• How to find out the IMEI of a phone: all ways to find out the IMEI

    What is IMEI, what types of IMEI are there, how can you identify a mobile phone by IMEI.

    IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identifier

    (international identifier mobile equipment), a number (usually 15 digits) that is unique for each mobile phone released. Installed at the factory during manufacture, serves to identify the device in GSM networks(its analogue is the MAC address of the Ethernet network card).

    If no one has ever dug into your phone, then you can be sure that it has the factory IMEI.

    Typically you can see it by typing *#06# .

    Usually, this same number is visible on the label under the phone's battery (and on the phone's shipping box).

    A discrepancy between the internal and “label” IMEI can occur in several cases: the phone case was changed (broken), it was “altered”, etc.

    Example IMEI: 4 4 7 4 0 2 - 5 1 - 5 4 3 7 6 5 - 0

    = Type Approval Code - approved code of the standard sample, phone model (the first 2 digits are the country code).

    FAC = Final Assembly Code:

    (01.02 = AEG)
    (07.40 = Motorola)
    (10.20 = Nokia)
    (30 = Ericsson)
    (40,41,44 = Siemens)
    (50 = Bosch)
    (51 = Sony, Siemens, Ericsson)
    (60 = Alcatel)
    (61 = Ericsson)
    (65 = AEG)
    (70 = Sagem)
    (75 = Dancall)
    (80 = Philips)
    (85 = Panasonic)

    SNR = Serial Number ( serial number).

    SP = Spare - spare, almost always = 0.

    IMEI - quick reference

    Abbreviation IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identifier, which means "international mobile equipment identifier". In other words, IMEI- this is a unique serial number for each GSM phone, which is automatically transmitted by the device to the operator’s network when connected. That is, if in your stolen cell phone someone inserts their SIM card and makes at least one call, law enforcement agencies, through the telecom operator, can find out who the SIM card is registered to and seize the phone. However, before that, it can gather dust in the windows of some store for months.

    You can find out the IMEI of your phone by typing the key combination *#06# on the keyboard. In this case, a 15-digit number will be displayed on the screen, which must be remembered or written down. Also, IMEI indicated on the box under the barcode and under the battery on the phone body. Therefore, when buying a hundred square meters, it is always recommended to compare these numbers so as not to get into trouble.

    There is a possibility that IMEI can be changed using special programs. However, manufacturers mobile phones They are improving their products every time, which is why changing the serial number becomes more and more difficult and the possibility of finding another phone with the same IMEI is unlikely.

    So, if you have cell phone stolen, in your application to law enforcement authorities you will have to indicate it IMEI. This data must then be sent to telecom operators so they can check if anyone else is using the stolen phone.

    In theory everything is very simple, but in reality it is much more complicated...

    1. There is an organization located in Ireland (Dublin) that maintains IMEI blacklist all over Europe. To “connect” to this base, you need to invest in software in the amount of 1 million dollars.

    2. If the mobile operator is Russian connect to this database, they will automatically disabled from their network, those subscribers whose phones were imported into Russia through gray channels, as well as those phones that are listed as missing.
    That is, for example, if MTS connects to this database, it will block the order in its network 1 million subscribers, which hypothetically could go to Beeline or Megafon. Therefore, it is necessary to connect this database to all operators at the same time.

    3. If track IMEI locally, i.e. only in Russia, there is equipment for this, but again, all operators need to enter into an agreement that they will all do this at the same time. Which is also quite difficult.

    4. Operators do not want to do this, because... believe that tracking theft is police functions, which should be dealt with by law enforcement agencies. Those. By analogy with cars: if a company has installed an anti-theft alarm for you, this does not mean that if the car is stolen, then this company will look for it.

    5. It is also believed that this whole undertaking is not worth a damn, since IMEI flashing on an industrial scale it costs about 500-700 rubles.

    There are only two ways to achieve this from operators:

    1.Globally: Issue an order from the GSM Association obliging all operators included in the Association to do this.
    2.Locally: Issue an order from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs obliging operators to perform police functions.

    Model Definition GSM phone by its serial number (IMEI):

    First 6 digits of IMEI number

    Phone model

    Motorola MicroTAC Select 3000e GSM1900

    Nokia 5190 GSM1900

    Alcatel One Touch Pocket

    Alcatel One Touch Gum DB

    Mitsubishi Trium Astral

    Vodafone EB-3811 GSM900

    Motorola PT9s (Flare Flip)

    Siemens S4 Power

    Panasonic G500 GSM900

    Motorola SlimLite

    Motorola 8850 (e-Plus)

    Motorola International 8900

    Philips Twist GSM900

    Motorola StarTAC 130

    Motorola cd928 GSM900/GSM1800

    Siemens S8 PCN GSM1800

    Siemens S10 active

    Motorola d520 GSM900

    Philips Diga GSM900

    Siemens C10 GSM900

    Motorola StarTac 130

    Panasonic EB-G520

    Motorola 2000 (D368)

    Philips Savvy DB

    Nokia 3210 GSM900/1800

    Nokia 3210 GSM900/1800

    Motorola Timeport L7089

    Siemens C25 Power

    Philips Savvy DB

    AEG Executive GSM900

    Telital GM410/GSM900

    Sony CMD-C1/GSM900

    Nokia1611 GSM-900

    Nokia 2110 GSM900

    Ericsson GF768 GSM900

    Ericsson GF688 GSM900

    Nokia 6110 GSM900

    Nokia 6110 GSM 900

    Ericsson GA628 GSM900

    Nokia 9110 communicator GSM900

    Nokia 6150 GSM 900/1800

    Ericsson a1018s/GSM900/1800

    Based on materials from the sites www.gsmtelefon.ru

    It's no secret that phones of the same model, from the same manufacturer, assembled in different countries, can vary significantly in quality and reliability. Therefore, many experienced buyers are looking for how to find out the country of origin by IMEI, not trusting the data provided on the box. We will share with you information that will help you understand the device codes and extract useful information from them.

    What is an IMEI number and where to find it

    The “Imei” code is a 15-digit unique number that identifies each released smartphone, tablet, and modem. In addition to the country of origin, you can use it to find out a lot useful information about the device: whether it has a branded warranty, presence on “black” lists, software version. The gadget is identified by IMEI mobile networks. Using this code you can also get some information about unknown phone models.

    Changing IMEI is a criminal offense not only in the UK, Belarus, Latvia, but also in our country. However, this does not reduce the number of fakes, which, by the way, can also be calculated using this 15-digit number.

    Before you find out the country of origin by Phone IMEI"Nokia", "Samsung", iPhone or other gadget, you need to find this code. "Have" usually indicates branded packaging device, or under its battery. You can display this code on the screen of your smartphone by typing the command: *#06#.

    Structure of the name code

    Depending on the year of assembly of your device, you may see an old and a new code. Let's consider both options. The old IMEI will have the following structure: 123456-78-912345-0. Let's decipher it:

    • 123456 - Type Approval Code. Numbers of the official standard sample of your device model.
    • 78 - Final Assembly Code, number of the country of the final assembly. Those who are looking for how to find out the country of origin of a phone by IMEI will find it useful.
    • 912345 - Serial Number, serial code your device.
    • 0 is a check digit.

    Since 2004, a new number format has been used: 00-000022-333333-1. The country of origin is also encrypted here with the seventh and eighth characters. The numbers in a slightly different form mean the same thing:

    • 00-0000 - TAC, your phone's unique model number.
    • 22 - FAC. We will also calculate how to find out the country of origin of a phone by IMEI using it.
    • 333333 - SNR, device serial number.
    • 1 - spare, check digit.

    If your device was manufactured during the period when FAC was abolished (2003-2004), then the 7th-8th characters of your "name" code will be two zeros (00). In this case, you will not be able to determine the country where your phone was assembled by IMEI.

    How to find out the country of origin of a phone by IMEI

    05, 70, 02, etc. - it is the combination of these numbers that will help you see the true country of origin of your phone. It is worth noting that corporations that produce smartphones prefer to keep data about the country of final assembly secret, so all the information provided below is unofficial. In addition, manufacturers of various “smart” devices (Samsung, Sony, iPhone, Nokia, etc.) encrypt states in IMEI codes under different symbols.

    Here is a summary table that tells you how to find out the country of origin of a phone by IMEI (06, 01, 07 and others), and also has some ratings from direct users.

    If the country code you determined by IMEI conflicts with what is written on the box or under battery device, that is, there is a possibility that the phone you are holding in your hands is a fake.

    Alternative methods

    In addition to IMEI, you can calculate the manufacturer of your smartphone by S/N - the serial number of the device. It is also indicated on the box or under the battery next to the “have” code. You can determine the final country of assembly by this number by going to one of popular services who specialize in providing such information.

    The next option is to determine the manufacturer by the number under the barcode, also printed on the brand name. In this case, you need to pay attention to the first digits. Here is a table with the most likely codes.

    That's all the methods that tell you how to find out the country of origin of a phone by IMEI, as well as using the barcode on the box. The coincidence of all results, including the name of the country of assembly indicated on the box, is a guarantee that this is a branded device.

    IMEI (short for International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a number unique to each phone. Used in mobile phones and some satellite phones.

    More to the point in simple language, IMEI is unique identification number for every phone or smartphone. It consists of 14 decimal digits and one check digit. The code contains information about the device's serial number, its model and origin. So, the first 8 digits are called TAC (Type Approval Code) and indicate the device model and its place of origin. The remaining part of the IMEI is the serial number of the device, which is determined by the manufacturer using the so-called Luna algorithm, with a check digit assigned at the end.

    There is IMEISV (from English International Mobile Terminal Identity and Software Version number), which already consists of 16 digits. In addition to providing unique identification for each phone, it allows version matching software permitted by the operator. In turn, the services available directly to a given device depend on the software.

    In 2002, information was prepared by representatives of large foreign cellular operators, which stated that IMEI could be changed using simple software. Today, changing IMEI is much more difficult, as mobile equipment manufacturers are improving their security systems. Some companies claim that it is simply impossible to change the IMEI on their devices. It is noteworthy that in some countries changing IMEI is a criminal offense.

    IMEI is indicated in several places. The easiest way to find it is to dial the number *#06# on the keyboard (supported by most manufacturers):

    We have hidden the main digits of the number.

    Why is IMEI needed?

    • IMEI is used to identify a device on the network.
    • IMEI is the serial number of the phone.
    • IMEI can be used to track your phone and block stolen devices at the carrier level cellular communications. However, in the latter case, you cannot use the device only within one operator.
    • WITH using IMEI you can find out if the device is stolen.

    Each mobile device has an IMEI - the serial number of a mobile phone, tablet, smartphone or USB modem. Let's say you, for some reason, wanted to another, pretend to be another device. Let's figure out where to get the new IMEI you need or how to generate this IMEI yourself, and in general, whether changing IMEI is legal.

    Learn more about what IMEI is and why change it.

    Where to get the required IMEI

    It is assumed that the IMEI is absolutely unique and there cannot be a second device with the same IMEI. At a minimum, the devices must differ by one digit in the serial number.

    If you decide to flash an IMEI from a tablet into a 4G modem, then you need to take the IMEI of a tablet that is most likely not used on your operator’s network.

    1. Most the right way, This take the IMEI of your old tablet, which you do not use or use with a SIM card from another operator.
    2. IMEI can be copied from the box tablet computer in the store, with colleagues, with friends. But there is a chance that you will become a double in the operator’s network. It's better if you take the IMEI from a device in another country, like this mobile operators will definitely be different.
    3. You can take IMEI from photographs from the websites of foreign online stores.

    Generating your IMEI

    IMEI from a photo can be unique. To do this, go to the website http://www.imei.info, enter your existing IMEI from the photo (for example 01-3117-00-846788-5), press the Check button and get detailed information by device.

    If the IMEI is incorrect, you will receive the message “Invalid IMEI”.

    Now instead of 846 788 at 01-3117-00-846 788 -5 We change several numbers at random, for example it will be like this: 01-3117-00-846 900 -5.

    We check 01-3117-00-846900-5 on the website, we get “Invalid IMEI”. No worries, we sequentially change the last digit from 0 to 9 until the message disappears.

    We got it 01-3117-00-846 900-6 . This code is absolutely correct and can be flashed into your USB modem.

    This is how we learned to generate IMEI based on the existing one.

    Is it legal to change IMEI?

    IMEI is unique code, which allows you to distinguish one device from another, block tubes with made legs, etc.

    In many countries Changing IMEI is illegal, for example Kazakhstan, Latvia, Great Britain, the Republic of Belarus.

    IN Russian legislation There is no direct ban on changing IMEI, although there have been attempts to apply Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal access to computer information” to change IMEI.

    The application of Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for changing IMEI is very controversial. In my opinion, even if a ban on changing IMEI is contained in an agreement with a cellular operator, then this lies within the realm of civil law, not criminal law.

    Here is a comment from a professional lawyer:

    You will not bear administrative, criminal or other liability. But in the event of malfunctions, you will no longer be able to make any claims to the manufacturer and/or seller.

    How to reflash IMEI in a 3G or 4G USB modem.

    Were you able to generate new IMEI? or is this a useless exercise? Leave your comments...

    Surely you have already heard this abbreviation - IMEI. For most owners mobile gadgets IMEI is a kind of phone identifier, something like a serial number, most likely needed by engineers and developers, but not of any value to the average person. Let's figure out what IMEI actually means and how it can be useful to a simple user and how to find out the IMEI of the phone if necessary.

    What is IMEI?

    IMEI is a unique international identifier of any mobile device (phone, smartphone, tablet and even USB modem).

    IMEI code is assigned to each mobile device and some satellite phones are still at the production stage and usually consist of 15 digits. When the device is connected, the IMEI is automatically transmitted to the operator’s network and serves to identify the device itself. IMEI has nothing to do with the owner of the device or the SIM card used in it.

    It is believed that IMEI cannot be changed or faked, since this code is stored in the ROM chip of the mobile phone. However, some “traditional craftsmen” have long learned to do this. Moreover, you can find on the Internet detailed algorithms By change IMEI phone. But you should know that fake IMEI is illegal. Moreover, in some countries (not yet in Russia), replacing the IMEI code in a device is a criminal offense.

    A simple key combination ✶ # 06 # will allow you to find out the IMEI code of your phone. It will immediately appear on the device screen.

    Alternative ways:

    • View IMEI on Android devices you can directly through the menu: “Settings” → “About phone” → “Device identifiers”. In addition to IMEI, this tab will also indicate the name of the phone model, its serial number and other useful information.
    • Find out IMEI on iPhone and other Apple devices You can also use the main menu: “Settings” → “General” → “About device”. Just like the above, this page contains comprehensive information about the phone, including its IMEI, serial number, and more.

    In addition, manufacturers also indicate the IMEI of the phone on the device itself (look under the battery) and on the box (next to the barcode).

    For older iPhone models (before iPhone 5), the IMEI is indicated on the SIM card tray.

    How to find out the IMEI of a stolen phone?

    Few people think about looking at the IMEI of their phone in advance and keeping it in a safe place. On the contrary, the question “how to find out the IMEI number of a phone?” As a rule, it arises when the device is no longer in hand - it has been stolen or lost. It’s good if you still have the packaging from under the device - you can look at the IMEI on it. But what to do if it’s not there either? Is it really impossible to find out IMEI now?

    Maybe! And here Google and Apple come to the aid of their users!

    How can IMEI be useful?

    So, we have already learned what the IMEI of a phone is and how to find it. What benefit can you get from this information?

    Via IMEI you can identify, locate and block specific device connected to the operator's network. Thus, in theory, if a phone is stolen, it is easy to return it to its rightful owner. But in practice, neither mobile operators nor the police search for mobile phones by IMEI, citing the lack of necessary equipment.

    Therefore for regular user IMEI is more likely to be useful as a means additional check the purchased phone for its authenticity and the presence of a “criminal record” (stolen or not). This is especially true if you purchase the phone second-hand.

    On the Internet there is special services through which you can find out interesting facts about the phone on his IMEI number: device model, build date, check if the phone is blacklisted as stolen. Users of Apple gadgets can get more detailed information: device color, memory capacity, production date, firmware version when selling the device, as well as unlocking and jailbreak methods).