• How to get stable passive income. Passive income on the Internet. Ways to earn passive income

    Passive income on the Internet - is it available to everyone, is it passive income, and is it income at all? There are many opinions, they depend on expectations, on opportunities, sometimes financial - for starting, as well as on the chosen direction. But no one argues with the fact that you can make money on the Internet without effort. It’s just that a couple of hundred rubles is enough for some, while others prefer to invest tens of thousands so that the money can “work” later. There are several ways passive income on the Internet. The most proven and widespread, completely free of cost and with investments, are in this article.

    What is passive income

    Minimum effort - extra income. Passive income should not require your daily activity; you know what minimum you will receive, in what time frame and why the funds are received.

    Starting to earn a lot of money from liabilities right away is rare and lucky. The most minimal option that does not require your attention is to install programs that help promote sites. Other areas usually require effort, investment and time.

    Passive income usually does not require your constant control.

    Programs for making money on the Internet

    It is possible to earn income by installing a special program on your computer. If allowed system requirements, you can “upload” several programs. This opportunity for passive income is also called auto-earning. Usually you need to first register on the site.

    Earning programs:

    1. AutoDENGI - the site honestly warns that it is not an alternative to regular work, but it will help cover communication or Internet costs. First you need to register, then download the program and install it on your computer. Antivirus packages are also installed, the site also promises not to allow malicious pages. Installed program helps sites get promoted, and helps you get a small passive income. The site offers two options for earning money: directly installing the program on a PC and participating in an affiliate program.
    2. VIPIP - passive income on the Internet without investments. You need to flip through the pages of websites. The site will be loaded through the program, which will count all actions and calculate money. VIPIP also offers payment for viewing advertisements, completing tasks such as registering or visiting certain pages, clicking on advertisements. You can earn money by reading letters or by posting messages on your page on social networks, liking and joining groups. There is also automatic earnings - you need to download the program and install the plugin. VIPIP provides offers for advertisers and performers. Just click on "Provider" and read the instructions for the options before choosing something.
    3. SurfEarner - the site will ask you to install the extension. Then, when you open your browser, several advertising banners will appear. They will not affect your browsing experience at all. The program for passive income on the Internet will work all the time that you spend flipping through the pages of the World Wide Web.
    4. Ruservant (Autoserf) is autosurfing. Special program- it needs to be installed - it visits the advertiser’s sites itself. However, there are other options: tasks, reading letters and manual surfing.
    5. SocPublic - the site pays for surfing sites, likes and comments, for registration, viewing advertisements and for completing instructions from the advertiser. The site offers competitions for participants, bonuses for referral programs and the opportunity to increase levels and achievements.

    Income from investments

    This type of earnings promises greater profits than options without investments, but at the same time carries a certain danger of losing money. But if you calculate your steps when choosing investment paths and spend time analyzing the company’s activities, then this probability can be reduced.

    Options with attachment:

    1. Hype investments - the scheme resembles a pyramid and you can easily lose all your investments. These programs may close before you can withdraw your money. But if you keep your finger on the pulse, invest not only money, but also time, then you can really make a profit.
    2. Buying bitcoins - they can be exchanged for dollars, and then for rubles. Bitcoin trading is prohibited in Russia. However, Bitcoin exchanges and exchangers are legal.
    3. Investments in PAMM accounts - passive income (with investments) with the help of a trader. You need a personal Forex account. Profit is a percentage of a trader’s transactions.
    4. Reselling websites - there are few good offers, but you can achieve benefits.
    5. Affiliate programs - you need your own promoted website. Income - from each click on a link from your website to order a product or service to a partner site, you receive a percentage. Profile sites provide ratings of companies, taking into account which you can make a choice.

    Earning money on your website

    This idea can lead to success if the site has excellent content and has fans: the portal is popular and interesting, updated and promoted. Making money on your website is possible if you, as the website author, devote a lot of time to it.

    Creating your own resource to earn passive income on the Internet is a common way today. If you good programmer, then you can easily and quickly organize the project. It will take several months to fill and promote. If things get better, you can start looking for advertisers. Clients will pay to place a banner or article with a link on your portal. Basically, you just earn passive income. Sometimes you will need to look for new clients or additional ones.

    Difficulties in making money on your own website

    Making money on a website is an ideal option, but not without difficulties. Because passive income on the Internet through a website will require investment of effort, and sometimes money. If you are not a very good programmer or don’t know how to make websites at all, you will have to ask for help. If you don’t want to waste time promoting your portal, you’ll have to contact special services. And you will have to pay for this too.

    With a competent approach to business and a step-by-step solution to problems, you can soon consider passive income.

    What sites will generate income?

    Websites that concentrate service offerings are in demand. This could be a portal for advertisements about repairs, legal advice and other services. It is better if the site has several directions, rather than just one. So, on one site you can place various advertisements: from searching for a construction crew to buying old computers. First, promote your site using private advertisements, but later you can count on large advertisers, including network companies.

    Keep the cost of a private ad low at the promotion stage so as not to scare away customers.

    An automated online store can bring you stable earnings on the Internet. This is a platform that no longer requires the owner’s attention or the need for administration is minimal. The online store has been promoted, you just need to update the assortment.

    How to earn income from the site

    If your site is interesting, with useful articles, there will be a large and constant flow of customers who will not only read your materials, but also pay attention or take advantage of advertising placed on the pages. You receive interest from clicks on contextual advertising.

    By promoting a website or blog, you attract even more visitors to it. Later, you can hire an assistant who will fill the resource, and sometimes you yourself look for new advertisers.

    Passive income on social networks

    You can also offer group administrators an advertising exchange. It is possible to ensure a large influx of participants - thousands of people are needed.

    Typically, subscribers are attracted by the opportunity to participate in competitions and receive prizes. Make it available only to subscribers.

    In terms of popularity, VKontakte (more than 80% of the Russian-speaking audience) is ahead of Odnoklassniki (60%) and Facebook (35%).

    You can create and promote groups for further sale. An Instagram account offers income through completing simple tasks. Publish on your social pages partner links.

    Passive income from YouTube

    You can make money with video hosting using several options. The channel can generate income from advertisers and referral links. But the YouTube channel must be of high quality and promoted, only then will customers turn to you.

    To fill your channel, you can use your professionalism, for example, sharing tips with subscribers. If you do a hobby and are successful at it, give master classes. Contentful video blogs look good. Choose topics that you are strong and knowledgeable about.

    At the same time, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive equipment; many people are starting to record videos on a smartphone.

    Online courses as a way to make passive income

    If you are well versed in any topic, you can present it in an accessible and interesting way by adding personal experience, then you can create an online course and sell it. These can be audio files or video lessons.

    Without "water" and lyrical digressions - a successful course is meaningful and concise, specific and understandable. There is no need to confuse the course buyer from one thought to another, otherwise useful information it may simply go unnoticed by them. You need positive reviews; they are easier to earn with a short story.

    How to attract attention to a video course

    Provide the possibility of feedback for sending homework and monitoring the level of learning. In the title of the course, include the result - what a person can achieve/receive by taking your course.

    It is better to make a presentation for the course in which you will appear as an expert and master. So, state why you decided to develop the course, what you are good at as an author, and what the course will bring to your participants.

    The matter is very delicate, so ambitions must be on point. To promote a course, you need a website or at least an account on one of the information course aggregators, where the author can receive income passively - from course sales made by partners.

    Real earnings on the Internet

    To earn income and not get burned when you come across scammers, remember the rules. Real earnings on the Internet without deception are possible, but you need to learn to clearly determine the essence of the offer - is it about making money or is it simply luring the gullible out of money. You must have an understanding of how you can get income according to the proposed scheme, whether it is realistic in the amount that is promised, and whether there is a catch hidden in some little detail. Carry out a meticulous analysis of the circuit, without imagination.

    If your method of earning money requires a strange “investment”, such as paying for registration, treat the offer especially carefully. As well as the offer to enter your personal data. Of course, sometimes this is justified, but still read the reviews about the site first.

    Never send passwords, PIN codes or code word, no matter what reason they give you.

    Don’t rush to trust flashy headlines about earning 500 rubles per minute, when you don’t need to do anything at all: neither watch ads, nor follow links, nor leave reviews. Passive income does not fall from the sky.

    Protection from scammers on the Internet

    There is a category of sites with “super methods”. They offer, for example, a short course “How to get rich in a day by 50,000 rubles without doing anything.” Perhaps the technique is effective, there is no point in denying it, but look carefully at this site. If the design is so-so, then maybe the “seller” of the technique is the same.

    Be attentive to sites if:

    • are used free hosting, for example ucoz, narod.ru;
    • free domains are used, for example pp.ru, net.ru, at.ua;
    • the simplest or template website design;
    • tastelessly designed website;
    • there is no information about the author of the site;
    • wallets are not verified.

    Where to start passive income

    Not from an idea. Start with yourself. If you are not satisfied with the amount of passive income from installing programs or watching commercials and you are thinking about your own project, start educating yourself. Watch advanced projects, analyze business ideas and learn the “material parts”. To make good passive income, you still need certain knowledge, for example in trading. It will be useful to understand how to promote websites and the legal regulations that must be followed. There is a lot of useful advice on the Internet.

    When you find a source of passive income that suits you, don't relax. Sometimes reinvest your income, try other options and methods of earning money.

    Due to numerous requests from readers... So get ready, pour yourself some tea or coffee, make yourself comfortable - this will be a voluminous, but very useful article! 🙂

    How would your life be different if you made a few hundred or thousand dollars a month without actively working?

    Perhaps you could get busy which you have always dreamed of. Maybe you would travel more around the world. Perhaps they would move to live in another country with a better climate and quality of life. Some would spend more time with their family and take more care of their health. And someone would combine All the above! And passive income just allows you to realize these ideas.

    The idea of ​​passive income is so attractive for people all over the world precisely because it allows a person do more of what he likes and minimize what he doesn’t like.


    I want to immediately clarify one point - I have not come across any “passive” income. Almost every passive income requires some work, at least in the beginning, after which it can generate income very long time, without requiring your active involvement.

    So, let's look at the main types of passive income.

    Rent out real estate

    You can purchase residential or commercial real estate for rent, or you can rent out the property you already own (for example: an apartment, house, cottage, garage, basement, attic, etc.). You can even rent out part of your home (for example, one of the rooms, using the service . You can get confused and pass through).

    Rent out your home and move into a rented one yourself

    Don't want to share your home with anyone? You can rent out your own, more expensive housing, and also rent another, but cheaper one yourself. The difference in these rents will be your additional passive income.

    Sell ​​your accumulated trash and junk

    If you think that these are pennies that are not worth spending time on, look at how my wife and I for thousands of dollars! Many of these things have been stored since student days and have cluttered our house for years.

    Turn your car into a means of earning money

    You can rent out your car to taxi services, or you can use it as an advertising medium. Similar services have been present in big cities for a long time.


    Deposits are one of the easiest and an understandable way for the population to save money and earn passive income. It's simple - you give the bank your money for a certain period, for which the bank charges you interest. The return on deposits is usually low and does not cover inflation, therefore, this method of earning money is only suitable for short-term strategies.

    If you know a subject (no matter what topic!), write an e-book and sell it on your website or on special platforms for selling e-books. Writing a book takes anywhere from a few days to 2-4 months, but once you write it and post it on book platforms, it can provide you with passive income for years.

    Create a video training course

    The idea is the same as with an e-book. If you are an expert in some field, record a training video course and sell it on special educational platforms (see the complete list of platforms for creating video courses ) or on your website.

    Create or buy a ready-made online store

    If you already have goods for sale or you know how to arrange supply, sales and delivery, it’s time to think about your own online store. There are services that allow you to automate delivery, storage, accounting, sales, payment acceptance, discounts and promotions, and even marketing.

    Start your YouTube channel and make money from advertising

    You can shoot simple videos (including on mobile phone) - music, educational, comedy, movie reviews, equipment - anything!YouTube will show people ads before or while playing your videos, and you will receive money (with monetization enabled and AdSence connected).

    Earn money from advertising on your site

    If you have your own website, you can (should) enable advertising (AdSense or any other). This is done in different ways(read on the Internet) and in general it is very simple. People come to your site, read or watch something, and are automatically shown an ad. You get paid for views and/or clicks from your readers. See examples of advertising at . Subscribe to my articles to see how it works in the articles :).

    Credit card bonuses - No No No!

    My readers know very well my opinion about plastic cards - do not deceive yourself with the attitudes “I pay off the debt on the card every month” or “I earn miles or cashback” and other nonsense. Just ask yourself the question, from what…. does the bank give you free money, miles, cashbacks and other goodies? 🙂 I explain in detail here: In a nutshell, try to get rid of this source of “income”, because... in the end you will lose much more than you earn. Trust the person who had more than 20 mega-cool cards))) Also read and watch:

    Do you like photography and are you good at it? Then you can sell your pictures or videos through photo banks such as Shutterstock, Depositphotos and iStockphoto You will receive a percentage or flat rate for every photo or video sold through these photo banks. You upload your photos and videos to one or more platforms, and that's where your activism ends.

    Microloans - NO NO NO!

    Microloans are a disgusting tool for robbing financially illiterate and desperate people. People take a small amount “before payday” at 100-200 percent or more per annum, thinking “just think, the interest will be only 500-1000 rubles. It’s just pennies.” There are platforms that offer you to become a lender and receive a certain percentage from it. I won’t give links because... I am categorically against earning money that drives other people into a financial abyss.

    Accelerated repayment of loans and debts

    Every penny you pay to the bank is a penny that could be (passively) making you money! Debts, like termites, devour and destroy the financial well-being of a family. It is important to understand that for every dollar (ruble, etc.) returned ahead of schedule, interest will not accrue (for months or years in the future) and all these months or years you will be able toearn interest yourself rather than pay it to the bank.

    Example: If instead of a 20-year mortgage, in the amount of 3 million rubles. (~ 50 thousand dollars. This is a studio or one-room apartment in St. Petersburg), taken for 20 years, at 12%, set aside the same money that you will pay the bank monthly ( monthly payment will be 33 thousand rubles), at, say, 8% - in 20 years you would have accumulated an amount approximately equal to 20 million rubles (~300-350 thousand dollars) due to ! This amount would be enough to provide you with an income of 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars for the rest of your life per month! With that kind of income, you could live well in any country from east to west! By the way, this amount would put you in the 5-10% richest people on the planet! Make sure of this .

    Change jobs

    If you are sure that you are being paid below the market, attend interviews and change jobs! Thus, you will provide yourself with additional income for many years in the form of the difference between the old and new salaries. This can be very scary to do, because... We, people, become attached to the team, to the work being done, to status, to various bonuses, to stability, etc. We are afraid to take risks and change something. However, every fear has a price! If you're losing hundreds or thousands of dollars a year, it's time to stop being afraid and start taking action!

    Ask for a raise

    You can change your job for a new one, or you can ask for a raise. If you find out (and don’t just think so) that you are objectively worth more, if you bring value to the company that you can evaluate and show to management, if you are not easy to replace, ask for a raise. Read: .

    Get everything from the state!

    Take everything from the state what it provides by law. You may not pay (that is, you will return this tax to your family) tax on purchased real estate (up to 260 thousand rubles or 4,300 dollars), for interest on a mortgage (390 thousand rubles or 6.5 thousand . dollars), for training and treatment, etc.

    My wife and I, for example, used tax deductions when purchasing real estate. This returned 130,000 rubles to the family (more than 5 thousand dollars in old money). We received all possible benefits for children, including maternity capital (450 thousand rubles or 7.5 thousand dollars).

    In addition, you can getsubsidies(compensation) from the state to pay for utility services, to create/develop a business, payments to mothers under Maternity Capital certificates, try to get preferential housing (for some categories of citizens),social benefits for the birth of a child, etc.

    You can buy a blog or a ready-made online business

    Thousands of blogs and online businesses are created every year, and many of them end up abandoned after some time. If you can find and purchase a blog/online business with a sufficient flow of visitors, then you can make good money from it. Blogs typically sell for 24 times monthly income, giving a 4.2% (100/24) return (typically in dollars) - which isn't very high, but not very low, considering the rates on dollar deposits in banks. Plus, a blog or online business can be developed and earnings increased.

    Participation in reviews, clicks and other online manipulations

    Many advertisers pay money for certain actions on the Internet, such as: click on a link, leave a review, like, repost, fill out a form, etc. Accordingly, there are services (eg seosprint, v-like.ru, socialtools.ru, sarafanka.com, prospero.ru, smmka.ru, etc.), which can automate the process and connect advertisers with people who want to earn money in this way. However, calling such income passive can only be conditional.


    A share is a A security that gives its owner the right to a share in the company and to receive part of the profit in the form of dividends.

    Company shares can be purchased through a broker. The entry threshold is usually very low. Earnings will consist of two components - the increase in the value of the stock (bought cheaply and sold more expensive) and also from dividends that companies (though not all) can pay to the owners of their shares. However, I do not recommend that non-professional investors buy shares of individual companies, because... Without significant experience and knowledge, such purchases will be similar to betting in a casino. The best solution for the inexperienced investor there will be mutual funds or structured products offered by brokers. Such funds/products include many stocks, so a sharp drop in the value of one share will not significantly affect the decline of the entire fund/product.


    A bond is a fixed income bond.Essentially, it is a loan agreement between a lender (usually national governments, municipal governments and private companies) in which you lend a certain amount, for a certain period and at a certain interest rate.

    The riskiness of this instrument as a rule, very low, but the profitability is also low. However, you can (often) make more money on bonds than on bank deposits. You can also buy bonds through a broker, but the entry threshold can be high, from tens of thousands of dollars to a couple of hundred thousand.

    Mutual funds

    mutual funds or Mutual Investment Funds are a kind of pool of money from large quantity investors (like you, for example), which is managed by a management company with the aim of increasing the value of this fund.

    Mutual funds can be selected to suit every taste- industry, “blue chips”, etc. The value of your share (the part you purchased in the fund) can go into deep minus and rapidly grow upward. Therefore, this is a long-term instrument, for investing for 5-10 or more years. The entry threshold can start from several tens of dollars or thousands of rubles.

    ETFs and index funds

    In developed Western markets(for example, American or European stock markets) you can invest in ETFs ( Exchange Traded Funds ) or to index funds (the same ETFs linked to a specific index). These instruments, as a rule, are tied to a certain type of asset (for example, blue chips, shares of fast-growing companies, oil sector companies, stock index of the largest American companies (for example, S&P500), etc. There are a great variety of them and you can choose to suit every taste and attitude to risk!

    You can buy these instruments (in Russia) through brokers, which provide access to foreign markets and instruments.These are very cool toolsallowing you to earn 5-10 percent or more in dollars and get rid of country risk, which is very important for you and me :) Like mutual funds, ETFsThese are long-term instruments designed for investment for 5-10 years or more. The entry threshold is from a couple of hundred to several thousand dollars. These are my favorite passive income tools!

    “A dollar saved is a dollar earned!” B. Franklin.

    Perhaps none of the methods described above suited you, but there is one way to make money that is available to everyone! This . Saving on yourself is unpleasant. However, saving is “smart” when you save money, but do not noticeably change the lifestyle to which you are accustomed - even exciting and reckless. Hundreds of smart saving ideas .

    Investment in yourself loved one!

    In all my materials I write and say that money is always a tool (like an axe, hammer or brick), but not an end in itself. Therefore, the most inexpensive investments with the highest short-term and long-term returns are investments in yourself, such as:

    - investment in relationships with your spouse, children, relatives, friends. For example, an unsuccessful marriage can put an end to all your investment desires for years and decades and ultimately ruin you. What do you do to keep your relationship alive?

    — investments in health- these investments generate income, ranging from savings on the costs of doctors and medications, and ending with the fact that a healthy body greatly affects the health of the “brains”, your thoughts, mood, motivation, which, in turn, affects everything in including the ability to earn more and invest better. Watch me play sports for free.

    - spiritual development- we, as a rule, leave this aspect to the very end, although in life it is almost the most important. Your spirit, your mood, your attitude towards life and other people, your life goals influence everything!

    What type of passive income should you choose?

    Not one alone!None of the tools described above individually will be correct and good decision to generate confident and reliable passive income. Remember - “don’t keep all your eggs in one basket”! As a rule, it is necessary to combine some the tools described above. Something like - part of the assets in cash, part in bonds, part in real estate, part in mutual funds/funds or structured products. At the same time, part of all assets must be in the national currency, and part must be tied to hard currency (for example, the dollar).

    Test before invest!And one more thing - no matter what you choose - “test before invest” & “try small” - which means “test, then invest” and “try on a small scale”. You don’t need to use all your money to buy one instrument (for example, shares of a company or mutual fund) that you have not tried before. Buy it for a small amount, try it, make sure everything works well and then increase your investment in this or that tool.

    Break down the risks over time!An additional strategy could be to enter a particular instrument gradually - for example, buy such and such an ETF for a certain amount every month. This will help you reduce (but not eliminate) the risks of getting into a bad instrument and losing money.

    When should you start creating passive income tools?

    The sooner the better! Preferably from school, student, or at least your first job. But, if you haven't done it then, it's never too late to start doing this. It’s just that the sooner you start, the more powerfully (in your place) compound interest will work, whose power grows like a snowball, only after some time. Read the amazing story of Susan, Bill and Chris and you will understand what I mean.

    BUT! There is one limitation.I recommend starting to invest only AFTER how you pay off all debts (except the mortgage) and create equal to 6 monthly income (or expenses, if that’s easier for you:). And only after that you can and should engage in investments, making money, etc.

    One of the most effective tools to solve these two problems (get rid of loans and form a fire reserve) is.


    As you can see, there are many types of passive income. Some are very easy to understand and cheap to get into, some are a little more complex and more expensive. You don't need to limit yourself to one tool and you don't need to try to fit into too many of them.

    The main thing is not to “sit” forever in the asset, who earns less than inflation (like cash under your pillow or money on deposit), and learn to invest your money in profitable (and passive) instruments. And then, one day, your passive income will start earning more than active income, and you will be able to do what brings you joy for the rest of your life!

    It will be useful!

    Call to Action

    What can you do right now? Two things:

    First.On your own or with help, make an annual budget for your family, set yourself the goal of “expeditiously paying off all debts except the mortgage” and “forming a Fire Reserve” of 6 months and make these two goals part of your budget.

    And the second one!Meet with 2-3 large brokers in your country and city and ask them to tell you about the tools described above, taking into account your financial capabilities and risk tolerance. This conversation will be very useful and will charge you with the necessary motivation to engage in passive income!

    Many people dream of starting to receivepassive income on the Internet, without making any effort on your part. If you are one of these freebie lovers, we have to disappoint you, sofreebie is only possible in 2 situations: 1) if you have start-up capital, 2) if you are initial stage You will do all the work yourself.

    Passive income- this is profit that does not require constant control on the part of its owner and does not require his participation in it. In the classic version, passive income includes income from (shares, deposits and dividends).

    Many on the Internet are foaming at the mouth to prove that passive income does not exist. In some ways they are right. Without serious investments at the initial stage, it is impossible to make completely passive income even on the Internet, and this is a fact.

    WITH There are 2 options for obtaining so-called passive profit : 1) invest a serious amount in some direction and completely automate it, 2) work hard without investing a penny and after a while automate everything and get almost completely passive e dividends.

    How to create passive income

    You can create such income in different ways; below we propose to consider the most promising and, no less important, profitable ideas for generating passive income online (according to our version).

    There is a very simple but very wise rule: if you do not have start-up capital, at first you will have to work hard in order to be able to receive passive income in the future. And it doesn’t matter which area you choose, the rules are the same everywhere. If they convince you otherwise, then they either want to deceive you, or this area is illegal, there are no other options here and cannot be.

    Method No. 1 “Creating your own resource”

    One of the most promising options for making passive income on the Internet from scratch and without investments is to create your own resource (online store, blog or website). If you don’t have the opportunity to invest, you can do everything yourself (write texts, make publications, and so on). Today this is easy to do.

    In the future, you can get almost completely passive monthly income from advertising. All you have to do is periodically publish new material and check your wallet once a month. On a good resource you can earn from $300 to $3000 per month; there are many examples of such resources.

    If you have the opportunity to invest, then you can buy a ready-made blog or online store that already brings in a constant profit. For example, you can buy such a resource at one of the online auctions; a blog that brings in $300 a month from advertising can be purchased for 400 - 700 thousand rubles. Again, all you have to do is follow the seller's instructions in order to maintain the blog at the same level of profitability.

    Method No. 2 "C" creation of intellectual property»

    Here, as in the first idea, you can go in 2 ways: 1) for people who have the opportunity to invest money, 2) for creative people (who can independently produce intellectual material).

    For people with capital, the scheme for a source of passive income will be something like this: “we buy “copyrights for the material” → “we advertise the material (you can entrust this to an advertising agency)” → “we receive a % of sales.”

    For creative people, everything works according to a slightly different scheme: “we create material” → “we look for advertisers” → “we receive passive income”

    In order not to be unfounded, we can cite the example of the legendary book about Harry Potter; the author of this book has been receiving passive income from the sales of his bestseller for many years. The same applies to thousands of other materials that constantly bring their authors good money.

    Method No. 3 “Renting out property”

    One of the most hackneyed options for passive income is renting out property, it can be an apartment, a summer house, a garage or any other property). Despite the triviality of the idea, this is one of the most practical options. As strange as it may sound, you don’t have to have a fortune to make a profit from this area.

    Here you go an example of a non-trivial solution, while looking for material for this article, we met a person on one forum who made a profit by renting out various construction tools (hammers, drills and other equipment). He did this with the help of a created group on a social network. I rented it out for quite an adequate amount, both for a few hours and for a few weeks. And he makes quite a good living from this, considering that he has automated everything and only accepts orders by phone. And he purchased all the equipment used, for pennies. Here you go ready case, take it and do it.

    Method No. 4 "Investing"

    There are a lot of offers on the market that promise to receive fullpassive income with investments, one such solution is to invest inthe accounts described above. There are many companies that offer different types conditions. The essence of this idea is to invest money in trader and receive income from his transactions.

    We believe that this option has a place, but there are too many scammers in this area, and the long-term prospects are very doubtful. We do not deny that you can make money from this, but this option will suit only a few, that’s for sure. Since giving your fortune to someone and hoping that he will have time to recoup everything before he spends the entire amount is vague. Although again, to whom, how.

    Method No. 5" Let's create our own business»

    And the last option to get real passive income is to create your own business. For some reason, many people believe that their business requires the constant participation of its creator. But this is not so, a large business can work without the intervention of its creator for years, or even decades, since all aspects are automated. For those in doubt, we recommend reading the book: Timothy Ferriss - “ How to work 4 hours a week" It addresses this issue very clearly.

    In addition, we recommend reading the article - “”. It talks about 10 successful entrepreneurs who, as they like to say, created themselves.

    Many people don’t like going to work from 9 to 6, and they don’t teach how to live without a hired job in school. However, the idea of ​​living on interest and dividends exists in the minds of the masses. Financially literate people have heard about sources of passive income, but real purposeful businessmen are looking for how to create passive income from scratch.

    What is passive income?

    The idea of ​​passive income arises when researching and studying the topic of financial independence. It is those who set out to get rich or achieve financial freedom who strive to build passive income, also known as residual income.

    Passive income is the profit received by a person without the need to perform daily “active” work or maintain a constant professional activity. Namely: work from 9 to 6 in the office or do freelancing (remote work), exchanging your precious time for money. In any type of earnings where the employee’s time is exchanged for the employer’s money, we can talk about labor or “active” income.

    The word “passive” hints: you don’t have to work regularly to make a profit. That is, a person lives freely at his own discretion, and money “drips” into him. However, this understanding is deceptive. As will be shown below, to create sources of passive income you also need to work hard, although often one-time, or very little effort is required to maintain stable profitability.

    Sources of Passive Income

    The main sources of passive income by type of ownership are:

    • bank deposits;
    • securities and bonds;
    • real estate;
    • copyright.

    Additional sources of passive income:

    • raw materials;
    • business operating “on its own”;
    • franchise;
    • investments in third-party business systems.

    For an employee, the possibility of having more than one source of income, a salary, is new and unfamiliar, and therefore often suspicious. However, if you look at it, having more than one source of income is exactly the way to improve your own well-being and increase capital.

    Those who are looking for how to create passive income do not always understand the possibility of creating multiple sources of personal income. This means you don't have to quit your job to earn passive income. You can build these incomes in parallel. Moreover, the options for passive income are numerous, and one person can have as many types of this income as they desire and manage to build.

    Types of passive income

    If all residual income is divided by type of profit, then the following types of passive income can be distinguished:

    • dividends– from investments in securities;
    • interest– from bank deposits and other investment organizations, from bonds (government securities);
    • royalties– for created intellectual property objects or received patent;
    • rental income– from leasing real estate;
    • royalties– for the sold franchise.

    And several types of profit without special names. These are the following categories:

    • income from operating business– (also called dividends in the West) profits from a business for which the founder or board of directors does not need to work personally;
    • profit from venture investments– income from investments in business systems built by other people; Here, the investor invests money in a startup or nascent business project, and after its promotion, receives a return of funds with interest and/or regular profit from the activities of the new company.
    • percentage of sales– a separate category of income that may be available to freelancers and businessmen. We are talking about additional profit from the volume of goods sold without the participation of the income recipient. For example, a copywriter who wrote a selling text is paid a fee in the form of a percentage of sales profits from each use of this text by the customer for a year or other agreed period.

    Passive income without investments

    Is it possible to create passive income from scratch? From the types of passive income considered, it becomes obvious that some sources are built without investing money, others do not allow this.

    4 ways to create passive income without investments:

    1. create an object of copyright;
    2. create a business system that does not require the participation of the founder;
    3. create a business and sell a franchise;
    4. accumulate capital to obtain residual income in other ways.

    Creating a Copyright Object

    This method of creating passive income from scratch is suitable for people in creative fields: composers, songwriters, writers, and inventors.

    Having once created a beautiful musical composition, song, or written a novel, the author receives a reward for the use of his work or its elements. The list of what relates to objects of copyright is in the relevant law of the Russian Federation.

    A patent also allows inventors to receive compensation for the use of their intellectual work.

    This method is good because you only need to make an effort once, and then receive a fee. However, it is clear that not everyone can create a worthwhile work of art, and they will have to monitor compliance with copyright law.

    Creating a business system without the constant participation of the founder

    This method is a passive income business. Creating a company that brings benefits to people, and income to the owner and founder, is real, although not easy. The vast majority of small businesses are of the type where the owners are employees in the positions of directors and managers.

    Being the head of your own company is not bad and even prestigious, but it does not bring you closer to your goal - creating passive income from scratch. After all, what is passive income? This is the profit from a one-time invested effort that a person receives consistently over many months or years. And if the founder works in his organization, he receives a salary. Therefore, this method will only work if the business is structured like full-fledged system with all necessary employees, including third party general director. Then the founder can rightfully say that he has created passive income.

    Creating a business and selling a franchise

    Income in the form of royalties from the sale of a franchise will become available only after the creation of a franchise, and for this you need to either already have a ready-made and established business, or build such a business.

    The idea is being implemented from scratch, but the result does not fully fall under passive income without investments, because you will have to invest a lot of time and effort into creating your own company. From the point of view of the fact that you can get by only with time and effort, without financial investments - yes, this is possible, even if you have to attract third-party investors for the purpose of financing new organization.

    Capital accumulation: money makes money

    One of the most popular ideas for passive income in order to get rich and become financially independent is the idea: “Money makes money.” It describes the simple fact that you don't have to invest man hours to earn more, even passively.

    However, in order to invest money and start bringing more profit, you need to collect start-up capital. It won't work any other way.

    Therefore, technically it will be passive income from scratch, because you have to start somewhere, but in fact you will have to save and save. You can start with 10% of each receipt of labor income, that is, salary, or any other income that you have. Thus, a sufficient amount will gradually be collected to invest in bank deposits, purchase securities or bonds.

    You can combine capital with someone close to you and invest a larger amount in rental real estate or venture investments. It is important to have a detailed understanding of the subject of investment.

    Top 10 ideas on how to create passive income

    Let's look at the most popular ways to create additional income without constantly investing time.

    1. Bank deposit

    With very modest interest rates and additional profits, this type of passive income remains and will remain very popular for a long time. There are several good reasons for this: firstly, banking system is growing and strengthening, the population is accustomed to trust banks, their activities are in most cases understandable to citizens.

    Secondly, banks provide guarantees - even if this sounds especially dubious in Russian realities, the invested capital is still protected from loss or theft. With the development of insurance companies, each deposit is either insured by default or can be insured at the request of the depositor.

    The choice among banks is wide, the deposit options are varied, so passive income is real even with investments of 3,000 rubles or more. There are special deposits with increased interest rates for pensioners.

    2. Securities (mutual funds)

    Typically, passive income, the ideas of which are taken from Western popular science publications, includes income from securities. Provide access to them and make such investments convenient for the population Mutual Funds – mutual investment funds.

    Although the method was especially popular before the crisis of 2008-2010, one cannot count on quick profits, because investments in shares are structured in such a way that such income becomes noticeable after a long time. Therefore, if you don’t have a couple of millions in American currency, you will have to hold the investment for several years or decades.

    3. Renting out housing or offices

    You can receive a stable income from renting out real estate. This will be just residual income, since one-time efforts are required to find a tenant and repair the premises; otherwise, maintaining the good condition of residential or non-residential property will require a minimum of time.

    This is perhaps one of the most popular ways of obtaining additional unearned income for the population, since it does not require special education, and the amount of income can be very significant.

    4. Starting your own business

    To create passive income without investing money, many former employees retrain as businessmen and entrepreneurs. Indeed, if you create a business that operates autonomously, with its own manager and hired labor, then you can earn a good income.

    5. Venture investments

    Passive income from business is one of the most highly profitable types of investments. At the same time, the risks are great, because any company can close or suffer losses. Moreover, not every person is a born entrepreneur.

    For those who are interested in how to create passive income with high interest on invested capital, but do not consider themselves an entrepreneur, the solution is investing in other people’s companies. If you understand who to invest in, the passive income of the investment will be very high.

    6. Creating a work of art

    By writing a book, composing a song or music, or making an invention, you can create passive income from scratch. After all, royalties for the subject of intellectual property will be received automatically, without requiring new creative research.

    7. Investments in high-risk companies

    These include Forex brokers, HYIPs and other companies that take citizens’ money and promise high interest rates. The money will go to trading on the stock exchange, which can give a high gain, but is very risky, which the companies themselves do not like to report. If you make such investments, passive income will be 18-70% per annum or even more.

    8. Website creation

    Your own website can be used as a source of passive income. There are plenty of scenarios for the development of a web resource here. For example, unwind information portal and turn it into a platform in the form of an advertising platform. Advertising income is passive income.

    Since the publication of the works Tim Ferriss And Roberta Kiyosaki such a concept as " passive income"has turned into some kind of mystical thing that gives the opportunity to start a rich and free life for everyone who can get it.

    It's no wonder that many are tempted to get their hands on this Holy Grail. But before you start taking action, it’s better to take a closer look at what passive income is and how it works.

    What is passive income and earnings

    If we talk in simple language, passive income is creating something ( material or intellectual value), which will allow you to receive money for an indefinite period without further human intervention.

    How to create passive income?

    The most simple examples passive income are book authors. They can spend several months writing a novel and then get paid for decades for every copy of that book sold. They create value, which then works for them.

    However, this was too narrow a definition.

    According to a reputable publication Investopedia Passive income is "earnings a person receives from a rental property, limited partnership, or other business venture in which he is not actively involved."

    True passive income is income that does not depend on the mandatory performance of any regular actions and comes in even if its owner does nothing at all.

    Popular culture in Russia defines passive income in rubles as “ any money you can make lying on the beach and sipping a cold mojito», but this is a misconception.

    For example, a well-known financial trainer and expert in the USA Todd Tresidder notes that today passive income can be considered any income that requires minimal effort after the initial investment of time or money, and works in accordance with with Pareto's Law - « 20% of efforts give 80% of results».

    Before you think about how to create passive income, you need to understand about active income.

    What is active income?

    Active income is the reward a person receives for the work he does. Regardless of profession, if a person spends his time and effort in exchange for money, this is active income. Earning options may vary ( lawyer, doctor, bartender, loader, copywriter, correspondent for print or online publications) but the principle remains unchanged.

    • The principle of active income: work - eat.
    • The principle of passive income: work - eat today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow...

    The main point of creating passive income is to invest heavily or work at a certain point, and then, without putting in much effort, reap the fruits of your labor in the long run. Since there are so many different options for passive income, it’s worth talking about each of them separately, highlighting several of the most common and accessible to everyone.

    Types and sources of passive income

    Today there are a variety of ideas, examples and options for sources of passive income. However, it is immediately important to recognize the fact that this will not be so easy. Otherwise, most of the hired workers, forced to work “from bell to bell,” would have long ago left for free bread. For those who are still determined, it makes sense to pay attention to such sources of passive income as:

    • bank deposits;
    • valuable property and real estate;
    • securities;
    • participation in mutual investment funds;
    • creation of intellectual property;
    • creation and optimization of your own business.

    Each of these areas and ideas has its own methods of passive income. And by choosing the path that is closest to oneself, everyone can familiarize themselves with them in detail.

    IMPORTANT! The biggest and easiest money is earned from a person’s desire not to work, so on the Internet you can find thousands of offers from scammers, so when creating passive income, focus on its legality, adequacy, reliability and simplicity, where it will not be possible to deceive you.

    Shares as a source of passive income on the Internet

    For example, if you start from $3000 and report $300 monthly at 50% per annum, then in 11 years you will already have $1 000 000 !

    You invest $3,600 a year for 10 years and get a million dollars out.

    1 year $8,565
    2nd year $17,362
    3rd year $30,558
    4 year $50,351
    5 year $80,042
    6 year $124,577
    Year 7 $191,381
    Year 8 $291,586
    Year 9 $441,893
    10 year $667,355
    11 year $1,001,032

    Look at the graph of this option for passive income on the Internet for clarity:

    A stock portfolio is an excellent option for passive income, it is understandable and adequate, and will be an interesting way for most.

    Here you can find hundreds of European and American stocks, commodity futures, energy and other assets.

    One way or another, stock prices are rising all the time, and companies that everyone knows about more people, grow hundreds of times.

    Over the past 3 years, only one has grown by 300% . This is the most advanced and legal passive income on the Internet.

    Valuable property and real estate

    This type of passive income includes:

    • real estate;
    • precious metals and stones;
    • antiques;
    • objects of art;
    • collectibles (coins, stamps, books, vinyl records etc.).

    But you need to understand that to develop such a business you need to have not only start-up capital, but also the necessary knowledge. So you will have to find experts and initially involve them in the cause.

    How much can you earn this way? Depending on the chosen direction and market conditions, profitability can be from 15 to 70%. It looks good, but you need to keep in mind that investing in real estate, precious metals, as well as luxury and collectibles is not passive income in the classical sense. Yes it can match Pareto's law, but nevertheless, a person is required to:

    • careful study of current market analytics;
    • ability to select liquid assets;
    • careful monitoring of tax affairs;
    • ability to find and attract clients.

    There is one more point - it is advisable to invest for a long time. Real “exhaust” can only be obtained in 5–10 years. During this time, an apartment purchased in a new building may become more expensive by 30–40%, and various antique values ​​and even more. This type passive income basically does not require anything from you - you buy and hold, and after n amount of time you sell.

    For example, Andy Warhol's painting "Lemon Marilyn" was purchased by an investor in 1962 for $250. After 45 years, it was sold for $28 million.

    Earnings on PAMM investing

    For those who are new to stock trading, investment solutions from , offering opportunities such as or automatic copy transactions of successful traders or .

    The point is to invest money in managers on the currency exchange. Traders will not take a large percentage of the profits, but they will also make money for you. Thus it benefits everyone.

    To make it easier for users to choose the most suitable option, all brokers provide a rating of the profitability of managers, where you can clearly see their successes both in the short and long term.

    The return on investment in traders largely depends on the professionalism and market situation and may fluctuate from 30 to 150% per annum, and you don’t have to do anything yourself.

    Creation of intellectual property

    The softest for those who want to create passive income from scratch.

    For people with valuable knowledge, experience or good creativity, passive income without investment can be obtained thanks to

    • audio creation,
    • video,
    • graphics,
    • text materials of artistic or scientific content.

    There are a great many ideas that can be implemented in this regard:

    • writing books
    • scenarios
    • music
    • software

    with subsequent receipt of both royalties for the work itself and royalties, which will be paid whenever others want to use your work.

    And although not everyone can earn large sums of money here, the availability of methods makes this direction very attractive.

    Bank deposits

    The most popular and simplest passive income in rubles is opening a bank deposit.

    That is, in principle, you can put money in a bank and live on interest alone. The main advantages of this option:

    • extreme simplicity of the process;
    • you don’t have to do anything at all (just come to the bank, sign an agreement and give the money to the cashier);
    • relatively low risks of losses.

    However, there are also negative aspects. The first is more than modest profitability. The average rate of large banks is no more than 7–8% per annum. Less renowned institutions offer 8–11% in rubles or 2-3% in dollars.

    In order to earn at least $1000 per month with a bet of 2% per annum, you must already have 600 thousand dollars, which will always lie on the deposit as “dead weight”.

    Creating and optimizing your own business

    Any business is painstaking and hard work. But only for the time being. According to an American financier Tim Ferriss, the success of any business is determined by its output.

    1. Its first phase involves substantial cash injections and constant control by the owner. It takes about 4–5 years. In some cases up to 10 years.
    2. After this, the business evolves into the second phase and comes into compliance with the already mentioned Pareto Law - it provides its owner with 80% of the result with 20% of the effort. At this stage, there are no longer any problems with how to create passive income based on it.

    The business owner can shift the lion's share of worries to the management staff, while he concentrates on things that are interesting to him or another promising business.

    How to earn passive income in Russia

    Organizing the creation of passive income in the Russian Federation is not much more difficult than in any other country in the world. However, there are also some nuances. Russia, for example, cannot be called “ a safe haven“, therefore, investing in shares of Russian companies in the long term requires particularly careful calculations and a willingness to quickly look for new solutions. However, nothing prevents you from buying shares of foreign companies through or.

    The real estate market here is also characterized by its heterogeneity. For example, if by 70% territory of the Russian Federation, real estate prices behave predictably and in accordance with global forecasts in such regions as MSK or St. Petersburg It is sometimes very difficult to predict price movements. During a period of general boom, relative calm can reign here, and vice versa, when there is crisis and stagnation everywhere, the volume of real estate transactions in Moscow, for example, can go off scale.

    As a conclusion

    As you can see, passive income is real, however, it is not always passive 100% , as some not very honest authors of various trainings and educational materials like to say.

    However, in any version of passive income, it will not have a boss in front of you, a work schedule, and in the case of passive income on the Internet such as shares or trust management, no territorial reference.

    At first you will need to do a lot ( initially unpaid) work to get into profit and get a stable flow of money.

    Passive income has many advantages, but, as elsewhere, there are also compromises. Initially, it is difficult to get a big return from it, so you will have to put up with the need to go to a regular job, and maybe even more than one, in order to raise money for the start. And only those who are ready to mobilize efforts and forget what laziness is can succeed here.

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