• How to work with linkedin after blocking. How to bypass Linkedin blocking in Russia

    On November 17, 2016, many Internet users had their access to LinkedIn blocked, after which the social network sent out an official letter “Russian Federation’s Decision to Block LinkedIn” to its users. Due to the blocking, the company's management promised all users who do not have access to the resource to return their money.

    If you purchased access to one of LinkedIn's services but can no longer use it due to government blocking access to our platform, please contact us at [email protected] to receive a refund cash in proportion to unused time.

    For violating the Russian law on storing user data. Roskomnadzor sent letters to LinkedIn representatives demanding information on the implementation of the law on database localization in Russia, but representatives of the social network did not respond to requests. In this regard, on November 17, the social network was completely blocked.

    LinkedIn management does not believe that it violates any laws or the rights of others:

    We deeply regret this decision, as a result of which our members will not be able to use LinkedIn network for business communication and searching for new economic opportunities in Russia. We also believe that our activities comply with local applicable laws and at the moment we consider everything possible ways resolution of the situation and our options further actions. We contacted the relevant federal service, Roskomnadzor, with a proposal to meet to discuss the request for the transfer of personal data.

    FriGate is a browser extension with which you can access blocked resources. A distinctive feature is that the work of the plugin is almost invisible. The speed when working with blocked resources is practically not reduced.


    Anonymox is a browser extension very similar to FriGate, which also allows you to bypass blocking.

    A simple and effective add-on that requires virtually no settings. Supported Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox.

    Tor Browser

    Tor Browser is a ready-made browser that helps protect you from censorship on the Internet and traffic analysis by various intelligence agencies. This program is Firefox web browser, which integrates the Tor encryption system and requires a minimum of user actions to access a closed web resource

    List of anonymizer sites









    Unconventional use of Google and Yandex translation services

    Simply enter the address of the desired site in the translation field and the site will open in the translator window.



    One of the most simple option gaining access to blocked LinkedIn, including through the official mobile application, is the use Opera VPN. The application is available for iOS and Android.

    Blocking can affect any resource, even the most visited one. Unfortunately, the reasons for this are not always justified and clear.

    6 days ago, LinkedIn was also blocked in Russia.

    According to a Roskomnadzor representative:“LinkedIn is included in the register of violators of the rights of personal data subjects. This means that the site will be blocked in Russia.” . A professional social network will receive a court decision one of these days.

    We understand how important it is not to lose contacts and base and continue promoting in SMM. ?

    That's why we've put together a few simple ways to get around the restrictions that higher powers can be overlaid on your favorite sites and social networks.

    5 ways to bypass blocking on LinkedIn

    Change your browser settings

    In order to bypass site blocking, it is not necessary to install special applications. Some blocked sites open using “turbo mode”.

    In the Opera browser, the mode can be set manually by changing the VPN. Sometimes it opens automatically when the connection speed drops.

    Please update your browser. Select “Opera turbo” in the settings and check the box next to Enable VPN.

    Other browsers, for example, Yandex, also have such capabilities.

    Install browser extensions

    Chrome allows you to use many extensions that will help you bypass LinkedIn blocking. This method is also not complicated.

    Here are examples of such extensions:

    • Zenmate . The required version for your browser can be found directly on their Zenmate website. Download and install the extension. It's simple.
    • TunnelBear plugin It will also open blocked sites without any problems. It may slow down your browser and will ask you for an address email to activate.
    • FriGate extension , which does not require registration, works only through dedicated proxy servers. This minimizes speed loss.

    Bypassing website blocking using anonymizers

    They will help you hide your data from site owners and bypass blocks. special services- anonymizers.

    Go to such a resource and enter the address of the LinkedIn page you need. Using the settings, you can select the country through which the page will be displayed. Examples of anonymizers for LinkedIn – Hidemyass, Hideme or Ninjacloak . In this article you can learn more about.

    Work on Linkedin with KUKU.io

    If you manage a company page on Linkedin or post on your behalf, bypassing Linkedin blocking is another unnecessary step. To reduce the time it takes to post on Linkedin, you can post without going to the social network.

    To do this, connect your profile and company page to KUKU.io. With KUKU.io you can schedule and publish posts on Linkedin and 9 other social networks (Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, etc.) simultaneously.

    Bypass the block and log into Linkedin once a day to check comments and chat with subscribers.

    Log in from your mobile device

    The same Zenmate, which is suitable for both Android and iOS, will open your resource without problems. This bypass of site blocking can be done completely free of charge.

    Buy hardware

    This method of bypassing the block will cost you a certain amount (about $100), because you will need to purchase a portable proxy server (Onion Pi). The proxy server passes traffic through the Tor system and distributes Wi-Fi.

    If you know others effective ways bypass blocking social network LinkedIn and your other favorite sites, please tell us about them in the comments.

    On the evening of November 17, 2016, many Russian LinkedIn.com users suddenly lost access to their favorite social network, and instead of the usual profile of their page, a message was displayed that the specified site was unavailable. Later, access to LinkedIn was blocked throughout Russia, while many people did not even have time to save important information from the profile used for years. Nowadays, the LinkedIn blocking still continues, forcing LinkedIn account owners to look for ways to bypass it. In this article I will tell you why the social network for business contacts was blocked, and how to bypass the LinkedIn block in Russia.

    As you know, in Russia there is a law on personal data from 2006, the text of which has been amended in recent years. Based on this law, Roskomnadzor turned to the social network LinkedIn (location of the central server - Mountain View city, Colorado, USA), with the requirement to transfer the servers of this social network with the data of Russian users stored on them (more than 5 million users) to the territory RF, as well as to prevent the transfer of this data to third parties.

    This precedent became a direct warning to other major players in this segment (in particular, Facebook), which, according to Western experts, Roskomnadzor will turn its attention to in the future (Facebook servers with data from Russian-speaking users are also not located in Russia). Also, a number of Western analysts believe that the transfer of the company’s servers to Russia required by Roskomnadzor could facilitate access to user data for domestic intelligence services.

    LinkedIn is now blocked in Russia

    How to Login to LinkedIn After Blocking

    As you know, LinkedIn is not the first site blocked by Roskomnadzor. Previously, the list of prohibited sites included resources promoting terrorism, gaming and pirate sites, and many others. However, users find ways to bypass linkedin blocking, and in this article I will tell you more about them.

    Method number 1. Opera Turbo and VPN

    The most in a simple way, allowing you to log into linkedin after blocking is to use the built-in capabilities of the Opera browser. This browser not only has a “Turbo” mode, which allows you to compress data and transmit it through a proxy server, but also boasts built-in support for VPN (“virtual private networks”), which allows you to bypass the blocking of various sites.

    To activate these functions, simply open the Opera browser settings, enable the “Opera turbo” mode, and also check the “Enable VPN” function.

    Method number 2. Browser extensions

    There are several browser extensions that use proxies to bypass linkedin blocking. In particular, we can note such extensions as:

    Method number 3. Tor Browser

    Tor" is considered a symbol of the free Internet. The use of onion routing technology (a system of proxy servers using multi-layer encryption), increased attention to anonymity, and other relevant features make Tor convenient tool to gain access to blocked LinkedIn.

    The disadvantages of Tor include slowness, which is unusual for many. However, sometimes you can wait to gain access to your favorite site.

    Method number 4. TunnelBear service

    After installing the TunnelBear program, all your traffic will pass through the VPN server, thereby giving you access to LinkedIn. The program has both stationary and mobile version, allowing you to bypass LinkedIn blocking.

    Use TunnerBear to Access LinkedIn

    Method No. 5. Anonymizers

    Anonymizer sites work as follows: you go to the anonymizer, enter the address of an Internet resource, the anonymizer accesses this resource on its own behalf, downloads desired page, and then forwards it to you. Since users use foreign anonymizers (Hidemyass, Zalmos, Hideme and others), such anonymizers have no problems when working with LinkedIn.

    Anonymizer "Zalmos"

    At the same time, Roskomnadzor has already threatened anonymizers with blocking for providing access to sites banned in Russia. But this is unlikely to scare well-known international projects.

    Method number 6. Kuku.io resource

    The kuku.io resource is a tool for working with several social networks at once, allowing you to publish the same post in several networks simultaneously with just one click. Among the possibilities we are interested in is bypassing LinkedIn blocking, in which the specified resource allows you to post and read comments.

    Method No. 7. Mobile platforms

    To open LinkedIn on mobile gadgets, you can use the programs “Browsec VPN” (iOS), “Onion browser” (iOS), “Orfox: Tor Browser for Android” (Android) and other analogues.

    You can also use the traffic compression function in your mobile browser ( mobile browsers“Opera”, “Chrome”, “UC Browser”), which will automatically redirect your connection through a proxy server, allowing you to safely access LinkedIn.

    "Orfox: Tor Browser for Android» makes it easy to bypass resource blocking


    In this article, I looked at how to bypass LinkedIn blocking, and what tools will help us with this. The easiest way is to activate the VPN functionality in the Opera browser, as well as use many proxy extensions for your browser that allow you to automatic mode bypass blocking of your favorite site. Use the functionality of the tools I described and you will forget about various manifestations of censorship on the Internet.

    17.11.2016 23:00

    Recently it became known that the social network LinkedIn, which was used by many users to search for work, was blocked in Russia. Roskomnadzor explained the need for blocking by saying that the service violates the law on personal data. The management of this resource refused to store personal data of Russians on the territory of the Russian Federation, for which it was blocked. Thus, LinkedIn became the first social network to be officially banned in Russia.

    This decision upset many people who are accustomed to establishing their business contacts through this social network. However, as in any other case of blocking, users find the most various ways to bypass it. We will tell you about the most popular of them.

    Online proxy

    If you don't want to install any additional programs and extensions, you can use various anonymizers or online proxies. Among the huge variety there are several free services, including ProxFree and Proxyweb. You go to their website, paste the link and any blocked site opens immediately.


    Just recently it became known that Opera has decided to expand functionality your browser by integrating your own VPN service into it. It is available to all users completely free of charge, and there is no need to install any additional tools in the browser.

    There is another web browser that allows you to bypass any blocking and hide your real location. This is Tor. All traffic passes through anonymous network and is well encrypted, so even the provider himself will not be able to detect the fact of connecting to a prohibited site.

    Turbo mode

    In some modern browsers There is a so-called turbo mode. In particular, it is supported in the Opera and Yandex Browser web browsers. Its essence lies in the fact that the entire package of downloaded data first arrives at the company’s server, where the data is compressed and then sent to the user. Thanks to this, it is possible to bypass the blocking, but not only. Users can still save traffic if the connection is made via mobile internet. When turbo mode is activated in the browser, most blocked sites open, but this mode cannot work with the HTTPS protocol. Therefore, if the user needs to open the page of another social network or use payment system, then the turbo will have to be turned off.

    Browser extensions

    Modern web browsers have a sufficient number of extensions that will help you go undetected when trying to load prohibited sites. Some of them are available completely free of charge, while others will require you to pay to use.

    VPN service

    There are also a lot of free and paid options. The first offer users a limited set of functions, but they are quite enough for the usual opening and use of resources blocked by the government. The services CyberGhost and It's Hidden are especially popular among Russians. They have free analogues.

    There is currently active discussion online about the blocking of the American social network LinkedIn in Russia, the case of which is being considered right now. Roskomnadzor’s claims are quite simple: contrary to the requirements of the Law “On Personal Data,” the LinkedIn network never moved its servers to Russian territory.

    « We twice sent requests to LinkedIn demanding information about the implementation of the law on database localization in Russia,” said Vadim Ampelonsky, an official representative of Roskomnadzor. - They ignored these letters. In accordance with the requirements of the law, we appealed to the Tagansky District Court of Moscow with a demand to block the LinkedIn website and won the case».

    But ignoring the requirements of the law is only part of the complaints against LinkedIn. There is information that the network collects and transmits personal data of users without their consent. Where does it transmit to? This is a big question, the answer to which can vary from banal and rather harmless marketing campaigns to various types of intelligence agencies. There is no point in thinking that the latter are only interested in the owners of secret secret documents from the “FSB vaults”. Today, intelligence services are interested in everything, primarily due to the fact that it is now customary to start (and win) wars in the information space; as an example, we can cite most of the “color revolutions” of recent times: Libya, Egypt, etc.

    No wonder the FBI has published an official warning about the extortion activities of attackers who blackmail users of LinkedIn, MySpace and Tumblr. They demand a ransom from users (on average, from 2 to 5 bitcoins) and, in case of refusal, threaten to publish the data they gained access to after major leaks from the listed social networks.

    Would you like to receive one of these messages?

    « Unfortunately, your data was stolen as a result of a recent hacker attack and now I have your information. In addition, I used your profile to gain access to your accounts on social media. Using them I can contact all your friends and relatives».

    The range of stolen data can be quite wide: from business correspondence about a possible job change to intimate photographs sent in personal messages.

    « If you do not want me to send this information to your friends and family (and possibly employers), please send a Bitcoin payment to the address provided».

    Imagine how “delighted” your boss will be when he learns that you are negotiating a move to a competitor.

    « If you think that the amount is too high, imagine how much the services of a divorce lawyer will cost you».

    There are many options for information that is not subject to dissemination.

    « We have both bad and good news for you. Let's start with the bad ones: we prepared a letter to send to specified addresses, which includes information about your profile and transactions credit card. Now the good news: you can prevent this email from being sent by transferring 2 Bitcoin to the address provided».

    To understand the scale: in May of this year, a hacker under the pseudonym “Peace” put up 117 million LinkedIn usernames and passwords for sale for just 5 bitcoins (approximately $2,275). The network simply denied its guilt for a very long time, and when it was proven, it agreed to pay compensation to users with a paid subscription.

    Yes, you can troll and scold the authorities for blocking familiar resources, technological backwardness of thinking, for trying to get into our seemingly personal affairs. But how often do we realize the danger that the network poses in this case? I think that even experienced users- not always and not completely. You don’t want to wake up one morning and find, for example, some revealing publication in the media dedicated to your humble person? Probably not, and it doesn’t matter what you do most of the time. But, according to statistics, in the United States more than 10 million people become victims of identity theft every year.

    However, selling your data is unlikely to be fun. And she is on this social network - already a confirmed fact. In June 2012, experts Yair Amit and Adi Sharabani discovered that the LinkedIn application for iOS independently copied and transferred data from the calendar of smartphone owners to the company’s servers.

    In September a year later, the company was officially accused of stealing user data for its own needs - addresses mailboxes for sending spam.

    It appears that this behavior has become official LinkedIn policy. And it is not surprising that representatives of the social network refused to communicate with Roskomnadzor, waking up only when it came to a complete blocking. The argument that they did not know about the new law is simply ridiculous. They knew, but they thought that, as usual, there would be no need to fulfill it.