• How to apply protective glass to your phone. Required materials and equipment. How to stick a protective glass on an iPhone screen

    About protective glass for smartphone screens and their advantages over protective films. There were quite a lot of comments, some stated that it was completely pointless to stick something on the phone. If you think so, then this post is not for you. But among those who gave advice on how best to glue, no one told the method that I will discuss below. I came across it relatively recently. And maybe I will act as “Captain Obvious,” but I hope I will be useful to someone.

    So, the usual way- this is to create a humid atmosphere to remove all the dust (for example, go to the bath and turn on a hot shower), ideally clean the glass of the phone and quickly, before new dust accumulates, apply the glass. Alas, it’s not possible to stick it more or less evenly the first time. It happened that the glass had to be peeled off and glued again. This increased the chances of catching dust particles, and the sticky layer could be damaged. In any case, the advantage of glass is that it hides almost any hairs; specks of dust and even air bubbles disappear on their own in a day or two. Particularly troubled people can remove particles that accidentally fall under the glass using tape. However, as it turned out, there is a simpler way to “sticker”.

    Most often, the glass comes with accessories - wet and dry wipes for wiping the screen and a set of stickers. Well, the big one is for dust particles, ok, but what are the small ones for (Guide Sticker) - I didn’t understand, and I didn’t even think about it.

    And the casket simply opened. There is no need to remove the film from the protective glass at first. Ideally place it on your smartphone screen and secure it with these very narrow stickers. Then “flip” the glass and clean the smartphone screen thoroughly (you can still do this in a damp room). Remove the film from the glass and apply it to the screen. Ready. Since this method was discovered to me, I glue everything the first time and almost perfectly!

    You may ask why I change my protective glass so often? It's simple - I ordered several 0.2 and 0.26 mm glasses for testing and it turned out that they were terribly fragile. They cracked even if the phone was unsuccessfully placed on the table with the display down or hit with something in the bag. So I spent it and again ordered the usual 0.3 mm and I’m glad. Yes, they are thicker and it is not as convenient to perform gestures from the edge of the screen (if your smartphone screen is curved like the iPhone), but I sometimes drop the phone and do not want to accidentally break the screen.

    In the first one, I also wrote about 3D type glasses, which are also rounded towards the edges, but in the end I stopped using them. The option with a metal edging does not look very good; dirt gets under the edges. Carbon looks great, but is too fragile. Plus, some cases that go over the edges of the iPhone are incompatible with 3D glass. I have a lot of covers and I change them periodically.

    When buying a new smartphone, you want to preserve the presentation of the gadget for as long as possible.

    That is why it is common to buy protective glass or films along with the phone. With their help, the device screen can be protected from chips and scratches that form as soon as possible. We tell you how to stick it correctly protective film or glass at home.

    Protective glass or film: what to choose?

    When choosing a defense mechanism, every user asks the question - which is better? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since each means of protection has pros and cons.

    Protective glass provides reliability when the phone falls, but at the same time increases its thickness. The film is practically invisible during operation, and is also much cheaper, but the level of protection is lower. Despite the differences in certain parameters (degree of protection, price, durability), the principle of gluing these elements is the same.

    Most protective accessories have brief instructions according to the sticker, but manufacturers are silent about some factors, so we will analyze each point on the shelves.

    Preparing the place and accessories

    Prepare workplace. Wipe the table where the sticker process will take place. Recommended to be placed above the phone table lamp to better see “problem areas” on the screen. Additionally, do not forget to wash your hands with soap and dry them.

    The glass or film usually comes with tools. In most cases the kit looks like this:

    1. The green “dry” bag is a dry cloth for cleaning the screen.
    2. Pink “wet” bag – a wet wipe for cleaning the display.
    3. A microfiber cloth that reduces the likelihood of picking up dust particles.

    The first stage is cleaning the glass. Place your phone on the table. Pick up a napkin that says “wet” (sometimes it’s even numbered one). Wipe the smartphone screen with a damp cloth. Try to wipe the display so that not a single speck of dust is visible in the light.

    The second stage is “drying”. Now take a second rag labeled “dry” (similar to the previous napkin, numbered two) and wipe the screen dry. Please note that your fingers should not touch the display.

    The third stage is “intermediate”. Some manufacturers include an adhesive film in the kit to further rid the screen of dust particles. If you have such a tool, just stick it on the display and peel it off after a couple of seconds.

    Working with glass

    Pick up some protective film or glass. Look at her carefully. Manufacturers supply protective equipment with a special tongue to make it easier for a person to peel off the “adhesive” part.

    Having carefully peeled off the “adhesive part”, take the special glass by the “edges” and begin to slowly apply it to the phone. It is extremely important to ensure that the contours of the film and the screen match. While aiming, do not press on the display.

    Release the glass. While it gradually sticks, make sure that there are no dust particles or bubbles anywhere. If no problems are found, effortlessly (lightly) swipe your finger across the center of the screen. If you notice any air bubbles, take a dry cloth and push them towards the edges of the display.

    Once you are sure that there are no dust or air bubbles left under the glass, wipe the display again with a dry cloth.

    Dust particles as a separate problem

    There is a possibility of noticing a speck of dust after the procedure is completed. In such cases, you will need to re-raise the glass. This operation can be performed using bank card. Additionally, take a small strip of stationery tape.

    1. Pick up the edge of the glass that is closest to the speck of dust.
    2. Place a piece of tape on the problem area
    3. Quickly tear it away from the screen.
    4. Return safety glass to the starting position.

    The second protective glass for phones has pushed traditional screen films out of the market. This method protect your favorite device from the consequences of falls, cracks and scratches. It has already proven its effectiveness and reliability. After all, no matter how carefully we handle a smartphone, the risk of dropping it or getting other damage is very high.

    Information on how to properly stick protective glass on an iPhone 5, 5 s, 6 or 7 yourself, as well as instructions with detailed explanation How to glue and install protection on an iPhone and video with a step-by-step process - look in our article.

    What a beginner needs to know

    For those who are engaged in such a procedure for the first time, it may seem that this is a very complex process and is handled exclusively by professionals. But after a few trainings you will understand all the subtleties, and in our article you will learn in what order you need to perform the actions. Note that it is not so important whether you stick a protective glass on an iPhone or another phone, it is much more important how you do it. And the algorithm of actions is almost the same. But inexperienced people should start from the back of the smartphone to understand the principle of the process, and only then move on to the screen.

    Why do we need protection?

    Before installing additional glass, let's find out its main advantages and functions:

    Increased stability to the appearance of abrasions and chips. You can even test it yourself: take a pair of scissors and run it across your face covering. There should be no marks or scratches on high-quality material.

    Impact energy compensation. The glass should provide protection even if it falls face down. The maximum that can appear on the additional screen is small cracks that do not harm the operation of the display.

    Strong fixation. Compared to the process of gluing film, protective glass can be easily installed at home, even if a person has never done this before. A special adhesive composition ensures a secure position on the front of the smartphone. Therefore, removing the additional screen will not be as easy as traditional film, which can be removed without the help of additional tools.

    However, there are several disadvantages to this type of protection:

    • The phone will become noticeably heavier and thicker.
    • The cost of glass is much higher than that of regular film.
    • You need to be very careful during the installation process.

    Technical features

    Typically, the screen thickness remains between 0.2 mm and 0.3 mm.

    It consists of 5 layers:

    • Silicone. Thanks to it, the glass stays on the display.
    • Containing. Even if your iPhone lands poorly on the ground and the display breaks, this coating will prevent it from scattering in all directions.
    • Anti-block. This layer helps the screen maintain its original brightness and not fade due to exposure to the sun.
    • Protective (the hardest). Its task is to prevent chipping.
    • Oleophobic. This type of coating protects the phone from moisture penetration and allows your fingers to slide freely on the front surface of the screen. Fingerprints from the oleophobic layer can be easily erased with a simple cloth.

    Tools and devices required for work

    For the procedure you will need:

    • Two wipes (alcohol and paper). For degreasing the surface and primary cleaning from moisture.
    • Dry soft cloth.
    • Scotch. Needed to remove debris and dirt
    • A few small strips of tape to adjust the screen. They must be placed at the edges of the display to secure them. For experienced smartphone owners, this point can be omitted, but for those who are just learning how to properly glue protective glass on an iPhone (it doesn’t matter what model: 5, 6 or 7), it’s better to play it safe.
    • Glass.

    Installation of the additional screen is carried out strictly according to the instructions. Most often, an alcohol wipe and adhesive strips are included with the new display. But if the manufacturer did not include them in the kit, you can find an adequate replacement at home. Please note that it is very important to follow step-by-step instructions and don't rush.

    How to put a protective glass on an iPhone

    First, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Otherwise, greasy fingerprints may remain on the screen.

    Prepare your work space. You need to have enough lighting to avoid missing specks or streaks on the display. Also choose a flat surface to install the glass on. This could be a table or other flat space. The main thing is that nothing interferes or distracts you.

    First stage

    Remove broken glass or old film, if available. To do this, pick them up by the edge and remove them. It is also worth removing the cover for a while so that there are no difficulties during the work process.

    Second stage

    Preparing the display. After we have thrown away the old glass or film, we need to clean the screen. For this, an alcohol wipe or a cotton pad soaked in perfume will come in handy. If you don’t have all this on hand, you can take a soft piece of cloth and cologne. Carefully treat the front surface of the smartphone. If you leave untreated areas, the coating may come off and you will have to do it all over again.

    After that, wipe the phone with a microfiber cloth or just a dry soft piece of cloth. There should be no streaks, stains or fluff left.

    Third stage

    Check if there is any dust left on the display? To do this, turn your iPhone towards the light source and all the small dust particles will immediately become visible to you. Try not to touch the screen with your hands to avoid leaving fingerprints.

    If a microfiber cloth does not cope with dirt, you need to use tape. Take regular transparent tape and place it on the surface of your smartphone. There is no need to try to glue it, because sticky marks may remain. Pull the strip sharply towards you and all dirt will go away along with the tape. It's best not to use duct tape or double-sided adhesive tapes. They have a very strong hold and can damage the device.

    Fourth stage

    Take protective screen and remove the film from the side that will come into contact with the display.

    Now place the glass over the front side of the smartphone. This must be done quickly, but you must not touch the surface with your fingers. Then carefully stick it to your smartphone. Everything should happen automatically if you have prepared the surface well and there is no dust or debris on it. If you did everything according to the instructions, you should no longer have any questions about how to stick the glass on your iPhone yourself.

    Can the protective screen be reinstalled?

    Original protection for iPhone and other phones, can be applied a second time. To do this, you need to carefully remove the protection and wipe the adhesive side of the glass with formic alcohol. Gently treat it with a napkin containing this solution and leave to drain. Then install the screen as in the previous instructions and remove the air with gentle movements from the middle of the display to the edges. Small bubbles will disappear on their own within a day.

    Before purchasing an additional screen, you need to think about which glass is right for you and your smartphone.

    It is preferable if the glass you choose is not overly thick, since it has been noted that they leave prints from oily hands and faces much more clearly, and not too thin, since they do not provide sufficient strength even in the event of falls and scratches. The optimal thickness is considered to be from 0.2 to 0.35 mm.

    There is an opinion that the thicker the screen, the less flexible it is, and this is a disadvantage of such a choice. This is partly true, but difficulties can only arise if you overdo it when bending it during installation - the glass can burst, like any other. The rest of the time there are no concerns - since so far the vast majority of smartphones do not bend.

    The glass you intend to purchase should be intended only for your model, and you should find out exactly what it is if you have not already done so. There are opinions on forums that you can crop the screen to the desired model. But you need to take into account that when designing glass for a specific model, the manufacturer includes in the design the roundness of the corners, which differs different models, holes for speakers, photo-video cameras and buttons. And making all these holes yourself beautifully, carefully, without the risk of breaking the glass and without a special tool is almost impossible; the display will almost certainly have to be thrown away.

    It is customary for manufacturers to indicate the strength of this product. And on at the moment A strength of 9H is considered optimal. Small deviations in both directions are allowed. This is due to the fact that when hit with the end, the glass will most likely be damaged. A less strong material will not cope with a fall on the front side of the device.

    If you are not purchasing a display protector remotely, we recommend that you attach the additional screen to your device and check to see if it is distorting the screen image or if there are any yellow casts. The first speaks of unscrupulous production and different thicknesses on the glass area, the second speaks of poor quality materials and this yellowness will only become more noticeable over time. In both cases, we recommend that you refuse the purchase and continue your search.

    It will be useful to read reviews about before purchasing specific model. This makes online shopping more convenient. But even if you purchase protective glass in a store, it would be good to take a device with Internet access and look for reviews about the chosen model.

    Let's sum it up

    We told you how to glue glass on an iPhone and choose reliable protection for the display and gave advice on installing an additional screen. Even if you've never done this before, you can learn our tips and watch instructional videos. And with due patience and calm, you can definitely protect your smartphone from scratches, falls and chips.

    Protective glass. What and why?

    The main purpose of protective glass is to protect the smartphone screen and reduce the likelihood of damage. A good safety glass is a multi-layer design that includes a polymer that protects against scratches and light impacts, and a thin layer of real tempered glass. IN protective glasses Nillkin and DiGi use a high quality layer of Japanese tempered glass Asahi Glass.

    A layer of tempered glass allows you to redistribute the impact impulse in case of a strong fall. It is the presence of this component that explains the “cobweb” when the protective glass breaks.
    Whether to use protective glass or not is up to everyone to decide.

    But, given the cost of replacing the display and the difficulty of finding original spare parts(in the case of the iPhone), purchasing a protective glass becomes one of the very first steps to protect your smartphone.

    What is a 2.5D screen?

    Smartphones with slightly convex screens have been appearing for a long time, although it still seems like it was just a couple of years ago.

    This effect is achieved by rounding the edges of a flat "2D" display in the Z axis. This effect can be more or less extreme, depending on how much curved edges are required. Even a slight curve can be used to make the edges of the glass feel smoother, while a larger curve will make the device look more stylish.

    2.5D glass is produced in much the same way as flat glass panels, only with additional shaping when it comes to cutting the glass to the desired size.

    The advantages of 2.5D glass are purely ergonomic and aesthetic.

    2.5D screen and protective glass.

    The 2.5D screen is beautiful, convenient and stylish. But, unfortunately, it does not add strength to the smartphone display and does not eliminate the need to use protective glass.

    Unfortunately, a number of difficulties arise here.

    The specificity of the rounded edges does not make it possible to make protective glass over the entire display and leaves the edge unprotected.

    For many display manufacturers, physical rounding begins on the visible part of the display. And although it is not visible, it is precisely this that does not allow the protective glass to be properly glued.

    As a result, if you glue protective glass onto such a display, the edges of the glass will hang in the air and will not stick.

    This specificity is not a defect, which must be communicated to the end buyer before gluing the glass!

    Options for solving the problem

    There are only 4 basic solutions Problems with gluing glass to a 2.5D screen:

    1. Many manufacturers make protective glass in smaller sizes.
    The advantage is that this glass is completely adjacent to the screen.
    A noticeable disadvantage is that the glass does not cover the entire visible area of ​​the display.

    2. The second solution is also very popular and can often be found in high-quality glass. The glass is made to the largest possible size, down to the perceptible rounding area. The main advantage is that the glass completely covers the display. It is easy to use and when the screen is on, the area that is not taped is practically invisible. The downside is that the edges of the glass are not glued and this effect is noticeable when the screen is turned off.

    3. For Apple iPhone They produce Full Cover and Full Cover 3D protective glasses, which have painted frames around the display. The glass is glued to the entire screen. The protective frame perfectly follows the shape of the smartphone and completely protects the screen.
    In the South-Contract catalog this type presented by models:
    DIGI Glass Screen (3D Silicone Edge) for iPhone 6/6s,
    DIGI Glass Screen (Full Cover) for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus,
    NILLKIN Glass Screen (AP+) for iPhone 6/6s and 6/6s Plus, iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

    4. Unfortunately, protective glass manufacturers produce this type of glass only for iPhone. For many popular positions on Android, there is Full Cover glass, but made using a different technology. Externally, it is very similar to Full Cover for iPhone, but there is no adhesive layer on the visible part of the display.

    The glass is glued only along the perimeter and is held along the edge. This negatively affects the touch responsiveness of the display. In addition, the glass peels off very easily and dust gets under it. Due to the specific design and a large percentage of negative reviews end users, this type of glass is not included in the Yug-Kontrakt product range.

    Replacing your screen protector can be a simple matter if you follow a few guidelines and use the right tools, otherwise you'll end up with an uneven, blistered finish.

    First you need to carefully remove the old glass. It is important to remember here that the glass is attached to the screen not with glue, but due to static. And all attempts to tamper with it in any way will end in scratches on the case and display.

    A special suction cup can be either a helper or your nightmare. If you use Velcro incorrectly, you can damage the sensor, cables and screen module. You need to act smoothly and carefully.

    To install glass you need to prepare:

    • plastic card or mediator - it’s better to take 2 pieces;
    • a silicone suction cup (if you replaced the glass, you can do without it);
    • napkin or lint-free cloth;
    • alcohol glass cleaner;
    • rubber medical gloves.

    If all of the above is present, replacing the protective glass will not take much time.

    Step by step work

    Before work, you need to make sure that there is no dust, lint or hair on your fingers, or it is better to just wear thin gloves.

    Then install a special suction cup on the part of the screen that is less damaged. It needs to be pressed down and glued to the corner of the screen. Taking a plastic card or a pick, begin to gradually pull the Velcro towards you, this must be done smoothly and gradually increasing force. Once the glass starts to separate, use a card to peel it off. When most of the glass has separated, you can quickly tear it off.

    How to glue protective glass on your phone

    Gluing new glass

    Before gluing the new glass, make sure that there are no fingerprints or dust left on the screen. To do this, wipe the screen with a napkin and alcohol solution.

    Next steps:

    • Use gloved hands to grasp the edges of the protective glass.
    • The protective film must be removed as close to the screen as possible so that dust does not stick to the glass.
    • Try on the protective glass over the screen so that all the cutouts are in place.
    • Slowly lower the glass onto the screen, pressing and simultaneously smoothing from the center to the corners. A napkin or plastic card will help you here.

    If dust or lint does get in, peel off the glass to the “dirty” area, blow out the excess or remove it with tweezers and glue the glass in place.

    Such simple manipulations will help you glue the protective coating yourself.


    How to stick glass on a smartphone?

    Every smartphone owner understands that the screen is the weakest point in the phone. It is with the screen that problems most often occur. If the phone is dropped, the chance of the screen breaking or cracking is close to 100%. And any phone falls sooner or later, since this is the thing that a person uses constantly, one might say - from morning to evening.

    Read also: How to stick the film on your smartphone yourself

    To protect the screen of your favorite smartphone, smart people Safety glass was invented. It is sold in any salon or store where you can buy a smartphone, and costs around 10-20 dollars.

    How to properly stick protective glass on your phone

    It is much cheaper to order protective glass in China.

    You can stick it on with your own hands, right at home, for which you must strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer. In general, sticking protective or bulletproof glass on yourself for the first time is not as difficult as it might seem at first. Properly applied protection to the screen will protect your phone from many troubles.

    How to stick bubble-free glass on your smartphone yourself

    To properly stick the second glass onto the screen, you need to follow a few simple rules:

    1. The screen must be wiped with a special cloth, removing fingerprints, grease and other traces.
    2. Using a stream of air, before sticking, (you can use a medical blower) blow off all the dust.
    3. Degrease the screen with a special liquid, which manufacturers usually put in a box with tempered, armored or other protective glass. Bubbles under the glass are the result of poor cleaning.
    4. Glue the second glass with your own hands so that there is no dirt, dust, or air bubbles underneath it.

    To glue shockproof glass onto your smartphone yourself, you will also need scissors and tape, which will make the work process easier.

    We take the purchased glass and look at which side it has a sticker on. By pulling this sticker, we remove the protection. But you don’t need to remove it right away, as there is a way to make the process of even gluing easier. For this we need tape.

    We cut off three small pieces of tape, apply the glass to the phone, and on one side glue the glass to the back surface of the phone. The glass will be fixed with tape on one side so that it can be opened like a door. And the tape plays the role of loops. This makes it much easier to stick the glass evenly.

    We apply the protective glass and see if it lies evenly. If it fits, it should follow the shape of the screen.

    If everything is smooth, pull the sticker and remove the protection. If the protection cannot be removed, then you can use a thin sheet of paper or your fingernails to pry up the protection and release the applied glass. Once again we wipe the screen and close our book from the phone and shockproof glass. Lightly press your finger into the center and admire how the second glass sticks to the screen on its own without bubbles. If air bubbles appear underneath (which should not ideally be the case), use a soft cloth to push it to the edges and get rid of them. You can glue glass perfectly only if you act carefully and slowly.

    Remove the tape and clean off the glue. The gluing or glass replacement is complete.

    How to re-glue a cracked plate glass to a new one

    Replying glass if it is cracked begins with removing the old protective glass. How to remove it? Very simple. You will need a sheet of paper or plastic, preferably thinner. We are trying to drive it out of the corner under the old protective glass (any kind, even 3D, even regular armored glass). As soon as you succeed, you need to try to lift the glass up. Do not press too hard, otherwise you may simply break off a corner instead of replacing it - the glass, if already cracked, will be extremely unreliable.

    The old glass has been removed and the screen needs to be cleaned again before the new one can be glued on. Next, gluing the tempered glass will proceed as we described above. It is better to carefully glue the glass right away than to re-glue it, so be careful.

    How to stick protective glass on a smartphone at home if the size doesn’t fit

    If you ordered a second glass from China, there is a high probability that it will not fit. If it is a little smaller than necessary - no big deal, in principle - it will perform its function. If the glass is a little larger, it is worse, since there is a risk of it peeling off at the most inopportune moment. Yes, and using a smartphone with a protruding screen is inconvenient, so in this case It is better to replace the glass and re-stick another one. You can peel off old or broken glass yourself.

    What kind of glass are there that can be glued to a smartphone?

    1. 3d - this protective glass not only protects the screen, but also makes it more attractive by rounding the corners. You can stick it yourself or in the salon.
    2. Bulletproof glass is quite durable and protects the screen from cracks when falling even on stones and tiles. Many manufacturers produce just such glass. It is better to buy and stick such glass right away, especially if you often drop your phone.
    3. Tempered glass (or tempered glass) has high strength, protects the screen from breaking.
    4. Shockproof is suitable for those who often drop their phone or have the habit of throwing it on the table. It is as easy to stick as other types.
    5. Liquid - applied as a spray, provides oleophobic, hydrophobic and antibacterial coating. Saves from small cracks. Can be reapplied.

    The first four types refer to invoices and have many similarities. Before you buy overlay glass, you need to know exact dimensions screen of your smartphone. Liquid protection Suitable for any device. Even if you handle your phone carefully, it is better to stick glass with an additional oleophobic coating.

    What to do if the glass glued to your smartphone comes off

    If additional glass recently glued to a smartphone comes off, it means it was most likely defective. This happens if you bought it from a Chinese manufacturer. There is nothing you can do here, so all you have to do is get rid of the low-quality product and buy new glass.

    If the reason is not the additional glass, then you can try to clean the screen again - after all, the second protection will be ideal only if the grease, dust and dirt are completely removed from the smartphone.

    Important: The Glass (Gorilla) screen, which is considered extremely durable, also needs additional protection. Therefore, even for such smartphones it is important to choose glass. In addition, you can choose a rear glass to protect the body.

    Every smartphone needs protection. Even if you purchased an iPhone, do not refuse to put on a protective glass. After all, replacing protective glass is several times cheaper than replacing a screen. With a protective glass on your smartphone, you won't be afraid of scratches and other damage if you know how to properly stick the protective glass on your smartphone at home. The task is not an easy one, but if you follow these instructions, you can easily glue the glass at home, without asking third parties for the service.

    If you are encountering this for the first time, it may seem to you that this is a very difficult process. But once you practice, you will be able to glue glass without difficulty and without bubbles.

    Let's move away from the topic a little. I’ll tell you on my own, I personally don’t buy glass in the city. I buy glass on Aliexpress. Previously, of course, I bought glass in stores in the city and also paid to have it glued on. And now I buy glass for myself and friends on Ali, since I haven’t noticed a difference in quality, and the cost is 3-5 times higher. So I advise you to take several glasses from different sellers for your smartphone and try to stick them on. After all, you must admit that if you spoil glass bought in the city for 700 rubles it will be very sad. And on Aliexpress you can buy 4-5 glasses in one day. and enter your smartphone model and select.

    And so, let's return to the process of gluing glass. It makes no difference whether you glue the glass onto an iPhone, tablet or some other device, the process is the same everywhere.

    The display of a smartphone is very sensitive to mechanical damage, no matter how much it was purchased for. A phone in your pocket can get scratched by anything, coins, keys, or even nails. And if there are already scratches on the screen, then when gluing there will be bubbles that are almost impossible to remove.

    What you need for gluing glass:

    • Alcohol wipe
    • Dry cloth
    • special liquid for cleaning TV or computer screens
    • tape or dust bag
    • glass

    Usually everything you need for gluing comes with the glass.

    The most important thing is the room in which the gluing will be done. This should be a room with minimal dust. A kitchen or bathroom is best. The bathroom has the highest humidity and therefore a minimum of particles in the air, which is exactly what we need. Run a hot shower for a few minutes to raise the humidity and you’re good to go. Yes, gluing will not be entirely comfortable, it will be stuffy, but it’s worth it, the glass will be glued perfectly, without lint or bubbles.

    Wash your hands with soap, then place the equipment, protective glass for iPhone 6 or other phone on a clean, smooth surface.

    Before starting the procedure, remove the old film from the device. To do this, slightly pull the edge at a 60 degree angle.

    Use a cloth with alcohol to wipe off dirt from your phone screen to ensure a perfectly clean surface.

    If there are dust particles left, we go over the surface with tape or a dust collector.

    We take the glass out of the packaging and remove the film from it. We install the protection so that it matches the central button of the gadget and the speakers. Slide your finger down the center from top to bottom to secure the overlay. If the air remains, we expel it with a credit card or the device that comes with the kit.

    There is no need to try with all your might to squeeze out the remaining small bubbles. if you overdo it, you can crush the screen) After a couple of days, they will disappear on their own if you did everything correctly and if it is not the villi that are creating the bubbles.


    The videos below will help you apply protective glass at home. without outside help. The protective glass will protect from negative influences and the phone will remain attractive for longer. The protection will protect the device from scratches and also absorb shocks when dropped. However, the sensitivity of your phone's sensor will remain the same.

    On iPhone

    On Samsung

    On Lenovo

    On xiaomi