• What is wireless television. Device for transmitting AV signal via wireless communication

    Many people know that for a number of reasons, for almost a year on weekdays I have only had normal Internet at work. In the evenings there is a TV, but there is no cable television, much less a satellite dish.
    I was tormented and upset, missing Champions League matches and other goodies. And just recently I resolved the issue. As it turns out, almost any of us can watch television channels very good quality. Now I'll tell you how.

    Through a cable and a plug with strong interference, I was shown “First”, “Russia 1” and “Ren TV”. And everything would be fine. I hardly watch TV (only sports, “What? Where? When?” and sometimes the news). In addition, you can always insert a flash drive with some good TV series into your TV.
    But I would still like to see football when it is shown on public TV. One day I saw an encouraging message on Twitter. Having found out what was what, I eventually solved my problem.
    In fact, it's enough to catch digital television from the nearest tower. True, a short survey of friends and acquaintances showed that few people know about this.
    Step one. In any digital supermarket or electronics store we buy a digital TV receiver (with DVB-T2 technology). I’ll make a reservation: many modern LCD TVs already have them, and in this case you can skip the first point. But I will return to personal experience.
    Small boxes with remote controls cost from 1200 to 2500 rubles. I took this one for 1890 krona.

    Receivers at this price have teletext functions, video recording to a flash drive, and, what’s nice, they also have a delayed recording function. I returned from work and watched the afternoon match. Also, such receivers play video from a flash drive.

    Step two. We purchase hdmi cable. Cost me 416 rubles. As far as I understand, any will do, the only difference is the length.
    This step can also be skipped - the receivers are equipped with ordinary wires, but, as I understand it, they convert digital signal to analog, so HDMI still rules. For truly.

    Step three. We purchase indoor antenna. Here, I admit, I played it safe. Someone said you could just use wire. Others insisted that the simplest antenna would do.
    In the store they began to actively convince me that with the simplest indoor (not outdoor) antennas it may or may not catch - it all depends on the nuances, the location of the windows, etc. But with this antenna for 1000 rubles, they say, it will catch 100 percent. This was my last purchase, and I bought the antenna for 990 rubles. Maybe he overpaid. But, you must admit, the whole set is still quite budget-friendly.

    That's all. All that remains is to connect the antenna to the receiver at home, and the receiver to the TV. After 10 minutes you will receive either ten channels and three radios (1st digital multiplex terrestrial television), or as many as 20 channels (if you catch both the 1st and 2nd multiplex). In large cities and regional centers there are definitely twenty channels.
    Out of my dozen, I watch channel 4 at most (by the way, Public Television of Russia is very distant, just a little, but it resembles the Dozhd channel, now paid).
    I may not watch many channels, but they are of great quality, which is not available even in my parents’ house, where there has been cable for a hundred years. And, I note, all this without any subscription fee. Cable for parents costs 250 rubles a month, and they only watch 5-7 channels. I'm not talking about kits with satellite dishes- there one equipment costs 9-15 thousand. This is beneficial when you actually have your own home, and when you watch TV all day long.
    I don't need to pay anything now. At all. Now I understand that the state is investing significant funds in this. I understand what officials mean when they talk about “affordable television.” Why didn’t I know all this confusion a year ago - who will figure it out...
    Probably, now there are such TVs and such technologies that many of you are well aware of digital TV via an antenna. But I hope this post is useful to someone.

    I’ll disappoint you right away - most likely there will not be an acceptable result.
    You can install a signal amplifier, and after it an antenna, for example, an indoor one. At a close distance, the TV will probably show without an antenna, but it is better to stick an antenna, a piece of wire or a nail. If the TV channels are in the UHF range, then maybe they will show more or less, and if they are in the UHF range, then most likely there will be repetitions in the image on the screen. But you won’t get a clean picture for sure. For each channel you will have to rotate antennas and all that, and the amplifier costs money. I won’t write the details of the theory - just believe me. In general, dancing with tambourines is guaranteed. It's better to stretch the cable anyway. Nowadays there is a digital DVB-T2 signal on the air everywhere, and new TVs receive this signal, and, by the way, they can work normally with it.
    The option with transmitters is generally not suitable for high-frequency signals from an antenna. Transmitters (TV signal extenders) are designed for devices with low-frequency inputs and outputs; the high-frequency signal from the antenna will first have to be demodulated and then transmitted, but a separate demodulator is configured only for one channel, and it cannot be controlled remotely. Well, you can put a TV or, for example, an old VCR on the antenna side, take the low-frequency signal from them, buy another remote control extension, and switch channels remotely. There are also remote control extenders with a signal transmitter, but in general the signal from the transmitter is sensitive to closed doors, people walking back and forth, etc. (if the signal is transmitted throughout the apartment and throughout the house). At one time we tried several different ones - everyone spat on them.
    In any case, the quality over the cable will be better, and the whole system will be simpler. At good signal and the cable is up to 50 meters long and an amplifier is not needed.
    If you intend to transmit a signal over a certain distance in an open area, then an acceptable option may be obtained if the receiving antenna at the last point is closed from the main signal, for example, it is located under a hill, otherwise repetitions on the screen are almost inevitable. In this case, the receiving antenna and transmitting antennas at the relay point must be separated, otherwise the amplifier may be excited. Previously, in some places on the mountains they placed passive repeaters, “bending” the signal downhill, but this is a very large structure: depending on the frequency of the TV signal, up to several tens of meters.
    In order to get an acceptable picture on the screen and not have problems with low-quality cables for subscribers, cable operators almost never use direct amplification with terrestrial antennas, but convert terrestrial TV signals to other frequency channels, and, if possible, do not use at all in cable networks those frequency channels that are occupied on the air.

    I purchased this device to transmit the AV signal of tricolor television to a second TV in the kitchen via wireless communication. Read below to see what came of it.

    To begin with, I’ll immediately inform you that this is my first review on the site and I ask you to treat it accordingly. The review is written in ordinary language for the same ordinary home user.
    Now to the point.
    The room has a GS-8300N tricolor television receiver to which the TV is connected. The task was to connect a second TV (in the kitchen) to the receiver without having to run wires throughout the apartment.
    For this purpose, Receiver PAT630 was purchased on Ali. From the description it follows that this receiver operates at 5.8GHz frequencies, which allows it not to interfere with home Wi-Fi.
    The purchase cost $43.19 and it took about a month and a half to reach me; the goods were sent to me after I reminded the seller (apparently, the Chinese holidays that were taking place at that time had an effect).
    The packaging of the device did not have any flaws. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any photos, but I can say in words that there was standard bubble wrap on top of the box itself (quite hard), which left little chance for our mail to ruin my mood.
    The box contents are as follows:
    receiver/transmitter – 2 pieces;
    power adapter ( european plug) – 2 pieces;
    RCA cable – 2 pieces;
    instructions – 1 piece.

    Self the device is lightweight, the body is made of cheap plastic, but it looks good. You can place it both horizontally and vertically (to do this you need to unscrew the bolt and install the device vertically in the grooves), the antennas, of course, rotate as you please.

    There is only a blue LED on the front panel to indicate that the device is turned on.

    The rear panel has ports for connecting RCA cables (colored), a connector for connecting a power supply, gray button turning on/off the device and toggle switches for switching signal channels.

    For fans of horror films and dismemberment, I have attached a photo of the insides of this device. Disassembly is carried out by unscrewing a couple of screws and pulling the board towards you; this cannot be difficult a priori.


    From all these pictures it is clear that in this device there is no possibility of transmitting an IR signal (remote control signal), which does not allow you to switch channels on a second TV without going to the GS-8300N receiver itself, however, I would especially note that this is my personal omission, because this was not stated and in more expensive models present. The board is clearly made one for the entire line of models. The antenna mount suggests that if necessary, it will always be possible to mount a directional antenna in the required direction, but this will require straight arms.

    To connect a new Chinese device to my GS-8300N receiver, it was necessary to “split” the outgoing signal into two cables. For this purpose, I also purchased a cable on Ali (from another seller), but it turned out to be non-working (the money was returned) and I had to buy it the old fashioned way on the market, so as not to wait another couple of months.

    Connecting the device is purely intuitive and reading the instructions is completely optional, but the very presence of it warms the soul.


    We connect the first device to the receiver, the second device is connected to the TV in the far corner of the apartment (in my case, in the kitchen). For me personally, the distance between TVs is not as great as I think, and for many in the apartment (about 5 meters), however, one load-bearing wall (510 mm) and one partition (100 mm) fall within the coverage area, which should create additional difficulties for signal transmission.

    Next, you need to set the same channel on the toggle switches on both devices (move it down as in the photo at the beginning).
    We connect the devices to the network, configure our TV to the AV channel and check the functionality of this “design”.

    In my case, everything works fine, there is no loss of signal quality, sound and picture are synchronous. When you turn on both TVs at the same time, no problems arise. Due to the device operating at a Wi-Fi frequency of 5.8GHz, my home Wi-Fi the router (operating at 2.4 GHz) does not affect the signal quality in any way, although it is located exactly on the line of action.
    Let me make a reservation right away that the channel on both TVs will be the same. (don’t even dream that without purchasing a second satellite receiver and installing additional devices on a plate you can get around it).

    I've been using it for a couple of months now, not a single problem.
    An excellent device for those who need to transmit an AV signal without cutting walls and unnecessary wires. Can be used to transmit video camera signals to a regular TV, and to transmit TV signal at a country house. However, I personally recommend taking a closer look at the version with an IR transmitter.
    Thank you for your attention.

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    Good afternoon, dear fellow electricians. My name is Valery. Not long ago I read an article on your website about how to connect a computer to a TV. I really liked the material because this problem for me, one might say, vital. I bought an HDMI cable and connected my simple Acer laptop. The delight of the family members knew no bounds, after which constant viewing of movies and TV series began.

    But, as usual, over time it became annoying that I constantly had to take out a long wire and stretch it across the floor of the room to the device. A couple of times my little son almost knocked over the device, and I thought about how to connect a laptop to a TV wirelessly, and in general, answer me, is there such a possibility.

    Thanks in advance!

    Good day to you, Valery. The author of the very article you referred to answers. Without confusing you, we will say right away that such a connection exists, but whether it will suit you is another question.

    Wireless Connection Types

    So, there are two ways to wirelessly connect your TV to your computer. The first is support. TV Wi-fi networks.

    What is important to know here:

    • Connecting in this way will connect your TV to the Internet or home local network, from where he can access open files on your PC. At the same time, it is very important technical capabilities your TV.
    • In the same article, we already wrote that there are various Smart TVs capable of connecting to networks, but some have access only to built-in services that stop working over time (for example, YouTube), while others have an almost full-fledged browser on board. with which we can visit many more sites.
    • However, the cost of such models is frankly high, and you won’t change your TV just to watch videos from it.
    • Connection option to home network is also inconvenient, since only files located directly on your computer become available to you. Of course, if you are ready to constantly download movies and TV series via torrents, then this solution is acceptable, but we still think that this scheme is not the best solution.

    In the photo above we presented a similar adapter. Specific Model looks more like a flash drive, but there are other solutions with a more powerful body.

    To summarize, let's say that when choosing a way to connect a TV to a computer wirelessly, this option will not be entirely suitable, since you will not be able to use it as a monitor, which, in fact, is the ultimate goal. However, if you have a good modern TV, you don’t need a computer at all - connect it to the Internet this way and enjoy your home theater.

    Video transmission over the air

    To turn your TV into a monitor, you will need to purchase additional equipment.

    • First possible option- This is WiDi equipment from Intel.
    • The device consists of two parts. The first is a USB transmitter, and the second is a receiver.
    • To connect, you install the transmitter in USB port and it begins to broadcast video and audio signals at a certain frequency.
    • The response part connects to the HDMI connector on the TV and converts the signal into something that it can already understand.

    The Wifire TV family of STB set-top boxes is small, but covers all form factors

    The home pay television market has been waiting for such a solution for a long time. Combination of IPTV advantages ( feedback), cable (number of channels) and satellite (no connection to the operator’s terrestrial infrastructure) made WiFire TV the most innovative solution available to mere mortals. The service, tied to a WiFi set-top box, allows you to literally take television with you when moving to a new place of residence, and in new buildings, where a monopolist often reigns supreme, it becomes the cheapest way to get more channels than free digital broadcasting provides.

    Content Review continues testing three options home television, not associated with slightly clumsy satellite and cable operators:

    • Internet TV without wires (Dune HD TV-102 set-top box, WiFire/NetByNet operator)
    • interactive IPTV (Cisco CIS430 set-top box, Beeline operator)

    The hero of today's review is the Dune HD TV-102 set-top box with special WiFire TV firmware

    The WiFire brand has become a real testing ground for testing new tariff offers and services launched at the junction of the spheres of influence of MegaFon and its Internet provider NetByNet. Pay television almost completely duplicates the long-running MegaFon TV service in its range of channels, and the expertise of NetByNet made it possible to bring it to fruition set-top box, which was the first of its kind in Russia to not only be able to connect to a home Internet network via WiFi, but also work in the network of any operator.

    Adaptive technology adjusts picture quality to the level WiFi signal
    Interactive television in Russia is represented mainly by IPTV technology. It works quite simply - the subscriber purchases (or rents) a specialized set-top box from the operator (you won’t be able to choose and purchase an STB on your own), connects it to the Internet of the same operator and receives television with unlimited possibilities And additional services, for example, a cinema. Attempts to implement something similar by cable and satellite operators only cause laughter through tears. For example, one of the cable operators launched special TV channels where certain time shows more or less new movies, and called them “cinema halls.” Considering that the range of these “cinema halls” is not very different from the mature TV channels “Kino HD” and “Kino 2 HD”, they themselves look like an anachronism. At one time the standard twitched in approximately the same death convulsions mobile communications CDMA, and it is not completely dead yet. So cable operators will remain, because the audience, which has never eaten anything sweeter than carrots, is inert, and in order to force a person to change TV operator you need to try very hard.

    The menu is displayed on top of the broadcast channel
    WiFire TV cannot be called an IPTV operator, if only because interactive services not in it yet. However, the potential of the service is enormous, and a constant connection to the Internet makes it possible to periodically update the device’s firmware and, accordingly, the interface. Dune HD TV-102, which was tested, comes without hard drive, but the specifics of WiFire TV are such that even if you are late for the start of the program, you can start watching it again, just select the appropriate item from the menu.

    The selection of channels is quite large and is displayed as a list of logos
    The WiFire TV interface differs from the usual IPTV services. Perhaps this is due to a certain freedom from the platforms on which Beeline, Rostelecom and other operators deploy their services interactive television. IPTV is more about picture stability, while WiFire TV, being a true OTT service, practically cannot influence the quality of data transmission. Yes, the set-top box supports WiFi work at a frequency of 5 gigahertz, not so littered in modern houses, but, firstly, you still need to purchase an appropriate WiFi router, and, secondly, rely on what your home Internet provider provides real speed at least 10 megabits per second (that’s how much the most voracious of TV channels, First HD, consumes). As a result, WiFire TV can compete only in user experience, and here the specialists from NetByNet and MegaFon did their best. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t “hang” the console; the system works very stably. The program guide looks unusual, but its control is quite intuitive. This is not to say that the interface is simple and understandable to anyone, however, as in the case of iOS, any more or less experienced user will understand it quickly enough. The only bottleneck is authorization as account(you need to register first, then pay), and setting up the WiFi connection itself (if your home network password is not 11111, then you will have a hard time entering it). Fortunately, once you set up the set-top box (it took about 15 minutes), you can immediately start using it.

    Rewind does not work, but you can start watching the current program again
    WiFire TV has as many disadvantages as advantages. The Dune HD TV-102 set-top box itself does not have built-in memory, and connecting anything to the USB connector located on the front side of the device is useless. At the same time, the interface itself provides the ability to rewind a program broadcast on at the moment, but in reality you can only start watching it from the very beginning. In the absence of a storage device, the function of recording the selected program using a timer is also implemented in a unique way. Having selected the desired episode in the program guide, you can “order” its recording, and only then gain access to it in the “My” section. Not the most elegant solution, but better than no solution.

    No built-in HDD means no recording, but you can order it and it will wait in the wings in the cloud
    The dependence on the quality of the WiFi connection is felt almost immediately. Switching channels even with perfect wireless connection takes a few seconds, and the picture itself in adaptive mode adapts to the quality of the connection. Anything can affect it - after all, there are problems on the airwaves, and even the Internet provider can fail. As a result, at the most inopportune moment, the picture may simply freeze, as happens in mobile television. Nothing can be done about this - the peculiarities of the technology. Exactly the same satellite operator highly dependent on weather conditions, including thunderstorms, blizzards and other natural disasters satellite television may show squares and static instead of your favorite show.

    All ordered recordings are stored in a separate menu item “My”
    Having polished the interface of the set-top box, the creators of WiFire TV did not even bother to brand the remote control, let alone optimize it. Large quantity Nice buttons like record or rewind don't work, and all control is concentrated in the central part of the remote. Obviously, at the start, NetByNet could not provide a volume sufficient for Dune to include in the delivery set a special remote control optimized specifically for WiFire TV.

    The “Weather” service looks a little strange, as if it was installed only because it was possible
    The number of channels is decent, but their composition is puzzling. On the one hand, there is Lifenews HD, on the other hand, there is no Moscow TV channel “Moscow 24”. It’s quite easy to find the package you need, but the prices for TV and set-top boxes are not that low. The only outlet is the full cross-platform nature of the service. In addition to the TV itself, the subscriber can watch TV channels from the paid package on his mobile devices ah (you won’t be able to watch it from a computer or laptop). Interface mobile applications WiFire TV completely replicates the main one, so the service can be called truly universal. Even if other operators provide such an opportunity, the interface and application management are significantly different from what the subscriber sees on the TV screen.

    The cost of WiFire TV TV channel packages starts from 190 rubles per month (44 TV channels), the most expensive is 950 rubles (116 channels). The Dune HD TV-102 set-top box can be purchased at a price of 3,700 rubles (which is unlikely to be possible; at the moment, only its more expensive variation with the W prefix is ​​available for 5,200 rubles), but there is an opportunity to save and pay 140 per month for rent, and in this case, a WiFi router (2.4 gigahertz) is also required for rent. The equipment is delivered and set up free of charge.

    The WiFire family of devices includes not only STB set-top boxes, but also WiFi routers
    WiFire TV can be safely recommended to those television lovers for whom it is important not to be tied to a specific location and who prefer to watch programs from mobile devices. Similar mobile TV services from the Big Four operators, frankly speaking, leave much to be desired both in terms of content/number of TV channels and technical performance (all of them work on the Spb TV platform). The only thing that confuses us is the relatively high price of the set-top box itself and the less flexible policy in creating TV channel packages. But you can get a substantial discount when you connect additional services WiFire in the package.

    For new residents and often moving from apartment to apartment, this is the best option.