• What is a phone IMEI and what is it for? IMEI - what is it? International Mobile Equipment Identity. What is the IMEI code for?

    IMEI (abbreviation for the English phrase International Mobile Equipment Identity - international identifier mobile equipment) is a number unique to each phone. Used in mobile phones and some satellite phones.

    More to the point in simple language, IMEI is unique identification number for every phone or smartphone. It consists of 14 decimal digits and one check digit. The code contains information about the device's serial number, its model and origin. So, the first 8 digits are called TAC (Type Approval Code) and indicate the device model and its place of origin. The remaining part of the IMEI is the serial number of the device, which is determined by the manufacturer using the so-called Luna algorithm, with a check digit assigned at the end.

    There is IMEISV (from English International Mobile Terminal Identity and Software Version number), which already consists of 16 digits. In addition to ensuring that each phone is uniquely identified, it can match the software version authorized by the operator. In turn, the services available directly to a given device depend on the software.

    In 2002, information was prepared by representatives of large foreign cellular operators, which stated that IMEI could be changed using simple software. Today, changing IMEI is much more difficult, as mobile equipment manufacturers are improving their security systems. Some companies claim that it is simply impossible to change the IMEI on their devices. It is noteworthy that in some countries change IMEI is a criminal offense.

    IMEI is indicated in several places. The easiest way to find it is to dial the number *#06# on the keyboard (supported by most manufacturers):

    We have hidden the main digits of the number.

    Why is IMEI needed?

    • IMEI is used to identify a device on the network.
    • IMEI is the serial number of the phone.
    • IMEI can be used to track your phone and block stolen devices at the carrier level cellular communication. However, in the latter case, you cannot use the device only within one operator.
    • WITH using IMEI you can find out if the device is stolen.

    Articles and Lifehacks

    Imagine the following situation in your head. Each mobile phone manufacturer (and there are hundreds, if not thousands) produces about one hundred thousand, if not more, mobile devices per year. And so every year. And production volumes are increasing in proportion to population growth and falling prices for mobile phones. And this is despite the fact that many users are guessing, considering the phone to be an unnecessary relic. How to distinguish one device from another? What happens if your phone is stolen, how to look for it? Therefore, it is worth thinking about what is a phone number. In the article we will indicate why it is needed, what it consists of and how to use it.

    Have a phone: what is it and what does it consist of?

    Have a phone - this is specially embedded information, a number, into the phone, which is its identifier. IMEI (abbreviation, English IMEI) – “international mobile equipment identifier”. This is a unique number that is given to each (yes, exactly each) phone.

    Using the name number, the manufacturer can control the quantity of mobile equipment produced, and the owner of the phone can track it in case of loss or theft. How - see below for more information.

    Have includes 15 numbers, which are divided into groups.
    1 group. The first 6 digits (“Type Approval Code”) are the country code and serial number your model from the manufacturer.
    2nd group. 2 digits (“Final Assembly Code”) – the country where the final assembly of your device took place.
    3rd group. 6 digits (“Serial Number”) – directly serial number your phone.
    4th group. 1 digit (“Spare”) is always zero. Reserve position.

    Have a phone number: how to find out and where to show it

    There is a single key combination, a code that allows you to see your phone. *#06#. By typing this combination, you will see 15 numbers, which will be yours. This combination must (!) match the numbers inside the case, under the battery and on the box. If at least one number does not match, then your phone is either stolen, illegally imported, or reflashed. However, this will not play a special role in the issue; problems may arise in other cases.

    Now the main information. If your phone is stolen or lost, you need to go to the branch nearest to you law enforcement agencies and write a statement about the loss or theft of your phone, presenting your phone. Government authorities will try to find your phone. It happens approximately as follows. When an attacker who has stolen a phone inserts his SIM card and makes calls, sends a message, then through this call, according to the police, they calculate the location of the phone and the number from which the call was made. The most favorable option is when the call is made from your own SIM card, which was installed in the phone before it was stolen or lost.

    We hope it is now clear what having a phone is and why you need it?

    An IMEI code is assigned to all mobile devices. It is used to identify devices, but is most convenient for finding missing digital equipment. You can find out Phone IMEI in several ways. The code has 15 digits, their sequence and division into groups also has a certain meaning.

    What is phone IMEI

    The IMEI code is assigned to the device at the factory during production. The combination of numbers is recorded both on the device itself and in its memory, and is listed in the manufacturer’s company. As soon as the phone is turned on for the first time with a SIM card installed, the IMEI is registered in the operator’s network to identify the specific device. In this case, no data about the owner or SIM card is saved; recognition of the phone itself is important.

    The code is assigned specific device forever. It is officially impossible to replace it, but some scammers change it programmatically. Therefore, IMEI is saved not only in the phone’s memory, but is also printed on the phone itself. In Russia and the CIS countries, falsifying or replacing the IMEI code is a criminal offense.

    Why is it needed?

    The IMEI code is used in various cases:

    • Revealing complete information about the device when purchasing, especially if the phone is used;
    • Recognition of stolen or lost phone, owner search;
    • Finding the location of the device;
    • Forced phone blocking via mobile operator if it fell into the hands of thieves;
    • Confirmation of quality guarantee from the manufacturer.

    A database of IMEI codes is kept by government law enforcement agencies in most countries.

    How to find out IMEI

    Depending on the situation, you can find out the current IMEI code for a specific phone in different ways.

    Entering USSD command

    Since the code is stored in the memory of any phone, you can enter the USSD request *#006# and press the call button. In the response message, the IMEI is displayed on the device screen.

    In the phone settings

    On modern smartphones basic information contained in the settings.


    Enter the desired settings section for devices with operating system Android you can do this:

    1. Enter the “Settings” section;
    2. Go to the “About phone” menu;
    3. “Device indicators” item.

    Displayed here general information about the smartphone, including IMEI.


    The algorithm for Apple mobile products is as follows:

    On the phone itself

    On devices different generations The IMEI code is printed in different places:

    Finding it is quite simple; the combination is marked with the name IMEI.

    On the phone box

    The code is located next to the barcode assigned to the device. When purchasing, you can check the combinations on the battery and box for additional check authenticity of the smartphone.

    On the warranty card

    According to established standards, in communication shops and licensed stores, IMEI is included in the warranty card.

    On iTunes

    In the section iTunes settings, opened from the phone, contains information about IMEI. If you log in from a computer synchronized with a smartphone, the necessary information will be displayed in the program settings.

    AT&T Account

    This company supplies locked phones from the USA. You can also order a block removal service from them or find out the IMEI code.

    IMEI number structure

    Meaning of code digits:

    • The first 6 digits are encoding according to international standards;
    • The next 2 are the generally accepted code of the state where the device was manufactured;
    • Another 6 digits – a unique serial number of the phone;
    • The last digit is the device control number.

    If the device requires the installation of 2 SIM cards, the device is assigned 2 codes.

    How to check IMEI authenticity

    The authenticity of the combination is verified using a check digit. Additionally, you can use one of the IMEI number databases.

    Information in databases

    Bases with IMEI numbers provide free services pop search for registered device information. Unfortunately, you cannot find a missing phone this way. Among the popular bases in Russia can be noted.

    Abbreviation IMEI- International Mobile Equipment Identifier - can be deciphered as “international mobile equipment identifier”. To put it simply, IMEI is the unique number of any GSM phone. To quickly remember this term, understand for yourself: IMEI is the NAME of your phone, only 100% unique!

    The IMEI code is fifteen digits. The first six digits - TAC (Type Approval Code) are an approved type code indicating the model of the device, of which the first two digits will be the country code. The next two digits represent the country code - FAC (Final Assembly Code), where the final assembly of your phone was carried out. Next comes a six-digit serial number SNR (Serial Number) and the last digit SP (Spare) - a spare one. For “one-carryable” devices, this is the number “zero”. For phones with two or more SIM cards this figure may be different. Moreover, phones with two SIM cards have 2 IMEIs.

    Enter the key combination *#06# on the keyboard and you will see the IMEI of your phone on the screen. Write down this number (just not in the same phone, since if it is stolen or lost, this number will not be available to you). The IMEI must be indicated both on the product box, usually under the barcode, and on the phone itself under the back cover of the device. When purchasing, take the time to compare the IMEI shown on the phone screen and the IMEI indicated on the packaging and on the device itself. It is especially recommended to do this when a phone or smartphone is purchased by hand, in stalls or on the market. This will allow you to avoid being scammed or buying a used device under the guise of a new one.

    Although there is a possibility IMEI changes special programs, but manufacturers are constantly improving their products and improving product protection, so changing IMEI is becoming an increasingly difficult task and in practice it is extremely unlikely to encounter a device with a similar IMEI.

    Therefore, if for some reason you have lost your mobile phone, in the missing report you must indicate its IMEI. Then law enforcement agencies will be able to demand that the telecom operator give them information whether the phone with the specified IMEI is being used by someone else at the moment.

    This should be the case in theory, but in practice everything is a little more complicated...

    1. In Ireland, in Dublin, there is an organization that maintains a blacklist of IMEI phones throughout Europe. But to “connect” to this base, it is necessary to invest about 1 million dollars in software.
    2. If any Russian mobile operator will be connected to this database, then “gray” phones and phones from the list of missing ones will automatically be disconnected from this network. For example, if MTS connects to such a network, about one million subscribers will be blocked of this operator, which they are waiting for, they will not wait in both Beeline and MegaFon. It is unlikely that any of these or other companies will want to say goodbye to so many of their subscribers, so all operators need to connect to the database described at the same time.
    3. It is possible to track IMEI only in Russia; the appropriate equipment for this exists, but all operators need to connect to it at the same time, which poses certain difficulties for them, but of a technical nature.
    4. In addition, operators simply do not want to do this. They believe that their task is to ensure communication, and if something happens to the phone, it is a problem either for the owner himself or for the police. They don’t look for companies that install anti-theft alarms on cars when they are stolen!
    5. There is also an economic aspect to this problem. Many experts believe that it is simply not profitable to do all this, since “reflashing” IMEI (though not on all devices) is not so difficult, and this pleasure is not so expensive - in some cases the price is this service starts from 400 rubles.

    How can we get operators to do all this?

    1. Globally: The GSM Association must issue a special order that will oblige all its member operators to do this.
    2. Locally: the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs should oblige mobile network operators to spend millions or overcome technical difficulties and begin to provide the Ministry of Internal Affairs with all the necessary information.

    International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is the international identification code of a mobile device, which is assigned at the manufacturer, flashed into a one-time use chip, without the possibility of flashing. Does not depend on the inserted SIM card and identifies only the device itself.

    As mobile device manufacturers and providers explain mobile network, this code allows them to track, find and return stolen phones to the true owners, and, if necessary, block their operation.

    According to the second, more romantic spy version, the code allows intelligence agencies to control the movements of citizens, listen to them and, if necessary, selectively turn off their mobile communications.

    But practice has shown that not everything is as we are told. When in New York they pulled out a brand new Nokia for $800, when I approached the police, they patted me on the shoulder in a friendly manner and said: “Welcome to New-York.” And when I called MTC and asked to turn off the phone, for reasons of “don’t let anyone get you,” they kindly informed me that, unfortunately, despite the fact that I have a contract and know the IMEI, they cannot turn off the phone, because that their equipment does not allow this.

    In addition, skilled hackers, using special software, can change IMEI. Manufacturers are fighting hackers by upgrading protective properties devices, and hackers are improving their methods. But I must note that in many countries changing the code on a phone is a criminal offense. For this you can sit on a bunk in Belarus, Great Britain, Latvia.

    Universal method

    The simplest and universal method- type on the keyboard *#06#

    However, how can the IMEI code be useful for regular user mobile device?

    • Allows you to find out the country of manufacture;
    • Software version;
    • Device serial number;
    • Check the originality of the phone (if the number on the small sticker does not match the number specified in the firmware, then this is not your option).

    The old system, the so-called FAC, had a 15-digit code structure. For example, if the seventh and eighth digits were 80, then you came across a Chinese-made device, but if 70, then it was Finnish. IN modern system The code has changed slightly IMEISV and the country of manufacture is indicated by the first two digits, for example 49 is Germany, and 04 is Vietnam.

    And how to find out the IMEI of a phone? It’s as simple as that, let’s remove it back cover, disconnect the battery and read this number on the small sticker.

    IMEI on Apple mobile devices

    The IMEI code is defined slightly differently in mobile devices with the iOS operating system. The code is always indicated on the package, but if you have lost it, there are two options:

    On your iPad, iPod or iPhone you need to go to settings.

    Go to “Settings”, select “General” and then click “About this device”. You will see the IMEI code.

    On some Internet services, for example, SNDeepInfo, you can check the IMEI of your iPhone and find out a lot of details about it. For example, find out the expiration date of the contract if the phone is not unlocked. Or find out which operator the phone is locked to, and whether it is on the blacklist.

    It will be important information, if you decide to purchase a used phone.

    There is also a method that you can use if you are left without a phone, without a box, or without anything at all, but have at least once used iTunes services. To do this, download and install the iBackupBot program. Using this application, launch any of the backup iPhone copies and get the IMEI code. By the way, you don’t have to pay $35 for the program. IN limited mode, she will cope with this problem.

    Assigning or changing IMEI for Android phones

    How to find out the IMEI of a phone for devices with an operating system Android system? This separate song. Many devices don't have it at all. To do this you need to get it. For example, for phones running on chipsets manufactured by Mediatek, you need to enter a simple code *#*#3646633#*#*.

    Let's go to engineering menu and find the “Connectivity” tab there. Select the item “CDS information” and click. In the list we find “Radio Information”. There select Phone and after the inscription AT+ and enter EGMR=1.7,”IMEI”.

    Can be made more difficult, but suitable for almost all models

    First you need to get root rights. Then we find it on the Internet and download the restore_imei archive. We find the file run. It needs to be opened text editor. Instead of numbers after the abbreviation “exe” we write your IMEI. The file needs to be saved. We run run.but and get the file MP0B_001. We copy it to mobile device along the path /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI/MP0B_001.

    We reboot and get a fresh and brand new IMEI.

    In some cases, it is more convenient to use the Rockchip Repair Tool application.

    If your phone is stolen or lost, its IMEI can be found out remotely. To do this it is enough to use Google service via the link https://www.google.com/settings/dashboard.

    There is also a database of stolen and lost phones. A similar database is located on the service http://trackerplus.ru/imei.

    Well, if you know the IMEI of your phone and are an MTC subscriber, then send this 14-digit number to toll free number 307. If the answer indicates to you that the code is not registered in the database, then it is better to refuse this purchase.