• How to change Apple ID on MacBook. How to change Apple ID? How to change Apple ID without losing data on iPhone and iPad

    Greetings! Today’s article is from the series “every smartphone owner should know this from Apple" I would even say, I simply have to. Why? Because to be able to change the account correctly Apple entry ID or iCloud in iPhone can be useful to you almost always. And even if you don’t need it now, you will need it someday... Believe my little personal experience. Believe me, believe me, it won’t hurt! :)

    In general, as a rule, for the time being the user does not even think about this operation. After all, the smartphone works? Works! Are there any problems? Apparently not! Then why bother with any settings at all? But nothing lasts forever and things can happen different cases. Which? There are plenty of examples.

    • Selling the device.
    • Buying a new or not new gadget.
    • Someone became aware of your Apple ID, password, iCloud - the right way protect yourself, change your account completely.
    • Just start your iPhone life from scratch :)

    In general, it is clear that this is the right thing to do. So let's learn to completely get out of being tied to iPhone credentials Apple ID and iCloud records, and log in with new data. Forward!:)

    Important! It is necessary to understand that for those people who for some reason do not know (do not remember) the password and login of the identifier, this method won't work, they should do .

    How to change iCloud on iPhone

    Since iCloud, it is more important account(here is the “Find iPhone” function, etc.) then let’s start with it. Briefly point by point:

    1. Open Settings.
    2. We are looking for an item iCloud menu and we go into it.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and see the “Exit” line.
    4. Click and see the first warning: “If you log out of your account, all Photo Stream photos and iCloud Drive stored in iCloud will be deleted from this iPhone." What does it mean? This means that when you change your iCloud account, the above data associated with it will be deleted from your iPhone. No need to worry, they will remain in the “cloud” itself and can be accessed from the website www.icloud.com. We agree with this.
    5. The second warning pops up - “Everything will be deleted from the iPhone.” iCloud Notes" Relevant for those who have used the notes application with cloud storage, computer, etc. Again, you need to understand that they are not deleted entirely; access to them will remain through the site.
    6. Another question is “What do you want to do with calendars, Safari data, contacts and reminders?” I choose to leave the iPhone on this one. If something happens, you can delete them yourself later.
    7. We are asked to enter the iCloud password - we do it. That's it, we're signed out of this iPhone.
    8. We enter new data - iCloud has been changed.

    2 ways to change Apple ID

    Now you can change the second identifier on your iPhone - Apple ID. There are two ways here:

    • In the case when you have already logged out of iCloud (how to do this is written above), then you can simply and then it will be completely new and clean “like from the factory.” Naturally, there will be no information left on it! Next, simply enter your Apple ID account and indicate it directly.
    • Or change Apple ID through the menu. What’s convenient is that in this case all games, applications, music, ringtones, etc. will remain on the device. downloaded using a previous account.

    How to do this?

    As you can see, all manipulations occur exclusively in the settings and do not take much time.

    Despite the fact that I tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of replacing accounts on an iPhone, it may well be that something remains unclear. Maybe? Certainly! Therefore, do not be shy and write your questions in the comments - I will try to answer everyone.

    P.S.S. Okay, you can do it without “likes” - I’m just kidding :) Although, frankly speaking, I would be very pleased to see such activity from you. Thank you!

    The desire to delete an Apple account is most often due to the desire to free up the address. email to register a new Apple ID. iPhone users need to keep the following in mind: To “unpin” mailbox, there is no need to delete your account absolutely– you just need to change your account settings by entering “ E-mail» another address. Doing this is much easier than achieving complete removal Apple ID.

    How do I free up my email address to register a new Apple ID?

    There are two ways to adjust your iPhone account settings. In the first case, you will need to go to the official Apple website, in the second, use a media combine iTunes.

    Changing settings via the Apple website

    Let's be clear: you can “unpin” an email address through the Apple website only if you offer in exchange another mailbox that you have access to. Change settings if necessary Apple ID Through the official website of the Apple company, you first need to log in to this portal - specify your email address and password.

    Step 1. Use a search engine - enter the query “ Apple ID».

    Step 2. Among the options that the search engine gave, find this one - “ Manage your Apple ID account information" Follow this link.

    Step 3. On next page scroll down to the information block " Changing your account information" In the block, select the section “ Apple ID email».

    Step 4. In the instructions that open, find the link “ Apple ID Account Page" and click on it.

    Step 7. Answer two security questions. These are among the ones you selected when you created your account.

    If you don’t remember what answers you gave during registration, click on the “Reset” link test questions" You will be able to select other security questions and answer them again, but you will have to enter your password to do so. Apple ID.

    Step 8. After you answer the questions, the service will require a code.

    A letter with a code is sent to new address email. It looks like this:

    Enter the code and click " Continue».

    After this the data Apple account will be adjusted, and a notification about the changes will be sent to the “unpinned” mailbox.

    If the user does not have access to the new mailbox, he will not be able to find out the code to enter Necessarily. Previously, it was possible to enter a non-existent email, but recently Apple has introduced protective measures aimed at reducing the number of “fake” accounts.

    In iTunes settings

    A way to change your account via iTunes, very similar to the previous one - and also requires work email. Unlinking a mailbox from Apple ID Through the media combine it happens like this:

    Step 1. Open iTunes and click on the tab " Account».

    Step 2. Select " Login».

    You will have to enter the password for Apple ID again.

    Step 6. On home page website, select the country where you live. Our choice is Russia.

    The described methods of freeing an email address are unpopular among users and it is obvious why: if a person already has an available email address to which he can register a new Apple ID, why should he empty a box that is occupied?

    How to remove Apple ID through support?

    On at the moment the only way fully To delete an Apple account is to contact the support service of the “apple giant”. When applying, you will have to write a letter in English. Therein lies the rub: main reason, why domestic users avoid communicating with Apple employees - unimportant knowledge of foreign languages.

    In fact, everything is simpler than it seems - thanks to these instructions, you can send a letter to Apple without even knowing basic English. Proceed like this:

    Step 1. Follow the link to the service page Apple support.

    Step 2. Fill out the form - You must write only in English.

    All fields may not be filled in. Only those opposite which are marked “ Required" - namely:

    « Topic Area» is the subject of the letter. There is a drop-down menu here - you need to select one of the options presented. Most suitable option – « How-To & Troubleshooting Articles» (« How to fix the problem?»).

    « Subject" - title. Enter the following text here: “ I want to delete my Apple ID"(without quotes). It is recommended to make the title as concise as possible and consistent with the topic of the appeal.

    « Comments"—the main text of the letter. This field should describe the reasons why you are refusing further use. Apple ID.

    If you are not well versed in English enough to write a letter yourself, write an appeal in Russian and use free translator Google Translate. An automatic translator, of course, will translate the text crookedly, but Apple employees will be able to grasp the main idea.

    You can also rewrite the text from ready-made template like this:

    In addition to those listed, you should also fill in the field “ Email Address" It is not mandatory to fill out, but is directly related to the topic of our appeal.

    Step 3. When you fill in the fields, click on “ Submit Suggestion».

    This will open a ticket to Apple Support. All you have to do is wait - within up to 15 days you will receive an email with a link to confirm deletion Apple ID. You will need to follow this link - then you will get rid of the identifier forever.

    How to change account on iPhone without a computer?

    Step 1. IN " Settings"find the section " iTunes Store, App Store " and go into it.

    Step 2. You will see a field in which the current one will be written in blue. Apple ID– click on it.

    Step 3. A menu will appear in front of you - select the option " Log out».

    If you click on the “View Apple ID” button, you will get access to a link that will take you to a page where you can change the email address of an existing account.

    As you can see, changing an iPhone account is disproportionately easier than deleting it Apple ID at all.

    How to delete an iCloud account?

    Erase account iCloud- a matter of minutes. A computer is not needed - all you need is the gadget itself:

    Step 1. In the menu " Settings"find the section " iCloud" and go into it.

    Step 2. Once in the " iCloud", scroll down to the end - you will find the item " Delete account" Click on it.

    Step 3. Confirm your intention to delete your account - in the window that appears, click " Delete».

    Step 4. The iPhone will ask you what you want to do with your contacts and browser data. Safari– that is, with objects that are associated with the “cloud” iCloud. There are two options: leave on iPhone or wipe it off– it’s up to you to choose.

    Step 5. Enter your account password iCloud– this is necessary to deactivate the “ Find iPhone».

    Then click " Turn off" On this you can consider your account iCloud remote.

    Before you delete your account iCloud, you should ask what data will “go away” with it. You will lose photos from photo stream, achievements in games, application documents iWork, notes that have been saved in the cloud. Contacts, messages, music will remain in place - you don’t have to worry about them.


    The only way to remove Apple ID is to contact the company's support service. The user will have to wait: it takes Apple employees up to 2 weeks to approve the deletion. If iPhone owner you need to free up your email address for registering another account, it’s better for him to change the details of the current one Apple ID– you can do this through the official Apple website.

    Many people know that Apple ID is an account for an Apple device, which is required during use. iCloud service, for purchases in company stores and to identify the owner of the gadget when contacting technical support companies. The question of how to change ID on iPad arises among tablet owners quite often. And some even doubt whether this is possible.

    Is it possible

    You can change the ID on your device, and it’s not that difficult to do. There may be several reasons for replacement:

    • after purchasing a gadget from someone else;
    • after receiving the device as a gift;
    • in some countries there is content that is not available in the Russian App Store, which is also a motive for creating another account.

    The changeover procedure is simple, but there are certain points to consider before starting.

    What data can be changed in Apple ID

    In your Apple account you can change the following information:

    • email address;
    • password;
    • payment information (change payment method or billing address information);
    • date of birth;
    • other contact information.

    How to change Apple ID from different devices

    Some users are interested in how to change Apple ID on iPad. In order to change the email address that is used as an identifier on Apple devices, you need to perform a certain sequence of actions.

    Short step-by-step instructions

    You can make a replacement in two ways:

    How to quickly change Apple ID without losing data

    You can change the ID data on your device while saving the data in just a few steps. This can be done in two ways:

    But you need to remember: if any programs, games, music, movies, ringtones were purchased from foreign stores, and you need to change the store, for example, the USA to the Russian one, all purchases will be lost.

    How to change an old or create a new Apple ID via iTunes

    To reset the old Apple ID on an iPad in order to replace the identifier with a new ID using this method, you need to:

    Create new account On iPad you can also use iTunes:

    Change ID via the App Store or iTunes Store

    You can also change your ID through the Apple store. To do this you need:

    1. Log in.
    2. Find the “My ID” section in the menu.
    3. Click on the account you are using from the pop-up list and enter a new email.
    4. Click "Done".

    How to delete an account on iPad

    Some users are actively interested in the question of how to delete an account on iPad. Before the procedure, you need to log out of iCloud, App Store and iTunes. And then follow just a couple of steps.

    Apple ID or personal user account is a very useful thing. This identifier allows the iOS user to gain access to all branded services- iCloud, App and iTunes Store, iMessage, etc. In other words, the absence of an Apple ID account significantly limits the capabilities of an Apple device, and most i-device owners, of course, understand this, and therefore create and use an Apple ID with pleasure.

    However, if the user is going to sell his gadget, he must mandatory unlink the iOS device from the account, otherwise new owner will face a lot of problems.

    In this article, using the iPad as an example, we will tell you how the old owner can delete his account and the new owner can enter his Apple ID data instead.

    The Apple ID is registered on the iPad in two places - the “iCloud” and “iTunes Store, App Store” sections. Both sections are located in the “Settings” menu of the device. In general, by and large, you can unlink your Apple ID only in the “iCloud” section, because only in this situation will you need to specify the account password. That is, delete the old user’s account from the “iTunes Store, App Store” section. and the new owner can change it to his own without knowing the identifier password.

    However, we still recommend resetting your account in both sections, because if you leave it in the “iTunes Store, App Store” section new user will be able to find out your Apple ID, and although he can do little with it without a password, there is absolutely no need to provide unnecessary information about yourself to unfamiliar people.

    How to remove an account from the iCloud section?

    But first of all, you need to reset your iCloud account. How to do this? Follow these simple instructions:

    That's it! If the password is correct, deleting the old account will be successful and in the fields where your Apple ID data was previously indicated, the new owner will be able to add parameters for his account.

    How do I change my account in the iTunes Store, App Store section?

    In this situation, everything is even simpler. What we do:

    That's all, now here too the new owner will be able to provide his Apple ID details.

    What happens if you don't unlink your iPad from your Apple ID?

    As you can see, changing and deleting an account on an iPad is very easy, and we strongly recommend that you remember to follow these steps simple steps before selling, because if you don’t delete your account, things can take a very sad turn.

    We repeat, from the “iTunes Store, App Store” section you have every right do not delete. A new user can log out of the old account with the same success as the previous one and provide his data (a password is not required). But! When trying to update applications that were downloaded to a previous account, stores will request data from the PREVIOUS account. However, this is not such a problem, you can delete all applications downloaded using the old ID and download again via new apple ID.

    Much more dire consequences threaten if the previous owner did not leave the “iCloud” section. It’s even worse if the new user did not immediately pay attention to this fact. It just left the "iTunes Store, App Store" section and decided that he would not use iCloud - just think, after all backups can be created via PC using iTunes.

    But this very user needs to update iOS, or he wants to restore the device via iTunes, because the tablet, for example, began to fail. Every Apple user knows how the device update/restoration procedure ends - the device boots in initial setup and requires its activation. Moreover, if the “Find iPad” option is enabled on the device, and it is turned on automatically when specifying the Apple ID in the “iCloud” section, the user needs the login and password of the account, and exactly the one specified in the settings cloud storage. In the situation we are considering, this section will contain the data of the previous owner, which the new user, of course, does not know.

    There are three ways to bypass this screen - firstly, contact the previous owner and ask him to provide data and/or ask for a personal meeting at which he will unlink from his Apple ID. If the person is honest, and little time has passed since the purchase and the seller has not yet forgotten his data, he will help you.

    If you cannot contact the previous owner, we offer you a second option - contacting Apple support. They will definitely help you if you can prove that the device belongs to you - a receipt and the box from the tablet will be very useful here.

    And finally, the third way. You did not find the previous owner and you were unable to prove anything to the support service. In this situation, you can only contact various unofficial organizations that offer services to remove the activation lock. In this case, success is not guaranteed, but there is still no other way out.

    Let's summarize

    So, now you know how to delete an account on an iPad (however, the instructions are universal and are also suitable for other Apple devices), and most importantly, you understand the sad consequences that threaten a new user if the old one does not unlink his Apple ID. So we strongly recommend that sellers do not forget about this procedure, and buyers always check whether they have logged out of the old account, or even better, ask the seller for a receipt from iPad purchases and boxes from under it.

    Apple ID is the username required to use the iCloud service on Apple devices, purchases in the App Store and iTunes Store, online ordering of goods in Apple retail stores and contacting Apple support. There are a lot of cases when a user may need to change the Apple ID on an iPhone or iPad, for example, after purchasing a gadget second-hand or receiving a device as a gift from a relative. In progress Apple shifts ID on an iPhone or iPad is nothing complicated, but it is important to know a few subtleties, which we will talk about as part of this instruction.

    Step 1: Go to the application App Store.

    Step 2. At the very bottom home page store click on Apple name ID under which authorization was made.

    Step 3. From the pop-up menu, select " Log out».

    Step 4: After successfully exiting, click " Login».

    Step 5. Select " With an existing Apple ID» and log in using your Apple ID account information.

    Ready! You changed your Apple ID on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Don't have an Apple ID? Well, creating one is very simple.

    How to create an Apple ID

    Step 1: Launch the application App Store.

    Step 2. At the very bottom of the store’s main page, click “ Login" and select " Create an Apple ID».

    Step 3: Select a region and click " Next».

    Step 4. Accept the user agreement.

    Step 5. Fill out the information on the first registration page. You must enter: email address, password, date of birth, and also indicate security questions and the answers to them. After filling in all fields, click “Next”.

    Note: The password must contain at least 8 characters, including numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters. It is recommended to write down answers to security questions on physical media, since you may need to access them if you need to change your Apple ID password.

    Step 6. On the second registration page, indicate your payment method ( bank card or mobile phone), select a request and enter the address. After filling in all fields, click " Next».

    Step 7. Check the mailbox you specified during registration. In the new incoming letter from Apple contains a confirmation link creation of Apple ID. After clicking on it, your Apple ID account will be created! With its help you can log in to App Store and access content from Apple stores.