• Tariff "Internet Maxi" from MTS: detailed description. MTS Internet-Maxi option: tariff description

    Let's look at the tariff description:

    • 15 GB. Used only during the daytime - from 07.00 to 00.00.
    • Unlimited traffic at night - from 00.00 to 07.00. The main package is not spent at this time.
    • If the traffic quota is completely used up, then 1 GB is provided for 150 rubles. This is valid no more than 15 times. The function can be disabled.

    Internet Maxi cannot be used on tariffs that already include traffic packages.

    You need to know that at night access to services that exchange files is limited. This means that you won't be able to download anything.

    If you haven't spent the entire package mobile internet, then for the next period (in in this case- month) it is not transferred.

    On the tariff plan, the Internet package is updated monthly at 00.00 - depending on the day of connection.

    If the main traffic quota has expired and there has been no renewal, then access to the network is suspended during the daytime. At night it continues to work.

    The modem can use Internet Maxi. The connection will work.


    The subscription fee is 800 rubles.

    The fee is divided into the following types:

    • Fixed. Removed on the day of connection. If the user's account is blocked, the fee will be charged after the blocking ends.
    • Variable. It is calculated for each subscriber separately. Depends on how much additional traffic was provided (1 GB - 150 rubles). If nothing was provided, then there is no variable charge.

    If the subscriber does not have enough money to charge the subscription fee, then:

    • On tariffs of the MTS Connect line, access to the Internet is blocked. The money will be debited after the account is replenished.
    • On other tariffs, 35 rubles are charged daily until the balance is replenished.

    If a subscriber travels outside his home region, then 50 rubles are charged daily. The condition applies when the Internet is used.

    Can be disabled automatic addition 1 GB. To do this, send an SMS to number 1610, the text of which is “1”. To reconnect - “2”.

    Users using the Internet-Maxi option are given a 30% discount on using MTS TV. Valid only for monthly payments. Traffic when watching TV is not charged.


    Let's look at how to connect "Internet Maxi" from MTS:

    • Using USSD Command. We dial the number *111*161*1#, after which we call. A confirmation message will arrive in a few seconds.
    • We use the MTS personal account. Enter in address bar link “https://login.mts.ru”. If you are using the service for the first time, click “Get password”. Next, fill out the authorization fields. Go to "Internet" and select the required option.
    • Call service center MTS to number 8-800-250-08-90. If the lines are busy, we wait or call back later. Notify the operator that you want to enable the option. Next, you will need to provide the passport details of the owner of the SIM Card - number and series. Please remember that all conversations are recorded.

    You can also go to the nearest operator's communications store. Be sure to take the passport of the SIM Card owner with you. You will need to tell the consultant the series and number - the option will be activated.


    If you no longer need Internet Maxi from MTS, we will disable:

    • We use the USSD Command. We take the phone, dial the number *111*161*2# and press the “Call” button. The option will be disabled immediately.
    • Through your MTS personal account. Log in using the link “https://login.mts.ru”. Go to the “Internet” and turn it off.
    • We are recruiting an operator for the service center. Number - 8-800-250-08-90. We inform you about your desire to disable Internet Maxi and provide your passport details (series and number). After a few minutes the option will be disabled.
    • We contact the communication salon. We take our passport with us.

    Remember that when you disconnect, all remaining traffic is burned. He doesn't come back.

    Bottom line

    It's no wonder the Internet has become so popular. It allows people from all over the world to communicate, share files and have a good time. Operators cellular communication, realizing this, they release tariffs and options for accessing it. What to choose? In this article we will look at the “Internet Maxi” option provided by MTS.

    Cellular subscribers today are in constant search more advantageous offers. The ability to constantly communicate with family and friends, as well as use advanced services (such as 3G connection) is relevant for everyone, so preference is given to the operator that makes it profitable from a financial point of view. IN this issue MTS has succeeded the most among domestic companies.

    The Maxi Plus tariff plan has become a new milestone in the development of mobile communications. The capabilities provided to its user have advanced status, and the absence of per-minute billing makes its connection cost-effective. In addition, this package of services has its continuation in the form of the Maxi Plus MTS 2010 tariff.

    Tariff plan terms

    The offer remains relevant and popular as long as the subscriber finds in it the most optimal balance of price and services provided. When describing the Maxi Plus tariff from MTS, mention should be made primarily of its capabilities in the field of communication:

    • Connection fees vary by region. It is often daily and amounts to about 13 rubles per day;
    • the subscriber is provided with from 300 to 500 (also depends on the home region) free minutes for calls. After the allotted amount has expired, it will be drawn off subscription fee for calls to MTS numbers outside the home region;
    • a certain amount is provided free SMS;
    • also daily without additional fee 1 MB provided mobile traffic(to obtain greater opportunities in this area, additional options should be enabled).

    All questions regarding the terms of this tariff in your region can be resolved by going to the company’s official website or addressing them directly to the staff of the operator’s advisory centers.

    Some differences between the Maxi Plus 2010 modification

    All of the above conditions of the Maxi Plus tariff from MTS are beneficial and, regardless of regional tariffication, are very popular among subscribers. However, some distinctive features made a modified version of this proposal a higher priority.

    There is no daily fee in the Maxi Plus 2010 tariff plan. The subscriber pays immediately for monthly use (the amount of which is significantly lower than the monthly amount of use of the original version), while receiving more minutes for calls and SMS. The conditions for using mobile Internet have also been improved.

    Subscribers who want to find the most optimal and beneficial conditions for themselves from all sides should take a close look at this package. Although it's not as popular as some more modern offerings, Maxi Plus remains relevant.

    If you use MTS mobile communications and you need an Internet option with a solid supply of traffic, and a relatively small subscription fee, then “Internet-Maxi” from MTS is for you. The conditions of this option include a package of 12 Gigabytes of traffic during the daytime, and 12 Gigabytes at night (Between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.). The monthly subscription fee, as usual, depends on your region. For example, in the Moscow region, it will be 700 rubles. As you understand, the “Internet Maxi” option from MTS will be of interest to almost all users of the operator who often use mobile access to the network.

    Description of the MTS Internet-Maxi option

    The Internet-Maxi service is available on almost all tariff plans of the MTS operator, but most often it is used in conjunction with the Connect-4 tariff. It will also be important to know that the option does not provide any restrictions on speed or on the use of “File-sharing networks”, various types devices, modems and traffic distribution from Wi-Fi points access. Which by the way is a very popular feature. You can use your SIM on literally all devices that support it: Phone, modem or tablet. The absence of any restrictions looks very advantageous if we compare this option with the tariff “ Smart Unlimited", which includes an unlimited traffic package.

    MTS Internet-Maxi option includes:

    You will pay a monthly subscription fee of 700 rubles. But as we said above, the cost may vary depending on the region.

    12 Gigabytes of traffic during the day, and 12 Gigabytes at night (Between 1:00 am and 7:00 am)

    Also, if desired, the subscriber can connect the “Unified Internet” option, within which you can add 5 more devices to your option. The cost of this service is 100 rubles per month.

    Important: Depending on the region, not only the cost but also the size of Internet traffic may differ. We talked about the conditions of this tariff using the example of the Moscow region.

    As you can see, this is a very profitable option for many subscribers. Of course, it has its pitfalls. But in principle, everything is balanced very optimally.

    Features of the MTS “Internet-Maxi” option

    Well, we figured out the terms of the “Internet-Maxi” option: Pay 700 rubles per month and receive 12 Gigabytes of traffic during the day and night. We could end this article here if we weren’t talking about mobile operators. Which, as usual, provided subscribers with “pitfalls”. And before you connect Internet-Maxi, you will need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances in this matter. Now we will tell you about them.

    Features of the Internet Maxi option:

    On the page with full description This option, there is information that its effect extends throughout Russia. And for this reason, many subscribers mistakenly expect that they will be able to use network access while traveling throughout Russia. In fact, if you travel outside your " Home region“You will be charged an additional 50 rubles. The description of this service seems to indicate the possibility of using it throughout the country, but under special conditions.

    If you use a lot of traffic and use up the entire day and night package, then MTS will automatically connect you to an additional 3 Gigabytes. This opportunity will cost another 350 rubles. It is also important to know that within a month you can connect up to 15 such packages. You need to monitor the traffic status on your account. If you do not need this option, then you can call your operator and ask to disable this additional service.

    Almost all Internet options and tariffs from the MTS operator have a very significant " Pitfall" Which can be very important for a huge number of subscribers. The fact is that in the terms of the contract, when connecting some option, it is indicated that the operator does not guarantee Internet access for maximum speed. Actual access speed will vary from technical capabilities network and other circumstances that may affect the connection. So if you have any problems with the Internet, the operator can simply indicate this clause in the contract.

    Of course, the Internet-Maxi service includes many more disadvantages. We only talked about information that is officially confirmed. User reviews can help you learn more about this service.

    How to activate the “Internet-Maxi” option on MTS

    Although the service called “Internet-Maxi” has its drawbacks, it is very popular among users. Which is quite logical. Many users are completely satisfied with the conditions of this option, if you are one of them, then now you will learn how to activate the “Internet-Maxi” option on MTS.

    Connect the “Internet-Maxi” option:

    On your phone or tablet, type the USSD request as * 111 * 161 * 1 # and press the call key. After this, wait for a message about the successful connection of the option to your account.

    If you use the “My MTS” application, then you can connect this service through this application.

    Use your MTS Personal Account.

    To disable the “Internet-Maxi” option you need to type the following command:

    * 111 * 161 * 2 #. You can also disable this service through your Personal Account or the “My MTS” application through a special section.

    Enough large number people use mobile Internet in everyday life.

    This is convenient because active life modern society does not allow you to constantly sit in one place, so users are not always able to use stationary network access.

    Of course, the cost of mobile Internet is higher than the cost of regular Internet, but it is not so inflated and is quite affordable for widespread use.

    Regarding the use of the Internet. Then the subscriber needs to decide on the services that he wants to connect to. Today there are also such starter packs, in which this service is already connected and the subscriber can use it.

    But there are also enough tariff plans in which the subscriber is provided with access at a basic price, which is about 10 rubles per 1 MB, which is quite expensive.

    In this regard, the user can always connect additional option, such as " Internet Maxi from MTS» and use the network at a fairly low tariff. Among the services provided, one can note MTS Internet Mini, Super Bit, Bit and a number of other options.

    Description of Internet Maxi on MTS

    If you decide to enable the option “ Internet Maxi", then first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the service. As soon as you connect this service, you will be credited with traffic in the amount of 15 GB for a month. Within a month you can use all available package Internet traffic.

    If you do not use the traffic provided to you within a month, it will simply be reset to zero, and new package will be accrued.

    Please note that all unused MB of Internet for the previous period are not transferred to the new period. Another situation may also arise: you can use all the traffic provided to you before the accrual period.

    In this case, you will automatically be credited 500 MB of traffic for 75 rubles. This will continue until the monthly package of 15 GB is credited to you.

    How to connect and disconnect Maxi Internet MTS

    As soon as you decide to use this service, and it is connected once and will be automatically renewed every month, then you should use one of the available methods:

    1. You can connect using USSD request *161#
    2. It is also available in your MTS personal account
    3. You can connect to the service at your nearest customer service branch

    It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cost of connecting to the service is 500 rubles, which should be on the balance of your phone. To disable the service, you can use the following methods:

    1. USSD request *111*161*2# and press the call button on the phone
    2. You can also always use your MTS Personal Account

    MTS mobile internet tariffication

    You can use this option in two ways, one of which is to use it monthly. In this case, you will be charged a subscription fee of 500 rubles once a month and will be given a quota of 15 GB of mobile Internet.

    There is a second way to use it – daily. In this case, a subscription fee of 22 rubles will be debited from your account every day.

    As a result, you will be provided with 1 GB of Internet traffic for using the Internet. Subscribers who activate this option have the opportunity connect MTS TV with a 30% discount. To get more detailed information, it makes sense to contact the nearest customer service center of the company.

    * Connection conditions are valid only until April 01, 2019. Hurry up to connect!
    When connecting, you can choose a beautiful phone number.

    ** The maximum duration of a free call is 1 minute. The ability to make outgoing calls to your favorite numbers ends after 20 free calls or after 2 months during which the subscriber’s balance has not been replenished.

    All calls up to 3 seconds are free. A local telephone conversation lasting less than 60 seconds is charged at the cost of a minute of airtime; a call lasting 60 seconds or more is charged per minute.

    When you connect an SMS package, you receive a package of messages for more than favorable price. At the end of the current billing period (month), unused messages included in the SMS package are canceled. The SMS package is not consumed when sending SMS while roaming or to short numbers, the cost of SMS in this case is charged in full.

    Rounding is carried out in big side with an accuracy of up to 53.89 KB once every 15 minutes or when the sum of transmitted and received data reaches 500 KB, as well as when the GPRS session ends. The non-chargeable volume of both transmitted and received data is 5 KB.

    Prohibition of identifying your number for outgoing calls (not guaranteed for calls to other mobile networks).

    Conference call participants pay for airtime call time independently of each other in accordance with their chosen tariff plans and tariff rules.

    Airtime spent by the subscriber to perform any operations using mailbox, paid according to the chosen tariff plan- like local outgoing calls to MTS phones. The subscriber does not pay for the airtime used by the caller to record the message.

    Calls forwarded to local telephone number(including to numbers of the MTS network and other mobile operators in your city). Long-distance (international) calls are considered to be calls forwarded to long-distance (international) numbers; such calls are paid according to long-distance (international) tariffs.

    Long-distance (international) calls are charged from the beginning of the conversation. The tariff for long-distance (international) communication services is calculated by summing the cost of a minute of long-distance (international) communication and the cost of a minute of local airtime in accordance with the selected tariff plan. When calculating the long-distance (international) component of airtime cost, the duration telephone conversation rounded up to the nearest 60 seconds.

    The provider has the right to activate the “content ban” service. To disable the service, you must go through the procedure of confirming the passport data of the number owner at the Provider's office

    Prices are indicated in rubles including VAT. Tariffs are indicated taking into account discounts and adjustments when the number is in your home region.
    When specifying tariffs, mathematical rounding to the second decimal place is allowed.

    The data published on the site is provided solely for information purposes and does not constitute a public offer. In the event that the price of a product or service is indicated incorrectly due to a typographical error or technical error, the exact price will be given by the manager.

    The site has an error correction system. If you find an inaccuracy in the text, highlight it and click Shift+Enter