• Mts connect 4 monthly payment. Tariff plan "MTS Connect" - unlimited Internet from MTS

    Among the wide variety of operator tariff packages cellular communication MTS can easily get confused and then it is difficult to understand which tariff you need to connect to. Often you have to choose between a sufficient number of minutes of conversation or messages, or the number of megabytes, or even gigabytes, of Internet traffic. The need for such a popular service as the Internet is growing every day, and MTS employees have made every effort to develop a tariff that would completely suit even the most spoiled subscriber. As a result of the enormous work done, the MTS Connect 4 tariff was born.

    Firstly, I would like to point out that this tariff package suitable for those who literally cannot get out of Internet networks, and for those who rarely resort to this service. The main advantage of the tariff is that you will receive 20% of the money you spent on the Internet back, and you will also pay very little for their unlimited use.

    Many people will want to change their current tariff plan to MTS Connect 4, since it is literally universal. Network users have the opportunity to choose financially profitable plan and pay for specific and necessary options. That is, in MTS Connect 4 you can, at your discretion, set a monthly subscription fee for unlimited access, or pay only for the Internet used, while in the second case the cost of the number of megabytes used will be surprisingly low. The MTS Connect 4 mobile plan has a wireless Wi-Fi router that supports 4G, or a high-speed modem, as well fourth generation. You purchase it along with a SIM card when you connect to this service.

    Tariffing of Connect on MTS

    Switching from another tariff will be beneficial only if this need is based on an Internet connection. If you decide, then choose one of the packages that are relevant to you:

    • “Internet for a day” - 500 MB of traffic provided per day will be enough for those who rarely use the services world wide web. Cost – 50 rub.
    • “Internet-Mini” - for 350 rubles per month, the user receives 3 gigabytes of the Internet.
    • “Internet-Maxi” will take 700 units in national currency from you for 12 GB and allow you to use it for a whole day.
    • If you decide to pay 1,200 rubles monthly, you will receive the “Internet-VIP” package, when activated, you can use the Internet all night long, but use up to 30 GB during the day.

    I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that there is also an “Internet 4 Mb/s” option. It is connected automatically when you purchase MTS Connect 4, and you can also activate it personally yourself 2 weeks after connecting to the tariff. From the name of the service it is clear that the data transfer speed will not exceed 4 megabytes per second. This suggests that large files You won’t be able to download it, but just being connected to the Internet and keeping abreast of events is quite enough. Depending on your needs and financial capabilities, you choose a package to your liking and confidently switch to the tariff.

    How to activate the MTS Connect 4 tariff package?

    By contacting specialized stores of the MTS network, you can connect to this package. You can also contact MTS operators by telephone and activate the connect option. Another way is to dial * 111 * 307 #, or even easier to send an SMS with the text “307” to 111.

    It's hard to imagine modern man without using the Internet. Cellular operators offer a wide variety of tariffs that allow you to receive high-speed Internet.

    The MTS company sells through its offices or dealer networks one of the similar tariffs, “MTS Connect 4,” which uses networks of different generations.

    To take advantage of this tariff, you must purchase the appropriate package, which consists of a wireless Wi-Fi router and a SIM card. The subscriber device now supports 4G networks. There is no longer any need to include a 3G modem in the kit.

    MTS Connect 4 - tariff description

    This tariff plan is universal, allowing the subscriber to choose a package of services at the optimal price. MTS Krnnect-4 implies the presence unlimited options with a set fee for each month or payment for traffic upon consumption. In the second case, no subscription fee is charged, and the cost of traffic is reduced as much as possible.

    How to activate the tariff?

    To connect MTS Connect-4, you need to decide where it will be used: on a tablet, netbook or laptop, smartphone. The tariff in case of purchasing a subscriber device is connected, and you just need to activate the device.

    If you purchased a 4G modem as part of the kit, you should install it in a USB port. Next, the connection manager program will make the appropriate settings, and then all you have to do is click the “connect” button.

    If you need to connect a tariff, and included wireless wifi router, then you should install a SIM card. After this, the connection to the power supply and point is made. Then, using your login and password (admin in both cases), you need to gain access to log in at

    The operator also offers to use:

    • Internet assistant services.
    • Personal account on the company website.
    • With the help of an MTS employee at any operator’s office.
    • Mobile portal or sending SMS with a specific text. An activation message to the subscriber will cost nothing.

    MTS Connect 4 tariff cost

    MTS Connect-4 is a tariff without a monthly fee, but with an advance system. It contains the ability to select basic Internet service packages from 100 to 3000 MB, which maximum traffic allows you to reduce its cost to twenty kopecks per megabyte.

    If the Internet is used in excess of the provided traffic, the company charges it at a reduced cost from 0.5–1.2 rubles. for 1 MB. Additionally, the operator offers to install one of the options “Unlimited-mini”, “Unlimited-maxi”, “Unlimited-super”.

    There is also a "Turbo Button" that helps eliminate speed or volume restrictions for a certain number of hours (two or six hours at the customer's choice). Initially, everyone is set to “Unlimited Mini”.

    Calls and SMS in your home region.

    Despite the fact that most clients are interested in this tariff for accessing the Internet, ordinary mobile communications may also be in demand.

    All incoming calls if located in the home region will be absolutely free for the client. Outgoing calls vary in cost depending on which operator the client calls, as well as the location of the region.

    So, in Moscow and the Moscow region, a call to landlines will cost 5.5 rubles. in a minute. Mobile calls with other operators in the region cost 4 rubles. in a minute.

    Sending SMS will also be charged depending on the region. In the capital, SMS to numbers of other operators located in the region will cost 1.95 rubles.

    Intercity calls and SMS.

    If you need to make a call from a mobile device outside home region, the cost of calls and SMS increases.

    For the capital, calls to other cities on MTS will cost 5 rubles, and to numbers of other operators - 9 rubles. more expensive. Sending SMS outside the capital region can be sent for 3 rubles. 80 kop.

    International SMS and calls.

    This tariff is extremely rarely used for international communications. If there is an urgent need for this, then sending SMS will be charged for 5.25 rubles.

    Calls to the CIS countries can be made for 29 rubles/min., to Europe – for 49 rubles/min. All other directions are available for 70 rubles. in a minute.

    How to disable MTS Connect 4 tariff

    The easiest way to disable the tariff is to use mobile portal: you need to dial * 111 * 67 # and press the dial tone. You can text 670 to 111.

    The deactivation procedure through your personal account is somewhat more time-consuming, because to do this you need to go to the company’s website and also make sure that all additional options have been canceled.

    Internet at a tariff.

    This tariff is interesting precisely because of the opportunity to reduce Internet costs, but still get high speed And excellent quality communications. The main options offered by the operator:

    1. Internet for a day. Suitable for those who use the Internet extremely rarely. Only 500 MB of traffic will be available per day.
    2. Internet mini increases the user's capabilities to 3 GB of traffic per month, and you will have to pay only 350 rubles. This volume makes it possible to get acquainted with news, work with by email, use social networks, view photos.
    3. Internet Maxi is needed by those who cannot imagine their life without the World Wide Web. 12 GB of traffic provides ample opportunities for both communication via the Internet and watching movies. The cost, compared to the previous option, doubles. The benefit is obvious.
    4. Those who are not used to limiting themselves can use Internet VIP, which allows them to receive 30GB of traffic (day). The price for such pleasure will be the loss of 1200 rubles. per month.

    The MTS Connect 4 tariff is universal solution for mobile Internet users. Tariff plan interesting by the ability to connect the options “Internet for a day”, “Internet-Mini”, “Internet-Maxi”, “Internet-VIP” and “Internet 4 Mbit/s”, which include Internet traffic packages. The MTS Connect tariff provides subscribers with the opportunity to choose the best Internet option according to their needs.

    Description of the tariff "MTS Connect 4"

    The MTS Connect tariff itself is not very interesting. It does not include any packages, and communication prices are far from ideal. First of all, the options that work on this tariff are of interest. The fact is that these options will only work on the MTS Connect 4 tariff plan (some options are available for connection on other tariffs, but in this case the subscription fee will be higher).

    The following options are of greatest interest:

    • “Internet for a day”;
    • "Internet Mini";
    • "Internet-Maxi";
    • "Internet VIP";
    • “Internet 4 Mbit/s.”

    Options vary in cost and amount of available Internet traffic. We will return to the mentioned options and make them detailed review, now let’s look at what the MTS Connect 4 tariff itself is. It is unlikely that anyone will use it without additional options, but it is necessary to know its conditions and typical prices.

    Cost of communication services on the MTS Connect 4 tariff

    The MTS Connect-4 tariff plan comes complete with an MTS modem and router. Depending on the device model, one of the previously mentioned options is connected. If you received this tariff together with a modem or router, then you are unlikely to be interested in prices for cellular services, because the tariff plan will be used exclusively for accessing the Internet. However, the MTS Connect tariff is not always used only in a modem or router. Many subscribers use it on their phones and tablets. If you are one of these subscribers and there is a possibility that a SIM card with a tariff will be used to make calls or send SMS, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the prices.

    The MTS Connect-4 tariff is characterized by the following prices:

    • Subscription fee - 0 rub;
    • Incoming calls - 0 rub;
    • 1 MB of Internet traffic without additional options - 3 rubles;
    • Calls to mobile MTS home region - 4 rubles;
    • Calls to other networks in your home region - 4 rubles;
    • Calls to landlines - 5.50 rubles;
    • Calls to mobile MTS Russia - 5 rubles;
    • Calls to numbers of other operators outside the home region - 14 rubles;
    • Outgoing SMS to subscribers in the home region - 1.95 rubles;
    • Outgoing SMS to subscribers in other regions of Russia - 3.80 rubles.
    • Attention
    • Rates may vary depending on region. The data presented in the article is relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region. You can find out more information on prices relevant for your region on the official MTS website.

    As you can see, the prices are not the most pleasant and without additional options the tariff plan is completely uninteresting. It is definitely not suitable for communication and there are other tariff plans for these purposes. We have already discussed this in a separate article. The picture changes dramatically if you connect one of the Internet options.

    Options on the MTS Connect-4 tariff

    As you already understand, the MTS Connect tariff plan itself is useless and there is unlikely to be a subscriber who will be interested in it. Of all, this is the most expensive. In principle, this is not surprising, because the tariff was originally intended for collaboration with internet options.

    The options are quite varied, so each subscriber can choose for himself best option. Recently, the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option has appeared, which does not have a traffic limit, but there is a limit on the data transfer speed. The cost of the option depends on the Internet traffic package and the specific region. The information below is relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region. If you are a subscriber in another region, then your option will probably cost less. You can find out more information relevant to your region on the MTS website.

    Option "Internet-Mini"

    Within the “Internet Mini” option, only 3 GB per month is available for 350 rubles. This option is the cheapest and at the same time the smallest in terms of the amount of available Internet traffic. The “Internet-Mini” option is available for connection on all tariffs, except for tariffs, “Ultra”, as well as “iPad”, “SIM”, “i-Onliner”, “Onliner”, “Cool”, “Caring” and “Mayak” " That is, in addition to MTS Connect-4, the option can work in conjunction with other tariffs. If the monthly traffic quota is exceeded, an additional 500 MB is provided at a cost of 75 rubles. To enable the option, dial * 111 * 160 #

    Option "Internet-Maxi"

    As part of the “Internet-Maxi” option, the subscriber is provided with 12 GB of Internet traffic during the day + 12 GB at night (from 1:00 to 7:00) for a month. Monthly fee - 700 rubles. The MTS website states that the option applies throughout Russia. In fact, when using mobile internet outside the home region additional fee optional - 50 rub./day. Similar conditions apply to other Internet options. The “Internet-Maxi” option is available for connection not only on the “MTS Connect-4” tariff plan, but also on other tariffs, except for the tariffs of the “Smart” line, as well as “iPad”, “SIM”, “Online” (all modifications ), “Cool”, “Caring”, “Beacon”. To enable the option, dial * 111 * 161 # .

    Internet VIP option

    The Internet VIP option is the most expensive and includes the most large volume traffic. Previously, this option implied the absence of any restrictions at all. As part of the option, subscribers received unlimited traffic quotas. Unfortunately, these times are in the past and now connection options “Internet VIP” allows you to get 30 GB per month during the day + Unlimited at night.“Night” means the period of time from 01:00 at night to 07:00 in the morning. For all this you will have to pay 1200 rubles. per month. In some regions the subscription fee is lower. The monthly fee will be higher if you do not use the MTS Connect 4 tariff. When using mobile Internet outside your home region, an additional additional fee is 50 rubles per day. To enable the option, dial * 111 * 166 # .

    Option “Internet for a day”

    Need Internet access, but not every day? Another very convenient option available on the MTS Connect 4 tariff is “Internet for a day”. Enable this option and pay only when you are not actually using the Internet. The “Internet for a day” option assumes that there are no mandatory monthly or daily fees; you pay only if you actually access the Internet.

    As part of the option, 500 MB is provided for a day for 50 rubles. Tariffing for Internet access occurs once a day during the period from 00:00 to 00:00 at the time of the first access to the Internet. To activate the option, dial the command * 111 * 67 # on your phone or use your personal account.

    Option “Internet 4 Mbit/s”

    The name of the option speaks for itself. The subscriber is provided unlimited internet with an Internet speed of 4 Mbit/s. A speed of 4 Mbps is equal to 512 Kbps. Of course, download files from the Internet large size will be problematic, but for online viewing this speed will be enough. 4 Mbit/s is maximum speed. Actual speed depends on technical parameters MTS network and other circumstances. That is, there is no guarantee that you will receive the promised speed.

    Monthly fee - 750 rubles per month (for subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region). The MTS “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option is connected automatically when purchasing the “MTS Connect 4” tariff plan in an MTS store, or it can be connected on the i.mts.ru website two weeks after activating the kit with a 4G modem. It is also worth noting that within the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” tariff option, the provision of file-sharing network services is limited to a speed of 512 Kbit/s.

    MTS employees took care of all their clients. For subscribers who actively use the Internet, we have developed the MTS Connect-4 tariff. A SIM card with TP can be used in a tablet or modem. Subscribers can choose an Internet package that suits their needs.

    In addition to access to the global network, MTS clients can make calls within the Russian Federation and abroad. Additional options, to reduce cost voice communication are not supported by the tariff. The cost of the services provided is different for each region.

    The MTS Connect 4 tariff is designed to work with global network After connecting the TP, the “Internet 4 Mbit/s” option is activated. The option is notable for the fact that it is valid throughout Russia. The volume of traffic is unlimited. At the same time, the speed reaches 4 Mbit per second. If the subscriber connects to file-sharing networks, the speed is reduced to 512 Kbps.

    There is no subscription fee for using the MTS Connect 4 tariff plan. As for the Internet package, you need to pay 770 rubles monthly for it. If desired, subscribers can connect to other Internet packages:

    • Mini - 3 GB;
    • Maxi - 12 GB;
    • VIP - 30 GB during the day and unlimited at night;
    • Internet per day - 500 MB per day.

    MTS clients who use the Internet to download large files are recommended to consider the “VIP” package. The cost of the service will be 1200 rubles per month.

    As for calls within the region of residence, the cost is 1 minute for any mobile operators is 4 rubles. A minute of voice communication with city numbers is 5.5 rubles.

    The tariff allows you to call to near and far abroad, but the cost per minute is too high. It’s cheaper to call to the CIS - 35 rubles per minute of conversation. The most expensive places to call are the USA and China. A minute of connection is equal to 70 rubles.

    Characteristics of TP

    Room type Federal
    Subscription fee for tariff 0 rub.
    Services available in your home district
    Internet traffic (without additional options) 3 rubles/MB
    Calls within the MTS network 4 rub.
    Connect with any mobile operators region 4 rub.
    Call to a landline number 5.5 rub.
    SMS messages by region RUB 1.95
    Services available in all regions of the Russian Federation
    Calls within the MTS network 5 rub.
    Communication with other operators in the country 14 rub.
    SMS within Russia 3.8 rub.
    International communication services
    Calls to operators in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc. 35 rub.
    Communication with subscribers in Germany, Poland, etc. 49 rub.
    Connection with China, USA, etc. 70 rub.
    Sending messages to near and far abroad 5.25 rub.
    Available internet packages
    "MTS Tablet" 400 rub./month.
    "Mini" 500 rub./month.
    "4 Mbit/s" 750 rub./month.
    "Maxi" 800 rub./month.
    "VIP" 1200 rub./month.

    How to connect

    Subscribers who decide to use the MTS Connect-4 tariff plan must make the transition from the old tariff plan. To do this, you need to perform 1 of 5 actions:

    • Use the USSD command “*111*307#”;
    • Register an account on the website ru and change the tariff;
    • Install on mobile device change the “My MTS” program in the package settings;
    • Contact the customer support center at “0890” or “+7-495-766-01-66”;
    • Take a walk to the nearest communication store. Sellers will change the tariff plan.

    MTS does not charge any fees for switching to TP. A commission of 100 rubles is charged if the tariff has changed 2 or more times in the last 30 days. For the service to be available, the subscriber needs to top up the balance for the first time in the amount of 770 rubles.

    How to disable

    The MTS Connect-4 tariff can be disabled in 4 ways. To deactivate TP you need:

    • Change the current tariff in your personal account settings;
    • Enlist the help of an operator. You can contact the call center by calling “0890”;
    • Install the “My MTS” program on your mobile device and use the functionality to reconnect the tariff;
    • View the new TP code on the website and then enter it on your smartphone.

    When you disable the MTS Connect 4 tariff plan, the remaining traffic is burned, and the amount for purchasing the package is not refunded. To save money, it is recommended to wait until the end of the month.

    To disable Internet packages you need to dial the appropriate combination:

    • VIP - “*111*166*2#”;
    • Maxi - “*111*161*2#”;
    • Mini - “*111*160*2#”;
    • Internet for the day - “*111*670#”.

    If difficulty arises in using combinations, you can resort to personal account MTS. Just set the settings to “disable”.

    MTS Connect 4 kits can be purchased at any MTS communication stores, as well as at dealer showrooms and stores. They allow you to organize Internet access from anywhere in Russia, using networks of all generations. Let's try to figure out what these kits are, how they are configured, and what tariffs are provided by the MTS operator for access to the Internet.

    Description of MTS Connect 4

    MTS Connect 4 kits include one of 4G modems or Wi-Fi router with 4G support. Previously, kits included 3G modems, but today it is more profitable to buy models with 4G, as they are faster. By purchasing a complete MTS Connect modem, consumers receive at their disposal a ready-made kit for accessing the Internet - in addition to the subscriber device, as part of the kit SIM card provided with MTS Connect 4 tariff.

    How to configure the MTS Connect kit to work on the Internet? You don't need to configure anything here. The user just needs to purchase the kit he needs, after which he will immediately be able to access the network. This is done as follows:

    • If the user has acquired 4G modem, he needs to install it in the USB port, and then wait for the drivers and Connection Manager program to be installed. Next, click the “Connect” button and after a few seconds the modem will connect to the network. By using installed program you can control your balance, control traffic, send and receive SMS messages, as well as send USSD commands;
    • If the user purchased Wi-Fi router, it needs to install a SIM card to it and turn on the power. Next, you need to connect to the access point organized by the router. The connection is configured using the control panel built into the router. The panel is accessed at with the login and password admin/admin. For security reasons, the password to access the panel must be changed;
    • If the user purchased a combined router/modem with 4G support, it should connect to the network using the first method described above. A computer with a connected modem will not only connect to the network, but will also work as an access point (more precisely, the modem itself will act as an access point for other devices).

    Read more about all the ways to connect an MTS modem to any device on our website.

    Connecting and disconnecting MTS Connect-4 very rarely causes any difficulties for subscribers. Failures of the equipment sold are extremely rare, so connection difficulties are unlikely.

    How to activate MTS Connect? MTS Connect kits are sold in an already activated state - just connect the purchased device to your computer and go online.

    Tariff and prices MTS Connect 4

    The MTS Connect 4 tariff in itself is not of any interest. But they are of interest options that work on this tariff. There are only three of them here:

    Option "Internet-Mini" provides 7 GB of traffic for 500 rubles per month. This is enough for communication in instant messengers and social networks. The Internet-Maxi option gives subscribers 15 GB of traffic during the day and unlimited at night for 800 rubles per month - a decent package for surfing.

    The Internet VIP option includes night unlimited and 30 GB of traffic during the day for 1,200 rubles per month. Choose the package you need, pay and use. All sold 4G devices from MTS Connect kits come with tariff option"Internet VIP", which includes 30 GB of traffic and night unlimited. If the user takes no action and does not select a more appropriate option, then next month it will also be serviced in accordance with the “Internet-VIP” option. Therefore, you should take care of switching the option in advance.

    Not satisfied with the tariffs for the modem from MTS? You can always unlock the MTS modem and use it to work with SIM cards from other operators.