• How to increase the signal of a satellite dish. Satellite dish, how to set up

    Tricolor subscribers are faced with a problematic situation when there is no connection to the satellite on the channels. If the Tricolor does not have a signal from the satellite dish, the reason may be different, but users immediately see the “no signal” screen message. The problem does not occur often, but you need to know what to do.

    The reason for the complete lack of signal on TV is the inability of the antenna to catch the required waves. If you find a problem, you need to fix it yourself.

    You need to make sure that there is no preventative work carried out by the company.

    You can find out on the website by calling the hotline.

    In the absence of prevention, the reason for the complete absence of an incoming signal is due to other breakdowns. It will be necessary to check the equipment installed in the residential premises. If a company has a breakdown or is carrying out maintenance work, you need to wait about 7-10 hours, and the broadcasting process will not be fully restored.

    Tricolor TV no signal on all channels - what to do

    If there is a complete absence of signal, you will need to try to identify the cause of the failure yourself, find out why Tricolor does not have a signal on all channels, what to do. Equipment items need to be checked:

    • Receiver operation;
    • General integrity of wires, presence or absence of cracks;
    • Converter operation;
    • Antenna installation and basic settings are correct.

    After completing the manipulations, you can quickly fix the breakdown and continue to enjoy your favorite channels on TV. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, you can get advice at any time through contact center, always at the service of clients, service work. They will tell you what to do if the TV does not work.

    Actions to fix the problem

    In the process of studying the condition of the equipment, when searching for a problem, it is worth carefully checking the overall integrity of the wires and cables and the tightness of their connections. If breaks are found, these areas will need to be replaced.

    The condition of the cables should be monitored very carefully; they should not be twisted.

    This has an impact on overall quality images, and if there is no repair, the channels will stop receiving signals.

    If, when examining the condition of the equipment, problems with numerous wires are not detected, you need to carefully check the operation of the receiver. It is important to study the connection density of the antenna. It needs to be connected to the antenna.

    If it works and at the same time there is no signal, the cause of the failure is a problem with the operation of the antenna.

    When performing these manipulations in reverse, problems with the operation of the receiver are discovered.

    If a problem is detected with the receiver, the tuner directly responsible for receiving the signal has failed. In this situation, it is better to invite employees service center for carrying out repair work. If the specialists realize that the repair will not help, a replacement will be arranged. If, in the process of studying the condition of the equipment, it becomes clear that the problem lies in the antenna, you will have to fix it yourself. The Tricolor antenna goes astray for several reasons:

    1. Unfavorable weather – snow, rain and wind.
    2. The device is not secured firmly enough.

    You can check all this yourself and correct the position of the antenna yourself. To significantly speed up the process of eliminating the problem, you can use the help of loved ones. They should be in touch and tell you whether the image is improving or not while the antenna is moving.

    After finding the correct position of the device, you will need to secure it firmly by tightly tightening the bolts and numerous nuts.

    If during the process of self-diagnosis no problems appear, we can suggest that the lack of a TV signal is due to a breakdown of the converter. This happens in more than 50% of crashes. A qualified technician can fix it.

    The company's specialists advise having a spare converter on hand.

    If it breaks down, if not a single channel works, you can replace it yourself.


    In any case, the problem with the lack of signal is solved quite quickly. The most important thing is to take appropriate measures and carry out timely repair work. In addition, Tricolor employees are always ready to provide qualified assistance. Today, in 2019 service is on high level.

    Perhaps this is how we can briefly describe the goal of our new project. It is impossible to comprehend the immensity, but we will try to create really useful and necessary content on this resource that will help solve problems with the selection of antenna equipment, its installation, configuration and repair. Digital terrestrial television, satellite, Internet TV, wireless 3G, 4G, WiFi Internet, cellular communication– only proven solutions, our tests, advice on setup and repair, both for ordinary users, and for masters.

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    In this article we will talk about what can cause viewing problems and weak signal.

    By increasing the signal level, you obviously will not achieve an increase in the number of channels. The exception is if several transceiver devices are used.

    What to do when the picture crumbles into squares or disappears altogether?

    In a word, the equipment does not receive a signal from the satellite. This can happen for various reasons, but the problems can be easily fixed. Perhaps the antenna has turned under the influence of the wind or someone has turned it - for a poor-quality signal, it is enough for it to move at least a couple of millimeters. It is likely that errors were initially made when setting up the dish, and the disappearance of the signal is due to heavy clouds or rain.

    Why does the antenna change its position?

    Usually the culprit is poorly tightened mounting bolts. Accordingly, in order to increase the signal, you need to adjust the direction of the antenna and secure the fasteners (the converter also needs to be adjusted).

    If previously there were no problems with the quality of signal reception, but now it often begins to disappear, especially in the summer, then the reason is banal. On a tree located next to the house, a new branch has grown in the direction of the antenna - it becomes an obstacle to the signal. You will need to get rid of the branch or tree altogether, or find another place for the plate.

    Wires and other technical problems with a weak signal

    Also, the disappearance of the signal may be due to the wire poor quality: due to damage to the insulating layer, moisture seeps into the cable or it is simply frayed. You will need to replace the wire, but you shouldn’t skimp on quality. When laying the cable, it is necessary to securely fix it, which will prevent it from loosening during gusts of wind.

    If the cable is laid too long, signal attenuation may occur. Accordingly, problems arise with the reception of channels: the signal is good only near the dish, but it simply does not reach the apartment. A signal amplifier, which is installed between the antenna and the receiver, will help solve the problem.

    It happens that the receiver itself fails (very rarely). Then you simply cannot do without the help of a specialist. You can check the serviceability of the receiver by diagnosing it: disconnect and connect the wire to the receiver (it is important that the rest of the equipment is in good order) - there should be some kind of reaction from the signal scale. When the power supply breaks, problems arise with turning on the tuner. However, this can also cause the signal to disappear.

    This is essentially a very important subject in successfully watching television.

    After all, from correct installation The antenna depends on whether it will catch a signal from the satellite or not.

    Understand for yourself if not... then there WILL NOT BE a picture.

    Horizontal position of the satellite dish.

    That is, the azimuth direction of the antenna mirror, from your location point, which you will determine according to the compass ( Rice. 1).

    When setting horizontally, we will move the mirror itself (reflector), EAST (E- east), or on WEST (W- west).

    In reality, this process should be combined with vertical adjustment... I’ll say right away that it makes sense to call a specialist for this operation.

    Although it will be problematic to set up the plate alone.

    Horizontal positioning of the satellite dish.

    The second parameter is the position of the satellite dish, according to verticals.

    That is, the angle of its inclination….

    The angle of inclination of the antenna (Fig. 2) will directly depend on the altitude at which the satellite itself is located, and therefore the angle of elevation to the satellite or, as it is also called, the elevation angle.

    Well, if you thought of it yourself without special equipment, then something like this...

    Let's start with the central head, which should be set to Sirius. In the receiver we set the frequencies to 11766, speed to 27500, polarization “H”.

    On the receiver you have two bands:

    One signifies the connection of the dish and the signal from the satellite.
    The second shows the level of this signal.

    When the satellite dish is connected correctly, you should see a signal strength of approximately 40%. All that remains is to adjust the signal quality, which is at zero.

    Let's move on to the plate and let's begin...

    We turn the antenna to the left and up until it stops and in search of the best level signal slowly turn from left to right until it stops.
    If the signal is not found, lower the plate 2-3 mm along the fasteners (on the fasteners of the dish up to the bracket there are marks with numbers for more convenient “targeting”), and turn from right to left until it stops, then lower it even lower, and so on until a signal appears.

    When you receive a signal, you will see a bar appear. If you approximately hit the satellite, then the signal quality band will be about 21% - let’s fix the antenna in this position.

    Now let’s lower it a little and carefully turn it to the left, watch for changes in quality; if it decreases, then return the antenna to its original position.


    You caught the signal at 40%, but this is still not enough, with this percentage the slightest wind or rain can interrupt your TV viewing.

    To increase the signal quality, turn the converter first clockwise and then counterclockwise and see at what position the signal quality increases.

    If the mounting allows, then MirSovetov advises trying to bring the converter closer to the mirror, and then move it away.

    This also affects the signal quality, but usually the length of the bracket for the central converter is always adjusted to the correct length. Normal signal quality is 65-70%.

    However... as I already wrote with a handy specialist.

    Particular attention should be paid to the device for tuning satellite antennas SF-500.

    The device has a memory that contains all the main satellites used in our regions; it is possible to edit them thanks to the buttons on the device panel.

    In a word... an excellent assistant when setting up satellite antennas. Specifically about the device.

    Good luck, Friends!


    This is not a very common malfunction, and you can’t call it a malfunction, meaning when the quality of the received signal fluctuates DVB signal T2. Most often this is due to the position of the cable from the antenna to the TV, reception conditions and a number of other reasons. Why this happens is simply incomprehensible to an inexperienced user in such matters, and he can explain this behavior of the tuner as a malfunction of the set-top box or antenna, but that is not the point. However, let's take things in order.


    The intensity with which the dvb-t2 signal jumps depends on the height at which the cable has such a horizontal section and how long it is; if it is located close to the ground, then the influence of interference is minimal. It is clear that the longer such a section is, the more the useful signal will be suppressed. To avoid this, place the antenna close to the set-top box; using a high-quality cable also helps.

    The digital TV signal also begins to jump when it is tilted, for example when it descends from the ridge of the roof to the wall. It is worth noting that there is a known case when, with an inclined cable, the receiver after tuning showed quite long time, and with the onset of summer and hot weather, the signal level began to change abruptly from 0 to 100, and the quality signal remained at 5%.

    There have been cases in practice when, in urban conditions, with a nearby tower located, an active one was used to receive the first and second multiplex indoor antenna. The signal arriving at the tuner was very large, which led to the protection being triggered and, as a result, the signal began to jump on the digital tuner.

    There were also opposite cases when the signal was artificially lowered. This refers to obstacles in the form of buildings or trees. Moreover, if there is a tree between the antenna and the tower, the reception is excellent in winter, but in summer the foliage dampens the signal and jumps in its level also occur. IN in this case It is enough to move the antenna. By the way, for this reason there is a signal failure on satellite TV, installed plate It was showing correctly for several years and suddenly glitches began to occur, the picture crumbled into squares. It turned out that the tree had grown over the years and began to block the dish from the satellite.

    There are many nuances here and they can have an impact - weather, cable quality, tower location range (signal strength), so you need to understand each case when the signal starts to jump when receiving or configuring T2, and it doesn’t matter what World Vision console you have, Rolsen, etc..

    Avoid twisting the wire into a coil, as well as long sections with horizontal and inclined cable positions; use in these cases.

    To avoid interference, the cable must be placed away from power electrical wires and avoid crossing the cable with power lines, and when crossing, make it at a right angle.

    Wire the TV cable in one piece; if breaks cannot be avoided, then use special connectors with reliable wire contact and shielding, and not twisted with electrical tape.