• What is hard drive defragmentation and is it necessary? What is fragmentation and defragmentation

    Surely every user at least once in his life has encountered the mysterious inscription defragmentation in the start menu and perhaps even thought about what it is needed for. More advanced users have some idea about it, but do not consider it necessary to use it.

    So, disk defragmentation is a process during which, using special algorithms, the data on the hard disk is organized.

    How does defragmentation occur and why is it needed?

    Any user of a computer or laptop installs and uninstalls programs, as well as writes and erases various data, with a certain frequency. At the very beginning of using a new hard drive All data is stored sequentially, that is, data from one program is located next to each other. After any changes on the disk, new data begins to be written chaotically, that is, something ends up at the beginning, something at the end, and something ends up somewhere in the center.

    Thus, when reading this data, the entire disk is searched, which reduces performance and costs time. During the defragmentation process, the system finds pieces of one file and places them as close to each other as possible, in addition, it transfers all data to the initial sectors of the hard drive, which again reduces the time for reading information.

    The defragmentation process takes a long time, especially if it is performed infrequently. But after its completion, you can notice the system speeds up, data is copied faster, and you can also see an increase in performance in powerful 3D games. This is because the system does not need to search for data throughout hard drive, because they are in the same place.

    There are many defragmentation programs available - one of them is a built-in tool, others are created by third parties.

    Programs for defragmentation

    IN utilities In Windows you can find a built-in defragmenter, which is quite suitable for use, but it has a significant drawback. It cannot be used to efficiently carry out the procedure on a hard drive that is actively used. The native Windows program has weak algorithms that will help only novice computer users, as well as those people who do not store a lot of data on their hard drive. This program is not able to detect all the fragments and put them as close to each other as possible, so, as a rule, no special effect from its use is visible.

    Defraggler is a powerful free defragmentation utility. Has powerful algorithms for searching and transferring data. Allows you to work sequentially with different logical drives or defragments all hard disk. An additional advantage is the ability to work in background, allowing the user to continue using the PC without compromising performance.

    The program can be programmed to automatic shutdown after completion of work. Among other things, Defraggler provides the opportunity to conduct an analysis and draw conclusions about the feasibility of the procedure. Sometimes disk defragmentation is not at all necessary and the program will inform you about this. The defragmentation process is accompanied by a beautiful and visual graphic design, in which multi-colored cubes form groups. The program has a simple and intuitive interface, so special problems should not occur with its use.

    O&O Defrag Free– shareware English-language utility. Free for home use. It is one of the most powerful at work. Conducts high-quality data defragmentation and does not take up a lot of resources. The program has a large number of settings and add-ons that are quite difficult to understand without knowledge English language. Able to work in the background. O&O Defrag Free is a great tool for confident users.

    Small tricks related to disk defragmentation

    In general, the need to defragment the disk arises due to the fact that most users operate their system incorrectly. Almost everyone hard drive is divided into at least two logical drives. Many believe that this is done so that if the system is reinstalled, important data remains intact, and this is partly correct. However, there is another reason for this division.

    The user can fragment his hard drive quite independently without any programs. So, if it is known for certain that data will be stored on the hard drive for short-term use, frequent storage, and many programs will be installed, then it is best to make not two, but three or four logical drives.

    The first, as you might guess, will be allocated for the system. You can install programs here, but it’s better to have a separate disk for them, because none of them are used forever, which means that old ones will be periodically deleted and new ones installed. It’s best not to touch the disk with the system at all, then you won’t have to do any defragmentation on it. The second disk should be reserved for long-term storage data, which will be added to but not deleted.

    In this case, the data should be copied to it sequentially. For example, videos will come first, then music and then photos. File sizes also matter, because filling occurs from beginning to end, which means that smaller files should be placed at the end. In that case this logical drive will also not require defragmentation.

    The third disk will be reserved for programs and here sometimes you will have to use special programs. The last disk will be dedicated to temporary data. It can be combined with a software disc. This sequence was not chosen by chance. It turns out that permanent data will be recorded on the initial sectors, and those that are often deleted on the final ones.

    If the hard drive is already full, then defragmentation can be done by copying everything from the hard drive, and then filling it back in, observing the order of the data and its size.

    Watch the video for an even better description of the defragmentation process!

    In this material, you will become familiar with such an important maintenance operation as defragmentation. Many novice users (and not only) often neglect this function, which over time leads to an increase in read/write time and, accordingly, a decrease in computer performance. But before answering the question, what is disk defragmentation and how to do it, let's look at the principle of writing files to disk.

    How are files written to the hard drive?

    To put it simply, it is not written to the disk in its entirety, but is “folded out” into cluster cells, which represent the minimum space for storing information on the hard disk. Those. the file is split into pieces corresponding to the cluster size.

    Disk structure: (A) track (B) geometric sector (C) track sector (D) cluster

    Initially, as long as there is a sufficient amount of free space, the file is written to the clusters sequentially - one after another. As the storage medium becomes full, a shortage of sequential clusters may occur (especially when writing files large size) in this case, the system begins to search for free cells and distribute parts of the file among them, which takes longer time. The same is true when reading a file written in scattered clusters - it takes time to find all parts of the file on the disk and assemble it. It turns out that fragments of the file are scattered here and there - it is fragmented, and there can be many such files. When you delete a fragmented file, empty scattered clusters remain in its place, into which other files will again be scattered when they are written. All this significantly reduces computer performance and hard resource disk.

    What is disk defragmentation?

    Disk defragmentation is designed to collect scattered parts of files into continuous, sequential clusters as much as possible. We can say that the system will try to assemble the fragmented file into a single whole. Empty scattered clusters will also be connected into serial chains during this process. In addition, defragmentation will move most of the data closer to the beginning of the disk. The defragmentation operation speeds up program launches and data loading. It is recommended to remove unused programs and data before starting the process.

    How often should you defragment?

    The frequency of defragmentation depends on the size of your hard drive, how much you use it, how full it is, and how often you install and uninstall programs.

    How to defragment a disk?

    Let's look at the defragmentation process using Windows 7 as an example, as the most common operating system at the time of publication of the article. Windows has staff program, with which you can analyze the selected local disk to determine the need to defragment it and directly start the process itself. Most fast way to run it this:

    Open folder " Computer" Start—>Computer.

    Select local disk. By clicking on it with the right mouse button, call context menu, in which select “ Properties" At the top of the properties window, select the " Service" and click on the button " Run defragmentation»

    In the defragmenter window that opens, click on the “ Analyze disk", after which the process of checking the disk for the degree of fragmentation will begin. After finishing the analysis, the program will show how fragmented the disk is. If the degree of fragmentation is above 15%, you must press the “ Disk defragmentation" and wait for the program to finish.

    The defragmentation program can also be launched using the Main Menu. To do this, click on the button " Start", select from the menu " All programs«, « Standard«, « Service" and left-click on the icon " Disk defragmentation»

    Don't forget to carry out this procedure regularly, and your hard drive will be pleased with its speed. In conclusion, it should be noted that for high-speed solid state SSD Defragmentation of disks is not necessary, because they have a different principle of storing information. SSD drives will be discussed in the following materials.


    To speed up your work personal computer, it is not necessary to go to the store to purchase new expensive components - you need to defragment the disk using special utility, which will help bring each fragmented file to an orderly state, transfer important system components in more quick section and much more. Inexperienced users PCs neglect the necessary maintenance, considering the hard drive a secondary component, but the speed of access depends on optimization. various files, including Windows components.

    What is disk defragmentation

    When you delete programs, games, movies and other large files, they remain on your hard drive. individual elements, occupying a certain space, i.e. fragmentation occurs. The next time a new file starts recording, part of it will be written in one place, then the occupied space will be skipped, another part will be recorded, skipped, and so on in a circle. This will lead to the fact that to gain access, the HDD head will have to move from the beginning to the middle, then to the end, and back, and this significantly slows down the work.

    What is it for?

    Performing the procedure is necessary to assemble the file together - the parts will follow strictly one after another, being in sequential clusters. So the read head only needs to read a small part, making a small movement to read the entire file. The use of such utilities is especially important for those users who often overwrite files, install games and programs, and work with a large number small documents, etc. Thanks to the sequential arrangement, the opening and starting speed will increase by up to 50%.

    Why is it useful?

    The closer to the initial part of the hard drive the elements of one file are, the faster the opening will occur, and, in some cases, this becomes very noticeable. The same applies to system files - when they are located on the initial clusters, system loading is accelerated, as is the startup of programs, and overall performance. SSD drive does not need defragmentation, but rather the opposite - the service life will be greatly reduced, because There is a limit on the number of write-rewrite cycles.

    How to defragment a disk

    Windows OS has a built-in disk defragmenter, which does its job well. It is recommended to run weekly to maintain state of hard the disk of the personal computer is in good condition and does not allow unnecessary clutter with small parts of files. You can customize the mode automatic start when the computer itself turns on the program in right time. The speed of the program is directly affected by many factors, of which the following are worth highlighting:

    • technical parameters hardware components of a computer;
    • total hard drive capacity;
    • amount of occupied space;
    • number of write-rewrite cycles performed;
    • period since the last defragmentation.

    For Windows 7

    The built-in defragmenter utility utility for Windows 7 performs defragmentation hard sections disk, but only files, and free clusters remain untouched, although computer performance will still be increased. Automatic mode is present and configured by date, time and frequency. It is recommended to clean before starting local disks from residual debris, for which you can use the system or one of free utilities and check the system registry.

    The function can be activated by going to – Start – All Programs – Accessories – System Tools. The second method is Computer – right-click on the logical drive – Properties – Tools tab – Defragment. After clicking the start button, a program window will open where you can select one of the following:

    • set up a schedule;
    • analysis;
    • defragmentation.

    During the analysis they will be checked sectors of hard disk for the presence of fragmented files, and the report will be provided as a percentage. It is recommended to have at least 15% free space on your hard drive, because... in its absence, defragmentation can take a very long time for a long time, and the efficiency will decrease significantly. Have some not busy place on system disk and used for storing information is always necessary - if you fill it completely, you may encounter slower operation of the entire computer.

    For Windows 8

    The program in Windows 8 is practically no different in its functionality and capabilities from previous version. There is also the ability to set up a schedule, and the process takes a lot of time, much more than when using third-party quick utilities. To access it, you need to press Win+E, left-click on the logical drive, select the Management tab at the top, and select Optimize.

    For Windows 10

    This operating system installed on most modern laptops. The storage medium used here is either an SSD drive, which does not need to be defragmented, or a small HDD, where the situation is completely opposite. A small hard drive undergoes fragmentation much more quickly, which reduces the speed of performing any tasks. It is difficult to set up automatic defragmentation here, because the laptop turns off when it is not being used to save battery power, and the best option will launch it every time manually.

    To open Disk Optimization, you must do the following - Explorer - This Computer - right-click on the disk - Properties - Tools - Optimize. Here, again, you can analyze the disk for the presence of fragmented files and their percentage, start the optimization process itself, or set up a schedule. The more often defragmentation-optimization is performed, the less time subsequent runs will take.

    Disk defragmentation programs

    There are also alternative programs with a more understandable and user-friendly interface and some additional features. The utilities are free, and to use them you only need to download the file and install. Some in automatic mode will replace the standard disk defragmenter, which is convenient because no need to turn it off yourself Windows Services, which not every beginner can do.


    The utility can defragment not only the entire disk, but also individual folders and even files. This will help in cases where speed is important specific application, and not the entire computer. The program works with any file systems. There is a possibility of automatic transfer large files towards the end of the disk. The operating speed is very good, and all information about the hard drive is presented clearly.

    Ashampoo Magical Defrag

    The utility has a minimalist design - the elements are presented in a single window, with virtually no settings and with a small amount of information. There are no additional functions, and the work occurs in the background, turning on during those periods when the computer is idle, in sleep mode, etc. In some cases this is very convenient, because... computer resources are not always used 100%, for example, when watching a movie or working in office programs, you can use the HDD and processor to service the disk.

    Auslogics Disk Defrag

    The program has several key features, which distinguishes it favorably from other proposals. It not only defragments files, but also organizes existing free space, which takes a lot of time. Able to optimize itself system files, speeding up access to them. It is possible to configure a schedule or work in the background without loading all computer resources.


    Distinctive feature program - it replaces the screensaver, i.e., when the computer goes into standby mode, if necessary defragmentation of hard disk, then the process begins. The work will be optimized as much as possible, and the files will be in an orderly state. The program only requires initial setup, after which it will function automatically.

    Smart Defrag

    IObit's product is able to always maintain order in the files on your hard drive. The utility uses a special algorithm that performs partial defragmentation at system startup, and the boot time increases slightly and only if Windows is installed on it. There is a smart distribution function, where frequently used files are distributed closer to the beginning and are accessed faster. The work speed is good, even with large quantities files and their fragmentation.



    Defragmentation- the process of updating and optimizing the logical structure of a disk partition in order to ensure that files are stored in a continuous sequence of clusters. After defragmentation, reading and writing files speeds up, and therefore the work of programs. Another definition of defragmentation is: redistributing files on a disk so that they are located in contiguous areas.

    Long files occupy multiple clusters. If writing is done to an empty disk, then clusters belonging to the same file are written in a row. If the disk is full, it may not have a solid area large enough to accommodate the file. However, the file will still be written if there are many small areas on the disk, the total size of which is sufficient for recording. In this case, the file is written in several fragments.

    The process of breaking a file into small fragments when writing to disk is called fragmentation. If there are many fragmented files on the disk, the read speed of the media decreases because it takes time to find the clusters in which the files are stored.

    Defragmentation is most often used for such file systems like File Allocation Table for Microsoft Windows, since programs for working with them usually do not provide any means to prevent fragmentation, and it appears even on an almost empty disk and a light load.

    File systems

    $sudo xfs_fsr -v /dev/sdX1
    • Also, the GNU/Linux operating system often uses the mv file move command, which can read files from one partition and write a defragmented version to another, and then move the files back. For example, the following example defragments all files in the /home/user folder (/mnt/user is the mount point of the empty partition)
    $mv /home/user /mnt/user $mv /mnt/user /home/user



    • Oliver Diedrich Tuning the Linux file system Ext3 (English). Heise Media UK Ltd. (October 27, 2008). Retrieved November 13, 2008.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    See what “Defragmentation” is in other dictionaries:

      Eliminating intermittency that develops in the structure of disk data when some files are deleted and others appear. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

      defragmentation- Optimization of the location of records on disk. Topics information Technology in general EN defraggingdefragmentation... Technical Translator's Guide

      Comp. eliminating data fragmentation by transferring and organizing it on a hard drive. Performed using a defragmenter program. Increases the speed of data access and therefore computer operation. New dictionary of foreign words. by… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      The operation of efficiently arranging physical file structures. Defragmentation places clusters of each file in one location on the disk, reducing file access time. See also: Disks Files Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

      Defragmentation Windows disk(English) Windows Disk Defragmenter) is computer program, part of the Microsoft Windows operating system and designed to speed up access (and sometimes increase the amount of usable space) with ... ... Wikipedia

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      Type Memory Tool Developer Maxim Mosienko, Enwotex Software operating system Windows 9x, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista Latest version 7.1 (10/18/2008) License... Wikipedia

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    You've probably heard this unusual word "defragmentation" more than once in your life, but you probably don't know what it means. It’s not surprising - few people know this word at all, and yet it plays a fairly significant role in the life of every computer.

    To avoid repetition, I decided to take the definition from Wikipedia:

    Defragmentation is the process of updating and optimizing the logical structure of a disk partition in order to ensure that file fragments are stored in a continuous sequence of clusters. After defragmentation, reading and writing files speeds up, and, consequently, the work of programs, due to the fact that sequential read and write operations are performed faster than random accesses (for example, a hard disk does not require head movement). Another definition of defragmentation is: redistributing files on a disk so that they are located in contiguous areas.

    What does this all mean? More to the point in simple language, then defragmentation allows us to organize files in a continuous sequence of clusters on the hard drive, thanks to which the system begins to work faster and protects us from possible errors.

    To make it more clear to you, I will show you one interesting example, which I found on an English-language site. Imagine that you need to read a book, let it be some work by A.S. Pushkin. So you come to the library and are trying to find a book. Since all the books here are organized by letter, finding this work will not be a problem for you - it will be located in the section with the letter “P” (by the author’s last name).

    Now let's imagine that the library switched to new mode work in which it is not necessary to put books away in the sections where they were originally located. What will happen? That's right - chaos. After all, you simply won’t be able to find the book you need right away, because you can’t even imagine which section it might be in right now. The search may take hours, or even days.

    Do you understand what we are talking about? Now let's return to ours - fragments of files on it can be located exactly the same as in the library, and they can be either ordered or not. Let's say you just formatted your hard drive, so it's empty. The first thing we decided to do was install a game with a size of, say, 20 GB. All game files will be organized in a continuous sequence. Thanks to this, the toy starts up faster and there are no errors when starting it up. Now let's consider the option when your disk is full and there are only a few free gigabytes on it that can accommodate your game. IN in this case the game will be recorded in such a way as to fill the free area, but the fragments may be in different areas, as they are split. Such files are called fragmented.

    What's wrong with fragmented files? If there are a lot of them on the hard drive, then the speed of the media itself decreases, since it takes some time to find the clusters in which our files (or rather, their fragments) are stored. It must be remembered that what is described applies to hard drives- in the case of flash memory there is no such problem.

    Despite some shortcomings, modern users may not defragment the hard drive, which may result in a slight decrease in the speed of the device (occasionally errors appear). However, you can still find software that can only work if the files are stored in sequential sectors. However, experts also claim that a long search for files on the disk leads to a decrease in the work of the hard drive, since it constantly needs to move the disk heads.

    Let's take a subtotal and see what defragmentation gives us. Bend your fingers.

    • The work of most programs installed on the hard drive is accelerated.
    • Increases the service life of the hard drive.
    • The volume on the hard drive increases (though not by much, usually we are talking about several hundred megabytes).
    • The files on the system disk are being optimized.

    How often should you defragment your disk?

    There is no exact answer to this question. However, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

    • If you constantly download something online, you need to defragment it at least once every 1-2 months. The same must be done if your hard drive is more than 80% full.
    • If you are not a fan of downloading files and most of your hard drive remains empty, then defragmentation can be done much less frequently, for example once every 4-6 months.

    Be that as it may, do not forget to carry out this operation- You will need to make a few clicks. And I will tell you how to properly defragment in the very near future.