• What are the benefits of kefir? Why is kefir not suitable for babies? Beneficial for people with lactose intolerance

    Kefir seems to be the most common fermented milk product. But it is also a wonderful dietary product and medicine, one of the many components of a large number of drinks, cocktails and cosmetics. Don't believe me? Then we'll call beneficial properties kefir and its contraindications...

    Kefir is the result of milk processing, which consists of its fermentation with lactic acid microorganisms or lactic bacteria. It is not just a fermented milk product. During its production, two fermentation processes occur simultaneously: this is lactic acid fermentation (as in yogurt) and alcoholic fermentation, caused by lactic yeast.

    The presence of lactic acid bacteria has a very good effect on the intestinal environment, suppressing the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in it. Microorganisms that are produced in kefir have a slight tonic effect, so it has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It increases the secretion of gastric juices, helps improve the secretion of pancreatic juice, and promotes the normal functioning of the urinary system. Therefore, it is introduced into the diet of young children.

    A glass of kefir, drunk at night, ensures calm stomach functioning until the morning, and in the morning provides a good appetite. This is very useful for overweight people who still don’t want to eat in the morning and can’t stop eating in the afternoon. In addition, kefir has medicinal properties. If you use it regularly, the microflora of the stomach improves significantly, which manifests itself in a reluctance to eat excess food, and therefore it eliminates one of the main causes of obesity. When dieting, it is used not only as a dessert drink, but also as a substitute for butter, as well as sour cream in salads, first and second courses.

    Drinking kefir on an empty stomach is also beneficial: it creates favorable microflora in the intestines and helps get rid of excess fat deposits.

    The great benefits of kefir have also been noticed for strengthening the cardiovascular system. Hard-to-digest, heavy food puts additional stress on the heart, which reacts to all processes occurring in the body. And if there are already disturbances in the functioning of the heart, then even a small food load aggravates the painful phenomena. Kefir, which is easily absorbed by the body, does not burden the heart, but facilitates its activity and helps to absorb food.

    If fish and meat dishes predominate in the diet, an alkaline environment is created in the intestines, which promotes the development of putrefactive microorganisms, and they negatively affect the circulatory and nervous systems and other internal organs. Microorganisms produce toxic substances that enter the human blood through the intestinal walls, thereby poisoning the entire body.

    Metabolic processes continuously occur in our body, which kefir also helps to establish. Metabolic disorders are most often associated with a deficiency or excess of certain components in the body. This happens due to improper nutrition, due to lack of fresh air, movements…. If you notice bleeding gums, weight gain, peeling, dry skin, white dots on your nails, or increased fatigue, you need to think about getting your health in order. Proper nutrition plays a role in this important role, and drinking kefir is clearly not the last.

    Since the medicinal properties of kefir are able to free human organs from harmful accumulations, it helps to even out all these deviations.

    However, you shouldn’t get drunk on kefir either; it’s not a panacea for all diseases. The norm for any medicine is determined by the concentration of the beneficial substances it contains, so for kefir this norm is 200-400 grams per day.

    Kefir plays an important role in the nutrition of people suffering from diabetes, diseases associated with inflammatory processes in the bile ducts, and during the recovery period after serious illnesses and operations.

    Special fermented milk mixtures, similar in composition to kefir, can replace mother's milk when a child is transferred to artificial feeding.

    Kefir contains vitamin D, which helps preserve tooth enamel, strengthen teeth and gums, and prevent hair loss.

    Kefir also contains B vitamins, which prevent the appearance of redness, swelling, flaking of the skin, and protect it from depletion. It is drunk on an empty stomach and in small quantities for dysbiosis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

    However, it is not useful for everyone. The healing properties of fresh kefir will not benefit people with increased production of gastric secretions and with peptic ulcers, since it contraindicated.


    What is kefir?

    Among all the fermented milk products produced in the world today, kefir can rightfully take first place - its share is about 65% of their total production.

    “Kefir is a fermented milk drink made from whole or skim cow’s milk by fermented milk and alcohol fermentation using kefir “fungi” - a symbiosis of several types of microorganisms: lactic acid streptococci and rods, acetic acid bacteria and yeast (about two dozen in total).

    Homogeneous, white, a slight release of carbon dioxide is possible.

    The word kefir is of Caucasian origin.

    Kefir is a common drink in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Baltic States, Germany, Uzbekistan, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Poland, Israel, the USA and Australia.”


    What is kefir, the benefits and harms of kefir for the human body, all this is of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods of treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

    Useful properties of kefir:

    Kefir is absorbed by the body three times faster than milk, and also stimulates digestion, so that other foods begin to be absorbed faster.

    Proteins are not always easily digestible, but the proteins contained in kefir do not cause any difficulties, and in general, kefir contains many benefits for our health.

    In addition to milk protein, kefir contains carbohydrates and fats, organic and fatty acids, cholesterol and natural sugars; vitamins – A, PP, beta-carotene, C, H, 8 B vitamins; minerals - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt. There are not many calories in kefir - about 60% per 100 g - here we mean full-fat kefir.

    In terms of its beneficial effect on the human gastrointestinal tract, kefir ranks first among other fermented milk products. Pleasant taste, light foam and excellent refreshing effect make kefir a favorite drink of many people.

    One of the most important advantages of kefir is its ability to have a probiotic effect; in addition, kefir promotes good absorption of other foods by the body.

    Kefir is a storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements, which are also perfectly absorbed (three times better than milk!).

    It has a positive effect on the functioning of almost all of our internal organs and systems: cardiovascular, circulatory, genitourinary, and helps the liver and kidneys.

    Kefir is useful because it:

    Normalizes intestinal function (thanks to beneficial living bacteria in its composition);

    Kills pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract (natural antibiotic);

    Prevents the development of various intestinal infections;

    Fights dysbiosis (normalizes intestinal and gastric flora);

    Necessary for children, elderly people, as well as during the period of recovery after illness (easily absorbed by the body);

    Increases immunity (it contains a lot of vitamins and tryptophan);

    Relieves chronic fatigue, the effects of stress, depression and sleep disorders (high calcium content, vitamins B1, B5, B6, B12);

    Helps cure various types of nervous diseases;

    Regulates metabolism (contains B vitamins and vitamin C);

    It has a weak diuretic effect, which makes it especially useful in the treatment of obesity and other problems with excess weight;

    Important for anemia (iron, calcium, B vitamins);

    Needed by women during menstruation and menopause (regulates hormone levels);

    The famous Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov was an active supporter of kefir and believed that this product could cure almost all human diseases.

    Helps the body get rid of waste and toxins;

    Fights atherosclerosis (cleanses blood vessels);

    An excellent antioxidant - it helps to prolong youth for many years (isn’t that why there are so many centenarians in the Caucasus!).

    It is best to drink kefir, if there are no medical contraindications to it, on an empty stomach.

    Kefir contains a small amount (about 1%) of ethyl alcohol, so it can serve good remedy to combat hangover and at the same time help to quickly cleanse the body of harmful alcohol breakdown products.

    Kefir should be stored only in the refrigerator and for no more than 14 days.

    The daily dose of kefir for an adult is from 200 to 400 g.

    How and to whom can kefir be harmful?

    With increased acidity of gastric juice, with gastritis and ulcers, kefir should be taken carefully and limitedly and only for 1-2 days.

    You can also note people with individual intolerance to the product.

    You can often see information about the alcohol content of kefir. The alcohol concentration according to different sources can range from 0.2 to 0.6%. Such information can most often be found in outdated sources, when kefir was made using the wineskin method. As a result of preparation in this way, kefir could actually contain from 1 to 4% alcohol, as reported by various sources.

    With prolonged souring of kefir, the amount of alcohol in its composition can reach 4%. However, such figures appear only in sour harmful kefir, which should be thrown away and not drunk.

    Pregnant and nursing mothers should use this drink with caution.


    • children under one year of age (babies taking kefir may experience problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, and kefir can also cause anemia);
    • people who have high acidity of gastric juice (since kefir increases acidity);
    • for gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
    • people whose work is associated with great mental stress, concentration and increased attention (since kefir has the ability to relax nervous system and reduce attentiveness);
    • drivers of vehicles, train drivers, pilots (since kefir contains alcohol).

    With great caution and only with the permission of the attending physician, kefir should be consumed for various kidney diseases, as well as for people suffering from chronic diarrhea, since kefir can relax the stomach and disrupt kidney function.

    An interesting video about kefir with Elena Malysheva in the program “Live Healthy!”:

    What are the benefits of kefir:

    For women:

    Kefir is one of the most popular and favorite products among women. The benefits of kefir are, firstly, its dietary properties. Secondly, in the ability to relieve headaches during menstruation and menopause. And finally, it eliminates nausea during pregnancy.

    A number of experts believe that:

    • Kefir helps replenish the lack of vitamins in the body of the expectant mother. Kefir contains 12 beneficial vitamins. Among them are vitamin A, D, and B vitamins.
    • Kefir is a fairly low-calorie product; its daily consumption prevents the accumulation of extra pounds.
    • Women during pregnancy usually experience discomfort associated with the gastrointestinal tract. And here kefir will be their faithful assistant. When consumed regularly, it will eliminate all causes of digestion-related anxiety. Kefir is very effective for constipation, it has a relaxing effect.
    • As a tonic and sedative, kefir is recommended for women not only during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but throughout all years of life.
    • Kefir helps eliminate periodic attacks of nausea in pregnant women.

    However, there is also the opposite opinion - that it is better for pregnant and nursing mothers to abstain from this drink. In any case, consult your doctor first!

    Drinking kefir for weight loss is a fairly popular strategy among both nutritionists and ordinary women. Perhaps the kefir diet is the most popular way to quickly lose weight.

    Kefir also has a beneficial effect on our hair. With its help you can prepare various healing masks for various types hair. How does kefir affect the skin? Not many people know that kefir perfectly cleanses our skin, especially oily skin.

    For men:

    The benefits and harms of kefir for men are the same as for everyone else, but in addition we can say that in case of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, it is recommended to drink a glass of the drink at night.

    Fermented milk products (including kefir) are rich in protein necessary for the production of testosterone.

    And also according to the data scientific research, it has been proven that whey proteins have an anabolic effect on muscle tissue and help build muscle mass. The reason is the high (about 20%) content of branched chain amino acids, which, as it turns out, play a key role in muscle metabolism. It is better to drink the drink immediately after training.

    For children:

    All pediatricians advise including kefir in a child’s diet (not exceeding 200 ml/day), with the caveat that the baby is one year old and there are no other contraindications.

    For what reasons may kefir be contraindicated? It's simple. The child's body cannot process it fully. The reason for this is the presence of casein, which is difficult to digest, and an inharmonious ratio of fats and fatty acids. A high content of mineral salts (potassium, sodium, chlorine) can disrupt normal work child’s kidneys, what are the “benefits of kefir” at that age.

    But if your child has passed the one-year mark, kefir must be present in his diet. This drink will enrich the baby’s body with calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and potassium. Will help in the fight against pathogenic intestinal flora. It is not for nothing that this fermented milk product is included in the diet of those suffering from dysbacteriosis, rickets and anemia.

    Benefits of buckwheat with kefir in the morning:

    Many have tried a highly effective cleansing diet for weight loss, which is based on raw buckwheat with kefir. On an empty stomach you need to consume the mixture prepared from the evening of the previous day. You can see that this power system has a mass positive feedback and a great many real advantages.

    Classic recipe.


    • 2-3 tablespoons of washed buckwheat;
    • half or a whole glass of natural kefir (it is uncritical to use yogurt).

    You need to prepare a cleansing breakfast in the evening. Combine buckwheat with kefir and place in the refrigerator. In the morning we get a tasty and healthy dish. It is important to use the refrigerator to infuse cereals and take only fresh products.

    Diet duration:

    You should have breakfast with raw buckwheat soaked in kefir for about 14 days in a row. Although some sources indicate a period of 1 month. There is an opinion that it is optimal to eat according to this system for 10 days, then take a break, also for 10 days, and so on. In total, you need to carry out 3 such cycles per year.

    Benefits of the diet:

    By eating uncooked cereal for breakfast, you will instantly feel the positive effect. This pair of products combines perfectly with each other to form a healthy food that improves the functioning of the liver, intestines and pancreas. It is impossible to deny that such nutrition provides high-quality saturation without overloading the digestive system. By eating buckwheat for breakfast, we ensure easy absorption of vital substances. Vitamins and other useful components are found in abundance in the cereal; they remain untouched, since no heat treatment is used when preparing the dish. Those who lose weight on buckwheat note an extraordinary surge of energy, positive mood and overall improvement in well-being.

    The effect of buckwheat with kefir on the body:

    Everyone is interested in what processes take place in our body when we eat raw buckwheat with kefir for breakfast. We take this dish on an empty stomach, feeling indescribable comfort and lightness. Below we indicate what happens in the body:

    • water balance returns to normal;
    • reserves of many useful substances are replenished;
    • the body is cleansed of dangerous toxins and other pollutants;
    • the work of some internal organs is improved;
    • The processes of decay in the gastrointestinal tract stop.

    In what cases is buckwheat with kefir harmful?

    You need to know about the restrictions present in this diet:

    • you need to be careful about such a breakfast if you are worried about the symptoms of hypotension; with daily consumption of such food, a decrease in blood pressure is possible, which is extremely undesirable for hypotensive patients;
    • Women who are pregnant and also during lactation should definitely avoid such nutrition;
    • For any types of gastrointestinal disorders, you will also have to give up the buckwheat diet.

    Modern kefir production is based on the fermentation of milk by alcoholic and fermented milk fermentation using kefir grains. By interacting with each other, microorganisms separate large molecules of milk protein, as a result of which they are absorbed by the body much more efficiently.

    Kefir - benefits and harm

    Comparing kefir with other fermented milk products, we can conclude without a shadow of a doubt that it is in first place in terms of usefulness and popularity. Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov noted that kefir receives its special beneficial properties thanks to a special leaven. Kefir is a product that is useful for people of any age.

    Kefir helps restore a person’s natural balance due to the presence of microelements (fluorine, copper, iodine), vitamins (mostly B vitamins, which stimulate energy production and also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, skin and metabolic processes), proteins and beneficial microorganisms. Kefir contains a lot of calcium, more than milk.

    100g of 3.2% kefir contains: carbohydrates 4g, proteins 2.9g, fats 3.2g. Calorie content 59kcal.

    Nutritional stress is one of the causes of many diseases. The absorption of kefir occurs without difficulty, and with its beneficial properties it helps to assimilate other foods, thereby making the work of our body easier. For those who like to eat a lot of meat, an alkaline environment prevails in the intestines, which is beneficial for the development of harmful pathogenic organisms. These organisms have a detrimental effect on human internal organs. Kefir helps the body cope with this problem.

    One of the features of kefir is the normalization of metabolism. A failure in this process is not always easy to notice, but the work of all other human organs and systems depends on this. Metabolic disorders can negatively affect the general condition and also be the cause of many diseases. Failure in metabolism occurs most often due to an incorrect rhythm of life: lack of sleep, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle.

    The first signs of a metabolic disorder may be: excess weight (even if you eat very little), dry skin, constant feeling of fatigue and bleeding gums. A healthy diet will help you get rid of all this. You should not exaggerate the beneficial properties of kefir, trying to drink it only to treat discovered diseases. What is important here is a balanced diet, and kefir will serve as an excellent help in this.

    The normal functioning of metabolism and digestion is negatively affected by inflammatory diseases in the bile ducts. Chronic intoxication of the body may gradually develop. To improve treatment, patients are often prescribed a fermented milk diet to normalize the metabolic process. Patients suffering from diseases of the biliary tract and bladder are not recommended to eat heavy foods. You need to drink a lot of fluids, including kefir. Kefir also has a restorative effect on the body that has suffered serious illness or surgery.

    It is worth noting that kefir is an extremely useful product for diabetes.

    If there are signs of dysbiosis, kefir allows you to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and at the same time kills harmful bacteria that contribute to the development of diseases. In case of dysbacteriosis, kefir must be included in the daily diet. You need to drink it in small quantities before eating.

    Kefir has a beneficial effect on the human muscular system.

    Of course, kefir is not a miracle cure that will cure you of all diseases at once. However, taking this drink along with healthy sleep and a healthy lifestyle will help prevent many diseases.

    Low-fat kefir or full-fat? Which is healthier?

    Low-fat kefir contains the least amount of vitamins, microorganisms and, accordingly, beneficial properties. Therefore, it is recommended to drink regular fatty kefir.

    Buckwheat with kefir - diet

    The kefir diet can be only one fasting day, but the diet of buckwheat and kefir can be followed for a little longer. This diet is quite effective, as a result of which it has gained wide popularity.

    During the diet, drink about 0.5 liters of kefir per day and eat buckwheat porridge. At night, pour boiling water over the pan with buckwheat porridge and leave it on the stove, without adding salt or spices. Kefir can be drunk separately or added to buckwheat. In addition to all this, you need to drink more water. But don't get carried away. Maximum – 7 days. At the same time, it is advisable to support the body with some kind of vitamin complex, and at the end of the diet you need to eat properly and in moderation, otherwise there will be absolutely no benefit from it. And it is not recommended to go on such a diet without consulting specialists.

    Kefir - harm and contraindications

    With increased acidity of gastric juice, with gastritis and ulcers, kefir should be taken carefully and limitedly and only for 1-2 days.

    You can also note people with individual intolerance to the product.

    You can often see information about the alcohol content of kefir. The alcohol concentration according to different sources can range from 0.2 to 0.6%. Such information can most often be found in outdated sources, when kefir was made using the wineskin method. As a result of preparation in this way, kefir could actually contain from 1 to 4% alcohol, as reported by various sources.

    With prolonged souring of kefir, the amount of alcohol in its composition can reach 4%. However, such figures appear only for sour, harmful kefir, which should be thrown away and not drunk.

    More than one book has been written about the beneficial properties of kefir. Even serious scientists dedicated their dissertations to this drink. By the way, some of them believe that the secret of the highlanders’ longevity lies in the regular consumption of fermented milk products. Kefir is also included in the list of “The Healthiest Foods in the World”, which was once distributed by the US FDA. By the way, finding decent kefir in the States is a big problem. Well, you and I are extremely lucky. Products from local dairies can be purchased in any store.

    What are the benefits of kefir for the body?

    Let's figure out what are the benefits of kefir for the human body? First of all, the beneficial properties of kefir are due to the content of prebiotic lactocultures. Beneficial bacteria live in our intestines and help digest fiber-rich foods. The quality of digestion often depends on the state of the intestinal microflora. Some physiologists seriously believe that the “stronger” the flora, the better a person’s immunity. So you can prevent the flu not only with fancy sweet yogurt, but also with a glass of regular kefir. Fortunately, lactocultures are absorbed from it more efficiently.

    • Doctors recommend kefir for diseases of the liver, pancreas, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and obesity.
    • Kefir is a universal product for regulating the speed of digestion. Fresh kefir weakens, but “old” kefir – older than 3 days – on the contrary, strengthens.
    • Kefir also has mild diuretic properties, so it is recommended for everyone who has high blood pressure.
    • This fermented milk drink goes well with all grains and flour products.
    • It also allows our body to get complete protein. If you want to get more protein, look for kefir with minimal fat content, and consume about half a liter per day.

    Which kefir is healthier?

    The answer to the question, “which kefir is healthier?” pretty simple. Nutritionist R.V. Moisenko writes that you should only buy fermented milk products with a shelf life of no more than one week. Typically, these requirements are met by locally produced kefir from dairies that are located nearby.

    Well, if you bought “long-lasting” kefir, it’s better...to ferment milk with it. By adding 200 ml of this product to 1 liter of plain milk and leaving the saucepan in the kitchen overnight, you will get fresh yogurt rich in prebiotics for breakfast. And here is the kefir itself long storage may contain not only lactocultures, but also starch-based thickeners, and therefore cannot be considered an ideal healthy product.

    Low-fat kefir

    The benefits of low-fat kefir are often denied. On this topic, they say that skim milk contains less protein, and skim kefir itself is often homogenized. Simply put, to give the drink a more or less thick consistency, starch, agar or other thickeners are added to it.

    In fact, low-fat kefir, which looks more like whey or very liquid kefir, contains the same lactocultures and proteins, only less fat and calories. If your diet contains red meat, butter, nuts, vegetable oil and cheeses, as well as egg yolks, it makes no sense to “bother” with the fat content of kefir - you will already get enough fat for health. And the low-fat product is very convenient to use for preparing cold summer soups or “filling” cereal porridges and flakes.

    When is it good to drink kefir?

    If you are trying to improve your intestinal flora, the answer to the question “when to drink kefir” should be clear. Drink when your stomach is as empty as possible. Moreover, use the product with a minimum of additives.

    If you just use kefir for pleasure, it has a place in the morning, afternoon, and even evening menus.

    Kefir for the night

    Kefir at night is as useful as at any other time. In addition, drinking kefir at night improves intestinal flora and strengthens sleep. The milk proteins it contains are rich in the amino acid tryptophan, a key product for quality and restful sleep.

    If you are losing weight or simply maintaining your weight, a glass of kefir will help curb your appetite during the most difficult time of the evening.

    Perhaps, only those people who lose fluid very quickly should not abuse kefir at night. Or you should drink a glass of kefir 2 hours before your expected bedtime.

    The benefits of a fasting day on kefir

    Fasting days on kefir, contrary to popular opinion, are more useful not for weight loss, but for speeding up digestion. For the reasons listed above, kefir normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    But for those who have problems with overeating, kefir days, most often, turn out to be too “tough” and provoke increased appetite the next day. To avoid this, after unloading on kefir, you should have breakfast with a dish that will be rich in animal fats and protein. Ordinary or are ideal for this purpose.

    Harm from kefir

    There will be no particular harm from drinking high-quality kefir. However, some people are “at odds” with artificially introduced microflora from outside and may suffer from an upset stomach after drinking this drink.

    In addition, expired, low-quality kefir can actually cause poisoning. Do not leave the packages in a warm place for more than 1-2 hours, do not “heat” the kefir on the radiator and watch the expiration date and everything will be fine.


    • Kefir is contraindicated for children under one year of age, due to the fact that they have not developed the microflora for its absorption.
    • Those who are lactose intolerant should not drink it. However, today you can find lactose-free milk and ferment it yourself at home to get a kefir-like drink.
    • People with high acidity of gastric juice and heartburn should not drink old kefir.

      To the question “What kefir is healthier or ryazhenka” there is no clear answer. Both products are prebiotics, but fermented baked milk uses thermized milk. So you should choose based on your taste preferences.

    For example, fermented baked milk has a less sour taste and many people note that the feeling of fullness lasts longer after it.

    The milk for making fermented baked milk is “languished” for a long time, so that no foreign bacteria remain in it, and then it is fermented with thermophilic streptococcus and acidophilus bacillus, which are beneficial to the health of our body.

    • There is no clear answer to the question whether kefir is healthier or not. Both products are good, however, if we are talking about natural yogurt with bifidobacteria, and not about a sweet imitation with starch and fruit flavors.
    • Well, whether yogurt or kefir is healthier, everyone decides depending on their individual characteristics digestion. Sometimes curdled milk is too sour and can cause heartburn.
    • And finally, considering whether kefir or milk is healthier, we can say that fermented milk is traditionally better absorbed by adults, but fresh milk is better absorbed by children.

    Calorie content of kefir, per 100 g:

    • Kefir 1% – 40 kcal
    • Kefir 2.5% – 50 kcal
    • Kefir 3.2% – 56 kcal

    Calorie content of kefir 1%:

    • glass 250 ml – 100 kcal;
    • glass 200 ml – 80 kcal.

    How often do you use kefir?

    Few people have not heard about the benefits of such a fermented milk product as kefir. It is obtained by fermenting milk with the addition of fungal cultures or bifidobacteria. This drink is famous for its excellent properties, however, there are many myths about it. For example, that it should not be drunk by pregnant women or given to children due to its alcohol content. Or that the mono-kefir diet is the most miraculous remedy for normalizing weight... So, what is more in kefir - harm or benefit? Who really shouldn’t drink it and in what cases?

    Benefits and harms to the body

    It is believed that this drink was invented in the Caucasus, which has always been famous for its longevity. The kefir recipe was called a gift from Allah to man, so they treated it with particular reverence, passing on the method of preparation from generation to generation.

    This fermented milk product can provide a lot of benefits to the human body due to its composition. In addition to traditional proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it contains:

    • organic acids (including tryptophan);
    • peptides;
    • calcium;
    • phosphorus;
    • magnesium;
    • B vitamins;
    • vitamin D;
    • large number(about 30!) types of beneficial microorganisms (bacteria, ).

    But as for alcohol, it contains such an insignificant amount that it cannot harm children in any way. And it won’t make the driver drunk while driving.

    The main benefit, of course, lies in the action of a huge number of lactic acid bacteria, or rather in their interaction.

    Regular consumption of kefir helps:

    • fight chronic fatigue;
    • normalize sleep, providing the body with complete rest;
    • improve the production of digestive juice;
    • get rid of stress and depression;
    • start cleansing and restoration of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • get rid of excess fluid accumulated in the body thanks to the diuretic effect;
    • prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
    • eliminate chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • prolong the youth of the body;
    • clean it of toxins;
    • control weight;
    • quench your thirst.

    The list is quite impressive. But it is far from complete. This tasty and beloved fermented milk product, if drunk regularly, can do many more “good deeds.”

    • Helps fight various gastrointestinal infections due to the presence of probiotics. For example, kefiri bacteria actively fight salmonella, E. coli, and the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, known as the causative agent of ulcers and gastritis. The beneficial microflora of kefir can significantly reduce the amount of pathogenic flora associated with diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
    • Prevents the development of osteoporosis. The calcium contained in kefir helps prevent age-related loss of this mineral in bone tissue. And the composition of the drink helps calcium to be absorbed by bone tissue more efficiently.
    • Increases immunity. As you know, the majority of cells (about 70-80%) responsible for the body’s immune defense are located in the intestines. Therefore, restoring the balance of gastrointestinal microflora also improves immunity.
    • Reduces allergic manifestations, even preventing the development of asthma. The point is the same increase in immunity, which acts as the body’s natural defense.
    • Eliminates attacks of nausea during pregnancy toxicosis, and also helps the absorption of proteins and fiber, especially necessary for a woman during pregnancy.
    • Increases the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, kefir will be extremely useful for people with low acidity.

    Do not drink kefir that is too cold. Any cold product has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

    So what's harmful about kefir?

    At first glance, talking about the dangers of fermented milk drink against the background of so many of its advantages looks at least stupid. In reality, there are no “ideal” products. Almost each of them has restrictions or contraindications; many are prohibited due to allergic reactions or individual intolerance.

    There are a number of cases when kefir can be harmful to the body.

    • The product is harmful for absolutely all men, women and children if it is not fresh. The amount of beneficial flora in it decreases, pathogenic flora increases, and the concentration of alcohol increases. Therefore, you should not buy kefir in reserve. A spoiled drink can lead to serious poisoning. At the same time, it is more useful to buy “live” kefir, the shelf life of which does not exceed 2 weeks.
    • A long stay on a kefir mono-diet for the purpose of losing weight leads to the fact that the body systematically does not receive the required amount of all useful substances (those contained in the drink itself are not enough for the full functioning of our organs and systems). You can experience decreased immunity and metabolic disorders.
    • Individual intolerance is a contraindication to the use of this product.
    • It is also contraindicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice, since it itself contains acid.
    • Kefir should not be drunk if you have gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis.
    • There will also be a ban on fermented milk drinks in the case of reflux disease (belching, heartburn, regurgitation).
    • In case of renal failure, additional protein load when consuming kefir is also undesirable.
    • The product is not recommended for use by children before one year of age due to the risk of bloating or colic, and not due to the presence of alcohol.

    Try not to eat several meals in one meal different types dairy proteins (for example, do not wash down a cheese sandwich with kefir). Colliding in our stomach, these dissimilar compounds can cause indigestion.

    Kefir at night - is it healthy?

    The answer is clear: if there are no contraindications to drinking a fermented milk drink, then yes. It has long been proven that this helps to improve the functioning of all human organs and systems, and ultimately prolong his life. Since ancient times, people who regularly consumed kefir before bed were distinguished by longevity, youth and vigor.

    It is especially useful for the following categories of people to drink kefir at night.

    • People suffering from constipation. The composition of beneficial bacteria in kefir helps to normalize intestinal function, rid it of toxins, and improve peristalsis. In this case, it is useful to take kefir with bran (a tablespoon per glass of drink) or with honey (one teaspoon per glass is enough).
    • During a weight loss diet (not to be confused with medical diets prescribed by a doctor). In such a situation, a person, especially with an incorrectly structured diet, often begins to experience bouts of hunger in the evening. Kefir is an easily digestible product that is digested much easier than other protein foods (like meat or cheese). Namely, protein is largely responsible for satiation. Eating before bed is usually not recommended for the following reason: extra load on the digestive system, since it must rest at night, ensuring normal sleep. Kefir does not overload it, it is easily absorbed, leaving a feeling of satiety and comfort. In such cases, it is useful to drink kefir with bran or oatmeal. In the latter case, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal are crushed, poured into a glass of drink and allowed to brew for 5 minutes.
    • For insomnia. The tryptophan content in the drink promotes the production of the hormone of happiness and general relaxation of the body.
    • To enhance immunity. For this purpose, it is prudent to use kefir with apples.
    • To improve the functioning of the liver and blood vessels. In this case, you need to stir a teaspoon of flaxseeds in a glass of kefir.

    Do not drink low-fat kefir. During production, it undergoes intensive processing, during which all its beneficial properties are lost. Plain water will be healthier.

    Is it possible to drink kefir on a fasting day?

    This question worries, first of all, those who watch their weight and lead a healthy lifestyle. By arranging periodic (once a week) kefir fasting days, a person can cleanse the body of toxins, normalize blood pressure, prevent the development of many tumors, and protect the body from harmful effects unfavorable environment.

    Many people believe that this helps to urgently lose a couple of unnecessary pounds. However, it would be useful to clarify that such a reset does not occur due to the miraculous burning of adipose tissue (kefir does not possess such magic), but due to the removal of excess water and “deposits” of metabolic products remaining in the intestines.

    Sometimes you can hear that on a fasting day, absolutely nothing except kefir should be consumed. However, this is not true. There are two types of such unloading. With the first, most severe, only kefir is allowed at regular intervals. The second is more democratic. Here kefir is combined with another product (with lean meat, vegetables, apples, honey). It is clear that consuming kefir alone will have a greater effect. But at the same time, “unloading” is often akin to self-torture. Therefore, even on a “monoday”, if a strong feeling of hunger comes over you, you can eat, for example, a couple of tablespoons of wheat bran.

    And even taking into account the fact that kefir quenches thirst, if you consume only it during the day, thirst may still arise. This has to do with metabolism. Therefore, in this case, you can safely drink still water.

    Kefir is not just for drinking

    The rich composition of biologically active substances has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. Healers advise making medicinal products based on kefir to treat various pathologies:

    • burns;
    • constipation (fresh kefir will help);
    • diarrhea (use “old” product);
    • dandruff;
    • baldness;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • urolithiasis;
    • anemia;
    • eczema;
    • depriving.

    Of course, you should not be too trusting of such recipes - they certainly cannot be called a panacea, and before use you should consult your doctor and find out if there are any contraindications. But the very fact that such recipes are passed down from generation to generation means that a certain therapeutic effect from kefir still exists.

    The remarkable properties of this product have also been noticed by cosmetologists. They successfully use it, for example, as part of face masks. Kefir can give facial skin freshness, tone, elasticity, reduce its oiliness, whiten age spots and freckles, and even strengthen facial muscles, thereby slowing down the aging process. It perfectly nourishes and softens the skin of the feet after a pedicure with the removal of dead cells.

    The effect of kefir on hair deserves special attention:

    • nutrition and hydration of weakened hair;
    • restoration of the structure of dry hair, getting rid of excess greasiness – oily hair;
    • activation of hair follicles, stimulation of hair growth;
    • preventing hair loss;
    • healing (hair after kefir masks looks soft and shiny).

    Kefir, perhaps, can be called the elixir of youth, health and longevity. This undeniably valuable food product must be in every person’s diet. Of course, in the absence of contraindications.