• How to completely remove apple id. Forgot your iCloud (Apple ID) password - what to do and what to do

    The need to change your iCloud account to iPad devices and iPhone may occur due to the loss of the password from the old profile ( old iCloud) or the absence of one at all (this sometimes happens when buying a used iPhone). And sometimes the user, regardless of third-party circumstances, independently decides to change his profile on iCloud (for the purpose of doing business, for professional activity etc.).

    This guide will help you delete an iCloud profile from Apple i-devices (iPhone, iPad), as well as make a backup copy of the information stored in it (photos, files, contacts and other data that is valuable to the user).

    Saving data before changing account

    1. Transfer photos and images from your iCloud account to albums and photo galleries on your iPhone.

    2. Data (documents, presentations, texts) created in iWork, music - to the iTunes directory (this procedure can also be performed by connecting a computer).

    3. Saved dates and reminders can be restored via new profile in iCloud directly on your device or computer.

    Standard procedure for deleting a profile

    1. Tap the “Settings” icon on the gadget’s display.

    2. Select "iCloud" from the list.

    3. At the bottom of the options panel, click “Delete Account”.

    4. In the panel asking you to confirm the activated operation, tap “Delete from iPhone.”

    5. Enter the password for the “old” account and click “Turn off”.

    Note. Along with the iCloud profile, all data stored in it (files, songs, contacts, etc.) is deleted.

    What to do if there is no password?

    Note. This method only works on iOS versions 7.0 – 7.0.6.

    To delete an iCloud account without a password, follow these steps:

    1. Open: Settings → iCloud.

    2. In the application panel, tap “Delete account” → Delete → Delete from.

    3. In the password entry window, select “Cancel.”

    4. At the top of the list of options, tap “Account”.

    6. Tap “Done”. The device will display a message stating that the password is incorrect (as it should be; click “ok” and then “Cancel”).

    7. Again, try to get rid of your iCloud account (button at the bottom of the list of options). Again, in the password input panel, select “Cancel.”

    Have a nice time! Just a huge number of questions are received both by e-mail and in comments to articles on the topic of forgotten (lost, changed by someone, etc.) email box iCloud and its password. To be more precise, we are talking about, but this does not change the essence of the matter. In order to somehow systematize all this information, it was decided to write this article. So, if you don’t remember (don’t know) your password or email to which your (or “someone else’s”) iPhone or iPad is registered, and you really want to activate it, then these instructions are for you!

    A little history. With exit operating system iOS 7, Apple introduced additional protection for all device owners from theft, loss, etc. Now no person will be able to access the phone, as well as the data that is on it, if he does not know the Apple ID and password for it.

    Whatever action you take:

    • (full reset settings).
    • Firmware update (upgrade or downgrade).
    • Entering DFU mode and the subsequent attempt to flash.
    • Disassembly into small parts and replacement of certain parts of the phone.

    NOTHING will help! You shouldn’t trust people who promise to “hack” it for money (usually quite a lot!). Remember - it is impossible to delete an Apple ID without a password. An iPhone or iPad is strictly bound to registration data and can only be removed from this link by:

    • The direct owner of the device who owns this information.
    • Employee Apple.

    Speaking of bindings, there are two types:

    So, we have the first scenario and there is no question of any kind of lost mode, but you simply forgot the password for iCloud (Apple ID) and the phone (tablet) was blocked after updating the firmware or resetting the settings to factory settings.

    What to do? How to remove the activation message? There are two ways:

    1. We go to the recovery page and try to do something there: indicate the email to which the Apple ID is registered, enter an additional e-mail address, we answer test questions. If you know at least something, then the chances of unlocking your iPhone increase!
    2. For those who don't remember anything at all. We write (or better yet, call) Apple support - here is a link to the contact page. We describe your situation as accurately and thoroughly as possible. Remember, there are people sitting there and most often they are not stupid! Most likely, after a short conversation, you will be asked to prove the fact that the device belongs and has always belonged to you. How? Provide a photo of the box (of course, not just the packaging, but the place where the serial number is indicated), serial number the gadget itself, plus the purchase document (receipts). If everything is in order and Apple employees believe you, then iCloud lock Lock will be removed.

    However, it may also happen that this does not happen. Why? The fact is that simply a huge number of people began to falsify purchase documents and thus deceive the company. I don’t presume to judge whether this is good or bad, but the fact is clear - the number of devices unlocked using this method has decreased and each new application initially causes distrust.

    This means that the following situation may happen - the iPhone or iPad really belongs to you, you have provided all the documents, and to remove Activation Lock Apple employees refuse. What should I do? Write to English-language support (the last subheading will help you figure out how to do this) and tell them the whole story, about how you forgot your iCloud password and want to unlock it.

    If they don’t help, then unfortunately there’s nothing left.

    Apple ID or personal user account is a very useful thing. This identifier allows the iOS user to gain access to all branded services- iCloud, App and iTunes Store, iMessage, etc. In other words, lack Apple account ID significantly limits the capabilities of an Apple device and most i-device owners, of course, understand this, and therefore create and use Apple ID with pleasure.

    However, if the user is going to sell his gadget, he must mandatory unlink the iOS device from the account, otherwise new owner will face a lot of problems.

    In this article, using the iPad as an example, we will tell you how the old owner can delete his account, and enter your Apple ID data instead for the new one.

    The Apple ID is registered on the iPad in two places - the “iCloud” and “iTunes Store” sections. App Store" Both sections are located in the “Settings” menu of the device. In general, by and large, you can unlink your Apple ID only in the “iCloud” section, because only in this situation will you need to specify the account password. That is, delete the old user’s account from the “iTunes Store, App Store” section. and the new owner can change it to his own without knowing the identifier password.

    However, we still recommend resetting your account in both sections, because if you leave it in the “iTunes Store, App Store” section new user will be able to find out your Apple ID, and although he can do little with it without a password, there is absolutely no need to provide unnecessary information about yourself to unfamiliar people.

    How to remove an account from the iCloud section?

    But first of all, you need to reset your iCloud account. How to do this? Follow these simple instructions:

    That's it! If the password is correct, deleting the old account will be successful and in the fields where your Apple ID data was previously indicated, the new owner will be able to add parameters for his account.

    How do I change my account in the iTunes Store, App Store section?

    In this situation, everything is even simpler. What we do:

    That's all, now here too the new owner will be able to provide his Apple ID details.

    What happens if you don't unlink your iPad from your Apple ID?

    As you can see, changing and deleting an account on an iPad is very easy, and we strongly recommend that you do not forget to follow these steps simple steps before selling, because if you don’t delete your account, things can take a very sad turn.

    We repeat, from the “iTunes Store, App Store” section you have every right do not delete. A new user can log out of the old account with the same success as the previous one and provide his data (a password is not required). But! When trying to update applications that were downloaded to a previous account, stores will request data from the PREVIOUS account. However, this is not such a problem, you can delete all applications downloaded using the old ID and download again via new apple ID.

    Much more dire consequences threaten if the previous owner did not leave the “iCloud” section. It’s even worse if the new user did not immediately pay attention to this fact. It just left the "iTunes Store, App Store" section and decided that he would not use iCloud - just think, after all backups can be created via PC using iTunes.

    But this very user needs to update iOS, or he wants to restore the device via iTunes, because the tablet, for example, began to fail. Every Apple user knows how the device update/restoration procedure ends - the device boots in initial setup and requires its activation. Moreover, if the “Find iPad” option is enabled on the device, and it is turned on automatically when specifying the Apple ID in the “iCloud” section, the user needs the login and password of the account, and exactly the one specified in the settings cloud storage. In the situation we are considering, this section will contain the data of the previous owner, which the new user, of course, does not know.

    There are three ways to bypass this screen - firstly, contact the previous owner and ask him to provide data and/or ask for a personal meeting at which he will unlink from his Apple ID. If the person is honest, and little time has passed since the purchase and the seller has not yet forgotten his data, he will help you.

    If you cannot contact the previous owner, we offer you a second option - contacting Apple support. They will definitely help you if you can prove that the device belongs to you - a receipt and the box from the tablet will be very useful here.

    And finally, the third way. You did not find the previous owner and you were unable to prove anything to the support service. In this situation, you can only contact various unofficial organizations that offer services to remove the activation lock. In this case, success is not guaranteed, but there is still no other way out.

    Let's summarize

    So, now you know how to delete an account on an iPad (however, the instructions are universal and are also suitable for other Apple devices), and most importantly, you understand the sad consequences that threaten a new user if the old one does not unlink his Apple ID. So we strongly recommend that sellers do not forget about this procedure, and buyers always check whether they have logged out of the old account, or even better, ask the seller for a receipt from iPad purchases and boxes from under it.

    There are several ways to delete an account: changing the data in the settings in your Apple ID and deleting your account through support.


    Before you start removing Apple (no matter what device - Mac, iPad, iPhone, etc.), make sure that the device is connected to the Internet, because it is required to delete your account.

    How to change data in Apple ID settings

    The first option is to change the data that was used when registering your account to others. Change date of birth, physical address, payment option and others. But this will not delete the account. To change data, you need to run iTunes program on your computer, go to the iTunes Store, click “Sign in.” Enter your username and password for your account and log in. Next, open the account settings, go to your account by clicking on Apple ID ID. We make changes to the data and then save them.

    Email address changes

    As for changing the email address, changing it to a non-existent one will not work, because... all changes will have to be confirmed via mailbox. The same actions can be carried out on the page http://appleid.apple.com/ru/. You just need to log in to the system. After following all the instructions, you can forget about this account, but do not forget that it has not been deleted.

    Removing an Apple ID through Apple Support

    This method takes more time, but it is more correct and allows you to delete your Apple ID account. And after this you will not be able to restore your account. Go to http://apple.com/support/feedback/ from any device. We fill in all the fields that are marked mandatory, and then click “Submit Suggestion”. A request to delete an account, as well as filling in all data, must be made exclusively on English. This applies to specifying the reason, covering letter. When specified postal address, you must indicate the address to which the account is registered. In the subject line of the email you must indicate “I want to delete Apple ID”. If you don't know English, you can use online translator, which will translate everything for you.

    What should I write to the support service?

    Example of a letter for the support service: "Dear technical Apple support! Recently, I am the owner of an Apple ID (enter your e-mail) and for certain personal reasons I no longer need it. I don't want to use Apple services for which authorization is required Apple help ID. I understand that all funds spent on the purchase of games, programs, movies and music in the iTunes Store and App Store are non-refundable and will not require a refund. Please permanently delete my Apple ID."

    What's next?

    After sending your request, you will need to wait a few days or weeks, and then email address You will receive an email confirming account deletion. There will be a link, you will need to follow it and the account will be deleted.


    There are several ways to delete your Apple ID. One way is to change your personal data. But this will not delete your account. To remove it completely, you need to write a letter to support. After this, the account will be deleted.

    How to remove Apple ID

    Changing your account Apple records ID

    Deleting an account

    On iPhone 4S and other models of devices from the American company Apple. Deleting your account may be necessary if you decide to sell your device or give it to a loved one. There are several ways to answer the question of how to delete an account on an iPhone 5S. We will try to consider the simplest ones.

    Contacting technical support

    Direct user request to the service technical support is considered by specialists within several days, after which they can satisfy it (the request) or reject it for certain reasons. Most often, owners of equipment from the American company Apple formulate and send a request there with the expectation of completely deleting their account. Apple recovery The ID will subsequently be impossible when using the old email address. Today, contacting technical support is the only way not to suspend a personal identifier, but to erase it forever. Although the results of the actions are similar.

    Sequence of actions when contacting technical support

    For complete removal personal identifier follow these steps:

    1) Using a browser, open the service website. He will help carry out the operation to remove the Apple ID.

    2) We will see a form with fields to fill out. We indicate the data in it.

    Pay attention to the mandatory items marked with the required parameter (translation “required to be filled out”). Another important point: contacting technical support representatives must be written in English. If your knowledge of a foreign language is insufficient, you can use a reader-friendly online translator. There is no need to worry too much: usually specialists do not refuse to remove the identifier, even if the application is made with errors.

    The form asks you to fill out the following fields:

    A) Email address. We indicate the address that was associated with the account when it was initially created.

    B) Subject. We write what interests us: deleting a personal identifier.

    B) Comment. Intended to describe the reasons for deletion. Even if the user does not want to comment on their actions or cannot provide a clear reason, something will still need to be provided.

    3) Using the “Confirm request” button, we send a letter to the technical support service.

    We gave the first answer to the question of how to delete an account on an iPhone 4S or any other model. Notification of the request will be sent back within a few weeks. The period usually does not exceed a month. The specialists will provide a link in the response message. You will need to click on it to delete your old account. You can use your previous email address to create a new one. This is the answer to the question “How to delete an account on an iPhone 4S using technical support:”.

    Removing an ID from the machine

    If the user needs to use a new account and needs to erase the old one, it can be erased from the device rather than completely removed. To do this:

    1) Go to the iPhone desktop.

    2) Open engineering menu with settings.

    4) We examine the control panel in search of the Apple ID button.

    5) Select the “Exit” function.

    Correcting the email address of an old account on an iPhone?

    The method allows you to get a result similar to that obtained with the first method (contacting technical support), but much faster. Apple lovers call the method “freezing” a personal identifier. This is done by changing the email address:

    1) In the browser, open the official website of the American company.

    2) Enter the text Apple ID into the search field.

    3) Click on the button called “Manage Apple ID”.

    4) Log in to your account.

    It will be possible to see in it contact information: email addresses (primary and backup), and so on. Backup “boxes” are needed to recover the password for a personal identifier if it is lost.

    5) Change the email address.

    It is not necessary to write an existing “box”. All you need to do is add a few characters anywhere. Watch for the circles appearing parallel to the change. They must be painted green.

    6) Apply the perfect changes.

    After this action, the account will be “linked” to the new email address. It is unlikely to exist if the user made changes at random. Old mailbox will be released, after which we can create new account and connect them with each other. The process is quick and should not take more than five minutes.

    Changing data using the iTunes service. How to delete an account on an iPhone?

    The adjustment will have characteristic differences. But the sequence of actions will remain the same:

    1) Launch on personal computer(laptop) program and log into your account.

    2) Click on the “Information...” item. Information related to personal Settings can be changed if required.

    3) Change your email address. But this time it is already existing, since you will need to confirm the changes made.

    Now you know how to delete an account from an old iPhone.