• Glossy screen or matte tablet. What to look for when choosing a matte or glossy laptop or monitor screen

    When buying a laptop, you should immediately pay attention to its display. Laptops come with a glossy or matte screen finish. Therefore, having decided on the capabilities of the laptop and its display diagonal, do not lose sight of the screen covering itself.

    Of course, when choosing a laptop in a store, the sales assistant usually asks for what purposes you are choosing a laptop computer, and will be able to tell you which version of the laptop screen is more suitable (matte or glossy).

    However, it doesn't hurt to know what the difference is. In fairness, it is worth noting that sometimes users themselves do not know whether they need a matte or glossy screen and which one is better to buy a laptop. In most cases, for modern user it's not important.

    Matte screen finish or glossy - what's the difference?

    When choosing a laptop for yourself, first of all, you need to decide on your goals. If you plan to use the laptop mainly as a multimedia portable entertainment center, then it makes sense to buy laptop with glossy screen. On such a screen there will be a more saturated and juicy image with excellent brightness levels. Ideal for working with video and graphic editors a laptop will do with a glossy screen finish. But there is one minor drawback to a screen with a glossy finish - glare. Compensation for this inconvenience will be a large supply of brightness in combination with a wide range of shades.

    Matte screen finish well suited for those who need a laptop primarily for working with numbers and text documents. On a laptop with a matte screen, your eyes don't get tired so quickly when long work in front of the monitor. Unlike glossy screen, the matte coating of the display will not please you with a rich and bright image, but when bright light hits the screen, there will be no glare and the image will remain well readable.

    These are, perhaps, all the main differences between a matte screen and a display with a glossy finish. It is quite difficult to judge which screen covering is better, because everyone chooses the most suitable one for themselves. If you will be using your laptop more often in a dimly lit room, a laptop with a glossy screen will do. And if you use a laptop in more frequent sunlight, of course, you should choose a laptop with a matte screen finish. We hope that this article will help you make the right choice when buying a laptop.

    Computers, smartphones, tablets have become a part of life modern humanity. Whether at work or at home, a person spends most of his time behind a computer or laptop screen. The natural desire of anyone in this case will be to preserve their vision and protect it as much as possible from the negative radiation that any monitor and screen generates.

    What does a person want from a monitor or tablet screen? It must accurately convey colors and not have dead pixels and have a sufficient viewing angle. Good brightness will also help so that there is no glare on the screen in the sun.

    A good monitor should not cause problems, especially to the eyes.

    Most of the debate today revolves around a few topics related to screens and vision:

    • Which screen is better - glossy or matte?
    • Is it worth installing anti-glare film?

    In dealing with these issues, many consumers forget that 90% quality of work good screen is a matrix. Therefore, the first question that should concern every consumer is which matrix to choose?

    How does the quality of the matrix affect the laptop screen?

    Main a sign of a good matrix directly for vision is the viewing angle. After determining the matrix, the following questions of convenience arise: for some it is more convenient to work with a matte monitor, for others with a glossy one.

    In total, there are three groups of matrices:

    Liquid crystal matrix (TN) is one of the cheapest and available matrices. She reacts quickly, but her viewing angle leaves much to be desired. Yes, and it distorts the colors a little. Because it’s not the best for vision best option, but its cheapness does its job.

    The picture below clearly shows the viewing angle of the TN matrix and the IPS matrix. After this, there are no unnecessary questions about which laptop screen is better.

    The best in terms of viewing angle and color rendering quality is an IPS matrix. They have already begun to develop on its basis LED monitors etc. For vision, such matrices are the best, but they are also the most expensive. They are always used in professional monitors and screens. In difficult conditions, such a matrix has better readability. Bright light and sunny color do not distort the image.

    The example below shows how juicier and better colors on IPS matrix. When working with such a laptop, your eyes will tire much less.

    A monitor with an MDV matrix combines the advantages of the two previous matrices— he took the color rendition from IPS, and the response speed from the TN+Film matrix. But such a matrix is ​​not as dynamic as others. Perfect for artists and photographers who value accurate color reproduction.

    A very detailed classification of matrices is described at the following link - matrix classes.

    Gloss or matte - what do your eyes vote for?

    It doesn’t matter what the user owns, a tablet or a laptop, or whether he has a computer installed. The debate about which is better continues to this day. At first glance, the matte surface of the screen seems more comfortable and pleasing to the human eye.

    Matte advantages

    Unlike a glossy surface, a matte surface, first of all, does not glare in the sun. Since a person can constantly carry a laptop, like a tablet, with them, their work on the street can be unlimited. A glossy surface in the bright sun is another way to ruin not only your eyesight, but also your nerves.

    But in addition to reflection, there is also color rendition and brightness. And here the matte screen begins to lose its position to gloss. If you have to use a laptop, like a tablet, everywhere, then you can choose a matte screen. Moreover, the laptop lid can always be adjusted to obtain the desired viewing angle.

    The matrix is ​​of great importance. If it is TN, then it is better to choose the glossy option. If IPS, then a matte screen will be most comfortable for the eyes. Especially if the user often works with numbers and documents. A matte screen will strain your eyes less during long hours of similar work.

    Glossy beauty

    People are weak, and very often when choosing a laptop, a person is guided not by common sense, but by beauty. And it’s very good if beauty implies quality. In the case of glossy screens, screen quality can only be guaranteed by a good matrix.

    The image on such screens seems brighter and more saturated, which seems to help the eyes rest more. But with such reflectivity, the glare of the screen greatly tires the eyes. Moreover, on such a screen you can see every drop and speck, which also bothers the eyes.

    Being on the street with such a laptop or tablet is a complete pain. You need to look for the shadow, twist the laptop lid. The glare of the sun makes your eyes hurt even more. With a good IPS matrix, this effect is slightly less, but it is not completely excluded.

    True, in a room with ordinary electric lighting(and not behind the back of the person sitting behind the screen!) The viewing angle of such screens is much greater than that of matte screens. And the black color here is more accurate and deep.

    For clarity, following the link, very good test operation of both types of screens on films, graphics and office applications— battle of screens.

    Anti-reflective coating - saving and protecting your eyes?

    Very often they sell laptops and tablets with anti-glare coating already installed. But there are also anti-glare films that are relevant not only for tablets. Is it worth spending money on buying a laptop with such a built-in option or is it better to buy a film?

    Below is an example of a peeling anti-reflective coating. And this is his main problem. It quickly becomes unusable, especially since few users wonder how to properly care for it. And then the monitor screen looks very unpleasant.

    Anti-reflective films are much cheaper. And since for the same tablet any user will buy protective film, then there is no point in buying a tablet with such a coating. It is better to buy a film with such a coating. The purpose of the coating or film is to protect the screen from glare when exposed to sunlight or bright electric light. And the coverage really helps. But the film beats him in this sense. It is much more comfortable for the eyes to work with this film.

    The coating is very quickly torn, cut and spoils the entire appearance of the laptop screen. Because when purchasing glossy laptop, it is better to immediately buy a protective anti-reflective film in the kit, it is more reliable and more convenient. Although over time, dust will begin to clog under it and it will have to be replaced. Although the film makes the screen a little dimmer, it is also protective.

    Anti-glare protective film

    You can read about how to remove damaged coating from a laptop screen.

    So, the user should always approach the choice consciously and familiarize themselves with the topic at least minimally. And it doesn’t matter what he chooses - a screen and matrix or a tablet. The health of his eyes depends on this.

    When you buy a laptop or monitor, you are faced with a choice: matte or glossy? Which screen coating is better? The thing that turns into a “mirror” in the light of the Sun, or the one on which the colors seem faded?

    We hope this article will help you decide.

    Glossy vs matte

    Where did this opposition come from? After all, both glossy and matte monitors use the same LCD panels.

    However, manufacturers produce glossy and matte monitors, and buyers are faced with the agony of choice.

    Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each coating.

    Glossy displays are more “bright”. They have more saturated, intense and contrasting color rendering; especially deep black color. That's a plus.

    However, they shine in the Sun. This is a minus. If you often work at fresh air or yours workplace is located near a window, glare may disturb you.

    Matte displays have an anti-reflective coating that reduces glare. Therefore, in rooms with bright artificial or natural light, it is more comfortable to work behind such monitors.

    The disadvantage of matte displays is their fading. The colors look a little duller on them.

    The pros and cons of glossy and matte monitors are clearly demonstrated by the photo on the cover. On the left is matte Dell, and on the right is glossy Apple.

    What to choose?

    It all depends on your goals.

    If you need a desktop monitor and the room doesn't have too much lighting, then it's probably fine glossy finish with more vibrant colors.

    If you are buying a laptop and plan to often work outdoors (on the terrace on a sunny day), then look for a matte display. Similarly, when purchasing a monitor for desktop computer in very good lighting conditions (table by the window, powerful lamps). But remember: the AR coating on a matte display will not protect you 100% from glare, but it will be slightly less noticeable than on a glossy screen.

    Of course, it is impossible to create ideal conditions for the entire life of the screen (especially if we are talking about a laptop). Today your desk is far from the window, and tomorrow you have been moved to an office that is flooded sunlight. Therefore, when choosing a glossy or matte display, you are making a compromise in any case.

    (The photo shows not only laptops with a matte (left) and glossy (right) finish, but also different models different generations. Please do not make direct comparisons.)

    If it were possible to make a monitor where, at the click of your fingers, the matte finish would change to glossy (and vice versa), many would be happy. After all, this would allow the monitor to be “customized” to specific conditions. But this is impossible.

    Therefore, the opposition “glossy vs matte” will probably continue to exist. After all, how many people there are, so many opinions.


    Which monitor – glossy or matte – did you choose and why?

    Which monitor screen is better, matte or glossy? For me, this issue has long been resolved - definitely matte. It has a lot of advantages over gloss. We will look at them all below. But, from personal experience, I know many people who prefer glossy displays. In fact, today’s entire article boils down to specific examples prove why matte monitors are better than glossy ones. Let me make a reservation right away that we will be considering monitors with roughly the same extension.

    The main advantage of matte screens over glossy ones is that they do not reflect a lot of glare. Have you ever tried to work behind a glossy screen outdoors or in a brightly lit room? If not, then better not try! Nothing is visible in it at all. More precisely visible, but only a reflection, and not what is needed.

    Another advantage of a matte screen over gloss is that it is not easily soiled. Glossy, it’s like a phone screen, you just rub it until it shines with a cloth, and it’s already all over your fingers. This does not happen on matte screens. Handprints are much more invisible on them and splashes of ketchup.

    But, these are all obvious reasons than matte monitor better than glossy. Here are a few facts that you probably didn’t know about before.

    To make colors brighter and more contrasty on glossy monitors, you have to increase the brightness. Do you think it's not scary? Then think about why your mom and dad told you not to look at welding as a child? The same goes for increased monitor brightness. The exposure time is longer, but the effect is the same.

    By the way, another negative factor arises from brightness. If a glossy screen is installed on a laptop, then with increased brightness, its battery will not last long. And a laptop, that’s why it’s a laptop, so that it can work for a long time without recharging.

    Well, the last argument is that glossy screens are of worse quality than matte ones. Why? Let's figure it out further.

    Let's move a little away from the philistine language of the article and talk a little in an advanced language (let's feel smart). A glossy or matte screen is nothing more than a matrix coating. Matrices, like everything else in the world, can be good = expensive and bad (not always, but still) = cheap. Manufacturers of low-price monitors or laptops are trying to save on everything, and even more so on matrices. In this way, cheap and low-quality matrices, say TN type, are inserted. I'll tell you a big secret: they have terrible color rendering. Black looks like dark blue through which the sun shines through, and white is some kind of faded canvas. Maybe I didn’t describe it exactly, but something like that. The easiest and cheapest way to fix all this disgrace is to apply a filter to the matrix, which acts as a glossy surface.

    From what was described above, we can draw only one conclusion: if you want to watch a high-quality picture without harm to your health, save up some money and buy matte screens. There is no money, but you want a computer - buy glossy displays. But I hope that my article will sway many people towards purchasing matte surfaces. For this I say goodbye, I will be glad if you click on the social network buttons.

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    Today it is impossible to imagine modern world without internet and computer. Everyone has such equipment in their home. However, to make using your computer comfortable, it is important to choose the right monitor. On at the moment There are different types of coatings: glossy and matte. We'll look at what's better in today's article.

    Features of glossy monitors

    Key Feature are more saturated and vibrant colors. The black tint is especially pronounced on such monitors. What to choose - matte or glossy monitor? Glossy monitors have high color rendering.

    But it must be said that when using such a screen, glare and various reflections may be noticeable. This puts a lot of strain on the eyes. Other disadvantages include pronounced fingerprints and dust, so maintenance of such a coating should be frequent.

    Features of matte monitors

    With the same design, LCD panels are distinguished by a special anti-reflective coating. This is what prevents reflection. Thanks to this coating, you can work with your computer under any conditions. The strain on the eyes will be minimal. But at the same time, such monitors have poor color reproduction. They are duller and faded. Therefore, you won’t be able to get maximum pleasure from watching movies or playing games here, especially during daylight hours.

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    If you are purchasing a monitor for home computer, you need to think about the lighting in the room. From this characteristic you can already decide which monitor is better - glossy or matte. If the room is not too bright, you should give preference to glossy panels with rich color rendition. However, if you plan to work in a room where there is constant bright lighting, or are choosing a monitor for the office, it is better to choose a matte screen.

    Please note: even a matte screen will not provide 100 percent protection from glare. But their number will be much smaller. The matte surface makes glare less harsh. They are washed out as much as possible.

    To work comfortably with a glossy monitor, you should remove open light sources. These are floor and wall lamps, as well as chandeliers. Some people wonder how to make a glossy monitor matte. You can polish the surface, but experts do not recommend this. Thus, it is significantly reduced throughput, the picture becomes cloudy. Therefore, you should decide in advance what the monitor coating should be - glossy or matte.

    Anti-glare film

    It is impossible to predict all the conditions in which we will work. So, the situation may change the very next day after purchasing the monitor. And suddenly there is a need for a matte finish. You can do it on a glossy monitor by gluing an anti-glare film. But you need to understand that it is not as effective as the coating on a matte LCD display. Therefore, you won’t be able to get complete protection from glare.

    It is very easy to apply this film:

    • At the first stage, you should make sure that it fully matches the dimensions of the monitor (you must remember that not only the diagonal is important, but also the aspect ratio).
    • Next, you need to degrease the surface. The presence of dust and other dirt is excluded. Otherwise, after gluing on the screen, these defects will be significantly visible.
    • Then the film is glued from one corner to the opposite and carefully smoothed.

    Is a glossy finish beneficial?

    If you work with graphic objects, such monitors artificially increase contrast. As a result, the image is more saturated and vibrant. Also, the glossy monitor is great for watching movies, surfing the Internet and playing games. Such a monitor is no less relevant when working with graphic editors. In addition, these screens require less electricity. Because of this, such screens are often used on laptops.

    Selecting a screen for working with texts

    Which is better - a glossy or matte monitor screen? If you are planning to buy a monitor for work, the first priority is eye comfort and the ability to use the screen in any conditions. Experts recommend giving preference to matte screens. Yes, unlike glossy, there will not be a bright and saturated picture. However, the bright light that hits the monitor will not cause glare. This makes it easier to work with text and numbers. The image will always remain clearly readable.

    But if you need a monitor for working with images, it is better to give preference to glossy solutions. At the same time, it is important to organize the workplace so that glare is eliminated as much as possible. It is better to operate this monitor in dim lighting.


    Here are the characteristics of a glossy monitor using the Dell S2316H as an example:

    • Screen diagonal - 23 inches.
    • The matrix response time is 6 ms.
    • Display brightness is 250 candelas per square meter.
    • Contrast - 1000:1.
    • Horizontal viewing angle - 178 degrees.
    • Display resolution (maximum) - 1920 by 1080 pixels.
    • The pixel size is 0.26 by 0.26 millimeters.
    • The maximum number of colors is 16 million.
    • Backlight type - LED.
    • Rated power - 23 V (0.3 in standby mode).

    Below are the characteristics of the matte monitor "Dell P2417N":

    • Monitor diagonal - 23.8 inches.
    • The matrix response time (from gray to gray) is 6 ms.
    • Brightness - 250 candelas per square meter.
    • Dynamic contrast - 4 million to one (nominal - 1000:1).
    • Viewing angle (vertical and horizontal) - 178 degrees.
    • The pixel size is 0.27 by 0.27 millimeters.
    • Number of colors - 16.7 million.
    • Rated power - 19 V, in standby mode - 0.3 V.

    As you can see, the characteristics of these monitors are quite similar. Therefore, many cannot decide which is better - a matte or glossy monitor. Next we will summarize all of the above.

    Let's sum it up

    Which is better - matte or glossy monitor? First, let's highlight the advantages and disadvantages of glossy solutions. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

    • High color rendering.
    • Bright and rich colors.
    • Pronounced black color.
    • Suitable for working with graphic objects, as well as for watching movies.

    Among the disadvantages:

    • Contaminants are visible on the surface.
    • There are glares when exposed to sunlight.
    • Your eyes get tired faster.

    Now let's highlight the advantages of matte screens:

    • Anti-reflective coating available.
    • Less eye fatigue.
    • Suitable for working with texts and numbers.

    Among the disadvantages:

    • Less response in games.
    • Faded and dull colors.
    • Graininess (mainly relevant for cheap options).

    So, which is better - a matte or glossy monitor? As you can see, both have their pros and cons. If you need a monitor for gaming, watching movies, or working with images, you should give preference to glossy solutions. Matte ones will be relevant when working with texts (which is why such screens are widely used in offices) and are undemanding in terms of lighting, since glare is invisible.