• What is IPS and TFT screen. Which type of monitor matrix is ​​better? Monitor matrix type AH-IPS

    Today we will delve into the topic and look more specifically at two types of matrices. Let's display all the advantages and disadvantages, and also find out.

    The IPS matrix is ​​a kind of prototype TFT. This technology is used to assemble liquid crystal monitors and screens. This type of matrix consists of pixels arranged in the form of a plate of thin-film transistors. They, in turn, are parallel to each other.

    On TFT The matrix pixels are close to each other, connected in a spiral, the tilt angle is 90 0 . The pixels themselves are located between two plates, in the horizontal plane.

    Color rendition of the matrix ips type high. Clear Image, excellent contrast properties, there is a function of its regulation. Regarding the matrix tft type, the same cannot be said about her. Contrast is low, color rendition is terrible. In order to better understand how different these two matrices are, you just need to look at the picture.
    The tablet on the left has a TFT matrix, and on the right, as you probably guessed, an IPS matrix.

    Judging by only one criterion, the answer to our question Which ips screen or tft is better, arises by itself. According to many users, a screen with an IPS matrix type is better and more reliable. Due to the high color rendering, the eyes are less tired when working with the device. And this is a significant advantage, especially for those who care about their health.

    Which IPS or TFT screen is better:
    In the course of the research, as well as user opinions, it turned out that:
    1. Screen with IPS matrix has a good viewing angle, unlike TFT;
    2. As mentioned above, ips has high color rendering characteristics and a high level of contrast;
    3. Compared to TFT, IPS screens are of better quality, and naturally more expensive. The disadvantage is high power consumption, which causes the device to discharge faster.

    So today you learned a little about two common types of matrices. I hope, thanks to the article, you learned the answer to the question of which ips or tft screen is better?.

    Just a few years ago, choosing a monitor for a personal computer was based on price category, where it was clear that the more expensive device has a high-quality matrix, and the cheap monitor does not shine with characteristics. On at the moment In the monitor market, the division occurs by screen size; each manufacturer produces devices with different technologies matrices. Because of this, the purchasing choice has become more complicated. This article will help users choose the right monitor matrix type. Which better screen purchase on the market, for what purposes and how it differs from competitors, will be presented in an accessible form.

    To make it clearer

    Before choosing the type of monitor matrix, you need to understand the principle of its operation, as well as identify all the advantages and disadvantages. Having compiled a list of needs (for what purpose is it purchased? this device), it will be very easy to compare the actual with the desired. If you do not affect the screen size, the use of the monitor is distributed according to needs into several groups:

    1. Office monitor. A high contrast level is the only requirement.
    2. Designer's computer (photo, pre-press). Accurate color reproduction is important.
    3. Multimedia. Watching movies requires wide viewing angles and true black color on the screen.
    4. Gaming computer. Important indicator- matrix response time.

    The production technology and the movement of electrons between matrices is unlikely to be of interest to anyone, so this article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages, and also use data from the media - reviews from owners and recommendations from sellers. Having found out what technologies exist, all that remains is to combine them with the stated requirements and the funds allocated for the purchase of the monitor.

    The state employee does not give up positions

    The TN (Twisted Nematic) monitor matrix type is considered a long-liver among its competitors on the market. Due to its low price and availability, monitors with this matrix are installed in all government and educational institutions, offices of many companies around the world and in large enterprises. According to statistics, 90% of all monitors in the world have a TN matrix. Along with the price, another advantage of such a monitor is the short response time of the matrix. This parameter is very important in dynamic games, where rendering speed plays a paramount role.

    But the color rendering and viewing angle of such monitors did not work out. Even upgrading the TN matrix by adding an additional layer to increase viewing angles did not give desired results, just added “+film” to the name of the screen type. We must not forget about energy consumption, which significantly exceeds the operating mode of all competitors.

    And yet

    In addition to office use, TN+film is best type monitor matrices for games. After all, most gamers prefer to overpay for high-performance components such as a processor or video card, but they can save money on the screen. However, do not forget about color rendering; in modern games, developers try to make the plot as realistic as possible, and without a real rendering of all colors and shades, this will be very difficult to achieve.

    As a result, apart from the low price and short response time, the TN matrix will not be able to surprise a potential buyer with anything. After all, it’s very hard to ignore the shortcomings:

    1. Low color rendering with the inability to display perfect blacks. The defect is visible when watching dynamic films where all the action takes place in the dark - “Van Helsing”, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, “Dracula” and the like.
    2. The low cost of production leads to a high probability of acquiring a defective matrix, the dead pixel of which is immediately visible, because it is painted white.
    3. Very low viewing angles do not allow you to contemplate the picture on the screen with a large family.

    A step in the right direction

    The monitor matrix type VA (Vertical Alignment) uses technology with vertical ordering of molecules, and in the post-Soviet space is better known under the MVA or PVA markings. And more recently, the suffix “S”, which stands for “Super,” was added to the existing modifications, but the monitors did not acquire any special characteristics compared to their competitors, except that they became slightly more expensive.

    VA technology was intended to eliminate defects in TN+film matrices, and manufacturers were able to achieve certain results, but when comparing these two screens, the user will find that they have opposite characteristics. That is, the disadvantages of VA matrices are the advantages of TN, and the advantages of VA are the disadvantages of cheap matrices. What the manufacturers were thinking is unknown, but the situation on the market has not yet changed for these matrices, even with the introduction of the “Super” label.

    Advantages and disadvantages of VA technology

    If VA technology is compared with the cheapest matrix on the market, TN+film, then the advantages are obvious: excellent viewing angles, very high-quality color reproduction with deep blacks. Essentially, this type of photo monitor is the best in its price range. The only thing that confuses me is the response time. Compared to a cheap TN screen, it is several times higher. Naturally, a device with such a matrix will not be suitable for game lovers, since the dynamic picture will be constantly blurred.

    But designers, layout designers, amateur photographers and all professionals who need to work with real color and its shades will like monitors with VA technology. In addition, the wide viewing angle, even with a strong tilt, does not distort the image on the screen. Such monitors are suitable for multimedia - watching any movies with your family will be interesting, because the screen provides the opportunity to see real black color, and not its semblance in the form of fifty shades of gray.

    No flaws?

    IPS matrices and their various modifications have been on the market for quite a long time. However, their cost is not as attractive to buyers as the impeccable characteristics of screens that use an expensive type of monitor matrix. Which screen is better for a businessman and designer, the president of a company or a traveler, only Apple company, because all its devices, without exception, have IPS (In-Plane Switching) matrix technology.

    From year to year, all kinds of technologies appear, experts are trying to improve the quality of an already expensive and high-quality matrix, as a result of which there are a number of modifications on the market: AH-IPS, P-IPS, H-IPS, S-IPS, e-IPS. The difference between them is minor, but it is there. For example, e-IPS (Enhanced) has technology that increases screen contrast and brightness, and also reduces response time. The professional P-IPS series can display 30-bit color, but it’s a pity that the user will not clearly notice this.

    Reach your dreams

    Without going into deciphering the modifications of the IPS matrix, you can see that this technology is a kind of symbiosis of VA and TN+film production. Naturally, only the advantages were selected that were embodied in one device. For example, matrix type AH-IPS monitor(Advanced High performance) is a direct competitor plasma panels, which have no analogues in the world in terms of the quality of high-definition picture reproduction. Such a serious statement was made back in 2011, but apart from the inflated price of a device with an AH-IPS matrix, it has not yet been possible to prove its superiority.

    And yet, if a game lover has a question about which type of monitor matrix to choose - IPS or TN, then the right decision would be to purchase a more expensive and high quality screen. Even though the price of the device is several times higher than its cheap competitor, spending time with your favorite toy will be more interesting. After all, realistic picture quality will always remain in first place.

    Fun games manufacturers

    We will talk primarily about the Korean giant Samsung, which is constantly trying to invent new technology, but he doesn’t always succeed, because along with quality, the buyer is also interested in the cost of the device, which for some reason tends to increase disproportionately.

    By introducing single pixel separation technology, Samsung was able to achieve better image clarity. This is primarily noticeable on the screen when typing multi-colored text in small font. The technology was approved by many layout designers, and PVA-labeled monitors quickly found fans.

    The WVA monitor matrix type was an improved version of technology from Samsung, and, judging by the low cost of the devices, it competed freely in the market. The shortcoming with the matrix response speed in all devices created using VA technology has not been eliminated.

    Radical solution

    The type of monitor matrix AH-IPS was of interest only to buyers in developed countries of the world. After all, for best quality you have to pay a very large sum, which is beyond the means of residents of the post-Soviet space. And there is no point in purchasing a monitor that is slightly more expensive than a modern personal computer assembly. Therefore, manufacturers of expensive devices had to reduce the cost of technology by reducing the quality in the production of components. So it appeared on the market new type PLS (plane-to-line switching) monitor matrices.

    After analyzing the characteristics and studying the operating principle of the new matrix, you might think that this is just an improved modification of the PVA matrix from Samsung. That's true. As it turned out, this technology the manufacturer developed it a long time ago, but its implementation occurred quite recently, when there was a huge price difference between middle-class and expensive devices, and there was an urgent need to fill the empty price niche.

    Who won?

    Apparently, this is the only case when in the war between manufacturers for the sales market, the buyer wins, who receives a worthy device in terms of its characteristics at a price that is quite acceptable to him. The disadvantage is the small selection of manufacturers, because Samsung has not released the technology beyond its concerns, so the Korean brand has few competitors - Philips and AOC.

    But, faced with the choice of which type of monitor matrix is ​​better - IPS or PLS, a potential buyer who decides to save money will definitely give preference to the latter. After all, in fact, there is not much difference between the devices. And if you pay attention to the fact that most mobile devices, including tablets, have a PLS matrix, which is very often presented by the seller as a more expensive IPS, then only one conclusion suggests itself.

    In pursuit of perfection

    Not long ago, Sharp introduced a type of monitor matrix made using IGZO (indium, gallium and zinc oxide) technology. According to the manufacturer, the material has very high conductivity and lower power consumption, resulting in a higher pixel density per square inch. Essentially, IGZO technology is suitable for the production of 4K resolution monitors and all mobile devices produced in Ultra HD format.

    The technology is far from cheap, and prices for monitors and TVs with IGZO matrix are breaking world records. However, the well-known company Apple got its bearings very quickly, concluding contracts with the matrix manufacturer. This means that this technology is the future; all that remains is to wait for the price to drop on the world market.

    Best choice for gamer

    Having studied existing production technologies, you can without hesitation determine which type of monitor matrix is ​​better. For games, response time and color rendition are a priority, so the choice here is limited. For those who want to save money, a device with a PLS matrix is ​​quite suitable. Although the choice among manufacturers is small, it is possible to decide among the modifications. In addition to the standard type of matrix, the manufacturer offers an improved Super-PLS model, in which the brightness and contrast are higher, and the screen allows you to display a resolution exceeding FullHD.

    But if the price of the issue is not critical for the buyer, then an IPS screen will allow you to enjoy the most realistic picture. You won’t be able to get confused in the markings, because they all boil down to improving the viewing angle and dynamic contrast. The only difference is the price - the better, the more expensive. By giving preference to a device with an IPS monitor matrix type, a gamer will not go wrong.

    Photo processing and graphics are a priority

    It is clear that an IPS device is suitable for designers and layout designers. But is there any point in overpaying? After all, photo processing and layout involve working with colors and their shades. The response time of the matrix is ​​not considered at all. Professionals recommend not to waste money and choose a VA type of monitor matrix. Yes, this is old technology, yes, this is the last century, but according to the “price-quality” criterion, the matrices of this type no competitors. And if you want to purchase some of the new products, then you can opt for a PLS matrix.

    If there is a need to work on a high-resolution monitor, for example 4K, then professionals recommend giving preference to IGZO devices. Their price is not so far from the popular IPS screens, but they are undoubtedly better in quality.

    Multimedia lovers can save money

    Oddly enough, but for those who like to watch movies on a monitor screen and surf the Internet, purchasing a device with a TN+film matrix is ​​quite enough. An inexpensive gadget with an improved screen can easily replace a small TV. The problem can only appear in dark dynamic scenes, where instead of a black background the viewer will have to observe a gray cloud. If this is critical, you need to look towards VA matrices. Yes, the price is higher, but the problem with color rendering will be solved. In addition, the buyer will receive very high contrast and large viewing angles. Don't forget about the physical resolution of the matrix - the higher it is, the better the picture.

    Office option

    It would seem that the universal type of TN+film monitor matrix would be perfect for working with text. But, as practice shows, working with small print behind such a screen is extremely inconvenient. And if a monitor is purchased specifically for working with large volumes of text, then you should worry about your vision. Nearby technology to TN affordable price- this is VA. Regardless of the manufacturer and screen size, such a device will allow you to sit at the computer for more than one hour without any problems.

    Choosing a monitor for office work, attention must be paid to both the size and physical resolution of the matrix. The diagonal of the screen for working with text should not exceed the distance from the user’s eyes to the matrix. It is also recommended to select office monitors with an aspect ratio of 4:3, because in this ratio more readable information is placed on the screen.

    New trend: for your loved one

    Having studied all existing technologies of liquid crystal screens, before choosing the type of monitor matrix, a potential buyer should get acquainted with the information obtained through user surveys in the media.

    1. The monitor is a durable purchase. That is, the next acquisition, with a high probability, will not be earlier than in 10 years.
    2. In 99% of cases, the stated requirements for equipment do not coincide with operating conditions. That is, gaming battles are taking place on an office monitor, while only news feeds are viewed on elite devices.
    3. Multi-connection. For convenience, 25% of users in the world connect several monitors (2, 3, 4) to one computer, and the number of such owners is constantly growing. The convenience is that each connected device has a specific role - games, movies, office, etc.

    The above information allows you to rethink your earlier knowledge. It is recommended to make a purchase based not on needs, but on desire and capabilities. Essentially, you should focus on the most expensive and high-quality device that the user can afford. You can't save money here.

    In conclusion

    Having found out which type of monitor matrix is ​​best for the user, what the letter markings on the device’s display mean and how it affects price and quality, you can begin choosing the diagonal. However, many IT experts recommend paying attention to the resolution of the screen - how many dots per square inch it can display. Very often, the correct choice of the required resolution leads to the purchase of a monitor with a smaller diagonal, and, accordingly, to significant savings cash. An important role is played by the manufacturer of monitors - the matrix is ​​of its own production, the availability service center by place of residence and large warranty period hint to the future owner that he is purchasing a worthy device that will never let you down.

    When choosing a monitor, many users are faced with the question: what better pls or IPS.

    These two technologies have existed for quite a long time and both show themselves quite well.

    If you look at various articles on the Internet, they either write that everyone must decide for themselves what is better, or they do not give an answer to the question posed at all.

    Actually, these articles make no sense at all. After all, they do not help users in any way.

    Therefore, we will analyze in which cases it is better to choose PLS or IPS and give advice that will help you make the right choice. Let's start with the theory.

    What is IPS

    It’s worth saying right away that at the moment it is the two options under consideration that are the leaders in the technology market.

    And not every specialist will be able to say which technology is better and what advantages each of them has.

    So, the word IPS itself stands for In-Plane-Switching (literally “in-site switching”).

    This abbreviation also stands for Super Fine TFT (“super thin TFT”). TFT, in turn, stands for Thin Film Transistor.

    To put it simply, TFT is a technology for displaying images on a computer, which is based on an active matrix.

    Quite difficult.

    Nothing. Let's figure it out now!

    So, in TFT technology, the molecules of liquid crystals are controlled using thin-film transistors, this means “active matrix”.

    IPS is exactly the same, only the electrodes in monitors with this technology are on the same plane with liquid crystal molecules, which are parallel to the plane.

    All this can be clearly seen in Figure 1. There, in fact, displays with both technologies are shown.

    First there is a vertical filter, then transparent electrodes, after them liquid crystal molecules (blue sticks, they interest us most), then a horizontal filter, a color filter and the screen itself.

    Rice. No. 1. TFT and IPS screens

    The only difference between these technologies is that the LC molecules in TFT are not located in parallel, but in IPS they are in parallel.

    Thanks to this, they can quickly change the viewing angle (specifically, here it is 178 degrees) and give best picture(at IPS).

    And also due to this solution, the brightness and contrast of the picture on the screen has significantly increased.

    Is it clear now?

    If not, write your questions in the comments. We will definitely answer them.

    IPS technology was created in 1996. Among its advantages, it is worth noting the absence of the so-called “excitement,” that is, an incorrect reaction to touch.

    It also has excellent color rendition. Quite a lot of companies produce monitors using this technology, including NEC, Dell, Chimei and even.

    What is PLS

    Very for a long time the manufacturer did not say anything at all about his brainchild and many experts put forward various assumptions regarding the characteristics of PLS.

    Actually, even now this technology is shrouded in a lot of secrets. But we will still find the truth!

    PLS was released in 2010 as an alternative to the aforementioned IPS.

    This abbreviation stands for Plane To Line Switching (that is, “switching between lines”).

    Let us remember that IPS is In-Plane-Switching, that is, “switching between lines.” This refers to switching in a plane.

    And above we said that in this technology, liquid crystal molecules quickly become flat and due to this, best angle review and other characteristics.

    So, in PLS everything happens exactly the same, but faster. Figure 2 shows all this clearly.

    Rice. No. 2. PLS and IPS work

    In this figure, at the top there is the screen itself, then the crystals, that is, the same LC molecules that were indicated by blue sticks in Figure No. 1.

    The electrode is shown below. On the left, in both cases, their location is shown in the off state (when the crystals do not move), and on the right – in the on state.

    The principle of operation is the same - when the crystals begin to work, they begin to move, while initially they are located parallel to each other.

    But, as we see in Figure No. 2, these crystals quickly acquire the required form- the one that is necessary for the maximum.

    Over a certain period of time, the molecules in the IPS monitor do not become perpendicular, but in the PLS they do.

    That is, in both technologies everything is the same, but in PLS everything happens faster.

    Hence the intermediate conclusion - PLS works faster and, in theory, this particular technology could be considered the best in our comparison.

    But it is too early to draw final conclusions.

    This is interesting: Samsung filed a lawsuit against LG several years ago. It claimed that the AH-IPS technology used by LG is a modification of PLS ​​technology. From this we can conclude that PLS is a type of IPS, and the developer himself admitted this. Actually, this was confirmed and we are a little higher.

    Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose good screen- management

    What if I don't understand anything?

    In this case, the video at the end of this article will help you. It clearly shows TFT monitors and IPS in section.

    You will be able to see how it all works and understand that in PLS everything happens exactly the same, but faster than in IPS.

    Now we can move on to further comparison of technologies.

    Expert opinions

    On some sites you can find information about an independent study of PLS ​​and IPS.

    Experts compared these technologies under a microscope. It is written that in the end they did not find any differences.

    Other experts write that it is still better to buy PLS, but do not really explain why.

    Among all the statements of experts, there are several main points that can be observed in almost all opinions.

    These points are as follows:

    • Monitors with PLS matrices are the most expensive on the market. Most cheap option– TN, but such monitors are inferior in all respects to both IPS and PLS. So, most experts agree that this is very justified, because the picture is better displayed on PLS;
    • Monitors with a PLS matrix are best suited for performing all kinds of design and engineering tasks. And this technique will do the job perfectly. professional photographers. Again, from this we can conclude that PLS does a better job of rendering colors and providing sufficient image clarity;
    • According to experts, PLS monitors practically free from problems such as glare and flicker. They came to this conclusion during testing;
    • Ophthalmologists say that PLS will be much better perceived by the eyes. Moreover, your eyes will find it much easier to look at PLS all day than IPS.

    In general, from all this we again draw the same conclusion that we already made earlier. PLS is a little better than IPS. And this opinion is confirmed by most experts.

    Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose a good screen - guide

    Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose a good screen - guide

    Our comparison

    Now let’s move on to the final comparison, which will answer the question posed at the very beginning.

    The same experts identify a number of characteristics by which different ones need to be compared.

    We are talking about indicators such as light sensitivity, response speed (meaning the transition from gray to gray), quality (pixel density without losing other characteristics) and saturation.

    We will use them to evaluate the two technologies.

    Table 1. Comparison of IPS and PLS according to some characteristics

    Other characteristics, including saturation and quality, are subjective and vary from person to person. specific person.

    But from the above indicators it is clear that PLS has slightly higher characteristics.

    Thus, we again confirm the conclusion that this technology performs better than IPS.

    Rice. No. 3. The first comparison of monitors with IPS and PLS matrices.

    There is a single “popular” criterion that allows you to accurately determine which is better – PLS or IPS.

    This criterion is called “by eye”. In practice, this means that you just need to take and look at the two side by side standing monitor and visually determine where the picture is better.

    Therefore, we will present several similar images, and everyone will be able to see for themselves where the image visually looks better.

    Rice. No. 4. Second comparison of monitors with IPS and PLS matrices.

    Rice. No. 5. The third comparison of monitors with IPS and PLS matrices.

    Rice. No. 6. The fourth comparison of monitors with IPS and PLS matrices.

    Rice. No. 7. Fifth comparison of monitors with IPS (left) and PLS (right) matrices.

    It is visually clear that on all PLS samples the picture looks much better, more saturated, brighter, and so on.

    We mentioned above that TN is the most inexpensive technology today and monitors using it, accordingly, also cost less than others.

    After them in price come IPS, and then PLS. But, as we see, all this is not at all surprising, because the picture really looks much better.

    Other characteristics in this case are also higher. Many experts advise buying with PLS matrices and Full HD resolution.

    Then the image will really look just great!

    It is impossible to say for sure whether this combination is the best on the market today, but it is definitely one of the best.

    By the way, for comparison you can see what IPS and TN look like from an acute viewing angle.

    Rice. No. 8. Comparison of monitors with IPS (left) and TN (right) matrices.

    It is worth saying that Samsung created two technologies at once, which are used in monitors and in / and were able to significantly outperform IPS.

    It's about Super AMOLED screens, which stand on mobile devices this company.

    Interestingly, Super AMOLED resolution is usually lower than IPS, but the picture is more saturated and bright.

    But in the case of PLS ​​above, almost everything that can be, including resolution.

    The general conclusion can be drawn that PLS is better than IPS.

    Among other things, PLS has the following advantages:

    • the ability to convey a very wide range of shades (in addition to primary colors);
    • ability to support the entire sRGB range;
    • lower energy consumption;
    • viewing angles allow several people to see the picture comfortably at once;
    • all kinds of distortions are absolutely excluded.

    In general, IPS monitors are perfect for solving common household tasks, for example, watching movies and working in office programs.

    But if you want to see a really rich and high-quality image, buy equipment with PLS.

    This is especially true when you need to work with design/design programs.

    Of course, their price will be higher, but it’s worth it!

    Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose a good screen - guide

    What is amoled, super amoled, Lcd, Tft, Tft ips? Don't know? Look!

    Which is better PLS or IPS? How to choose a good screen - guide

    4.8 (95%) 4 votes

    As is usually the case with abbreviations used to denote specifics and technical characteristics, there is confusion and substitution of concepts in relation to TFT and IPS. Largely thanks to unqualified descriptions electronic devices In catalogues, consumers pose the question of choice initially incorrectly. So, the IPS matrix is ​​a type of TFT matrix, so it is impossible to compare these two categories with each other. However, for Russian consumers, the abbreviation TFT often means TN-TFT technology, and in this case a choice can already be made. So speaking of differences TFT screens and IPS, we will mean TFT screens made using TN and IPS technologies.

    TN-TFT- technology for making a matrix of a liquid crystal (thin-film transistor) screen, when the crystals, in the absence of voltage, are rotated to each other at an angle of 90 degrees in the horizontal plane between two plates. The crystals are arranged in a spiral, and as a result, when fed maximum voltage The crystals rotate in such a way that when light passes through them, black pixels are formed. Without tension - white.

    IPS- technology for making a matrix of a liquid crystal (thin-film transistor) screen, when the crystals are located parallel to each other along a single plane of the screen, and not spirally. In the absence of voltage, the liquid crystal molecules do not rotate.

    In practice the most important difference The IPS matrix from the TN-TFT matrix consists of an increased level of contrast due to the almost perfect display of black color. The picture turns out clearer.

    The color rendering quality of TN-TFT matrices leaves much to be desired. Each pixel in this case may have its own shade, different from the others, resulting in distorted colors. IPS already treats images much more carefully.

    On the left is a tablet with TN-TFT matrix. On the right is a tablet with an IPS matrix

    The response speed of TN-TFT is slightly higher than that of other matrices. IPS takes time to rotate the entire parallel die array. Thus, when performing tasks where drawing speed is important, it is much more profitable to use TN matrices. On the other hand, in everyday use a person does not notice the difference in response time.

    Monitors and displays based on IPS matrices are much more energy-intensive. This is due high level voltage required to rotate the crystal array. Therefore, the tasks of energy saving in mobile and portable devices TN-TFT technology is more responsible.

    IPS-based screens have wide viewing angles, meaning they do not distort or invert colors when viewed at an angle. Unlike TN, IPS viewing angles are 178 degrees both vertically and horizontally.

    Another difference that is important for the end consumer is the price. TN-TFT today is the cheapest and most widespread version of the matrix, so it is used in budget models electronics.

    Conclusions website

    1. IPS screens are less responsive and have longer response times.
    2. IPS screens provide better color reproduction and contrast.
    3. The viewing angles of IPS screens are significantly greater.
    4. IPS screens require more power.
    5. IPS screens are more expensive.

    Oddly enough, choosing a high-quality display for a computer monitor or laptop can only be done experimentally. This article will help you understand the parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing a monitor or laptop.

    How to choose a monitor or laptop display with ideal characteristics?

    A high-quality display has a huge advantage in multimedia tasks on a PC, and in relation to a laptop it’s half that. Take a look at this short list of display issues to watch out for when purchasing a new mobile computer or PC monitor:

    • low brightness and contrast characteristics
    • small viewing angles
    • glare

    Replacing a laptop screen is more difficult than buying one new monitor For desktop computer, not to mention installing a new LCD matrix into a mobile computer, which cannot be done in all cases, so selecting a laptop screen should be approached with full responsibility.

    Let me remind you once again that you cannot believe the promises of advertising materials of retail chains and computer manufacturers. Having finished reading mobile computer monitor and display selection guide, you can find difference between TN matrix and IPS matrix, evaluate the contrast, determine the required brightness level and other important parameters of the liquid crystal screen. You'll save time and money searching for a PC monitor and laptop display by choosing a quality LCD screen instead of a mediocre one.

    Which is better: IPS or TN matrix?

    The screens of laptops, ultrabooks, tablets and other portable computers typically use two types of LCD panels:

    • IPS (In-Plane Switching)
    • TN (Twisted Nematic)

    Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, but it is worth considering that they are intended for different consumer groups. Let's find out which type of matrix is ​​right for you.

    IPS displays: excellent color reproduction

    Displays based on IPS matrices have the following advantages:

    • large viewing angles - regardless of the side and angle of human view, the image will not fade and will not lose color saturation
    • excellent color reproduction - IPS displays reproduce RGB colors without distortion
    • have a fairly high contrast.

    If you are going to do pre-production or video editing, you will need a device with this type of screen.

    Disadvantages of IPS technology compared to TN:

    • long pixel response time (for this reason, displays of this type are less suitable for dynamic 3D games).
    • monitors and mobile computers with IPS panels tend to be more expensive than models with screens based on TN matrices.

    TN displays: inexpensive and fast

    Liquid crystal displays are currently the most widely used matrices made using TN technology. Their advantages include:

    • low cost
    • low power consumption
    • response time.

    TN screens perform well in dynamic games - for example, first-person shooters (FPS) with fast scene changes. Such applications require a screen with a response time of no more than 5 ms (for IPS matrices it is usually longer). Otherwise, various kinds of visual artifacts may be observed on the display, such as trails from fast-moving objects.

    If you want to use it on a monitor or laptop with a stereo screen, it is also better for you to give preference to a TN matrix. Some displays this standard capable of updating the image at a speed of 120 Hz, which is a necessary condition for operation of active stereo glasses.

    From disadvantages of TN displays It is worth highlighting the following:

    • TN panels have limited viewing angles
    • mediocre contrast
    • are not capable of displaying all colors of the RGB space, so they are not suitable for professional editing images and videos.

    Very expensive TN panels, however, do not have some of the characteristic disadvantages and are close in quality to good IPS screens. For example, at Apple MacBook Pro Retina uses a TN matrix, which is almost as good as IPS displays in terms of color rendering, viewing angles and contrast.

    If no voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystals lined up do not change the plane of polarization of the light, and it does not pass through the front polarizing filter. When voltage is applied, the crystals rotate 90°, the polarization plane of the light changes, and it begins to pass through.

    When no voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystal molecules arrange themselves in a helical structure and change the polarization plane of the light so that it passes through the front polarizing filter. If voltage is applied, the crystals will be arranged linearly and light will not pass through.

    How to distinguish IPS from TN

    If you liked the monitor or laptop, and technical specifications display are not known, you should look at its screen from different angles. If the image becomes dull and its colors are greatly distorted, you have a monitor or mobile computer with a mediocre TN display. If, despite all your efforts, the picture has not lost its colors - this monitor with a matrix made using IPS technology, or with high quality TN.

    Attention: avoid laptops and monitors with matrices, which show strong color distortion at high angles. For games, choose a computer monitor with an expensive TN display; for other tasks, it is better to give preference to an IPS matrix.

    Important parameters: monitor brightness and contrast

    Let's look at two more important parameters display:

    There is never enough brightness

    For indoor work artificial lighting A display with a maximum brightness level of 200–220 cd/m2 (candelas per square meter) is sufficient. The lower the value of this setting, the darker and dimmer the image on the display will be. I do not recommend buying a mobile computer with a screen whose maximum brightness level does not exceed 160 cd/m2. For comfortable work outdoors on a sunny day, you will need a screen with a brightness of at least 300 cd/m2. In general, the brighter the display, the better.

    When purchasing, you should also check the uniformity of the screen backlight. To do this, you should reproduce white or dark blue color on the screen (this can be done in any graphic editor) and make sure there are no light or dark spots across the entire surface of the screen.

    Static and staggered contrast

    Maximum static screen contrast level is the ratio of the brightness of successively displayed black and white colors. For example, a contrast ratio of 700:1 means that when outputting white, the display will be 700 times brighter than when outputting black.

    However, in practice, the picture is almost never completely white or black, so for a more realistic assessment, the concept of checkerboard contrast is used.

    Instead of sequentially filling the screen with black and white colors, a test pattern is displayed on it in the form of a black and white chessboard. This is a much more difficult test for displays because, due to technical limitations, it is impossible to turn off the backlight under the black rectangles while simultaneously illuminating the white ones at maximum brightness. A good checkerboard contrast for LCD displays is considered to be 150:1, and an excellent contrast is 170:1.

    The higher the contrast, the better. To evaluate it, display a chess table on your laptop display and check the depth of black and brightness of white.

    Matte or glossy screen

    Probably many people paid attention to the difference in matrix coverage:

    • matte
    • glossy

    The choice depends on where and for what purposes you plan to use the monitor or laptop. Matte LCD displays have a rough matrix coating that does not reflect external light well, so they do not glare in the sun. Obvious disadvantages include the so-called crystalline effect, which manifests itself in a slight haze of the image.

    The glossy finish is smooth and better reflects light emitted from external sources. Glossy displays tend to be brighter and more contrasty than matte displays, and colors appear richer on them. However, such screens produce glare, which leads to premature fatigue when long work, especially if the display has insufficient brightness.

    Screens with a glossy matrix coating and having insufficient brightness reserves reflect the surrounding environment, which leads to premature fatigue of the user.

    Touch screen and resolution

    Windows 8 was the first operating system Microsoft, which had a huge influence on the development of screens mobile computers, in which optimization is clearly visible graphical shell under touch screens. Leading developers produce laptops (ultrabooks and hybrids) and all-in-one PCs with touchscreens. The cost of such devices is usually higher, but they are also more convenient to manage. However, you will have to accept that the screen will quickly lose its presentability appearance due to greasy fingerprint marks, and wipe it regularly.

    The smaller the screen and the higher its resolution, the more The number of points forming the image is per unit area, and the higher its density. For example, a 15.6-inch display with a resolution of 1366x768 pixels has a density of 100 ppi.

    Attention! Do not buy monitors with screens with a dot density of less than 100 dpi, as they will show visible grain in the image.

    To Windows release 8 high density pixels did more harm than good. Small fonts on small screen It was very difficult to see in high resolution. Windows 8 has new system adaptation to screens with different densities, so now the user can choose a laptop computer with the diagonal and display resolution that he deems necessary. The exception is for video game fans, as running games at ultra-high resolutions will require a powerful graphics card.