• How to come up with a hell of a password that's easy to remember. What password can you come up with for VK?

    IN social network VK great system security that protects users from guessing passwords for their pages, even if attackers learn logins from other people's accounts. In most cases, when an account is hijacked, the user is to blame, and one of the reasons for this is simplest password.

    What does the simplest password mean? This easy password, which usually consists of just a few numbers or letters. Here are examples of simple passwords:

    • zxcvbn
    • iphone
    • 88888888
    • password
    • andrei

    These are just a few examples, but you get the idea and that's the main thing. The more complex, and therefore more secure, the password, the lower the likelihood that the account will be opened by intruders.

    How to come up with a complex password for VKontakte?

    There are several in various ways how to come up with a password. We will look at one of the popular and at the same time valid schemes.

    So, first let's decide on the number of characters in the password. As a rule, experts advise using at least 8 characters, but this is the very minimum (by the way, many users in best case scenario use a 6-digit password). And although 8 characters is the minimum length recommended for a password, the actual number of characters in it should be at least 10-12. Tell me, is this a lot? But account security is hundreds and even thousands of times higher.

    Now let's start creating a password. Remember, it must contain both numbers and letters of different case and even special characters.

    The easiest option is to take some Russian word and write it in Latin layout. For example, the word smartphone on the English layout it looks like this - cvfhnajy. This word has 8 characters. Few? Wait, we're not done yet.

    So the word cvfhnajy. We add a number to it, for example, some kind of memorable one. Let it be the number 201. We get the word cvfhnajy201. Just in case, we write the password with a capital letter to make it more difficult for attackers and we get Cvfhnajy201. Enough? No, you need to add special characters, for example, * . Now our password looks like this - Cvfhnajy201*, as many as 12 characters, while the password itself is complex, but easy to remember. Of course, it is given as an example and we strongly do not recommend using it - come up with your own, fortunately, it’s simple.

    By the way, just in case, you can write down the password itself somewhere in a notepad or notebook, and remove the latter as far as possible from human eyes.

    2015 began with Julia writing some materials for paranoids. I have no idea how this happened. But since it’s in the cards, today I will share with you information about the most popular user passwords in the past year. And if you find yours among this set of numbers and letters, know that it’s time to change it urgently!

    And despite the fact that the digital blog “123456” still holds the palm in the list of the most not only bad, but common, and therefore unreliable passwords, the company SplashData has published its annual list of objectionable passwords. On January 20, the company's speakers gave a presentation in California, and it seems to me that it was both witty and very serious. Surely, seeing the list of the most popular passwords, security experts laughed very loudly at human naivety. In order to keep your information safe and electronic wallets on lock, does not necessarily acquire wonderful devices. Just use passwords. And not the simplest. And you don’t need to set the same password for all accounts, from unlocking your computer to your Facebook account.

    Actually, the list of the 25 most popular passwords looks like this:

    • 123456
    • 12345 – became more popular by 17 (!) points
    • 12345678
    • qwerty
    • 123456789
    • 1234 – became more popular by 9 points
    • baseball – new
    • dragon – new
    • football – new
    • 1234567
    • monkey – became more popular by 5 points
    • letmein
    • abc123 – has become less popular by 9 points, which is good
    • 111111 – became less popular by 8 points, that’s good
    • mustang – new
    • access – new
    • shadow
    • master – new
    • michael – new
    • superman – new
    • 696969 – new
    • 123123 – became less popular by 12 points, that’s good
    • batman – new
    • trustno1

    Using one of these passwords to protect your device is the same as if you didn’t put any password on it at all. During the year, more than 3.3 million passwords were leaked. And the user error report was actually based on this data. The 25 most used passwords account for 2.2% of unsecured passwords. And, as Mark Burnett, a security specialist, notes, this is the lowest percentage in the company's four years of operation.

    • if it is not possible to protect your gadget with a fingerprint, use a password. Always use it.
    • If you have many accounts and devices that require a password, do not set the same one for everyone. It is better to use a data storage application service, PasswordBox for example.
    • Do not use digital passwords exclusively. It is better that it contains letters, numbers, signs, and also in different registers.
    • passwords based simple models It is very easy to calculate on a keyboard (such as QWERTYUIOP or 1QAZ2WSX), they are wildly popular because they are remembered by mechanical memory.
    • do not use your hobbies when creating passwords - football and baseball are new words this year, but still.
    • say “NO!” year and date of birth in your password. And also the dates of important days in your life, such as the birth of children, third divorce or mother-in-law’s birthday.
    • do not use the names of family and friends.
    • and yes - the names of popular artists and athletes, names of brands and films, as well as popular expressions are also included in the list of “bad” passwords, albeit in a more extended version.

    So be vigilant and creative. And if you are too creative, and there are so many accounts that you can’t remember them all, write down the passwords in a document called “DOCUMENT WITH IMPORTANT PASSWORDS” and everyone will be happy! (of course not). Nothing was said about this in the report, but I will still clarify - write down passwords from bank card in a notebook that you constantly carry with you, taking pictures and storing in a gallery, writing on a napkin and sticking it on the refrigerator or on a business card and putting it in your wallet is NOT WORTH it. For this, there are password messengers or limitless palaces of the mind where they should be stored. And if you haven’t looked yet, we reminded you of a couple of basic rules of conduct on the Internet that we sometimes forget about:

    Today we will talk about passwords. Despite the fact that we will talk about a password specifically for the VKontakte social network, you can apply the knowledge gained on any sites on the Internet where you need to come up with complex password. And now there are more and more such sites, because every developer strives to make his brainchild not only interesting, but also safe.

    Passwords that are too complex (for example, those generated randomly by a program or website) are certainly reliable. However, remembering them is almost impossible. Well, if you write in a notebook, then, firstly, it is not safe, secondly, it is inconvenient, and thirdly, the notebook can simply be lost. Therefore, right now we will tell you what password you can come up with for VKontakte so that it is not only reliable, but also easy to remember! It would seem like two contradictions, right? Now you will understand everything! After all, the main thing is the algorithm for creating such a password.

    Counting books to help

    Ordinary nursery rhymes can help us in this matter. It can also be any nursery rhyme. The most important thing is that you must know a couple of lines by heart. And you must be sure that you will never forget them. You probably have such little rhymes and rhymes in your head. Think carefully.

    Here, for example:

    “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,

    She grew up in the forest."

    We take each first letter of this song and enter it from the keyboard, but using the English layout! If the letter is the first in a line, it can be written in capital. And this is what we get for the password: “DkhtDkjh”. It seems that these are in no way related symbols! However, this is not the case. You have an algorithm in your head, and you will never forget this rhyme, which means you can always write the password from your head. The main thing is not to forget the encryption algorithm itself.

    Complicating the system

    Thus, as you already understand, you can use not only nursery rhymes and rhymes, but also your favorite sayings. In addition, the encryption algorithm can be slightly complicated (the password will also become safer and more complex) by replacing, for example, the letter “H” with the number “4”, the letter “Z” with the number “3”, the letter “B” with “8” , and the letter “O” to the number zero. We can also use punctuation marks. In most systems this is not prohibited. However, if you don’t want to use punctuation marks, then just skip the letters that fall on them, that’s what we do.

    Let's look at another simple example and see what kind of password we end up with.

    “If only mushrooms grew in my mouth

    Then there wouldn’t be a mouth, but a full garden.”

    Take your favorite saying, aphorism or any sentence. What kind of password do you get if you use the algorithm described in our article? And here’s what it is: “Tlr8h8uNyhfg0.” Here you will find both numbers and letters, both uppercase and uppercase.

    Visualization and keyboard

    Very interesting way, which will also allow you not to remember the password by heart, but to enter it accurately. Your task is to choose a memorable symbol or letter for yourself and place it mentally on the keyboard. Doing this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Look.

    For example, your name is Nikolai. Mentally place the first letter of your name (in English it is “N”) on the keyboard.

    Now, just remember that everything starts with a capital "C". And it ends on the same row. And the highest point is the numbers. What will our password be in this case? Very reliable, you can be sure: “Cft6yhnji9”.

    We think that the meaning of these algorithms is clear. Now you know what password you can set in Contact. With such a combination of characters, no scam program will be able to hack your page.

    Experts in computer security from the University of Cambridge analyzed the structure of more than 70 million passwords. And they found out that the most complex passwords in the world are made by users from Germany and Korea. Moreover, they do it naturally and naturally, without special training. And the secret of the stability of combinations lies in the specifics of their language. They use the same Latin symbols, the same numbers, but take as a basis their native “difficult” words - names, toponyms, terms, etc. For example, Annaberg-Buchholz#122. It’s easy to come up with and remember these options, but choosing them is much more difficult compared to vocabulary words in other languages.

    If you, dear reader, do not know Korean or German, this, of course, does not mean that you should ignore complex passwords. They are the key to the security of your data on the Internet (in online payment systems, on websites, forums). This article will tell you what the key requirements for accessing your account must be (what it should be) and how to create it.

    Definition of Difficulty

    Key complexity is a measure of resistance to selection at the symbolic level using manual and automated methods (logical calculation, dictionary selection). It is determined by the number of attempts by the attacker, that is, how much time it will take him to calculate the combination compiled by the user.

    The following factors affect password complexity:

    • The number of characters in the key. The more characters in the sequence, the better. A combination of 5 characters has a high probability of being hacked quickly. But selecting a sequence of 20 characters can take years, decades and even centuries.
    • Alternating uppercase and lowercase letters. Examples: dfS123UYt key using register capital letters much more complicated than the same combination, but only with small letters - dfs123uyt.
    • Character sets. A variety of symbol types enhances stability. If you make a key from small and large letters, numbers and special characters 15-20 characters long, there is practically no chance of finding it.

    How to make stable combinations?

    The following methods will help you come up with a very complex symbolic key that is easy to remember.

    1. Create visual outlines geometric figure or any object on your computer keyboard. And then type the characters along which the lines go.

    Attention! Avoid simple “constructions” - lines, squares or diagonals. They are easy to predict.

    2. Make up a complex sentence that defies logic. In other words, some pun:

    For example: Vaska the cat caught a pike on Jupiter.

    Then take the first 2-3 letters of each word from the made-up sentence:
    Cat + Va + Na + Yup + st + pike

    Type the syllables in Latin letters:
    Rjn + Df + Yf + >g + ek + oer

    After transliteration, insert between the syllables some numbers that are familiar to you: date of birth, height, weight, age, last or first digits of a telephone number.
    Rjn066Df 45Yf 178>g 115ek1202oer

    That's it! As you can see, it turned out to be a rather “strong” combination. To remember it quickly, you only need the key (pun sentence) and the numbers used.

    3. Take 2 memorable dates as a basis. For example, two birthdays (yours and your loved one).
    12.08.1983 05.01.1977

    Separate the date, month and year with some special characters:

    Now replace the zeros in the dates with a small letter “o”.

    It turns out to be a rather intricate key.

    4. Make a special table: place the matrix vertically and horizontally latin letters and numbers, and in rows and columns - symbols in a chaotic order.

    To generate a key, take several simple words, recorded in English letters, for example, my password is very strong

    Take the first pair of letters. In our case it is “my”. Find “m” in the vertical list and “y” in the horizontal list. At the intersection of the lines you will receive the first character of the password.

    In the same way, using the following pairs, find the remaining symbols of the key.

    If you forget your password, use the simple keyword and a table.

    How to check password strength?

    The resistance of a symbol combination to selection can be found out on special web services. Let's consider the most popular:

    Online service from antivirus laboratory Kaspersky. Determines, based on the character set and length of the key, how long it will take to crack it on various computers. After analyzing the sequence, the statistics display the time for searching on the ZX-Spectrum (the legendary 8-bit machine of the 80s), Mac Book Pro (2012 models), the Tianhe-2 supercomputer and the Conficker botnet network.

    Online utility on the huge service portal 2IP.ru. After sending the key to the server, it displays its status (trusted, unreliable) and the time spent on cracking it.


    Gives detailed description key:

    • quality of consistency, expressed numerically in special units;
    • the number of operations required for selection;
    • time required to calculate the combination (locally and remotely).

    Successful creation of the key and safe use of the Internet!

    Let's continue the topic of safety. We have already talked about and methods for protecting your page.

    In any case, we will come to the conclusion that the level of account security will largely depend on how complex the password you set for VK (see).

    For some reason, many users do not have much difficulty and use the simplest combinations. But such negligence can backfire (see).

    How to come up with a complex VKontakte password

    Yes, essentially, just like on any other site. Use a few basic principles.

    • Use letters and numbers
    • Type your password in different keyboard layouts
    • Don't store data on your computer
    • Password length: at least 8 characters

    What can you take away from this? Don't limit yourself standard password, in the spirit of:

    The good thing is that many sites have introduced a rule to use letters of the Latin alphabet, and at least one number or special character. But in reality it doesn't turn out much better:

    As you can guess, hacking or finding such a combination will not be difficult for an attacker.

    So what password can be called secure? Here's an example:


    Numbers, letters in different layouts and special characters are used here.

    Video lesson: what password can you come up with for a VKontakte page?


    What else I want to tell you. Refrain from storing your passwords on your computer. You should not write them down in a notepad or keep them on your desktop. There is a high probability of their theft.
