• How to make important friends on VKontakte on your phone. How the list of VKontakte friends is formed

    I don’t know if you are aware, but you have the opportunity, with the help of simple actions, to remove your friend from the top positions of the VKontakte friends list. All you have to do is, with a couple of clicks, lower your friend's priority in the news section, after which he will drop to the bottom of your friends list. Let's look at 3 ways in which this can be done.

    Instruction No. 1: through demonstrated activity:
    The most well-known way to remove a friend from the top of your friends list is to promote other friends to the top. This is all done for a very long time and manually, because this requires visiting friends’ pages as often as possible, rating and commenting on their publications and communicating with them through personal messages. The more actions you take with certain users, the higher they become on your friends list.

    This is how you can displace your enemy. Just be active on the pages of other friends on your list, and as for your enemy, forget about him. For the method to work, you must not maintain contact with this user, otherwise he may not only remain in the same place in your list, but also jump even higher!

    In general, a little time spent, a little patience and a little caution - and you will reach your cherished goal!

    Instruction No. 2: through the news section:
    You don't have to do everything manually. You all have personal life and more important matters, but to remove your friend from the top positions of the VKontakte friends list there is a simpler function.

    This time we will need a recording of our enemy in news feed. Unfortunately, this method does not always work. If a person has not published new posts on his wall for a long time, this method will not help, so use the third method. But if your friend is actively posting new posts or has posted recently, you can scroll down the feed and easily find one of his posts. But to make his post easier to find, do the following:

    When you have found your friend's post or have hidden all other news to find your friend's post, follow the instructions below:

    Instruction No. 3: through the user page:
    This method is much simpler than the first two. However, in order not to rack your brains and save a lot of time, it is better to use this method right away! Here everything is done like this:

    Due to the peculiarities of the social network VKontakte, the order of friends does not change immediately, but several hours after the manipulations have been performed. So after you have done the above steps, just be patient!

    After some time, your friend will move down from the top of your friends list. It has been verified that a friend can be either in the middle of your list or at the very end. It all depends on the activity you show towards this person. For example, if you just added a new friend and he's in the top of your friends list, hiding his news will drop him to the very bottom of your friends list. And if a person was in the top because you often visit his page, send him messages and like his photos, after hiding the news he will be approximately in the middle of the list or slightly higher.

    It is worth noting that the methods described above also work with communities. That is, by lowering the priority of your groups, meetings or public pages, you will move them to the bottom of your list of communities.

    Previously, the contact list was sorted by user rating. Its display could be seen under the avatar of the user’s page (Figure 1). It depended on activity, availability contact information, descriptions and filling out certain fields, as well as the number of friends. Thus, a person is friends with the most high ratings took first place, and then in descending order.

    Showing your friends

    But now about this system everyone has already forgotten, the rating and its calculation have been cancelled. There is no longer that percentage box under the image. Now everything has become much simpler and more convenient. The first place in your contact list will be occupied by the person who is most interesting to you, namely you often visit his page, leave comments, likes (Figure 2). In other words, sorting occurs based on your activity in relation to the user’s page. This also applies to people “online”, it’s just that the sorting will take place on those pages that are on at the moment are online.

    Displaying someone else's friends list

    There is very widespread information on the Internet that if you open a list of other people’s friends, the first place will be the one whose page the owner visits most often. We have to disappoint you, but no, this would violate certain user rights, in particular confidentiality of personal information. Your page will always be displayed first if you are a friend given user(Figure 3) and this does not depend on the number of his visits to your page. Further sorting occurs by rating, namely the overall popularity of other users on the list.

    How to make a person first?

    Most easy way from the information received visit his page more often and be active on it. This also applies to the goal of removing a person from the first positions; you just need to reduce the number of visits or delete and then add the person again to your list of friends.

    Let's look at several ways in which you can demote any user on your friends list. The simplest one is not to be active towards him: do not visit the page, do not write messages, do not comment on photos and posts. Over time, it will be replaced by those people with whom you communicate most often. The main thing is not to maintain any contact, otherwise the plan will not work. You can also always prevent strangers from seeing him among your friends at all.

    Demote a friend via news

    If you have no time to wait and need to quickly move a friend down a few positions on the list, then you need to mark any news from him as uninteresting. (Read also). This is done as follows. Go to News, look for any post of this user among the posts, hover the mouse over the ellipsis and click on It's not interesting

    Afterwards, do not show news.

    This manipulation will certainly lower your friend on the list. If you don’t want to unsubscribe from his news, you can cancel the action; it will not affect the result. For more quick search, if you have a cluttered news feed, you can use a filter.

    Knock out from the top with one click

    There is another way, although it will not work immediately, but after a couple of hours. Go to the victim’s page and select from the menu Actions field Hide News.

    You can also return the news of this user to your feed and wait for VKontakte to perform the necessary manipulation and demote your friend, knock him out of the top. Choose any method and write reviews in the comments. I hope the information was useful.

    Sometimes social network VKontakte incorrectly arranges the order of friends on the profile page and because of this it becomes inconvenient to communicate with your friends. So that you can do it yourself set up a list of important friends, Let's look at how to raise a friend to the top of the VK list, what methods there are for this.

    Method number 1 on how to raise a friend on VK

    This is a long term method. It may take more than 1 day to raise a VK friend to 1st place using this method. You don’t have to constantly be on the social network - just go to your page every hour and go to the profile of the person you want to put in first place on your VKontakte friends list.

    It's better to go to personal page person through the “Friends” tab. Gradually, click by click (provided that you visit his profile more often than other people’s pages), this friend rises to the list of important friends and takes a top position.

    Method number 2 how to raise a friend in the Vk friends list

    The second method is similar, but requires a little more labor and is faster. You will not only have to go to the profile of the person you want to raise as a friend, but also be active on his page:

    • like his posts;
    • comment on photos and posts;
    • send messages;
    • write on the wall;
    • repost his notes.

    Method No. 3 how to move a VK friend to the list of important friends

    This is the most easy method how to change the order of important friends. To implement it, you need take a person from friends, and then add again. Then it will automatically move to the top. And if this does not happen, just write a few messages to the person, like the post, and he will rise up the list.

    The fact is that VKontakte works according to the principle that V important friends new people and those with whom you most often come into contact. So if you want your friend to rise to the top and not find out that you did this on purpose, then visit his page more often, and visit the pages of other profiles less often. If you do this together, then remove him from your friends list, and then add him again - and the Vk algorithm will work in the direction you need.

    Important friends on VKontakte are those friends whose names are located at the very top in the list of friends. The vk.com website “watches” who you communicate with most often, whose pages you visit more often and who you like the most. Based on this data, the most “popular” friends appear at the top of the list. Sometimes it is necessary to remove a friend from top position. I’ll tell you how to do this right now.

    How to remove a friend from important friends via feed

    In your news feed, find any post from a friend you want to demote from the list. Click on the three dots and select “This is not interesting.”

    The news will disappear and a list will appear in its place possible actions. First, click on “Do not show news Person's name”, and then “Cancel”.

    Such a simple action will help remove a person from being important (at least for a while (depending on how often you visit the user’s page in the future).

    We demote a user from the list of friends through his page

    To achieve what you want using this method, you need to temporarily hide your friend’s news. To do this, open his page, select “Actions” under the main photo and select “Hide news.” After the priority of display in the friends list decreases, the action can be canceled.

    How to remove important friends on VKontakte on your phone?

    The method is similar to the previous one. Through the phone we go to a friend’s page. Click on “Your Friends”. Select the “Hide news” item.