctly - do not pull out the flash drive without performing the “ safe removal flash drives”, do not turn off the PC until you remove the flash drive. As a result of incorrect extraction, file system may be damaged and the PC will need to format the USB device, contact service center will solve the problem.
    • Do not allow plastic flash drives to overheat and do not insert the device into an overheated PC.
    • If viruses are detected, save the data on another medium and format the flash drive - this will help avoid malfunctions and “invisibility” of the flash drive.
    • Experts recommend changing flash memory every 2-3 years - this is the lifespan of a flash drive that is used intensively, otherwise at some point valuable data may become unavailable.

    Some interesting facts about USB flash drives:

    The most capacious flash drive
    1 Terabyte USB flash drive from Kingston - announced at CES 2013 as DataTraveler HyperX Predator 3.0, runs in USB mode 3.0 and is also backward compatible with USB 2.0. Reads at a speed of 240 MB/s, writes at a speed of 160 MB/s. In 2013, only a 512 GB flash drive from Kingston was on sale at a price of about $1,075. In 2016, you can already find 1 TB starting at $640.

    The most durable flash drive
    According to public statements, this is LaCie XtremKey USB 3.0. In 2016, such a 32 GB flash drive will cost only $51.

    The fastest flash drive
    Flash drive from Intel with Thunderbolt technology - a prototype was presented at Computex 2013. This 128 GB flash drive is capable of transferring data at a speed of 10 Gbps, which is 2 times faster than USB 3.0. According to Russian scientists, in the summer of 2016 they already broke this record by creating an innovative multi-graphene flash drive that will be faster and more reliable than all currently existing ones.

    The thinnest flash drive
    USB Flash Ultra Slim has thickness and dimensions credit card, and, as you can see, it is stylized like it. Sold in a few online stores, it costs about $40 and is famous for its fragility. But it's cool)

    The smallest flash drive

    Eagle Tech Flash Drive may be mistaken for a stub for USB input. Capacity from 8 to 32 GB and price from 20 dollars, the only drawback is that it is very easy to lose. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.5 x 0.6 mm.

    The most expensive flash drive
    Magic Mushroom USB – only 32 GB, a kind of mushroom inlaid with gold precious stones, at a price of only 16 thousand.e. USA.

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