• Processor frequency and its correct understanding. What does processor clock speed affect?

    That clock frequency is the most well-known parameter. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically understand this concept. Also, within the framework of this article, we will discuss understanding the clock speed of multi-core processors, because there are interesting nuances that not everyone knows and takes into account.

    Enough for a long time the developers relied specifically on increasing the clock frequency, but over time, the “fashion” has changed and most of the developments go towards creating a more advanced architecture, increasing cache memory and developing multi-cores, but no one forgets about the frequency.

    What is processor clock speed?

    First you need to understand the definition of “clock frequency”. The clock speed tells us how many calculations the processor can perform per unit time. Accordingly, the higher the frequency, the more operations the processor can perform per unit time. Clock frequency modern processors, generally ranges from 1.0-4GHz. It is determined by multiplying the external or base frequency, by a certain coefficient. For example, Intel processor The Core i7 920 uses a bus speed of 133 MHz and a multiplier of 20, resulting in a clock speed of 2660 MHz.

    The processor frequency can be increased at home by overclocking the processor. There are special processor models from AMD and Intel, which are aimed at overclocking by the manufacturer itself, for example Black Edition from AMD and the K-series line from Intel.

    I would like to note that when buying a processor, frequency should not be the decisive factor in your choice, because only part of the processor’s performance depends on it.

    Understanding clock speed (multi-core processors)

    Now, in almost all market segments there are no longer single-core processors left. Well, it’s logical, because the IT industry does not stand still, but is constantly moving forward by leaps and bounds. Therefore, you need to clearly understand how the frequency is calculated for processors that have two or more cores.

    While visiting many computer forums, I noticed that there is a common misconception about understanding (calculating) the frequencies of multi-core processors. I’ll immediately give an example of this incorrect reasoning: “There are 4 nuclear processor with a clock frequency of 3 GHz, so its total clock frequency will be equal to: 4 x 3 GHz = 12 GHz, right?” - No, not so.

    I will try to explain why the total processor frequency cannot be understood as: “number of cores X specified frequency."

    Let me give you an example: “A pedestrian is walking along the road, his speed is 4 km/h. This is similar to a single-core processor on N GHz. But if 4 pedestrians are walking along the road at a speed of 4 km/h, then this is similar to a 4-core processor on N GHz. In the case of pedestrians, we do not assume that their speed will be 4x4 = 16 km/h, we simply say: "4 pedestrians walk at a speed of 4 km/h". For the same reason, we do not perform any mathematical operations with the frequencies of the processor cores, but simply remember that a 4-core processor is N GHz has four cores, each of which operates at a frequency N GHz".

    At a time when mobile phones were thick and black and white, processors were single-core, and gigahertz seemed an insurmountable bar (20 years ago), the only characteristic for comparing CPU power was the clock frequency. A decade later the second important characteristic became the number of cores. Nowadays, a smartphone, less than a centimeter thick, contains more cores, and has a higher clock speed than a simple PC of those years. Let's try to figure out what the processor clock speed affects.

    The processor frequency affects the speed at which the processor transistors (and there are hundreds of millions of them inside the chip) switch. It is measured in the number of switchings per second and expressed in millions or billions of hertz (megahertz or gigahertz). One hertz is one switching of processor transistors per second, therefore, one gigahertz is one billion such switchings in the same time. In one switch, to put it simply, the core performs one mathematical operation.

    Following the usual logic, we can come to the conclusion that the higher the frequency, the faster the transistors in the cores switch, the faster problems are solved. That is why in the past, when the bulk of processors were essentially improved Intel x86, the architectural differences were minimal, and it was clear that the higher the clock frequency, the faster the calculations. But over time, everything changed.

    Is it possible to compare frequencies of different processors?

    In the 21st century, developers taught their processors to process not just one instruction per clock, but more. Therefore, processors with the same clock frequency, but based on different architectures, produce different levels of performance. Intel Core i5 2 GHz and Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 2 GHz are different things. Although the second has more cores, it will be weaker in heavy tasks. Therefore, the frequency of different types of cores cannot be compared; it is also important to take into account specific performance (the number of instruction executions per clock cycle).

    If we draw an analogy with cars, then the clock frequency is the speed in km/h, and the specific productivity is the load capacity in kg. If a car is driving nearby ( ARM processor for a smartphone) and a dump truck (x86 chip for a PC) - then at the same speed, a car will transport a couple of hundred kilos at a time, and a truck – several tons. If we talk about different types cores specifically for smartphones (Cortex A53, Cortex A72, Qualcomm Kryo) - these are all passenger cars, but with different capacities. Accordingly, here the difference will not be so huge, but still significant.

    You can only compare clock speeds of cores on the same architecture. For example, MediaTek MT6750 and Qualcomm Sanapdragon 625 each contain 8 Cortex A53 cores. But MTK has a frequency of up to 1.5 GHz, and Qualcomm has a frequency of 2 GHz. Consequently, the second processor will work approximately 33% faster. But the Qualcomm Snapdragon 652, although it has a frequency of up to 1.8 GHz, is faster than the 625 model, since it uses more powerful Cortex A72 cores.

    What does a high processor frequency do in a smartphone?

    As we have already found out, the higher the clock frequency, the faster the processor runs. Consequently, the performance of a smartphone with a higher frequency chipset will be higher. If one smartphone processor contains 4 Kryo cores at 2 GHz, and the second contains 4 of the same Kryo cores at 3 GHz, then the second one will be about 1.5 times faster. This will speed up the launch of applications, reduce startup time, allow heavy sites to be processed more quickly in the browser, etc.

    However, when choosing a smartphone with high frequencies processor, you should also remember that the higher they are, the greater the energy consumption. Therefore, if the manufacturer increased more gigahertz, but did not optimize the device properly, it may overheat and go into “throttling” (forced reset of frequencies). For example, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 once suffered from such a drawback.

    Good day, dear visitors.

    When purchasing RAM, you need to pay attention to its frequency. Do you know why? If not, I suggest you read this article, from which you will learn what frequency affects RAM. The information may also be useful to those who already know a little about this topic: what if there is something you still don’t know?

    Answers to questions

    It is more correct to call the RAM frequency the data transmission frequency. It shows how many of them the device is capable of transmitting in one second through the selected channel. Simply put, from this parameter RAM performance depends. The higher it is, the faster it works.

    What is it measured in?

    The frequency is calculated in gigatransfers (GT/s), megatransfers (MT/s) or megahertz (MHz). Usually the number is indicated with a hyphen in the device name, for example, DDR3-1333.

    However, do not delude yourself and confuse this number with the real clock frequency, which is half that stated in the name. This is also indicated by the decoding of the abbreviation DDR - Double Data Rate, which translates as double data transfer rate. Therefore, for example, DDR-800 actually operates at a frequency of 400 MHz.

    Maximum capabilities

    The fact is that the device is written with its maximum frequency. But this does not mean that all resources will always be used. To make this possible, the memory needs a corresponding bus and slot on the motherboard with the same bandwidth.

    Let's say you decide, in order to speed up your computer, to install 2 RAMs: DDR3-2400 and 1333. This is a pointless waste of money, because the system can only work on maximum possibilities the weakest module, that is, the second. Also, if you install a DDR3-1800 card in a slot on a motherboard with a 1600 MHz bandwidth, you will actually get the latter figure.

    Due to the fact that the device is not intended to constantly operate at maximum, and the motherboard does not meet such requirements, throughput will not increase, but, on the contrary, will decrease. Because of this, errors may occur in loading and operating the operating system.

    But motherboard and bus parameters are not the only thing that affects the performance of RAM, taking into account its frequency. What else? Read on.

    Device operating modes

    To achieve the greatest efficiency in RAM operation, take into account the modes that the motherboard sets for it. They come in several types:

    • Single channel mode (single channel or asymmetrical). Works when installing one module or several, but with different characteristics. In the second case, the capabilities of the weakest device are taken into account. An example was given above.
    • Dual Mode (two-channel mode or symmetrical). It comes into effect when two RAMs with identical volumes are installed on the motherboard, as a result of which the RAM capabilities are theoretically doubled. It is advisable to install devices in slots 1 and 3 or in slots 2 and 4.
    • Triple Mode (three-channel). The same principle as in the previous version, but this means not 2, but 3 modules. In practice, the effectiveness of this mode is inferior to the previous one.
    • Flex Mode (flexible). Makes it possible to increase memory productivity by installing 2 modules of different sizes, but with the same frequency. As in the symmetrical version, it is necessary to place them in the same slots of different channels.


    During the transfer of information from RAM to the processor great value have timings. They determine how many RAM clock cycles will cause a delay in returning data that the CPU requests. In simple terms, this parameter specifies the memory latency time.

    The measurement is made in nanoseconds and is specified in the device characteristics under the abbreviation CL (CAS Latency). Timings are set in the range from 2 to 9. Let's look at an example: a module with CL 9 will delay 9 clock cycles when transmitting information required by the processor, and CL 7, as you understand, will delay 7 cycles. Moreover, both boards have the same amount of memory and clock frequency. However, the second one will work faster.

    From this we draw a simple conclusion: the lower the number of timings, the higher the speed of the RAM.

    That's all.

    Armed with the information in this article, you can select and install the right RAM to suit your needs.

    Nowadays, keeping up with computer technologies very difficult, since their development occurs very quickly. You won’t even notice how a computer, seemingly recently purchased and not yet using even half of its resources, is already obsolete. Accordingly, computer performance decreases and system requirements no longer correspond modern games and software products.

    How to act, what to do in such cases? Should I purchase a new system unit or will it be enough to replace some parts?

    You will not find a specific answer to this question, since each case is individual. In some places it is enough to change a couple of components, and in others it is enough to go through the entire unit, which is equivalent to purchasing a new one.

    First, identify the “weak link.” It is very important to do this correctly, because your costs depend on it. Most likely, replacing it will affect the characteristics of your computer, increase its performance and bring it more or less closer to the modern level.

    Choosing the right processor

    Most often, upgrading a personal computer begins with a replacement central processor. It looks like a small microcircuit that contains a million transistors and is attached to a connector motherboard, called a socket. It is this device that plays very important role. The performance of the entire system depends on the characteristics of the processor, since it is primarily responsible for data analysis and the speed of their processing.

    Replacing the central processor is a big step, and before you decide to do it, think it over carefully. Study in detail the characteristics by which processors differ. Pay special attention to the motherboard connector where the processor is inserted. It is intended only for a specific type of processor. When upgrading your personal computer by replacing the processor, read the instructions for the motherboard; it should describe the modifications it supports. It also wouldn’t hurt to consult with a specialist.

    Main characteristics of the processor

    Once you have determined the type of processor, pay attention to a number of basic characteristics that are responsible for performance. These include the number of cores, clock speed, cache size, bus frequency and other indicators.

    Let's look at these parameters in detail.

    Today number of processor cores can vary from two to eight. Accordingly, the more cores, the better performance the entire system. All other parameters and conditions being equal, a processor with fewer cores will always be inferior.

    A parameter like clock frequency affects the speed at which computational operations are performed by the processor. The unit of measurement is hertz (Hz). The higher the clock speed, the more powerful the processor. The average value of this parameter for desktop personal computers is in the range from 2 to 4 gigahertz. For laptops, processors with lower clock speeds are used, starting from 1.2 gigahertz. They are not as powerful, but they are more mobile. You can view the current clock frequency in your computer's control panel by going to the system tab.

    An important element is system bus. It serves to connect the processor with north bridge, that is, in essence, it is a channel for transmitting information to the processor and back. The system bus frequency affects the exchange of information between the processor and various nodes personal computer: motherboard devices, RAM, video processor and others. The higher the frequency, the faster the data is transmitted. The unit of measurement is megahertz (MHz). Accordingly, priority is given to those processors that support the highest frequency, usually around 1333 megahertz and higher.

    When deciding on the processor characteristics, it is important to know type of RAM installed on your computer. There is DDR2, DDR3. This parameter is important because to achieve maximum performance The motherboard must also support the RAM clock speed. If you have RAM, for example, DDR2 with support for a bus frequency of 1066 megahertz, and the motherboard only accepts memory with maximum frequency at 800 megahertz, then data transfer to RAM and back will be carried out at the frequency exactly motherboard.

    The next parameter is CPU cache. Required for temporary storage of key program data. The unit of measurement is kilobyte (KB) and megabyte (MB). The amount of information that can fit in it depends on the size of the cache; accordingly, the larger the volume, the less time it will take to transport data from RAM. This indicator directly affects the performance of the computer. Simply put, a cache increases the processor's private memory, thereby reducing the number of accesses to system memory. When choosing a new processor, check with your consultant about the size of its cache (at all levels).

    The price range of processors is quite wide. Price value depends both on the characteristics and on the manufacturer.

    But you shouldn’t always get carried away with the search process highest values frequency and cache size. Soberly evaluate the purposes for which you are upgrading your computer. This will help you save money, because for standard office programs and working on the Internet, average performance indicators are sufficient. If we are talking about computer games latest generation or about working with graphic applications, then a processor with maximum values clock frequency, system bus frequency, three-level cache.

    So, you have decided on your goals, selected a processor with the necessary characteristics. Don't rush to buy it! We remind you once again, check with a consultant or on the manufacturer’s website whether it will fit the connector specifically to your motherboard and whether there will be any collaboration correct. A BIOS update is often necessary.

    When upgrading your computer, do not forget to take into account its overall configuration, because best performance achieved from the operation of the system, and not from an individual part. For example, you have purchased enough powerful processor, but you will not achieve the desired results if you have a small amount of RAM, a weak network or video card, and vice versa. Therefore, think about whether you will achieve high data processing speed by purchasing an expensive processor or whether it is more rational to simply replace the old system unit with a modern one.

    Getting ready to replace the processor

    If, after analyzing the characteristics of your computer, you have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to change the processor, have taken its selection seriously and taken into account all the necessary nuances, you can move on to the next stage.

    First you need to de-energize the system unit, that is, unplug it from the outlet. Next, carefully “undress” it by removing both covers; you may need a screwdriver for this. Surely this procedure You haven’t done this before, so the first thing that will catch your eye is a huge amount of dust. You need to get rid of it with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner.

    Study your new processor and everything that comes with it. Typically, a standard BOX package includes, in addition to the processor, factory system cooling. This includes a radiator and a cooler (fan). This is very convenient, since the parts are selected by the manufacturer to provide maximum cooling.

    By purchasing a processor in OEM configuration, you will save 300-400 rubles, but additional cooling costs immediately appear, and besides, installation problems may arise. You should not attach the cooling system from the old one to the new processor. Fan replacement is necessary, even if its predecessor is less than a year old. You will also have to fork out for thermal paste, which is necessary to treat the surface of the radiator for its safe operation. In any case, the cooling system is an integral part, because it will increase the service life of the processor.

    Well, now you are ready to install a new processor, but we haven't gotten rid of the old one yet. First, evaluate your workspace. To ensure better visibility and accessibility to parts, disconnect the central fan, video card and cables, if necessary. Next, remove the radiator from the motherboard mounts and get rid of the old cooler. The processor is released. Carefully remove it from the socket. The dust removal procedure must be repeated, but this time specifically for the connector, using a soft brush or a blowing mechanism.

    Processor replacement sequence

    The preparatory stage is completed, we proceed directly to the installation. Remove the new processor from its protective packaging. Do not rush to “plug” it into the connector quickly; it is important to align the pointers here. Look closely and you will notice the B mark on the processor, which must be aligned with the C mark on the socket. Otherwise, damage to the processor legs is possible, and sometimes complete destruction of the device. If you are afraid to take on such responsibility, call a specialist; this, of course, is again an expense, but there is a guarantee. After installing the CPU in the socket, be sure to close the socket locks.

    If the kit you purchased has a heatsink, then the surface of the wall in contact with the processor has already been treated with thermal paste. If the radiator was purchased separately, you will have to perform the procedure for applying thermal paste yourself, making sure that it is available in advance.

    Once the processor is installed and secured in the socket, we proceed to installing the radiator and cooler.

    Having identified all the components system unit in their places, connect them. Screw or snap previously removed covers system unit, turn it on. Update if necessary BIOS settings. Congratulations, your computer is up to date!

    To synchronize and coordinate work various devices, having different speeds, the clock frequency is used. Any command is executed in one or several cycles (cycles), and the speed of alternating pulses (frequency) sets the rhythm of operation of all components of the system and largely determines the speed of operation. The source of the clock frequency is a separate block - a generator, which is a quartz resonator. The more pulses the generator delivers per second, the faster the computational operations occur, the faster the computer works. This is exactly how it was until recently, but with the invention of multi-core processors the situation has changed somewhat. So, clock frequency is the number of pulses per second that synchronize the operation of the computer.

    Today, computer performance is influenced not only by the clock speed, but also by the cache size, the number of cores, the speed of the video card and the processor architecture. For example, modern multi-core processors have a relatively low clock speed, but operate much faster. This is achieved by software division of computational operations between processor cores. Thus, an operation with a lower processing speed is performed faster - the speed of the computer increases. After the advent of multi-core processors, increasing the clock speed became less relevant. Today, the speed of a computer, along with this parameter, is determined by both the number of cores and the speed of reaction/data processing in other parts of the system.

    During the manufacturing process, processors are tested in various modes, at different temperatures and pressures. As a result of the tests, the maximum operating clock frequency is determined, which is indicated on the marking. But this is not its greatest significance; there is such a thing as processor overclocking, at which the clock frequency increases significantly.

    The production of multi-core processors solved another problem: reducing processor temperatures. As the clock frequency increased, the heat generated by the processor increased, which led to overheating and malfunctions. Multi-core processors made it possible to increase performance at low frequencies. Many modern models when under load, they can temporarily lower the clock frequency, reducing power consumption and heat generation. During this time, the processor has time to cool down, which leads to a decrease in fan speeds, a decrease in power consumption and a decrease in noise (at high speeds the fans “sound” quite loud).

    For gaming computers The clock speed of the video card plays an equally important role. There is a direct relationship here - the higher this parameter, the faster the drawing of finished pixels and sampling of texture data goes. But installing a high-speed video card and having a low-speed processor and small RAM does not make sense. The parameters of all these devices must be balanced. Only in this case will the computer work with high speed and without failures.


    What does processor frequency affect?

    In a time when mobile phones were thick and black and white, processors were single-core, and gigahertz seemed an insurmountable bar (about 20 years ago), the only characteristic for comparing CPU power was the clock speed. A decade later, the second important characteristic was the number of cores. Nowadays, a smartphone, less than a centimeter thick, contains more cores, and has a higher clock speed than a simple PC of those years. Let's try to figure out what the processor clock speed affects.

    The processor frequency affects the speed at which the processor transistors (and there are hundreds of millions of them inside the chip) switch. It is measured in the number of switchings per second and expressed in millions or billions of hertz (megahertz or gigahertz). One hertz is one switching of processor transistors per second, therefore, one gigahertz is one billion such switchings in the same time. In one switch, to put it simply, the core performs one mathematical operation.

    Following the usual logic, we can come to the conclusion that the higher the frequency, the faster the transistors in the cores switch, the faster problems are solved. That is why in the past, when the bulk of processors were essentially improved Intel x86, the architectural differences were minimal, and it was clear that the higher the clock frequency, the faster the calculations. But over time, everything changed.

    At the end of the 90s, there was a “split” in the processor market; each manufacturer began to make its own version of x86 chips. At the same time, the dawn of processors based on the ARM architecture began, which turned out to be slower, but much more economical than x86 computers. It was this architecture that became the main one for chips modern smartphones. For more information about architectures, read our detailed material.

    Is it possible to compare frequencies of different processors?

    In the 21st century, developers taught their processors to process not just one instruction per clock, but more. Therefore, processors with the same clock frequency, but based on different architectures, produce different levels of performance. Intel Core i5 2 GHz and Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 2 GHz are different things. Although the second has more cores, it will be weaker in heavy tasks. Therefore, the frequency of different types of cores cannot be compared; it is also important to take into account specific performance (the number of instruction executions per clock cycle).

    If we draw an analogy with cars, then the clock frequency is the speed in km/h, and the specific productivity is the load capacity in kg. If a car (ARM processor for a smartphone) and a dump truck (x86 chip for a PC) are driving nearby, then at the same speed the car will transport a couple of hundred kilos at a time, and the truck will carry several tons. If we talk about different types of cores specifically for smartphones (Cortex A53, Cortex A72, Qualcomm Kryo) - then these are all passenger cars, but with different capacities. Accordingly, here the difference will not be so huge, but still significant.

    You can only compare clock speeds of cores on the same architecture. For example, MediaTek MT6750 and Qualcomm Sanapdragon 625 each contain 8 Cortex A53 cores. But MTK has a frequency of up to 1.5 GHz, and Qualcomm has a frequency of 2 GHz. Consequently, the second processor will work approximately 33% faster. But the Qualcomm Snapdragon 652, although it has a frequency of up to 1.8 GHz, is faster than the 625 model, since it uses more powerful Cortex A72 cores.

    What does a high processor frequency do in a smartphone?

    As we have already found out, the higher the clock frequency, the faster the processor runs. Consequently, the performance of a smartphone with a higher frequency chipset will be higher. If one smartphone processor contains 4 Kryo cores at 2 GHz, and the second contains 4 of the same Kryo cores at 3 GHz, then the second one will be about 1.5 times faster. This will speed up the launch of applications, reduce startup time, allow heavy sites to be processed more quickly in the browser, etc.

    However, when choosing a smartphone with high processor frequencies, you should also remember that the higher they are, the greater the energy consumption. Therefore, if the manufacturer increased more gigahertz, but did not optimize the device properly, it may overheat and go into “throttling” (forced reset of frequencies). For example, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 once suffered from such a drawback.


    How frequency affects processor performance

    Processor frequency is the internal clock speed at which the chip operates. As noted in this category, command processing is implemented in several stages. Each stage requires several tens and even hundreds of synchronization cycles.

    The speed of the processor depends on the internal clock speed. The higher the processor frequency, the proportionally higher its performance, since on average an elementary microinstruction is executed per clock cycle.

    Each processor of a certain type is represented by a whole line of chips. Each model in this line has a different internal frequency. They have the same external frequency. The processor frequency must be indicated in the model name separated by a space. In addition to frequency, differences may affect parameters such as supply voltage, power consumption, disconnection of some pins, delays, etc. Such changes within the line are assessed by stepping.

    The frequency is determined during testing and is applied to the microprocessor cover. The line of processors is constantly updated with new, more fast models, and the slowest models are being discontinued. However, there is an upper limit to the internal frequency, determined mainly by limitations associated with the technological standards of microprocessor manufacturing.

    The processor's external frequency determines the frequency at which the processor communicates with the external bus and is associated with the FSB.

    If the external processor bus is considered at the bus interface block level, then the data exchange highway between the processor and the chipset is the system bus.

    It should be noted that the effective frequency of the system bus is twice as high if synchronization is used for data transmission by the edge and fall of the clock generator clock pulses (for example, for the EV6 bus).

    Increasing the effective system bus frequency above the processor's external bus frequency is called external processor overclocking. Some motherboards provide the ability to gradually increase the FSB frequency in 1 MHz steps until the highest FSB is found at which the entire system still works stably. External overclocking has a much greater effect than internal overclocking of the processor, since it increases the speed of communication with the processor.

    When selecting motherboard components, you should strike a balance between the effective system bus frequency and the memory system frequency. The values ​​of this parameter should be as close as possible. In this case, the potential of the RAM modules and microprocessor is used to the greatest effect.