• What are accounts, rights and permissions for?

    Taking their first steps on the Internet, users are sure to ask the question “What is an account?” Of course! After all, on almost every site they offer, and even require, mandatory create this same account.

    But how can it be created if its purpose is not entirely clear - global and local (in relation to a specific web resource)?

    If you, dear reader, are bothered by such questioning, then you have come to the right place. This article is just for you. From it you will learn the functional definition of an account: why and how it is created.

    So, welcome to our short tour!


    An account is a collection of personal user data that is stored in the system of the website being used. It is used to authenticate the user on the site. As a rule, account holders have more authority on web resources compared to regular visitors. They are provided with advanced functionality: depending on the web resource used - saving content, user settings, data backup, the ability to leave messages, upload files from your computer, etc.

    Alternative names for the term

    On the Internet, an account can be called differently. Know that these words mean the same term:

    • account, acc, or account (from the English word account - “account”);
    • profile;
    • personal page (this definition is more applicable to social networks. For example, such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte).
    • accounting (colloquial derivative).

    Account types

    All accounts can be divided into two large groups:

    • Local - used for authorization on only one web resource.
    • Universal - make it possible to log in to several sites, or all services, of a company. For example, in Google systems and Yandex, you only need one account to use cloud storage, mail, news services and blogs.

    How to create a profile?

    To register your account on the site, the first thing you need to do is go to the registration form. Usually the link to it is located at home page and has a name (Registration, Register, Create an account, etc.).

    Then you will need to fill out the form with the following information:

    • “First and last name” - your passport details or pseudonym (the choice is yours, but if you register in a payment system, banking service or online store, it is better not to use a fictitious name).
    • “Login” is a nickname, or nickname, in the system. Your nickname on the site where you register. It can be seen by other users. The login is also used for authorization - it is indicated when entering the site.
    • “Password” is a symbolic-numeric key for logging into your account. It is of great importance for the safety and security of confidential data. Take its compilation and storage very seriously.
    • "E-mail", " Mobile phone» - means of verification or confirmation of rights to the profile. With their help, functions are activated and access to the account is restored if the password is lost. Also, some websites use them to notify users about hacking attempts, third-party interference, or changing settings.
    • Captcha - a picture with a code or a special task. In this column, do everything that the resource requires of you (retype the code from the image, solve mathematical example, answer the question, label the pictures according to the given attribute). This way you will prove that you are not a bot and are filling out the data manually.
    • Payment details - bank card, electronic account payment system. If you plan to make any purchases in the account being created, which means that this data must be specified.

    There may also be other required fields in the form. For example, a series of passport, driver's license, insurance policy.

    After entering all the necessary data, send them to the site server - click the “Submit” or “Register” button. Confirm your rights to the specified e-mail and phone number. The web service will send you to complete this procedure special message, respectively, with a link or verification code.

    How to log into your profile?

    Even though home computer called personal, that is, designed for one user and his needs, in practice it is more often used by several people at once. In organizations, a number of employees can work in shifts on the same computer, but at home it becomes a toy for all family members.

    At the same time, users of the same computer can be of different genders and ages, which means that there will certainly be requirements for the design of the working environment (for example, the desktop background), system settings and the list of installed programs will be different. It’s clear that if you spend a couple of hours personalizing the system and the next time you turn on your computer you find that someone has changed the shortcuts you’ve set, the gadgets you’ve configured, and your favorite desktop background, you’ll probably be upset. So what to do in this situation?

    Fortunately, the system developers took care of this, making Windows not only multitasking, but also multi-user. This means that the world's most widely used OS allows you to add new users with your own configurations.

    For Windows User is a specific account that uses the current system to perform specific functions. Several people can work under one user, and at the same time, each of them can create a separate user.

    As we mentioned above, a computer located at home can often be used by several people. Each of them can work under one user, that is, in in this case system resources will be shared. But you can create several users, which will be much more profitable. What benefits can you get from this?

    The fact is that each account is capable of storing not only individual settings interface of the system, but also have its own set installed applications, which can only be used by a specific user. However, others may not know about the presence of these programs on their computer.

    One more important point is the fact that different users of the same computer may have different rights. Thus, by creating an additional account with reduced rights, you can limit functionality the person who will use it. For example, he will not be able to change basic system settings and open certain folders, which can be useful if children use the computer. In addition, you can prohibit children and beginners from installing new programs, and leave all the ability to install applications and configure the system only to experienced users.

    During Windows installations, a main account must be created in it, the owner of which becomes the first user and has system administrator rights. Also, immediately after registering a new account, the user’s “personal” folders are automatically created on the hard drive, which include: “Documents”, “Music”, “Videos”, “Images”, “Desktop” and others. Many of the most common programs, by default, offer to save files created in them in these standard folders, of course, unless you forcibly change their location to some other one.

    Any data contained in these folders will not be accessible to users who sign in using a different account. This way, you don’t have to worry that someone will accidentally delete, for example, a document you created or gain access to confidential data.

    Creating new users

    Now let’s imagine that one account is not enough for you and you need to create one additional user or even several users with their own configurations.

    To do this, you need to click on the button Start and in the main menu that opens, select the item Control Panel(located on the right side of the menu). Among the many sections (icons, pictograms) we are interested in the one called User Accounts.

    In general, an account is special data that the operating system stores for each user. If added new user, the operating system creates an account for him. If a user is deleted, the credentials are erased from memory. It's a bit like the HR department at work: when you start a job, a personal file is created, and when you leave, it is destroyed.

    Now let's try to add a new user. To do this, you need to click on the link, after which the window of the same name will open in front of you.

    In the field where it says “New account name”, you need to enter the name (alias) of the new user. If the letters are not printed when you press the keys, you need to click on this field with the mouse. You can enter any name as an alias; you can also use the real name of the person for whom the user will be created.

    Next, you should select the account type by choosing one of two options: Administrator or Regular access. The administrator is allowed to manage all existing settings operating system, add any programs and applications, create and delete users, and so on. In the case of normal access, you can also use almost all programs and customize the system to suit your own needs, but you will not be able to change the security settings of the system or other users. Also Administrator may at any time limit the rights of a standard account, preventing the user from performing certain operations.

    The most correct thing is if there is only one administrator user on the computer, who will control all the rights of other users. It is the administrator who allows and denies something to someone. In addition, administrators can change not only their own account, but also the records of other users. So the presence of several users on the same computer with such rights increases the risk of unwanted interference in important settings operating system.

    When the selection is made, click on the button. A window will open with a list of created users and their icons.

    Setting up and deleting accounts

    If you click on any of the accounts (for example, the one that was just created), a window will appear in which you can see links to change the user account settings. Items Changing your account name And Changing the pattern no special comments are needed.

    For each account, it is advisable to set its own own password, thanks to which other users will not be able to visit “other people’s” profiles. This is done using the point Creating a Password. Immediately after the password is created, the additional items Change/Remove Password.

    If you decide to limit the rights of any user, you need to click on the link in the window Set parental controls. Then you should select the user for whom the restriction will be set, after which a window with control settings will appear. By the way, if one or more accounts do not have a password, the system will warn you about this.

    First you need to put the switch Parental Controls to mode Turn on using the current settings. Links in the section Windows Settings allow you to configure certain settings for users, including: limiting time spent on the computer by day of the week, managing access to gaming applications, as well as setting permissions or blocking the use of certain programs.

    Finally, you always have the right to delete any account you create by clicking on the link with a self-explanatory name in the window for making changes to your account. Just keep in mind that changing settings or deleting users should be done carefully, since such operations can erase important files users, if they are in personal folders that Windows specifically creates for them.

    True, the developers have insured against rash actions and when deleting an account, Windows will first offer to save the user’s personal files, and if you still click on the button Delete files, it will display another warning window.

    After there are two or more active accounts in the system, each time before logging into the system, Welcome window you will be prompted to select the desired user.

    While working in Windows, you can log out of one account and log into another at any time, or even without logging out, just change the user. To do this, click on the button Start, and then hover your mouse over the arrow next to the button Shutdown.

    After selecting the item in the menu that opens Change user, you without shutting down applications and closing active windows will be taken to the welcome screen where you can select new profile to login. Just keep in mind that working with several configurations at once seriously reduces the available space RAM and can cause your computer to slow down.

    By the way, you can quickly change the user by pressing the combination Ctrl keys+ Alt + Del and selecting the appropriate menu item or using the Win + L hotkey combination.

    If you need to completely log out of your account and allow another user to work in Windows, select Logout. In this case, all programs and files you were working with will be closed.

    How to get a Microsoft account? This question worries many Internet users. If you are one of them, then this article is for you.

    Microsoft is one of the largest IT companies in the world. This brand includes a huge number of different Internet services. Skype, store Xbox Live, search engine Bing, package Office programs, cloud storage OneDrive - and these are not all programs operating under the Microsoft banner.

    What is a Microsoft account? Essentially, this is a universal account. It can be used to work with any service from Microsoft. It is very convenient and practical. For example, you downloaded Skype and Office package. Instead of registering for each program separately, you can create one account on the official Microsoft website.

    How to register with Microsoft

    How do I create a Microsoft account? It's actually very simple. You can register an account in just a couple of minutes. You must go to the official website of the company and follow the following instructions:

    After this, the registration procedure will be completed. will happen automatic login to your Microsoft account. Now entered during registration email and you can use the password to log in to services owned by Microsoft.

    How to add a user

    An account in a Microsoft service can also be used to add a new user to the Windows OS. This is done as follows:

    A new operating system user has been created. You can now sign in to your computer using your Microsoft account information. It is worth noting that the first time you log into the OS, settings are configured. This may take a certain amount of time.


    If you often use Microsoft products, then in this case it is quite rational to create an account on the company’s official website. This will save you a lot of time. After all, you will not need to register in each program separately. You can simply use the data from your Microsoft account.