• Where is the progress in RAM and why overclock it? Extreme laptop overclocking


    Increase frequency operational memory there are two ways: change its multiplier or frequency system bus. It is better to use the second option, because it provides a smooth increase in performance, rather than a sudden jump, which can lead to damage to the device. Install the Speccy utility and run it. Open the "RAM" menu and look frequency, with which the boards are currently working.

    Restart your computer and open the BIOS by pressing the Del key. Open the Advanced menu and find the FSB/Memory Ratio item. It may be called differently in various models motherboards. Set this item to Manual instead of Auto. Now you can set the frequency and multiplier values ​​yourself. Follow these steps. Enlarge frequency operational bus memory at 20-50 Hertz.

    Return to the main window BIOS menu and select Save & Exit. Press Enter and wait until your computer restarts. Now run a stability check memory. Open Control Panel and select the System and Security menu (Windows Seven). Open the “Administration” submenu and launch the “Check” shortcut memory Windows". Confirm that the computer is rebooted to check the status of the operating system. memory.

    If testing shows good results, then enter the BIOS menu again and raise the frequency operational memory. Perform the described cycles until the RAM checking system detects no errors. After that you can try to reduce the delays memory. To do this, alternately lower the indicators of the four types of timings by one point. They are usually located in Advanced Settings.

    If, while changing the RAM operating parameters, a failure occurs and the computer stops booting, then remove the BOIS battery from the battery for a while. system unit. This will apply the PC's factory settings.


    • how to increase memory frequency

    To fully optimize your computer, you need to configure the operating parameters of the RAM boards. memory. This process is recommended to be performed through the BIOS menu, but sometimes you can use additional programs.


    Check the performance and stability of installed RAM cards memory. You can use the MemTest program, but if you do not want to search for and install this utility, then use Windows tools. Open the Administrative Tools menu located in your computer's Control Panel. Launch the "Check" shortcut memory Windows".

    Restart the computer and wait until the analysis of the status of the operational boards is completed memory. Now open the BIOS menu by pressing the Delete key after turning on the computer. Go to the System Configuration or Advanced Chipset Setup menu. Select the method for changing the frequency of the operational strips memory. It's better to change frequency tires, because changing the multiplier will give a sharp jump in performance.

    Raise it up a little frequency operational bus memory. Increase the voltage supplied to the RAM cards. This will help avoid an emergency shutdown of the computer when there is a heavy load on the RAM boards. memory. Save your BIOS menu settings changes by pressing F10. Wait until the operating system finishes loading.

    Check the condition of the operating strips again memory. Pay special attention to performance gains and the presence (absence) of errors. If the test shows excellent results, then repeat the procedure for increasing the frequency of operational memory. Be sure to increase the voltage periodically.

    If at some point the computer stops booting, then disassemble the system case and remove the BIOS battery. Install it in the nest after 10-15 minutes. Set the last good value of the operational bus frequency memory to avoid problems in its operation. If you decide to increase the multiplier, then first reduce frequency tires.

    Video on the topic

    No matter how fast your computer or laptop is, over time its power ceases to be enough and it can no longer cope with the tasks you need. Then the thought arises about overclocking its components. A relatively decent increase in performance can be achieved by overclocking the computer's RAM. Just remember that overclocking leads to a decrease in the stability of the computer, so it must be done with caution and only when absolutely necessary.

    You will need

    • - Computer with Windows OS;
    • - CPU program Stability Test.


    So, in order to increase frequency operational memory, go to BIOS. After that, go to the advanced settings (they may be called Advanced Chipset Settings or something else similar). To change timings, find the field responsible for this (Current Latency or similar) and set the minimum value. For example, if it costs 3, put 2.

    Now try to increase frequency memory. To do this, find the item responsible for the system bus speed here. It may be called FSB Speed ​​or something similar. Put frequency tires are 1 step larger than the one you have now. It's better to change frequency to a minimum value, no more than 5 MHz.

    After changing the bus frequency, save the settings in the BIOS, load the operating system and run the program to test the stability of the processor and memory. In this regard, the CPU Stability Test program has proven itself well.

    If testing with the utility does not reveal any problems, you can safely return to the BIOS and increase frequency system bus (and with them the processor and RAM memory) one more step. After that, save the settings again, boot the operating system and test stability. The cycle must be repeated until the utility shows that the current configuration is unstable. In this case, it is recommended to return to the BIOS and roll back the frequency 2 steps back.

    Useful advice

    Typically, overclocking RAM comes down to increasing the system bus frequency or reducing timings to a minimum. Timings determine the response speed in clock cycles of your RAM. Not all motherboards allow you to change the system bus frequency in small increments (1-5 MHz); if this is the case, it is better not to overclock. As the system bus frequency increases, the processor frequency simultaneously increases. If this happens suddenly without proper testing, then there is a high risk of damaging one or both of these computer components.

    If you need to increase the performance of RAM without installing new RAM sticks, then reduce the timings of the existing ones. This should be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the computer devices.

    You will need

    • - Riva Tuner.


    First, check the installed memory sticks. IN operating system Windows Seven has a built-in utility to carry out this process. Open Control Panel and select the System and Security menu. Now open the “Administration” item. Go to the "Validator" menu Windows memory" Now select the “Restart and check memory” option.

    Now restart your computer and open the BIOS menu while holding the Delete key. Press combination Ctrl keys and F1 to open the menu additional parameters computer operation. Go to the Advanced menu. Now examine the data below the Memory Frequency line. There are four points there: CAS Latency, RAS Precharge delay, RAS to CAS Delay and Active Precharge Delay.

    It is necessary to reduce timings very carefully, each time changing only one parameter to the minimum “unit”. Start decreasing from the first point of CAS Latency. Usually it is reduced by 0.5. Return to the main BIOS menu. Select Save & Exit and press Enter. After restarting the computer, repeat the procedure for entering the RAM testing menu.

    If the program has shown an improvement in performance, continue to reduce the timings by changing the value of the next item (RAS Precharge delay). To avoid constant reboots computer when checking memory, use special utilities.

    Install memtest or Riva Tuner. Use these utilities to check the stability and performance of your RAM. Latest program, by the way, has a function to reduce timings. Remember that it is recommended to perform this process through the BIOS, because this will allow you to quickly restore your computer to factory settings in the event of a failure.

    RAM- a computer component that has a significant impact on its overall performance. Overclocking and fine tuning RAM can increase overall computer performance by 4% to 12%. In this article we will tell you how to properly overclock RAM without risking “burning something”.

    Before talking about memory overclocking methods, it should be noted that to increase the performance of the memory subsystem, it is not necessary to overclock it at all; it is enough to simply activate the Dual Channel mode (two-channel data transfer mode) or three-channel mode. And it will start working automatically after installing two (three, for three-channel mode) or more memory sticks in the corresponding connectors of the motherboard (of the same color). The essence of this technology is that the width of the data bus increases, and theoretically the data transfer speed increases by 2 (3) times (this is in theory).

    Let's look at the basics of overclocking RAM

    There are only two factors that affect the speed of RAM: operating frequency memory and its timings. However, the ability to maximize these parameters may be affected memory voltage. What factor will affect the speed of memory must be established experimentally; the effect may be different for different chips.

    The first step to overclocking would be increasing the operating frequency of RAM modules. The operating frequency of the memory always depends on the FSB bus of the processor. To increase the memory operating frequency, you need to increase the divisor in Motherboard BIOS boards, which can be expressed as a fraction (for example: 1:1.5), as a percentage (50%, 75%, 130%) or in operating mode (DDR-333, DDR2-667). By increasing the divider, you increase the memory frequency, but do not forget that the memory frequency directly depends on the FSB frequency, so if you overclock the processor by increasing the FSB bus, then you should not increase the divider, since when you increase the FSB bus frequency, the frequency automatically increases memory.

    Well, we're done with frequency, now let's get started with selection of memory timings. You can increase memory performance only by reducing the timings, but do not forget that the lower the delays (timings), the less stable the memory. You can reduce the timing values ​​as in system BIOS, and with the help special programs on Windows. We lower the values ​​of the main timings: CAS Latency (CL), RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD), RAS Precharge (tRP) and Active to Precharge (tRAS).

    We increase the tension. As mentioned above, memory voltage greatly affects the result of overclocking, but you should not overdo it, as this can lead to failure of the RAM. Increasing the voltage costs no more than 10% - 20% of the nominal value. The voltage can also be set in the motherboard BIOS. Long-term overestimation of memory voltage can also lead to its malfunction or reduced overclocking potential.

    If, while performing these operations, you are faced with the fact that after rebooting, the computer refuses to start, and perhaps makes a nasty squeak, most likely you have exceeded the permissible operating parameters. To restore your computer's functionality, you need reset BIOS settings(clear CMOS memory).

    Good luck with your experiments!

    Don't forget to leave

    It's always nice to get extra performance out of a system for free - that's why people overclock. However, first of all, overclockers overclock the processor and video card, since experiments with these components give the greatest increase in speed. The memory is usually left for dessert or not touched at all. Some are stopped by the fact that overclocking the RAM is difficult, others - that this process gives a very minor bonus to performance. It even happens that memory overclocking is visible in benchmarks and some applications, but is absolutely not visible in games. But for those who, in any case, want to squeeze all the juice out of their system, “Gaming” publishes an educational program on memory overclocking.


    As with other system components, the process of overclocking RAM involves changing the operating parameters of the device. Achieve maximum performance Shamanic dances with three main characteristics help from RAM - frequency, voltage and delays (timings).

    What can we say about frequency? The bigger it is, the better! In fact, its value shows how many useful cycles memory modules can perform per second of real time. However, there are some nuances here too. The point is that for memory DDR type, which is used in modern computers, there are two different frequencies - real and effective, with the second being exactly twice as high as the first. Module manufacturers always indicate the effective frequency of their creations, while in various diagnostic utilities, as well as in the BIOS of motherboards, the real frequency is often displayed.

    What's the catch? The name DDR is an abbreviation of the phrase DDR SDRAM, which stands for Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory, that is, synchronous dynamic memory with random access and double data transfer speed. Keywords here - double speed. Unlike simple SDRAM (the predecessor of DDR), the memory in question interacts with the data bus not only on the edge, but also on the fall of the clock signal, that is, one bus cycle corresponds to two clock cycles of the memory chip. Accordingly, some developers software they prefer to count bus clocks (real frequency), while others indicate the operating frequency of the chips themselves (effective frequency). So if during overclocking you suddenly find that the memory frequency is exactly two times lower than it should be, then don’t be surprised, this is normal.

    The operating voltage of the modules has a significant impact on their stability. In accordance with the standards, the standard voltage for DDR2 dies is 1.8 V, and for DDR3 - 1.5 V. Slow modules, as a rule, adhere to these values, but overclocking kits almost always work with higher voltages: overclocked chips do not have enough nutrition, and it has to be increased. Naturally, this leads to more intense heat generation, but if there are heatsinks on the memory chips, then a small increase in voltage does not create special problems. Nevertheless, it is better not to cross certain boundaries, otherwise the modules may fail. For DDR2, a voltage of 2.2 V can be considered a reasonable maximum, and for DDR3 - 1.65 V.

    Third key parameter RAM - delays (timings), and this is definitely a topic for a separate chapter.

    No rush

    So, delays - or timings. Before explaining what it is, it wouldn't hurt to familiarize yourself with DDR memory architecture.

    For storage simplest unit To store information (bits), DDR chips use a cell that is a combination of a transistor and a capacitor. There are a huge number of similar cells in each memory chip. They are arranged in rows and columns, which ultimately form arrays called banks. Since DDR chips are dynamic memory type, their contents must be periodically updated (recharged), otherwise the information recorded in them will be lost.

    The so-called memory controller interacts with RAM. Having received a command from the processor to read or write a data bit with a logical address, it determines in which bank/row/column the desired cell is located and what should be done with it. The problem is that the cell cannot be processed instantly - it must pass certain time(read: number of memory cycles) before the desired operation is performed. Delays that occur at certain stages of reading/writing bits are called timings.

    Exists large number timings, but only a few of them have a key impact on memory performance. Specifically - CAS Latency, RAS-to-CAS Delay, Row Precharge Time and Row Active Time. This is their order in order of importance, and it is in this sequence that they are located in the BIOS of motherboards and in the descriptions of memory modules. For example, in the technical characteristics of dies Kingmax DDR3 2400 MHz Nano Gaming RAM there is a line “10-11-10-30” - so, these are the timings. The first digit shows the CAS Latency value, the second - RAS-to-CAS Delay and so on.

    To understand what these or those delays are responsible for, you need to understand how data is read from cells. First, the memory chip must prepare the required row and column in the bank for processing. To do this, the corresponding command is sent to them, after which the process of activating the line occurs, which takes a certain time. The number of clock cycles required to “awaken” a line is called RAS-to-CAS Delay.

    Next, the controller sends a read command to the required sequence of cells (its length depends on the type of memory and additional settings), but the first piece of information does not arrive on the data bus immediately, but after several clock cycles - this delay is called CAS Latency and is considered key for memory modules. After all the necessary data has been read, the controller issues a command to close and recharge the line.

    Where are the other two timings? The first, Row Precharge Time, takes effect immediately after the row is closed. The fact is that subsequent access to this row does not become possible immediately, but only after recharging, which takes a certain number of clock cycles - Row Precharge Time is responsible for this interval. Well, the timing of Row Active Time shows the period of activity of the row, that is, the number of cycles that have passed from the moment of its activation until the moment the recharging command is received. In fact, this delay depends on the parameters RAS-to-CAS Delay, CAS Latency and the length of the read line, but usually its value is selected by simply adding three other timings. This is not entirely correct, but it is guaranteed to avoid problems with stability when minimal losses productivity.

    Writing data to memory cells is carried out in a similar way, so we will not consider this process in detail. We will also not focus on additional settings memory like line length and secondary timings - their impact on the overall performance of the system is too insignificant. These parameters will be of interest to overclockers who are going for a record, and not at all to ordinary users.

    Many novice builders often make the following mistake: in an effort to equip the system unit to the maximum, they install DDR3 modules with an exorbitant operating frequency (say, 2400 MHz) into the motherboard and remain in the happy confidence that the memory in their computer already works at the declared speed. However, without additional manipulations on the part of the user, such dies will work in the same mode as their cheap counterparts. This is explained by the fact that the motherboard derives its basic memory settings from a special SPD (Serial Presence Detect) chip, which is mandatory for each DDR module. The frequencies and timings specified in the SPD are, as a rule, far from the maximum possible - this is done so that the modules can start even in very weak system. Accordingly, such memory has to be overclocked additionally.

    Fortunately, sometimes this process can be made much easier. Thus, Intel has been promoting a special extension for the SPD chip, known as XMP(Extreme Memory Profiles). It writes information about additional system settings into memory modules, which can be read by motherboards that support this technology. If the motherboard manages to pick up the required XMP profile (it is selected through the BIOS), then it will automatically set the memory frequency stated in it, adjusting other system parameters for this purpose - automatic overclocking will occur. True, it is extremely desirable that the memory be certified for the platform on which it is installed, otherwise the profile will either not work or will work, but not as it should. In addition, it is never a bad idea to double-check the values ​​set automatically, since some memory manufacturers manage to specify settings in the XMP profile that can cause the system to suddenly die. In general, this technology is very useful, but it is only compatible with Intel processors.

    It is worth noting that even before the advent of XMP, the company NVIDIA And Corsair promoted a similar development known as EPP(Enhanced Performance Profiles), but it didn’t catch on.


    We figured out how RAM works. Now all that remains is to figure out how to get more performance out of it - and this is not an easy matter. There are two different ways memory overclocking. The first implies an increase in the frequency of the modules, the second - a decrease in timings. In other words: you can either increase the number of cycles per second, or make the cycles themselves more productive. Ideally, of course, both methods should be used simultaneously, but improving one parameter always leads to a deterioration in the other, and finding the optimal balance is not easy. It is impossible to say in advance what will be more useful to your system - high-frequency memory with weakened timings or modules operating at a lower frequency, but with minimal delays.

    If you are ready to fight for every extra point in some PCMark, then we recommend trying several different ratios of frequencies and timings and choosing the one that gives the best result specifically for your system. Otherwise, it would be wiser to first increase the timings, then find the frequency ceiling for the memory modules used, and then try to reduce the delays again - as practice shows, this approach is often successful. At the same time, along the entire path you should not deviate too much from the basic timing ratio: the first three delays should be approximately the same, and for the fourth it is advisable to set a value equal to the sum of these timings or slightly lower.

    When overclocking memory, you cannot do without the help of tests that measure system performance - they will allow you to evaluate how large the performance increase is due to your manipulations and whether there is any at all. It may seem paradoxical, but sometimes lowering the timings or increasing the frequency of the RAM can negatively affect the speed of the computer - such surprises happen infrequently, but you shouldn’t brush them aside. In general, you can’t go anywhere without benchmarks. What software is best to use? We recommend a gentleman's set of PCMark, Everest And WinRAR(built-in test), but in general the list of diagnostic utilities for memory is extensive - choose what you like best. By the way, benchmarks are also useful because they allow you to check your memory for stability. And after the overclocking is considered complete, it won’t hurt to additionally torture the computer with stress tests like OCCT And S&M, in order to finally ensure the stability of the system.

    When conducting experiments, you should not forget about increasing the voltage, and we are talking not only about the modules themselves, but also about the memory controller - often it is this that prevents the full potential of overclocked dies from being revealed. Previously, on Intel platforms, this important element of the system was located in the north bridge of the chipset, but recently it has finally moved to the central processors, so on modern platforms, increasing the voltage on the controller has a negative impact on the CPU temperature. So sometimes for efficient overclocking memory has to additionally enhance the cooling of the processor, and not the modules themselves. We warn you: do not increase the voltage on the controller by more than a quarter, this can lead to dire consequences.

    Finally, it is worth deciding in advance how the overclocking will be carried out. You can either use a special utility or change the necessary parameters directly in the BIOS. We strongly recommend using the second option, since no program is able to reveal all the capabilities provided by the motherboard. Accordingly, before carrying out experiments, it would not hurt to carefully study the instructions for the motherboard - this will allow you to understand what exactly is hidden under this or that item in the BIOS. It just so happens that each manufacturer strives to introduce its own designations into use, and even such seemingly generally accepted terms as the names of timings can vary from board to board.

    And one more thing: don’t immediately panic if at a certain stage of overclocking the system suddenly completely refuses to start. As a rule, this only means that the motherboard cannot automatically reset BIOS settings that are unacceptable to it. This disease does not occur very often and is treated by simply removing the battery from the board. But if this doesn’t help, then you can panic.

    Individual approach

    When it comes directly to poking around in numerous menus, it becomes clear that changing timings is much easier than changing memory frequency. This is all elementary in video cards: you pulled the slider to the right in a special utility and got the desired increase in frequency. With full-fledged DDR modules, everything is much more complicated.

    The main problems are related to the fact that the speed of the RAM depends on two parameters at once - the reference frequency (FSB, BCLK) and the multiplier. Multiplying these values, we get the final RAM frequency. However, simply increasing the first parameter will almost certainly lead to unexpected results, because this will invariably affect the performance of other system components. You can, of course, leave the reference frequency alone, but in most cases it is impossible to achieve impressive overclocking using multiplier modifications alone.

    Changing the reference frequency has different effects on different platforms. In addition, in order to increase memory speed, it is often necessary to change the operating parameters of other execution units of the system. In short, each platform requires its own approach, so we will try to analyze the main nuances for each case. Of course, we will not consider all possible configurations - we will focus on desktop platforms that have appeared in the last few years. All of them have a memory controller located in the processor, so we can say that overclocking features depend on which piece of silicon is the heart of the system. So, the hit parade of the most current processors today...

    Intel Sandy Bridge

    Latest processors Intel, represented by a two thousand line Core i3/i5/i7, will appeal to novice overclockers. Seasoned overclocking adherents believe that with the advent of Sandy Bridge, overclocking the system has become too boring. The thing is that in these processors the reference frequency (Intel calls it BCLK), from which all the main execution units dance, is practically impossible to change - as soon as you deviate it by some 6-7 MHz, the system begins to behave inappropriately . Accordingly, good old tricks in the case of Sandy Bridge do not work, so the only way to overclock the RAM (as well as the processor) is to increase the corresponding multiplier. Fortunately, the memory controller built into the new processors is quite fast, and it can handle the frequency of 2133 MHz without any problems. Since it is strongly not recommended to touch BCLK, the final reference memory frequency in any case should be a multiple of 266 MHz, that is, not every DDR3 set can be run at exactly the frequency stated by its manufacturer. Let's say, DDR3-2000 modules, when used with new Intel processors, will work as DDR3-1866.

    Note that a Sandy Bridge processor alone is not enough to effectively overclock RAM - you also need a suitable motherboard. The thing is that Intel artificially limited the overclocking capabilities of not only processors (the multiplier can be increased only for models with the “K” index), but also chipsets. Thus, low-end logic sets cannot overclock memory, so in motherboards based on them, even the fastest modules will operate as DDR3-1333. And here is the chipset Intel P67 Express, positioned as a solution for enthusiasts, supports modes up to DDR3-2133, so choosing a motherboard for Sandy Bridge should be approached with the utmost care.

    How to determine whether your specific modules are suitable for overclocking or not? If the dies do not initially belong to the overclocker class (that is, their frequency does not exceed the values ​​​​recommended by the creators of the processors), then you should start primarily from their manufacturer, operating voltage and cooling system.

    We don’t think it’s worth explaining about the manufacturer: well-known companies use proven chips, the capabilities of which, as a rule, have not been fully exhausted, but you shouldn’t expect outstanding overclocking potential from a Chinese name. The operating voltage also allows you to determine how close the chips are to the limit of their capabilities: the fewer volts supplied to the chips by default, the more you can increase the voltage yourself and the higher the frequency potential will be. Well, high-quality radiators allow you to more effectively remove heat from the chips, which allows you to squeeze a little more performance out of the dies.

    Intel Bloomfield

    Enthusiast Favorites - Processors Core i7 nine hundredth series - have phenomenal computing power, but with their help it is very difficult to make the memory work at prohibitive frequencies. This is partly compensated by the fact that Bloomfield's memory controller can operate in a three-channel mode, which is not available on other platforms under consideration.

    When working with Core i7-9xx The capabilities of overclocking modules, as a rule, are limited by the insufficient performance of the Uncore processor unit. The latter consists of a memory controller and L3 cache, and its operating speed directly depends on BCLK. In this case, there is a rule that the frequency of this block must be at least twice as high as the memory operating frequency, that is, for example, for normal functioning dies in DDR3-1800 mode will have to run Uncore at 3600 MHz. The problem is that this same block turned out to be large and hot. It does not like to work in abnormal mode, and the voltage supplied to it must be significantly increased (but not set above 1.4 V!). As a result, even if you do not overclock the processing units of the processor, Uncore with a frequency of 4000 MHz will heat up the crystal so much that not every cooler can handle it. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to cross the 2000 MHz line for memory without applying serious cooling. And since overclocking memory without increasing processor frequency, not very reasonable, we can state that the average Bloomfield-based computer does not need high-speed memory at all - some DDR3-1600 will be more than enough.

    It is curious that models of the Core i7-9xx family provide the user with an impressive set of memory multipliers - they cover the range from 6x to 16x in 2x increments. For Uncore, the multiplier can be increased to 42x. Well, since the standard BCLK frequency of Bloomfield is 133 MHz, you can get close to the maximum possible frequency values ​​for memory without even touching the clock generator. However, by playing with both BCLK and the multiplier, an experienced overclocker will in any case be able to squeeze a few more bonus megahertz out of the dies.

    Intel Lynnfield

    Line processors Core i7-8xx And Core i5-7xx, built on Lynnfield architecture, are perhaps best choice for those who want to set a memory module frequency record. To see this, just look at what processors are used by the current record holders.

    The secret to Lynnfield's success is that... stable operation The Uncore RAM frequency of these crystals does not have to be twice the memory frequency. Intel decided to completely block the multiplier of the block that is hated by overclockers: for eight hundredth Core i7 models it is fixed at 18x, and for seven hundredth models it is fixed at 16x. The maximum memory multipliers for these processors are 12x and 10x, respectively. Thus, Uncore no longer acts as a bottleneck when overclocking memory, so the “gain in height” is easy and relaxed.

    Processor from Core line The i7-8xx can easily squeeze the maximum out of any set of memory: up to 1600 MHz (133x12) can be reached without touching BCLK, and then experiments with the reference frequency are used. The seven hundredth Core i7 has a little more modest capabilities, but it should be more than enough for the average user. Of course, with a significant increase in BCLK, the Uncore unit will warm up well (its operating voltage will have to be increased), but by that time the modules will already be operating at their limit. In general, in such cases, a powerful processor cooling system is extremely desirable.

    Intel Clarkdale

    Budget Intel processors with integrated graphics, represented by families Core i5-6xx, Core i3 And Pentium G, are bad friends with memory. Alas, in order to save money in these models, the memory controller along with graphics core placed on a separate chip, which is connected to the computing cores by the QPI bus. Using a bus has a bad effect on controller performance, so high-speed memory in a system with Clarkdale will not be of much use.

    Overclocking memory working in tandem with the designated processors is carried out by the most in the usual way: increase the multiplier, adjust the BCLK frequency (by default it is 133 MHz). There are no pitfalls, except that with strong overclocking you will have to lower the QPI multiplier and increase the voltage supplied to the L3 cache (the notorious Uncore). Older Clarkdales, as a rule, can overclock the memory at frequencies of about 2000 MHz, which is not so bad. Another thing is that the increase in system performance from increasing the speed of the dies will be very meager. As for the maximum multiplier for memory, it depends on the specific processor model: for Pentiums it is 8x, and for Core i5-6xx and Core i3 it is 10x. In addition, there is also Core i5-655K, designed specifically for overclocking, it supports a 16x multiplier, but few motherboards know about its capabilities.

    AMD Phenom II/Athlon II

    In recent years, each new processor architecture from Intel has introduced some new features related to overclocking. WITH AMD everything is different - the algorithm for firing up these crystals has not undergone any changes for a long time. It is likely that along with the release of processors Llano, equipped with an integrated graphics core, this stability will come to an end, but for now we will look at how memory is overclocked when working in tandem with current AMD solutions - Phenom II And Athlon II.

    The reference frequency for the memory in this case is the system bus frequency (HT Clock in AMD terminology), which by default is 200 MHz. Changing this parameter affects the operating mode of the processor, memory controller (this block is usually designated as CPU NB) and the HyperTransport Link bus. For this reason, in search of the frequency ceiling of your RAM, you should lower the multipliers for the processor and HT Link, but, on the contrary, you should not turn off the memory controller. Its frequency must be at least three times higher than the actual memory frequency (and, accordingly, one and a half times higher than the effective frequency), otherwise system stability is not guaranteed. At the same time, the faster the controller operates, the greater the chances of squeezing extra megahertz out of memory modules or lowering their timings. You can even slightly raise the CPU NB voltage to achieve best result, but you shouldn’t get too carried away.

    It should be noted that on AMD platforms Memory overclocks worse than on Intel platforms and, as a rule, overclockers cannot reach the 2000 MHz mark. Thus, there is little point in buying ultra-fast DDR3 sticks for such a system. Please note that operating modes up to DDR3-1600 MHz inclusive can be activated by changing the multiplier, but with further overclocking, in any case, you will have to torture the clock generator.

    * * *

    As you can see, you almost always have to change the reference frequency during more or less serious memory overclocking (and if Sandy Bridge didn’t exist, this statement would be even more categorical). Yes, sometimes serious frequencies can be achieved using multipliers alone, but the step between the frequency values ​​available for activation in this case turns out to be too large, so to more accurately find the frequency ceiling you still have to play around with the clock generator. Well, this, as you know, leads to a change in processor frequency.

    The moral is this: if you are serious about overclocking memory, then you should also overclock the processor at the same time. In fact, why squeeze all the juice out of the dies and at the same time try to restrain the operating frequency of the processor, if even a slight overclocking of the CPU will give a much greater effect than all the experiments on memory? Thus, before you start overclocking your memory, it would be a good idea to know what frequencies your processor can handle. Well, after that you will have to look for a balance between the speed of the crystal and the frequency/timings of the RAM, because usually it is not possible to set the most attractive values ​​for both components at the same time.

    Difficult? Well, no one is stopping you from simply tweaking the timings slightly or increasing the memory multiplier, and then enjoying the performance that has dropped out of nowhere, without going into further overclocking of the computer. If you don’t want to reveal the full potential of the system, don’t. Well, we wish gentlemen enthusiasts good luck in this difficult but interesting task.

    Almost all users want to achieve the highest performance of their personal computer. A good way to improve the speed of your PC is to overclock the RAM. This is done through your motherboard's BIOS settings. Correct overclocking has several subtleties, and they are described in this article. Next, you will learn how you can overclock your RAM, how to find out the results of overclocking and how to determine the optimal parameters.

    Preparing for work

    “I have new RAM - how do I know what to do next to increase its frequency?” - users usually ask. Installing RAM sticks into the appropriate computer slots is a fairly simple matter and is not covered in this article. After you connect, the RAM will work for minimum speed. Manufacturers try to configure everything so that it works as reliably as possible.

    Any increase in computer speed also means a decrease in stability. Correctly overclocking memory means empirically determining the optimal frequency and timings.

    If you don’t want to experiment, you can find out which assembly will be optimal on thematic forums or in special articles.

    To search the forum necessary information, you need to find out the answers to the following questions:

    • What kind of RAM do I have?
    • What kind of processor do I have?
    • What kind of motherboard do I have installed?

    Only then will experienced users be able to find out the optimal configurations for you. The installed processor greatly affects the RAM frequency, and different motherboards can produce different performance stability indicators with the same settings.

    BIOS Settings

    In order to accelerate clock frequency any computer components, users need to go to the BIOS configuration menu. To do this, do a few simple actions described in this manual:

    Check and reconfigure

    If, after trying to overclock your PC, it does not start, it means that you have set the settings too high. In this case, it is necessary to short-circuit with a metal object special contact Clear CMOS (JBAT) located near the RAM slots to reset settings. In this case, set options that are slightly closer to the original profile.

    After Windows boot Users will need to conduct several tests to ensure the computer's stability. This can be done using benchmarks, for example, in the Everest or AIDA64 programs. Also try running the most demanding video games and playing them for a few hours. If no errors occur, then this build is stable and you can try to overclock it again.

    Many people mistakenly believe that installing RAM is as easy as shelling pears, there is supposedly no need to configure it, and there is no point in overclocking it at all. In reality, everything is much more complicated, and now I will tell you in the form of questions and answers how to squeeze maximum performance out of RAM.

    The editors would like to thank Kingston and MSI for kindly providing memory kits and motherboards for testing.

    Is it possible to combine memory of different models, brands and frequencies?

    In theory, a PC can use several RAM modules not only from different manufacturers, but also with different frequencies. In this case, all memory will operate at the frequency of the slowest module. But in practice, incompatibility conflicts may arise: the PC may not start at all, or periodic OS crashes may occur. Therefore, it is better to immediately buy RAM in a set of two or four modules, especially if you plan to overclock. Modules from the same set use chips from the same batch that have identical overclocking potential.

    How useful is multi-channel memory mode?

    All modern Intel and AMD desktop processor platforms support at least dual-channel memory. In turn, processors Intel Core i7 Gulftown and Intel Xeon Nehalem and Westmere support three-channel mode, while AMD Opteron 6000 series, Intel Core i7 LGA 2011 and Xeon E5 and E7 support four-channel mode (eight memory slots).

    The dual-channel memory mode adds 5 to 10 percent performance to the processor, while the integrated graphics accelerator adds up to 50 percent. That's why when building a super-cheap $350 gaming PC on AMD processor For the A8-7600 with integrated Radeon R7 graphics, we strictly recommend using two memory modules.

    If you have only two memory modules and a motherboard with four DIMM slots, it is important not to make a mistake with the installation order. So, in order to use the dual-channel mode, the modules need to be inserted into the connectors through one, that is, the first and third, or the second and fourth. Perhaps the second option is more universal, since the first slot can be covered by a large processor cooler, such as be quiet! Pure Rock. However, for memory HyperX Savage and Fury with low profile radiators this is not a problem.

    You can check whether the memory really works in dual-channel mode using the AIDA64 application (menu item “Test cache and memory”). The same program will help you measure memory performance before and after overclocking.

    How to adjust memory frequency and timings?

    Immediately after installation, the RAM often runs at its minimum frequency, or at the frequency that the processor officially supports. For example, the 2400 MHz HyperX Savage on an Intel Core i3-4130 processor ran at just 1600 MHz by default. Expose maximum frequency memory can be in BIOS settings motherboard: either manually or using Intel technologies XMP (even supported by AMD motherboards).

    If you manually select 2400 MHz, the memory will operate at standard timings (latencies) for this frequency of 11-14-14-33. But in practice, HyperX Savage can work stably at the same frequency with lower timings. But it is the ratio of high frequencies and low timings that guarantees high memory performance.

    To avoid having to manually select the value of each timing, Intel has developed a technology called Extreme Memory Profile. It allows you to literally select the optimal memory profile, prepared in advance by the manufacturer, in literally two clicks. So, our version of HyperX Savage supports two XMP profiles: 2400 MHz 11-13-14-32 and 2133 MHz 11-13-13-30. The first is relevant, for example, for the Z97 Gaming 5 motherboard with support for memory overclocking to 3300 MHz, and the second for the MSI 970 Gaming motherboard, in which the RAM frequency is limited to 2133 MHz.

    How to overclock memory?

    Overclocking something (processor, video card, memory) is always a lottery: one copy can overclock well, the second one, exactly the same, can overclock poorly. There is no need to be afraid that the memory will fail during overclocking: if you install it too high frequency, it simply won't start.

    If the motherboard does not have a function to automatically rollback overclocking settings after several unsuccessful attempts to start the PC, you can reset the settings manually using the Clear CMOS jumper (another name for JBAT).

    In cases of RAM, select experimental method You will need not only the frequency and supply voltage, but also the timings. Moreover, it is not a fact that it will be possible to select a better ratio than what is provided by the maximum XMP profile. In the case of HyperX Savage, this is exactly what happened: the memory was overclocked to a frequency of 2600 MHz, but the timings had to be increased to 12-14-15-33.

    AIDA64 Cache & Memory Benchmark

    28479 24721 -15
    36960 32572 -13
    31109 27343 -14
    55 55 0

    Measuring memory performance with the aforementioned AIDA64 Cache & Memory Benchmark program before and after overclocking showed an average speed drop of 14 percent. So overclocking the memory by 200 MHz above the nominal turned out to be effective in theory, but useless in practice. But this is the case with the top 2400 MHz version of the HyperX Savage, and the lower frequency version, such as the 1600 MHz, has much better potential for manual overclocking.


    As you can see, installing and configuring RAM correctly is not that difficult, especially if it supports ready-made XMP profiles. If you buy memory as a kit, you can get a performance boost not only from the dual-channel mode, but also from successful overclocking. And so that there is no incompatibility with large CPU coolers, it is better to choose a low-profile RAM, especially if you plan to use the memory slot closest to the processor.

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