• How to check your account on your mts phone. Mobile application for phones. Phone numbers to call the operator

    Information about account balances mobile number are enough important information. It is required to be provided in operational mode. If you don't control your balance, you may find yourself disconnected from cellular communications and listen to the operator’s voice on the phone about insufficient funds in the account. You can find out the MTS balance on your phone in several ways, using only means mobile communications or using the Internet.

    How to find out the balance on MTS via SMS

    You can find out the balance on an MTS number by sending an SMS message. When using this method It is not necessary to have funds in the account. It is enough to send an SMS with the text 11 to number 111 and in response you will receive a message indicating the remaining money. The service is provided free of charge.

    Check balance using USSD command

    The most convenient and in an accessible way To obtain information about the balance, entering a USSD command is considered. To use it you only need to have access to cellular network. You can send such commands an unlimited number of times. All of them are performed free of charge. The USSD command number for checking the balance is *100#. The information will be displayed on the screen immediately or received in the form of a response SMS message.

    Find out the MTS balance on your phone through the MTS portal

    For advanced mobile users, MTS offers to find out their balance through the MTS portal. The option for providing information depends on what type of telephone the subscriber has:

    • Regular phone. You need to dial the command *111#. Next, follow the instructions that will appear on the screen. In response to the first menu offered, you need to dial 2 (“score”), and for the second menu – 1 (“balance”). Information about the remaining funds will be sent by text message.
    • Smartphone with internet connection. For subscribers who have smartphones at their disposal, it is recommended to install the “ ” application, the use of which is free. By selecting the icon with the MTS logo, the subscriber will be able to log into the “My MTS” application at any time and find out the balance using the Internet. The information will be located at the top of the screen.

    View MTS balance in your personal account

    The MTS company has an official website where each client can create and view information about the status of their account. To do this, you must go through authorization. In the section " Mobile communications" and subsection " My account» the remainder will be displayed cash. Here you can top up your balance from a card or organize an automatic payment.

    A variation of the MTS website is its mobile version"My MTS"

    How to make MTS balance on the screen

    Owners smartphones will do information about the account status, which will be constantly displayed on the screen. This can be done by using the “Live Balance” option. The service is paid, its cost should be found on the website or in the communication shop.

    The information on the screen is updated promptly every time you use a mobile connection or top up your account. You can activate the option in your MTS Personal Account or using the USSD command *111*150#.

    The MTS company offers its subscribers to try a demo version of the “Live Balance” service, which can be used free of charge for a whole month. If the feature is liked, the client can continue to use it by paying for the service.

    MTS Informant

    MTS informer - analogue service menu. There is only a voice recording of all operations performed. This option most suitable for those subscribers who constantly use a Bluetooth headset. This is especially true for drivers on the road. You can find out the MTS balance by calling the informant number 111.

    How to find out the balance of another MTS number

    Some MTS clients want to keep control over the expenses of their family and friends. It is important for them to have information about how to find out the MTS balance of another number. There are several ways to obtain balance information. They are available only to subscribers with the Mayak tariff plan. Services are provided completely free of charge.

    • Friend's Balance option. When you enter the USSD command *111*422#, you are asked for permission to view data about the balance of another number. If the subscriber of this number gives the go-ahead, the information will be sent to the number in the form of an SMS message.
    • Option “Other subscriber’s balance”. This service works in conjunction with the service discussed above. To activate it, you need to dial *11*2137#.

    Important: You can also find out the balance of another MTS number if the “Child under control” option is activated. For 100 rubles per month, parents are given the opportunity to monitor the child’s location, the charge level on the phone and the amount of funds in the room account.

    Check the balance of MTS TV and home Internet

    Knowing information about the balance of MTS TV and home traffic is necessary in order not to find yourself without access to World Wide Web. You can get information about the remaining gigabytes of Internet provided by MTS:

    Know the balance on your number mobile phone required in order not to be left without communication at the most inopportune moment. MTS provides several methods using which a subscriber can obtain information about the availability of funds in his account and in the accounts of his loved ones.

    • Log in to your personal account or- and you will immediately see your balance and the remaining packages of minutes, SMS and Internet.
    • *102# quick way find out your balance one time. Just type this USSD command, press call and you will see the balance on the screen.
    • *110*901# — activation of the “Balance on Screen” service, so that your balance is always under control without additional requests. In this case, you do not need to type a command every time or ask for other help. First check whether the phone supports the service (*110*902# call).

    2. Checking the balance and traffic on a tariff with a postpaid payment system:

    • Go topersonal account or mobile application"My Beeline"— and you will see your issued and paid invoices, current expenses, as well as the remaining minutes, SMS and Internet packages.
    • *110*45# — “Balance control” function. Expenses for the current period will be sent to your phone in the form of SMS.
    • *110*321# — “Financial report” service. Information about the size of the credit limit, the available balance before blocking, advance payments made (overpayments) and expenses of the current period will be sent to your phone in the form of SMS.

    3. How to check the balance of another Beeline subscriber’s number:

    To check your balance one-time or regularly another numbermobile operatorBeeline prepaidsystemscalculations, use the service “Balance of loved ones”. This will help you not lose touch with them.

    You will always know when it is time to deposit money into the account of this number:

    • Beeline will send you an SMS when the number balance drops below 60 rubles;

    *131*5* number of your loved one-Beeline subscriber without 8

    You will always know when it's time to top up this number:

    • Beeline will notify you via SMS that your balance has dropped below 60 rubles;
    • You can also make an independent request about its current status.

    If you are a Beeline subscriber and want to regularly find out the balance of another of our subscribers, you must first obtain his consent by sending a free request to the number: *131*5*number of your loved one - Beeline subscriber without 8 and wait for a positive response.

    How to see the balance on a USB modem

    In your USB modem account, open the tab "Account Management", further in the section "My data" select subsection "My balance".

    Checking your personal account balance on iPad

    If the balance on the screen is overwritten by service symbols, then you need to disable the CellBroadCast function in the phone menu.

    Your phone may not recognize the Cyrillic alphabet. In this case, dial on your mobile team*102# or call short number 0697. Balance information will be displayed in Russian or English.

    The service is provided on the Beeline network in Russia (in home network and when traveling around Russia on the Beeline network) (except for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol). If you are traveling around Russia on the networks of other operators, the balance is not displayed on the screen of your device.

    The service is not provided in the networks of other operators. Activation and deactivation of the service is possible while roaming.

    How many are there, after all?! They breed like rabbits and crawl around the house like cockroaches. At the same time, they behave completely unpredictably: first they get lost, and then they find themselves in the most unexpected places. Horror!

    What is he talking about? - you ask. Yes, everything is the same. About SIM cards, of which there are simply an incredible amount in my house.

    No no. I do not suffer from pathological hoarding (or syllogomania, hoarding, Plyushkin syndrome, etc. :)). The reason for this is the traveling nature of my work. After all, on business trips it is often cheaper to buy a local SIM card than to use roaming services.

    In general, it is not surprising that over time I begin to get confused about SIM cards. And with regular intervals we have to solve two problems. I already spoke about ways to solve the first one. When I talked in the article “” about almost a dozen ways to find out the number associated with this SIM card.

    Well, today let's talk about how to find out the balance on MTS on your phone even if you don’t know the number itself. And even more so if you know.

    Are you ready? You don’t have to stock up on popcorn; today’s article will be as detailed and informative as possible, but short.

    How to find out the balance on MTS. For free!

    MTS, as a very responsible and customer-oriented company, provides you and me with a number of different options to choose from on how to check your balance on MTS from your phone. I will present them all in order, starting with the simplest. However, they are all simple.

    1. The easiest way to find out the MTS balance on your phone is by calling service number « Mobile assistant MTS". Dial 111 , and further...follow the advice of the autoinformer. Just kidding, just kidding. No need to wait for any advice. To find out your balance on MTS, immediately press the combination quick access- two more units. That is, like this: 111_1_1

    2. Don't like pressing buttons on answering machine commands? Then " SMS assistant". Send to short service number 111 SMS message with text 11. In response, you will then receive an SMS message with information about your current balance.

    3. You can find out the balance of your MTS account by USSD command help. This is when, in response to the USSD request you sent, a text appears on the screen of your phone with information about the status of your balance on MTS

    Sending USSD queries about account balance is free!!! Like in the territory home region, and when traveling around Russia or abroad.

    4. . By number 0890 , specialists Hotline They will tell you not only about the status of your account balance, but also any information about your number, connected services, discounts and tariffs. True, he may ask you to answer questions about your personal data as an MTS subscriber. But this is only to make sure that you are you.

    5 . Look into your Personal account on the official website

    By the way, since the phrase “My MTS” appears in the picture above, let’s now talk about this way to find out your balance.

    6. If you are the happy owner of a smartphone (yes, yes, there is no need to smile skeptically. You may not believe it, but many still prefer to use push-button phones. For various reasons), then finding out your phone balance on MTS is not a problem at all! Just install a special mobile application.

    In MTS it is called "My MTS." The application works via mobile internet and via Wi-Fi.

    You can install it:

    • in the AppStore (for iOS 7.1 and higher);
    • on Google Play (for Android 2.3 and higher);
    • in Windows Store (for WP 8.1 and higher).

    Install - and you will never have problems with controlling your MTS balance again!

    In general, many such applications, applications that allow you to track your balance, have been developed today. For devices on any base, be it Android, IOS, or Windows Mobile.

    By the way.

    Such applications from third-party developers are also good because they allow you to track the balance of several SIM cards from different operators at once!

    That is, you can enter information not only about your MTS phone, but also about the phones of your children or other relatives. And also about our bank cards, electronic wallets, etc.

    An example of such an application is AnyBalance for Android. It looks like this:

    A similar application for Windows Mobile is Balance Info. I think it won’t be difficult for you to find them in the official GooglePlay or iTunes stores.

    Yes, I almost forgot! This article was not intended for happy owners tablet computers. Because there is a separate one for them detailed instructions about . Very cool, by the way!

    You can find out your balance on MTS by making a special request *100# from your mobile phone. In a few seconds, an SMS message will be sent to your number with information about the status of your account, or this data will immediately be displayed on the screen after entering the command. In order for certain tariff plans and services, SMS and MMS, dial *100*1#. If you want to find out the balance for packages of additional minutes, MMS, SMS and GPRS with a limited period of use, use the request *100*2#.

    Try calling the 24-hour support service to find out your MTS balance. To do this, dial the short number 0890 from your mobile phone. This call is free. To call from a landline or another operator, dial 8-800-333-08-90 (call). Give the operator your phone number and ask for the status of your account balance.

    You can find out your balance on MTS using the online assistant. Dial *111*25# from your mobile phone to receive a password to access your personal account. You can enter it from the official website of the MTS operator or mobile phone using the link that will be sent via SMS. Once the page loads, you will see your personal details, including your current balance.

    on MTS you can by contacting one of the operator’s subscriber service offices in your city and providing the employees with a passport. This is convenient because if there is insufficient funds in the account, you can immediately top it up by transferring the required amount to the office specialists. If necessary, also ask to disable unnecessary services that increase your mobile communications costs.

    How to check the balance of another MTS subscriber

    You can transfer funds to your friend or relative’s MTS using the “Other Subscriber’s Balance” service. You can connect it through the “Mobile Portal” by dialing *111*2137# from your phone. It is also available from the Internet Assistant or Mobile Assistant self-service systems when calling 111. You will be asked to enter the desired number to check its balance.

    You can also send an SMS message with the combination of numbers 237 to number 111. Following the instructions received, find out the balance of another MTS subscriber. The use of the listed services is free within the network of this operator.

    To plan your activities, you need to know the balance in your account. Such pragmatism will allow you to complete all conversations and communicate productively. Who wants the conversation to be interrupted in the second minute of a call abroad? Who will be pleased by the phrase that there are not enough funds if you urgently need to contact your relatives?

    Understanding how much the subscriber values ​​awareness on this issue, operators offer simple combination numbers that allow you to clarify your balance. In this matter, MTS is no exception. Don’t know how to find out your balance on MTS? There are several options. They are all simple and allow you to quickly find out the amount in your account.

    7 ways to check your balance on MTS

    1. Are you trying to find out your balance on MTS? Activate the keyboard, make 3 clicks: *100# . Balance information will appear on the screen.

    2. To prevent network congestion (requests of this kind are popular among users), the operator suggests dialing a similar combination: #100# . Having completed the recommended action, the client can see the account balance on the display and plan his further calls.

    3. An auto-informer will help get rid of ignorance. We are recruiting 0890 . The answering machine will tell you what manipulations to perform in order to get acquainted with the balance amount.

    4. You can contact technical support. After the autoinformer tells you how to contact the operator, you should stay on the line. After listening to the robot’s advice, you need to press “0” and be patient: the operator cannot help all clients at once. After waiting for an answer, the subscriber should try to briefly describe the existing problem. Operators will suggest a sequence of actions that can effectively solve the balance problem.

    5. For comments, you can go to the office of the MTS operator. It’s worth arming yourself with a passport (driver’s license) and expressing your wishes to the consultants. It is clear that this option is only suitable in extraordinary situations, since a trip to the office takes a lot of time.

    6. You can check your balance using a message. Need to dial *100# and send a three-digit combination to the number 111 . The answer will appear quickly.

    7. The subscriber can quickly get acquainted with his financial well-being using the Internet assistant. It is necessary to perform the following manipulations: go to the operator’s website and click on the “Internet assistant” tab. Registration is not a difficult process. You can then easily track the movement of funds on your phone.

    Find out the balance on MTS from someone else's phone

    Sometimes it is necessary to know whether there is money in the child’s account, whether the husband is left “at zero”. The service is very useful " Other subscriber's balance" There are several ways to track the balance on someone else's phone.

    1. The Internet Assistant will help you find out the status of someone else’s account. A registered subscriber can check information regarding someone else’s balance on the website.

    2. You can activate " Mobile portal" Enter the following combination: *111*2137# . This way you will know the balance of another MTS client. 3.

    A message will help you find out the account status of the other subscriber. To use the third method, you should remember a short digital combination. The process is as follows: enter the numbers 2137 and send them to the number 111 . Information about the balance of the subscriber you are interested in will not be long in coming.